6 Work with Records for Employee Master History

This chapter contains these topics:

6.1 Working with Records for Employee Master History

When current employee information changes, such as when an employee is promoted or changes marital status, you must update the employee's record to reflect the change. You can set up your system to create historical records of the information you changed when you update employee records to reflect such changes.

You can review historical information since the date you began tracking history. This allows you to analyze an employee's qualifications and work record. For example, you can:

  • Review an employee's job progression

  • Review salary increases given at the same time a job change was made

  • Analyze historical changes to employee information

  • Analyze an employee's job history to determine whether the employee is ready for a promotion

You can correct history records if you made a mistake when you entered employee information and the system stored that mistake in history records.

You might make a mistake and not want to maintain the record in history. You can delete a history record if it is inaccurate and if you do not want to maintain it in the history table.

To conserve computer disk space, you can transfer past years' history records to tape or to an alternate backup system.

6.1.1 Before You Begin

6.2 Reviewing Employee History


From Canadian Payroll Master (G77), choose Employee Information

From Employee Information (G7711), choose Change Control & Monitoring

From Change Control & Monitoring (G77112), choose Employee History Inquiry

You can set up your constants so that the system creates history records for employees whenever you change employee information. You might want to review this history to:

  • Analyze historical changes to employee information

  • Consider an employee's work record for promotions or raises

  • Consider an employee's work record for another position

To review the complete history records for an individual, from the oldest entry through the most recent entry, you can use Employee History Inquiry. You can also review all the history that is linked to a specific data item.

To review employee history

On Employee History Inquiry

Figure 6-1 Employee History Inquiry screen

Description of Figure 6-1 follows
Description of "Figure 6-1 Employee History Inquiry screen"

  1. Complete the following field:

    • Employee Number

  2. Complete any of the following optional fields:

    • As of Date

    • Last Change

    • Data Item

    Figure 6-2 Employee History Inquiry screen (Detail area)

    Description of Figure 6-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-2 Employee History Inquiry screen (Detail area)"

  3. Access the detail area.Employee History Inquiry:detail area

  4. Review the information.

Field Explanation
As of Date The date for which you want to review employee history and employee turnover. Any history or turnover that has an effective date after the date you enter in this field does not appear on the form. If you do not enter a date, the system date is the default date.

In the history or turnover purge programs, all data with an effective date (data item EFTO) on or before this date will be purged. You must enter this date.

Last Chg Only (Y) A code that defines whether the screen displays only employee history changes made through the date you indicate in the As of Date field. Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, display only the history changes in effect through the As of Date.

N – No, display all changes.

Blank The same as N.

Note: Since changes are based on effective date, if two changes were made on the same date, the screen shows both changes.

What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Reviewing history for a specific date To review all of the history for an individual employee for one specific date, use Employee History Snapshot. This screen displays only the history that is in effect on the date you specify.
Field-sensitive history On the employee entry form, you can use the Field Sensitive History function to access history for a specific field. You must position the cursor in the field for which you want to review history.

For example, to review an employee's job history, position the cursor in the Job Type field and choose the Field Sensitive History function.

6.3 Correcting Employee History


From Canadian Payroll Master (G77), enter 27

From Payroll Advanced/Technical Operations (G773), choose History & Turnover Menu

From History & Turnover Technical Operations (G7733), choose Employee History

Each time you make an entry in an employee record, the system creates a record in the corresponding history table. If you make a mistake when you enter employee information and then correct the error, you must delete the incorrect record from the corresponding history table to maintain an accurate history trail. When you delete a record in the history table, you do not affect the information in the Employee Master table.

If the only information you incorrectly entered was the change reason or the effective date, you can correct that information in the history table. You do not need to delete the entire record to correct those two fields.

Correcting the error in the history table allows you to maintain accurate history records. If the history record you correct has a change reason, you must also correct the corresponding turnover record.

To correct employee history

On Employee History

Figure 6-3 Employee History screen

Description of Figure 6-3 follows
Description of "Figure 6-3 Employee History screen"

  1. To locate the record, complete either or both of the following fields:

    • Employee

    • Data Item

  2. If the entire record is incorrect and you do not want to maintain it in history, choose the Delete option.

  3. If you want to maintain the history record, complete the following optional field:

    • Effective On

  4. Access the detail area.

    Figure 6-4 Employee History screen (Detail area)

    Description of Figure 6-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-4 Employee History screen (Detail area)"

  5. Correct the information in the following optional field:

    • Change reason