25 Set Up Item Information by Depot

This chapter contains these topics:

25.1 Setting Up Item Information by Depot

As part of your bulk item setup, you must set up item information specific to a depot (branch/plant), such as stocking information, primary locations, cost methods, and pricing groups.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Setting Up Basic Item Information by Depot

  • Defining a Primary Depot Location

  • Defining Cost Methods for Bulk Items

  • Setting Up Additional Bulk Item Information

25.1.1 Before You Begin

  • Add or locate an item on the Item Master Information form. When you access Item Branch/Plant Information and specify the depot for which you want to complete item information, the item and depot you specify provides the default values for the next form or window you access.

25.2 Setting Up Basic Item Information by Depot


From Inventory Management (G41), choose Inventory Master/Transactions

From Inventory Master/Transactions (G4111), choose Item Master Information

You must set up item information, such as stocking information and pricing groups, specific to a depot. This system stores this information in the Item Branch table (F4102).

The system retrieves item information as follows:

Figure 25-1 Information Retrieval Order

Description of Figure 25-1 follows
Description of "Figure 25-1 Information Retrieval Order"

When processing transactions, the system retrieves item information specific to a depot from the Item Branch table. If none is found, the system retrieves item information from the Item Master table.

Figure 25-2 Item Master Information screen

Description of Figure 25-2 follows
Description of "Figure 25-2 Item Master Information screen"

To set up basic item information by depot

On Item Master Information

  1. Access Item Branch/Plant Information.

    Figure 25-3 Item Branch Information

    Description of Figure 25-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-3 Item Branch Information"

  2. On Item Branch Information, complete the following field:

    • Branch/Plant

  3. Complete the following optional fields specific to a branch/plant:

    • Sales Taxable

    • Purchasing Taxable

    • Margin Maintenance

    • Supplier

    • Print Message

25.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Deleting an item from Item Branch Information To delete an item from Item Branch Information, verify the following:
  • All associated balances for the item must be zero.

  • All on-hand balances, backordered quantities, and any commitments must be transferred or satisfied.

  • The Average Cost Work table (F41051) must not contain any transactions for the item and branch.

If the above requirements have been met, the system deletes the records from the following tables:

  • Cost Ledger (F4105), if the cost level is 2 or 3

  • Item Location (F41021)

  • Item Branch (F4102)

25.3 Defining a Primary Depot Location


From Inventory Management (G41), choose Inventory Master/Transactions

From Inventory Master/Transactions (G4111), choose Item Master Information

You can define a primary location and assign a lot number when you add an item branch/plant record.

To define a primary depot location

On Item Master Information

  1. Access Item Branch/Plant Information.

  2. On Item Branch Information, access Item/Location Information.

    Figure 25-4 Item/Location Information screen

    Description of Figure 25-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-4 Item/Location Information screen"

  3. On Item/Location Information, accept the information to access the Primary Location window.

    Figure 25-5 Primary Location Window

    Description of Figure 25-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-5 Primary Location Window"

  4. On the Primary Location window, complete the following fields:

    • Location

    • Lot

25.3.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Displaying the Primary Location window When you access Item Branch/Plant Information from Item Master Information, the Primary Location window only displays if you are adding a branch/plant record.
Assigning lot numbers You can assign a lot number to bulk products. However, the system will not select bulk products by lot, nor does the Bulk Load Confirm process allow you to load confirm bulk products by lot. Therefore, although you can set up bulk products by lot, you will not be able to use this information for sales transactions.

25.4 Defining Cost Methods for Bulk Items


From Inventory Management (G41), choose Inventory Master/Transactions

From Inventory Master/Transactions (G4111), choose Item Master Information

You need to define all cost methods specific to an item. You can create an unlimited number of cost methods. The system stores cost methods in the Cost Ledger table (F4105).

To define cost methods for bulk items

On Item Master Information

  1. Access Item Branch/Plant Information.

  2. On Item Branch Information, access Cost Revisions.

    Figure 25-6 Cost Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 25-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-6 Cost Revisions screen"

  3. On the Cost Revisions window, complete the following fields:

    • Sales Inventory

    • Purchasing

  4. Enter costs for each cost method in the following field:

    • Unit Cost

25.4.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Deleting cost methods If you delete the Sales/Inventory cost method, a warning appears, indicating that the inventory value will drop to zero. The system does not delete the cost record, but updates it to a zero cost.
Changing the sales/inventory cost method If you change the Sales/Inventory cost method, the system creates General Ledger and Item Ledger transactions to reflect the change.
Displaying cost methods You can set processing options to display the following formats:
  • One cost method at a time, which also displays all locations and lots for the item

  • Multiple cost methods per item

25.4.2 Processing Options

See Section 44.2, "Item Cost Revisions (P4105)".

25.5 Setting Up Additional Bulk Item Information


From Inventory Management (G41), choose Inventory Master/Transactions

From Inventory Master/Transactions (G4111), choose Item Master Information

You need to set up additional information by depot that is specific to bulk items. The information includes additional volume conversion information, automated depot processes, and blending and filling categories.

To set up additional bulk item information

On Item Master Information

  1. Access Item Branch/Plant Information.

  2. On Item Branch Information, access Bulk Depot/Product Information.

    Figure 25-7 Bulk Depot/Production Information screen

    Description of Figure 25-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 25-7 Bulk Depot/Production Information screen"

  3. On Bulk Depot/Product Information, complete one or more of the following fields or accept the default values:

    • Branch/Plant

    • Strategic Volume/Unit of Measure

    • Hydrometer Correction

    • Air Correction

    • Gantry/Load Rack Flag

    • Auto Batch Blend

    • Auto Warehouse

    • Replenishment Type

    • Blend Category

    • Fill Category

    • Reconcile

Field Explanation
Strategic Volume Identifies the government-mandated, strategic stock level assigned to the depot for a specific product. The system displays a warning message when the stock level falls below government-required minimums.
Hydrometer Correction Indicates whether this product must include the appropriate stem correction for the thermal expansion of the glass hydrometer. Valid values are:
  • Y or 1 (Yes)

  • N or 0 (No)

If you leave this field blank, the system uses N (No).

Air Correction Indicates if an air correction must be applied in the volume-to-weight conversion. The weight in air of a liquid differs from its mass (weight in a vacuum) because of the effects of air buoyancy. Thus, the calculation changes slightly if an air correction is required. Valid values are:
  • Y or 1 (Yes)

  • N or 0 (No)

If you leave this field blank, the system uses N (No).

Gantry/Load Rack Flag Indicates whether a gantry (loading rack) is used. Valid values are:
  • Y or 1 - Yes

  • N or 0 - No

If you leave this field blank, the system uses N (No).

Auto Batch Blend Indicates if this product at this depot will be used by an automated batch blending system. Valid values are:
  • Y or 1 (Yes)

  • N or 0 (No)

If you leave this field blank, the system uses N (No).

Auto Warehouse Indicates if this product at this depot will be used by an automated warehouse system. Valid values are:
  • Y or 1 (Yes)

  • N or 0 (No)

If you leave this field blank, the system uses N (No).

Replenishment Type Indicates the method of supply, for example, blended product, purchased product, or filled product. The Replenishment Type field is also used in conjunction with the blend and fill categories. A blended product requires a blend category. A filled product requires a fill category. A purchased product prevents the use of either a blend or fill category. Valid values for replenishment type are:

B = Blended products

F = Filled products

P = Purchased products

Blend Category A user defined code (system 39/type BC) that indicates the valid product groups (or categories) that can be put into a specific blending tank. It is used to specify compatible or incompatible groups for blended stock items and blending equipment (tanks).
Fill Category A user defined code (system 39/type FC) that identifies the different filling categories. Fill categories are used to specify compatible/incompatible groups for filled stock items and filling equipment. This field also identifies the different types of fillings (for example DRUM, TIN) and matches a filling of a particular stock item against the equipment (filling line) used.

25.5.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Updating the Reconciled Thru Date When you access Depot/Product Information, the system updates the Reconciled Through Date based on the Operational Reconciliations program.