29 Overview to Contract Calendars and Payroll Calculations

This chapter contains these topics:

29.1 Objectives

  • To create a contract calendar and attach it to an employee record

  • To forcast payroll calculations

29.2 About Contract Calendars and Payroll Calculations

Many public service organizations, such as school districts and public safety agencies, work with yearly contracts that specify the number of days employees work. The Contract Calendars functionality enables school districts and agencies to administer pay according to a contract year. Contract Calendars provide additional automation and flexibility to school districts and agencies to pay employees on contract calendars.

The Payroll Calculation Tool calculates the details of a change you propose to an employee's pay and allows you to review the potential values from the change. This allows you to run what if scenarios to determine the affect a change will have on an employee's pay. You and your employees might find this tool useful for calculating changes in pay for a promotion, step increases, taking on an additional job, a leave of absence, and so forth.

You can use the Payroll Calculation Tool in conjunction with Contract Calendars.

Contract calendars and payroll calculations includes the following:

  • Work with Contract Calendars

  • Forecasting payroll calculations