2 Pre-Notification Setup

This chapter contains these topics:

2.1 World Writer Setup

During the Notification process, the system runs the World Writer version that is set up. The World Writer setup is used to select the information and components of the transaction payload (data). The data key for the transaction must be part of the World Writer Selection criteria and must be listed in the correct key order. Also, by using the export parameters for the World Writer, an .xsd conversion file can be supplied that is used to convert the transaction payload into an .xml document if needed.


The only reason for doing a conversion is if the receiving application expects an .xml document that is different than what is produced by the World Writer export.

The .xml document is ultimately sent as the payload for the real time event.

  1. Sign on to the JD Edwards World A9.3 Environment and select the Service Enablement menu (G98S).

    Figure 2-1 Service Enablement screen

    Description of Figure 2-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-1 Service Enablement screen"

  2. Select 8, Service Enablement Supporting World Writers. Enter a 3 in the Option field next to a blank line to add a new version.

    Figure 2-2 Service Enablement (World Writers) screen

    Description of Figure 2-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-2 Service Enablement (World Writers) screen"

  3. From the Query Version Copy screen, enter EMPLOYEERT for the new version name and Employee Real Time Events for the Version Title. Enter F0101 for the File Name. Press Enter.

    Figure 2-3 Version Title & Files screen

    Description of Figure 2-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-3 Version Title & Files screen"

  4. From the Additional Parameters screen, click the check mark button or press Enter.

    Figure 2-4 Additional Parameters screen

    Description of Figure 2-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-4 Additional Parameters screen"

  5. From the Field Selection List screen, enter an X on the Print and Sort By fields for the following Fields in the file:

    • Address Number (ABAN8)

    • Tax ID (ABTAX)

    • Alpha Name (ABALPH)

    • Description - Compressed (ABDC)

    • Search Type (ABAT1)

    Enter an X on the Select On field for the Address Number. Press Enter and then exit from the Selective Change Prompt screen.

    Figure 2-5 Field Selection List screen

    Description of Figure 2-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-5 Field Selection List screen"

  6. On the Service Enablement World Writer screen, enter an 8 in the Option file next to the newly created EMPLOYEERT World Writer version to access the Database Export screen.

    Figure 2-6 Service Enablement (EMPLOYEERT) screen

    Description of Figure 2-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-6 Service Enablement (EMPLOYEERT) screen"

  7. From the Database Export Parameters screen, complete the following fields:

    Field Explanation Sample Use Case Value
    Import Export File Import Export File name is the name to be given to the import or export file on the IFS. This must be a valid Windows file name. EmployeeRT.xml
    IFS Path The string defining the path to the import/export file on the Integrated File System. For Example: /ImportExport/ /home/EmployeeRT
    Replace Records Tells whether or not to delete and replace or append records to the output file Y
    Header Detail Join Relationship This option specifies if the joined tables selected for export have a header detail relationship or not. N
    Enabled Y/N Determines whether the transformation is enabled or not. Y
    Transformation Template The name of the transformation template that is going to be used to create the .xml file  

    Figure 2-7 Database Export Parameters screen

    Description of Figure 2-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-7 Database Export Parameters screen"

2.2 XSL Transformation Setup

During real time notification processing, data from World tables is gathered through a World Writer report. Using the World Writer export capabilities, the data can be converted into an XML format. When exporting the data through a notification event, typically the World XML format does not conform to what an outside entity is expecting. Using the transformation abilities provided by the World Electronic Document Delivery (EDD) system, the World Writer XML can be converted to an XML file with a different format. To create the pieces that are needed for the transformation process, a separate application is needed to handle the XML related files. An XSL transformation file (.xsl), Extensible Style Sheet, needs to be created to map values from the World generated XML format to the outgoing XML format. Typically, to create an .xsl transformation you need to create a mapping between two XML Schema Definition (.xsd) files. For the World created XML file, the World Writer export functionality can create the .xsd. For the outgoing XML schema, if one is not provided, you can use an XML editor to create the .xsd from a sample .xml file.

For this example, JDeveloper is used to create the XSL transformation file.

  1. Sign on to the JD Edwards World A9.3 Environment and select the Service Enablement menu (G98S).

    Figure 2-8 Service Enablement screen

    Description of Figure 2-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-8 Service Enablement screen"

  2. Select number 8, Service Enablement supporting World Writers. Enter an 8 next to the EMPLOYEERT version that was created previously to work with the Export parameters.

    Figure 2-9 Service Enablement (Export) screen

    Description of Figure 2-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-9 Service Enablement (Export) screen"

  3. From the Database Export Parameters screen, change the Import Export File from EmployeeRT.xml to EmployeeRT.xsd. Then press F6 to continue.

    The system creates the XML Schema Definition file for the World generated XML. This file needs to be copied from the IFS directory to the local workstation/PC where the XSL transformation file is created.


    Users can create IFS directories with EBCDIC or ASCII CCSIDs. Directories used for XSL transformations using EDD must be set up with an ASCII CCSID. For more information, see Setting up Import/Export in the JD Edwards World Technical Tools Guide.

    Figure 2-10 Database Export Parameters screen

    Description of Figure 2-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-10 Database Export Parameters screen"

  4. Enter an 8 again next to the EMPLOYEERT version. From the Database Export Parameters screen, change the Import Export File back to EmployeeRT.xml. Press Enter and then press F3 to exit.

    Figure 2-11 Database Export Parameters (EmployeeRT.xml) screen

    Description of Figure 2-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-11 Database Export Parameters (EmployeeRT.xml) screen"

  5. A Target schema is needed for the notification. If you do not have a target schema or xml already, you need to create the target schema or xml.

    The following schema was created for the Sample Use Case and can be copied and saved as a .xsd to add to the project for use when creating the .xsl mapping file, which is done in the next steps.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <xs:element name="Employee">
          <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:element name="EmployeeInfo">
                <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:element name="EmployeeName" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="EmployeeID" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
                  <xs:element name="EmployeeSocial" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>


  6. From a local workstation/PC, open JDeveloper In the Application tab (typically in the left hand column), right-click on Applications and select New Application.

    Figure 2-12 JDeveloper - New Application screen

    Description of Figure 2-12 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-12 JDeveloper - New Application screen"

  7. From the Create Application screen, enter an Application Name and then click OK.

    Figure 2-13 Create Application screen

    Description of Figure 2-13 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-13 Create Application screen"

  8. From the Create Project screen, enter the project name and then click OK.

    Figure 2-14 Create Project screen

    Description of Figure 2-14 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-14 Create Project screen"

  9. From the main JDeveloper screen, right-click the newly created project and select New.

    Figure 2-15 JDeveloper (New) screen

    Description of Figure 2-15 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-15 JDeveloper (New) screen"

  10. From the New Gallery screen, open the Integration Tier menu and select XML. Select the XSL Map under Items and then click OK.

    Figure 2-16 New Gallery screen

    Description of Figure 2-16 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-16 New Gallery screen"

  11. From the Create XSL Map File screen, enter the .xsl file name. Under the Source frame, click the Import Schema File button.

    Figure 2-17 Create XSL Map File screen

    Description of Figure 2-17 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-17 Create XSL Map File screen"

  12. From the Import Schema File screen, click the Browse flashlight button to browse the file directory.

    Figure 2-18 Import Schema File screen

    Description of Figure 2-18 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-18 Import Schema File screen"

  13. From the Import Schema screen, select the .xsd file that was created in World and copied to the local machine. Select Open.

    Figure 2-19 Import Schema (.xsd) screen

    Description of Figure 2-19 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-19 Import Schema (.xsd) screen"

  14. From the Import Schema File screen, check the Add to Project box. Click OK.

    Figure 2-20 Import Schema File (Add to Project) screen

    Description of Figure 2-20 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-20 Import Schema File (Add to Project) screen"

  15. Repeat steps 11-14 for the Target schema.

    If the target schema is already a part of the project, you can select it from the Project Schema Files under the Available Schemas in the Target frame.

  16. After the schemas are loaded, from the Create XSL Map File screen, open the schema nodes by selecting the + sign next to each schema. Click each of the nodes and then click OK.

    Figure 2-21 Create XSL Map File (Nodes) screen

    Description of Figure 2-21 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-21 Create XSL Map File (Nodes) screen"

  17. From the main JDeveloper screen, the .xsl mapping screen displays in the development frame. Right-click the Source and then select Expand All. Right-click the Target and select Expand All. This allows you to see all the detailed nodes.

    Figure 2-22 JDeveloper (.xsl Mapping) screen

    Description of Figure 2-22 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-22 JDeveloper (.xsl Mapping) screen"

  18. Left-click the detail elements from the Source schema and, while holding the button down, move the line over to the detail element from the Target schema. Repeat step 18 for all the detail elements that need to be mapped.

    Figure 2-23 JDeveloper (.xsl Mapping, Detail) screen

    Description of Figure 2-23 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-23 JDeveloper (.xsl Mapping, Detail) screen"

  19. After the mapping is complete, it must look something similar to the following graphic. Make sure to save the .xsl.

    Figure 2-24 JDeveloper (.xsl Mapping Complete) screen

    Description of Figure 2-24 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-24 JDeveloper (.xsl Mapping Complete) screen"

  20. Right-click the mapping development frame and then select Test.

    Figure 2-25 JDeveloper (Test) screen

    Description of Figure 2-25 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-25 JDeveloper (Test) screen"

  21. From the Test XSL Map screen, accept the defaults and then click OK.

    Figure 2-26 Test XSL Map screen

    Description of Figure 2-26 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-26 Test XSL Map screen"

  22. Once the Test is run, you see the Source and Target .xml files displayed in the main JDeveloper screen.

    Figure 2-27 JDeveloper (Source and Target .xml) screen

    Description of Figure 2-27 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-27 JDeveloper (Source and Target .xml) screen"

  23. Copy the .xsl file that was created to the IFS directory where the source EmployeeRT.xsd is located.

2.3 Event Type User Defined Code

An Event Type UDC value needs to be set up for the specific Real Time Event that is going to be processed.

  1. Sign on to the JD Edwards World A9.3 Environment and select the General Systems menu (G00).

    Figure 2-28 General Systems screen

    Description of Figure 2-28 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-28 General Systems screen"

  2. Select Option 14 for General User Defined Codes.

    Figure 2-29 General User Defined Codes screen

    Description of Figure 2-29 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-29 General User Defined Codes screen"

  3. Inquire on System Code 98S, User Defined Code ET. Add a new Event Type User Defined Code record for the new event type. For the Sample Use Case, the Event Type entered is EMP1, Employee Real Time Event.

    Field Explanation Sample Use Case Value
    Code Name of the Event Type. EMP1
    Description The Description of the Event Type. Employee Real Time Event

    Figure 2-30 General User Defined Codes (New Event Type) screen

    Description of Figure 2-30 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-30 General User Defined Codes (New Event Type) screen"

2.4 Code Changes to X00A1213

You need to make RPG code changes to the X00A1213 to handle the new Event Type created. This procedure helps you make the code changes.

  1. Sign on to JD Edwards World A9.3 Environment and add the following code changes in a custom directory:

    0129.00 D CUST_PI_RTE     C                   'NTY_000005'
    0130.00 D CUST_EI_RTE     C                   'NTY_000006'
    0131.00 D CUST_AI_RTE     C                   'NTY_000007'
    0132.00 D EMPL_AA_RTE     C                   'EMP_RTE'                    INSERT
    0133.00 D*                                                
    0134.00 D @OV             S              1    DIM(15)     
    0135.00 D @NV             S              1    DIM(15)     
    0136.00 D*                                                
    0137.00 D KY0101          DS                              
    0138.00 D  KY0101EVT                     5a
    0265.00 C                   When      PSKY = CUST_EI_RTE    
    0266.00 C                   Exsr      SCustEmlAdd           
    0267.00 C                   When      PSKY = CUST_AI_RTE    
    0268.00 C                   Exsr      SCustAltAddAdd        
    0269.00 C                   When      PSKY = ITEM_RTE       
    0270.00 C                   Exsr      SItem                 
    0270.01 C                   When      PSKY = EMPL_AA_RTE    
    0270.02 C                   Exsr      SEmployee             
    0271.00 C                   Other                           
    0272.00 C                   Move      *Blanks       ETEVDK  
    0273.00 C                   Endsl                           
    0275.00 C                   Endif
    1854.00 C                   Enddo                                              
    1855.00 C*                                                                     
    1856.00 C                   Movea     @NV           ScrubedValue               
    1857.00 C*                                                                     
    1858.00 C                   Endsr                                              
    1859.00  *****************************************************************     
    1861.00  *    SUBROUTINE SEmployee - Build Employee notify message.           
    1862.00  *    --------------------------------------------------------------   
    1864.00 C     SEmployee     Begsr                                              
    1865.00  *    ------        -----                                              
    1866.00  *                                                                     
    1867.00  *  Set event key equal to the transaction key.  In this case the trans
    1868.00  *  key will be equal to the Address Book ABAN8       
    1869.00  *                                                    
    1870.00 C                   Exsr      SCrtEvtSeq              
    1872.00 C                   Movel     TTTRKY        ETEVDK    
    1873.00 C                   Clear                   KY0101    
    1874.00 C                   Movel     EDEVT         KY0101EVT 
    1875.00 C                   Movel     TTTRKY        KY0101AN8 
    1876.00 C                   EVAL      RecCount = 0            
    1877.00 C                   Eval      ChgTyp = *Blanks        
    1878.00 C*                                                    
    1893.00 C/Exec Sql                                            
    1894.00 C+ Select Count(BDTCHT) Into :RecCount                
    1895.00 C+ From F00ACB                                        
    1896.00 C+ Where BDTANM = :TTTANM                             
    1897.00 C+ And BDAFLE = 'F0101'                               
    1898.00 C+ And BDTRKY = :TTTRKY 
    1899.00 C+ And BDTCHT = 'A'                                 
    1900.00 C/End-Exec                                          
    1901.00 C                                                   
    1902.00 C                   If        SqlCode = C_SqlOk     
    1903.00 C                             And RecCount > 0      
    1904.00 C                   Eval      KY0101ACTN = '1'      
    1905.00 C                   Endif                           
    1910.00  *                                                  
    1911.00 C*                  Movel(p)  KY0101        ETEVDK  
    1912.00 C                   Movel(p)  KY0101        PSEVDK  
    1913.00 C                   Exsr      SInsert               
    1915.00  *    Call the Event Transfer Service program       
    1917.00 C                   Clear                   Command 
    1918.00 C                                                   
    1919.00 C                   Move      *All'0'       PSEVSQA
    1920.00 C                   Move      PSNBR         PSEVSQA                    
    1921.00 C                                                                      
    1922.00 C                   EVAL      Command = 'SBMJOB CMD(CALL PGM(JX98S710) ' +
    1923.00 C                                       'PARM(' + '''' + PSEVSQA + '''' +
    1924.00 C                                       ' ' + '''' + PSEVDK + '''' +   
    1925.00 C                                       ' ' + '''' + '1' + '''' + ' ' +
    1926.00 C                                       '''' + ' ' + '''' +'))' +      
    1927.00 C                                       ' JOB(JX98S710) JOBD(JDEAPPRVL)'
    1928.00 C                                                                      
    1929.00 C                   Call      'QCMDEXC'                            81  
    1930.00 C                   Parm                    Command                    
    1931.00 C                   Parm      500           CommandLength    15 5      
    1932.00 C*                                                                     
    1933.00 C                   Endsr                                              
    1934.00  *****************************************************************     .
  2. Once the changes are made, save the program and compile. Add the custom library list to your environment.

2.5 Creating JMS Resources

To receive the outbound notification JMS message from World, create a JMS Topic or Queue and a corresponding connection factory. For the Sample Use Case, a JMS Queue is created on the same Oracle WebLogic Application Server that the World Transaction Server is installed on.

  1. Log on to the Weblogic Administration Console with the administrative log on.

    Figure 2-31 Weblogic Administration Console screen

    Description of Figure 2-31 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-31 Weblogic Administration Console screen"

  2. From the Admin Console Home page, select the JMS Modules link under the Services -> Messaging heading.

    Figure 2-32 Admin Console Home screen

    Description of Figure 2-32 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-32 Admin Console Home screen"

  3. On the JMS Modules screen, select the JMS Module created for the Transaction Server or create a new one.

    Figure 2-33 JMS Modules (Transaction Server) screen

    Description of Figure 2-33 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-33 JMS Modules (Transaction Server) screen"

2.5.1 Connection Factory

Use the following steps to create the Connection Factory:

  • Employee Connection Factory

  • Name: EmployeeConnectionFactory

  • JNDI Name: jms/WorldConnectionFactory

  1. On the Settings for JMS Module screens, click Lock and Edit and then click New.

    Figure 2-34 JMS Module (Lock and Edit) screen

    Description of Figure 2-34 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-34 JMS Module (Lock and Edit) screen"

  2. On the Create a New MS System Module Resource screen, select the Connection Factory radio button and then click Next.

    Figure 2-35 Create a New JMS Module Resource screen

    Description of Figure 2-35 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-35 Create a New JMS Module Resource screen"

  3. On the Connection Factory screen, enter the connection factory name and JNDI name exactly as it is above.

    Figure 2-36 Connection Factory Properties screen

    Description of Figure 2-36 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-36 Connection Factory Properties screen"

  4. On the Create a New JMS System Module Resource Targeting screen, click Advanced Targeting.

    Figure 2-37 Create a New JMS System Module Resource (Advanced Targeting) screen

    Description of Figure 2-37 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-37 Create a New JMS System Module Resource (Advanced Targeting) screen"

  5. On the Create a New JMS System Module Resource Advanced Targeting screen, either click Create a New Subdeployment if a subdeployment is not already created or select the subdeployment from the drop down list if the subdeployment is already created.

    Figure 2-38 Create New JMS System Module Resource (New Subdeployment) screen

    Description of Figure 2-38 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-38 Create New JMS System Module Resource (New Subdeployment) screen"

  6. If creating a new subdeployment, enter a name for the subdeployment (like JMSSubdeploy-TransServer) and then click OK.

    Figure 2-39 Create a New Subdeployment screen

    Description of Figure 2-39 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-39 Create a New Subdeployment screen"

  7. After you select the subdeployment, select the JMS Server as the target and then click Finish.

    Figure 2-40 Create a New JMS System Module Resource (JMS Server) screen

    Description of Figure 2-40 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-40 Create a New JMS System Module Resource (JMS Server) screen"

  8. On the Settings for JMS Module screen, select the link for the newly created Connection Factory.

    Figure 2-41 Summary of Resources screen

    Description of Figure 2-41 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-41 Summary of Resources screen"

  9. On the Settings for Connection Factory screen, select the General tab. Ensure that the Default Targeting Enabled checkbox is unchecked. Click Save.

    Figure 2-42 Settings for Connection Factory screen

    Description of Figure 2-42 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-42 Settings for Connection Factory screen"

  10. On the Setting for Connection Factory screen, select the Transactions tab. Ensure that the XA Connection Factory Enabled checkbox is checked. Click Save.

    Figure 2-43 Settings for Connection Factory (Transactions) screen

    Description of Figure 2-43 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-43 Settings for Connection Factory (Transactions) screen"

  11. Once the connection factory is created, click Activate Changes in the Change Center screen.

    Figure 2-44 Change Center screen

    Description of Figure 2-44 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-44 Change Center screen"

2.5.2 JMS Queues

Use the steps below to create the following JMS Queue:

  • Employee Queue

  • Name: EmployeeQueue

  • JNDI Name: jms/World/Employee

  1. On the Settings for JMS Modules screen, click Lock and Edit and then click New.

    Figure 2-45 Settings for JMS Modules screen

    Description of Figure 2-45 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-45 Settings for JMS Modules screen"

  2. On the Create a New JMS System Module Resource screen, select the Queue radio button and then click Next.

    Figure 2-46 Create a New JMS System Module Resource (Queue Radio) screen

    Description of Figure 2-46 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-46 Create a New JMS System Module Resource (Queue Radio) screen"

  3. On the JMS Destination Properties screen, enter the queue name and JNDI name exactly as it is above.

    Figure 2-47 JMS Destination Properties screen

    Description of Figure 2-47 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-47 JMS Destination Properties screen"

  4. On the JMS Queue Targeting screen, select the same subdeployment used for the connection factories from the drop down list. Make sure the JMS Server created earlier is selected as the Target. Click Finish.

    Figure 2-48 JMS Queue Targeting screen

    Description of Figure 2-48 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-48 JMS Queue Targeting screen"

  5. Once all the JMS Queue is created, click Activate Changes in the Change Center screen.

    Figure 2-49 Change Center (JMS Queue) screen

    Description of Figure 2-49 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-49 Change Center (JMS Queue) screen"