61 Load and Delivery Confirmation Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

61.1 Test Results - ECS Format (P3711)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the screen format to display:

1 = Preference format

2 = Order number format

3 = ECS trip format

If left blank, the Preference format will be used.

2. Enter '1' to display data in test order.

If left blank, data will display in sample number order.

3. Enter '1' to protect Date and Time Tested.  
4. Enter '1' to protect Tester.  
5. Enter the default Address Book Number for Tester.

If left blank, Tester must be entered manually.

6. Enter '1' to use Preferred Minimum and Maximum when evaluating test results.

If left blank, Allowed Minimum and Maximum will be used.

7. Enter '1' to display Number of Samples for input.

If left blank, Number of Samples will default from either Preference Profiles or Test Definitions Master.

8. Enter the status for a failed lot.  
9. Enter the status for a passing lot.  
10. Enter the status update selection:

1 = Automatically update the status for all lot locations.

2 = Display the Location Lot Status Change window when updating the lot status.

If left blank, only the lot master lot status will be updated.

11. Enter '1' to write failed tests to the Nonconforming Product file.  

Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

12. Certificate of Analysis (P37900)  
13. Product Test Report (P37901)  
14. Trace Test Results (P37201)  
15. Enter '1' to search for existing test results by lot number.

If left blank, Preference Profiles for Quality Management will be called and new test records will be created for the current document number.

16. Enter the text copy selection:

1 = Copy Generic Text from Test Revisions (P3701).

2 = Copy Generic Text from Preference Profiles (P40300).

If left blank, text will not be copied.

17. Enter '1' to let system assign the sample number or blanks to manually assign the sample numbers.  
18. Enter '1' to let the system delete all new samples with blank results.

If left blank, system will not delete the blank test results.


61.2 Bulk Load Confirmation - Trip Based (P49510)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description

1. Enter the incoming trip status range to process.

From (Required)

To (Required)


2. Enter the incoming next order status range to process.

From (Required)

To (Required)

Note: This range is for confirmation by order only.


3. Enter screen defaults for the following fields:


Delivery date

Load date

Sales order type


4. Enter the owner number to be used as a default for tanks commingled for duty when the duty status indicates that duty is paid.

5. Enter the owner number to be used as a default for tanks commingled for duty when the duty status indicates that duty is not paid.  

6. Enter the tolerance that is allowed for the load quantity variances. The value entered here is treated as a percentage value of the loaded quantity to calculate the upper and lower limits.


Upper limit of 5 and lower of 5 Loaded qty = 1000, hence Upper = 1000 + (5% of 1000) = 1050 Lower = 1000 - (5% of 1000) = 950

Enter 1.5% as 1.5.

+ Upper Limit

- Lower Limit

7. Enter '1' to load confirm by order.

Blank will default to confirmation by trip only.

8. Enter '1' to pre-load the selection option for confirmation. Valid only in order confirmation mode.

9. Enter '1' to display the Document Selection Window for delivery documents.

10. Enter '1' to not display the contractor information.

11. Enter '1' to not print delivery documents.

Blank will automatically print the documents.

12. Enter '1' to not check for the number of seals required.

Blank will display the Seals Window if seals are required.


Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, the system uses ZJDE0001.

13. Bulk Delivery Confirmation P49710

14. Transportation Trans. Server XT49799

15. Vehicle Register Window P49310W

16. Document Print Control P49545

17. Bulk Disposition (Load and Deliver) P49715

18. Download Data Queue Interface P49570

19. Additional S/O Info-Aviation/Marine P49510A

20. Enter one of the following:

1 = To allow entry of an invoice number and/or delivery number.

2 = To default the invoice number from the order number.

3 = To default the delivery number from the order number.

4 = To default the invoice number and delivery number from the order number.

' '= Leave blank if there is not a manual invoice or delivery document to enter.

21. Enter the override manual invoice document type.

If left blank, the order's document type will be used.


22. If you are using an automated gantry, enter '1'.

If blank it means that you are not using an automated gantry.

23. If you are using an automated gantry, leave blank to not download the next trip.

A value of '1', '2', or '3' will automatically download the next trip with the following matching criteria of the confirmed trip:

1 = Vehicle, load date, and shift must match.

2 = Vehicle and load date must match.

3 = Vehicle must match and the load date must be equal to or greater than the current date.


24. Enter a Disposition Code to affect any remaining quantity not loaded.

This Processing Option is only used for Load Confirmation of Actuals.

S = Leave as shippable (Default)

B = Backorder

C = Cancel

K = Cancel the entire line


25. If the Agreement Management system is being used and the depot from which the load is being confirmed is defined as a foreign depot in the branch/plant constants, a borrow agreement is required and an Agreement Search will be performed.

Specify which destination should be used by the search program.

Enter the specific branch/plant to be used as the destination.


Enter '1' to use *ANY or enter '2' to use the user's default branch/plant.


26. Enter '1' to test based on vehicle compartment.

Enter '2', testing will be for each different customer or item.

If left blank, no Quality testing will be done.

27. Enter the version of Test Results Revisions (P3711) to call.

If left blank, version ZJDE0002 will be used when confirming load by order or ZJDE0003 will be used when confirming load by trip.

28. Enter '1' to automatically print a Certificate of Analysis following completion of the confirmation.

29. Enter the version of the Certificate Analysis Extract (P37900) to call.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.


61.3 Packaged Load Confirmation (P49530)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description

1. Enter the incoming trip status range to process.

From (Required)

To (Required)


2. Enter the incoming next order status range to process.

From (Required)

To (Required)

Note: This range is for confirmation by order only.


3. Enter screen defaults for the following fields:


Delivery date

Load date

Sales order type

Disposition code


4. Enter '1' to load confirm by order.

A blank will default to confirmation by trip only.

5. Enter '1' to pre-load the selection option for confirmation. Valid only in order confirmation mode.

6. Enter '1' to receive an error if the item location is on hold.

Blank will only issue a warning.

7. Enter '1' to display the Document.

Control window for delivery documents Valid only if option 9 is blank.

8. Enter '1' to not display the contractor information.

9. Enter '1' to not print delivery documents.

Blank will automatically print the documents.


| In the following options, if a | | version is not entered for a | | program, the default is: ZJDE0001 |

10. Enter the version of the Transportation Transaction Server to call.


11. Enter the version of the Vehicle Register window to call.



12. Enter the version of the Document Control program to call for delivery documents.


13. Enter the version of the additional information program to call for S/Os for Aviation/Marine.


14. Enter one of the following:

1 = Allow entry of an invoice number and/or delivery number.

2 = Default the invoice number from the order number.

3 = Default the delivery number from the order number.

4 = Default the invoice number and the delivery number from the order number.

' ' = Leave blank if there is not a manual invoice or delivery document to enter.

15. Enter the override manual invoice document type.

If left blank, the document type will default to the order's document type.


16. If the Agreement Management system is being used and the depot from which the load is being confirmed is defined as a foreign depot in the branch/plant constants, a borrow agreement is required and an Agreement Search will be performed.

Specify which destination should be used by the search program.

Enter the specific branch/plant to be used as the destination.


Enter '1' to use *ANY or enter '2' to use the user's default branch/plant.


17. Enter '1' for Quality testing.

If left blank, no Quality testing will be done.

18. Enter the version of Test Results Revisions (P3711) to call.

If left blank, version ZJDE0002 will be used when confirming load by order or ZJDE0003 will be used when confirming load by trip.

19. Enter '1' to automatically print a Certificate of Analysis following completion of the confirmation.

20. Enter the version of the Certificate of Analysis Extract (P37900) to call.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.


21. Enter '1' to check availability and receive a warning if lack of availability.

If left blank, no warning will be given.

22. Enter '1' to allow the item to be confirmed regardless of the On Hand Quantity.

If left blank, the location which currently has zero or negative On Hand Quantity, or if the result of the shipment will produce negative On Hand Quantity will be prevented.

23. Enter '1' to allow the shipping of a quantity that is greater than the quantity on the sales order.

If left blank, you must change the sales order and trip before shipping.

24. Enter '1' to allow load confirmation of zero quantity. The sales order line will be closed and a new line will be written according to the disposition code (order-based only).

25. Enter '1' to use 15 character lot, leave blank to default to 12 chars. (This is used when calling the Multiple Location Window.)


61.4 Batch Confirmation - By Trip (P49730)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Status Codes for Trip:

Enter the range of status codes to be selected for processing.

Trip Status Code From (Required)

Trip Status Code Thru (Required)

2. Status Codes for Sales Order:

Enter the range of status codes to be selected for processing.

Next Status Code From (Required)

Next Status Code Thru (Required)

3. Default Disposition Code.

(If the option is left blank, it will default to a C for cancel.)

S = Leave as shippable

B = Backorder

C = Cancel

K = Cancel the entire line

4. Select the default Screen Format:

' ' Trip Entry

1 Sales Order Entry

5. Enter the DREAM Writer version ID to use when calling -

Trip Maintenance (Default = ZJDE0001)

Sales Orders (Default = ZJDE0001)

Transportation Transaction Server (XT49799) (Default = ZJDE0001)

6. Enter the default depot for trip based confirmation.

(If left blank, the user's default location will be used.)

7. If you are using an automated gantry, leave blank to not download the next trip.

A value of '1', '2' or '3' will automatically download the next trip with the following matching criteria of the confirmed trip:

'1' = Vehicle, load date, and shift must match

'2' = Vehicle and load date must match

'3' = Vehicle must match and the load date must be equal to or greater than the current date

8. Enter a DREAM Writer version for the Download Data Queue Interface.

(ZJDE0001 is the default.)


61.5 Bulk Delivery Confirmation (P49710)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the incoming trip status range to process.

From (Required)

To (Required)

2. Enter the incoming next order status range to process.

From (Required)

To (Required)

NOTE: This range is for confirmation by order only.

3. Enter screen defaults for the following fields:


Delivery date

Sales order type

4. Enter a disposition code to affect any remaining quantity not delivered.

S = Leave as shippable (Default)

B = Backorder

C = Cancel

K = Cancel the entire line

5. Enter the Default Document Code for milk runs.  
6. Enter '1' to not display the contractor information.  
7. Enter '1' to prohibit delivery confirmation by order.

Blank will allow confirmation by order or trip.

8. Enter the default screen format.

' ' = Compartment Centric (default)

'1' = Order Centric


Enter the version for each program. If left blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

9. Bulk Disposition P49715  
10. Transportation Trans. Server XT49799  
11. Cash Receipts Entry P03121  
12. Trip Sheet Entry P49760  
13. Download Data Queue Interface P49570  
14. Additional Params-Aviation/Marine P49510A  
Bulk Disposition P49715  
15. If you are using an automated gantry, leave blank to not download the next trip.

A value of '1', '2', or '3' will automatically download the next trip with the following matching criteria of the confirmed trip.

'1' = Vehicle, load date, and shift must match

'2' = Vehicle and load date must match

'3' = Vehicle must match and the load date must be equal to or greater than the current date.

16. Enter '1' to default the invoice number from the order number.

' ' is the default and will not default invoice number from the order number.

17. Enter an invoice document type.

If left blank, the order's document type will be used.


61.6 Bulk Disposition (P49715)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Trip Status Range to process.

From (Required)

To (Required)

2. Enter the default depot.

If blank, it will be retrieved from the user default location.

3. Enter the default Transaction Date.

Blank = Current date

4. Enter the owners for tanks commingled for duty:

Duty Paid

Duty Not Paid

5. Enter the version ID of the Transportation Transaction Server (XT49799).  
6. Enter a default reason code for Gain/Loss.  
7. Enter '1' to default the remaining amount as left on board.  
8. Enter a default tank location.  
9. Enter '1' to have the quantity follow the options presented above.

If multiple options are filled in, the full quantity will be placed in the first non-blank option in the order listed above.

10. Enter the Range of Status Codes to be selected for processing.

Next Status Code From (Required)

Next Status Code Thru (Required)

11. Enter a Disposition Code to affect any existing order quantities not delivered.

'S' to leave as shippable

Default 'B' to Backorder

'C' to Cancel

'K' to Cancel the entire line

12. Enter '1' to NOT allow disposition of a negative quantity.

The default is blank, which allows negative quantities to be dispositioned.

13. Enter a DREAM Writer Version for the Dispatchers Workbench. P49300

(ZJDE0002 is the default.)

14. Enter a DREAM Writer Version for Sales Order Entry.

P4211 (ZJDE0009 is the default.)

15. Enter the DREAM Writer Version for the Bulk Stock Movement program called for Lot Controlled product.

(ZJDE0005 is the default.)

16. Enter the upper tolerance that is allowed for each of disposition type excluding Reason Code.

Enter 0 for a zero percentage tolerance.

If left blank, no tolerance checks will occur.


Upper limit of 5 percent.

Disposition qty = 1000, hence Upper = 1000 + (5% of 1000) = 1050

Enter 1.5% as 1.5.

+ Upper Limit

17. Enter the upper tolerance that is allowed for the sum of Disposition to Existing Sales Order, Creation of a Sales Order, Disposition to Left On Board and Disposition to Return To Tank.

Enter 0 for a zero percentage tolerance.

If left blank, no tolerance checks will occur.


Upper limit of 5 percent.

Disposition qty = 1000, hence Upper = 1000 + (5% of 1000) = 1050

Enter 1.5% as 1.5.

+ Upper Limit


61.7 Package Delivery Confirmation (P49720)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the incoming trip status range to process:

From (Required)

To (Required)

2. Enter the incoming order status range to process:

From (Required)

To (Required)

NOTE: This range is for confirmation by order only.


3. Depot

Delivery date

Sales order type

4. Enter a disposition code to affect any remaining quantity not shipped:

S = Leave as shippable (Default)

B = Backorder

C = Cancel

K = Cancel the entire line

5. Enter '1' to not display the contractor information.

6. Enter '1' to restrict delivery confirmation by order.

Blank will allow confirmation by order.


Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, the system uses ZJDE0001.

7. Transportation Transaction Server

8. Batch Cash Receipts

9. Trip Sheet Data

10. Additional S/O Info-Aviation/Marine P49510A


11. Enter '1' to default the invoice number from the order number.

' ' is the default and will not default invoice number from the order number.

12. Enter an invoice document type.

If left blank, the order's document type will be used.


61.8 Trip Sheet Entry (P49760)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description

1. Enter the default unit of measure for the odometer readings.

2. Enter trip status range to process.

From (Required)

To (Required)


61.9 Gantry Batch Download (P49578)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to only print error messages. ' ' is the default and will print transactions and error messages.  
2. Enter the number of trips you want to download.

' ' = Only download the first trip for a vehicle. (default)

'1' = Download all trips with the same vehicle, load date, and shift as the first trip for a particular vehicle.

3. Enter a range of valid Trip Statuses for download.

From Trip Status:

Thru Trip Status:

4. Enter a DREAM Writer Version for the Download Data Queue Interface.

(ZJDE0001 is the default).