56 Payroll History Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

56.1 Net Cumulative/Payroll Month (P060911)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Do you wish to display Hours or Pieces

H = Hours Worked

P = Pieces Produced


56.2 Transaction Ledger Inquiry (P060913)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the following to Sort by:

'1' - to sort on the Work Dates*

'2' - to sort on the Check Dates

For the Time Accounting system, the option to sort by check date is not applicable as the system only recognizes general ledger dates and work dates.

When you sort by work date, the line-by-line information on the Monthly Transaction Ledger form might not match the corresponding information that appears on Quarterly Balances/Payroll Month.

2. Select the following to Display:

'1' - to display Gross Pay (Wages)*

'2' - to display the Recharge Amounts

3. Enter a '1' to display the Enhanced Subledgers (ESA). If left blank, no ESA fields will be displayed.  

56.3 Transaction Ledger Inquiry (P060912)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Select the following to Sort by:

'1' - to sort on the Work Dates*

'2' - to sort on the Check Dates

Select the following to Display:

'1' - to display Gross Pay (Wages)*

'2' - to display the Recharge Amounts

(* - Default Value)  

56.4 Time & Pay Inquiry (P06099)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Select the following to Display:

'1' - to display Gross Pay (Wages) *

'2' - to display the Recharge Amounts

(* - Default Value)  

56.5 Payroll Accrual Inquiry (P060931)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to display accrued information.  
2. Enter a '1' if you do not want dollar amounts displayed.  
3. Enter a '1' to display Payroll Month history (F06146).

Enter a 'blank' to display Fiscal or Anniversary history (F06147).


56.6 YTD Balances - Leave with Dock Pay (P060932)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to display Payroll Month history (F06146).

The default is to display history for the fiscal or anniversary year when it exists (F06147).


56.7 Paycheck Review and Void (P060611)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to display the checks in descending order by check date.  

56.8 Tax History by Company (P06416)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Fiscal Year.

(Enter the same year in Data Selection values.)

2. Enter Thru Period Number.  
3. Enter the Company Number.

(Blank defaults to all companies.)

(Enter the same company or *ALL in Data Selection values.)

4. Enter '1' to change report format to print amounts greater than $10 (Ten) million dollars.

'0' is the default and will print format for amounts less than $10 (Ten) million dollars.

NOTE: This report is designed to print on a 198 column printer. An alternative is to print the report on a laser printer so that all columns may be displayed.


56.9 Tax History by Employee (P064161)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Calendar Year.  
2. Enter Thru Period Number.  
3. Enter the employee number you wish to print:

(Default = 'A')

A = Address Book Number

S = Social Security Number

O = Third Employee Number

NOTE: This report is designed to print on a 198 column printer. An alternative is to print the report on a laser printer so that all columns may be displayed.


56.10 Employee Pay & Tax Register (P063231)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the employee number you wish to print.

A = Address Book Number (Default)

S = Social Security Number

O = Third Employee Number

2. Enter the period end date. (MMDDYY)

NOTE: This field is REQUIRED.

3. Enter the type of history to print.

Blank = Month-to-Date

1 = Quarter-to-Date w/Monthly Balances

2 = Quarter-to-Date totals only

3 = Year-to-Date w/Monthly Balances

4 = Year-to-Date w/Quarterly Balances

5 = Year-to-Date totals only

4. Print the detailed transactions associated with each balance.

'Y' = Yes

' ' = No

(Dflt = ' ')

5. Print multiple employees per page.

Blank is one employee per page.

'Y' = Yes

' ' = No

(Dflt = ' ')

NOTE: The detailed transaction will only print when requesting monthly totals; summary totals do not permit this type of detail.

6. Print Company totals.

A blank will print the detail information.

'Y' = Yes

' ' = No

(Dflt = ' ')


56.11 Federal Taxation History Report (P06347)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the type of employee number to print.

A = Address Book Number (Default)

S = Social Security Number

O = Third Employee Number


56.12 State/Local Taxation History (P06348)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the type of employee number to print.

A = Address Book Number (Default)

S = Social Security Number

O = Third Employee Number

2. If only one company is going to be used for this report, enter the company number.

The default is blank and all companies will be used.


56.13 DBA Register (P063102)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the employee number you wish to print.

A = Address Book Number

S = Social Security Number

O = Other

2. Print MTD, QTD, YTD information:

Y = Union, Job codes will not print.

N = Current period info ONLY.

3. Deductions to appear as negatives:



56.14 401K Report (P063221)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select Type of Employee # to print:

'A' - Address Book

'S' - Social Security Number

'O' - Additional Employee Number

2. Select type of report required:

' ' - Current Amounts & MTD

'1' - Current Amounts & QTD

'2' - Current Amounts & YTD

'3' - Monthly Amounts & QTD

'4' - Monthly Amounts & YTD

'5' - Quarterly Amounts & YTD

3. Deductions to appear as negatives:

'1' = Yes

' ' = No

(Dflt = ' ')

4. DBA codes to be listed separately:

'1' = Yes

' ' = No

(Dflt = ' ')


56.15 Investment Report (P063251)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the type of Detail you wish to print on the report.

P = Pay Period Detail

M = Monthly Detail

Q = Quarterly Detail

A = Annual Detail

2. Enter Employee Deduction Code.  
3. Enter DBA Code ranges to be used for Employee Investments:

Fixed Inv. - Range 1 from Type

" " thru "

Range 2 from "

" " thru "

Equity Inv.- Range 1 from Type

" " thru "

Range 2 from "

" " thru "

4. Enter the Basic Benefit Code.  
5. Enter DBA code ranges to be used for Employer Matching Inv.

Fixed Inv. - Range 1 from Type

" " thru "

Range 2 from "

" " thru "

Equity Inv.- Range 1 from Type

" " thru " (More)

Range 2 from "

" " thru "

6. Employee Investments will appear as negatives.

1 = Yes

' ' = No

(dflt = ' ')

7. Enter the Employee Number to print:

A = Address Book

S = Social Security Number

O = Third Employee Number


56.16 Time & Pay Entry Register (P063002)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1) Enter type of Time Cards that you wish to print:

L = Labor Time Cards

R = Recharge Time Cards

E = Equipment Time Cards

2) If 'L', enter Employee Number you wish to print:

A = Address Book Number

S = Social Security Number

O = Third Employee Number

3) Print the General Ledgers Account Number: (Y/N)


56.17 PDBA History by Company (P06415)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1) Enter Fiscal Year

2) Enter Thru Period Number

3) Enter the Company Number (Blank defaults to all companies)

4) Show hours on the Report (Y/N)

Note: This report is designed to print on a 198 column printer. An alternative is to print the report on a laser printer so that all columns may be displayed.


56.18 PDBA History by Employee (P064151)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Specify the thru calendar quarter for this payroll report.

'1' = 1st Calendar Quarter

'2' = 2nd " "

'3' = 3rd " "

'4' = 4th " "

Default = '1'

2. Enter the employee number you wish to print.

(Default = 'A')

A = Address Book Number

S = Social Security Number

O = Third Employee Number

Note: This report is designed to print on a 198 column printer. An alternative is to print the report on a laser printer so that all columns may be displayed.


56.19 Paycheck History Detail (P063181)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the employee number you wish to print.

A = Address Book Number

S = Social Security Number

O = Third Employee Number

2. Enter the beginning date to be processed.  
3. Enter ending date to be processed.  

56.20 Analysis of Hours Report - Address Book Number (P063271)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a two digit month.

If left blank the system will use the current month.

2. Enter the type of employee number to print.

A = Address Book Number (Default)

S = Social Security Number

O = Third Employee Number


56.21 Benefit Accrual Roster (P064501)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the FROM date for the range.  
2. Enter the THRU date for the range.  
3. Enter a '1' to process fiscal and anniversary history.

A blank will process payroll month history.

4. Select the Employee Number to print:

A = Address Book

S = Social Security

O = Third Employee

5. Enter a '1' to process vacation and sick benefits/accruals ONLY.  
6. Enter a '1' to have vacation and sick dollar amounts printed on the report.

Note: Dollars will not be printed for benefits/accruals that use certain table methods, regardless of whether there is a '1' in this processing option. See program helps for a list of these methods.

7. Enter a '1' to print the amount over limit.  
8. Enter the DBA codes to process or leave blank to process all.  
9. Enter a '1' to print current dollars or leave this processing option blank (' ') to print historical dollars.  
10. Enter a '1' to print the vacation and sick hour amounts as days.

(Processing option 5 must be set to '1'.)


56.22 YTD Balances - Leave with Dock Pay (P060932)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to display Payroll Month history (F06146).

The default is to display history for the fiscal or anniversary year when it exists (F06147).


56.23 Business Unit Tip Allocation by EE (P066302)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the Employee Number you wish to Print.

A = Employee Number (Default)

S = Social Security Number

2. Select the type of 'Sales' you wish to print on report.

' ' = Cash + Charge (Default)

'1' = Cash + Charge + Other

'2' = Cash + Charge + Other + Service

3. Enter the range of the Pay Period:



4. Enter the date range for gross sales.

No. Summ records from Jan 01 to present No. Alloc one pay period.




56.24 Establishment Summary Report - Tips (P066304)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the 'From' date for the report.  
2. Enter the 'Thru' date for the report.  
3. For Gross Calculation Enter:

"1" = Cash + Charge

"2" = Cash + Charge + Other

"3" = Cash + Charge + Service + Other


56.25 Tip FICA Credit Generation (P066110)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the range of Pay Period End Dates that you require.

From Date:

Thru Date:

2. Enter the current Federal Minimum

Hourly Rate. i.e. 4.25

3. Enter the current FICA tax rate. i.e. 7.65  

56.26 Form 8027 - Federal Tip Report (P066027)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the year for which the report is to be processed. (2 characters)  
2. Enter "1" if the allocation of tips is based on good faith agreement.

Default is blank.

3. Enter the title of the person who will sign this report (15 characters)  
4. Enter the date you want to print next to the signer's title.  
5. Enter "1" for Final Return or "0" for Amended.

Default = "1"

6. Enter the company number that will represent the Corporate Headquarters address.  
7. Enter "1" if Tip Allocation is run other than calendar year.  
8. For Gross Calculation Enter:

"1" = Cash + Charge

"2" = Cash + Charge + Other

"3" = Cash + Charge + Service + Other

9. If tip allocation is based on hours- worked method, enter the number of days the business was open during the Calendar Year.

NOTE: The total hours for the Cost Center will be divided by the number of days the business was open to derive the average number of employee hours worked per business day during the payroll period.

10. Enter a "1" to combine charge tips and charge receipts in box 2.  

56.27 Employee Tip History (P06640)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the range of pay periods to be included in this Report:



2. To summarize pay period information at the monthly level select a '1'.  
3. To summarize employee history select a '1'.  
4. Print tip hours Information select a '1'.  

56.28 Business Unit Tip History Report (P06641)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the range of pay periods to be included in this Report:



2. To summarize pay period information at the monthly level enter a '1'. (1 / blanks)  
3. To summarize employee history enter a '1'. (1 / blanks)  

56.29 Sales Information Report (P066350)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter the range of pay periods to be included in this Report:



To print a summary page select a 'Y'.(Y/N):


56.30 Holiday Exception Report (P063401)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the range of pay periods to be included in this Report:



2. Minimum number of hours to be worked to qualify for Holiday pay:  
3. Holiday Exception codes to be used:

Less than 'Minimum Hours' worked


56.31 Print Employee Timesheets (P066371)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Pay Period End Date for which the report is to cover.  
2. Enter a '1' to include all pay rates or '0' to use Employee Master rates.

( Default = 1 )

3. For Employee Display Format enter:

'A' = Employee Number

'S' = Employee SSN

'O' = Other Employee Number