77 Approval Processing – Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

77.1 Order Entry (P4311)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Order Type (Required)  
2. Line Type (Optional) The default line type for new order lines. If you leave this option blank, you must manually enter line types on the order; however, if you enter an inventory item on an order line, the system retrieves the line type from item/branch information (F4102).
3. Status Code (Required) The beginning status code for order detail lines.
4. Override Next Status (Optional) The next status code on new order lines. If you leave this option blank, the default next status code comes from Order Activity Rules (P40240).
5. Unit of Measure (Optional)  
6. Line Increment (Optional)  
7. Enter a '1' to default the primary unit of measure from the item master into the transaction unit of measure.

If left blank, the purchasing unit of measure from the item master will be used.

8. Enter the Landed Cost Rule to be used.

If left blank, it will default from either the "Ship-to" or the "Supplier" purchasing instructions.

9. Enter a '1' to automatically load header values to the detail lines after a change.

If left blank, it must be done manually.

10. Enter a '1' to calculate Requested Delivery Date using the Average Leadtime established in Supplier/Item Relationships.

If left blank, the requested date of the header will be used.

Enter 1 to have the program add the number of Average Leadtime days to the Order Date to determine a Promised Delivery Date. You can view Average Leadtime for an item in Routing Analysis Revisions (P43090) in the fold area.
ORDER DUPLICATION DEFAULT VALUES: When you press F21 to copy an order to create a new order, these are the default values for the new order.
11. Order Type  
12. Beginning Status  
13. Override Next Status (Optional)  
14. Enter text duplication selection:

'1' to copy line text

'2' to copy line and order text

'3' to copy order text

15. Enter the status to update the work order to when the quantity or promised date on the purchase order changes.  
16. Enter the Video Format:

1 = Item, Quantity, Price

2 = Item, Quantity, Description

3 = Account Number, Description

4 = Account Number, Item Number

(If left blank, format 1 is used.)

Enter a '1' to:

The video (screen) format you choose should correspond to the line types you will enter on the order; for example, if you use this version of order entry for stock items, you'll want to use format 1 or 2 for easy access to the Item Number field. If you order goods or services via an expense account, you'll want to use formats 3 or 4 for access to the Account Number field.
17. Display Headings first.  
18. Be prompted to accept the order.  
19. Allow the addition of a Supplier Master record, if not set up. You set this option to 1 if you want the Supplier Master screen to automatically display when you enter a supplier address number for which master information doesn't exist. If you set this option to 1, you must add master information for the address number before the system will accept the order.
20. Prohibit order entry if Supplier Master record is not set up.  
21. Enter which Item Search video is to be used to return items:

1 = Item Search Window allowing the return of multiple items

2 = Full Item Search video with Query capabilities

3 = Supplier Item Selection with the return of multiple catalog items

If left blank, the Item Search window allowing the return of a single item will be used.)

22. Enter a '1' to suppress canceled or closed lines.  
23. Enter a '1' to protect prices, or a '2' to make prices non-display.  
24. Enter a '1' to protect status codes.  
25. Enter a '1' to protect the order type field.  
26. Enter the next status at which detail lines cannot be changed.

The detail line will be protected if the next status is greater than or equal to this status.

If left blank there is no restriction.

27. Enter where the approval route code should be defaulted from, OR enter a specific route code value.

If left blank, no approval processing will be performed.

1 = Originators Address Book Number

2 = Originators User Profile

3 = Branch/Plant Route Code

4 = Default Locations Route Code

Enter the specific approval route name This is the unique route name that you assigned when you created the route.

Enter a 1 - Originators Address Book Number Set up an approval route that is named the same as each person's address book number. This is useful when you want each user to have a separate route code.

Enter a 2 - Originators User Profile Set up an approval route that is named the same as each person's user profile. This is the same as the previous option, however the system uses the user profile rather than the address book number.

Enter a 3 - Branch/Plant Route Code The approval route is attached to the branch/plant in the branch/plant constants screen on page 1.You can attach the same approval route to more than one branch/plant. This option is useful when you have different branch managers heading various groups.

Enter a 4 - Default Locations Route Code The approval route is attached in the Default Location and Printers. The route will be associated to the terminal/user ID. This allows groups of users to be attached to the same approval route code.

28. Enter the Awaiting Approval status. You set up status codes for approval processing in Order Activity Rules (P40204). If, for example, you set up a certain document/line type so the last and next status codes are 220/230 for Order Entry and 230/240 for Approval Processing, order lines remain at statuses 220/230 until fully approved, at which time the statuses change to 230/240. Based on this scenario, the Awaiting Approval status is 230 and the Approved Status is 240.
29. Enter the Approved status.  
30. Enter a '1' to automatically print POs via the subsystem. Set this option to 1 to automatically call the Print Purchase Order program via the subsystem each time you create or change an order. You must set up and activate program J43500S in the subsystem to use this option.
31. Enter the version of Print P.O.

On-Demand to call when the function key is pressed.

32. Enter a '1' to validate the Branch against the Branch/Plant Constants file.

If left blank, the Cost Center Master file will be used.

33. Enter a '1' to bypass PBCO warning.  
34. Enter a '1' to bypass PACO warning.  
35. Enter a '1' if Budget Checking is desired.

If left blank, ALL other options related to budgeting will be omitted.

Budgeting functionality only applies to detail lines that have a line type with an Inventory Interface of A or B.
36. Budget Hold Code The hold code you enter here must be set up in UDC table 42/HC. The standard code is B1. If you enter a code here and you don't have a budget set up for the account, the order will go on hold.
37. Budget Tolerance Limit (10 = 10%) The number you enter here establishes a percentage by which you can exceed a budget amount without the order going on hold.
38. Level of Detail to accumulate the budget (5-9).

If left blank, 9 will be used.

Enter a value here to indicate the level of detail the system uses to check your chart of accounts to find an available budget. If the level of detail designated in the processing option (for example, 6) is less than the level of detail applicable to the account entered on the purchase order (for example, 9), the system will edit against the budget amount set up for the account at level 6. The system looks upward in the chart of accounts to find the first account number at the level of detail specified in the option, above the account on the detail line of the order.
39. Budget Ledger Type Use this processing option to indicate the ledger type for which to check the budget. For financial budgets the standard ledger type is BA and for Job Cost the standard ledger type is JA.
40. If Financial Budgeting, specify the budget total method (1-3).

If left blank, method 1 will be used:

1 = Original Budget + Period Amounts for current year + Prior year postings (same as Job Cost budget calculation).

2 = Sum of period amounts for current year (standard financial budget).

3 = Original budget + period amounts for current year (standard financial spread with changes).

To compute the available budget, the system will check against the F0902 file for budget amounts.

Enter a '1' to:

41. Accumulate the budget through the current period.

If left blank, the budget will accumulate for the total year.

Enter a value here only if you have selected method 2 in the previous processing option. It is used to provide flexibility when budgets for the accounts are set up on a period basis. A value of 1 will add all available budgets from the beginning of the year to the current period. A value of 2 will indicate to the system to check the total year budget for the account.
42. Receive warning that a detail line amount will exceed budget.  
43. Enter the cross reference code for retrieving item substitutions.  
44. Enter the cross reference code for retrieving item replacements for obsolete items.  

Enter a '1' to:

45. Display kit component lines. The system always writes kit component lines to the detail file (F4311). This option determines whether the components actually display on the screen.
46. Enter a '1' to update the "Quantity on Other PO's" field (OT1A) in the Item Branch or Location files (i.e. Requisitions and Blanket orders).

If left blank, the "Quantity on PO" field (PREQ) will be updated.

Warning: If PO Generation performs the automatic blanket order release processing, enter a '1'.

This option applies to stock items only. You indicate if you expect to receive the items you enter via this version of Order Entry. Receipts are based on order type, that is, you normally expect to receive items on a purchase order, but not those on a requisition, blanket, or quote order, as these are usually pre-requisites to actual purchase orders.

The system maintains item quantities you expect to receive in the Quantity on PO bucket and those you don't expect to receive in the Quantity on Other PO's bucket. You can view both quantities in Detailed Availability (P41023).

You must set this option to 1 when you enter blanket orders that are subsequently released to purchase orders via the automatic Blanket Order Release window; otherwise, the on receipt quantity will be counted twice, once on the blanket and again on the PO. The Blanket Order Release program is accessible from multiple programs, including PO Generator (P43011).

47. Enter a '1' to function as Change Order Entry, which only allows changes to existing purchase orders.

Enter a '2' to function as Change Order Entry, which allows changes to purchase orders and the addition of new purchase orders.

If left blank, no change order processing is performed.

You set this option to 1 or 2 if you use this version of Order Entry to send changed orders back through the approval process. This causes the system to update the Next Status code on changed order lines to the Override Status you enter in processing option 4.
48. Enter the next status to start processing all changes made to a purchase order as a change order.

If left blank, all changes will be processed as change orders.

49. Enter a '1' to automatically allow text entry when a change order is entered. When you activate change order processing, you enter 1 in this option to have the system display a window when you make changes to a detail line so you can document a reason for the changes.

Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

50. Open Order Inquiry (P430301)  
51. Supply/Demand Inquiry (P4021)  
52. Supplier Analysis (P43230)  
53. Supplier Master (P01054)  
54. SMS Rate & Route server (PSMR9300)  
55. Approval Review called using the function key from E-Mail (P43080). Persons responsible for approving orders can access the Approval Review screen (P43080) by pressing F15 in Approval Notification (P012501) or via e-mail if system setup allows. You use this option to specify beforehand the appropriate version of P43080 that displays when the user presses F15.
56. Enter a '1' for automatic access to the blanket/quote release processing. The cost on the released order will be used.

Enter a '2' for automatic access to the blanket/quote release processing using special pricing.

If left blank, no automatic blanket/quote release processing will be performed.

57. Enter a '1' to perform automatic order template processing.

If blank, no order template processing will be performed.

58. Enter a '1' to capture supplier analysis information.

If left blank, no Supplier analysis information is captured.

Enter 1 to have the system create a record in the Supplier/Item Relationship file (F43090) if it doesn't already exist, and also to update order information to the file.
59. Enter a tolerance limit percentage to warn of radical currency rate changes (15.0 = 15% +/-).  
60. Enter a '1' to warn if extended amount is less than vouchered amounts

Enter a '2' to stop entry of an extended amount less than the vouchered amounts

If left blank, no check will be made.

Set this option to 1 or 2 to have the program edit changes you make to amounts on existing lines to partial vouchers already created for the line. This option only applies if you track commitments or encumbrances, in which case the line type for the order line has an inventory interface of A or B.
61. Enter the Open status.  
62. Enter the Pending Approval status.  
63. Enter the Rejected status.  
64. Enter the Approved/Pending Header Approval status.  
65. Enter the Approved/Header Rejected status.  
66. Enter the Approved status.  
84. Enter '1' to automatically display P.O. Header-User Defined Data (P43016) whenever a new purchase order header is added.

Enter '2' to allow access to P.O. Header-User Defined Data by function key from the purchase order header, but not display the data automatically.

If left blank, there will be no access to user defined data for the purchase order header.

85. Enter '1' to automatically display P.O. Detail-User Defined Data (P43116) whenever a new purchase order detail line is added.

Enter '2' to allow access to P.O. Detail-User Defined Data by selection option from a purchase order detail line, but not display the data automatically.

If left blank, there will be no access to user defined data for the purchase order detail lines.

Enter the DREAM Writer version for each program. If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.

P.O. Header-User Defined Data (P43016)

P.O. Detail-User Defined Data (P43116)


77.2 Message Log (P012501)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter defaults desired for display:

Search Type (e.g., E=Employee)

Branch or Location (Category Code 1)

Salesman (Category Code 2)

Territory (Category Code 3)

Category Code 04

2. To use this feature, you must have each user's Address Book number set up in User Information (P0092).

Enter "1" to activate preloading.

Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

3. Message Entry (P011011)  
4. Message Log Inquiry (P012401)  
5. Name Search (P01200)

Note: Option 4 does NOT apply to Personal To Do List or Bulletin Boards.


77.3 Orders Awaiting Approval (P43081)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Awaiting Approval Status (Required)  
2. Budget Hold Code (Required) You must specify the budget hold code if you want orders on budget hold to display in the Approval Status Summary window.
3. Order Type (Optional)  
4. Enter a '1' to protect the address number field from user input.

If left blank, the user will be allowed to inquire on any other user's orders.


Enter the version of each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

5. Approval Review (P43080) If you plan to access the Approval Review video via Option Exit 4, it is imperative that you set up a version of P43080 that corresponds to the order types you review (for example, requisitions, purchase orders, etc.) and enter that version in this option.
6. Order Entry (P4311)  

77.4 Approval Review (P43080)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Status Codes:

Awaiting Approval (Required)

Approved Status (Required)

Rejected Status (Required)

You set up status codes for approval processing in Order Activity rules. If, for example, you set up stock purchase order lines so Order Entry is Last/Next Status 220/230 and the Approval Process is 230/240 (other allowed value 220), then:

Awaiting Approval = 230

Approved Status = 240

Rejected Status = 220

Based on the scenario above, any line in approval routing will remain at 220/230 until it is fully approved, at which time the system changes the status codes to 230/240. If the order is rejected, the system moves the status codes to 230/220.

2. Order Type (Optional)  
3. Budgeting Hold Code (Optional) You must specify the budget hold code if you want orders on budget hold to display in the Approval Status Summary window.
4. Enter a '1' to prevent the preload of the selection option.  
5. Enter a '1' to allow the Approver to enter a password one time.  

Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

6. Requisition Entry (P4311)  
7. Budget Comparison (P432121)  
8. Release Held Orders (P43070)  
9. Open Order Inquiry (P430301)