24 Sales Orders Processing Options

This chapter contains the topic:

24.1 Sales Order Entry (P4211)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Document Type (Required) Enter the document type relevant to this particular version of Sales Order Entry. You will likely have multiple versions of P4211 to accommodate each of the different document types you use, for example, sales orders, blanket orders, quote orders, ECS orders, and so on.
2. Line Type (Optional) Enter the line type to default to all order lines; otherwise, the system retrieves the line type from Item Branch Information (P41026) or Item Master Information (P4101) set up for the item number. You can also manually enter a line type.
3. Beginning Status (Optional)  
4. Override Next Status (Optional)  
5. Unit of Measure (Optional)  
6. Line Number Increment (Optional)  
7. Reason Code (Optional)  
8. Enter '1' to use the Pricing UOM as the default Transaction UOM.

If left blank, the Primary UOM will be used instead.


Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used:

9. Work Order Entry (P48013)  
10. WO Server for Sale Order (X4201WO)  
11. Document Type Enter the document type for new orders you create when you press F21 to copy an existing order.
12. Beginning Status Enter the Last Status for new orders you create when you press F21 to copy an existing order.
13. Enter text duplication selection

'1' to copy line text

'2' to copy line and order text

'3' to copy order text

14. Address Book default branch.

'1' - Ship To Address

'2' - Sold To Address

' ' - User default location

15. Enter '1' to automatically load header values to the detail lines after a change.

If left blank, it must be done manually.

16. Enter the Screen Format:

1 = Quantity, Item, Price

2 = Quantity, Item, Description

3 = Item, Quantity, Price

4 = ECS format

5 = Aggregates format (If left blank, format 1 is used.)

Enter a '1' to:

17. Display Headings first.  
18. Be prompted to accept the order.

Note: Two-cycle order entry is not recommended for configured items.

Set this to blank if you enter configured items. Two-cycle order entry is not valid for configured items as the configuration is recorded on the first cycle.
19. Allow the addition of a Customer Master record, if not set up. Set this to 1 to have the Customer Master screen (P01053) automatically appear when you enter a sold-to or ship-to address for which master information does not currently exist. If you don't set this option to 1, you can add an order without Customer Master information. However, the system will error on the order at Sales Update (P42800).
20. Load Online Invoice information before the order is accepted.  
21. Enter which Item Search screen is to be used to return items:

1 = Item Search window allowing the return of multiple items

2 = Full Item Search screen with Query capabilities

(If left blank, the Item Search window allowing the return of a single item will be used.)

The option you choose determines the item search screen that displays when you press F1 on the Item Number field in the detail screen. A blank in this option prompts the P40ITM1 window. Option 1 prompts the P40ITM2 window, and option 2 prompts the P41200 screen.
22. Customer Credit Checking  
23. Order Margin Checking  
24. Order Line Margin Checking  
25. Order Minimum Value Checking  
26. Order Maximum Value Checking  
27. Partial Order Hold  
28. Product Allocation Hold  
29. Enter the next status code beyond which a detail line cannot be changed.

If left blank, no restriction will be put on the changing of a line.


Enter '1' to protect or '2' to suppress

30. Cost Fields  
31. Price Fields

Enter '1' to protect the following:

32. Status Codes  
33. Price adjustment driver fields Set this to 1 to protect the following fields: Branch, Adjustment Schedule, Trade Discount, Payment Terms, Payment Instructions, and Item Price Group. The value also protects freight charge related fields including Shipping Commodity Code, Shipping Condition, Rate Code, Route, Stop and Zone.
34. Sold To field on the header

Enter a '1' to suppress the following:

35. Closed Detail Lines  
36. Credit Card Information  
37. Freight and Carrier Information  
38. Commission Information  
39. Enter the status code to select when retrieving credit orders. This option is relevant to the Credit Orders from History program (P42045).
40. Enter '1' if the previous status is the last status.

If left blank it will be the Next Status.

This option is relevant to the Credit Orders from History program (P42045).
41. Enter the Cross Reference Type for:

- Substitute Items

- Associated Items

- Replacement Items

42. Enter '1' to use the substitute item's Unit Price.

If left blank, the original item's price will be used to order the substitutes.

43. Enter '1' to suppress Kit Component lines.  
44. Enter the version of Kit Inquiry to call.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be called.

45. Enter '1' to suppress availability information in the Kit Window.  
46. Enter '1' to be notified of an automatic backorder or cancel.

Enter '2' to be notified but not create the backorder or cancel.

Enter '3' to create the backorder or cancel automatically and update the order without issuing the warning.

If left blank, no availability checking will be done.

47. Enter '1' for commitment to Other Quantity 1.

Enter '2' for commitment to Other Quantity 2.

This option is typically used in conjunction with a Blanket or Quote Order. If this option is used, the commitment preference will be ignored.

This option applies to stock items only. You set the option to 1 or 2 if you do not want the items you enter on the order to affect availability. For example, you usually do not want items on blanket orders or quote orders to affect availability.

If you leave this option blank, all stock items you enter on the order will accumulate to either the soft, hard, or future commitment buckets in the Item Balance file (F41021). If you set the option to 1 or 2, quantities accumulate to the SO Quantity 1 or SO Quantity 2 buckets. You can view cumulative quantities for an item in Detailed Availability (P41023).

When you set this option to 1 or 2, the system also updates the Other Quantity 1 or 2 fields (SDOTQY) in the Sales Order Detail file (F4211). It also prevents the system from updating the Open Order Amount (SHOTOT) in the Sales Order Header file (F4201).

If you release items from blanket or quote orders using the Release Orders program (P420111), the program assumes released orders were initially recorded to the other quantity 1 or 2 buckets.

48. Enter '1' to automatically display the Supply and Demand screen when a new sales detail line is backordered.  
49. Enter '1' to print pick slips or a '2' to print invoices through the subsystem.

Enter '3' for on-line commitment or a '4' for subsystem commitment.

Note: If ECS is on, '1' will print order-based packed loading notes through a subsystem.

Set this option to 3 to have the system automatically hard commit orders, in which case P4211 calls the Batch Commitment program (P42997) to perform the hard commitment.
50. Enter '1' for auto order repricing.  

Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used:

51. Pick Slip Print (P42520)  
52. Supply and Demand (P4021)  
53. Std Order/Basket Reprice (P421301) or Adv Order/Basket Reprice (P42750)  
54. Customer Service (P42045)  
55. Online Invoice (P42230)  
56. Preference Profile (P40400)  
57. Check Price (Advanced) (P40721)  
58. Customer Master (P01053)  
59. TM Rate & Route server PSMR9100  
60. Enter one of the following for the mode of Specification Entry.

If left blank, '2' will be used:

'1' = Text Mode

'2' = Assisted Mode

'3' = Assisted Prompt Mode

61. Enter the order type(s) that the system will use to invoke inter-branch updates.

To specify more than one order type, type them one after the other along this field.

62. Enter the transfer pricing method to be used.

Default method is 1.

1 = Branch cost mark-up

2 = Transfer pricing

63. Enter '1' to allow inter-branch invoicing.

If left blank, no inter-branch invoice can be run.

64. Enter the request processing mode:

' ' = No pick requests

'1' = Generate requests only

'2' = Generate requests and process using the subsystem

65. If processing pick requests using the subsystem, enter the DREAM Writer version to use.

If blank, XJDE0002 is used.

(See Form ID P46171.)

66. Enter an override next status for sales order lines for which requests have been generated.  
67. Enter a '1' to use the Sold-to address number for order template.

Enter a '2' to use the Ship-to address number.

If left blank, no automatic order template processing will be performed.

68. Enter the order template name.  
69. Enter '1' for automatic access to the blanket/quote release processing by Sold To address.

Enter '2' for automatic access to the blanket/quote release processing by Ship To address.

If left blank, no automatic access to the blanket/quote release processing will be performed.

70. Enter a '1' to use preference profile defaults.

If left blank, no preference profile information will be defaulted.

If you enter 1 in this field, you must also set up a corresponding version of the Preference Processing program (P40400) and attach it to processing option 56.
71. Enter a '1' to use the Inventory Commitment Preference to source from multiple branches or to view grade or potent items in the commitment window.  
72. Enter the tolerance limit percentage to warn you of currency rate changes. A 15.0 indicates a warning if the rate is 15 percent greater or less than the current rate.  
73. Enter '1' to automatically branch to load confirm when order are added.  
74. Enter the version of Bulk Load Confirm (P49510) to be used.  
75. Enter the version of Packaged Load Confirm (P49530) to be used.  
76. Enter the version of the Additional Parameters program (P49510A) to be used.  
77. Enter the version of the Trip Assignment window (P49200) to be used.  
78. Enter '1' to display Mark-for Address.  
79. Enter '1' to issue an error when the Ship Ascending Date Rule is violated.

If left blank, only a warning will be issued.

80. Enter '1' to issue a warning when an immature lot (one not yet in effect) is entered and to include immature lots in the calculation of availability.

If left blank, an error will be issued and immature lots will not be counted as available.

81. Enter '1' to submit a batch job upon exiting Sales Order Entry to automatically assign service warranties to sales order detail lines.  
82. Enter the DREAM Writer version for Batch Assign Service Warranty (P42404).

If left blank, XJDE0001 is used.