6 Access Program Generator Specifications

This chapter contains these topics:

6.1 Accessing Program Generator Specifications

You use the specification screens in the Program Generator to create a program.

  • You must enter two specifications:

    • Program Purpose and Type

    • File Specifications

The system allows a third specification, Detailed Programming Facility, which it creates after you enter the File Specifications.

  • Optional specifications include:

    • General Instructions

    • Option and Function Exits

    • Processing Options

    • Automatic Accounting Instructions

The system only requires source for files and common copy modules during the specifications and generation steps. The system does not require objects you define externally until you compile the program.

This section contains the following tasks:

  • To access the Program Generator

  • To access Program Generator Options

To access the Program Generator

The Software Versions Repository screen serves as the portal screen to all JD Edwards World Design tools including the Program Generator.


From Computer Assisted Design (G92), choose Software Versions Repository

  1. Locate a member from the Software Versions Repository. For example, locate P92801.

    Figure 6-1 Software Versions Repository (Program Generator) screen

    Description of Figure 6-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-1 Software Versions Repository (Program Generator) screen"

  2. Enter 10 (Design) next to the environment in the following field:

    • Option

    The Program Generator Specification screen displays.

    Figure 6-2 Define Generator Specification screen

    Description of Figure 6-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-2 Define Generator Specification screen"

To access Program Generator Options

Enter 1 in the following field for the appropriate option on the Define Generator Specifications screen.

  • Option

Figure 6-3 Define Generator Specification (Options) screen

Description of Figure 6-3 follows
Description of "Figure 6-3 Define Generator Specification (Options) screen"

Specification Explanation
Program Purpose and Type Defines what kind of program you are designing and the status of the program generation (CAP status).
File Specifications Allows the user to enter the data base files to be used by the program you are designing.
Define General Instructions Allows the user to enter program-specific help instructions.
Define Option and Function Key Exits Allows the user to define special program exits.
Detailed Programming Facility Allows the user to specify data field definition parameters for fields included in the screen, the report, and the master files.
Define Processing Options Allows the user to define processing options the program can use.

6.2 Function Exits

Parameter Validation Monitor (F2)

Choose Parameter Validation Monitor after you enter all of the Program Generator specifications to determine if the monitor program can detect any pre-defined errors.

  • This program verifies important features that are pertinent to generating source code by the Program Generator

  • This program does not verify whether you regenerate the file specifications after you change your video file

The monitor program verifies that you:

  • Specify $$ fields in the TOTAL formats of the report file for the a generated report program if the report includes a total column

  • Define the SH#RRN field for interactive subfile programs processing by relative record number

  • Define the Fie Information Data Structure for interactive programs processing by relative record number

  • Choose a keyed master file for programs processing by relative record number

  • Define a field as mandatory entry N for transaction processor programs (subfiles)

  • Define a hidden field for interactive transaction processor programs

  • Define the master file key fields as output

  • Attach a validation file to fields that are set up to use next numbers

Repository Functions (F6)

Choose Repository Functions (F6) to access a window of JD Edwards World repositories. This is the same window you access from the Software Versions Repository and CASE Profiles screens.

Software Search (F9)

Choose Software Search (F9) to access the Software Search facility. On the Software Search facility, enter a program name (generic*) to view all program names that meet or are greater than the search criteria.

Automatic Accounting Instructions (F13)

Choose Automatic Accounting Instructions (F13) to access the Automatic Accounting Instructions screen. Use this screen for reference only as you cannot generate code from this screen. Data you enter on this screen appears in the AAP portion of the Help instructions you generate.

Select All Functions (F21)

Choose Select All Functions (F21) to access all of the Program Generator definition screens.

Delete All Specifications (F23)

Choose Delete All Specifications (F23) to delete all of the Program Generator specifications for the program. This removes the Pxxxxx and Hxxxxx members from the F93002 file.