71 System Setup Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

71.1 Order/Supplier Template Revisions (P4015)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the format for order template processing. If left blank, '1' will be used:

1 = Sold-to Number (Sales)

2 = Ship-to Number (Sales)

3 = Supplier Number (Purchasing)

4 = User Number (Purchasing)


Enter the version of each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

2. Customer Service Inquiry (P42045)  
3. Open Purchase Orders (P430301)  

71.2 Customer Template Rebuild (P42815)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Order Template Type to be created. Enter the name of the template, which you must set up in UDC 40/OT prior to having the program create the template.
2. Enter how the order template lines should be sequenced.

If left blank, '1' will be used:

1 = DREAM Writer Data Sequencing

2 = Most frequently ordered

3. Enter the maximum number of lines to be included on the template.

If left blank, all items will be included.

4. Enter the minimum times an item must be ordered to be included on the template.

If left blank, all items will be included.

5. Enter the effective dates to be used on the order template lines.

Effective From Date

Effective Thru Date