41 Tax Requirements Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

41.1 Processing Options for EU Sales Listing Report (P0018S)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Branch ID to print on the report.  
2. Enter the from/to reporting period to print on the heading From period: From Year:

To period: To year:


41.2 Processing Options for A/R and A/P IVA Tax Report - Italy (P004051)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1) Enter a '1' to run the report in Final Mode. Leave Blank to run the report in Proof Mode.  
2) Enter the From and Through G/L Dates below. Blank will use the system date as the through date.

From G/L Date Through G/L Date

3) Enter a '1' to have the report skip 2 lines when document numbers are not sequential or when G/L dates are not sequential.

4) Enter a '1' to suppress report headings and page numbers. Default of blank will print headings and page numbers.

5) Enter a '1' to reverse the sign of the transaction. Select whether to reverse the sign for A/R or A/P in Processing Option 6.

6) Enter a '1' for A/P IVA Report. Default of blank will print A/R IVA Report. NOTE: DREAM Writer selection for Batch Type should be different for A/R and A/P reports.  
7) Enter a '1' to print document type description from user defined codes instead of invoice remark.  

41.3 Processing Options for Annual IVA File Build - Italy (P00911)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to specify Customers. Enter a '2' to specify Suppliers and Custom Authorities.  
2. Enter a '1' to clear the Annual IVA File (F00900). If left blank this file will be updated.  
Caution: This processing option should be set to clear the file only once per year.  

41.4 Processing Options for Annual IVA Control Report (P00910)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' if you want to use the scaling factor of 1000. Default of blank will not use a scaling factor.  

41.5 Processing Options for Annual IVA Tape Creation (P00918)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the year to process. This will determine the selection of records based on Invoice Date. Century Year  
2. Enter the address book line to be used for continuation of the name.  
3. Enter the address book line to be used for street information.  
4. Enter the code to be used for Person/Corporation Tax code  
5. Enter the appropriate number to designate the tape density.

'1' - 800 bpi

'2' - 1600 bpi

'3' - 6250 bpi


41.6 Processing Options for A/P Annual IVA Report (P00917)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the year to process. This will determine the selection of records based on Invoice Date Century Year  
2. Enter the address book line to be used for continuation of the name.  
3. Enter the address book line to be used for street information.  
4. Enter the information to be printed on the top of the form Personal/Corp. Code (2 digits) Company business (5 digit) Business description (25 digits)  

41.7 Processing Options for A/R Annual IVA Report (P00916)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the year to process. This will determine the selection of records based on invoice. Century Year  
2. Enter the address book line to be used for continuation of the name.  
3. Enter the address book line to be used for street information  
4. Enter the information to be printed on the top of the form Personal/Corp. code (2 digits) Company business (5 digits) Business description (25 digits)  

41.8 Processing Options for IVA by Tax Area Code - Italy (P00400)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the From and Through G/L Dates:

From G/L Date Through G/L Date

2. Enter a '1' to suppress report headings and page numbers. Default of blank will print headings and page numbers.  
3. Enter a '1' to have report insert a blank line when Tax Area Codes are skipped.  
4. Enter a '1' to reverse the sign on A/R transactions.  

41.9 Processing Options for Print Summary IVA Report (R74093)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
Date Range

Enter the G/L date range

From date

Thru date


Enter the Company as your Data Selection


Proof or Final

Enter a '1' to run in final mode, leave blank or anything else to run in proof mode.

Proof or Final Mode

Header Option

Enter a '1' to use the thru date as the report header. If left blank or anything else, the standard JDE report header will be used.

Print Header Option

Suppress Sign

Enter a '1' if you would like to suppress the printing of the negative sign. If left blank or anything else the sign will be printed.

Suppress the printing of the negative sign


41.10 Processing Options for IVA Summary Report (P74093)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the G/L date range From date. Thru date  
2. Enter a '1' to run in final mode. If left blank, the report will be run in proof mode.  
3. Enter '1' to use the thru date as the report header. If left blank, the standard JDE report header will be used.

4. Enter a '1' if you would like to suppress the printing of the negative sign. If left blank, the sign will be printed.


41.11 Processing Options for Withholding Tax Report - 770 Form (P74094)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the fiscal ID of the withholding tax agent.  
2. Enter the activity code of the withholding tax agent.  

41.12 Processing Options for Proposal of Payment (P7404430)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the beginning date from which payments should be selected.  
2. Enter the ending date until which payments should be selected.  
3. Enter '1' to print the address of the payee linked to the original supplier.  
4. Enter the line number of the address to print on the report.  

41.13 Processing Options for Proposal of Payment (R7404430)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description

1. Enter the From and Through Due Date below. Blank will use system date as the through date.

From Due Date

Through Due Date


2. Enter '1' to print the address of Supplier



41.14 Processing Options for Withholding Tax Payments (P7404500)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to run the report in Final Mode. If left blank, the report will run in Proof Mode. Note that a Withholding Tax status need to entered in processing option 3 for the update to be performed.  
2. Specify the date of payment to the tax office. If left blank, the with-holding tax paid status will not be updated.  
3. Enter the value to be used for the new W/T paid status. If left blank, no update will be performed on the W/T detail file even if the processing option for Final mode is set to 1.  
4. Enter the number of the payment document.  

41.15 Processing Options for Withholding Tax Payments (R7404500)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description

1. Enter a '1' to run the report in Final Mode, if left blank, the report will run Proof Mode.

Proof or Final


2. Specify the date of payment to the tax office. If left blank, the withholding tax payment date will not be updated.

Payment Date

3. Enter the value to be used for the new W/T paid status. If left blank, the withholding tax status will not be updated.

Withholding Tax Status

4. Enter the number of the payment document. If left blank the payment reference will not be updated.

Payment Reference


41.16 Processing Options for Withholding Tax Certifications (P7404027)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the date to be printed on the certifications.  
2. Enter the beginning date to process  
3. Enter the ending date to process.  
4. Enter the number to be printed on the first certificate. If no number is entered, certificates will be printed without a number.  
5. Enter '1' to run the certifications print in final mode. If left blank the report will be run in proof mode.  
6. Enter the value which will update the W/T file with the progress status "CERTIFIED". If left blank, even if the process is run in final mode, NO updates will be done on the W/T file.  

41.17 Processing Options for Withholding Tax Certifications (R7404027)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description

1. Enter the date to be printed on the certifications.

Certification Date

2. Enter the dates to process.

From Date

Thru Date


3. Enter the number to be printed on the first certificate. If no number is entered, certificates will be printed without a number.

Initial Number


4. Enter '1' to run the certifications print in final mode. If left blank the report will be run in proof mode.

Proof or Final Mode


5. Enter the value which will update the W/T file with the progress status "CERTIFIED". If left blank, even if the process is run in final mode, NO updates will be done on the W/T.



6. Enter Company, Title and Name to print on the certifications.





41.18 Processing Options for Generate Suspended VAT Amounts (P74076)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to run the document generation. If left blank, only the controls will be performed with the relative error messages and warnings produced on a report.  
2. Enter the As Of G/L date. The receipts/rebates on vouchers with suspense VAT before this date will be included in the generation of new documents. If left blank, the current system date will be used.  
3. Enter the G/L date to use. If left blank, the receipt/rebate G/L date will be used.  
4. Enter '1' if a new document number is to be assigned, based on document type. If left blank, then the old document number will be maintained.  
5. Enter the DREAM Writer version number of the Document Generation Program (P74077). If left blank, the ZJDE0001 version will be used.  
6. Enter a '1' to post the newly generated documents automatically. If left blank, the newly generated documents will not be posted.  
7. Enter the DREAM Writer version number of the Posting program (P09800) for the newly generated documents. If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.  

41.19 Processing Options for Generate Suspended IIVA Amounts (R74076C)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
PO_Date To

Enter the As OF G/L date. The receipts/rebates on vouchers with suspense IVA before this date will be included in the generation of new documents. IF blank, the current system date will be used.

PO_G/L Date

Enter the G/L Date to use to generate the documents with debit IVA. IF blanks, the receipts/rebate date will be used.

Document Gene:

Enter 1 to run the document generation. IF left blank only the control will be performed with the relative notification

Ledger Type

Enter ledger type. To post newly generated document. If left blank "AA' will be used.


41.20 Processing Options for Suspended IVA - Invoice Control List (P74079)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the As Of Date to age the open balances. If left blank, the current system date will be used.  

41.21 Processing Options for Suspended IVA - Invoice Control List (R74079)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
As Of Date  
As of Date: Enter the As of Date.

If Left Blank System Date Will Be


41.22 Processing Options for A/R and A/P IVA Tax Report - Italy (P004051)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1) Enter a '1' to run the report in Final Mode. Leave Blank to run the report in Proof Mode.  
2) Enter the From and Through G/L Dates below. Blank will use the system date as the through date. From G/L Date Through G/L Date  
3) Enter a '1' to have the report skip 2 lines when document numbers are not sequential or when G/L dates are not sequential.  
4) Enter a '1' to suppress report headings and page numbers. Default of blank will print headings and page numbers.  
5) Enter a '1' to reverse the sign of the transaction. Select whether to reverse the sign for A/R or A/P in Processing Option 6.  
6) Enter a '1' for A/P IVA Report. Default of blank will print A/R IVA Report. NOTE: DREAM Writer selection for Batch Type should be different for A/R and A/P reports.  
7) Enter a '1' to print document type description from user defined codes instead of invoice remark.  

41.23 Processing Options for Monthly Suspended IVA Report (R004051)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description

1. Enter a '1' to run the report in Final Mode. Leave blank to run the report in Proof mode

Final or Proof Mode


1. Enter the From and Through G/L Dates below. Blank will use the system date as the through date.

From G/L Date

Through G/L Date


1. Enter a '1' to have the report skip 2 lines when document numbers are not sequential or when G/L dates are not sequential.

Sequential Numbers and Dates

2. Enter a '1' to suppress report headings and page numbers. Default of blank will print headings and page numbers.

Suppress Header

3. Enter a '1' to print document type description from user defined codes instead of invoice remark.

Document Description


1. Enter a '1' for A/P IVA Report. Default of blank will print A/R IVA Report. NOTE: version selection for Batch Type should be different for A/R and A/P reports.

A/P or A/R Screen

2. Enter a '1' to reverse the sign of the transaction. Select whether to reverse the sign for A/R or A/P in Processing Option 1.

Reverse Sign


41.24 Processing Options for Journal Entry with Tax (P09106)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. To override standard journal entry processing (DREAM Writer XT0911Z1, version ZJDE0001), enter an override version number. This should only be changed by persons responsible for system wide setup.  
2. Enter a '1' to protect the Exchange Rate field. If left blank, the Exchange Rate will not be protected.  
3. Select default screen format: BLANK = Exclusive Tax '1' = Inclusive Tax  

41.25 Processing Options for Journal Entries with VAT (P09106)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
Batch Type

Enter a Default Batch Type

Addr # Required

Enter a '1' if the address book number field is required to be filled in the grid. If left blank no error will be set.

MBF Version

To override standard journal entry processing (version ZJDE0001 for application P0900049), enter an override version number. This should only be changed by persons responsible for system wide setup.