44 Intrastat, IVA, and VAT Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

44.1 Processing Options for Intrastat Additional Information for Services - Generation (P74Y0018)

Processing Options P74Y0018 Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the purge option to apply to the work file before processing: NOTE: Default is blank.

'2': to clear the entire work file.

'1': to clear current declaration only.

' ': to keep the information.

Select the following values to purge the work file:

´ ´ To keep the information. No purge process will be done.

1: To clear only the current declaration.

2: To clear the entire work file

2. Enter the Declaring Company. The number of the Declaring Company.

The number must be a valid number. It must exist in the F0010 file.

3. Enter the Tax Id Recovery Method to use for Companies, Suppliers and Customers. NOTE: Default is blank.

'2': Tax ID - Additional.

'1': Tax ID.

' ': Recover the first defined value following this search order by field:

1. Italian A/B (Individual)

2. Standard A/B (Person/Corp.)

Select the Tax Id Recovery Method to use:

´1´ Retrieves the value from the Tax ID (TAX)

'2' Retrieves the value from the Additional Tax ID (TX2)

' ' Retrieves the first defined value following this order: First from Italian A/B (Individual) and second from

Standard A/B (Person /Corp.)

4. Enter the Declaring Periodicity (Q/M).

Q = Quarterly

M = Monthly (Default)

The periodicity used when generating the declaration.

Valid Values are:

ʹMʹ Monthly

ʹQʹ Quarterly

If no value is entered, the program will assume 'M'.

5. Enter the Declaration Period. Quarters: "01","02","03","04" Months: "01","02","03","04","05","06"


The period to be processed when generating the declaration.

Valid values are:

Quarterly periodicity:

01 First Quarter 02 Second Quarter

03 Third Quarter 04 Fourth Quarter

Monthly periodicity

01 January 02 February 03 March

04 April 05 May 06 June

07 July 08 August 09 Sep

10 October 11 November 12 December

The program will validate if the information entered is consistent, that is: if the user selects 'Q', the Declaration Period could not be greater than '04'

6. Enter the Declaration Year (YYYY). Enter the year of the Declaration to be processed.
7. Enter the Custom Office Number. This is the Custom Office Number assigned to the Intrastat Service Declaration. This is an alphanumeric field.
8. Enter '1' to refresh the records for those existing or leave it blank for adding only the new ones. NOTE: Default is blank. This processing option allows the user to select to update all the registers in the F74Y0018 file for a specific Declaration or only add new registers in the file.

The default value is blank.

44.2 Processing Options for Intrastat Additional Information for Services - Revision (P74Y0019)

Processing Options P74Y0019 Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Any values that are entered for the following fields will be loaded on screen.

Service Code (*=All)

Supply Method (*=All)

Collection Method (*=All)

Payment Country (*=All)

Operation Type (*=All)

Relationship Documents (*=All)

You can enter the defaults values for each field or '*' to select all.

44.3 Processing Options for Intrastat Header Declaration for Services - Revision (P74Y0020)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
01. Enter Status Selection:

'2' to work with Closed Declarations

'1' to work with Active Declarations

' ' to work with all Declarations.

Assume ' ' (blank) as default value.


You can select the declarations headers you want to display by status:

' ': For all status.

'1': to select the following statuses:

"0" = Pending - Ready to Gener. Data "1" = Pending - Ready to Valid. Data. "2" = Pending - Ready to Gener. Decl. "3" = Done - Ready to Close Decl.

'2': to select status "4" = 'Closed'

44.4 Processing Options for Generate Suspended VAT Amounts (P74080)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to run the document generation. If left blank, only the controls will be performed with the relative error messages and warnings produced on a report.


2. Enter the As Of G/L date.

The receipts/rebates on vouchers with suspense VAT before this date will be included in the generation of new documents. If left blank, the current system date will be used.


3. Enter the G/L date to use. If left blank, the receipt/rebate G/L date will be used.


4. Enter '1' if a new document number is to be assigned, based on document type. If left blank, then the old document number will be maintained.


5. Enter the DREAM Writer version number of the Document Generation Program (P74081). If left blank, the ZJDE0001 version will be used.


6. Enter a '1' to post the newly generated documents automatically. If left blank, the newly generated documents will not be posted.

7. Enter the DREAM Writer version number of the Posting program (P09800) for the newly generated documents. If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.


44.5 Processing Options for Generate Suspended VAT Amounts (P74082)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the As Of Date to age the open balances. If left blank, the current system date will be used.