24 Process Timecard Journals

This chapter contains these topics:

To transfer timecard information to the general ledger, you must process timecard journals. Processing timecard journals is a two step procedure. In the first step, you generate timecard journals. When you generate journals, the system updates the Payroll Journal (Details) table (F06290), the Burden Distribution table (F0624), and creates the Timecard Journal Batch Proof report. If errors exist in the journal batch, you correct the errors, delete the batch, and regenerate the timecard journals. When the batch is error-free, you complete processing the timecard journals.

When you perform the second step, posting the journals to the general ledger, the system creates, posts, and removes the timecard batch details from the Payroll Journal (Detail) table (F06290). The Time Accounting system creates and posts the following journal types to the General Accounting system:

  • Labor distribution (T2s)

  • Flat burden (T3s)

  • Recharge (T4s)

  • Equipment (T5s)

24.1 Objectives

  • To review timecard information and post it to the general ledger

24.2 About Timecard Post

Posting timecards allows you to convert timecard information into the Payroll Journal (Detail) table (F06290) and post it to the general ledger. Posting timecards consists of converting the Employee Transactions Detail table (F06116) into the Payroll Journal (Detail) table. This allows you to review the preliminary timecard journals and approve them for posting. If you discover errors when you review the timecard journals, such as an invalid account, you must delete the timecard journal batch, correct the errors and regenerate the journal information. When the journals are error-free and approved for posting, you generate the Account Ledger table (F0911) and the Account Balances table (F0902) for the general ledger for the timecard transactions.

You can use Approvals to approve or reject timecards and to monitor timecards in process. See Overview to Approvals Management in the JD Edwards World Technical Tools Guide for more information.

24.3 Generating Timecard Journals


From Time Accounting (G05), choose Timecard Post and History Update

From Timecard Post and History Update (G0513), choose Generate Timecard Journals

Generating journals for timecards allows you to create preliminary journal entries. The system creates the actual journal entries for the daily journal entries when you post the journals to the general ledger.

Generating timecard journals allows you to:

  • Specify the G/L date for the journal entries

  • Select timecards based on a date range

In addition to generating preliminary journals, the system creates the Timecard Journal Batch Proof report. This report includes individual entries and totals by document type, period, the company, and a grand total for the batch report. You review this to verify the accuracy of the transactions the system generated from the journal data.

You can reprint the report as many times as necessary.

Figure 24-1 Timecard Journal Batch Proof report

Description of Figure 24-1 follows
Description of "Figure 24-1 Timecard Journal Batch Proof report"

24.4 Rerunning the Timecard Journal Batch Proof Report


From Time Accounting (G05), choose Timecard Post and History Update

From Timecard Post and History Update (G0513), choose Print Journal Edit

You can reprint the Timecard Journal Batch Proof report after you have generated timecard journals. This is the same report that the system prints when you generate the preliminary journals for timecards. You can rerun this report as many times as necessary.

To rerun the Timecard Journal Batch Proof report

On Print Journal Edit

Figure 24-2 Print Journal Edit screen

Description of Figure 24-2 follows
Description of "Figure 24-2 Print Journal Edit screen"

Complete the following field:

  • Enter Batch Number to Print

24.5 Reviewing Timecard Journal Entry Batch Information


From Time Accounting (G05), choose Timecard Post and History Update

From Timecard Post and History Update (G0513), choose Journal Batch Review

You can review the batch header information for preliminary journal entries to verify that the entries for the timecards within the batch do not have errors and are approved for posting before you generate and post timecard journals. You can display a list of batches based on your user ID, the batch number, a posting status, or a specific date range.

The system uses a batch type of 5 and a description of time to group the journal entries. You cannot review the detail for the journal entries that the system creates when you generate timecard journals. You must review the Timecard Journal Batch Proof report to locate any errors. You can only review the batch summary information on this form.

To review timecard journal entry batch information

On Journal Batch Review

Figure 24-3 Journal Batch Review screen

Description of Figure 24-3 follows
Description of "Figure 24-3 Journal Batch Review screen"

  1. Complete the following field:

    • User ID

  2. To further limit your search, complete one or more of the following fields:

    • Batch Number

    • Batch Date From

    • Batch Date Thru

    • Batch Status

Field Explanation
Batch Status A user defined code (98/IC) that indicates the posting status of a batch. Valid codes are:

Blank – Unposted batches that are pending approval or have a status of approved.

A – Approved for posting. The batch has no errors, is in balance, but has not yet been posted.

D – Posted. The batch posted successfully.

E – Error. The batch is in error. You must correct the batch before it can post.

P – Posting. The system is posting the batch to the general ledger. The batch is unavailable until the posting process is complete. If errors occur during the post, the batch status is changed to E (error).

U – In use. The batch is temporarily unavailable because someone is working with it.

24.5.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Posted timecard journal information The system creates actual journal entries when it posts the information from the preliminary timecard journals to the general ledger.

To review the detail of these journal entries, choose the General Journal Review function.

It changes the batch type from 5 to P and the description to JE to indicate that the batch was successfully posted to the Account Ledger table (F0911) and the Account Balances table (F0902). To view the batch header information, you must enter a batch status of D for posted or an * (asterisk) for all journals.

24.6 Posting Timecard Journal Entries to the General Ledger


From Time Accounting (G05), choose Timecard Post and History Update

From Timecard Post and History Update (G0513), choose Post Journals to G/L

You post timecard journal entry batches to update your general ledger. When you post the preliminary journal entries, the system creates the actual journal entries and updates the information for account balances.

24.6.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Posting errors If this program encounters any errors, the system creates the actual journal entries in the Account Ledger table, but does not post them. After you have corrected the actual journal entries, you must resubmit the batch for posting. Because the batch contains actual journal entries, you must use a General Accounting post program.

See Posting a Batch of Journal Entries in the JD Edwards World General Accounting I Guide.

24.6.2 Processing Options

See Section 48.2, "General Ledger Post (P09800)."

24.7 Reviewing Timecard Journal Entries on the Posting Edit Report

When you post journal entries, the system creates the Posting Edit report for your review. Review the Posting Edit report for any applicable posting errors.

Figure 24-4 General Ledger Post - Payroll Vouchers report

Description of Figure 24-4 follows
Description of "Figure 24-4 General Ledger Post - Payroll Vouchers report"

24.8 Reviewing Timecard Journal Entries on the G/L Posting Journal

When you post journal entries, the system creates the General Ledger Posting Journal for your review.

The General Ledger Posting Journal lists all journal entries. The column titles and information are similar to the Timecard Journal Batch Proof report. However, the General Ledger Posting Journal prints the journal entry number, general ledger date, and account descriptions instead of the document reference numbers.

The level of summarization on this report is controlled by the Journal Summarization Rules.

Figure 24-5 General Ledger Post - P/R Period Manual report

Description of Figure 24-5 follows
Description of "Figure 24-5 General Ledger Post - P/R Period Manual report"

24.9 Deleting an Unposted Batch of Timecard Journals


From Time Accounting (G05), choose Timecard Post and History Update

From Timecard Post and History Update (G0513), choose Deleted Unposted Batch

You delete an unposted batch of timecard journals when the batch contains errors and you must correct the time entries before you regenerate the corrected timecard journals.

To delete an unposted batch of timecard journals

On Delete Unposted Batch of Journals

Figure 24-6 Delete Unposted Batch screen

Description of Figure 24-6 follows
Description of "Figure 24-6 Delete Unposted Batch screen"

Complete the following field:

  • Enter Batch Number to Delete