F Calculator Access

To use the calculator within JD Edwards World Web Enablement, CALC.EXE must be retrieved from any PC and be placed within the Deployment area of the LegaSuite Server or Client. The executable file, CALC.EXE, is retrieved from any PC in either C:\WINNT\system32 or C:\WINDOWS\system32 or wherever your Windows Operating System files are. Copy this file into the following folder.

For IBM i Installation:

  • www/<HTTP server>, such as apachedft/htdocs/Docs/

For Windows NT-2000-2003 Server and LegaSuite Client for Windows Installations:

  • C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Docs\

To access the calculator, the administrator installing the JD Edwards World Web Enablement needs to verify that the appropriate text file entry is set accordingly on the WV93.LWM and DYNBLD93.LWM files.

Use a text editor tool such as MS Notepad or MS WordPad to open the WV93.LWM and DYNBLD93.LWM files.

Example paths for location of WV93.LWM and DYNBLD93.LWM are:

For IBM i Installation:

  • Your IBM i root folder/LEGASUITE/A93App/

For Windows NT-2000-2003 Server and LegaSuite Client for Windows Installations:

  • C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ JWALKAPP\A9100APP\

WV93.LWM and DYNBLD93.LWM Text File Entry Updates:

CALCEXEPTH set to the appropriate path for the type of install:

  • If NT Java Client, http://<PC server name>/Docs/

  • If Native Java Client install, http://IBM i machine name/Docs/

  • If LegaSuite Client for Windows, http://<PC servername>/Docs/

OTHPATH6 set to name of file to open (e.g. calc.exe)

OTHTEXT6 set to text that displays when right click on an input capable field (e.g. Calculator)

OTHTYP6 set to type of file to open (e.g. EXE)

Users can access an input capable field on a panel display, right-click and choose Calculator from the drop-down menu.