42 Set Up Multi-Facility Requirements Plans

This chapter contains these topics:

42.1 Setting Up Multi-Facility Requirements Plans

You set up a multi-facility material requirements plan to track supply, demand, and movement of material among the individual facilities in your company. MRP multi-facility scheduling provides a flexible method for planning supply and resupply activities.

You must set up a table of the supply and demand relationships among your facilities. The system uses these relationships to generate and maintain multi-facility requirements planning schedules.

Setting up MRP multi-facility scheduling consists of the following tasks:

  • Setting Up MRP Supply and Demand Relationships

  • Reviewing MRP Branch Relationships on the Relationships Chart

MRP multi-facility scheduling uses the same programs as DRP/MPS multi-facility scheduling. The programs are summarized here.

42.1.1 Before You Begin

See Also:

42.2 Setting Up MRP Supply and Demand Relationships


From Material Planning Operations (G34), enter 29

From Material Planning Setup (G3440), choose Multi-Plant Setup

From Multi-Plant Setup (G3443), choose Branch Relationships Revisions

Use Branch Relationships Revisions to set up MRP supply and demand relationships for any level of detail you choose, including:

  • Branch/plant

  • Product group

  • Master planning family

  • Individual item number

The MRP Branch Relationship Revisions program and the DRP/MPS Branch Relationship Revisions program use the same processing options. You can vary the settings in the processing options to accommodate the different requirements for a material requirements plan.

See Also:

42.3 Reviewing MRP Branch Relationships on the Relationships Chart


From Material Planning Operations (G34), enter 29

From Material Planning Setup (G3440), choose Multi-Plant Setup

From Multi-Plant Setup (G3443), choose Branch Relationships Chart

Use the Branch Relationships Chart to review your MRP supply and demand relationships in a graphical, hierarchical format. The Branch Relationships Chart displays the:

  • Branch

  • Level of the branch

  • Supply branches for the corresponding demand branch

The MRP Branch Relationships Chart program and the DRP/MPS Branch Relationships Chart program use the same processing options. You can vary the settings in the processing options to accommodate the different requirements for a material requirements plan.

See Also: