D Add Web Services to Oracle Enterprise Repository

This appendix contains these topics:

Follow the procedures in this appendix if you have purchased Oracle Enterprise Repository (OER) and you want to register your JD Edwards World Web Services in your OER instance. A batch import facility, Converged Application Repository (CAR), is provided in the JD Edwards World Service Enablement Software Update for importing the services into OER. See theJD Edwards World Service Enablement Guidefor more information.

After you run the Software Update self-extracting archive file, you can access the WorldCARV1.zip file from the extract to location. The .zip file contains the CARv1 objects.

Unzip WorldCARV1.zip into the root directory, which creates the folder WorldCARV1. This folder contains the following objects:

  • 58 xml documents contained in WorldCARv1xml

  • Source for the Java programs

  • Commands and Java classes

To prepare the supplied xmls for the OER Harvester, refer to Web Services Deployment and Java Documents Location Update in this guide.

To register your own Web Services into OER:

  • CAR XML documents builder

  • Web Services deployment and java Documents location update

JD Edwards World Converged Application Repository (CAR) - Service Enablement XML documents.

D.1 Web Services Deployment and Java Documents Location Update

JD Edwards World CAR XML documents must be updated with the Web Services deployment and Java Documents location before being harvested by OER (Oracle Enterprise Repository).

CAR XML documents are updated through the execution (from MS Windows Command Prompt) of WorldCARLoc.bat command.

The system updates the following CAR XML document elements:

  • Service location:


  • Java Document location:


Each token (Service: #wsdeploymet# and Java Document: #javadocdeployment#) are replaced by the corresponding root location value.

Service root location

Replaced by the http address and port where the Services were deployed. For example:


  • XML <LocationURL> element after update:


Java Documents root location

Replaced by the directory path where the Java Documents were created. For example:


  • XML <Value> element after update:


WorldCARLoc.bat command execution


Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 or higher is required. You can download the latest JRE version from: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html">>http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
  1. Create a backup copy of the CAR XML documents in a new directory/folder outside of the current CAR XML directory.

    Use the backup in case the XML documents are updated with the wrong values.

  2. Open MS Windows Command Prompt.

  3. Access the WorldCARV1 directory:

    CD\WorldCARV1 <Enter>

  4. Execute WorldCARLoc.bat command:

    WorldCARLoc "Drive:\CAR_XML_Documents_Directory" "Services_Deployment_Address:Port" "Drive:\Java_Documents_Root_Path"


    Drive:\CAR_XML_Documents_Directory: drive and directory where the CAR XML documents have been deployed.

    Services_Deployment_Address:Port: http address where the Services have been deployed.

    Drive:\Java_Documents_Root_Path: drive and directory path where the Java Documents have been created.


    Enter each one of the three parameters required separated by a blank character. For example: WorldCARLoc "C:\CARv1xml" "http://localhost:7001" "C:\JDeveloper11g_Applications\JavaDocTest\Javadoc"
  5. Verify that all World CAR XML documents were properly updated. Execute the OER Harvester following OER Service Registry instructions.

D.2 CAR XML Documents Builder

You use the CAR XML documents builder to generate CAR XML documents to register customers Web Services (as part of JD Edwards World Service Enablement) in OER.

The Web Services information, contained in the CAR XML documents required by OER, is collected from custom Java Doc tags that need to be added to each Web Service that will be registered in OER.

Java Doc custom tags description


The CAR XML documents builder collects information from Implementations and Managers classes. ("Impl" and "Manager" texts must be part of the source class name. For example, AddressBookImpl_v4.java

Update the Impl/Manager class with the following tags:

Web Service tags - must be entered before the class declaration statement.

@wsname: Web Service name.

@wsdesc: Web Service description.

@version: Web Service version.

@applname: Application name.

@prodcode: JD Edwards product code.

@applrelease: JD Edwards application release

@prodcodedesc: JD Edwards product code description

@wsdlurl: #wsdeployment# + deployment location


#wsdeplyment# token is not required if the deployment http address is entered as part of the URL.



* Description of AddressBook Impl Class


* @wsname Address Book

* @wsdesc Web service for maintaining Address Book information.<BR>

* @version v4

* @applname JD Edwards World

* @applrelease A9.2

* @prodcode 01

* @prodcodedesc Address Book

* @wsdlurl #wsdeployment#/Web_Services_v4-AddressBook_v4-context-root/AddressBookImpl_v4Port?WSDL


Exposed/public methods tags must be entered before each exposed/public method declaration:

@pubmethodname: public method name

@pubmethoddesc: public method description



* This method retrieves Address Book records by querying the Address Book

* Master (F0101) and related files.

* @param getRequest - Structure containing input values.

* @return AddressBookResponse_v4 - Structure containing output values.

* @pubmethodname getAddressBook

* @pubmethoddesc This method retrieves Address Book records by

* querying the Address Book Master(F0101) and related files.<BR>


General Rules

  • Enter the text associated to each tag leaving two blank characters, between the tag and the text.

  • Java Doc custom tags can be used together with Java standard Java Doc tags as for example @param.

  • Description tags (@wsdesc and @pubmethoddesc) require "<BR>" (break a line) tag at the end of the entire description. If more the one line of text is needed, the text can be wrapped in the next line(s).

  • Execute CAR XML Builder:

After all custom tags have been added to the Web Services execute WorldCARXMLB.bat command to build CAR XML documents. This process generates one XML document for each Web Service (Impl/Manager class) to be registered in OER.

  • Open MS Windows Command Prompt.

  • Access the WorldCARV1 directory:

CD\WorldCARV1 <Enter>

  • Execute WorldCARXMLB.bat command:

WorldCARXMLB "Drive:\Web_Services_Source_Directory" "Drive:\CAR_XML_Documents_Directory"


Drive:\Web_Service_Source_Directory: drive and directory location of Web Services sources. Only the parent directory needs to be specified. For example specifying "C:\Services" will traverse all subdirectories to retrieve source files.

Drive:\CAR_XML_Documents_Directory: drive and directory where the XML documents will be created. If the directory doesn't exist it will be created.


Enter both parameters required separated by a blank character.

After, you verify that all XML documents were properly created, execute the command described in the Web Services deployment and Java Documents location update section of this document.