54 Set Up Homebuilder Tax Rates

This chapter contains the topic:

54.1 Setting Up Homebuilder Tax Rates

Use the Homebuilder Tax Rates screen to set up city and state tax rates and accounts by tax area. The system uses these tax rates in the lot business unit.


From Homebuilder Management (G44H), enter 27

From Homebuilder Management Technical Operations (G44H31), choose Homebuilder Tax Rates

To set up homebuilder tax rates

  1. On Homebuilder Tax Rates, click Inquire.

    Homebuilder Tax Rates display the detail area.

    Figure 54-1 Homebuilder Tax Rates screen

    Description of Figure 54-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 54-1 Homebuilder Tax Rates screen"

  2. Perform one or both of the following and click Change.

    • To change a detail line, enter the new information over the current information.

    • To add a detail line for a different tax area, enter the information in the appropriate fields on an empty detail line.