6 Download Selected Trips to the Gantry

This chapter contains the topic:

6.1 Downloading Selected Trips to the Gantry


From Load and Delivery Management (G49), choose Dispatcher Activities

From Dispatcher Activities (G4911), choose Dispatcher Workbench

One method of downloading trip information to the gantry system is to select specific trips from the Dispatcher Workbench. Dispatcher Workbench allows you to search for trips at a specific status, such as "approve."

To download selected trips to the gantry

On Dispatcher Workbench

Figure 6-1 Dispatcher Workbench screen

Description of Figure 6-1 follows
Description of "Figure 6-1 Dispatcher Workbench screen"

  1. Complete the following fields based on your search criteria or accept the default values to locate trips:

    • Branch/Plant

    • Trip Status

    • Mode of Transport

    • Load Date

    • Shift

    • Dispatch Group

    • Vehicle ID

    • Carrier Number

  2. Choose the Gantry/Loading Rack Download option for the trips you select.

6.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Downloading unapproved trips You can only download approved trips to the gantry. If a trip you want to download has not been approved you must first approve the trip.
Accessing Trip Maintenance If the trip you want to download to the gantry has not been approved, you can choose the Exit into Trip Maintenance option for the selected trip. On Trip Creation/Maintenance, you can approve the trip and return to Dispatcher Workbench to proceed with the download.
Downloading a trip again If a trip has previously been downloaded, but was not received by the gantry system, you can choose the Gantry/Loading Rack Re-Download option to download it again.