Transaction Interface File Architecture

This chapter contains information about transaction interface file architecture.

This chapter covers the following topics:

File Structure Overview

Oracle e-Commerce Gateway produces ASCII files for outbound transactions. For inbound transactions, Oracle e-Commerce Gateway processes ASCII file produced by a Translator.

Each file consists of several records that are uniquely identified by its record number. A set of record numbers are assigned to a level of data in the transaction, for example, the records in range 1000-1999 may contain data at the header level of the document. Records in range 2000-2999 may contain data at the item level of the document.

Each transaction consists of multiple levels of data. They are indicated by their level names show in the Interface File Definition window. Usually the data from a level is written to many records in the transaction interface file.

Each record may consist of a single set of data elements such as all the currency data on the same record, or it may consist of several groups of related data. The amount of data on any record is constrained only by a maximum record length of 1024.

The following table illustrates the architecture of the records such as 0010-3000 that define a transaction and the two portions of data that define a single record. The first portion is the data in record positions 1-100 and the second portion is the application data in positions 101-1024.

Record Architecture
Content Record Number Record Position (1-100) Record Positions (101-1024)
Control record 0010 Common Key Base Application Data
Trading Partner Header Flexfields 0020-0050 Common Key Base Application Data
Trading Partner Detail Flexfields 0060-0070 Common Key Base Application Data
Base Application Data 1000 etc. Common Key Base Application Data
Base Application Data 2000 etc. Common Key Base Application Data
Base Application Data 3000 etc. Common Key Base Application Data

Refer to Modify Transaction Interface File, the Code Conversion chapter, and the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User's Guide for detail on how to modify the records.

Control Record (Record 0010)

Each transaction must start with a control record that has key data to pass between Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and a Translator. The control record is identified by record number 0010. Key data includes the Translator code, a key EDI Location Code for that transaction, and a Document Code like POO for the outbound purchase order. For inbound transactions, batch control numbers from standard transactions may be written on the control record for tracking. The transaction data in the transaction detail records follow the control record.

Descriptive Flexfield Records (Records 0020-0070)

The Oracle e-Commerce Gateway has descriptive flexfields in records 0020-0070 in any outbound transaction interface file. This flexfield data is written to the outbound transaction interface file whenever the flexfields are defined. They are available for data mapping in the Translator.

Common Record Key

Each record has two sections, the record common key (positions 1-100) and the application data area (positions beyond 100). The common key is written on every record in the file. It is used as a visual reference on each record to facilitate browsing the file or extracting transaction from a file if needed.

The following key data is in the common key: (Not all the fields are mentioned here.)

The following table illustrates the content of a common key:

Components of a Common Key
Translator Code Ref 1 Ref 2 Ref 3 Record Number Record Layout Record Qualifier
AB-01 101111 N/A N/A 0010 N/A N/A
AB-01 101111 N/A N/A 1000 PO PO1
AB-01 101111 00001 N/A 2000 IT IT1
AB-01 101111 00001 00001 3000 SH SH1
AB-01 101111 00001 00002 3000 SH SH1
AB-01 101111 00002 N/A 2000 IT IT1
AB-01 101111 00002 00001 3000 SH SH1
AB-01 101111 00002 00002 3000 SH SH1

Application Descriptive Flexfields Records

Many descriptive flexfields are found throughout the transaction. They are extracted from the application for outbound transactions. They may be loaded into the application open interface tables for inbound transaction. Most descriptive flexfields are defined to a shorter length on the transaction interface file than they are defined in the application due to realistic length on most business data. Any field may be increased up to its maximum length defined in the base Oracle E-Business Suite application. You can assign a different record number to the flexfield if the maximum length of the record is attained. See the Interface File Definition section in the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User's Guide for details.

Interface Data File Structure

Each data file consists of several records. Each record has two sections, the common record key (positions 1-100) and the application data area (positions 101 to 1024).

The structure is shown in the following table:

Interface Data File Structure
Data Position Length Data Section
Translator Code (short) 1-25 25 Common Key
Key 1 (Document identifier) 26-47 22 Common Key
Key 2 48-69 22 Common Key
Key 3 70-91 22 Common Key
Record Number 92-95 4 Common Key
Record Layout 96-97 2 Common Key
Record Layout Qualifier 98-100 3 Common Key
Application Data (101-1024) 101-1024 up to 924 Application Area

For more information about each data listed in the table above, see Common Record Key (1-100).

Record Structure

Each record is referenced by a number that identifies the level and block of data in the data file. The numbering scheme for each level is usually in increments of 1000. The following table shows sample record numbers and levels:

Record Structure
0010 Control Record
0020-0070 Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Flexfields
1000-1999 Application Header Level
2000-2999 Application Detail Level
3000-3999 Application Next Detail Level
4000-4999 Application Next Detail Level

Sample Record Numbers and Levels

The exact record number blocks varies by transaction due to variations in the data required. However, the hierarchy remains the same. Large transactions may have any level span over several blocks of 1000. For example, the header level may span from 1000 to 3999, and the item level may span from 4000 to 5999.

Sample File Structure

The following table illustrates the record number range and levels of data for a sample transaction.

Sample File Structure
Data Type Data Level Record Number (Position 92-95)
Control Record CONTROL 0010
Trading Partner Header Flexfields TRADING PARTNER 0020-0050
Trading Partner Detail Flexfields TRADING PARTNER 0060-0070
Bill To Address /Code HEADER 1000
Bill to Misc. Data, Contacts HEADER 1010
Bill to Customer Flexfields HEADER 1020-1050
Bill to Site Flexfields HEADER 1060-1090
Ship to Address/code HEADER 1100
Ship to Misc. data, contacts HEADER 1110
Ship From Codes HEADER 1400
Basic Header Data HEADER 2000
Amount Data HEADER 2010
Currency Data, Misc. data HEADER 2040
Payment Terms Data HEADER 2050
Sales Representative, Comments HEADER 2060
Header Flexfields HEADER 3000-3030
Header Allowance/Charges HEADER 3080-3090
Extension Tables: Header Data (custom) HEADER 3900
Basic Item Data ITEM 4000
Sales Order Data ITEM 4010
Part Descriptions, Sales Channel, Order Status ITEM 4020
Transaction Reference Key ITEM 4030
Line Flexfields ITEM 5000-5030
Extension Tables: Item Data (custom) ITEM 5900
Line Tax Data ITEM DETAIL 6000-6010
Line Tax Flexfields ITEM DETAIL 6020-6060
Extension Tables: Transaction Line Detail Data ITEM DETAIL (custom)

Special Records

Control Record (0010) Layout

Control Record 0010 is used by both the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and the Translator for Trading Partner identification. It includes data identifying the document (transaction) type, transaction date and time, Trading Partner code, and whether it is a test or production transaction. This record is 1024 characters long. This record contains key data needed by the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway.

Control Record 0010 is the first record for every transaction.

The following table shows the record layout of the Control Record 0010. Included are the sequence number, data element, length, position, and sample data for inbound and outbound transactions.

Control Record 0010 Layout
Seq. Data Element Length Position Sample Inbound Transaction Data Sample Outbound Transaction Data
01 Translator Code (short) 25 1-25 A1-ACME-2 A1-ACME-1
02 Key 1: (may be truncated) 22 26-47 1234567890123 64564522
03 Key 2: 22 48-69    
04 Key 3: 22 70-91    
05 Record Number 4 92-95 0010 0010
06 Record Layout 2 96-97 CT CT
07 Record Qualifier 3 98-100 CTL CTL
08 Communication Method 2 101-102 ED ED
09 Test Flag 1 103 P T
10 Document ID 6 104-109 POI POO
11 Document Type 5 110-114 STAND BLANK
12 Document Purpose Code 2 115-116 OR CH
13 Document Code (full) 35 117-151 1234567890123 64564522
14 Translator Code (full) 30 152-181 A1-ACME-2 A1-ACME-1
15 TP Location Code, External 35 182-216 AC7654 AC9832
16 Trading Partner Description 74 217-290 ACME CORP ACME INC
17 TP Reference 1 80 291-370 1234  
18 TP Reference 2 80 371-450 9875  
19 Transaction Date/Time 15 451-465 19970616 230723 19970626
20 Transmission Run ID 15 466-480 534342  
21 Organization ID 15 see Note below   Not applicable
22 Document Standard 10 see Note below    
23 Control Number 1 10 see Note below 654 (not applicable)
24 Control Number 2 10 see Note below 897 (not applicable)
25 Control Number 3 10 see Note below 3423 (not applicable)

Note: Check the Control Record 0010 layout using the Interface File Definition window for the position of this data if they are defined for the transaction.

Control Record Field Descriptions

The following table lists the data elements that comprise the Control Record 0010, along with the sequence of the element, its value, and any notes.

Control Record Field Descriptions
Seq. Data Element Value Note
1 Translator Code (short) First 25 bytes of the Translator Code This is the Trading Partner identifier for this transaction as defined by the Translator.
2 Key 1: (short)   First 22 bytes of Document Code. Do not use in the Translator data map, since it may be truncated.
3 Key 2:   Second level document identifier
4 Key 3:   Third level document identifier
5 Record Number 0010 Fixed value 0010.
6 Record Layout CT Fixed value CT.
7 Record Qualifier CTL Fixed value CTL.
8 Communication Method E (EDI) This code indicates if this transaction is to be faxed or sent via the EDI standard process.
9 Test Flag T (test)
P (production)
This code is the flag to indicate that the transaction is to be treated as test (T) or production (P) by the Translator. This code must remain synchronized with the Test flag defined in the Translator. Which code overrides the other if they are out of sync depends on the Translator. For inbound transactions, the EDI Trading Partner detail flag prevails.
10 Document ID Depends on the transaction.
Sample: POI = PO Inbound
This code identifies the transaction type and its direction, e.g., POI for purchase orders inbound.
11 Document Type Depends on the transaction.
This code identifies sub types of the given transactions, such as blanket order or standard orders to process.
12 Document Purpose Code Depends on the transaction.
Sample: OR (original),
CH (change),
This code identifies the transaction as the original, change, replacement or other appropriate status for the given transaction.
13 Document Code (full)   This is the primary transaction code such as the purchase order or invoice number. The code is the key document identified for the specific transaction.
14 Translator Code (full)   This is the full length Translator Code defined in the Translator to identify this Trading Partner.
15 Trading Partner Location Code, external   This code is the EDI Location code as defined for the Trading Partner for the given transaction.
This is usually found in the ASC X12 N104 ID code or the EDIFACT NAD segment. This code is maintained in Oracle E-Business Suite.
16 Trading Partner Description   This is the Trading Partner description as defined in Oracle e-Commerce Gateway for outbound transactions or by the Translator for inbound transactions.
17 TP Reference 1   This is the Trading Partner reference 1 code defined in Oracle e-Commerce Gateway for the primary Trading Partner location for outbound transactions.
18 TP Reference 2   This is the Trading Partner reference 2 code defined in Oracle e-Commerce Gateway for the primary Trading Partner location for outbound transactions.
19 Transaction Date/Time   This is the date and time that the transaction is created by Oracle e-Commerce Gateway or the Translator.
20 Transmission Run ID   Run ID from the Concurrent Manager which created the transaction.
21 Organization ID from inbound transaction This is the internal id associated with the organization. as defined in Oracle E-Business Suite.
22 Document Standard   This is the standard identified for the document enabled for the Trading Partner.
23 Control Number 1 (external) from inbound transaction This is the batch control number from the outer most electronic envelope for inbound transactions only.
This is the ASC X12 ISA or EDIFACT UNB control number.
24 Control Number 2 (external) from inbound transaction This is the batch control number from the inner electronic envelope for inbound transactions only.
This is the ASC X12 GS or EDIFACT UNG control number.
25 Control Number 3 (external) from inbound transaction This is the batch control number from the starting transactions segment for inbound transactions only.
This is the ASC X12 ST or EDIFACT UNH control number.

Optional Outbound Trading Partner Flexfield Records (0020-0070)

For outbound transactions, you may enable descriptive flexfield data at the Trading Partner header level (Record Numbers 0020-0050) and at the Trading Partner Detail level (Record Numbers 0060-0070). The Trading Partner header level flexfields are written for every transaction type for the Trading Partner such as all their outbound purchase order transactions and all their outbound purchase order change transactions. The Trading Partner detail level flexfields are written for the transaction type enabled for the Trading Partner.

This flexfield data is written to the outbound transaction interface file whenever the flexfields are defined. They are available for data mapping by the Translator. The records may appear in the interface data file with no data if the columns are not enabled. Trading Partner flexfields are not applicable to inbound transactions.

You must enable the Trading Partner header flexfields and Trading Partner detail flexfields (system administration required) to use them.

Common Record Key (1-100)

The table below describes the Oracle transaction interface file record key which occupies the first 100 characters of each record in every transaction. This record area facilitates any visual audit and research into the file.

Note: The content of the first 100 characters on the control record (0010) is defined the same as every other record for a given transaction.

The record number allows the Translator to uniquely identify a record layout within the transaction. Do not rely on the record layout code and record layout qualifier to uniquely identify a record.

Some transaction data in the record key may be truncated so the Translator should refer to the full transaction data in the data area (positions 101-1024) of the record.

The data in Key 1 through Key 3 varies by the transaction and the record level within the transaction. The following table displays a summary of the Record Key (0-100) data elements:

Record Key (1-100) Data Element Summary
Seq. Data Element Position Length
1 Translator Code (short) 1-25 25
2 Key 1 (Primary Key) 26-47 22
3 Key 2 48-69 22
4 Key 3 70-91 22
5 Record Number 92-95 4
6 Record Layout Code 96-97 2
7 Record Layout Qualifier 98-100 3

Translator Code (1-25)

This code is the Trading Partner identifier as defined in the Translator. The code identifies the communications method, electronic mailbox, standard, and data maps for the specific transaction. This code is the link between the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and the Translator.

This code is defined as the Translator code in Define Trading Partner window, Details tab.

Keys 1-3 (26-91)

Keys 1-3 represent key data from the first three levels of the given transaction. This data is for audit or research purposes to facilitate reading the file directly. The data may be truncated.

Key 1 is the Primary Key from the transaction. It may be the purchase order number, invoice number, or shipment number for corresponding transactions. Full primary document key is written in positions 117-151 of the control record 0010.

Keys 2-3 represents other data at the second and third level within the transaction. A transaction may have more than three levels of data which are not stored in the key area.

Record Number (92-95)

The record number is a unique number within a transaction to identify specific data in a transaction. Translators should rely on the record number to uniquely identify a record in the data file.

A sample of a simple numbering scheme and a larger range numbering scheme are displayed in the following table. Any transaction may use any range of numbers for a data level.

Sample Record Numbers
Record Number Sample-Simple Transaction Record Number Sample-Longer Transaction Content
0010 0010 Control Record
0020-0070 0020-0070 Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Flexfields
1000-1890 1000-4890 Application Header Level
1900-1990 4900-4990 Application Header Level Extension Table (Custom)
2000-2890 5000-5890 Application Detail Level 1
2900-2990 5900-5990 Application Detail Level 1 Extension Table (Custom)
3000-3890 6000-6890 Application Detail Level 2
3900-3990 6900-6990 Application Detail Level 2 Extension Table (Custom)
4000-4890 7000-7890 Application Detail Level 3
4900-4990 7900-7990 Application Detail Level 3 Extension Table (Custom)

The numbering scheme per data level is in increments of 1000. The numbering scheme per record is in increments of 10 allowing for new data levels and records to be inserted.

The record numbers are not used consistently across transactions. For example, the record 1050 may contain different data depending upon the transaction.

The X900 series in any range is reserved for the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway extension tables for consistency.

Record Layout Code (96-97)

The record layout code is used to indicate the type of data in the record. These codes are particularly useful when reusable records such as addresses and flexfields are used in the file.

Except for reusable records defined by the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway, the record layout may have a different meaning across transactions. For example, the record layout IT may contain different data depending upon the transaction.

Record Layout Qualifiers (98-100)

Record qualifier codes qualify what type of data is on the reusable records or any other record in the transaction. For example, an AD address record must be qualified as a specific type of address record for visual purposes, such as a ship-to, bill-to, or remit-to.

Other record qualifiers are assigned to every record in the transaction to complete the record key, but they do not necessarily facilitate data mapping since only the record number uniquely identifies a record to the Translator. The following table illustrates a sample record number, record layout code, record qualifier code, and the contents.

Refer to Common Records (based on record layout codes) for record layouts.

Sample Record Layout
Record Number Record Layout Record Qualifier Content
0010 CT CTL Control Record
1010 AD ST1 Address Record with Ship to Location Data
1040 AD BT1 Address Record with Bill to Location Data
1060 A1 HD1 Flexfield data with Reusable Record A1 Layout qualified by HD1
1070 A2 HD2 Flexfield data with Reusable Record A2 Layout qualified by HD2
2000 IT ITM IT for Item data qualified by ITM to distinguish the data from other IT records in this transaction.
2100 A1 IT1 Flexfield data with Reusable Record A1 Layout qualified by IT1
2110 A2 IT2 Flexfield data with Reusable Record A2 Layout qualified by IT2

Common Records (Based on Record Layout Code)

Record Layout codes are indicated in positions 96-97 of the common record key.

Several data elements relate to each other and can be found in several standard transactions. These related elements, for example, include addresses, contact data, and flexfields. The actual content of any record is qualified by the record layout qualifier, for example, ST or ST1 for ship-to address, and BT or BT1 for bill-to address.

Verify the record layout for any record in a transaction including its data element, length of the field, and its position using the record in the Interface File Definition window.

Note: You can modify these record layouts. However, any changes may affect the Translator data map you are using.

The following table contains record layout codes, their descriptions, and meanings. These record layouts may be seen in many transactions.

Common Record Layout
Record Layout Codes Description Meaning
A1 Flexfield Layout 1 Flexfields Layout 1
Layout 1 contains the Flexfield Context plus attributes each with length 80.
The interface table has the flexfield with the full length of 150 bytes if needed.
A2 Flexfield Layout 2 Flexfields Layout 2
Layout 2 contains attributes each with length 80.
The interface table has the flexfield with the full length of 150 bytes if needed.
A3 Flexfield Layout 3 Flexfields Layout 3
Layout 3 contains the Flexfield Context plus attributes each with length 100. The interface table has the attribute with the full length of 150 bytes if needed.
A4 Flexfield Layout 4 Flexfields Layout 4.
Layout 4 contains attributes each with length 100.
The interface table has the flexfield with the full length of 150 bytes if needed.
A5 Flexfield Layout 5 Flexfields Layout 5
Layout 5 contains four pairs of internal defined flexfields and its external converted codes plus the Flexfield Context.
The interface table has the flexfield with the full length of 150 bytes if needed.
A6 Flexfield Layout 6 Flexfields Layout 6
Layout 6 contains four pairs of internal defined flexfields and its external converted codes.
The interface table has the flexfield with the full length of 150 bytes if needed.
AD Address Record Full Name and Addresses and Codes for each business entity where State and county codes are explicit.
This is usually data from RA-tables.
AX Address Record Full Name and Addresses and Codes for each business entity where REGION 1, REGION2, REGION3 contain the state and county.
This is usually data from HR-tables.
CN Contact Record-Format 1 Primary Personnel Contact, title and phones.
CM Contact Record-Format Primary Contact phone numbers

Record Layout Code A1

The following table shows the record layout for the record layout code A1, Descriptive Flexfields.

Record Layout Code A1
Seq. Control Level Flexfields Length
1 Common key including Record Number 100
2 Any Flexfield Context 30
3 Any Flexfield 1 80
4 Any Flexfield 2 80
5 Any Flexfield 3 80
6 Any Flexfield 4 80

Descriptive Flexfields (A2) Record Layout

The following table shows the record layout for the record layout code A2, Descriptive Flexfields.

Record Layout Code A2
Seq. Control Level Flexfields Length
1 Common key including Record Number 100
2 Any Flexfield 1 80
3 Any Flexfield 2 80
4 Any Flexfield 3 80
5 Any Flexfield 4 80
6 Any Flexfield 5 80

Descriptive Flexfields (A3) Record Layout

The following table shows the record layout for the record layout code A3, Descriptive Flexfields.

Record Layout Code A3
Seq. Control Level Flexfields Length
1 Common key including Record Number 100
2 Any Flexfield Context 30
3 Any Flexfield 1 100
4 Any Flexfield 2 100
5 Any Flexfield 3 100

Descriptive Flexfields (A4) Record Layout

The following table shows the record layout for the record layout code A4, Descriptive Flexfields.

Record Layout Code A4
Seq. Control Level Flexfields Length
1 Common key including Record Number 100
2 Any Flexfield 1 100
3 Any Flexfield 2 100
4 Any Flexfield 3 100
5 Any Flexfield 4 100

Descriptive Flexfields (A5) Record Layout

The following table shows the record layout for the record layout code A5, Descriptive Flexfields.

Record Layout Code A5
Seq. Control Level Flexfields Length
1 Common Key including Record Number 100
2 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield Context 30
3 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 1-Internal 70
4 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 1-External (AC-Special Services_code) 25
5 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 2-Internal 70
6 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 2-External (AC_Special_Charges_code) 25
7 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 3-Internal (AETC_number) 70
8 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 3-External 25
9 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 4-Internal (AETC_Responsibility_Code) 70
10 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 4-External 25

Descriptive Flexfields (A6) Record Layout

The following table shows the record layout for the record layout code A6, Descriptive Flexfields. This table has a similar layout to A5 for flexfields 5-8, 9-12, and 13-15:

Record Layout Code A6
Seq. Flexfields Length
1 Common key including Record Number 100
2 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 5-Internal
3 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 5-External 25
4 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 6-Internal 70
5 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 6-External 25
6 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 7-Internal 70
7 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 7-External 25
8 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 8-Internal 70
9 Shipment Allowance/Charge Flexfield 8-External 25

Address (AD) Record Layout

The following table shows the record layout of the AD, Address Record, record code type. All name and address records that have explicit state/province and county data have the following format. There may be cases where the interface process does not populate some of the data fields depending on data availability.

Address (AD) Record Layout
Seq. Business Entity Data Length ASC X12
1 Common Key including Record Number 100  
2 Business Entity Site Code (internal) 60 Internal
3 Business Entity Site Code (external)
EDI Location Code
35 N104
4 Business Entity Name 60 N102
5 Business Entity Address Line 1 35 N301
6 Business Entity Address Line 2 35 N302
7 Business Entity Address Line 3 35 N301
8 Business Entity Address Line 4 35 N302
9 Business Entity City 30 N401
10 Business Entity Postal Code 15 N403
11 Business Entity Country (Internal) 20  
12 Business Entity Country (ISO) (external) 03 N404
13 Business Entity State (internal) 20  
14 Business Entity State (External) 10 N402
15 Business Entity Province (internal) 20  
16 Business Entity Province (External) 10 N402
17 Business Entity County 25  

Address (AX) Record Layout

The following table shows the record layout of the AX, Address Record, record code type. All name and address records that have REGION 1, REGION2, and REGION3 in place of explicit state/province and county data have the following format. This data is extracted from Human Resources tables. There may be cases where the interface process does not populate some data fields depending on data availability.

Address (AX) Record Layout
Seq. Business Entity Data Length ASC X12
1 Common Key including Record Number 100  
2 Business Entity Site Code (Internal) 20 Internal
3 Business Entity Site Code (External)
(EDI Location Code)
20 N104
4 Business Entity Name 60 N102
5 Business Entity Address Line 1 35 N301
6 Business Entity Address Line 2 35 N302
7 Business Entity Address Line 3 35 N301
8 Business Entity City 30 N401
9 Business Entity Postal Code 15 N403
10 Business Entity Country (Internal) 20  
11 Business Entity Country (ISO) (External) 03 N404
12 Business Entity REGION 1 (Internal) 25  
13 Business Entity REGION 1 (External) 10 N402
14 Business Entity REGION 2 (Internal) 25  
15 Business Entity REGION 2 (External) 10 N402
16 Business Entity REGION 3 (Internal) 25  
17 Business Entity REGION 3 (External) 10  

Contact Format 1 (CN) Record Layout

The following table shows the record layout of the record layout code CN, Contact-Record Format 1. You may add secondary contact data to this record.

Contact Format 1 (CN) Record Layout
Seq. Business Entity Contact Data Length ASC X12
1 Common Key including Record Number 100  
2 Business Entity Primary Contact Last Name 35 PER02
3 Business Entity Primary Contact First Name 35  
4 Business Entity primary Contact Job Title 40 PER09
5 Business Entity Primary Area Code 1 10 PER04
6 Business Entity Primary Telephone 1 60 PER04
7 Business Entity Primary Area Code 2 10 PER04
8 Business Entity Primary Telephone 2 60 PER04
9 Business Entity Primary Area Code 3 10 PER04
10 Business Entity Primary Telephone 3 60 PER04

Contact Format 2 (CM) Record Layout

The following table shows the record layout of the record layout code CM, Contact-Record Format. These records can store phone numbers when contact personnel data is not available. Area Codes are not stored separately in the application.

Contact Format 2 (CM) Record Layout
Seq. Business Entity Contact Data Length  
1 Common Key including Record Number 100  
2 Business Entity Primary Telephone 1 60 PER04
3 Business Entity Primary Telephone 2 60 PER04
4 Business Entity Primary Telephone 3 60 PER04

Code Conversion Internal and External Codes on the File

The transaction interface file may have one to five external fields activated for the file for a given internal code that is marked as a candidate for code conversion. Usually only the external 1 fields is activated by the seeded transaction. You may activate other external fields using the Interface File Definition window. Reference the Modify Transaction Interface File, the Code Conversion chapter, and the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User's Guide.