
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Z 


Account Number
defined, 3.2.2
Accounting Branch/Plant
defined, 3.3
Accounts receivable information
enter, 3.2.2
Activating preferences, 31.2
actor Value - Numeric
defined, 25.2
Additional orders
overview, 1.3.4, 10.2
Address Book Information, 33.2
Address Book Information form, 33.2
Address Book-Additional Information form, 33.2
Address types
defining defaults, 33.4,
Advanced and technical operations
overview, 1.3.12
Age From
defined, 40.4.2
defined, 40.4.2
Amount - Credit Price
defined, 24.2.1
Amount - Extended Price
defined, 3.3
Amount - Override List Price
defined, 25.2
Amount - Price per Unit
defined, 24.2.1
A/P Interface Y/N - Distribution
defined, 38.1
Application Constants form, 36.5
Apply Commission (Y/N)
defined, 3.4
Apply Freight - Y/N
defined, 38.1
Apply Retainage - Y/N
defined, 38.1
Applying markup costs for interbranch sales, 16.2
example, 16.2
defined, 21.3.2
Approving journal entries, 21.3.2
A/R Interface Y/N - Distribution
defined, 38.1
Arranging the preference hierarchy, 31.5
Assigning an item to an item group, 31.4.3
Assigning commission information, 41.3
Assigning customer and items to groups, 31.4
Assigning invoice numbers, 21.2.2
Assigning rules to customers and customer groups, 25.3
Authorization Number
defined, 3.2.2
Automatic accounting instructions
adding memo text, 43.1.3
record types, 43.1.3
setup, 43.1
used in ecs sales order management, 43.1.1
Automatic Accounting Instructions form, 43.1.2
defining item availability, 36.2.1
defined, 6.6
Available Templates form, 28.4
Available to promise, 6.6.1


releasing,, 11.3
releasing in batch, 11.3.4
releasing online, 11.3.1
Backorders to fill
run report, 11.3.2
Backorders to Fill report, 7.4.5
Base Price Revisions form, 24.2.1, 24.2.1
fold area, 24.2.1
viewing category codes, 24.2.2
Base Price Revisions/Adjustments report, 24.3.1
Base pricing, 24.1
credits, 24.2.2
defining, 24.2
generating reports, 24.2.2
multi-currency, 24.2.2
preference hierarchy, 23.5
setup, 23.1, 23.1
updating, 24.3
changing existing prices, 24.3.1
creating future prices, 24.3.2
Based On Date Name
defined, 34.2.1
Based-on-date invoicing, 34.2
Basic sales order entry, 2.2
Batch Control Required (Y/N) - Inv
defined, 36.5
Batch Date From
defined, 21.3.1
Batch Date Thrur
defined, 21.3.1
Batch Management Approval Required - Inv
defined, 36.5
Batch Number
defined, 21.3.1
Batch Order Activity Register, 4.4.2
Batch Order Additional Detail window, 4.2
Batch Order Creation Exception report, 4.4.2
Batch orders, 2.2.2
entering, 4.2
processing, 4.4
processing individually, 4.2.1
Batch Status
defined, 21.3.1
Batch types
for interbranch orders, 16.4
Billing Address Type
defined, 33.4, 37.1.6
Billing cycles, 20.1
Billing information
reviewing, 7.7
Bi-weekly invoicing, 34.2
Blanket orders, 13.1
controlling inventory commitment, 12.1.1, 13.1.1
creating, 13.2
creating a sales order from, 13.3
defined, 10.2.3
if sales order quantity exceeds blanket quantity, 13.3.2
multiple, 13.4.2
releasing, 11.2.1, 13.5
Blanket Orders form, 13.2
Blanket Release form, 13.4.1
Branch sales markups
for a demand branch, 42.1.2
setup, 42.1
Branch Sales Markups form, 42.1.1
fold area, 42.1.1
defined, 3.2.2, 42.1.1, 42.1.1
Branch/plant constants
setting up constants
defining batch control constants, 36.5
defining branch/plant constants, 36.2
defining item availability, 36.2.1
defining system constants, 36.4
defining the location format, 36.6
Branch/Plant Constants form, 36.2
Branch/Plant Constants-Pg 1 form, 36.2
Branch/Plant Constants-Pg 2 form, 36.6
Bulk Load Confirmation form, 17.1.1
Bulk product
pricing, 30.3.15
Bulk product gain/loss, 21.2.2


Calculation Rule
defined, 34.2.1
Calculation rules, 20.3, 34.2
Cancel Date
defined, 3.2.2
Carrier Number
defined, 3.2.2
Cash Discount
defined, 3.4
Category - G/L
defined, 38.1
Changing existing prices, 24.3.1
Check Credit form, 7.2
Check Price & Availability form, 6.3
Check Price and Availability form
access from sales order, 6.3.1
Column to Include on Sales Journal
defined, 38.1
Commission and royalty information
enter, 3.2.2
Commission Code 1
defined, 3.2.2
Commission Code 2
defined, 3.2.2
Commission Code Type
defined, 41.4.1
Commission/Royalty Information form, 41.4.1
fold area, 41.4.1
fixed percentages, 41.3.1
additional variables, 41.5.2
locating on, 41.1.2
order detail line, 41.1.2
order entry, 41.1.2
passwords, 41.6.1
reports, 41.1.2
setup, 41.1
additional commission information, 41.4
assigning commission information, 41.3
passwords, 41.4.2
setting up a sales group, 41.2
variable commission percentages, 41.4.2, 41.5
Commit field on the Sales Order Detail file (F4211), 6.4.4
Commitment information
reviewing, 3.7.2
Complex customer price groups
setup, 23.2.2
Complex item price groups
setup, 23.3.2
Consolidated invoices,
setup, 36.1
Container Billing report,
Container Deposit/Rental preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.1
Container Billing report,
using default information,
Contract pricing, 25.1.2
Converting a quote order into a sales order, 12.3
Converting price levels, 24.4
Copying a quote order to create a sales order, 12.4
Copying item information to sales orders, 6.2
Creating a blanket order, 13.2
Creating a customer-specific template, 28.3
Creating a recurring order, 4.3
Creating a sales order from a blanket order, 13.3
Creating a standard template, 28.2
Creating a system-generated credit order, 9.3
Creating a system-generated template, 28.5
Creating future prices, 24.3.2
Creating invoice cycle preferences, 20.2, 34.3
Credit order
creating from history, 7.5.2
Credit orders, 8.2
entering, 9.1
entering manually, 9.2
overview, 1.3.3
system generated
retrieving load confirm invoice amounts, 9.3.3
system-generated, 9.3
retrieving correct data, 9.3.3
Credit Orders form, 9.2
Credit Orders from History form, 9.3.1
Customer billing instructions
freight, 37.1.4, 37.1.5
item restrictions,
setup, 37.1
Customer Billing Instructions form, 23.2.1, 33.4, 40.3, 41.3
Customer Billing Instructions-Page 2 form, 37.1.3, 41.3
Customer Currency (ECS) preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.2
Customer groups
assigning pricing rules, 25.3
creating new for pricing, 25.3.1
for repricing, 26.2.2
Customer information
account information, 7.2
billing information, 7.7
credit check, 7.2
held orders, 7.4.4
locating invoices, 7.7.1
open orders by customer, 7.4.2
open orders by item, 7.4.1
order status reports, 7.4
sales ledger detail, 7.6.2
sales orders by customer, 7.3
Customer Master Information form, 33.3
Customer Number
defined, 30.2
Customer P.O.
defined, 3.2.2
Customer Preference Groups form, 31.4.2
Customer Price Group
defined, 6.3
Customer price groups
complex, 23.2.2
setup, 23.2
simple, 23.2.1
Customer Service form, 7.3
different formats, 7.3.1
fold area, 7.3
Customer/Supplier Name
defined, 6.6
Cycle billing
calculation rules and scheduled invoice dates,
running, 20.4
when to run, 19.2.2
Cycle Billing Exception report, 20.4.4
Cycle billing journal entries, 20.4
Cycle billing requirements
and Document Set (ECS) preference,
Cycle Billing Transaction report, 20.4.3


Daily invoicing, 34.2
Data sequence values
backorders to fill, 7.4.6
open orders by customer, 7.4.3
Date - Effective
defined, 28.2, 34.2.1
Date - Effective (Julian)
defined, 41.2.1
Date - Expiration (Julian)
defined, 41.2.1
Date - Expired
defined, 28.2, 34.2.1
Date - Invoice
defined, 34.2.1
Date - Invoice Cycle Test 1
defined, 34.2.1
Date - Next Order
defined, 4.3
Date - Order/Transaction
defined, 3.2.2
Date - Promised Shipment
defined, 3.3
Date - Requested
defined, 3.2.2
Date - Suspend
defined, 4.3
Date Range - Based On
defined, 7.7
Day of Week
defined, 34.2.1
Default address types, 33.4
customer billing instructions, 33.4
Define Customer Price Groups form, 23.2.2
Define Item Price Groups form, 23.3.2
Define Subsystem form, 46.2, 46.5
fold area, 46.2
Defining base prices, 24.2
Defining batch control constants, 36.5
Defining default address types, 33.4
Defining item availability, 36.3
Defining locations, 36.6
Defining order hold codes, 40.2
Defining price adjustments, 25.1
Defining related addresses, 33.1
Defining repricing groups, 26.2.2
Defining system constants, 36.4
Defining the base price preference hierarchy, 23.5
Defining the display of specific preference fields, 31.3.3
Defining the display of specific preferences, 31.3.2
Defining the invoicing address, 33.3
Defining the order of preferences, 31.3.1
Delivery documents
for periodic invoicing, 20.5.2
Delivery Instructions Line 1
defined, 37.1.3
Delivery Note
defined, 37.1.3
defined, 6.6
defined, 31.3.1
Description 1
defined, 3.3
Description_---_Line Type
defined, 38.1
Detail information
entering, 3.3
Detail Invoice Journal, 21.2.3
Direct orders
defined, 10.2.4
Direct ship orders
entering, 15.1
identifying sales and purchase orders, 15.1.1
line type, 15.1.1
non-stock and kit items, 15.1.1
Direct Ship Orders form, 15.1
Distribution Automatic Account form, 43.1.2
defined, 41.4.1
defined, 7.3
Document Distribution (ECS) preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.3
example, 30.3.3
Document Print Batch Inquiry form, 20.6
Document Print Control Confirm window, 20.5.1, 20.6
Document Print Control form, 20.6
Document set
and Invoice Cycle preference, 20.2.1, 34.3.1
Document Set (ECS) preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.4
and cycle billing,
example, 30.3.4
Document types
searching for, 28.3.2
Duty Status
defined, 3.3


Effective From
defined, 24.2.1, 30.2
Effective Thru
defined, 30.2
Enable Effective Dates
defined, 31.3.3
Enable Effective Quantity
defined, 31.3.3
End of day processing, 19.2
overview, 1.3.6
running cycle billing, 20.4
End Use preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.5
End-of-month invoicing, 34.2
Enter Orders (Page Mode) form, 3.2.2
for interbranch sales orders, 16.2.1
Entering a credit order, 9.1
Entering a credit order manually, 9.2
Entering a direct ship order, 15.1
Entering a kit item, 3.5
Entering a quote order, 12.2
Entering a sales order from a blanket order, 13.4
Entering a sales order with manual invoice, 17.1
Entering a transfer order, 14.1
Entering additional order information, 3.4
Entering an interbranch sales order, 16.1
Entering an order from a template, 3.6
Entering batch orders, 4.2
Entering detail information, 3.3
Entering header information, 3.2
Entering related addresses, 33.2
Entering specific preference information, 30.3
Preference Profile Revisions (ECS), 30.3
Entering standard preference information, 30.2
Entering substitute and associated items, 3.7
Expiration Date
defined, 3.2.2
Extended Volume
defined, 3.4
Extended Weight
defined, 3.4


Factor Value - Type
defined, 25.2
Account Number, 3.2.2
Accounting Branch/Plant, 3.3
Age From, 40.4.2
Allowable, 40.4.2
Amount - Credit Price, 24.2.1
Amount - Extended Price, 3.3
Amount - Override List Price, 25.2
Amount - Price per Unit, 24.2.1
A/P Interface Y/N - Distribution, 38.1
Apply Commission (Y/N), 3.4
Apply Freight - Y/N, 38.1
Apply Retainage - Y/N, 38.1
Approved, 21.3.2
A/R Interface Y/N - Distribution, 38.1
Authorization Number, 3.2.2
Available, 6.6
Based On Date Name, 34.2.1
Basis For Cost or Price, 25.2
Batch Control Required (Y/N) - Inv, 36.5
Batch Date From, 21.3.1
Batch Date Thru, 21.3.1
Batch Management Approval Required - Inv, 36.5
Batch Number, 21.3.1
Batch Status, 21.3.1
Billing Address Type, 33.4, 37.1.6
Branch/Plant, 3.2.2, 42.1.1, 42.1.1
Calculation Rule, 34.2.1
Cancel Date, 3.2.2
Carrier Number, 3.2.2
Cash Discount, 3.4
Category - G/L, 38.1
Column to Include on Sales Journal, 38.1
Commission Code 1, 3.2.2
Commission Code 2, 3.2.2
Commission Code Type, 41.4.1
Customer Number, 30.2
Customer P.O., 3.2.2
Customer Price Group, 6.3
Customer/Supplier Name, 6.6
Date - Effective, 28.2, 34.2.1
Date - Effective (Julian), 41.2.1
Date - Expiration (Julian), 41.2.1
Date - Expired, 28.2, 34.2.1
Date - Invoice, 34.2.1
Date - Invoice Cycle Test 1, 34.2.1
Date - Next Order, 4.3
Date - Order/Transaction, 3.2.2
Date - Promised Shipment, 3.3
Date - Requested, 3.2.2
Date - Suspend, 4.3
Date Range - Based On, 7.7
Day of Week, 34.2.1
Delivery Instructions Line 1, 37.1.3
Delivery Note, 37.1.3
Demand, 6.6
Description, 31.3.1
Description 1, 3.3
Description_---_Line Type, 38.1
Division, 41.4.1
Document, 7.3
Duty Status, 3.3
Effective From, 24.2.1, 30.2
Effective Thru, 30.2
Effective Thru Effective Thru
defined, 24.2.1
Enable Effective Dates, 31.3.3
Enable Effective Quantity, 31.3.3
Expiration Date, 3.2.2
Extended Volume, 3.4
Extended Weight, 3.4
Factor Value - Numeric, 25.2
Factor Value - Type, 25.2
Frequency - Order, 4.3
From Grade, 6.5
From Potency, 6.5
Generate Workorder, 38.1
G/L Interface Y/N - Distribution, 38.1
G/L Offset, 3.4
Group Code Sequence Number, 23.2.2
Hold Code, 3.2.2, 11.2, 40.2.1
Hold Orders Code, 37.1.3
Include Backorders, 7.7
Include in Cash Discount Calculation, 38.1
Include in Tax 1, 38.1
Include Sales/COGS for Gross Profit, 38.1
Inventory Interface Y/N - Distribution, 38.1
Invoice Consolidation, 37.1.6
Invoice Copies, 3.2.2
Invoice Cycle, 34.2.1, 34.3
Item, 3.3
Item Number, 30.2
Last Status, 3.3
Ledger, 39.1.1
Length, 36.6
Limit - Quantity, 25.2
Line of Business, 3.3
Line Type, 38.1, 39.1.1
Load Date, 3.3
Load Factor, 41.4.1
Location, 3.3
Lot, 3.3
L/R, 36.6
Maximum Order Value, 40.3
Minimum Order Value, 40.3
Mode of Transport, 3.3, 3.4
Next Number, 39.1.1
Next Status, 3.3
Next Status Code, 39.1.1
Number of Days Increment, 34.2.1
Order Template, 28.2
Order Type, 3.2.2, 3.2.2, 39.1.1, 41.4.1
Ordered By, 3.2.2
Original Order, 3.4
Original Order Line Number, 3.4
Original Order Number, 7.3
Original Order Type, 3.4, 7.3
Other Allowed Status Codes, 39.1.1
Partial Line Shipments Allowed (Y/N), 37.1.3
Partial Order Shipments Allowed (Y/N), 37.1.3
Password, 11.2, 40.2.1
Payment Instrument, 3.2.2
Payment Terms, 3.2.2
Percent Markup, 42.1.1
Person Responsible, 11.2, 40.2.1
Preference Classification, 31.3.1
Preference Type, 31.3.1
Price Code 1, 3.3
Price Group, 23.2.2
Price Pickslip, 3.2.2
Pricing Category Level, 25.2
Pricing Method, 25.2
Pricing Rule, 25.2
Pricing Unit of Measure, 3.3
Print Message, 3.2.2
Priority - Processing, 37.1.3
Priority Code, 3.4
Quantity, 3.3, 9.2
Quantity - Hard Committed, 6.5
Quantity - Work Order Hard Commit, 6.5
Quantity From, 30.2, 34.3
Quantity on Backorder, 6.5
Quantity on Future Commit, 6.5
Quantity on Purchase Order-primary units, 6.5
Quantity on Work Order Receipt, 6.5
Quantity Soft Committed, 6.5
Quantity Thru, 30.2, 34.3
Quantity Type, 25.2
Rate - Commission 1, 3.2.2, 41.3
Rate - Commission 2, 3.2.2, 41.3
Rate Code, 3.4
Reason Code, 3.4
Record Variance (Y/N), 38.1
Reference, 25.2
Related - Price, 25.2
Related Order, 3.4
Related Order Line Number, 3.4
Related Order Type, 3.4
Reprice Line or Order, 26.2.3
Reverse Sign, 38.1
Route, 3.2.2
Sales Catalog Section, 3.4, 42.1.1
Sales Code, 41.2.1
Salesperson Code 1, 3.4
Salesperson Code 1 Commission Rate, 3.4
Salesperson Code 2, 3.4
Salesperson Code 2 Commission Rate, 3.4
Separator Character, 36.6
Sequence Number, 28.3.1, 30.2, 31.3.1, 34.3
Ship Ascending Date, 6.3
Ship Method, 41.4.1
Ship To, 3.2.2
Shipping Commodity, 3.4
Shipping Condition, 3.4
Sold To, 3.2.2
Special Handling Code, 31.3.2
Status Code, 39.1.1
Stop, 3.2.2
Subledger - G/L, 3.4
Subledger Type, 3.4
Supply, 6.6
Supply or Demand Plant, 42.1.1
Tax Certificate Number, 3.2.2
Tax Expl Code 1, 3.2.2
Tax Rate/Area, 3.2.2
Taxable, 3.3
Trade Discount, 3.2.2
Unit of Measure, 3.3, 24.2.1, 28.3.1
Unit of Measure as Input, 30.2
Unit Price, 3.3
Units - Over, 25.2
Units - Usual Ordered, 28.3.1
Volume Unit of Measure, 3.4
Weight Unit of Measure, 3.4
Zone, 3.2.2
fining inventory pricing rules, 25.2
Flash messages
viewing, 3.3.1
Foreign currency transactions
entering, 43.1.3
Address Book-Additional Information Related addresses, 33.2
Application Constants, 36.5
Automatic Accounting Instructions, 43.1.2
Available Templates, 28.4
Base Price Revisions, 24.2.1, 24.2.1
Batch Order Additional Detail window, 4.2
Billing Instructions-Page 2, 37.1.3, 41.3
Blanket Orders, 13.2
Blanket Release, 13.4.1
Branch Sales Markups, 42.1.1
Branch/Plant Constants, 36.2
Branch/Plant Constants-Pg 1, 36.2
Branch/Plant Constants-Pg 2, 36.6
Bulk Load Confirmation, 17.1.1
Check Credit, 7.2
Check Price & Availability, 6.3
Commission/Royalty Information, 41.4.1
Credit Orders, 9.2
Credit Orders from History, 9.3.1
Customer Billing Instructions, 23.2.1, 33.4, 40.3, 41.3
Customer Master Information, 33.3
Customer Preference Groups, 31.4.2
Customer Service, 7.3
Define Customer Price Groups, 23.2.2
Define Item Price Groups, 23.3.2
Define Subsystem, 46.2, 46.5
Direct Ship Orders, 15.1
Distribution Automatic Account, 43.1.2
Document Print Batch Inquiry, 20.6
Document Print Control, 20.6
Document Print Control Confirm, 20.5.1
Document Print Control Confirm window, 20.6
Enter Orders (Page Mode), 3.2.2
Inventory Pricing Rules, 25.2, 26.2.3
Invoice Cycle (ECS) preference, 20.2
Invoice Cycle Calculation Rule, 34.2.1
Invoice Cycle preference, 34.3
Item Availability Definition, 36.3
Item Master Information, 23.3.1
Item Preference Groups, 31.4.3
Item Search window, 6.2
Manual Invoices, 17.1.1
Online Invoice, 7.7
Order Activity Rules, 39.1.1
Order Detail Information, 3.4, 3.4
Order Heading Information, 4.3
Order History Inquiry, 28.3.1
Order Hold Information, 40.1.1
Order Line Types, 38.1
Order Template, 3.6.1
Order Template Revisions, 28.2
Packaged Load Confirmation, 17.1.1
Preference Hierarchy, 23.5, 31.5
Preference Inquiry (ECS), 30.2, 30.2, 30.3
Preference Master, 31.3.1
Preference Profile Revisions (ECS), 30.2, 30.2, 30.3
Preference Profiles, 31.3.1, 31.5
Preference Selection, 31.2
Print Messages (ECS), 30.2, 30.2
Print Periodic Invoices, 20.5.1
Quote Orders, 12.2
Recurring and Batch Order Entry, 4.2
Recurring Order Information, 4.3
Related Salesperson, 41.2.1, 41.5.1
Release Backorders-Online, 11.3.1
Release Blanket Orders, 13.5
Release Held Orders, 11.2
Release Quote Orders, 12.5
Sales Ledger Detail window, 7.5.2
Sales Ledger Inquiry, 7.5.1
Sales Order Entry, 3.3, 6.2, 16.2.1
Scheduled Invoice Dates, 20.3, 34.2.1
Status Code Update, 18.1.1
Substitute/Associated Items window, 3.7.1
Summary Availability, 6.5
Supply/Demand Inquiry, 6.6
Transfer Orders, 14.2.2
User Defined Code Revisions, 23.2.1, 28.2, 31.3.2, 31.3.2
User Defined Codes Window, 23.2.1, 28.2, 31.3.2
customer billing instructions, 37.1.4, 37.1.5
information on general ledger accounts, 43.1.3
Freight (ECS) preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.6
dispatch group,
Frequency - Order
defined, 4.3
From Grade
defined, 6.5
From Potency
defined, 6.5
Future Price Additions report, 24.3.2


recording for bulk product, 21.2.2
Generate Workorder
defined, 38.1
Generating order status reports, 7.4
Generating price group relationships, 23.4
Generating sales history reports, 7.6
Generating the Backorders to Fill report, 7.4.5
Generating the Held Orders report, 7.4.4
Generating the Open Orders by Customer report, 7.4.2
Generating the Open Orders by Item report, 7.4.1
Generating the Sales Analysis Summary report, 7.6.3
Generating the Sales Ledger Detail report, 7.6.2
G/L Interface Y/N - Distribution
defined, 38.1
G/L Offset
defined, 3.4
Grade and Potency preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.7
grade example, 30.3.7
potency example, 30.3.7
sales order updates,
Group Code Sequence Number
defined, 23.2.2


Header information
changing, 3.2.2
entering, 3.2
purging, 45.3.1
Held orders
batch, 40.2.1
printing, 11.2.1
releasing, 11.2
Held Sales Orders report, 7.4.5
Hold Code
defined, 3.2.2, 11.2, 40.2.1
Hold Orders Code
defined, 37.1.3


Include Backorders
defined, 7.7
Include in Cash Discount Calculation
defined, 38.1
Include in Tax 1
defined, 38.1
Include Sales/COGS for Gross Profit
defined, 38.1
Interactive sales orders, 2.2.1
Interbranch orders
batch types for, 16.4
limitations of, 16.3.2
printing, 16.3
viewing online, 16.3.2
Interbranch sales
applying markup costs, 16.2
Interbranch sales orders
by line item, 16.2.2
creating a version, 16.2.2
document types, 16.4.5
entering, 16.1
overview, 10.2.6
Inventory Commitment preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.8
example, 30.3.8
Inventory Commitments, 6.4
Inventory Interface Y/N - Distribution
defined, 38.1
Inventory pricing rules
defining, 25.2
Inventory Pricing Rules form, 25.2, 26.2.3
fold area, 25.2, 26.2.3
Invoice batches
printing when interrupted, 20.6
Invoice Consolidation
defined, 37.1.6
Invoice Copies
defined, 3.2.2
Invoice Cycle
defined, 34.2.1, 34.3
Invoice Cycle Calculation Rule form, 34.2.1
Invoice cycle calculation rules, 20.3, 34.2
scheduled invoice date example, 20.3, 34.2.1
Invoice cycle preference
and primary invoice, 20.2.1, 34.3.1
Invoice Cycle preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.9
and document sets, 20.2.1,, 34.3.1
calculation rules and scheduled invoice dates,
Invoice cycles
preference, 20.2, 34.3
setting up, 34.1
invoice information
enter, 3.2.2
Invoice journal
reviewing, 21.2.3
Invoice numbers
assigning, 21.2.2
Invoice setup, 32.2
address book information, 33.2
customer master information, 33.3
default address types, 33.4
invoice cycle calculation rules, 20.3, 34.2
invoice cycle preference, 20.2, 34.3
overview, 1.3.10
related addresses, 33.1
scheduled date calculation, 20.3, 34.2.1
scheduled invoice dates, 20.3, 34.2.1
cycle calculation rule, 20.3
for interbranch orders, 16.3
reviewing online, 16.3.2
Invoice cycle preference, 20.2
defined, 3.3
Item Availability Definition form, 36.3
Item groups
creating new for pricing, 25.2.1
for repricing, 26.2.2
Item information
available to promise, 6.6.1
backorders to fill, 7.4.5
copying to sales orders, 6.2
detailed quantity information, 6.5.1
open orders by item, 7.4.1
price and availability, 6.3
quantity information, 6.5
repost, 6.7
repost future commitments, 6.7.1
summary availability, 6.5
supply and demand, 6.6
supply and demand inclusion rules, 6.6.1
Item Master Information form, 23.3.1
Item Number
defined, 30.2
Item Preference Groups form, 31.4.3
Item price groups
complex, 23.3.2
setup, 23.3
simple, 23.3.1
Item Search window, 6.2
commitment information, 3.7.2
entering kits, 3.5
flash messages, 3.3.1
locating numbers, 3.1.1
substitute and associated
entering, 3.7
substituting partial quantities, 3.7.2


Journal entries
approving, 21.3
cycle and non-cycle billing, 20.4
posting, 21.4
reviewing, 21.3
revising an unposted batch, 21.3.3
summarizing, 21.2.2


Kit items
changing on sales orders, 3.5.2
entering, 3.5


Lag day calculation,
Last Status
defined, 3.3
Leadtime calculation,
defined, 39.1.1
defined, 36.6
Limit - Quantity
defined, 25.2
Line of Business
defined, 3.3
Line of Business preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.10
Line Type
defined, 38.1, 39.1.1
Load Date
defined, 3.3
Load Factor
defined, 41.4.1
Load/Promise Date (ECS) preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.11
example, 30.3.11
lag day and lead time,
Locating quantity information, 6.5
defined, 3.3
defining the location format, 36.6
length, 36.6.1
defined, 3.3
defined, 36.6


Manual invoice
defined, 10.2.7
entering, 17.1
load confirmation, 17.1.1
Manual Invoices form, 17.1.1
Maximum Order Value
defined, 40.3
adding to an order line, 3.3.1
adding to sales orders, 3.2.2
viewing, 3.3.1
Minimum Order Value
defined, 40.3
Mode of Transport
defined, 3.3, 3.4


Next Number
defined, 39.1.1
Next Order Status (ECS) preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.12
Next Status
defined, 3.3
Next Status Code
defined, 39.1.1
Non-cycle billing journal entries, 20.4
Number of Days Increment
defined, 34.2.1
nvoice setup
invoicing address, 33.3


ograms and IDs
P42100 (related salesperson), 41.5.1
Online Invoice form, 7.7
different formats, 7.7.1
printing invoices, 7.7.1
Open Sales Orders by Customer report, 7.4.2
Open Sales Orders by Item report, 7.4.1
Order activity rules, 39.1
copying, 39.1.2
sales ledger detail,
status codes, 1.3.1
Order Activity Rules form, 39.1.1
Order entry
overview, 1.3.1
Order Heading Information form
Recurring orders, 4.3
Order History Inquiry form, 28.3.1
searching for specific documents, 28.3.2
to create customer-specific templates, 28.3.1
Order Hold Information form, 40.1.1
fold area, 40.2
Order holds
credit checking setup, 40.4
customer billing instructions, 40.5.1
locating, 40.2.1
margin checking setup, 40.5
minimum and maximum order amounts, 40.3
order entry, 40.5.1
releasing, 11.2
setup, 40.1
updating, 40.2.1
Order Line Types form, 38.1
fold area, 38.1
Order release, 11.1
overview, 1.3.5, 10.2.1
Order Repricing report, 26.2.4
Order status reports, 7.4
backorders to fill, 7.4.5
held orders, 7.4.5
open sales orders by customer, 7.4.2
open sales orders by item, 7.4.1
Order Template
defined, 28.2
Order Template Revisions form, 28.2
Order Template window, 3.6.1
Order Type
defined, 3.2.2, 39.1.1, 41.4.1
Ordered By
defined, 3.2.2
Original Order
defined, 3.4
Original Order Line Number
defined, 3.4
Original Order Number
defined, 7.3
Original Order Type
defined, 3.4, 7.3
Other Allowed Status Codes
defined, 39.1.1


Packaged Load Confirmation form, 17.1.1
Partial Line Shipments Allowed (Y/N)
defined, 37.1.3
Partial Order Shipments Allowed (Y/N)
defined, 37.1.3
defined, 11.2, 40.2.1
Payment Instrument
defined, 3.2.2
Payment Terms
defined, 3.2.2
Payment Terms (ECS) preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.13
Percent Markup
defined, 42.1.1
Periodic invoices
printing, 20.5
Periodic invoicing, 19.2.3
Person Responsible
defined, 11.2, 40.2.1
Posting journal entries, 21.4
Preference Classification
defined, 31.3.1
Preference Hierarchy form, 23.5, 31.5
Preference Inquiry (ECS) form, 30.2, 30.2, 30.3
Preference Master form, 31.3.1
Preference Profile Revisions (ECS) form, 30.2, 30.2, 30.3
Preference Profiles form
to arrange hierarchy, 31.5
to define order of, 31.3.1
Preference Selection form, 31.2
Preference Type
defined, 31.3.1
about, 29.2
adding notes and informational text, 30.1.2
alternate entry, 30.1.2
applying a preference example, 29.2.1
Container Deposit/Rental, 30.3.1
Container Billing report,
using default information,
Customer Currency (ECS), 30.3.2
customer groups, 31.4.2
definition fields, 29.2.2
dispatch group field,
Document Distribution (ECS), 30.3.3
example, 30.3.3
Document Set (ECS), 30.3.4
and cycle billing,
example, 30.3.4
End Use, 30.3.5
entering specific preference information, 30.3
key field definitions, 30.3
entering standard information, 30.2
group fields, 30.2.1
fields, A.1
Freight (ECS), 30.3.6
dispatch group,
Grade and Potency, 30.3.7
grade example, 30.3.7
potency example, 30.3.7
sales order updates,
group fields, 30.2.1
hierarchy, 31.5
how the system uses, 29.2.1
Inventory Commitment, 30.3.8
example, 30.3.8, 30.3.9
invoice cycle, 20.2, 34.3
Invoice Cycle, 30.3.9
and document sets,
calculation rules and scheduled invoice dates,
consolidated invoices,
item groups, 31.4.3
key field table, 29.2.2, 30.3, A.1
Line of Business, 30.3.10
Load/Promise Date (ECS), 30.3.11
example, 30.3.11
lag day and leadtime,
Next Order Status (ECS), 30.3.12
overview, 1.3.9, 29.2.2
Payment Terms (ECS), 30.3.13
Price Adjustment Schedule, 30.3.14
Pricing Unit of Measure (ECS), 30.3.15
bulk product pricing, 30.3.15
override Pricing UOM field, 30.3.15
override Sales Price Based on Date field, 30.3.15
Print Messages (ECS), 30.3.16
Product Allocation (ECS), 30.3.17
quantity sold and balance calculations,
Quality (ECS), 30.3.18
Revenue Cost Center (ECS), 30.3.19
Sales Commission (ECS), 30.3.20
setup, 31.1
activate display, 31.3.2
activate effective date and quantity fields, 31.3.3
activating, 31.2
customer and item groups, 31.4
define order, 31.3.1
hierarchy, 31.5
hierarchy example, 31.5.1
preference master, 31.3
status, 31.2.1
understanding, 30.1
used by programs, 29.2.1
User Defined Price Code, 30.3.21
variable field table, 29.2.2, 30.3, A.1
Preprinted invoice forms
using, 20.5.2
Price Adjustment Schedule preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.14
Price adjustments, 25.1
Price Code 1
defined, 3.3
Price Group
defined, 23.2.2
Price group relationships
generating, 23.4
Price groups
complex customer, 23.2.2
complex item, 23.3.2
customer, 23.2
item, 23.3
simple customer, 23.2.1
simple item, 23.3.1
Price information, 3.3.1
Price Pickslip
defined, 3.2.2
Pricing, 22.2
adjustments, 25.1
ambient, standard, or by weight, 30.3.15
assigning rules to customers, 25.3
cash discount pricing, 25.1.2
changing existing, 24.3.1
define customer price groups, 23.2.2
define item price groups, 23.3.2
defining inventory rules, 25.2
future, 24.3.2
item master information, 23.3.1
overview, 1.3.7
preference hierarchy, 23.5, 24.1.1
repricing, 26.1
trade discount and contract pricing
setting up, 25.1.2
by customer, 26.3
during customer sales update, 26.3.1
for items, 26.2
user defined code revisions, 23.2.1
Pricing Category Level
defined, 25.2
Pricing Method
defined, 25.2
Pricing Rule
defined, 25.2
Pricing structure, 23.1
Pricing Unit of Measure
defined, 3.3
Pricing Unit of Measure (ECS) preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.15
bulk product pricing, 30.3.15
override Pricing UOM field, 30.3.15
override Sales Price Based on Date field, 30.3.15
Pricing Unit of Measure field
and Pricing Unit of Measure (ECS) preference, 30.3.15
Primary invoice
and invoice cycle preference, 20.2.1, 34.3.1
Print Message
defined, 3.2.2
Print Messages (ECS) form, 30.2, 30.2, 30.3
Print Messages (ECS) preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.16
Print Periodic Invoices form, 20.5.1
for interbranch orders, 16.3
Printing an interbranch invoice, 16.3
Printing interrupted invoice batches, 20.6
Printing invoices
from online invoice, 7.7.1
Printing periodic invoices, 20.5
Printing problems
troubleshooting on sales reports, 7.6.1
Printing unposted transaction reports, 21.5
Priority - Processing
defined, 37.1.3
Priority Code
defined, 3.4
Processing basket and order repricing, 26.2.4
Processing batch orders, 4.4
Processing Options Revisions form, 31.2
Product Allocation (ECS) preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.17
quantity sold and balance calculations,
Programs and IDs
P00051 (user defined code revisions), 23.2.1, 28.2, 31.3.2, 31.3.2
P010513 (address book-additional information), 33.2
P01053 (customer master information, 33.3
P01501 (address book information), 33.2
P3403 (branch sales markups), 42.1.1
P4001Z (recurring and batch order entry), 4.2
P4006 (base price revisions), 24.2.1
P4007 (preference profiles), 31.3.1, 31.5
P40070 (preference master), 31.3.1
P40071 (customer preference groups), 31.4.2
P40072 (item preference groups), 31.4.3
P40073 (preference hierarchy), 23.5, 31.5
P40105 (define subsystem), 46.2, 46.5
P4014 (order template revisions), 28.2
P40200 (invoice cycle), 34.3
P40200EC (invoice cycle ECS), 20.2
P40200EC (preference inquiry (ECS;, 30.2, 30.3
P40204 (order activity rules), 39.1.1
P40205 (order line types), 38.1
P4021 (supply/demand inquiry), 6.6
P40214 (order history inquiry), 28.3.1
P40215 (order template), 3.6.1
P40215W (available templates), 28.4
P40216 (blanket release), 13.4.1
P40300 (invoice cycle), 34.3
P40300EC (invoice cycle ECS), 20.2
P40300EC (preference profile revisions (ECS;, 30.2, 30.3
P40400EC (preference selection), 31.2
P40901 (automatic accounting instructions), 43.1.2
P4092 (define customer price groups), 23.2.2
P4092 (define item price groups), 23.3.2
P40950 (distribution automatic account), 43.1.2
P40ITM2 (item search), 6.2
P41001 (branch/plant constants-pg 1, 36.2
P410011 (item availability definition), 36.3
P410012 (branch/plant constants-pg 2), 36.6
P41001S (application constants), 36.5
P4101 (item master information), 23.3.1
P4106 (base price revisions), 24.2.1
P4106 (customer billing instructions), 33.4
P41202 (summary availability), 6.5
P41204 (branch/plant constants), 36.2
P41261 (check price & availability), 6.3
P41816 (sales price level conversion), 24.4
P41830 (base price maintenance), 24.3
P420111 (release blanket orders), 13.5
P420111 (release quote orders), 12.5
P420120 (order detail information), 3.4
P4201P (sales order header purge), 45.3.1
P42025 (credit orders from history), 9.3.1
P42025 (sales ledger inquiry), 7.5.1
P42025W (sales ledger detail), 7.5.2
P42040 (status code update), 18.1.1
P42045 (customer service), 7.3
P42050 (check credit), 7.2
P4206 (customer bil ling instructions), 23.2.1
P4206 (customer billing instructions), 40.3, 41.3
P42061 (billing instructions-page 2), 37.1.3, 41.3
P42070 (release held orders), 11.2
P42090 (order hold information), 40.1.1
P4210 (enter orders (page mode), 3.2.2
P42100 (related salesperson), 41.2.1
P42110 (commission and royalty information), 41.4.1
P42117 (release backorders - online), 11.3.1
P4211EC (blanket orders), 13.2
P4211EC (credit orders), 9.2
P4211EC (manual invoices), 17.1.1
P4211EC (quote orders), 12.2
P4211EC (sales order entry), 3.3, 6.2, 16.2.1
P42230 (online invoice), 7.7
P4242EC (transfer orders), 14.2.2
P4243EC (direct ship orders), 15.1
P4271 (inventory pricing rules), 25.2, 26.2.3
P4281 (customer pricing rules), 25.3
P4314P (extended text purge), 45.3.2
P49080 (invoice cycle calculation rule), 34.2.1
P49085 (scheduled invoice dates), 20.3, 34.2.1
P49510 (bulk load confirmation), 17.1.1
P49530 (packaged load confirmation), 17.1.1
P49580 (document print batch inquiry), 20.6
P49582 (document print control), 20.6
P49582 (print periodic invoices), 20.5.1
P49586 (document print control confirm), 20.5.1, 20.6
P81QM (user defined codes window), 28.2, 31.3.2
Purging data, 45.1
active order lines,,
batch order files, 45.3.4
customizing, 45.1.1
extended text, 45.3.2, 45.3.3
general purges, 45.2
processing options and technical considerations, 45.1.1, 45.1.1
sales order detail, 45.2.2
sales order detail to history, 45.3.5
sales order header, 45.3.1
during sales update,
special purges, 45.3


Quality (ECS) preference, 29.2.2
substituting on sales orders, 3.7.2
defined, 3.3, 9.2
Quantity - Hard Committed
defined, 6.5
Quantity - Work Order Hard Commit
defined, 6.5
Quantity From
defined, 30.2, 34.3
Quantity information
reviewing, 3.3.1
Quantity on Backorder
defined, 6.5
Quantity on Future Commit
defined, 6.5
Quantity on Purchase Order-primary units
defined, 6.5
Quantity on Work Order Receipt
defined, 6.5
Quantity Soft Committed
defined, 6.5
Quantity Thru
defined, 30.2, 34.3
Quantity Type
defined, 25.2
Quote orders, 12.1
converting into a sales order, 12.3
copying to create a sales order, 12.4
defined, 10.2.2
entering, 12.2
how to locate, 12.4.2
line types for duplicates, 12.4.2
releasing, 11.2.1, 12.5
during sales order entry, 12.5.1
Quote Orders form, 12.2


Rate - Commission 1
defined, 3.2.2, 41.3
Rate - Commission 2
defined, 3.2.2, 41.3
Rate Code
defined, 3.4
Reason Code
defined, 3.4
Re-commit future orders, 6.7.1
Record Variance (Y/N)
defined, 38.1
Recurring and Batch Order Entry form, 4.2
Recurring Order Information window, 4.3
Recurring orders
entering, 4.3
defined, 25.2
Related - Price
defined, 25.2
Related addresses, 33.2
assigning address numbers, 33.2, 33.2.1
Related Order
defined, 3.4
Related Order Line Number
defined, 3.4
Related Order Type
defined, 3.4
Related Salesperson form, 41.2.1, 41.5.1
Release Backorders-Online form, 11.3.1
Release Blanket Orders form, 13.5
Release Held Orders form, 11.2
Release Quote Orders form, 12.5
Releasing a blanket order, 13.5
Releasing a quote order, 12.5
Releasing backorders,, 11.3
Releasing backorders in a batch, 11.3.4
Releasing backorders online, 11.3.1
Releasing orders on hold, 11.2
Backorders to Fill, 7.4.5
Base Price Revisions/Adjustments, 24.3.1
Batch Order Activity Register, 4.4.2
Batch Order Creation Exception, 4.4.2
Cycle Billing Exception, 20.4.4
Cycle Billing Transaction, 20.4.3
Detail Invoice Journal, 21.2.3
Future Price Additions, 24.3.2
Held Sales Orders, 7.4.5
Open Sales Orders by Customer, 7.4.2
Open Sales Orders by Item, 7.4.1
Order Repricing, 26.2.4
Sales Analysis Summary,
Sales Journal, 21.2.5
Sales Ledger Detail,
Sales Price Level Conversion, 24.4
Sales Update Error, 21.2.5
Summarized Invoice Journal, 21.2.3
Unposted Transactions G/L Account, 21.5
Reposting sales order information, 6.7
Reprice Line or Order
defined, 26.2.3
Repricing, 26.1
at month-end, 26.3.1
basket and order processing, 26.2.4
defining groups, 26.2.2
during order entry, 26.2.1
limitations, 26.2.1
repeating, 26.2.1
updating prices, 26.2
Repricing sales orders, 20.3.1, 20.4.2
Revenue Cost Center (ECS) preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.19
Reverse Sign
defined, 38.1
Reviewing billing information, 7.7
Reviewing customer account information, 7.2
Reviewing journal entries, 21.3.1
Reviewing price and availability information, 6.3
Reviewing sales history information, 7.5
Reviewing sales orders by customer, 7.3
Reviewing supply and demand information, 6.6
Reviewing the Batch Order Activity Register, 4.4.1
Reviewing the Batch Order Creation Exception report, 4.4.2
Reviewing the Cycle Billing Exception report, 20.4.4
Reviewing the Cycle Billing Transaction report, 20.4.3
Reviewing the Sales Journal, 21.2.5
Reviewing the Sales Update Error report, 21.2.4
Reviewing the Summarized/Detail Invoice Journal, 21.2.3
converting levels, 24.4
defined, 3.2.2
Running cycle billing, 20.4
Running general purges, 45.2
Running move sales order detail to history, 45.3.5, 45.3.5, 46.1
Running special purges, 45.3
Running the extended text purge, 45.3.2, 45.3.3
Running the sales order header purge, 45.3.1, 45.3.1, 45.3.1
Running the sales update, 21.2


Sales Analysis Summary report,
Sales Catalog Section
defined, 3.4, 42.1.1
Sales Code
defined, 41.2.1
Sales Commission (ECS) preference, 29.2.2, 30.3.20
Sales history reports, 7.6
sales analysis summary, 7.6.3
sales ledger detail, 7.6.2
Sales Journal report, 21.2.5
Sales Ledger Detail form
different formats, 7.5.2
Sales Ledger Detail report,
specifying information,
Sales Ledger Detail window, 7.5.2
Sales Ledger Inquiry form, 7.5.1
different formats, 7.5.2
Sales order
adding a message, 3.3.1
Sales Order Entry form, 3.3, 6.2
fold area, 3.3
for interbranch sales orders, 16.2.1
Sales order information, 5.2
backorders to fill, 7.4.5
billing information, 7.7
customer account, 7.2
customer information, 7.1
held orders, 7.4.4
item information, 6.1
locating invoices, 7.7.1
open orders by customer, 7.4.2
open orders by item, 7.4.1
order status reports, 7.4
price and availability, 6.3
quantity information, 6.5
repost, 6.7
review, 7.3
sales analysis summary, 7.6.3
sales history, 7.5
sales history reports, 7.6
sales ledger detail, 7.5.2
supply and demand, 6.6
Sales order management
integration with accounting and distribution systems, 1.2.1, 1.3
integration with load and delivery, 1.1
Sales order management system
automatic accounting instructions, 43.1.1
Sales orders
accounts receivable information, 3.2.2
adding a message, 3.2.2
additional information, 3.4
batch, 2.2.1
canceling and deleting, 3.1.1
changing header information, 3.2.2
changing kit items, 3.5.2
commission information, 3.2.2
commissions, 41.2.2
converted from a quote order, 12.3
creating from a blanket order, 13.3
duplicating, 3.1.1
entering detail information, 3.3
entering from a blanket order, 13.4
entering from a template, 3.6
entering from other systems, 4.1.1
entering header information, 3.2
entering kit items, 3.5
entering shipping information, 3.2.2
hold information setup, 40.1
minimum and maximum order amounts, 40.3
how to enter, 2.2
if quantity exceeds blanket order quantity, 13.3.2
interactive, 2.2.1, 3.1
invoice information, 3.2.2
line type setup, 38.1
locating an item, 3.1.1
overview, 1.3.2
price and quantity information, 3.3.1
purge, 45.2.2
purge header, 45.3.1
purge header during update,
purging active order lines,
purging data, 45.1
recurring orders, 4.1, 4.1, 4.3
repricing, 20.3.1, 20.4.2
repricing during order entry, 26.2.1
reviewing by customer, 7.3
substituting partial quantities, 3.7.2
update, 21.2
using additional templates, 3.6.2
with manual invoice, 17.1
defined, 10.2.7
Sales Price Based on Date field
and Pricing Unit of Measure (ECS) preference, 30.3.15
Sales Price Level Conversion report, 24.4
Sales Update Error Report, 21.2.5
Salesperson Code 1
defined, 3.4
Salesperson Code 1 Commission Rate
defined, 3.4
Salesperson Code 2
defined, 3.4
Salesperson Code 2 Commission Rate
defined, 3.4
Scheduled invoice date calculation
example, 20.3, 34.2.1
Scheduled Invoice Dates form, 20.3, 34.2.1
asterisk wildcard, 7.3.1
Semi-monthly invoicing, 34.2
Separator Character
defined, 36.6
Sequence Number
defined, 28.3.1, 30.2, 31.3.1, 34.3
Setting up a base pricing structure, 23.1
Setting up a sales group, 41.2
Setting up additional commission information, 41.4
Setting up automatic accounting instructions, 43.1
Setting up branch sales markups, 42.1, 42.1
Setting up commission information, 41.1
Setting up constants, 36.1
Setting up customer price groups, 23.2
Setting up invoice cycle calculation rules, 20.3, 34.2
Setting up invoice cycles, 34.1
Setting up item price groups, 23.3
Setting up minimum and maximum order amounts, 40.3
Setting up order activity rules, 39.1
Setting up order hold codes for credit checking, 40.4
Setting up order hold codes for margin checking, 40.5
Setting up order hold information, 40.1
Setting up order line types, 38.1
Setting up preferences, 31.1
Setting up the preference master, 31.3
Setting up variable commission percentages within a group, 41.5
Setting up variable commissions within a group, 41.2.2
calculating additional information, 41.2.2
base pricing, 23.1
passwords, 41.6.1
complex customer price groups, 23.2.2
complex item price groups, 23.3.2
customer billing instructions
standard freight rates,
customer price groups, 23.2
invoice cycles, 34.1
Invoices, 32.2
item price groups, 23.3
preferences, 31.1
cash discount, 25.1.2
simple customer price groups, 23.2.1
simple item price groups, 23.3.1
system, 35.2
trade discount and contract pricing, 25.1.2
Ship Ascending Date
defined, 6.3
Ship Method
defined, 41.4.1
Ship To
defined, 3.2.2
Shipping Commodity
defined, 3.4
Shipping Condition
defined, 3.4
Shipping information
enter, 3.2.2
Simple customer price groups
setup, 23.2.1
Simple item price groups
setup, 23.3.1
Sold To
defined, 3.2.2
Sold To and Ship To addresses, 3.1.1
Special Handling Code
defined, 31.3.2
Starting jobs in the subsystem, 46.3
Status Code
defined, 39.1.1
Status Code Update form, 18.1.1
fold area, 18.1.1
Status codes
and processing steps, 1.3.1
sales ledger detail,
updating, 18.1
defined, 3.2.2
Stopping jobs in the subsystem, 46.4
Subledger - G/L
defined, 3.4
Subledger Type
defined, 3.4
Substitute and associated items
entering, 3.7
Substitute/Associated Items window, 3.7.1
Substituting partial quantities, 3.7.2
Subsystem, 46.1
defining, 46.2
starting all jobs, 46.3.1
starting jobs, 46.3
stopping, 46.4.1
stopping all jobs, 46.4.1
stopping jobs, 46.4
defining, 46.5
displaying specific information, 46.2.1
Summarized Invoice Journal report, 21.2.3
Summary Availability form, 6.5
fold area, 6.5
defined, 6.6
Supply and demand inclusion rules, 6.6.1
Supply or Demand Plant
defined, 42.1.1
Supply/Demand Inquiry form, 6.6
fold area, 6.6
System setup, 35.2
automatic accounting instructions, 43.1
branch sales markups, 42.1
commission information, 41.1, 41.2, 41.3, 41.4, 41.5
credit checking, 40.4
customer billing instructions, 37.1
delivery documents for periodic invoicing, 20.5.2
margin checking, 40.5
order activity rules, 39.1
order hold information, 40.1
order line types, 38.1
overview, 1.3.11
setting up constants, 36.1
defining batch control constants, 36.5
defining branch/plant constants, 36.2
defining item availability, 36.2.1
defining system constants, 36.4
defining the location format, 36.6


Tax Certificate Number
defined, 3.2.2
Tax Expl Code 1
defined, 3.2.2
Tax Rate/Area
defined, 3.2.2
defined, 3.3
Templates, 27.2
additional templates, 3.6.2
Available Templates window, 28.4
customer-specific, 27.2, 28.1
assigning default, 28.3.2
creating, 28.3
deleting, 28.1.1
entering an order from, 3.6
order history inquiry, 28.3.1
overview, 1.3.8
standard, 27.2, 28.1
assigning, 28.2.1
creating, 28.2
system-generated, 28.5
updating, 28.4
user defined code revisions, 28.2
Trade Discount
defined, 3.2.2
Trade discount pricing, 25.1.2
Transaction reports
unposted, 21.5
Transfer orders
changing, 14.2.5
defined, 10.2.5
entering, 14.1
identifying sales and purchase orders, 14.2.5
kit items, 14.2.5
Transfer Orders form, 14.2.2


Understanding Inventory Commitments, 6.4
Understanding preference fields, A.1
Unit of Measure
defined, 3.3, 24.2.1, 28.3.1
Unit of Measure as Input
defined, 30.2
Unit Price
defined, 3.3
Units - Over
defined, 25.2
Units - Usual Ordered
defined, 28.3.1
Unposted batch
revising, 21.3.3
Unposted transaction reports
printing, 21.5
Unposted Transactions G/L Account report, 21.5
Update customer sales
assigning invoice numbers, 21.2.2
bulk gain/loss, 21.2.2
posting journal entries, 21.4
reviewing and approving journal entries, 21.3
summarizing journal entries, 21.2.2
updating inventory, 21.2.2
when to run, 19.2.4
Updating an existing template, 28.4
Updating base prices, 24.3
Updating customer sales, 21.1
Updating interbranch sales information, 16.4
Updating inventory, 20.4.2, 21.2.2
Updating prices for a customer, 26.3
Updating prices for an item, 26.2
Updating status codes, 18.1
User Defined Code Revisions form, 23.2.1, 28.2, 31.3.2, 31.3.2
fold area, 28.2, 31.3.2
User Defined Codes Window, 23.2.1, 31.3.2
User Defined Codes Window form, 28.2
User Defined Price Code preferences, 29.2.2, 30.3.21


Valid order templates
from sales order entry, 3.6.2
Volume Unit of Measure
defined, 3.4


Weekly invoicing, 34.2
Weight Unit of Measure
defined, 3.4
Working with base pricing, 24.1
Working with batch sales orders, 4.1
Working with billing cycles, 20.1
Working with blanket orders, 13.1, 13.1
Working with customer and sales information, 7.1
Working with interactive sales orders, 3.1
Working with item information, 6.1
Working with order release, 11.1
Working with order templates, 28.1
Working with quote orders, 12.1
Working with repricing, 26.1
Working with the subsystem, 46.1


defined, 3.2.2