Collaboration History

This chapter covers the following topics:

Understanding Collaboration History

To easily track business transactions raised within Oracle E-Business Suite and messages exchanged with trading partners, Oracle XML Gateway uses the Collaboration History feature to record these business processes or events such as purchase order, change order. When an order is cancelled or created, relevant actions can be triggered such as notify the document owner or trading partner, or raise business events for the acknowledgement or exception handling. All of these business processes are tracked and recorded using the Collaboration History.

In order to capture business transactions or collaborations and also take actions in acknowledging or handling the business events, specifically Collaboration History comprises the following two components:

Collaboration History

Collaboration History records all business transactions and messages exchanged with trading partners.

Collaboration History allows you to:


A collaboration is an association where an enterprise that uses Oracle E-Business Suite exchanges messages with a trading partner. The trading partners use either an Oracle E-Business Suite application or the Internet for exchange of messages. Collaborations represent business processes such as purchase order, change order, inventory report, and item master. Collaborations usually require more than one interaction among the trading partners involved, with some involving existing business workflows.

Collaboration Events

For any collaboration, there can be many collaboration events. A collaboration event represents a system component that acts on information in a message or XML payload. Oracle XML Gateway generating an Open Applications Group (OAG) XML message and an Oracle E-Business Suite application accepting a change electronically are both collaboration events.

A collaboration event is supported by a XML payload or some collaboration event details. Some events have associated XML like an OAG CONFIRM_BOD or PROCESS_PO message.

For example, the Order Collaboration events are recorded as follows:

Collaboration Event Details

The collaboration event details contain information received from a trading partner or other target applications. The information can also include error messages and exceptions.

Notification Processing

When an order is cancelled, Collaboration History uses the Notification Processing feature to provide generic and consistent methods to capture and take actions in response to the collaboration event.

Notification Processing allows you to:

Concepts and Terminology

Notification Processing is structured as notification types, notifications, and notification actions. Additionally, objects from the Collaboration History, such as applications and collaborations, are referenced and used to define portions of Notification Processing.

Notifications are raised to represent the success, exception, or error at predefined points within a collaboration. A notification is classified based on the source, that is, application, XML Gateway, or the business-to-business gateway. A notification action defines the action taken at a predefined point within a collaboration, based upon the notification raised.

The relationship between Collaboration History and Notification Processing is explained. Under the Notification Processing Subsystem, notification is defined for a notification source. Under Collaboration History Subsystem, collaboration is defined under applications. Notification actions are defined for a combination of collaboration and notification.

A notification is uniquely identified by a notification code and a notification source, which describes the location of the event within a given collaboration. An example of a notification source is the XML Gateway or the business-to-business gateway. A notification code is the actual error, warning, or status message passed from the notification source. Additionally, a description is specified for display purposes where notifications are referenced elsewhere.

Characteristics of a Notification Action

A notification action has the following characteristics:

All preseeded notification actions that handle error conditions are configured with the default action of notifying the administrator.

Additional business rules, such as initiating a workflow to place an inbound purchase order on hold when a trading partner identification error is encountered in a given collaboration, are specified using Notification Processing.

Example Flows

The notification processing engine handles the notifications from different sources such as the business-to-business gateway, Oracle XML Gateway, and Oracle E-Business Suite applications.

Business-to-Business Gateway

The business-to-business gateway generates a notice to Oracle E-Business Suite if it identifies an issue with the collaboration, such as Time to perform Exceeded (Notification Code: IP-05). The business-to-business gateway forms an OAG CONFIRM BOD and places it on the Oracle XML Gateway AQ. The Oracle XML Gateway processes the OAG CONFIRM BOD and passes it to the notification processing engine through an event subscription. The engine records an entry in the Collaboration History. Based on the notification code in the Confirm BOD and the setup data, the engine runs the indicated actions.

XML Gateway

The Oracle XML Gateway generates the XML messages outbound from Oracle E-Business Suite and uses the inbound messages to invoke the appropriate Oracle E-Business Suite APIs to affect a transaction. While processing these messages, if an error occurs, then the Oracle XML Gateway stops the process and raises a business event. The notification code is passed as a parameter of the event.

Oracle E-Business Suite Applications

For the inbound messages, APIs are called from the Oracle XML Gateway Message map. If the API returns an exception, then the application raises a business event. For example, the Order Import API raises an exception such as Invalid Sales Order Status (Notification Code: SO_IN03). This notification code is passed as a parameter of the event. The notification processing engine subscribes this event. The engine records an entry in the Collaboration History. Based on the notification code and the setup data, the engine runs the indicated actions.

Using the Collaboration History

Collaboration History uses the following windows to provide its features:

Using the Collaboration History Window

Use the Collaboration History window to view or monitor different business transactions and messages consumed by Oracle XML Gateway and exchanged between trading partners and Oracle E-Business Suite.

To view collaboration history, use the following ways to define your search:

To set up collaboration display information, see Using the Collaboration Display Setup Window and Updating the Collaboration Display Header and Details for details.

Using Collaboration History Simple Search

The Collaboration History simple search enables you to search collaborations based on application, document number, collaboration type, and collaboration standard. Enter the search criteria and initiate a query to view the collaborations.


Approve a purchase order and initiate an order collaboration.

To find collaborations using the simple search feature:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration History window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor > Collaboration History.

  2. To narrow the search in the Search region:

    • Select Collaboration Standard such as OAG, Rosettanet, UCCnet or you can leave it blank.

    • Select an appropriate Application.

    • Select Collaboration Type as one of the many collaboration types used. This includes values such as Change Order, Cancel Order, Change Planning, Change Order Notification, Forecast.

    • Enter Document Number such as a PO number or a customer order number. You can perform a search to find a value.

  3. Click Go to view the search results. See: Viewing the Collaboration History Search Results.

Using Collaboration History Advanced Search

Use the advanced search to search collaborations by a range of documents for a specific collaboration type. Enter the search criteria and initiate a query to view the collaborations.

Please note that you may enter additional search criteria through the advanced search if you have the Collaboration Standard, Application, and Collaboration Type fields in the simple search region specified and these values are corresponded with the fields you defined as the Display Labels Header for the Collaboration Display Setup window if it is set up properly.

For example, you enter "OAG" as collaboration standard, "Purchasing" as application, and "Order" as collaboration type in the simple search region. When clicking Show More Search Options, you can find additional search fields populated if you have the Collaboration Display Setup window defined properly for the collaborations with the same collaboration standard "OAG" and collaboration type "Order" in Oracle Purchasing application.

Note: You do not need to specify all the three fields mentioned here in the simple search region for additional search fields if the Collaboration Standard and Application, for example, are the only two fields that you defined in the Collaboration Display Setup window. In this case, you only need to enter "OAG" as collaboration standard and "Purchasing" as the application without specifying the collaboration type, such as "Order", and you can still see the additional search fields displayed in the advanced search region.

See Using the Collaboration Display Setup Window and Updating the Collaboration Display Header and Details for details.


To find collaborations using the advanced search feature:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration History window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor > Collaboration History.

  2. Click the Show More Search Option link to see more search fields displayed in the Collaboration History window in addition to the Simple Search Criteria, collaboration standard, type, application, and document number

  3. To narrow the search with additional criteria:

    • Select Organization name for your search.

    • Enter the Initiate Date From and Initiate Date To fields as the range to search for transactions that are initiated, terminated, or completed.

    • Enter Collaboration as a specific collaboration instance by entering the number. You can perform a search to find a desired value.

    • Enter Trading Partner for your search. You can perform a search to find a desired value.

    • Select Collaboration Status as Completed Normal, Completed Error, Initiated, Resent, Started, or Terminated.

    • Select Disposition from the drop-down list with the values such as Accepted, Failed, Pending, Reviewed, Synchronized, or Rejected.

      The Disposition indicates the outcome of a collaboration, which can be rejected by a trading partner even though the collaboration is completed normally.

  4. Click Go to view the search results. See: Viewing the Collaboration History Search Results.

Viewing the Collaboration History Search Results

After a simple or an advanced search, collaborations that match the search criteria are displayed in the Collaboration History search results region in the Collaboration History windows. Each line in the results region is for one collaboration. For each collaboration, you can the following information displays: document number or other display name (such as "PO") specified in the Collaboration Display Setup window, collaboration, collaboration type, collaboration standard, application, collaboration date, trading partner, resend count, collaboration status, and disposition.

Note: In addition to Document Number, you can also rename the following three more parameters in the Collaboration Display Setup window for your applications: Document Owner, Message Initiator, and Partner Document Number. Also, you may see additional fields displayed in the search result region if you have the collaboration display information defined properly in the Collaboration Display Setup window and have those additional fields selected in the Display Enabled For Results Table check box. See Using the Collaboration Display Setup Window and Updating the Collaboration Display Header and Details for details.

From the Collaboration History window, you can perform the following tasks:

Using the Collaboration Events Window

Use the Collaboration Events window to view read-only information for the collaboration details, such as collaboration number, status, date, type, document number, create and revision date.

Note: You may see additional fields displayed here if you have the collaboration display information defined properly in the Collaboration Display Setup window and have those additional fields selected in the Display Enabled For Events Screen check box. See Using the Collaboration Display Setup Window and Updating the Collaboration Display Header and Details for details.

In addition, all events for the collaboration are also listed in a table, including collaboration point, reference number, document type, direction, status, and messages when the trading partner returns a confirmation or rejection. You can also drill down to view event messages and payload information if it is available.


To view collaboration events messages and payload information:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Events window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor > Collaboration History. Click the collaboration number link that you want to see from the Collaboration History search results.

  2. Click the enabled Message link for a Collaboration Point to view the message details. See: Viewing the Collaboration Event Messages.

  3. Click the enabled Payload for a Collaboration Point to view the payload details. See: Viewing the Collaboration Event XML Payload.

Viewing the Collaboration Event Messages

By clicking the enabled Message link in the Collaboration Events window, you can view the message details, including document number, reference 1, reference 2, reference 3, reference 4, reference 5, and message text. The reference fields store additional information about the event. The value of the reference fields are PIP dependent.

For example, for a 3A4, if an acknowledgement has five lines out of which two are rejected and three are accepted, then all five lines display in the event details; reference 1 is line number, reference 2 is item, reference 3 is accepted or rejected, and so on.

The message text contains the actual message, which explains the reason for accepting or rejecting a collaboration event handled by Oracle XML Gateway.

Viewing the Collaboration Event XML Payload

The Collaboration Event Payload window displays payload details, such as document number, collaboration number, collaboration point, type, event message, XML payload details.

Click Printable Page to print the collaboration event payload information.

Using the Collaboration Event Definitions Window

Use the Collaboration Event Definitions window to query existing events. After performing a search, all events match with your search criteria are displayed in the results region.

In addition, you can also create a new event, update and delete an existing event. All collaboration events associated with the XML payload are set up using the Collaboration Event Definitions window.


To search for a collaboration event definition:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Event Definitions window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Event Definition.

  2. To narrow the search:

    • Select Transaction Type as the type of transaction in use. This list of values is preseeded or you can define the transaction types in the Oracle XML Gateway.

    • Select Transaction Subtype as the subtype of a transaction in use. This list of values is preseeded or you can define the transaction subtypes in the Oracle XML Gateway.

    • Select Document Direction as In or Out.

    • Select the collaboration Application such as Oracle Purchasing, iProcurement Connector, Oracle Inventory.

    • Select Document Type as one of the many documents used in the business transactions. This list includes values such as Acknowledge PO, Change PO, Item Master.

    • Select Collaboration Type as one of the many collaboration types used. This list includes values such as Cancel Order, Change Order Notification, Forecast.

  3. Click Go to execute the search.

To create a collaboration event definition:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Event Definitions window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Event Definition.

  2. Click Create Definition to create a new collaboration event in the Create Collaboration Event Definition window. See: Creating a Collaboration Event Definition.

To update or delete a collaboration event definition:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Event Definitions window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Event Definition.

  2. Search the collaboration event definition by entering search criteria.

  3. Click the enabled Update for the collaboration event definition. The Update Collaboration Event Definition window appears. See: Updating a Collaboration Event Definition.

  4. Click Delete to delete a collaboration event definition. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

Creating a Collaboration Event Definition

Use the Create Collaboration Event Definition window to create a new collaboration event definition.


To create a collaboration event definition:

  1. Navigate to the Create Collaboration Event Definition window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Event Definition > the Create Definition button.

  2. Select the values for the following fields:

    • Select Transaction Type as the type of transaction for your new event definition. This list of values is preseeded or you can define the transaction types in the Oracle XML Gateway.

    • Select Transaction Subtype as the subtype of a transaction. This list of values is preseeded or you can define the transaction subtypes in the Oracle XML Gateway.

    • Select Document Direction as In or Out.

    • Select the collaboration Application for your new event definition.

    • Select Document Type to be used in the business transactions.

    • Select Collaboration Type for your new event definition from the list of values such as Cancel Order, Change Order Notification, Forecast.

  3. Click Apply to create a new collaboration event definition.

    If the combination of values provided for the Transaction Type, Transaction Subtype, and Document Direction combination is not defined in the Oracle XML Gateway Transactions Setup, then an error message displays.

Updating a Collaboration Event Definition

Use the Update Collaboration Event Definition window to update an existing collaboration event definition.


To update a collaboration event definition:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Event Definitions window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Event Definition.

  2. Search the collaboration event definition by entering search criteria in the fields.

  3. Click the enabled Update for a Transaction Type in the search results area.

  4. Update the collaboration event by selecting appropriate values for the Transaction Type, Transaction Subtype, Document Direction, Document Type, Application, and Collaboration Type fields.

  5. Click Apply to commit the modifications.

    If the combination of values provided for the Transaction Type, Transaction Subtype, Document Direction, Application, Document Type, and Collaboration Type combination is not defined in Oracle XML Gateway Transactions Setup, then an error message displays.

    See Setting Up a New Collaboration chapter for details.

Using the Collaboration Final Event Definitions Window

The final collaboration event is generally an occurrence of an inbound or outbound message in the Oracle XML Gateway. It is set up in Collaboration History to record the final status of the overall collaboration.

Use the Collaboration Final Event Definitions window to query, update, and delete existing final events as well as create new final events.

To search a collaboration final event definition:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Final Event Definitions window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Final Event Definition.

  2. To narrow the search:

    • Select an appropriate value for the Application.

    • Select Collaboration Type for your search, such as Change Order, Cancel Order.

    • Select Document Type for the documents used in the business transactions, such as Acknowledge PO, Change PO, Item Master.

    • Select Document Direction as In or Out.

  3. Click Go to perform a search.

To create a collaboration final event definition:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Final Event Definitions window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Final Event Definition.

  2. Click Create Definition to create a new final event in the Create Collaboration Final Event Definition window.

    See: Creating a Collaboration Final Event Definition.

To update or delete a collaboration final event definition:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Final Event Definitions window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Final Event Definition.

  2. Perform a search by entering search criteria.

  3. Click the enabled Update for an Application in the search results area. The Update Collaboration Final Event Definition window appears.

    See: Updating a Collaboration Final Event Definition.

  4. Click Delete for the associated collaboration final event definition. You are prompted to confirm the delete action.

Creating a Collaboration Final Event Definition

Use the Create Collaboration Final Event Definition window to create a new collaboration final event definition.

To create a collaboration final event definition:

  1. Navigate to the Create Collaboration Final Event Definition window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Final Event Definition > the Create Definition button.

  2. Select the values for the following fields:

    • Select a value for the collaboration Application.

    • Select Collaboration Type from the drop-down list.

    • Select Document Type for your new final event definition.

    • Select Document Direction as In or Out.

    • Select Collaboration Standard from the drop-down list.

    • Enter Message Count information for your new final event definition.

      The Message Count field represents the total numbers of messages with the same application, document type, collaboration type, collaboration standard, and document direction.

  3. Click Apply to create a new collaboration final event definition.

    If the combination of values provided for the Application, Collaboration Type, Document Type, and Document Direction combination is not defined in Oracle XML Gateway Transactions Setup, then an error message displays.

Updating a Collaboration Final Event Definition

After performing a search, you can update an existing final event definition by clicking the Update button associated with the event you want to update. The Update Collaboration Final Event Definition window appears.


To update a collaboration final event definition:

  1. Navigate to the Update Collaboration Final Event Definition window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Final Event Definition > the Update button.

  2. Update your final event definition in the Application, Collaboration Type, Document Type, Document Direction, Collaboration Standard, and Message Count fields.

  3. Click Apply to commit the modifications made to the selected collaboration final event definition.

    If the combination of values provided for the Application, Document Type, Collaboration Type, and Document Direction combination is not defined in Oracle XML Gateway Transactions Setup, then an error message displays.

Using Collaboration Properties

Use the Collaboration Properties window to associate collaboration types and application names with appropriate message types. These message types indicate the different nature of the collaborations. Based on the message types, collaborations displayed in the Collaboration History window can be resent in case they fail.

You can query existing collaboration properties, create new collaboration properties, and update or delete existing ones in the Collaboration Properties window.

To search a collaboration property:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Property window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Property.

  2. To narrow the search:

    • Select Application such as Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Inventory.

    • Select Collaboration Type such as Cancel Order, Forecast for your collaboration.

    • Select Message Type such as Notify, Distribute, Sync, and Request.

  3. Click Go to execute the search.

To create a collaboration property:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Property window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Property.

  2. Click Create Collaboration Property to open the Create Collaboration Property window. See: Creating a Collaboration Property.

To update or delete a collaboration property:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Property window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Property.

  2. Perform a search by entering search criteria in the Collaboration Property window.

  3. Click the enabled Update for a collaboration property in the search results area. The Update Collaboration Property window appears.

    See: Updating a Collaboration Property.

  4. Click the enabled Delete for a collaboration property in the search results area. You are prompted to confirm the delete action.

Creating a Collaboration Property

Use the Create Collaboration Property window to associate collaboration types and application names with appropriate message types. These message types indicate the different nature of the collaborations. Based on the message types, collaborations displayed in the Collaboration History window can be resent in case they fail.

For example, a Notify message type is associated with Oracle Purchasing with Ship Notice as the collaboration type, then the Reinitiate action should be available in the Collaboration History window for the Purchasing Ship Notice type of collaborations with statuses of Started, Complete Normal, and Completed Error. If it is a Request message type, then the Reinitiate action should be available only when the collaboration status is Started or Completed Error. For more information on reinitiating collaborations, see Viewing the Collaboration History Search Results.

To create a collaboration property:

  1. Navigate to the Create Collaboration Property window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Property > the Create Collaboration Property button.

  2. Enter the following fields for your Collaboration Property:

    • Select a value for the collaboration Application.

    • Select Collaboration Type from the drop-down list.

    • Select Message Type for your new collaboration property.

    • Select Application Linking Function.

      The Application Linking Function field is used to link the Collaboration History feature to product specific windows by specifying the function along with the full URL information. This field appears as document number for a collaboration event listed in the Collaboration History window.

  3. Click Apply to create a new collaboration property.

Updating a Collaboration Property

After performing a search in the Collaboration Property window, you can update an existing collaboration property by clicking the Update button for the property that you want to update. The Update Collaboration Property window appears.

To update a collaboration property:

  1. Navigate to the Update Collaboration Property window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Property > the Update button.

  2. Update the property fields for Application, Collaboration Type, Message Type, or Application Linking Function fields.

  3. Click Apply to update the selected collaboration property.

Using the Collaboration Display Setup

Use the Collaboration Display Setup window to set up additional fields to be displayed in the Collaboration History window for the advanced search and search results screens, as well as in the Collaboration Events window.

For example, a display setup is created for events with Collaboration Standard UCCNet, Oracle Engineering Online application, and Collaboration Type UCCNet Worklist Query, then when you search for collaboration events with the same collaboration standard, type, and application using the Collaboration History window, you should find additional fields if you specified properly in the setup window for these particular events appear in the advanced search and search results screens. If you click the event name link from the search results screen, then you should also see additional fields displayed in the Collaboration Events window if those additional fields are selected properly in the display setup window. Notification receivers will also receive the notification with the event information in line with the display setup. See Updating the Collaboration Display Header and Details for details.

In addition, you can query existing collaboration display setups, update the header, update the details, view details, and delete existing setups.

To search a collaboration display setup:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Display Setup window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Display Setup.

  2. To narrow the search in the Search region:

    • Select Collaboration Standard such as OAG, Rosettanet, or UCCnet.

      Select Application such as Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Inventory.

    • Select Collaboration Type such as Cancel Order, Forecast for the display setup.

  3. Click Go to execute the search. The search results are displayed in the tabular format.

To create a display label header:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Display Setup window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Display Setup.

  2. Click Create Display Labels Header to open the Create Display Labels Header window. See: Creating a Collaboration Display Label Header.

To update the collaboration display header, update the details, or delete the setup:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Display Setup window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Display Setup.

  2. Perform a search by entering search criteria in the Search region. The search results are displayed in the tabular format.

  3. To update the header, click enabled Update Header to open the Update Display Labels Header window.

    To update the details, click enabled Update Details to open the Update Display Labels Details window.

    See: Updating the Collaboration Display Label Header and Details.

    To delete an existing setup, click enabled Delete and confirm the action.

Creating a Collaboration Display Label Header

Use the Create Collaboration Display Labels Header window to create new display header information, including collaboration standard, application, and collaboration type.

To create a collaboration display label header:

  1. Navigate to the Create Display Labels Header window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Display Setup > the Create Display Labels Header button.

  2. Enter the following information for your new display header:

    • Select Collaboration Standard such as OAG, Rosettanet, or UCCnet.

      Select Application such as Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Inventory.

    • Select Collaboration Type such as Cancel Order, Forecast for the display setup.

  3. Click Apply to confirm the creation.

Updating the Collaboration Display Header and Details

You can update existing collaboration display header and details from the search results in the Collaboration Display Setup window.

The display header contains collaboration standard, type, and application information; the collaboration details contain the internal column names and associated display labels appropriate for calling applications. Each column name can have in the following attributes:

Collaboration History allows you to change the following display names appropriate for your application needs:

Additionally, you can add more columns or delete an entry of a column name if you do not want it to be displayed as the collaboration details.

To update the display header:

  1. Navigate to the Update Display Labels Header window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Display Setup > the Update Display Labels Header button.

  2. Update the Collaboration Standard, Application, and Collaboration Type fields as needed.

  3. Click Apply to confirm the changes.

To update the display details:

  1. Navigate to the Update Display Labels Details window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Collaboration Display Setup > the Update Display Labels Details button.

  2. Update the following fields as needed:

    • Select CLN Column from the drop-down list, such as Attribute 1, Date Attribute 1, Document Number.

    • Enter Display Label for the CLN Column name you just entered.

    • Select the following check boxes for each of your Column name if it is necessary:

      • Search Enabled

      • Display Enabled for Events Screen

      • Display Enabled for Results Table

  3. Optionally click Add Another Row to add more entries for your display details.

  4. Click Delete to remove an entry of a record if it is necessary.

  5. Click Apply to confirm the changes.

Using the Notification Definition Window

The Notification Definition window enables you to search a notification based on source, notification code, and notification description. Also, it enables you to create a new notification definition and update or delete an existing notification definition.


To search a notification definition:

  1. Navigate to the Notification Definition window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Notification Definition.

  2. To narrow the search:

    • Select Source as the software component generating the notification. This list includes values such as Oracle Applications, B2B Server, iProcurement Connector (ITG), XML Gateway.

    • Enter Notification Code as the actual error, warning, or status message passed from the notification source.

    • Enter Notification as the description of the notification. A notification description is specified for display purposes where notifications are referenced elsewhere.

  3. Click Go. The window displays the results of the search.

To create a notification definition:

  1. Navigate to the Notification Definition window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Notification Definition.

  2. Click Create Definition to open the Create Notification Definition window.

    See: Creating a Notification Definition.

To update or delete a notification definition:

  1. Navigate to the Notification Definition window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Notification Definition.

  2. Search for a notification definition.

  3. Click Update for a Source in the search results region to open the Update Notification Definition window. See: Updating a Notification Definition.

  4. Click Delete for the associated notification definition. You are prompted to confirm the delete action.

Creating a Notification Definition

Use the Create Notification Definition window to create a new notification definition.


To create a notification definition:

  1. Navigate to the Create Notification Definition window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Notification Definition > the Create Definition button.

  2. Enter the values for the following fields:

    • Select Source as the software component generating the notification. This list includes values such as Oracle Applications, B2B Server, iProcurement Connector, XML Gateway.

    • Enter Notification Code as the actual error, warning, or status message passed from the notification source. The Notification Code values are preseeded or you can define them in the Oracle XML Gateway.

    • Enter Notification as the description of the notification. A notification description is specified for display purposes where notifications are referenced elsewhere.

  3. Click Apply to create a new notification definition.

Updating a Notification Definition

After a search in the Notification Definition window, you can update an existing notification definition retrieved from the search. This update includes modifying its source, notification code, or notification description.


To update a notification definition:

  1. Navigate to the Update Notification Definition window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Notification Definition > the Update button.

  2. Update the values for the Source, Notification Code, or Notification fields.

    The Notification field is the actual description of the notification to be displayed.

  3. Click Apply to commit the changes.

Using the Notification Action Definitions Window

When notifications are raised at predefined points, such as cancel orders or change orders, within a collaboration, notification actions are taken places and routed to appropriate people, such as notify administrators or document owners, based on your action definitions specified in the Notification Action Definitions window.

The notification action definition contains two parts:

You can use the Notification Action Definitions window to search, create, update, or delete notification actions, as well as to view and update notification action details.


To search a notification action definition:

  1. Navigate to the Notification Action Definitions window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Notification Action Definition.

  2. To narrow the search:

    • Select the collaboration Application where a collaboration occurs.

    • Select Collaboration Type such as Cancel Order, Change Order Notification, Forecast.

    • Select Source as the software component generating the notification. This list includes values such as Oracle Applications, B2B Server, iProcurement Connector, XML Gateway.

    • Enter Notification as the description of the notification.

      A notification description is specified for display purposes where notifications are referenced elsewhere. You can search a notification from the Search and Select: Notification window, which displays a list of values.

  3. Click Go. The window displays the results of the search.

To create a notification action header:

  1. Navigate to the Notification Action Definitions window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Notification Action Definition.

  2. Click Create Definition to open the Create Notification Action Header window.

    See: Creating a Notification Action Header.

To update a action header or action details, view action details, or delete a notification:

  1. Navigate to the Notification Action Definitions window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Notification Action Definition.

  2. Search for a notification.

  3. You can perform the following tasks from the search results region:

    • To update a notification action header, click the enabled Update for a notification to open the Update Notification Action Header window.

      See: Updating a Notification Action Header.

    • To create and update notification action details, click the enabled Update Action Details for a notification to open the Notification Action Definition window.

      See: Creating and Updating Notification Action Details.

    • To view notification action details, click the enabled notification name link in the search results region. The Notification Action Definition window appears.

      See: Viewing Notification Action Details.

    • To delete a notification, click Delete for an associated notification. You are prompted to confirm the delete action.

Creating a Notification Action Header

Use the Create Notification Action Header window to create a notification action header. The notification action header represents the transaction details for which notifications are defined in the notification action details section.


To create a notification action definition header:

  1. Navigate to the Create Notification Action Header window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Notification Action Definition > the Create Definition button.

  2. Enter the values for the following fields:

    • Select the collaboration Application from the drop-down list.

    • Select Collaboration Type as one of the many collaboration types used such as Cancel Order, Change Order Notification.

    • Select Source as the software component generating the notification. This list includes values such as Oracle Applications, B2B Server, iProcurement Connector, XML Gateway.

    • Enter Notification as the description of the notification. A notification description is specified for display purposes where notifications are referenced elsewhere. You can search for a notification from the Search and Select: Notification window, which displays a list of values.

  3. Click Apply to create a new notification action definition header.

Updating a Notification Action Header

After a search from the Notification Action Definitions window, you can update an existing notification action header from the search results by modifying the Application, Collaboration Type, Source, and Notification fields.


To update a notification action definition header:

  1. Navigate to the Notification Action Definitions window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Notification Action Definition.

  2. Click the enabled Update for a notification in the search results region to open to the Update Notification Action Header window.

  3. Select the values for the following fields:

    • Select the collaboration Application as Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Inventory, Oracle Order Management.

    • Select Collaboration Type as one of the many collaboration types used. This list includes values such as Cancel Order.

    • Select Source as the software component generating the notification such as Oracle Applications, B2B Server, iProcurement Connector, XML Gateway.

    • Enter Notification as the description of the notification. A notification description is specified for display purposes where notifications are referenced elsewhere.

  4. Click Apply to update the notification action definition header.

Creating and Updating Notification Action Details

Once a notification action has been created, you can search for the notification action that needs to be modified and then update the action details by clicking enabled Update Action Details from the search results region. This opens the Notification Action Definition window where you can perform the following tasks:


To create or update notification action details:

  1. Navigate to the Notification Action Definitions window from the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility: Collaboration Monitor: Setup > Notification Action Definition.

  2. Search for a notification action definition.

  3. Click the enabled Update Action Details from the search results region to open the Notification Action Definition window.

  4. To create a new action, select an action name from the Create Action drop-down list and click Go.

    In addition to select the Active check box to enable the new notify action, enter appropriate information based on the selected action name:

    • Call API:

      Enter event name as the Procedure Name of the API. Select Online or Concurrent as the Mode of Execution field.

    • Raise Business Event:

      Enter the event name as the fully qualified Name. Enter parameter 1 to parameter 14.

    • Start Workflow:

      Enter appropriate information for the Workflow Item Type field and Workflow Process.

    • Notify Administrator:

      Enter Notification User/Roles up to 15 roles. The user/role must be a valid user or role in Workflow Directory.

    • Notify Trading Partner or Document Owner:

      Need to specify the Active check box to enable the notification.

  5. To update the action, click the enabled Update for an action listed in tabular format. The associated update action definition window appears with various fields based on your selected action name. For example, if the action "Start Workflow" needs to be updated, then you may update the Workflow Item Type and Workflow Process fields.

  6. To delete the action, click the enabled Delete for an action. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

Viewing Notification Action Definition Details

After a search in the Notification Action Definitions window, you can click the enabled Notification Name link in the search results region to view the notification action information. This includes the notification header containing application, collaboration type, source, and notification description, as well as the details of actions for the notification. The action details include the action name such as "Notify Document Owner", active flag, parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3, parameter 4, and parameter 5.

Click the enabled Action to view the corresponding action details.

See: Viewing Action Definition Details.

Viewing Action Definition Details

After clicking a specific notification Action Name link from the Notification Action Details page, you can view the associated action name details. For example, if the enabled Action is Notify Administrator, then click to view the Notify Administrator Action Definition details, including action name, active status and notification role information.