D Field Derivations for the F4812

The following table shows the source of the information for each field in the Billing Workfile (F4812). For many fields, the source depends on specific conditions and other retrieval information.

Use the following list of table IDs and names to identify the sources specified in the table.

WDAA (Amount) Default GLAA / F0911
GLDCT (Document Type) field in the F0911 record contains T2. YTGPA (Gross Pay) / F0618 orF06116
GLDCT field in the F0911 record contains T2. The transaction relates to a burden reconciliation. J#BDA (Burden Amount) / F06116
GLDCT field in the F0911 record contains T4. YTRCPY (Recharge Amount) / F0618 or F06116
GLDCT field in the F0911 record contains T5. YTEQGR (Equipment Gross) / F0618 or F06116
WDAA2 (Amount) This field is currently not active.  
WDACL0 (Rate Group) GLASID (Serial Number) field in the F0911 record is not blank. FAACL0 / F1201
WDADCI (Invoice Markup Amount) WQGTYP (Generation Type) field in the F48096 record contains 1. WQAA (Amount) / F48096
WDADCR (Revenue Markup) WQGTYP (Generation Type) field in the F48096 record contains 2. WQAA (Amount) / F48096
WDAGS (Suspend Aging) WDAGS  
WDAID (Account ID) Default. GLAID / F0911
The billing transaction is for burden. GMAID (Short Account ID) for the burden account / F0901
WDAID5 (Account ID) Contract Billing.

G6ACCO (Account Override Flag) field in the F5202 record is blank.

G6MCU, G6OBJ, and G6SUB (Business Unit, Object, and Subsidiary) / F5202
WDAID6 (Account ID) This field is currently not active.  
WDAN8 (Address Number) Default. GLAID / F0911
GLDCT (Document Type) field in the F0911 record contains T2, T4, or T5. YTAN8 / F0618 or F06116
WDAN8O (Customer/Receivable Address Number) Default

GLMCU (Business Unit) field in the F0911 record.

MCAN80 for the related business unit / F0006
GLSBL (Subledger) field in the F0911 record is not blank.

GLSBLT (Subledger Type) field in the F0911 record contains W.

WZCNBS (Customer Number Basis) field in the F48091 record contains 1.

WAAN8 (Address Number) for the related subledger / F4801
Contract Billing. G4AN80 / F5201
WDAREX (Accounts Receivable) WDAREX / F4812  
WDBCI (Billing Control ID) Automatically assigned with the Next Numbers facility (system 48. index 02)  
WDBDPN (Burden Pending) Automatically assigned  
WDBLKK (Block of Composite Key) Automatically assigned  
WDBRT (Revenue Rate) WQGTYP (Generation Type) field in the F48096 record contains 2. WQBRT (Billing Rate) / F48096
WDBRTI (Invoice Rate) WQGTYP field in the F48096 record contains 1. WQBRT / F48096
WDBTOL (Total Billed Amount) Automatically calculated  
WDCAP (Cap or Override Rate) WQGTYP (Generation Type) field in the F48096 record contains 2. WQCAP / F48096
WDCAPI (Cap or Override Rate) WQGTYP field in the F48096 record contains 1. WQCAP / F48096
WDCBLC (Coding Block Change) Automatically assigned  
WDCCOD (Component Code) AFCCOD / F4860  
WDCCR (Component Cost Rate Table) WQCCR field in the F48096 record is not blank. WQCCR / F48096
WDCIDS (Foreign Invoice Discount) This field is currently not active.  
WDCINR (Component Invoice Rate Table) WQCINR field in the F48096 record is not blank. WQCINR / F48096
WDCITA (Foreign Invoice Taxable Amount) This field is currently not active.  
WDCITL (Foreign Invoice Amount) This field is currently not active.  
WDCITX (Foreign Invoice Tax) This field is currently not active.  
WDCLNK (Component Link) Automatically assigned  
WDCO (Company) GLCO / F0911  
WDCOCH (Contract Change Order Number) Contract Billing. G5COCH / F5212
WDCRCD (Currency Code) GLCO (Company) field in the F0911 record. CCCRCD related to the company / F0010
WDCRCE (Currency Code) This field is currently not active.  
WDCRCF (Currency Code) Billing Currency CRCD/F0301, CRCF/F5202  
WDCRR (Exchange Rate) Automatically assigned  
WDCRRD (Exchange Rate - Divisior) Automatically assigned  
WDCRRM (Mode F) Automatically assigned CRRM/F5202  
WDCRVR (Component Revenue Rate) WQGTYP (Generation Type) field in the F48096 record contains 2. WQCRVR / F48096
WDCTRY (Century) GLCTRY / F0911  
WDDAGO (Age Override Date - B) WDDAGO  
WDDC (Description -Compr) YTAN8 (Address Number) field in either the F0618 or F06116 record. ABDC / F0101
WDDCP (Discount Percent) WDAN80 (Customer/Receivable Address Number) field in the F4812 record. ABATR (Receivable Y/N) field in the F0101 contains Y. PMDCP / F0014
WDDCT (Document Type) GLDCT / F0911  
WDDCTI (Document Type) Contract Billing. Processing option for the Invoice Generation program (P52800)
Service Billing. Processing option for the Invoice Generation program (P48121)
WDDCTO (Order Type) Contract Billing. G5DCTO / F5212
WDDEJ (Date Entered) Automatically assigned  
WDDGJ (G/L Date) This field is currently not active.  
WDDGL (G/L Date) GLDGJ (G/L Date) / F0911  
WDDI (Invoice Date) GLICUT (Batch Type) field in the F0911 record contains V or W. RPDGJ (G/L Date) / F0411 or RPDIVJ (Invoice Date) / F0411
WDDOC (Document Number) GLDOC / F0911  
WDDOCM (Payment/ Item Number) This field is currently not active.  
WDDOCO (Order Number) Contract Billing. G5DOCO / F5212
WDDOCZ (Order Number) Automatically assigned with the Next Numbers facility (system 03- index 01)  
GLICUT field contains V. RPDSVJ / F0411  
GLDSVJ and RPDSVJ fields are blank. GLICUT field contains O. The F4111LC file exists. ILTRDJ (Order Date) / F4111  
WDDWNL (Download Flag) Automatically assigned  
WDEBAS (Date -Effectivity Basis) WZEBAS field in the F48091 record contains 1. GLDGL (G/L Date) / F0911
WZEBAS field contains 2. GLDSVJ (Service/Tax Date) / F0911
WDELGC (Eligibility Code) Default.

GLMCU, GLOBJ, and GLSUB (Business Unit, Object Account, and Subsidiary) fields in the F0911 record.

GMBILL (Billable - Y/N) / F0901

J#MCU, J#OBJ, and J#SUB (Business Unit, Object Account, and Subsidiary) fields in the F0624 record.

GMBILL / F0901
WZPRRR (Journal Generation Control) field in the F48091 record contains 3 or 4. GMBILL field in the F0901 record contains 1, 2, 3, or 4. GMBILL / F0901
WZPRRR field contains 3 or 4. GMBILL / F0901
WZPRRR field in the F48091 record does not contain 3 or 4. WZPRRR / F48091
WDEQCG (Equipment Worked) GLDCT (Document Type) field in the F0911 record contains TE. GLASID (Serial Number) / F0911
GLDCT field contains T5. YTEQCG / F0618 or F06116
GLDCT field does not contain TE, T2, T4, or T5. Blank
WDEQWO (Equipment Worked On) GLDCT field contains TE. Blank
GLDCT field contains T5. YTEQWO / F0618 or F06116
GLDCT field does not contain TE, T2, T4, or T5. GLASID (Serial Number) / F0911
WDERC (Equipment Rate Code) GLDCT field contains TE. GLALTY (ID Type) / F0911
GLDCT field contains T5. YTERC / F0618 or F06116
GLDCT field does not contain TE, T2, T4, or T5. Blank
WDEXA (Explanation -Name A) Default. GLEXA / F0911
GLDCT field contains T2, T4, or T5. YTAN8 (Address Number) field in either the F0618 or F06116 record. ABALPH (Alpha Name) / F0101
WDEXR (Explanation - Remark) WQEXR field in the F48096 record is blank. GLDCT field does not contain T2, T4, or T5. GLEXR / F0911
WQEXR field in the F48096 record is blank. GLDCT field contains T2, T4, or T5. YTEXR / F0618 or F06116
WQEXR field in the F48096 record is not blank. WQEXR / F48096
Burden. Of the following conditions, the one that the system finds first determines the source:

A) J#FRTY (Fringe Type) field in the F0624 record contains FB.

B) J#PTAX (Tax Type) field in the F0624 record is not blank.

C) J#PDBA (PDBA Code) field in the F0624 record is greater than zero. YCDL01 field in the F069116 record is not blank. YCDL01 field in the F069116 record is blank.

DRDL01 (Description) related to the fringe type / F0005

DRDL01 related to the tax type / F0005

YCDL01 / F069116

YCEXA (Explanation - Name A) / F069116

WDEXR1 (Tax Explanation Code) Contract Billing G4EXR1 / F5201
Service Billing. WOEXR1 / F48127 MCEXR1 / F0006 A5EXR1 / F0301
WDFRTN (Foreign Retainage) This field is currently not active.  
WDFTOL (Foreign Total Billed) This field is currently not active.  
WDFY (Fiscal Year) GLFY / F0911  
WDGLC (G/L Offset) G6GLC / F5202 (Contract Billing)

WIGLC / F48128 (Service Billing)

WDHDCB (Hold Contract Billing)

WDHDCB (Hold Contract Billing)

WDHLD (Hold Code)

Automatically assigned (based on Address Book Control Revisions)

Automatically assigned (based on Address Book Control Revisions)


WDHMCU (Home Business Unit) Default. GLHMCU / F0911
GLHMCU is blank. GLDCT (Document Type) field in the F0911 record does not contain T2, T4, or T5.

GLMCU field is blank. GLASID (Serial Number) field in the F0911 record.

FAMCU (Business Unit) related to the serial number / F1201  
GLHMCU is blank. GLICUT (Batch Type) field in the F0911 record contains N. GLDOC, GLDCT, GLKCO, and GLDGL (Document Number, Type, Company, and G/L Date) fields in the F0911 record. ILMCU / F4111  
GLHMCU is blank. GLICUT field contains either V or W. GLDOC, GLDCT, and GLKCO fields. RPMCU / F0411  
GLHMCU is blank. GLICUT field contains 0. GLPO, GLPDCT, GLKCO, GLPSFX, and GLLNID (P.O. Number, Document Type, Company, Suffix, and Line Number) fields in the F0911 record. PDMCU / F4311  
GLHMCU is blank. GLICUT field contains G. GLMCU in the F0911 record. MCMCUS (Project Number) / F0006  
GLDCT contains T2, T4, or T5. YTHMCU / F0618 or F06116  
WDICU (Batch Number) Automatically assigned with the Next Numbers facility (system 00. index 01)  
WDICUA (Active Batch Number) Automatically assigned with the Next Numbers facility (system 00. index 01)  
WDICUJ (Revenue Batch Number) Automatically assigned with the Next Numbers facility (system 00. index 01)  
WDIDSC (Invoice Discount Amt) Automatically assigned  
WDIJST (Invoice Journal Status) Automatically assigned  
WDITAM (Invoice Tax) Automatically calculated  
WDITOL (Total Invoiced Amount) Automatically calculated  
WDITXA (Invoice Taxable Amount) Automatically calculated  
WDIVD (Invoice Date) Automatically assigned  
WDJBCD (Job Type) GLDCT (Document Type) field in the F0911 record does not contain T2, T4, or T5. GLJBCD / F0911
GLDCT field contains T2, T4, or T5. YTJBCD / F0618 or F06116
WDJBST (Job Step) GLDCT field does not contain T2, T4, or T5. GLJBST / F0911
GLDCT field contains T2, T4, or T5. YTJBST / F0618 or F06116
WDJELN (Journal Entry Line Number) GLJELN / F0911  
WDJMCU (Host Business Unit) Default. MCMCUS (Project Number) / F0006
Contract Billing.

GLDCT (Document Type) field in the F0911 record contains T2, T4, or T5. G4JMCU field in the F5201 record for the contract is not blank.

A contract does not exist.

G4JMCU / F5201

MCMCUS / F0006

WDJOBN (Workstation ID) Job name from the program status data structure  
WDJRSP (Journal Status Code) Automatically assigned  
WDJRST (Journal Status Code) Automatically assigned  
WDJTAX (Journaled Tax) WDEXR1 (Tax Explanation Code) field in the F4812 record contains C, E, or V.  
WDEXR1 field does not contain C, E, or V.  
WDJTXF (Journaled Tax) This field is currently not active.  
WDKCO (Document Company) GLKCO / F0911  
WDKCOI (Document Company) Contract Billing. G5KCOO / F5212
WDKCOO (Oder Number Document Company) Contract Billing. G5KCOO / F5212
Service Billing. GLCO / F0911
WDLBAS (Date - Labor Effectivity Basis) WZLBAS field in the F48091 record contains 1.

GLDCT (Document Type) field in the F0911 record contains T2, T4, or T5.

YTDGL (G/L Date) / F0618 or F06116
WZLBAS field contains either 2 or 3.

GLDCT field contains T2, T4, or T5.

YTDWK (Work Date) / F0618 or F06116
WZLBAS field contains 4. GLDCT field contains T2, T4, or T5. YTPPED (Pay Period Ending Date) /F0618 orF06ll6
WDLNID (Line Number) Contract Billing. G5LNID / F5212
WDLSPM (Pament Completed) This field is currently not active.  
WDLSSQ (Last Sequence) Automatically assigned  
WDLT (Ledger Type) GLLT / F0911  
WDMCU (Business Unit) Default. GLMCU / F0911
Burden. J#MCU / F0624
WDOBJ (Object Account) Default. GLOBJ / F0911
Burden. J#OBJ / F0624
WDODCT (Original Document Type) GLODCT / F0911  
WDODOC (Original Document Number) GLODOC / F0911  
WDOGNO (Original Line Number) GLLNID (Line Number) / F0911  
WDOKCO (Original Order Document) GLOKCO / F0911  
WDOPIM (Contract Billing Line) Contract Billing. G5OPIM / F5212
WDOPSQ (Operations Sequence) GLOPSQ / F0911  
WDOSFX (Original Pay Item) GLOSFX / F0911  
WDPCFG (Burden Flag) Default. Blank
Burden records exist in F0624 table. Automatically assigned 1
WDPCIM (Percentage) Generation type is 1. WQPERT (Percentage) / F48096
WDPCKO (Document Company) GLPKCO (Purchase Order Document Company) / F0911  
WDPCTN (Parent Contract Number) G4PCTN / F5201  
WDPCTT (Parent Contract Type) G4PCTT / F5201  
WDPDBA (PDBA Code) Default. Blank
  GLDCT (Document Type) field in the F0911 record contains T2, T4, or T5. YTPDBA / F0618 or F06116
  Burden. J#PDBA / F0624
WDPDCT (Purchase Order Document) GLPDCT / F0911  
WDPERT (Percentage) Generation type is 2. WQPERT (Percentage) / F48096
WDPID (Program ID) Program name from the program status data structure  
WDPKCO (Purchase Order Document Company) GLPKCO / F0911  
WDPMSQ (Payment Sequence Number) This field is currently not active.  
WDPN (G/L Period Number) GLPN / F0911  
WDPO (P.O. Number) GLPO / F0911  
WDPRET (Percent Retainage) This field is currently not active.  
WDPRIC (Unit Price) Automatically calculated  
WDPRSQ (Parent Sequence Number) Automatically assigned  
WDPRTF (Printed Flag) Automatically assigned  
WDPRTR (Transaction Number) GLDCT (Document Type) field in the F0911 record contains T2, T4, or T5. YTPRTR / F0618 or F06116
WDPSFX (Purchase Oder Suffix) GLPSFX / F0911  
WDPTAX (Tax Type) Default. Blank
Burden. J#PTAX / F0624
WDPTFG (Pass-Through Invoicing) This field is currently not active.  
WDRDJ (Release Date) WDRDJ  
WDRGLC (Retention G/L Offset) WIRGLC / F48128  
WDRP11 (Category Code Oil) WDHMCU (Home Business Unit) field in the F4812 record. MCRP11 / F0006
WDRP12 (Category Code 012) WDHMCU (Home Business Unit) field in the F4812 record. MCRP12 / F0006
WDRTNG (Retainage) Automatically calculated  
WDRTPS (Retainage -Prior -) Automatically calculated  
WDR001 (Bill Item Code) Default. GMR001 for the account number in the source transaction / F0901
Burden. GMR001 for the burden account number / F0901
WDR002 (Category Code 002) Default. GMR002 for the account number in the source transaction / F0901
Burden. GMR002 for the burden account number / F0901
WDR003 (Location) Default. GMR003 for the account number in the source transaction / F0901
Burden. GMR003 for the burden account number / F0901
WDSBAR (Reason Code) WDSBAR  
WDSBL (Subledger) GLSBL / F0911  
WDSBLT (Subledger Type) GLSBLT / F0911  
WDSBL5 (Subledger) This field is currently not active.  
WDSBL6 (Subledger) This field is currently not active.  
WDSBSK (Summarization Key) Automatically assigned  
WDSBSQ (Sequence Number) Automatically assigned  
WDSBT5 (Subledger Type) This field is currently not active.  
WDSBT6 (Subledger Type) This field is currently not active.  
WDSCSQ (Secondary Sequence Number) Automatically assigned  
WDSFX (Pay Item) Automatically assigned  
WDSLNK (Split Link) Automatically assigned  
WDSTA1-WDSTA5 (Tax Authority Amount)

WDSTF1 - WDSTF5 (Foreign Tax Amount)

WDSUB (Subsidiary)

These fields are currently not active.

These fields are currently not active.


GLSUB / F0911

Burden. J#SUB / F0624
WDTBDT (Table Basis Date) WZEBAS (Date - Effectivity Basis) field in the F48091 record contains 1. GLDGL (G/L Date) / F0911
WZEBAS field contains 2. GLDSVJ (Service/Tax Date) / F0911
WDTCLS (Classification) Components (provisional burdens) Value is 0.
GLDCT (Document Type) field in the F0911 record contains either T2 or T4. Value is 1.
Burden Value is 2.
GLDCT field contains TE. Value is 3.
GLDCT field does not contain T2, T4, or T5.

A) Related records exist in both F0911 and F1201 tables. Both records have the same serial number (GLASID and FAASID, respectively).

B) GLICUT (Batch Type) field in the F0911 record contains N.

GLDOC, GLDCT, GLKCO, and GLDGL (Document Number, Type, Company, and G/L Date) fields in the F0911 record.

C) GLICUT field contains either V or W. GLDOC, GLDCT, and GLKCO fields in the F0911 record.

D) GLICUT field contains G. A related record exists in F0006 table.

Value is 3.

Value is 4.

Value is 5.

Value is 6.

None of the previous conditions are satisfied, and the GLPO (P.O. Number) field in the F0911 record is not blank. Value is 5.
WDTOG (Taxable or Gross) Contract Billing.

F4812 record contains tax rate/area and explanation codes.

Value is 1.
Service Billing.

F48127 record contains tax rate/area and explanation codes.

Value is 1.
Neither of the previous conditions exist. Blank
WDTORG (Transaction Originator)

WDTX (Purchasing Taxable)

Contract Billing.

F4812 record contains tax rate/area and explanation codes.

Automatically assigned

Value is Y.

Service Billing.

F48127 record contains tax rate/area and explanation codes.

Value is Y.
Neither of the previous conditions exist. Value is N.
WDTXA1 (Tax Rate/ Areas) Contract Billing. G4TXA1 / F5201
Service Billing. WOTXA1 / F48127
WDTYKY (Key Type) This field is currently not active.  
WDU (Units) Default. GLU / F0911
GLDCT (Document Type) field in the F0911 record contains either T2 or T4. YTPHRW (Hours Worked) / F0618 or F06116
GLDCT field contains T5. YTEQHR (Equipment Hours) /F06l8orF06ll6
WDUM (Unit of Measure) Default. GLUM / F0911
GLDCT field contains T2, T4, or T5. Automatically assigned HR
WDUPMJ (Date Updated) Automatically assigned  
WDUPMT (Time Last Updated) Automatically assigned  
WDUSER (User ID) Automatically assigned  
WDVINV (Invoice Number) GLVINV / F0911  
WDVOID (Void - V) Automatically assigned  
WDWR01 (Phase) GLWR01 / F0911  
WDWR07 (Service Type) GLSBL (Subledger) field in the F0911 record is blank. GLSBLT (Subledger type) field contains W. WAWR07 / F4801