71 SPED Accounting Processing Options

This chapter contains the following topic:

71.1 Processing Options for SPED Jobs (P76B153)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Process ID associated with the version of Brazil Electronic Reporting you are using. Enter a value from UDC 76B/VC.

You can enter a Process ID as the default for all SPED Accounting Jobs that you add.

2. Enter the version of the Block Revisions program (P76B155) to use.

If left blank, XJDE0001 will be used.

Enter the version of P76B155 that will be called when you enter a 1 in the option field beside a job.

71.2 Processing Options for General Information - Generation - SPED (P76B161)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Layout Version.

Valid values are in 76B/LY.

Default value '1.00'

The system includes the value in Block I - Accounting Journals, record I010 - Accounting Bookkeeping Identification.

71.3 Processing Options for Block J - Signatories Generation - SPED (P76B168)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description

1. Enter URL/Email Category Code

Default value blank.

Select a value from UDC 01/UC.