63 Earnings Information Setup Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

63.1 Pay Grade/Salary Range Information (P082001)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a "Skip to" query name to be used when the World Writer versions list function key is pressed to call the World Writer versions list.

Blank will display the entire list for Wages and Salary World Writers, (Grp Q082).

2. Enter a '1' to allow the effective dates in the subfile to change by changing the effective date in the header of the video.  

63.2 Pay Grade/Step WW (P082003)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a "Skip to" query name to be used when the World Writer versions list function key is pressed to call the World Writer versions list.

Blank will display the entire list for Wages and Salary World Writers, (Grp Q082).

2. Enter a '1' to allow the effective dates in the subfile to change by changing the effective date in the header of the video.  

63.3 Payroll Pay/Earnings Types (P06911P)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. To print general Pay/Earnings Types information, enter '1'.  
2. To print Tax Exempt Info, enter '1'.