62 General Setup Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

62.1 Business Unit Constants (P069051)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to display Tip Information.

'0' is the default and will not display Tip Information.


62.2 Business Unit Constants Print (P06905P)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter 'Y' if you wish to print the full address of the business units.

(Default value is 'N')

2. Enter 'Y' if you wish to print the 'Tip Information' for the business units.

(Default value is 'N')


62.3 Print Master Pay Cycle (P06906P)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Pay Cycle Code desired for report.

Default of blanks is all codes.

2. Enter the year desired for the report.

Default of blanks is all years. i.e. 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, etc.


62.4 Payroll Register (P063012)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter 'Y' to print Employee Address.

Default of blank will not print Addr.

2. Enter Employee Identification option.

blank = Address book & SSN

2 = Social Security Number Only

3 = Additional EE Number & SSN

4 = Address book Only

Hide Paycheck Transparency Weekly Detail Stub Lines

Default if blank is show weekly detail stub lines

1 = Hide Weekly Detail


62.5 Summary Payroll Register (P063013)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter Employee Number you wish to print:

A = Address Book Number

S = Social Security Number

O = Third Employee Number

Enter the Maximum Net Pay:

Default is (10,000)


62.6 Time and Pay Entry Journal (P06305)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
For weekly employees enter

minimum hours:

maximum hours:

For biweekly employees enter

minimum hours:

maximum hours:

For semimonthly employees enter

minimum hours:

maximum hours:

For monthly employees enter

minimum hours:

maximum hours:

Enter the maximum allowable pay rate:

Enter the minimum allowable pay rate:

Enter the minimum allowable Vacation hours available:

Enter the minimum allowable Sick hours available:

Enter 'Y' to print additional Time Card data:


62.7 Workers Compensation Register (P063601)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Which Employee No. do you wish to appear on the report:

A - Address Book

S - Social Security No.

O - Third Employee No.


62.8 General Liability Insurance Register (P063651)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Which Employee No. do you wish to appear on the report:

A - Address Book

S - Social Security No.

O - Third Employee No.


62.9 DBA Register (P063062)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Select the Employee Number to print.

A - Address Book Number

S - Social Security Number

O - Third Employee Number

Print the payee's address. (Y/N)


62.10 Wage Attachment History Report by Payee (P06344)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the sequence you wish to print.

Employee No. - blank

Payee Number - 0

Obligee No. - 1

2. Enter the type of Wage Attachments to be printed.

All Types - blank

Garnishments - G

Tax Levies - L

Loan Payments - K

Child Support - C

3. Select a '1' if you wish to print detail.

(Yes = 1)

Leave blank for No.

4. Enter a '1' if you wish to print 'Ledger' Trans.  

62.11 Time & Pay Entry Register (P063002)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1) Enter type of Time Cards that you wish to print:

L = Labor Time Cards

R = Recharge Time Cards

E = Equipment Time Cards

2) If 'L', enter Employee Number you wish to print:

A = Address Book Number

S = Social Security Number

O = Third Employee Number

3) Print the General Ledgers Account Number: (Y/N)


62.12 Print Checks (P06231)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the program name that translates check amounts from numbers to words.

(See User Defined Codes, system code 98, record type "CT" for program numbers.)

2. Enter 'N' to OMIT printing of company name and address on payroll checks.

Enter 'Y' to print company name only.

Enter 'A' to print company name and address.

(Default of blank will OMIT printing of company name or address.)

3. Enter company number to use for printing a single company's name and (optionally) address.

(Default of blank will use the employee's Home Company to fulfill processing option 2 above's print instructions.)

4. Enter Employee Number Identification option:

blank = Address book No.

2 = Social Security No.

3 = Third Employee No.

5. Enter the value 'Y' to only print the last (4) position of the Employee SSN number on the Check. The remaining positions will be loaded with the value 'X'.

Example" 123456789 will display as XXXXX6789.

Default value will be "N".


62.13 Auto Deposit (P06233)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter 'N' to OMIT printing of company name and address on payroll checks.

Enter 'Y' to print company name only.

Enter 'A' to print company name and address.

(Default of blank will OMIT printing of company name or address.)

2. Enter company number to use for printing a single company's name and (optionally) address.

(Default of blank will use the employee's Home Company.)

3. Enter Employee Number Identification option:

blank = Address book No.

2 = Social Security No.

3 = Third Employee No.

4. Select option #4 to only print the last four digits of employee bank account number on Auto Deposit Check Stub.

Example: 12345678 will print ****5678

Enter value

Y = Yes

blanks = No

Default will be blanks = No.

5. Enter the value "Y" to only print the last (4) Positions of the Employee SSN number on the check. The remaining positions will be loaded with the value "X".

Example '123456789' will display as XXXXX6789

Default option value will be 'N'


62.14 Cash Pay Slips (P06235)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter 'N' to OMIT printing of company name and address on payroll checks.

Enter 'Y' to print company name only.

Enter 'A' to print company name and address.

(Default of blank will OMIT printing of company name or address.)

2. Enter company number to use for printing a single company's name and (optionally) address.

(Default of blank will use the employee's Home Company.)

3. Enter Employee Number Identification option:

blank = Address book No.

2 = Social Security No.

3 = Third Employee No.


62.15 PR Check Register (P06238)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to print employee name on the Net Pay Instr. Register.

Default of blank will NOT print name.

2. Enter Employee Number to print option

A = Address Book

S = Social Security Number

O = Third Employee Number Default of blank will use Address Book number.

3. Enter 'Y' to print full address.

Default of blank will NOT print address.

4. Enter 'Y' to print individual account deposits for auto deposits.

Default of blank will NOT print individual deposits.


62.16 Employee Profile Data - Copy/Move (P080840)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Type of Data the information will be copied FROM.  
2. Enter the Type of Data the information will be copied TO.  
3. Enter '1' if you want to delete the Original FROM data after copying.

(Default of blank will copy without deleting the Original FROM Data).

4. Enter '1' if you want to overwrite the existing TO rcds with the FROM information.

(Default of Blank will not overwrite existing TO rcds).


62.17 Initialize History - Include all Active EE (P080810)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a date to be used as the Effective Date for all history records.

Default of blank will use the date when each employee record was last changed.

When you run the initialize program, JD Edwards World recommends that you enter an effective date in this processing option. The effective date should be a day prior to the date of your first date for reporting turnover. The system considers employees active as of the initialize effective date.
2. Choose what files to initialize given the choices below:

H = Initialize History only

T = Initialize Turnover only

B = Initialize History and Turnover

3. To clear records from the indicated file(s) before initialization, enter one of the following values:

1 = Clear the entire selected file(s)

2 = Clear History/Turnover records for the selected employees only

Default of blank will not clear any records.

4. Enter a change reason for initial turnover and history records. A blank will default a change reason of'001' New Hire for turnover records and the window value for the history records.

(F1 will display allowed values.)

Enter a numeric change reason code in this processing option.

62.18 Contract/Calendar Master (P08930)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' if you would like Saturday and Sunday to be included as a work day with a Day Value of 1.0.  
2. If JD Edwards payroll is installed enter the last payroll period end date.

This is used to prevent calendar changes on days that have already been paid which would cause a loss of data integrity.

If left blank the system date will be used.

3. Enter the version of form P08936 to use when Recalculate Contract/Calendar Salary (P08936) is executed.  

62.19 Recalculate Contract/Calendar Salary (P08936)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Contract/Calendar to process.  
2. If switching the employees attached to the Calendar entered in 1, enter the name of the new Calendar.  
3. Enter the number of periods left to pay.  
4. Enter a '2' to perform the file updates.

Leave mode as '1' to print a proof report.

5. Enter a '1' to change retrieve salary paid before change. This must be blank if switching calendars.  
6. If a To Calendar (PO number 2) is not entered an effective date may be entered. Enter an effective date if you want the effective date to be greater than the calendar start date.

See the help text for more info.

You can enter an effective date only if you are not transferring employee records to a new contract calendar. The effective date that you enter must be greater than the start date for the contract calendar. If you enter an effective date that is less than the start date for the calendar, the system uses the calendar start date as the effective date. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses either the system date or the start date for the calendar. whichever is greater.
7. Enter the change reason.  
8. Enter a '1' to change all attached calendars to have a record type of 'O' for omitted.