47 Daily Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

47.1 Sales Order Entry (P4211)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Document Type (Required) Enter the document type relevant to this particular version of Sales Order Entry. You will likely have multiple versions of P4211 to accommodate each of the different document types you use, for example, sales orders, blanket orders, quote orders, ECS orders, and so on.
2. Line Type (Optional) Enter the line type to default to all order lines; otherwise, the system retrieves the line type from Item Branch Information (P41026) or Item Master Information (P4101) set up for the item number. You can also manually enter a line type.
3. Beginning Status (Optional)  
4. Override Next Status (Optional)  
5. Unit of Measure (Optional)  
6. Line Number Increment (Optional)  
7. Reason Code (Optional)  
8. Enter '1' to use the Pricing UOM as the default Transaction UOM.

If left blank, the Primary UOM will be used instead.


Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used:

9. Work Order Entry (P48013)  
10. WO Server for Sale Order (X4201WO)  
11. Document Type Enter the document type for new orders you create when you press F21 to copy an existing order.
12. Beginning Status Enter the Last Status for new orders you create when you press F21 to copy an existing order.
13. Enter text duplication selection

'1' to copy line text

'2' to copy line and order text

'3' to copy order text

14. Address Book default branch.

'1' - Ship To Address

'2' - Sold To Address

' ' - User default location

15. Enter '1' to automatically load header values to the detail lines after a change.

If left blank, it must be done manually.

16. Enter the Screen Format:

1 = Quantity, Item, Price

2 = Quantity, Item, Description

3 = Item, Quantity, Price

4 = ECS format

5 = Aggregates format (If left blank, format 1 is used.)

Enter a '1' to:

17. Display Headings first.  
18. Be prompted to accept the order.

Note: Two-cycle order entry is not recommended for configured items.

Set this to blank if you enter configured items. Two-cycle order entry is not valid for configured items as the configuration is recorded on the first cycle.
19. Allow the addition of a Customer Master record, if not set up. Set this to 1 to have the Customer Master screen (P01053) automatically appear when you enter a sold-to or ship-to address for which master information does not currently exist. If you don't set this option to 1, you can add an order without Customer Master information. However, the system will error on the order at Sales Update (P42800).
20. Load Online Invoice information before the order is accepted.  
21. Enter which Item Search screen is to be used to return items:

1 = Item Search window allowing the return of multiple items

2 = Full Item Search screen with Query capabilities

(If left blank, the Item Search window allowing the return of a single item will be used.)

The option you choose determines the item search screen that displays when you press F1 on the Item Number field in the detail screen. A blank in this option prompts the P40ITM1 window. Option 1 prompts the P40ITM2 window, and option 2 prompts the P41200 screen.
22. Customer Credit Checking  
23. Order Margin Checking  
24. Order Line Margin Checking  
25. Order Minimum Value Checking  
26. Order Maximum Value Checking  
27. Partial Order Hold  
28. Product Allocation Hold  
29. Enter the next status code beyond which a detail line cannot be changed.

If left blank, no restriction will be put on the changing of a line.


Enter '1' to protect or '2' to suppress

30. Cost Fields  
31. Price Fields

Enter '1' to protect the following:

32. Status Codes  
33. Price adjustment driver fields Set this to 1 to protect the following fields: Branch, Adjustment Schedule, Trade Discount, Payment Terms, Payment Instructions, and Item Price Group. The value also protects freight charge related fields including Shipping Commodity Code, Shipping Condition, Rate Code, Route, Stop and Zone.
34. Sold To field on the header

Enter a '1' to suppress the following:

35. Closed Detail Lines  
36. Credit Card Information  
37. Freight and Carrier Information  
38. Commission Information  
39. Enter the status code to select when retrieving credit orders. This option is relevant to the Credit Orders from History program (P42045).
40. Enter '1' if the previous status is the last status.

If left blank it will be the Next Status.

This option is relevant to the Credit Orders from History program (P42045).
41. Enter the Cross Reference Type for:

- Substitute Items

- Associated Items

- Replacement Items

42. Enter '1' to use the substitute item's Unit Price.

If left blank, the original item's price will be used to order the substitutes.

43. Enter '1' to suppress Kit Component lines.  
44. Enter the version of Kit Inquiry to call.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be called.

45. Enter '1' to suppress availability information in the Kit Window.  
46. Enter '1' to be notified of an automatic backorder or cancel.

Enter '2' to be notified but not create the backorder or cancel.

Enter '3' to create the backorder or cancel automatically and update the order without issuing the warning.

If left blank, no availability checking will be done.

47. Enter '1' for commitment to Other Quantity 1.

Enter '2' for commitment to Other Quantity 2.

This option is typically used in conjunction with a Blanket or Quote Order. If this option is used, the commitment preference will be ignored.

This option applies to stock items only. You set the option to 1 or 2 if you do not want the items you enter on the order to affect availability. For example, you usually do not want items on blanket orders or quote orders to affect availability.

If you leave this option blank, all stock items you enter on the order will accumulate to either the soft, hard, or future commitment buckets in the Item Balance file (F41021). If you set the option to 1 or 2, quantities accumulate to the SO Quantity 1 or SO Quantity 2 buckets. You can view cumulative quantities for an item in Detailed Availability (P41023).

When you set this option to 1 or 2, the system also updates the Other Quantity 1 or 2 fields (SDOTQY) in the Sales Order Detail file (F4211). It also prevents the system from updating the Open Order Amount (SHOTOT) in the Sales Order Header file (F4201).

If you release items from blanket or quote orders using the Release Orders program (P420111), the program assumes released orders were initially recorded to the other quantity 1 or 2 buckets.

48. Enter '1' to automatically display the Supply and Demand screen when a new sales detail line is backordered.  
49. Enter '1' to print pick slips or a '2' to print invoices through the subsystem.

Enter '3' for on-line commitment or a '4' for subsystem commitment.

Note: If ECS is on, '1' will print order-based packed loading notes through a subsystem.

Set this option to 3 to have the system automatically hard commit orders, in which case P4211 calls the Batch Commitment program (P42997) to perform the hard commitment.
50. Enter '1' for auto order repricing.  

Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used:

51. Pick Slip Print (P42520)  
52. Supply and Demand (P4021)  
53. Std Order/Basket Reprice (P421301) or Adv Order/Basket Reprice (P42750)  
54. Customer Service (P42045)  
55. Online Invoice (P42230)  
56. Preference Profile (P40400)  
57. Check Price (Advanced) (P40721)  
58. Customer Master (P01053)  
59. TM Rate & Route server PSMR9100  
60. Enter one of the following for the mode of Specification Entry.

If left blank, '2' will be used:

'1' = Text Mode

'2' = Assisted Mode

'3' = Assisted Prompt Mode

61. Enter the order type(s) that the system will use to invoke inter-branch updates.

To specify more than one order type, type them one after the other along this field.

62. Enter the transfer pricing method to be used.

Default method is 1.

1 = Branch cost mark-up

2 = Transfer pricing

63. Enter '1' to allow inter-branch invoicing.

If left blank, no inter-branch invoice can be run.

64. Enter the request processing mode:

' ' = No pick requests

'1' = Generate requests only

'2' = Generate requests and process using the subsystem

65. If processing pick requests using the subsystem, enter the DREAM Writer version to use.

If blank, XJDE0002 is used.

(See Form ID P46171.)

66. Enter an override next status for sales order lines for which requests have been generated.  
67. Enter a '1' to use the Sold-to address number for order template.

Enter a '2' to use the Ship-to address number.

If left blank, no automatic order template processing will be performed.

68. Enter the order template name.  
69. Enter '1' for automatic access to the blanket/quote release processing by Sold To address.

Enter '2' for automatic access to the blanket/quote release processing by Ship To address.

If left blank, no automatic access to the blanket/quote release processing will be performed.

70. Enter a '1' to use preference profile defaults.

If left blank, no preference profile information will be defaulted.

If you enter 1 in this field, you must also set up a corresponding version of the Preference Processing program (P40400) and attach it to processing option 56.
71. Enter a '1' to use the Inventory Commitment Preference to source from multiple branches or to view grade or potent items in the commitment window.  
72. Enter the tolerance limit percentage to warn you of currency rate changes. A 15.0 indicates a warning if the rate is 15 percent greater or less than the current rate.  
73. Enter '1' to automatically branch to load confirm when order are added.  
74. Enter the version of Bulk Load Confirm (P49510) to be used.  
75. Enter the version of Packaged Load Confirm (P49530) to be used.  
76. Enter the version of the Additional Parameters program (P49510A) to be used.  
77. Enter the version of the Trip Assignment window (P49200) to be used.  
78. Enter '1' to display Mark-for Address.  
79. Enter '1' to issue an error when the Ship Ascending Date Rule is violated.

If left blank, only a warning will be issued.

80. Enter '1' to issue a warning when an immature lot (one not yet in effect) is entered and to include immature lots in the calculation of availability.

If left blank, an error will be issued and immature lots will not be counted as available.

81. Enter '1' to submit a batch job upon exiting Sales Order Entry to automatically assign service warranties to sales order detail lines.  
82. Enter the DREAM Writer version for Batch Assign Service Warranty (P42404).

If left blank, XJDE0001 is used.


47.2 Recurring Batch Order Entry (P4001Z)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Order Type  
2. Line Type  
3. Beginning Status  
4. Next Status  
5. Line Number Increment  

Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, ZJDE0002 will be used.

6. Order Edit and Creation (P40211Z)  
7. Enter a '1' to edit/create order lines via the subsystem.

If left blank, orders will be written to the Batch Receiver files only.

8. Enter '1' to protect pricing driver fields.  
9. Enter '1' to suppress Mark-for address.  

47.3 Batch Edit - Creation (P40211Z)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Document Type Enter the document type relevant to this particular version of Sales Order Entry. You'll likely have multiple versions of P4211 to accommodate each of the different document types you use, for example, sales orders, blanket orders, quote orders, ECS orders, and so on.
2. Line Type Enter the line type to default to all order lines; otherwise, the system retrieves the line type from Item Branch Information (P41026) or Item Master Information (P4101) set up for the item number. You can also manually enter a line type.
3. Cost Center or Business Unit  
4. Last Status Code  
5. Override Next Status Code  
6. Line Number Increment  
7. Address Book Default Cost Center.

'1' - Ship To Address

'2' - Sold To Address

If left blank, the Cost Center will default in from an EDI map or Processing Option 3.

8. Product Allocation Hold  
9. Credit Check  
10. Order Margin Check  
11. Line Margin Check  
12. Maximum Order Value  
13. Minimum Order Value  
14. Partial Order Hold  
15. Customer Discrepancy Hold (Freight, Pymt Terms, Price Tol)  
16. '1' = Perform availability check and online commitment.

'2' = Perform availability check but bypass online commitment.

' ' = Bypass availability check and online commitment.

'1' = Perform availability check and online commitment via the Batch Commitment program (P42997) and perform hard commitment.
17. Enter '1' to use the override sales prices in the batch file (F4011Z) to create sales orders.

If left blank, will use the Unit Price in the Base Price File (F4106).

18. Specify the Order Type(s) used by the system to invoke transfer cost update (SDTCST).

If more than one order type is required, type them one after the other along this field.

19. Enter the transfer pricing method to be used.

Default method is 1.

1 = Branch cost mark-up.

2 = Transfer pricing.

20. Enter '1' to allow inter-branch invoicing.

If left blank, no inter-branch invoice can be run.

21. Enter '1' to prevent kit components from being written.

If left blank kit component records will be written to the Sales Detail File.

22. Enter a '1' to generate requests.  
23. Enter an override next status for sales order lines for which requests have been generated.  
24. Enter a '1' to use preference profile defaults (P40400).

If left blank, no preference profile information will be defaulted.

If you enter 1 in this field, you must also set up a corresponding version of the Preference Processing program (P40400) and attach it to processing option 31.
25. Enter a '1' to use the Inventory Commitment Preference to source from multiple branches.

If left blank, the branch from the Sales Order detail line will be used.

26. Enter a '1' for automatic blanket order release by sold-to address number.

Enter a '2' for automatic blanket order release by ship-to address number.

If left blank, automatic blanket release processing will not be performed.

27. Enter a '1' to commit to Other Quantity 1.

Enter a '2' to commit to Other Quantity 2.

28. Enter '1' for auto order repricing.  
29. Enter the cross-reference type for Replacement items.  

Enter the version for each program.

If left blank 'ZJDE0001' will be used.

30. Preference Profiles (P40400)  
31. Std Order/Basket Reprice (P421301) or Adv Order/Basket Reprice (P42750)  
32. TM Rate and Route server PSMR9100  
33. WO Server for Sale Order (X4201WO)  
34. Enter a '1' to consolidate the SDQ (F47013 records) into one Sales Order.

If left blank multiple Sales Orders will be generated.

35. Enter a '1' to perform Processing Control Edit to determine processing mode. If no Processing Control record is found, the EDI transaction will NOT be processed.

Enter a '2' to perform Processing Control Edit. If no Processing Control record is found, the EDI transaction will be processed in the production mode.

If left blank, all selected EDI transactions will be processed in the production mode.

Enter a '1' to check EDI Processing Control (P4770) to determine the processing mode. If no record is found the EDI transaction will NOT be processed.

Enter a '2' to check EDI Processing Control (P4770) to determine the processing mode. If no record is found the EDI transaction WILL be processed in production mode.

If left blank all EDI transactions will be processed in production mode.

EDI Processing Control (P4770) is found using F15 from the Purchasing Instructions for Purchasing or Customer Billing Instructions for Sales.

36. Enter a '1' to commit from an immature lot (one not yet in effect).

If left blank, immature lots will be skipped in the commitment process.


47.4 Check Price & Availability (P40721)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description

(for Advanced Price Adjustments only)

1. Enter a '1' to use preference profile defaults.

If left blank, no preference profile information will be defaulted.

2. Enter the version of the preference profile server (P40400).

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.


47.5 Item Availability (P41202)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to omit locations with no quantity available.

If left blank, all locations will display.


Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

2. Item Master (P4101)  
3. Text Message Code Review (P40010)  
4. Item Search (P41200)  
5. Purchase Order Inquiry (P430301)  
6. Customer Service Inquiry (P42045)  
7. Open Work Orders (P31225)  
8. Supply and Demand (P4021)  
9. Bill of Materials (P30200)  
10. Lot Availability (P41280)  
Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

11. Item Ledger (P4111)  
12. Branch/Plant Item Info. (P41026)  
13. Availability by Location (P4190)  
14. Item / Location Information (P41024)  
15. Enter a '1' to display the grade range.

If left blank, no grade will display for selection.

16. Enter a '1' to display the potency range.

If left blank, no potency will display for selection.

17. Enter a '1' to calculate/display the Percentage of Life Remaining.

If left blank, it will not be displayed.

18. Enter a '1' to calculate/display Days Until Expiration.

If left blank, it will not be displayed.


47.6 Supply & Demand (P4021)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to deduct Safety Stock from Availability.  
2. Enter a '1' by the following Routing Quantities to be considered on hand.

Any quantity not included will be displayed on the appropriate date.

Quantity in Transit

Quantity in Inspection

User Defined Quantity 1

User Defined Quantity 2

3. Enter a '1' to summarize all In Receipt Routing steps into one line.  
4. Enter a '1' to summarize Item Location records.  
5. Enter one of the following:

' ' = No Available to Promise Line

'1' = Available to Promise Line

'2' = Cumulative ATP Line

6. Enter the version of Supply/Demand Inclusion Rules to be used.  
7. Enter a '1' to display the window format if called from another program.  
8. Enter a '1' to use an alternate screen format which has long quantity fields.  

Enter the DREAM Writer version to use for each program listed.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.

9. Purchase Order Entry (P4311)  
10. Purchase Order Inquiry (P430301)  
11. Sales Order Entry (P4211)  
12. Sales Order Inquiry (P42045)  
13. Scheduling Workbench (P31225)  
14. MPS/MRP/DRP Pegging Inq. (P3412)  
15. MPS/MRP/DRP Time Series (P3413)  
16. MPS/MRP/DRP Message Detail(P3411)  
17. Enter a '1' to include Planned Orders from MPS/MRP/DRP generations.

If left blank, Planned Orders will not be displayed.

18. Enter the Forecast Type to include

Forecast Type

Forecast Type

Forecast Type

Forecast Type

Forecast Type

19. Enter the number of days (+/-) from today's date that you wish to begin including Forecast records.

A blank will use today's date to begin including Forecast records.

20. Enter a '1' to omit 'Bulk' Stocking Type records from screen.

If left blank, 'Bulk' items will be included.

21. Enter the rate based Schedule Type to use.

If left blank, no rate based schedules will be displayed.

22. Enter a '1' to include Past Due Rates as a supply.  
23. Enter '1' to convert Quantities to Standard Potency.  

24A. Enter '1' to reduce Quantity available due to lot expiration.

Note: This option will not work with ATP. If you use this option, option 5 must be set to blank or 2.

24B. Enter optional date to be used for expiration calculation when processing option 24A='1'.

If left blank, Lot Expiration Date will be used.

1=Sell By Date

2=Best Before Date

3=User Defined Date1

4=User Defined Date2

5=User Defined Date3

6=User Defined Date4

7=User Defined Date5

8=Commitment Date Method from Item/ Branch Master.

25. Enter the lot hold codes (up to 5) to be considered on hand, or enter an '*' to consider all held lots as on hand.

If left blank, held lots will not be considered on hand.

26. Enter the Dream Writer version to use for the Manufacturing Work Order Entry program.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.

27. Enter the version of Bill Availability (P30205) to be called.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.

28. Enter a '1' to leave past due supply out of available calculations (past due orders will be displayed but will not be included in quantity available or ATP).  
29. Enter a '1' to override the planning fence rule and just use actual customer demand for the available calculation.

Note: forecast will still appear on the screen per processing option above.

When left blank, the available calculation will be based on the planning fence and rule established in the item's branch plant manufacturing data.


47.7 Repost Sales Orders & Release Future Commits (P42995)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to bypass re-committing future orders.

If the option is left blank, the future orders will be committed and an audit report will print.

2. Enter a '1' to hard commit future orders.

If the option is left blank, the hard commit process will not occur.

3. Enter the hold code to use for credit checking.

If the option is left blank, no credit checking will occur.

4. Enter the hold code to put all future orders on hold.

If the option is left blank, future orders will not be available for review.

5. Enter a '1' to do availability checking.

If the option is left blank, no availability checking will occur.

6. Enter a '1' to bypass the reset of the item commitment fields.

If the option is left blank, the Item Location file (F41021) will be updated with the quantities from the Sales Order Detail (F4211).

7. Enter a '1' to bypass the reset of the order header total.

If the option is left blank, the order header file (F4201) will be updated with the accumulated total from the Sales Order Detail (F4211).

8. Enter a '1' to bypass the reset of the open order amount.

If the option is left blank, the open order amount will be accumulated from the Sales Order Detail (F4211) and will update the Customer Master file (F0301).

10. Enter a '1' to generate requests.  
11. Enter an override next status for sales order lines for which requests have been generated.  

47.8 Credit Check Processing (P42050)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. You may specify up to 5 order types to be selected for credit check processing.

If you enter an asterisk (*) in the first field, ALL order types will be selected.

Use this option to limit the types of open orders that display on the lower portion of the screen. For example, you might want to see sales orders and credit orders while excluding blanket orders and quote orders.

47.9 Customer Service Inquiry (P42045)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Order Type  
2. From Status Code  
3. Thru Status Code  
4. Currency Code  
5. Enter a '1' if the above Status Codes are based on Last Status.

If left blank, the Next Status will be used.

6. Enter the value to specify which date will be checked against the date range.

If left blank, Requested Date is used.

7. Enter a '1' to display the Amount format, or a '2' to display the Price format.

If left blank, the Quantity format will be displayed.

Use this option to specify whether the seventh column that displays on the video represents Amount, Unit Price or Quantity. Regardless of which column heading you choose, you can press F15 to toggle between the three.
8. Enter a '1' to display the Status Code format.

If left blank, the Customer format will be displayed.

Use this option to determine whether the fifth column that displays on the video represents the customer description or the next status description. Regardless of which column heading you choose, you can press F8 to toggle between the two.
9. Enter a '1' for text lines to be displayed.

If left blank, text will be omitted.

10. Enter a '1' to display Kit Component Lines.

If left blank, Kit Components will not display.

11. Enter a '1' to display backordered lines.

Enter a '2' to display canceled lines.

Enter a '3' to display both.

Enter a '4' to display neither.

12. Enter the cross reference type used for Substitute items.  

Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

13. Sales Order Entry (P4211)  
14. Check Credit (P42050)  
15. Supply/Demand Inquiry (P4021)  
16. Item Summary Availability (P41202)  
17. A/R Inquiry (P032002)  
18. Address Book Information (P01051)  
19. Online Invoice Inquiry (P42230)  
20. Sales Ledger Inquiry (P42025)  
21. Customer Master (P01053)  
22. Enter the document type(s) that the system will use to inquire into inter-branch invoices. To specify more than one document type, type them one after the other along this field.  
23. Enter '1' to display the Mark-for Address in the place of Ticket Number.  
24. Enter the currency code for as-if currency display. This option allows for amounts to display in a currency other than the currency they are stored in. This option is activated by function key F18.

Amounts will be translated and displayed in this as-if currency.

If left blank, amounts will display in their database currency.

24. Enter the "As-of" date for processing the current exchange rate for the as-if currency.

If left blank, the Thru date will be used.


47.10 Open Sales Orders by Customer (P42620)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to print amounts in Foreign Currency.

Enter a '2' to print amounts in both Foreign and Domestic Currency.

If left blank, only Domestic Currency amounts will print.


47.11 Print Backorders to Fill (P42590)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to only print those Backorders that can be filled.

If left blank, all Backorders will be printed. (Kit Master lines will not print.)

2. Enter a '1' to add back in Quantity on Backorder in Quantity Available calculations.

If left blank, Quantity on Backorder will not be added in.

When an order backorders, the quantity is logged as both a soft commitment and a backordered quantity in the Item Balance file (F41021). If you have set up your system to subtract soft committed quantities from on-hand quantities to determine availability, you will want to set this option to 1; otherwise, the system may not release backorders for which there is enough quantity available to release.

For example, if the on hand quantity for an item is 10 and the backordered/soft committed quantity is 10, then the availability equals zero. You will want the program to add the backordered quantity of 10 to availability so the system recognizes there's enough quantity available to release the order.

You can view quantity and commitment balances for an item in Detailed Availability (P41023).

3. If displaying a kit, enter a '1' to only display Kit Component lines.

If left blank, only Kit Master lines will display.

4. Enter a '1' to display orders on hold.

If left blank, orders on hold will not display.

5. Enter '1' to include immature lots (those not yet in effect) in the calculation of availability.

If left blank, an immature lot will not be counted as available.


47.12 Sales Ledger & Credit Orders from History (P42025)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Order Type  
2. From Status Code  
3. Thru Status Code  
4. Currency Code  
5. Enter a '1' if the above Status Codes are based on Last Status.

If left blank, the Next Status will be used.

6. Enter the value to specify which date will be checked against the date range. If left blank, Requested Date is used.  
7. Enter a '1' to display the Amount format.

If left blank, the Quantity format will be displayed.

8. Enter a '1' to display the Status Code format.

If left blank, the Customer format will be displayed.


Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

9. Credit Order Entry (P4211) If you use this program to create credit orders from history, you can specify the version of Order Entry that displays when you take option exit 6 to create a credit order, including the default order type and line type.

Processing option 39 behind the version of P4211 you specify must correspond to the status code on the ledger record from which you are creating a credit order.

10. Sales Order Entry (P4211)  
9. Enter the document type(s) that the system will use for inter-branch invoices.

To specify more than one document type, type them one after the other along this field.


47.13 Sales Ledger Detail (P42600)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter report starting date  
2. Enter report ending date  
3. Enter an override for report run date, if desired. If left blank, today's date will be used as the run date.  

47.14 Sales Analysis Summary (P42611)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter requested period start date  
2. Enter requested period end date  

47.15 Online Invoice (P42230)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Order Type  
2. From Status Code  
3. Thru Status Code  
4. Enter '1' if the above status codes are based on Last Status.

If left blank, Next Status will be used.

5. Enter the value to specify which date will be checked against the date range.

If left blank, Requested Date will be used.

6. Enter a '1' to INCLUDE backorders. but bypass extending their prices.

Enter a '2' to INCLUDE backorders and extend prices for backorders.

If left blank, backorders will be excluded.

7. Enter a '1' to display by Tax Group.

Enter a '2' to display by Tax Area.

Enter a '3' to display by Tax Authority.


Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

8. Print Invoices (P42565)  
9. Enter the document type(s) that the system will use for inter-branch invoices.

To specify more than one document type, type them one after the other along this field.

10. Enter a '1' if a freight line should be written for each type (distance, zone, fixed) of freight.

Blank ' ' is the default and will summarize all types of freight in one line.

11. Enter the Last Status at and beyond which Billable Freight estimates should not be computed.

If left blank, Billable Freight will not be estimated.

12. Enter the currency code for as-if currency display. This option allows for amounts to display in a currency other than the currency they are stored in. This option is activated by function key F19.

Amounts will be translated and displayed in this as-if currency.

If left blank, amounts will display in their database currency.

13. Enter the "As-of" date for processing the current exchange rate for the as-if currency.

If left blank, the current date will be used.


47.16 Release Held Orders (P42070)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Document Type you wish to see displayed.  
2. Enter the release code you wish to see displayed. (This code will be entered in the hold code record (F4209))  
3. Enter a 'Y' to display previously released held orders.  
4. Enter a '1' for automatic printing of Pick Slips. This option is specific to sales orders.
5. Enter the release status code of the work order. This option is specific to sales orders for which work orders were automatically generated (line type W).
6. Enter a '1' to release purchase orders.

If left blank, you will release sales orders.

Note: If the option is set to release PO's, this will only release the hold, it will not perform any budget checking or maintaining. If you are using purchasing budgets, you need to use program P43070.

This program is used to release held orders in both the Purchasing and Sales systems. If you have set up this version for use in the Purchasing system, set this option to 1. If for use in the Sales system, leave this option blank.

Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

7. Sales Order Entry (P4211)  
8. Purchase Order Entry (P4311)  
9. Enter the request processing mode:

' ' = No pick requests

'1' = Generate requests only

'2' = Generate requests and process using the subsystem

10. If processing pick requests using the subsystem, enter the DREAM Writer version to use.

If blank, XJDE0002 is used.

(See Form ID P46171.)

11. Enter an override next status for sales order lines for which requests have been generated.  

47.17 Release Backorders (P42117)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Next Status to Select (Optional)  
2. Override Next Status (Optional)  
3. If inquiring by Item Number, enter a '1' to only display those Backorders that can be completely filled.  
4. If inquiring by Item Number, enter a '1' to sequence by Priority Code.

If left blank, sequence will be by Promised Ship Date.

5. Enter a '1' to display kit component lines.

If left blank, each kit component will be treated as a separate line.

6. Enter a '1' to add back in the Quantity on Backorder in Quantity Available calculations.

If left blank, the Quantity on Backorder will not be added in.

When an order backorders, the quantity is logged as both a soft commitment and a backordered quantity in the Item Balance file (F41021). If you have set up your system to subtract soft committed quantities from on-hand quantities to determine availability, you'll want to set this option to 1; otherwise, the system may not release backorders for which there is enough quantity available to release.

For example, if the on hand quantity for an item is 10 and the backordered/soft committed quantity is 10, then availability equals zero. You'll want the program to add the backordered quantity of 10 to availability so the system recognizes there's enough quantity available to release the order.

You can view quantity and commitment balances for an item in Detailed Availability (P41023).

7. Enter a '1' to display Customer Information.

If left blank, Item Information will display.

8. Enter a '1' to display orders on hold.

If left blank, orders on hold will not display.

9. Enter a '1' to only soft commit Released Backorders.

If left blank, Released Backorders will be hard committed.

If you leave this option blank, the P42117 calls the P42997 to hard commit released order quantities.
10. Enter a '1' to allow Backorders to be released when Quantity to Ship is greater than Quantity on Backorder.  
11. Enter a '1' to allow Backorders to be released when Quantity on Hand is zero.

If left blank, Backorders will not release when Quantity on Hand is zero.

12. Enter a '1' to update Released Backorders with the most current cost of the item.

If left blank the original cost of the item on the Sales Order will be used.

13. Enter a code for credit checking.

If left blank, no credit checking will be done.

14. Enter the partial order hold code that will be released when an order is completely filled.  
15. Enter a '1' to print pickslips or a '2' to print invoices through the subsystem.  

Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

16. Sales Order Entry (P4211)  
17. Customer Service Inquiry (P42045)  
18. Item Availability (P41202)  
19. Enter the request processing mode:

' ' - No pick requests

'1' - Generate requests only

'2' - Generate requests and process using the subsystem

20. If processing pick requests using the subsystem, enter the DREAM Writer version to use.

If blank, XJDE0002 is used.

(See Form ID P46171.)

21. Enter an override next status for sales order lines for which requests have been generated.  
22. Enter '1' to include immature lots (those not yet in effect) in the calculation of availability.

If left blank, an immature lot will not be counted as available.


47.18 Release Backorders - Batch (P42118)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Override Next Status (Optional)  
2. Enter a '1' to process orders on hold.

If left blank, orders on hold will not be processed.

3. Enter a '1' to add back in the Quantity on Backorder in Quantity Available calculations.

If left blank, the Quantity on Backorder will not be added in.

When an order backorders, the quantity is logged as both a soft commitment and a backordered quantity in the Item Balance file (F41021). If you have set up your system to subtract soft committed quantities from on-hand quantities to determine availability, you'll want to set this option to 1; otherwise, the system may not release backorders for which there is enough quantity available to release.

For example, if the on hand quantity for an item is 10 and the backordered/soft committed quantity is 10, then availability equals zero. You'll want the program to add the backordered quantity of 10 to availability so the system recognizes there's enough quantity available to release the order.

You can view quantity and commitment balances for an item in Detailed Availability (P41023).

4. Enter a code for credit checking.

If left blank, no credit checking will be done.

5. Enter a '1' to only soft commit Released Backorders.

If left blank, Released Backorders will be hard committed.

If you leave this option blank, the P42118 calls the P42997 to hard commit released order quantities.
6. Enter a '1' to release Backorders when Quantity on Hand is zero, assuming adequate availability.

If left blank, no Backorders will be released when Quantity on Hand is zero.

7. Enter a '1' to update Released Backorders with the most current item cost.

If left blank the original Sales Order cost will be used.

8. Enter a '1' to update files.

If left blank, no files will be updated.

9. Enter the partial order hold code that will be released when an order is completely filled.  
10. Enter a '1' to generate pick requests.  
11. Enter an override next status for sales order lines for which requests have been generated.  
12. Enter '1' to include immature lots (those not yet in effect) in the calculation of availability.

If left blank, an immature lot will not be counted as available.


47.19 Order Release (P420111)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Document Type to select (Required)  
2. Outgoing Document Type (Required)  
3. Override Next Status (Optional)  
4. Line Number Increment (Optional)  
5. Sales Order Credit Limit Checking  
6. Sales Order Margin Checking  
7. Sales Order Line Margin Checking  

Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

8. Sales Order Entry (P4211) Use this option to specify the version of Sales Order Entry that displays when you press F6 on the Order Release screen.

The version of P4211 you specify in this option does not apply to the creation of new orders. In other words, the release program (P420111) does not call P4211 to create new orders.

The release program does not provide all the functionality accessible in the processing options behind Order Entry.

9. Customer Service Inquiry (P42045)  
10. Enter the request processing mode:

' ' = No pick requests

'1' = Generate pick requests only

'2' = Generate pick requests and process using the subsystem

11. If processing pick requests using the subsystem, enter the DREAM Writer version to use.

If blank, XJDE0002 is used.

(See Form ID P46171.)

12. Enter an override next status for sales order lines for which requests have been generated.  
13. Enter '1' to display kit component lines.

If left blank kit component lines will be suppressed and released with the parent item.

14. Enter '1' to include immature lots (those not yet in effect) in the calculation of availability.

If left blank, an immature lot will not be counted as available.


47.20 Direct Ship Order Entry (P4243)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description


1. Line Type (Required) This program is designed to accommodate inventory items using a line type with an inventory interface of D. (Usually a D line type.)
2. Unit of Measure (Optional)

Sales Order:

3. Document Type (Required) The most common document type for direct ship orders is SD, but you can define your own document types, as necessary.
4. Beginning Status (Optional)  
5. Override Next Status (Optional)

Purchase Order:

6. Document Type (Required) The most common document type for direct ship orders is OD, but you can define your own document types, as necessary.
7. Beginning Status (Optional)  
8. Override Next Status (Optional)  
9. Sales Order Credit Checking  
10. Sales Order Margin Checking  
11. Sales Order Line Margin Checking  
12. Sales Order Minimum Order Value  
13. Purchase Order Minimum Order Value  

Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

14 Supplier Master (P01054)

15. Purchase Order Entry (P4311)  
16. Sales Order Entry (P4211)  
17. Preference Profile (P40400)  
18. Customer Master (P01053)  
19. Enter a '1' to display the Item Search Window with multiple return capability. If left blank the single item return window will display. This option determines the search window that displays when you press F1 on the Item Number field. If you leave the option blank, P40ITM1 displays. If you select 1, P40ITM2 displays.
20. Enter a '1' to be prompted to accept the order.  
21. Enter a '1' to allow the addition of a Customer/Supplier Master record, if not setup. Set this to 1 to have the Customer Master video (P01053) or Supplier Master video (P01054) automatically appear when you enter a sold-to, ship-to, or vendor address number for which master information does not currently exist. If you leave this option blank, you can add orders without master information; however, the system will error on the SD order at Sales Update (P42800) and the OD order at Voucher Match (P4314), and require that you enter the master information at that time.
22. Enter a '1' to display the ECS screen format. If left blank, the regular format will display.  
23. Enter a '1' to protect the cost or a '2' to make it not display.  
24. Enter a '1' to protect the price or a '2' to make it not display.  
25. Enter a '1' to protect all fields which can affect the price.  
26. Enter a '1' to protect the status codes.  
27. Enter a '1' to NOT display cancelled lines.  
28. Enter a '1' to default both the header branch and the detail branch from the Address Book.

Enter a '2' to default the header branch from the Address Book and the detail branch from the user default location.

If left blank, both the header branch and the detail branch will default from the user default location.

Set this option to 1 to have the header and detail branches on both the ST and OT default from the Responsible Business Unit attached to the sold-to address number in Address Book Revisions (P01051). Set the option to 2 to have just the header branch default from the sold-to address.
29. Enter where the approval route code should be defaulted from, OR enter a specific route code value. If left blank, no approval processing will be performed.

1 = Originators Address Book Number

2 = Originators User Profile

3 =

4 = Default

30. Enter the Awaiting Approval status.  
31. Enter the Approved status.  
32. Enter the line number increment desired. If left blank the increment will be '1'.  
33. Enter a '1' for automatic access to the blanket/quote release processing, by sold-to address.

Enter a '2' for automatic access to the blanket/quote release processing, by ship-to address.

If left blank, automatic access to blanket processing is not done.

34. Enter a '1' to use preference profile defaults.

If left blank, no preference profile information will be defaulted.

If you set this option to 1, you must also enter a corresponding version of the Preference Profile program (P40400) in processing option 17.
35. Enter the tolerance limit percentage which will be used to determine if a warning message will be issued for radical currency rate changes.

A 15.0 indicates 15% plus or minus based on order exchange rate.

36. Enter the cross reference code for retrieving item replacements for obsolete items.  

47.21 Transfer Order Entry (P4242)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description


1. Line Type (Required)  
2. Unit of Measure (Optional)

Sales Order:

3. Document Type (Required) The most common document type for transfer orders is ST, but you can define your own document types, as necessary.
4. Beginning Status (Optional)  
5. Override Next Status (Optional)

Purchase Order:

6. Document Type (Required) The most common document type for transfer orders is OT, but you can define your own document types, as necessary.
7. Beginning Status (Optional)  
8. Override Next Status (Optional)  
9. Sales Order Credit Checking  
10. Sales Order Margin Checking  
11. Sales Order Line Margin Checking  
12. Sales Order Minimum Order Value  
13. Sales Order Maximum Order Value  
14. Sales Partial Order Hold  
15. Purchase Order Minimum Order Value  
16. Enter a '1' to hard commit inventory.

If left blank, the inventory commitment will not change.

If you set this option to 1, the system calls the Inventory Commitment program (P42997) for stock items to determine the physical location from which to relieve inventory.
17. Enter a '1' to display the Item Search Window w/ multiple return capability.

If left blank the single item return window will display.

This option determines the search window that displays when you press F1 on the Item Number field. If you leave the option blank, P40ITM1 displays. If you select 1, P40ITM2 displays.
18. Enter a '1' to allow the addition of a Customer/Supplier Master record, if not set up. Set this to 1 to have the Customer Master video (P01053) or Supplier Master video (P01054) automatically appear when you enter a from or to branch with corresponding address numbers for which master information does not currently exist. If you leave this option blank, you can add orders without master information; however, the system will error on the ST order at Sales Update (P42800) and the OT order at Voucher Match (P4314), and require that you enter master information at that time.
19. Enter a '1' to be prompted to accept the order.  
20. Enter a '1' to check availability.

If left blank, no availability check will be done.

21. Enter '1' to turn off all tax calculations for BOTH Sales and Purchase Order regardless of the setups in Line Type (F40205) and Item Locations (F4102).

If left blank, tax processing will be conducted based on setups in the F40205 and F4102.

If you set this option to 1, the Taxable Y/N field will be set to no for all lines generated on the sales order (ST) and purchase order (OT). If you leave this option blank, the Taxable Y/N value defaults from Branch Information (P41026) for inventory items or Line Types (P40205) for non-inventory lines.

Regardless how you set this option, the tax explanation code and tax rate area will default to the ST and OT based on Customer Master (P01053) and Supplier Master (P01054) information for the corresponding address numbers.

You can stop the tax explanation code and tax rate area from defaulting to the OT using UDC table 40/TX, by entering an N in the Description field for the purchase order (P).

22. Enter '1' to display the ECS screen format. If left blank, the regular screen format will display.  
23. Enter the line number increment desired.

If left blank, the increment will be '1'.

24. Enter '1' to suppress cost fields  
25. Enter '1' to protect the price or '2' to make it non-display.  
26. Enter '1' to protect all the fields which affect the price.  
27. Enter '1' to protect the status code fields.  
28. Enter the next status code beyond which a Sales Order detail line cannot be changed.

If left blank, no restrictions will be put on the changing of a line.

If you relieve inventory at Shipment Confirmation (P4205), use this option to prevent users from changing lines that are ship confirmed.
29. Enter the next status code beyond which a Purchase Order detail line cannot be changed.

If left blank, no restrictions will be put on the changing of a line.

Regardless of the next status code you enter in this option, you cannot change a line for which a purchase order receipt has taken place.
30. Enter a '1' to use preference profile defaults.

If left blank, no preference profile information will be defaulted.

If you set this option to 1, you must also enter a corresponding version of the Preference Profile program (P40400) in processing option 37.
31. Enter where the approval route code should be defaulted from, OR enter a specific route code value.

If left blank, no approval processing will be performed.

1 = Originators Address Book Number

2 = Originators User Profile

3 =

4 = Default

32. Enter the Awaiting Approval status.  
33. Enter the Approved status.  
34. Enter a '1' to use the cost plus any transfer cost markups for the sales order price.

Enter a '2' to use the Base Price file (F4106).

If left blank, the cost alone will be used to price sales order lines.


Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

35. Purchase Order Entry (P4311)  
36. Sales Order Entry (P4211)  
37. Preference Profile (P40400)  
38. Supplier Master (P01054)  
39. Customer Master (P01053)  
40. TM Rate & Route Server PSMR9100  
41. Enter the request processing mode:

' ' = No pick requests

'1' = Generate requests only

'2' = Generate requests and process using the subsystem

42. If processing pick requests using the subsystem, enter the DREAM Writer version to use.

If blank, XJDE0002 is used.

(See Form ID P46171.)

43. Enter an override next status for sales order lines for which requests have been generated.  
44. Enter the tolerance limit percentage which will be used to determine if a warning message will be issued for radical currency rate changes.

A 15.0 indicates 15% plus or minus based on order exchange rate.

45. Enter the cross reference code for retrieving item replacements for obsolete items.  
46. Enter '1' to issue a warning when an immature lot (one not yet in effect) is entered and to include immature lots in the calculation of availability.

If left blank, a hard error will be issued and immature lots will not be counted as available.

47. Enter '1' to copy the associated test results when a product is transferred from on Branch Plant into another.

If left blank, the test results will not be copied.


47.22 Bulk Load Confirmation - Manual Invoice (P49510)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description

1. Enter the incoming trip status range to process.

From (Required)

To (Required)


2. Enter the incoming next order status range to process.

From (Required)

To (Required)

Note: This range is for confirmation by order only.


3. Enter screen defaults for the following fields:


Delivery date

Load date

Sales order type


4. Enter the owner number to be used as a default for tanks commingled for duty when the duty status indicates that duty is paid.

5. Enter the owner number to be used as a default for tanks commingled for duty when the duty status indicates that duty is not paid.  

6. Enter the tolerance that is allowed for the load quantity variances. The value entered here is treated as a percentage value of the loaded quantity to calculate the upper and lower limits.


Upper limit of 5 and lower of 5 Loaded qty = 1000, hence Upper = 1000 + (5% of 1000) = 1050 Lower = 1000 - (5% of 1000) = 950

Enter 1.5% as 1.5.

+ Upper Limit

- Lower Limit

7. Enter '1' to load confirm by order.

Blank will default to confirmation by trip only.

8. Enter '1' to pre-load the selection option for confirmation. Valid only in order confirmation mode.

9. Enter '1' to display the Document Selection Window for delivery documents.

10. Enter '1' to not display the contractor information.

11. Enter '1' to not print delivery documents.

Blank will automatically print the documents.

12. Enter '1' to not check for the number of seals required.

Blank will display the Seals Window if seals are required.


Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, the system uses ZJDE0001.

13. Bulk Delivery Confirmation P49710

14. Transportation Trans. Server XT49799

15. Vehicle Register Window P49310W

16. Document Print Control P49545

17. Bulk Disposition (Load and Deliver) P49715

18. Download Data Queue Interface P49570

19. Additional S/O Info-Aviation/Marine P49510A

20. Enter one of the following:

1 = To allow entry of an invoice number and/or delivery number.

2 = To default the invoice number from the order number.

3 = To default the delivery number from the order number.

4 = To default the invoice number and delivery number from the order number.

' '= Leave blank if there is not a manual invoice or delivery document to enter.

21. Enter the override manual invoice document type.

If left blank, the order's document type will be used.


22. If you are using an automated gantry, enter '1'.

If blank it means that you are not using an automated gantry.

23. If you are using an automated gantry, leave blank to not download the next trip.

A value of '1', '2', or '3' will automatically download the next trip with the following matching criteria of the confirmed trip:

1 = Vehicle, load date, and shift must match.

2 = Vehicle and load date must match.

3 = Vehicle must match and the load date must be equal to or greater than the current date.


24. Enter a Disposition Code to affect any remaining quantity not loaded.

This Processing Option is only used for Load Confirmation of Actuals.

S = Leave as shippable (Default)

B = Backorder

C = Cancel

K = Cancel the entire line


25. If the Agreement Management system is being used and the depot from which the load is being confirmed is defined as a foreign depot in the branch/plant constants, a borrow agreement is required and an Agreement Search will be performed.

Specify which destination should be used by the search program.

Enter the specific branch/plant to be used as the destination.


Enter '1' to use *ANY or enter '2' to use the user's default branch/plant.


26. Enter '1' to test based on vehicle compartment.

Enter '2', testing will be for each different customer or item.

If left blank, no Quality testing will be done.

27. Enter the version of Test Results Revisions (P3711) to call.

If left blank, version ZJDE0002 will be used when confirming load by order or ZJDE0003 will be used when confirming load by trip.

28. Enter '1' to automatically print a Certificate of Analysis following completion of the confirmation.

29. Enter the version of the Certificate Analysis Extract (P37900) to call.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.


47.23 Packaged Load Confirmation (P49530)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description

1. Enter the incoming trip status range to process.

From (Required)

To (Required)


2. Enter the incoming next order status range to process.

From (Required)

To (Required)

Note: This range is for confirmation by order only.


3. Enter screen defaults for the following fields:


Delivery date

Load date

Sales order type

Disposition code


4. Enter '1' to load confirm by order.

A blank will default to confirmation by trip only.

5. Enter '1' to pre-load the selection option for confirmation. Valid only in order confirmation mode.

6. Enter '1' to receive an error if the item location is on hold.

Blank will only issue a warning.

7. Enter '1' to display the Document.

Control window for delivery documents Valid only if option 9 is blank.

8. Enter '1' to not display the contractor information.

9. Enter '1' to not print delivery documents.

Blank will automatically print the documents.


| In the following options, if a | | version is not entered for a | | program, the default is: ZJDE0001 |

10. Enter the version of the Transportation Transaction Server to call.


11. Enter the version of the Vehicle Register window to call.



12. Enter the version of the Document Control program to call for delivery documents.


13. Enter the version of the additional information program to call for S/Os for Aviation/Marine.


14. Enter one of the following:

1 = Allow entry of an invoice number and/or delivery number.

2 = Default the invoice number from the order number.

3 = Default the delivery number from the order number.

4 = Default the invoice number and the delivery number from the order number.

' ' = Leave blank if there is not a manual invoice or delivery document to enter.

15. Enter the override manual invoice document type.

If left blank, the document type will default to the order's document type.


16. If the Agreement Management system is being used and the depot from which the load is being confirmed is defined as a foreign depot in the branch/plant constants, a borrow agreement is required and an Agreement Search will be performed.

Specify which destination should be used by the search program.

Enter the specific branch/plant to be used as the destination.


Enter '1' to use *ANY or enter '2' to use the user's default branch/plant.


17. Enter '1' for Quality testing.

If left blank, no Quality testing will be done.

18. Enter the version of Test Results Revisions (P3711) to call.

If left blank, version ZJDE0002 will be used when confirming load by order or ZJDE0003 will be used when confirming load by trip.

19. Enter '1' to automatically print a Certificate of Analysis following completion of the confirmation.

20. Enter the version of the Certificate of Analysis Extract (P37900) to call.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.


21. Enter '1' to check availability and receive a warning if lack of availability.

If left blank, no warning will be given.

22. Enter '1' to allow the item to be confirmed regardless of the On Hand Quantity.

If left blank, the location which currently has zero or negative On Hand Quantity, or if the result of the shipment will produce negative On Hand Quantity will be prevented.

23. Enter '1' to allow the shipping of a quantity that is greater than the quantity on the sales order.

If left blank, you must change the sales order and trip before shipping.

24. Enter '1' to allow load confirmation of zero quantity. The sales order line will be closed and a new line will be written according to the disposition code (order-based only).

25. Enter '1' to use 15 character lot, leave blank to default to 12 chars. (This is used when calling the Multiple Location Window.)


47.24 Sales Order Speed Release (P76A42040)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter the default Status Codes to be selected for processing:

- Status Code (Last)

- Status Code (Next)

Enter the "Next Status" value to be used for update.

Enter a '1' to protect the Update to Next Status field.

Enter the Order Type you wish to see.

(Default of blanks will display all Order Types.)

Enter the version of Sales Order Entry you wish to execute from the selection exit. If left blank, version 'ZJDE0001' will be called.

Enter a '1' to preload the update option.

Enter the request processing mode:

If processing pick requests using the

Enter an override next status for LOCAL PROCESSING OPTIONS:

80. Enter '1' to see all lines including lines with number.

Default of blanks will display only lines without number.

81. Enter '1' to prevent updating the Next Status Code from the Order Activity Rules.if left blank, the Next Status Code will be updated  

47.25 Cycle Billing - Final (P49700)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the value of the override next status to be used for an order that is already invoiced. (Required)  
2. Enter the value of the override next status for processing orders.

If nothing is entered, the value of the next status from the Order Status Flow will be used.

3. Enter the value of the version of Sales Order Update to retrieve processing options from.  
4. Enter a '1' to run the program in final mode.

A blank will indicate proof mode.

5. Enter the value of the default invoice cycle to be used for those lines for which a preference is not found.  

47.26 Periodic Invoice (P49870)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the date to be used as the invoice date. This date is also used to retrieve document next number information.

Leave blank if using processing option no. 2 below.


2. Select the date or date hierarchy to determine the invoice date.

Leave blank if date entered on processing option no. 1.

'1' = System Date

'2' = Promised Delivery Date

'3' = Actual Delivery Confirmation Date Promised Delivery Date

'4' = Trip Load Date Order Load Date

'5' = Actual Load Confirmation Date Trip Load Date Order Load Date

3. Enter the document code to be used for periodic invoice.  
4. Enter the desired Print Control MCU (Cost Center).  
5. Enter the Output Queue number for periodic invoice.  
6. Enter a '1' to run this job interactively.

If a blank is entered, the job will be submitted to batch.

7. Enter the DREAM Writer version of the batch creation program to run (X49580A).  

47.27 Daily/Periodic Invoice (P49880)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the range of status codes to be selected for processing.

Next Status Code From (Required)

Next Status Code To (Required)

2. Override Next Status (Optional)  
3. Enter a '1' to prevent updating the Next Status Code from the Order Activity Rules.

If left blank, the Next Status Code will be updated.

4. Enter a '1' to print by Tax Group.

Enter a '2' to print by Tax Area.

Enter a '3' to print by Tax Authority.

If left blank, no tax information will print.

5. Enter a '1' to prevent A/R number from being assigned (used when creating a consolidated proof).  
6. Enter the global print message to print on each invoice.  
7. Enter a '1' to print sales order associated text.

If left blank, no associated text will print.

8. Enter a '1' to print kit component lines.

If left blank, no kit component lines will print.

9. Enter '1' to print lot number.

Blank will not print lot number.

10. Enter a '1' to print only our item number.

Enter a '2' to print both our item number and the customer item number.

If left blank, only our item number will print.

11. If you wish to print the customer item number, enter the type of cross reference to retrieve.  
12. Enter a '1' to summarize by item.

Enter a '2' to summarize items within each whole line number (Kit Grouping).

13. Enter a '1' to print amounts in foreign currency.

If left blank, only domestic currency amounts will print.

14. Enter the program name that translates total amounts from numbers to words.

(See User Defined Codes, system code 98, type "CT" for program numbers.)

15. Enter '1' to print unit price and type 1 adjustments separately.

Leave blank to not break out type 1 adjustments from the net price.

16. Enter a '1' if the Quality Management Test Results should be printed.

Otherwise default is ' '.

17. Enter a '1' if the Vehicle Seal information should be printed.

Otherwise, the default is ' '.

18. Enter '1' to print meter readings.

If left blank, no meter readings will print.

19. Enter the version of the preference processor (P40400) to be called to retrieve the document distribution preference.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.

20. Specify one of the following:

Enter '1' to perform Processing Control Edit to determine which customers to process.

Enter '2' to perform Processing Control Edit to determine which customers to process, but default to EDI, PRINT, and FAX setup listed below if not found.

If left blank, Processing Control Edit will not be performed to determine which customers to process. EDI, PRINT, and FAX options listed below will be used.

21. Select the type of transaction being processed by this program.

This option is used by document control processing.

An entry of '1' = P49880-1 from UDC table 00/DP. This option is also used by EDI processing to determine which EDI files to update. This option is MANDATORY for EDI or Processing Control Editing.

1 = Invoice

2 = Order Acknowledgment

3 = Response to Quote

4 = Change Order Acknowledgment

22. Enter the following EDI defaults:

EDI Document Type (EDCT)

EDI Transaction Set (EDST)

EDI Translation Format (EDFT)

Trading Partner ID (PNID)

Transaction Set Purpose (TPUR)

Acknowledgment Type Code (ACKT)

Lines Status Code (LSTS)

Change Code (CHGC)

23. Enter '1' to create outbound EDI Unutilized Information records.

If left blank, Unutilized Information records will not be created.

24. Enter '1' to extract advanced pricing history information from F4074. (Valid for Invoices, Order Acknowledgments, and Change Order Acknowledgments.)

If left blank, pricing history will not be extracted.

25. Enter '1' to generate EDI data.

If left blank, EDI data will not be generated.

26. Enter '1' to print the document.

If left blank, the document will not be printed.

27. Enter '1' to fax the document.

If left blank, the document will not be faxed.

28. Enter the Fax Output Queue.

If left blank, the fax will be written to the same output queue as printed documents.


47.28 Sales Update (P42800)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the specific date to be used as the A/R Invoice date OR  
2. Select the date to be used as the A/R Invoice date:

'1' = Date of the Sales Invoice

'2' = Actual Shipment date

'3' = Sales Update execution date

If both options 1 and 2 are blank, the Sales Invoice date will be used.

If both options 1 and 2 are not blank, the date in option 1 will be used.

If you enter 1 in this option, all sales orders selected by the program must have a pre-assigned invoice date. If you enter 2 in this option all sales orders selected by the program must have an actual shipment date.

You can view the dates applicable to an order in Customer Service Inquiry (P42045) by inquiring on the order, taking an option 5 to view the detail, and selecting F8 to view the dates.

3. Enter the specific date to be used as the General Ledger date OR  
4. Select the date to be used as the General Ledger date:

'1' = Date of the Sales Invoice

'2' = Actual Shipment date

'3' = Sales Update execution date

If both options 3 and 4 are blank, the sales update execution date will be used.

If both options 3 and 4 are not blank, the date in option 3 will be used.

If you enter 1 in this option, all sales orders selected by the program must have a pre-assigned invoice date. If you enter 2 in this option all sales orders selected by the program must have an actual shipment date.

You can view the dates applicable to an order in Customer Service Inquiry (P42045) by inquiring on the order, taking an option 5 to view the detail, and selecting F8 to view the dates.

5. Specify the G/L Account Cost Center (CC) if the AAI CC is blank.

If left blank, the default is '3'.

'1' = Use the Subsequent CC. If it is also blank, use the CC from the order detail.

'2' = Sold to address number

'3' = Use the Subsequent CC. If it is also blank, use the CC from the order header for sales entries and the CC in the detail for inventory entries.

The 'Subsequent Cost Center' refers to the Project Number attached to the cost center/branch in Revise Single Business Units (P0006).
6. Enter the override next status code for lines processed.

If left blank, will use status code '999' to close out the line.

7. Enter the 3 character code to be used to update the billing remarks in the G/L file (F0911).  
8. Enter '1' to print a Sales Journal.  
9. Enter the version of Sales Journal (P42810) to print.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.

10. Enter '1' to summarize your A/R entries within the Invoice Number.

If left blank, A/R entries will be written in detail.

Enter 1 to have the program summarize lines on a sales order into a single pay item on the invoice. The program will only summarize lines with identical tax and payment term information.

If you include tax on sales orders, the value you enter in this processing option should correspond with the method by which you tax orders, that is, at the line level (detail) or the order total level (summary). You specify this method in Tax Rules by Company (P0022).

11. Enter '1' to summarize your G/L entries within the Invoice Number.

If left blank, G/L entries will be written in detail.

Enter 1 in this option to have the program summarize journal entries by account number, subledger and subledger type.
12. Enter '1' to summarize your Cost of Goods and Inventory G/L entries to a separate batch. These entries will be summarized at the batch level. This option is not allowed in currency mode. If you choose to summarize Inventory and COGs into a separate batch, the program creates a batch type 'G' for these entries.
13. Enter '1' to run this program in final mode.

If left blank, this program will produce only the reports and will perform no file or status update.

14. Enter '1' to bypass updating any or all of the following systems:

. Accounts Receivables (F0311)

. Inventory (F41021/F4115)

. Commissions (F42005)

. Sales History Summary (F4229)

. Sales Rebate History (F4079)

. Accounts Payable (F0411)

If you choose to bypass Accounts Receivable, the program still assigns an invoice number to each sales order, but it doesn't create an invoice record in the A/R system. Instead of writing a journal entry to the A/R trade account at the post (P09800), this program will pull the revenue offset account from AAI 4245.

If you choose to bypass A/R the system will not write tax records to the Tax file (F0018). Also, instead of an I batch, the system creates a G batch.

The option to bypass Accounts Payable only applies to interbranch orders, and your selection in processing option 26.

15. Enter '1' to purge all associated text lines in the Text Detail File (F4314). These are text lines entered through a selection exit from Sales Order Entry.  
16. Enter '1' to leave completed records in the F4211 file.

If left blank, the F4211 record will be purged to the Sales History file (F42119).

17. Enter '1' to leave Sales Header records in the F4201 file.

If left blank, AND all associated detail records have been purged, the F4201 records will be purged to the Sales Header History file (F42019).

NOTE: If you have specified to update the order number to the Subledger field in the G/L, this option must be set to '1'.

18. Enter '1' to purge all pricing history records (F4074).

If left blank, pricing history will remain in file.

19. Select the type of information to be updated to the Subledger field in the journal entries (F0911):

'1' = Order Number

'2' = Salesman Number

'3' = Sold To Address Number

'4' = Ship To Address Number

'5' = Item Number (Short)

20. Enter an index number (1-10) used to assign the A/R Next Number.

If left blank, index 01 will be used as the default.

If you use Sales Update to assign invoice numbers to sales orders, enter the next number bucket from which the program is to retrieve a beginning invoice number. You set up next numbers for invoices in the Next Numbers screen (P0002) under system code 03 (Accounts Receivable).
21. Enter the document type to be used for the invoice. If left blank, 'RI' will be used.

NOTE: You will have to use the above options if you have not already assigned the A/R number at the time of invoice print.

22. Enter '1' to update the item cost with the current inventory cost by running the Sales Cost Update (P42950) prior to sales update. The P42950 serves three purposes depending on the version you run. It will update sales order costs, prices, or exchanges rates (and the corresponding amounts).

You set this option to 1 to have the P42950 make updates to sales orders before they run through Sales Update. You specify the version of P42950 you want to run in processing option 23.

The P42950 will not change costs on sales order lines for which items have been relieved from inventory (via Ship Confirm). When inventory is relieved, the system writes a Cardex record (F4111) containing the cost; therefore, changing the costs afterwards could cause integrity problems.

23. Enter the version of Sales Cost Update to run.

If left blank, will use version ZJDE0002.

Version ZJDE0002 is preset to update sales order costs.
24. Enter '1' to use sales flex accounting.

If left blank, sales flex accounting will not be used.

Sales flex accounting allows you to define the business unit, subsidiary or subledger portion of an account number based on category codes and other variables that pertain to an item or address number on a sales order. You work with flexible sales accounting in P40296.
25. Enter the Order Type used to record inter-branch sales. To specify more than one, type them one after the other along this field.  
26. Enter a '1' to create A/R (F0311) and A/P (F0411) batches.

If left blank, an interbranch JE (F0911) batch will be created.


Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

27. A/R Functional Server (XT0311Z1) The A/R server you specify here will have some affect on the invoices created by Sales Update. See processing options for XT0311Z1 for more details.
28. G/L Functional Server (XT0911Z1) The G/L server you specify here will have some affect on the journal entries created by Sales Update. See processing options for XT0911Z1 for more details.
29. A/P Functional Server (XT0411Z1)  
30. Enter a '1' if the quantity shipped is at standard for sales lines without bulk quantities.

Leave blank if the quantity shipped is at ambient.

31. Enter the address book number to be used as the owner for duty paid when the tank is commingled for duty and the owner has not been specified.  
32. Enter the address book number to be used as the owner for duty free when the tank is commingled for duty and the owner has not been specified.  
33. Enter a '1' to record temperature gain/loss based on cost.

Enter a '2' to record temperature gain/loss based on revenue.

Leave blank if no temperature gain/loss is to be recorded.

34. Enter a '1' to update quantities to the following files at ambient if the order was priced at ambient.

Leave blank to update all quantities at standard. If this processing option is used, item quantities may not balance to the item ledger since the item ledger is updated at standard.

. Sales History Summary (F4229)

. Item History (F4115)

. G/L Account Ledger (F0911) More ....

35. If the agreement management system is in use and the depot from which product will be relieved is a foreign depot, an agreement search will be performed to find a valid borrow agreement.

Specify which destination should be used by the search program.

Enter the specific branch/plant to be used as the destination.


Enter '1' to use *ANY or enter '2' to use the user's default br/plt.

36. Enter a '1' to use the Account number from the sales detail as the Revenue account or leave blank to use the account number as the Cost of Goods Sold account number.  

47.29 Print Sales Journal (P42810)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to update the Status Codes of the Sales Order.

If left blank the Status Codes of the order will not be changed.

2. Enter the override Next Status code for the sales order.

If left blank the next available status code from the Order Activity Rule (F40203) will be used. This option will only be in effect if processing option one is set to '1'.

3. Select the currency printing mode of this report:

' ' - Print in Domestic Only

'1' - Print in Foreign Only

'2' - Print in Both Domestic and Foreign currencies.


47.30 General Ledger Post (P09800)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Batch Number or Batch Date or Batch User ID  
2. Identify how to print amount fields on Post Journal:

'1' = to Millions (w/ commas)

'2' = to Billions (w/o commas)

Blank (Default) = No Journal Printed.

3. Identify which account number to print on report:

'1' = Account Number

'2' = Short Account ID

'3' = Unstructured Account

'4' = (Default) Number Entered During Input

4. Enter a '1' to post F/A entries to Fixed Assets.

Note: DREAM Writer version ZJDE0001 of Post G/L Entries to Assets (P12800) is executed when this option is selected. All transactions selected from that DREAM Writer will be posted rather than just the current entries being posted to G/L.

5. Enter a 'Y' if you wish to explode parent item time down to the assembly component level. Component billing rates will be used. (This applies to batch type 'T' only.)  
6. Enter a '1' to create and post Cash Basis accounting entries. (Applies to batch type G, K, M, W, & R only.)  
7. Enter units ledger type for Cash Basis Accounting entries.

(Default of blank will use "ZU" ledger type.)

8. Enter a '1' for 52 Period Post.

Note: DREAM Writer data selection is used for 52 period posting ONLY. It is NOT used for the standard post to the F0902. Additionally, 52 period date patterns must be set up.

9. Identify when to update the Tax Work file (F0018):

'1' = V.A.T. or Use Tax only

'2' = for All Tax Amounts

'3' = for All Tax Explanation Codes

Blank (Default) = No Update to File

Note: When using Vertex Taxes the Vertex Tax Register file will be updated instead of the Tax Work file for methods '1', '2', and '3'.

10. Adjust VAT Account for Cash Receipt Adjustments and Write Offs. Tax explanation must be a 'V'.

'1' = update VAT amount only

'2' = update VAT amount, extended price and taxable amount

11. Adjust VAT Account for Discount Taken. The Tax Rules file must be set to Calculate Tax on Gross Amount, including Discount and Calculate Discount on Gross Amount, including Tax. Tax explanation must be a 'V'.

'1' = update VAT amount only

'2' = update VAT amount, extended price and taxable amount

12. Enter DREAM Writer version of Property Management G/L Transaction Creation to be executed.

Default is version ZJDE0001. (This applies to batch types '2' and '/'.)

13. Enter '1' to update short ID number, company, fiscal year/period number, century, and fiscal quarter in unposted transaction records selected for posting. (May be required for custom input programs.)  
14. Enter a '1' to print the Posting Journal in a 198 character format.

The default of blank will print the format with 132 characters.

15. Enter a '1' to create currency restatement entries. This creates records in the XA, YA, and/or ZA ledgers depending on the version you are running.  
16. Enter the version of the Detailed Currency Restatement (P11411) to execute.

Default of blank will execute ZJDE0001.

17. Enter a '1' to update the Cross-Environment Reconciliation file. Blank will not update the reconciliation file.

Note: The Cross-Environment Reconciliation file can also be updated through the stand-alone Cross-Environment File Creation program.

18. When normal number of periods = 12 or 13 and posting a reversing entry into period 12 or 13, enter a '1' to create reversing journal entries to the first period of the following year. This is to avoid posting reversing entries to an adjusting period.

Example: Normal number of periods = 12. Period 12 ends 12/30/xx and period 13 ends 12/31/xx. Journal Entry date of 12/30/xx will post reversing entry to period 01 of next year if processing option is set to '1'.


Note: This option should NOT be changed by User.


47.31 General Journal By Batch (P09301)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select Account number to print:

'1' = account number

'2' = short account ID

'3' = unstructured account

'4' = number entered during input.

If left blank, the number entered during input will be printed.

2. Enter a '1' to print units.

If left blank, units will not be printed.

3. Enter a '1' to suppress commas when displaying amount fields. This will allow the printing of additional significant digits in each amount field.  
4. Select which account category code (1 - 23) to print in place of the account number.

Default of blank will print the account number specified in option number 1.

5. Enter a '1' to print the generic text for journal entry lines in a 40-character width, a '2' to print text in an 80-character width.

If left blank, generic text will not be printed.