22 Overview to Subfile Maintenance Programs

This chapter contains these topics:

You can create subfile maintenance programs that allow a user to process data and run programs using an interactive screen you create.

The use and values you enter to create a typical Interactive Subfile Maintenance Program follow.

22.1 Program Type Description

Use the Program Type Description program type to create an interactive subfile maintenance program. Create a display file prior to generating this program type. This program type processes a single master file by key. User defined selection exits and function exits are optional.

22.2 Display File Definition

The Display File Definition program type validates and changes, where necessary, the data a user enters (scrubs) the key fields in the control format of the display file prior to processing the master file. You denote the key fields by enter K in the Edited Field in the Field Definition screen of Screen Design Aid (SDA). If you are using the Data Base Field Selection feature in SDA, the system updates the key fields.

You must define the Action Code and the Lockout Action Codes are optional.

This subfile maintenance program type includes special logic which permits the system to delete individual subfile records. This logic performs when you enter a C in the Action Code. The system compares the previous value with the current value and deletes the record if the current value is blank. The system stores the previous value in a hidden field at the subfile record level using the Display All Defined Fields in SDA.

22.3 CL Program Definition

Using the CL Program Definition, you can copy and revise the J98MODEL1 model CL program to create a CL program for use with program type D0040. Use the Quick Start CL Generator to create your CL program.

22.4 File Specifications

The File Specifications program type requires that you define a single master file and a display file. The master file contains a value of M or 1 in the Update column. The display file begins with V and the selection columns are blank. Add files to retrieve descriptions, if necessary.

22.5 Detailed Programming Facility

You use the Detailed Programming Facility to access the Full Data Field Parameters screen, which contains details for the subfile field controlling the database update. By entering N in the Update the Entry Optional Y/N field, this informs the generator that the user must enter a value in this field before the system updates the database.

22.6 Special Considerations

The Special Considerations program type uses the key information in the display file for chaining to the master file. This type must also have a hidden field and an optional entry field.

22.7 Quick Start Generation

You can generate this program type using Quick Start.