60 Payroll History Integrity Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

60.1 Tax History Integrity Report (P067011)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select report processing mode.

N = Print errors on report only.

Y = Print errors on report and correct by UPDATING the Tax History File.

2. If you wish to DELETE Tax History records whose "Company", "Tax Area", and "Tax Type" have no corresponding entry in the Corporate Tax ID file.

(Read documentation carefully.)

N = Do NOT Delete


3. Social Security annual wage limit:

Tax rate for Social Security:

(employee paid)

Tax rate for Social Security:

(employer paid)

4. Enter Tax rate for Medicare:  
5. Railroad Tier I annual wage limit:

Tax rate for Railroad Tier I:

6. Railroad Tier II annual wage limit:

Tax rate for Railroad Tier II:

7. Enter Error Codes you DO NOT wish to print or leave these fields blank to print ALL errors. Error codes must be entered as 0101, 0102, 0103, etc.

DO NOT print the following errors:











60.2 PDBA Integrity Report (P067021)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select report processing mode.

N = Print errors on report only.

Y = Print errors on report and correct by UPDATING the file.

2. Enter Error Codes you DO NOT wish to print or leave these fields blank to print ALL errors.

Error codes must be entered as 0101, 0102, 0103, etc.

DO NOT print the following errors:






60.3 Calendar Month DBA Integrity (F06145) (P067031)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the report processing mode.

N = Print errors on the report only.

Y = Print errors on the report and correct by UPDATING the file.

2. Enter Error Codes you DO NOT wish to print or leave these fields blank to print ALL errors. Error codes must be entered as 0101, 0102, 0103, etc.

DO NOT print the following errors:






60.4 Payroll History Audit Report (P06703)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Year & Month for Audit Report

Year (2014) :

Month (01-12) :

2. Perform Basic History Audit (Y/N):

F06136 to F06166

F06145 to F0619

F06146 to F0618 & F0619

3. Perform Paycheck History Audit (Y/N):

F06156 to F06166 " to F0618 " to F0619

4. Process ONE company or ALL.

Leave the processing option blank if you want to process all companies or enter the five (5) character company number.


60.5 Final Update Integrity Report (P06705)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the type of employee number to print.

A = Address Book Number (Default)

S = Social Security Number

O = Other (Third) Employee Number


60.6 Stock Leave Banks (P063904)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the accrual number of the first Leave bank.  
2. Enter the amount to stock for the first Leave bank.  
3. Enter the accrual number of the second Leave bank.  
4. Enter the amount to stock for the second Leave bank.  
5. Enter the accrual number of the third Leave bank.  
6. Enter the amount to stock for the third Leave bank.  
7. Enter the accrual number of the fourth Leave bank.  
8. Enter the amount to stock for the fourth leave bank.  
9. Enter the accrual number of the fifth Leave bank.  
10. Enter the amount to stock for the fifth Leave bank.  
11. Enter the accrual number of the sixth Leave bank.  
12. Enter the amount to stock for the sixth Leave bank.  
13. Enter the accrual number of the seventh Leave bank.  
14. Enter the amount to stock for the seventh Leave bank.  
15. Enter the accrual number of the eighth Leave bank.  
16. Enter the amount to stock for the eighth leave bank.  
17. Enter the accrual number of the ninth Leave bank.  
18. Enter the amount to stock for the ninth Leave bank.  
19. Enter the accrual number of the tenth Leave bank.  
20. Enter the amount to stock for the tenth Leave bank.  
21. Enter the Fiscal Year Ending Date of the year you wish to stock.

Note: This date will be used to update the fiscal/Anniversary file (F06147) and the month will be used to update the Payroll month file (F06146).

All of the DBAs must be set as FISC date DBAs and the date must be the last date of the fiscal year you wish to stock.

22. Enter the year end date. If no date is entered in P.O. #21, then it will be assumed you are not using Fiscal date for processing and just the Payroll Month file (F06146) will be updated using the date you enter here or the system date if left blank.  
23. Enter '1' if you want this report to be produced by SS# or leave this field *BLANK if you want this report to be produced by Address book #.  

60.7 Repost Tax Ledger to Tax Summary F06136 (P06166)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Provide the Following Information for "Reposting" the Tax Ledger Records:  
1. Enter up to ten (10) Tax Areas to repost:











2. Enter up to ten (10) Tax Types to repost:











3. Enter the Year to repost:  
4. Enter the Month to repost:


5. If desired, enter a specific employee, or leave blank to repost all employees:  

60.8 Repost Pay Types to Payroll Month F06146 (P06146A)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter the YEAR to be reposted.  
1. History records for the year selected will be initialized for all employees processed. THEREFORE, if you select a year make sure that you also select records in F0618 for the same year when setting up your DREAM Writer specification.  
2. If you wish to process all years for which data exits in the F0618 file leave the "YEAR" field blank.  

60.9 Repost DBAs to Payroll Month F06146 (P06146)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter the YEAR to be reposted.  
1. History records for the year selected will be initialized for all employees processed. THEREFORE, if you select a year make sure that you also enter a corresponding range for CHECK DATE in the Dream Writer Data Selections.  
2. If you wish to process all years for which data exists in the F0619 file leave the "YEAR" field blank and enter *ALL in the value for CHECK DATE in the DREAM Writer Data Selections.  

60.10 Repost DBAs to Calendar Month F06145 (P06145)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter the YEAR to be reposted.  
1. History records for the year selected will be initialized for all employees processed. If you select a year make sure you also enter a corresponding range for WORK DATE in the DREAM Writer Data Selections.  
2. If you wish to process all years for which data exists in the F0619 file leave the "YEAR" field blank and enter *ALL in the value for WORK DATE in the DREAM Writer Data Selections.  

60.11 Repost DBAs to Fiscal and Anniversary (P06147A)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the YEAR to be reposted.