24 Recover a Voucher Deleted in A/P

This chapter contains these topics:

To delete or void a voucher created through the Purchasing system, you must use the Voucher Match program (P4314). If you inadvertently use an Accounts Payable program such as Standard Voucher Entry (P04105), Speed Voucher Entry (P041015) or Void Payment Entry (P04103), the purchasing files aren't updated, so you can't reverse the receipt, cancel the purchase order, or voucher the order again.

To recover a purchasing voucher deleted in the Accounts Payable system, you can re-create the voucher if the batch was never posted. If the batch was posted, you must use a data file utility program to manually update the purchasing files. The files and fields you update depend on whether the order was received using a formal receipt process (3-way match) or informal receipt process (2-way match).

If you receive and voucher an order separately (3-way match), the system writes a match type 1 record to the Purchase Order Receiver file (F43121) when you receive the order and a match type 2 record when you voucher the order. If you don't formally receive the order (2-way match), the system writes a single match type 2 record to the F43121 when you voucher the order.

The instructions to recover a voucher deleted in Accounts Payable are determined by the status of the voucher.

24.1 Recovering an Unposted Voucher

You have deleted the voucher with an Accounts Payable program rather than the Match Voucher to Open Receipt program (P4314). There has not been any further processing of the voucher; that is, the batch has not been posted and payment has not been made.

When you deleted the voucher, the system purged the existing voucher (F0411) and journal entry (F0911) records, but did not update the purchasing files. To resolve the problem, you must add the voucher and journal entries back to the system through the Standard Voucher Entry (P04105) program, after which you can delete the voucher properly through the Voucher Match (P4314) program.

The instructions for recovering an unposted voucher are the same regardless of whether the order was formally received (3-way match) or informally received (2-way match).

To recover an unposted voucher

In Standard Voucher Entry (P04105)

Figure 24-1 Standard Voucher Entry screen

Description of Figure 24-1 follows
Description of "Figure 24-1 Standard Voucher Entry screen"

  1. Complete the following fields with the same information that was on the original voucher:

    • Voucher number (DOC)

    • Voucher Document Type (DCTV)

    • Voucher Document Company (CO)

    • Supplier Number (AN8)

    • Invoice number (VINV)

    • G/L Date (DGJ)

    • Company number (CO)

    • Tax Explanation Code (EXR2)

    • Tax Rate/Area (TXA2)

    • Taxable amount (ATXA)

    • Gross Amount (AG)

    You must enter at least one pay item on the voucher with a gross amount equal to the original invoice amount.

  2. Press Enter to re-create the voucher.

    The A/P Journal Entries video (P03101) will display, prompting you to add back the journal entries. You only need add back one journal entry that corresponds to the gross amount on the invoice.

    In Match Voucher to Open Receipts (P4314)

  3. Inquire on the voucher number and enter "D" in the Action Code to delete the voucher.

    This will delete the F0911 and F0411 records you just recreated, and also update the purchasing files. You can now reverse the receipt and make changes to the purchase order, or re-voucher the order, as necessary.

24.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Other values on original voucher Other information that may have resided on the original voucher (aside from the fields listed above) is insignificant, as the P4314 needs only those values above to match the voucher back to the original purchase order.
Locating original voucher information You can query the match type 2 record in the Purchase Order Receipt file (F43121) to determine what information was on the original voucher. You can inquire by match type (PRMATC = 2), order number (PRDOCO), and voucher number (PRDOC).

24.2 Recovering a Posted Voucher - Three-way Match

You have deleted the voucher with an Accounts Payable program rather than with the Match Voucher to Open Receipt program (P4314). Prior to deleting the voucher, the batch was posted. The system updated the voucher (F0411) and journal entry (F0911) records, but failed to update the purchasing files.

To resolve the problem, you must manually update the data in the purchasing files using a data file utility program. For an order that was formally received (3-way match), you must edit records in the Purchase Order Receiver file (F43121).

To recover a posted voucher for a three-way match order

Using a data file utility program

  1. Locate the match type 2 record in the F43121 that corresponds to the voucher you deleted through the A/P system, and change the following field:

    • Match Type (PRMATC) = 3

  2. Now locate the corresponding match type 1 record in the F43121, and change the following fields:

    • Quantity Paid to Date (PRUPTD) = blank

    • Amount Paid to Date (PRAPTD) = blank

    • Open Quantity (UOPN) = Received Quantity (UREC)

    • Amount Open (AOPN) = Amount Received (AREC)

      For foreign orders, you must also update the following fields:

    • Foreign Amount Paid to Date (PRFAPT) = blank

    • Foreign Amount Open (PRFAP) = Foreign Amount Received (PRFREC)


    This solution assumes the received quantity and amount was fully vouchered. If partial vouchers have been logged against a single receipt, UPTD, APTD and FAPT should reflect the quantity or amount that has already been vouchered against the receipt, and UOPN, AOPN, and FAP should reflect the remaining quantity or amount left to voucher.

24.3 Recovering a Posted Voucher - Two-way Match

You have deleted the voucher with an Accounts Payable program rather than with the Match Voucher to Open Receipt program (P4314). Prior to deleting the voucher, the batch was posted. The system updated the voucher (F0411) and journal entry (F0911) records, but failed to update the purchasing files.

To resolve the problem, you must manually update the data in the purchasing files using a data file utility program. For an order that was not formally received (2-way match), you must edit the Purchase Order Receiver file (F43121) and the Purchase Order Detail file (F4311).

To recover a posted voucher for a two-way match order

Using a data file utility program

  1. Locate the match type 2 record in the F43121 that corresponds to the voucher you deleted through the A/P system, and change the following field:

    • Match Type (PRMATC) = 3

  2. Now locate the corresponding order detail line in the F4311, and change the following fields:

    • Status Code Next (PDNXTR) = check activity rules for match

    • Open Quantity (PDUOPN) = Received Quantity (PDUREC)

    • Amount Open (PDAOPN) = Amount Received (PDAREC)

      For foreign orders, you must also update the following fields:

    • Foreign Amount Open (PDFAP) = Foreign Amt Received (PDFREC)

    After you change the open quantity and amount fields above, change the receipt fields as follows:

  • Received Quantity (PDUREC) = blank

  • Amount Received (PDAREC) = blank

  • Foreign Amount Received (PDFREC) = blank


This solution assumes the ordered quantity and amount on a detail line was fully vouchered. If partial vouchers have been logged against a single order line, UREC, AREC, and FREC should reflect the quantity or amount that has already been vouchered against the order line, and UOPN, AOPN and FAP should reflect the quantity or amount left to voucher.

24.4 Preventing A/P Errors to Vouchers Created Through Purchasing

You can set the Standard Voucher Entry (P04105) and Speed Voucher Entry (P041015) programs to generate a warning or hard error when a user tries to delete or make changes to a voucher created through the Purchasing System. Both programs call the Accounts Payable functional server (XT0411Z1) to create vouchers (F0411). Processing option 16 for the server allows you to specify whether there is no edit, a warning or a hard error.

To prevent changes or edits, you can create a version of XT0411Z1 with processing option 17 set to 2, and then attach that version to the Accounts Payable programs as follows:

  • P04105 (Standard Voucher Entry) via processing option 11

  • P041015 (Speed Voucher Entry) via processing option 6