54 Understand User Defined Codes for LDM

This chapter contains these topics:

54.1 About User Defined Codes for LDM

The User Defined Codes (UDCs) program allows you to establish and maintain a table that defines valid codes for various types of information. Codes are categorized by system and code type. You might need to review or revise codes.

In addition, you need to define the user defined codes for the various document types used by the system.

The following table describes the user defined codes for the Load and Delivery Management system (System 49). This table also describes codes from other system that are used by the Load and Delivery Management system.

System Description
Activity Codes (system 40/type AT) Identifies the type of activity or status.
Compartment Status (system 49/type CS) Identifies the status of the compartment.
Contract Purpose (system 49/type CP) Identifies the purpose of a contract.
Contract Status (system 49/type CU) Identifies the status of the contract. The hard-coded values are active, closed, and pending.
Contract Type (system 49/type CV) Identifies the type of contract.
Dispatch Group (system 4150/type DG) Identifies the dispatch division.
Document Print Control (system 49/type DP) Identifies the whether prenumbered forms are used for the document.
Document Print Control Run Type (system 49/type DR) Identifies the type of document.
Document Reason (system 49/type DE) Identifies the reason for the document.
Document Set (system 49/type DC) Identifies the groups of documents to be printed following load confirm. The system selects a document set based on values you specify in the Document Set (ECS) preference.
Document Status (system 49/type DS) Identifies the status of the document.
Document Type (system 00/type DT) Identifies the type of document
Equipment Type (system 49/type ET) Designates the equipment type.
Job Type (system 06/type G) Identifies the job title of an employee.
Measurement Method (system 49/type MM) Indicates the method used by the vehicle to control and measure the loading of product to its compartments.
Media Type (system 49/type MT) Identifies the type of media.
Mode of Transport (system 00/type TM) Identifies the mode of transport.
Pricing Based On Date (system 49/type DB) Identifies the date that the price is based on.
Property (system 49/type PR) Identifies the product property or attribute for testing.
Record Type (system 49/type RT) Identifies the type of record.
Registration/License Type (system 49/type RL) Indicates the authorization type, for example, general driving license, safety training certification, yard access, or land loading rack access.
Sales Catalog Subsections (system 41/type S2) Identifies the subsection of the catalog item group.
Sales Catalog Sections (system 41/type S1) Identifies the catalog item group, for example, fuels.
Shift Codes (system 00/type SH) Identifies the shift, for example, day, graveyard, and swing.
Shipping Zone (system 40/type ZN) Identifies the shipping zone (out of city) or type of shipment (same day delivery).
Stop Type (system 49/type ST) Identifies how time was spent for a stop during a trip.
Tariff Code (system 49/type TR) Identifies a unique set of freight rates that the system applies for specific customers or suppliers.
Testing Method (system 49/type TM) Identifies the testing method for on-vehicle sampling.
Trip Status (system 49/type TS) Indicates the events that have occurred to date or are yet to occur. The system has predefined status codes for such events as pending trips, approved trips, load confirmed trips, and delivery confirmed trips.
Trip Type (system 49/type TT) Identifies the type of trip. For example, you might create trip type codes for the length of a trip.
Unit of Measure (system 00/type UM) Identifies the unit of measure.
Unit of Measure Classification (system 49/type UC) Identifies the classification of the unit of measure.
Vehicle Status (system 49/type VS) Identifies the reason the vehicle is out of service, for example, scheduled routine maintenance, mechanical breakdown, and collision repair.
Vehicle Type (system 49/type VT) Identifies the vehicle type. For example, within a delivery, you might use several types of vehicles. One type might be a road vehicle with a single motorized tractor combined with a storage tank or tanks. Or, it might be a motorized tractor that is attached to one or more non-motorized trailers.

If the vehicle does not carry product (tractor or engine), and you do not require dispatch group, you should set the special handling code to N.

If the vehicle does carry product and you want to assign a dispatch group, you must assign this on the Vehicle Master form.

Work Day Calendar Type (system 42/type WD) Identifies the type of calendar, for example, depot, bank, or route.

54.2 Setting Up Special Handling Codes for Gantry

If you are using a gantry loading rack, you must set up the Special Handling Code field in the Trip Type user defined code. You must define the special handling codes Trip Type as follows:

Position Description
Position 1 - Delivery Confirm Flag blank – Indicates a normal delivery confirm for orders that you create prior to a trip.

M – Indicates a milk run for orders that you create after a trip.

D – Indicates a gantry trip that you load and delivery confirm after you complete the loading process.

Position 2 - Load Confirm Control blank – Indicates you want to schedule a load confirm.

1 – Indicates you want to confirm by loaded quantity regardless of the tolerance setting.

2 – Indicates that if loaded quantity is within tolerances, you want to confirm by actual load quantity.

3 – Indicates that if loaded quantity is within tolerances, but exceeds scheduled quantity, you want to confirm by scheduled quantity. Also indicates that if loaded quantity is within tolerances and does not exceed scheduled quantity, you want to confirm by actual load quantity.

Position 3 - Order Line Adjust at Load Confirm blank – Indicates you do not want to adjust order line quantities at load confirmation.

1 – Indicates you want to adjust order line quantities at load confirmation.

Position 4 - Document Print Override blank – Indicates you want to use a processing option to control document printing.

0 or N – Indicates you want to use this code to force a no printing condition.