109 E.P. Class Adjustments Listing

This chapter contains these topics:

This report, which is optional, lists the adjustment amounts to be applied to the E.P. classes in a specific billing generation. It is based on the Expense Participation Audit file (F1532) and includes information from the Expense Participation Class Adjustment file (F1531). No processing options exist for this report.

For an overview of expense participation, see Chapter 100, "Expense Participation Process" in this guide.


You do not access this report from a menu in the Real Estate Management system. A processing option for the E.P. Calculation Generation program controls whether the system prints the E.P. Class Adjustments Listing when you generate the calculations.

You can, however, access and work with the DREAM Writer versions of the report. To do this, you must manually inquire on it from the Version List screen of the DREAM Writer facility, which you access when you choose a report from a menu. To display the versions on the Version List screen, type P1535 in the Form field and press Enter.

109.1 E.P. Class Adjustments List Report

Figure 109-1 E.P. Class Adjustment List Report

Description of Figure 109-1 follows
Description of "Figure 109-1 E.P. Class Adjustment List Report"

109.2 E.P. Class Adjustments Listing Procedures

From the Version List screen of the DREAM Writer facility, you can copy or change a version of the report. For an overview of this facility, see Appendix B, "DREAM Writer Overview" in this guide.