2 Overview to Intra-Depot Stock Movements

This chapter contains these topics:

2.1 Objectives

  • To understand temperature and density conversions for bulk products

  • To understand how to account for commingled stock

  • To understand the types of intra-depot stock movements

  • To record the different types of intra-depot stock movements

  • To calculate ambient volume and weight and convert to standard volume and weight

  • To calculate and record gains and losses associated with intra-depot stock movements

2.2 About Intra-Depot Stock Movements

Intra-depot stock movements track inventory within a depot. The primary transactions, receiving new product and selling to customers, add or decrease inventory into and out of a depot.

You record an intra-depot stock movement whenever you need to account for stock that can no longer be accounted for in the location or container to which it was previously assigned.

A single intra-depot movement can be a "from" transaction, a "to" transaction, or both, and can have multiple lines for each entry. "From" transactions reduce inventory in a location. "To" transactions increase inventory in a location.

Before you can record volumes, you might need to calculate them from dip readings or weighbridge information. The system performs conversions in order to record volumes for bulk stock based on a standard temperature.

Complete the following tasks to record intra-depot stock movements:

  • Understand volume measurement and conversion

  • Understand commingled stock

  • Record intra-depot stock movements

  • Calculate volume from dip readings (optional)

  • Calculate volume from weighbridge information (optional)