6 Set Up Constants

This chapter contains the topic:

6.1 Setting Up Constants


From Configurator (G32), enter 29

From Configurator Setup (G3241), choose Configurator Constants

Use constants to control Configuration Management processing for your branch/plants. For each branch/plant, you can:

  • Control whether parts lists and routings are attached to work orders with batch or subsystem processing

  • Define the configured string delimiter

  • Whether the calculated segments appear during sales order entry

  • Perform parent availability checking during sales order entry

  • Cost sales quotes with manufacturing labor and overhead

  • Define which stocked line type to use if the system finds a matching configuration in stock during sales order entry

  • Indicate sales quote document types

  • Define the status code beyond which changes to the sales order will result only in a status change to the associated work order

The system stores constants in the Configured Constants table (F3209).

To set up constants

On Configurator Constants

Figure 6-1 Configurator Constants screen

Description of Figure 6-1 follows
Description of "Figure 6-1 Configurator Constants screen"

  1. Locate the branch/plant.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Parts List/Routing

    • Segment Delimiter

    • Check Availability

    • In Stock Line Type

    • Quote Document Type List

    • Cost Sales Quotes

    • Work Order Status for Changes

    • Display Calculated Segments

Field Explanation
Segment Delimiter A character separator for configured item sales order entry. The default character is a forward slash (/). This character must be the same for each branch/plant.


  • Although you can define a different character, do not use an asterisk (*).

  • Do not change this value after you have established it.

  • The segment delimiter should not be part of an answer to a segment question.

Parts List/Routing Controls whether the parts list and routing for configured item work orders will be created using subsystem or batch processing. Both methods use the Order Processing DREAM Writer (P31410) to write parts list and routing records.

Valid values are:

1 – Batch processing. You must run the Order Processing program and change the selection options to accommodate the different sales order numbers being processed. You can also select orders based on their work order status.

2 – Subsystem processing. After you start the subsystem, the Order Processing program automatically processes any new work orders generated from a configured item sales order. Subsystem processing involves less user interaction and does not generate shop floor paperwork.

Check Availability (Y/N) Indicates whether to verify that a configured parent item is in stock during sales order entry. The default value is Y.

The system searches inventory for a configuration that matches the parent item during sales order update. If more than one of the item is located, a window displays all matching locations, lots, and their available quantities. From the window, you can select an item to hard commit during the update. If one item is located, the item is hard committed to inventory during the update.

In Stock Line Type A code that controls how the system processes lines on a transaction. It controls the systems with which the transaction interfaces (General Ledger, Job Cost, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Inventory Management). It also specifies the conditions under which a line prints on reports and is included in calculations. Codes include:

S – Stock item

J – Job cost

N – Non-stock item

F – Freight

T – Text information

M – Miscellaneous charges and credits

W – Work order

Quote Document Type List The Sales Quote Document Type List is a user defined code table (32/QL) that is used to define valid document types for sales quotes in your company. For example, you could define sales quote document types by branch/plant or by type of quote, such as corporate or seasonal quotes.
Cost Sales Quotes (Y/N) Indicates which costs are accumulated when the Order Type matches one of the Sales Quote Document Types.

Y – All costs from all rules are accumulated. This is the default value.

N – Only the costs of the P rules are accumulated.

WO Status for Changes This field determines the value of the work order status field (user defined code 00/SS) for a configured item. Sales Order Entry has processing options that determine the beginning status and the change status of a work order for a configured item. The processing options work as follows:
  • If the current status of the work order is greater than or equal to the work order change status, the system enters the code value from the change status processing option into the status field on the work order.

  • If the current status of the work order is less than the work order change status, the system enters the code value from the beginning status processing option into the status field on the work order.

Display Calculated Segments Indicates whether calculated segments will display during sales order entry. If this value is N, segments will not display when entering a sales order, however, the value of the segment will be stored in history. If entering a multi-level configured item, levels that have only calculated segments will not display. The default value is N.