Transaction Summary Layouts

This appendix contains transaction summary information for Oracle E-Business Suite about Oracle e-Commerce Gateway implementation.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Oracle Inventory Transaction Summaries

The following Oracle Inventory transaction is summarized in this appendix.

Oracle Inventory Transaction Summaries
Transaction Name Direction Transaction
Movement Statistics Outbound MVSTO N/A CUSDEC

Current Information

The transaction file may change when enhancements are made such as additional data added to the transaction.

Current transaction summaries can be found on Oracle Support's web site.

Current detail record layouts are reported via the Transaction Definition Layout Report and the Interface File Data Report.

Outbound Movement Statistics (INTRASTAT)

(MVSTO/No X12/CUSDEC) Record Structure

A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

the picture is described in the document text

An outbound movement statistics transaction contains a single Control Record and Movement Statistics Header Record. The header record may have multiple Item Detail Records, which may have multiple Address Records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Movement Statistics transaction:

Record occurrences within the MVSTO transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010-0050 e-Commerce Gateway Control Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-1020 Movement Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-2230 Movement Detail Records One set of records per item within the movement header
3000-3020 Movement Location Records One set of records per item within the movement detail

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Outbound Movement Statistics transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

MVSTO Transaction Record Summary
  Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields HEADER 0020-0050 Custom
3 Movement Type, Status, Period HEADER 1000  
4 Legal Entity Address HEADER 1010  
5 Total Units, Records & Weight HEADER 1020  
6 Nature of Transaction/Movement DETAIL 2000  
7 Post, Area, Zone Code DETAIL 2010  
8 Currency, Cost, Price DETAIL 2020  
9 Transaction Qty, UOM, Weight DETAIL 2030  
10 Commodity Code/Description DETAIL 2040  
11 Item Description, Comments DETAIL 2050  
12 Document Source/Reference DETAIL 2060  
13 Shipment/Receipt Reference, Container DETAIL 2070  
14 Invoice Date/Reference/Qty DETAIL 2080  
15 Bill to Address DETAIL 2090  
16 Vendor Name/Site DETAIL 2100  
17 Movement Flexfields DETAIL 2200-2230 Flexfields
18 Bill to Address LOCATION 3000  
19 Ship to Address LOCATION 3010  
20 Vendor Address LOCATION 3020  

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Outbound Movement Statistics transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the MVSTO transaction
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 HEADER Movement Header
48-69 22 DETAIL Movement Detail
70-91 22 LOCATION Move Detail Location
92-95 4 (Varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (Varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (Varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Outbound Movement Statistics transaction.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the MVSTO transaction, per record
  Data Trading Partner Ref 1 (Header) Ref 2 (Detail) Ref 3 (Location) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD HEADER     0010 CT CTL
2 Trading Partner Hdr Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD HEADER     0020 A1 TH1
3 Trading Partner Hdr Flexfields 4-9 TP_CD HEADER     0030 A2 TH2
4 Trading Partner Hdr Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD HEADER     0040 A2 TH3
5 Trading Partner Hdr Flexfield 15 TP_CD HEADER     0050 A2 TH4
6 Movement Type, Status, Period TP_CD HEADER     1000 RP RPT
7 Legal Entity Address TP_CD HEADER     1010 AX LE1
8 Total Units, Records & Weight TP_CD HEADER     1020 RP TOT
9 Nature of Transaction/Movement TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2000 MV MOV
10 Post, Area, Zone Code TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2010 MV MV1
11 Currency, Cost, Price TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2020 MV CUR
12 Transaction Qty, UOM, Weight TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2030 MV AMT
13 Commodity Code/Description TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2040 MV COM
14 Item Description, Comments TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2050 MV CMT
15 Document Source/Reference TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2060 MV DOC
16 Shipment/Receipt Reference, Container TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2070 MV MSC
17 Invoice Date/Reference/Qty TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2080 MV INV
18 Bill to Address TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2090 LC CUS
19 Vendor Name/Site TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2100 LC VEN
20 Movement Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2200 A1 MV1
21 Movement Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2210 A2 MV2
22 Movement Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2220 A2 MV3
23 Movement Flexfield 15 TP_CD HEADER DETAIL   2230 A2 MV4

Oracle Order Management Transaction Summaries

Order Management Transaction Summaries
Transaction Name Direction Transaction Code ASC X12 EDIFACT
Purchase Order Inbound POI 850 ORDERS
Purchase Order Change Inbound POCI 860 ORDCHG
Purchase Order Acknowledgment Outbound POAO 855 ORDRSP
Purchase Order Acknowledgment Outbound POCAO 865 ORDRSP

Current Information

The transaction file may change when enhancements are made such as additional data added to the transaction.

Current transaction summaries can be found on Oracle Support's web site.

Current detail record layouts are reported via the Transaction Definition Layout Report and the Interface File Data Report.

Inbound Purchase Order (POI/850/ORDERS)

(POI/850/ORDERS) Record Structure

A single transaction has the data hierarchy and data looping as presented in the following diagram and table.

(POI) Inbound Purchase Order Structure

the picture is described in the document text

Note: The customer and supplier item data in records 2000-2900 will be repeated on each shipment level data in records 3000-4900 to create entries in the Order Import LINE table.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Purchase Order transaction.

Record Occurrences within the POI transaction
Records Content Ocurrences
0010 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-1699 PO Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
1700-1740 Credits One set of records per header
1800-1850 Price Adjustments One set of records per header
1900-1910 Reservations One set of records per header
1950-1990 Actions One set of records per header
2000-2900 PO Line One set of records per item within the PO header
3000-4900 PO Line Shipment One set of records per shipment within the PO Line
5000-5900 Credits One set of records per shipment within the PO Line
6000-6900 Price Adjustments One set of records per shipment within the PO Line
7000-7900 Lot Serial One set of records per shipment within the PO Line
8000-8900 Reservations One set of records per shipment within the PO Line
9000-9900 Actions One set of records per shipment within the PO Line

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Outbound Purchase Order transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

POI Transaction Record Summary
Data Data Level Record Number Note
Control Record HEADER 0010  
Basic Purchase Order Header HEADER 1000  
Currency Code & Conversion Rates HEADER 1060  
Payment Amount, Credit Card, Payment Type/Code, Tax Exempt HEADER 1070  
FOB Point, Freight Terms, Shipment Priority, Shipping Method HEADER 1090  
Shipping & Packing Instructions HEADER 1100  
Header Request Date, Demand Class HEADER 1110  
Header Flexfields HEADER 1200-1230 Flexfields
PO Header Flexfields HEADER 1240-1270 Flexfields
Global Header Flexfields HEADER 1280-1320 Flexfields
Customer Name & Number HEADER 1400 Flexfields
Sold-to Address HEADER 1410  
Sold-to Contact HEADER 1420  
Ship-to Address (Header Level) HEADER 1500  
Ship-to Contact (Header Level) HEADER 1510  
Invoice Address HEADER 1520  
Invoice Contact HEADER 1530  
Ordered By Name HEADER 1540  
Ship-from Address (Header Level) HEADER 1600  
Extension Tables:
Purchase Order Header Data
HEADER   (custom)
Credits Data CREDIT 1700  
Credit Flexfields CREDIT 1710-1740 Flexfields
Price Adjustments Data PRICE ADJUSTMENT 1800  
Discount/List Names (for price adjustments) PRICE ADJUSTMENT 1810  
Price Adjustment Flexfields PRICE ADJUSTMENT 1820-1850 Flexfields
Reservations Data RESERVATION 1900  
Reservations Flexfields RESERVATION 1910-1940 Flexfields
Action Data ACTION 1950  
Action Flexfields ACTION 1960-1990 Flexfields
(Original System Reference, Configuration)
LINE 2000  
Inventory Item Segments LINE DETAIL 2010-2020 Flexfields
Item Detail (Items, Price) LINE DETAIL 3000  
Payment Type/Code, Tax Exempt LINE DETAIL 3020  
Project, Task, Contract Numbers LINE DETAIL 3030  
Service Comments LINE DETAIL 3050  
FOB Point, Freight Terms, Shipment Priority/Method, Freight Carrier LINE DETAIL 3080  
Demand Bucket LINE DETAIL 3090  
Shipment quantities, dates LINE DETAIL 4000  
Shipping & Packing Instructions LINE DETAIL 4010  
Item Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4200-4230 Flexfields
Global Header Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4300-4340 Flexfields
Pricing Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4400-442 Flexfields
Industry Header Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4500-4560 Flexfields
Service Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4600-463 Flexfields
Return Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4700-473 Flexfields
Ship-to Address (Line Level) LINE DETAIL 4800  
Ship-to Contact (Line Level) LINE DETAIL 4810  
Deliver to Contacts LINE DETAIL 4820  
Trader Partner Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4830-4860 Flexfields
Ship-from Address (Line Level) LINE DETAIL 4870  
Credits Data CREDIT 5000  
Credit Flexfields CREDIT 5100-5130 Flexfields
Price Adjustments Data PRICE ADJUSTMENT 6000  
Discount/List Names (for price adjustments) PRICE ADJUSTMENT 6010  
Price Adjustment Flexfields PRICE ADJUSTMENT 6100-6130 Flexfields
Reservations Data RESERVATION 7000  
Reservations Flexfields RESERVATION 7100-7130 Flexfields
Action Data ACTION 8000  
Action Flexfields ACTION 8100-8130 Flexfields
Lot Serial Data LOT SERIAL 9000  
Serial Lot Flexfields LOT SERIAL 9100-9130 Flexfields

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1 - 100) for the Outbound Purchase Order transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific data in the Common Key positions 1-100
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 PO Purchase order number
48-69 22 ITEM Purchase order line number
70-91 22 (blank) (Not needed)
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1 -100) for the records of the Outbound Purchase Order transaction.

Transaction-specific data in the Common Key positions 1-100, per record
Data Trading Partner Ref 1 Ref 2 Ref 3 Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
Control Record TP_CD PO     0010 CT CTL
Basic Purchase Order Header TP_CD PO     1000 PO PO1
Currency Code & Conversion Rates TP_CD PO     1060 PY CUR
Payment Amount, Credit Card, Payment Type/Code, Tax Exempt TP_CD PO     1070 PY TAX
FOB Point, Freight Terms, Shipment Priority, Shipping Method TP_CD PO     1090 FB SHP
Shipping & Packing Instructions TP_CD PO     1100 NT SHP
Demand Class TP_CD PO     1110 MS MIS
Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1200 A1 HD1
Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1210 A2 HD2
Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1220 A2 HD3
Header Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO     1230 A2 HD4
Purchase Order Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1240 A1 PO1
Purchase Order Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1250 A2 PO2
Purchase Order Flexfields 1-14 TP_CD PO     1260 A2 PO3
Purchase Order Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO     1270 A2 PO4
Global Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1280 A1 GL1
Global Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1290 A2 GL2
Global Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1300 A2 GL3
Global Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD PO     1310 A2 GL4
Global Flexfield 20 TP_CD PO     1320 A2 GL5
Customer Name & Number TP_CD PO     1400 CU CUS
Sold-to Address (header level) TP_CD PO     1410 AD SLD
Sold-to Contact (header level) TP_CD PO     1420 CN SLD
Ship-to Address (header level) TP_CD PO     1500 AD ST1
Ship-to Contact (header level) TP_CD PO     1510 CN ST1
Invoice Address (header level) TP_CD PO     1520 AD BT1
Invoice Contact (header level) TP_CD PO     1530 CN BT1
Ordered By Name TP_CD PO     1540 CN OBY
Ship-from Address TP_CD PO     1600 AD SFM
Credits Data TP_CD PO     1700 CR CRD
Credit Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1710 A1 CR1
Credit Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1720 A2 CR2
Credit Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1730 A2 CR3
Credit Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO     1740 A2 CR4
Price Adjustments Data TP_CD PO     1800 PR ADJ
Discount/List Names TP_CD PO     1810 PR AD1
Price Adjustment Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1820 A1 AD1
Price Adjustment Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1830 A2 AD2
Price Adjustment Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1840 A2 AD3
Price Adjustment Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO     1850 A2 AD4
Reservations Data TP_CD PO     1900 RS RES
Reservation Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1910 A1 RS1
Reservation Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1920 A2 RS2
Reservation Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1930 A2 RS3
Reservation Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO     1940 A2 RS4
Action Data TP_CD PO     1950 AC ACT
Actions Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1960 A1 AC1
Actions Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1970 A2 AC2
Actions Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1980 A2 AC3
Actions Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO     1990 A2 AC4
Item Data
(Original System Reference, Configuration Data)
Inventory Item Segments 1-10 TP_CD PO LINE   2010 IT IS1
Inventory Item Segments 11-20 TP_CD PO LINE   2020 IT IS2
Operation Code, Price Quantities, List Price TP_CD PO LINE   3000 LN LN1
Customer Payment Terms, Tax Exempt TP_CD PO LINE   3020 PY TAX
Project, Task, Contract Numbers TP_CD PO LINE   3030 PJ SRV
Service Transaction Comments TP_CD PO LINE   3050 SV CM1
FOB Point, Freight Terms, Shipment Priority/Method, Freight Carrier TP_CD PO LINE   3080 FB SHP
Demand Bucket, Class, Stream TP_CD PO LINE   3090 DM DMD
Shipment Data
(UOM, Ship/Promise Dates)
Shipping & Packing Instructions TP_CD PO LINE   4010 NT NTE
Item Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4200 A1 IT1
Item Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4210 A2 IT2
Item Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   4220 A2 IT3
Item Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   4230 A2 IT4
Global Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4300 A1 GL1
Global Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4310 A2 GL2
Global Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   4320 A2 GL3
Global Header Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD PO LINE   4330 A2 GL4
Global Header Flexfield 20 TP_CD PO LINE   4340 A2 GL5
Pricing Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4400 A1 PC1
Pricing Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4410 A2 PC2
Pricing Flexfield 10 TP_CD PO LINE   4420 A2 PC3
Industry Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4500 A1 IN1
Industry Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4510 A2 IN2
Industry Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   4520 A2 IN3
Industry Header Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD PO LINE   4540 A2 IN4
Industry Header Flexfields 20-24 TP_CD PO LINE   4540 A2 IN5
Industry Header Flexfields 25-29 TP_CD PO LINE   4550 A2 IN6
Industry Header Flexfield 30 TP_CD PO LINE   4560 A2 IN7
Service Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4600 A1 SV1
Service Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4610 A2 SV2
Service Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   4620 A2 SV3
Service Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   4630 A2 SV4
Return Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4700 A1 RT1
Return Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4710 A2 RT2
Return Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   4720 A2 RT3
Return Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   4730 A2 RT4
Ship-to Address (Item Level) TP_CD PO LINE   4800 AD ST1
Ship-to Contact (Item Level) TP_CD PO LINE   4810 CN ST1
Invoice to Contacts TP_CD PO LINE   4820 CN IND
Trading Partner Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4830 A1 TP1
Trading Partner Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4840 A2 TP2
Trading Partner Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   4850 A2 TP3
Trading Partner Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   4860 A2 TP4
Ship-from Address (Item Level) TP_CD PO LINE   4870 AD SFR
Credits Data TP_CD PO LINE   5000 CR CRD
Credit Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   5100 A1 CR1
Credit Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   5110 A2 CR2
Credit Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   5120 A2 CR3
Credit Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   5130 A2 CR4
Price Adjustments Data TP_CD PO LINE   6000 PR ADJ
Discount/List Names TP_CD PO LINE   6010 PR AD1
Price Adjustment Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   6110 A1 AD1
Price Adjustment Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   6110 A2 AD2
Price Adjustment Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   6120 A2 AD3
Price Adjustment Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   6130 A2 AD4
Reservations Data TP_CD PO LINE   7000 RS RES
Reservation Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   7100 A1 RS1
Reservation Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   7110 A2 RS2
Reservation Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   7120 A2 RS3
Reservation Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   7130 A2 RS4
Action Data TP_CD PO LINE   8000 AC ACT
Actions Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   8100 A1 AC1
Actions Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   8110 A2 AC2
Actions Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   8120 A2 AC3
Actions Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   8130 A2 AC4
Lot Serials Data TP_CD PO LINE   9000 LT SER
Serial Lot Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   9100 A1 LT1
Serial Lot Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   9110 A2 LT2
Serial Lot Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   9120 A2 LT3
Serial Lot Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   9130 A2 LT4

Inbound Purchase Order Change (POCI/860/ORDCHG)


A single transaction has the data hierarchy and data looping as presented in the following diagram and table:

(POCI) Inbound Purchase Order Change Structure

the picture is described in the document text

Note: The customer and supplier item data in records 2000-2900 will be repeated on each shipment level data in records 3000-4900 to create entries inthe Order Import LINE table.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Purchase Order Change transaction.

Record occurrences within the POCI transaction
0010 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-1699 PO Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
1700-1740 Credits One set of records per header
1800-1850 Price Adjustments One set of records per header
1900-1910 Reservations One set of records per header
1950-1990 Actions One set of records per header
2000-2900 PO Line One set of records per item within the PO header
3000-4900 PO Line Shipment One set of records per shipment within the PO Line
5000-5900 Credits One set of records per shipment within the PO Line
6000-6900 Price Adjustments One set of records per shipment within the PO Line
7000-7900 Lot Serial One set of records per shipment within the PO Line
8000-8900 Reservations One set of records per shipment within the PO Line
9000-9900 Actions One set of records per shipment within the PO Line

The following table is as a summary list of the records that comprise the Outbound Purchase Order Change transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

POCI Transaction Record Summary
Sequence Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Basic Purchase Order Header HEADER 1000  
3 Change Data HEADER 1010  
4 Change Comments HEADER 1020-1050  
5 Currency Code & Conversion Rates HEADER 1060  
6 Payment Amount, Credit Card, Payment Type/Code, Tax Exempt HEADER 1070  
7 FOB Point, Freight Terms, Shipment Priority, Shipping Method HEADER 1090  
8 Shipping & Packing Instructions HEADER 1100  
9 Header Request Date, Demand Class HEADER 1110  
10 Header Flexfields HEADER 1200-1230 Flexfields
11 PO Header Flexfields HEADER 1240-1270 Flexfields
12 Global Header Flexfields HEADER 1280-1320 Flexfields
13 Customer Name & Number HEADER 1400 Flexfields
14 Sold-to Address HEADER 1410  
15 Sold-to Contact HEADER 1420  
16 Ship-to Address (Header Level) HEADER 1500  
17 Ship-to Contact (Header Level) HEADER 1510  
18 Invoice Address HEADER 1520  
19 Invoice Contact HEADER 1530  
20 Ordered By Name HEADER 1540  
21 Ship-from Address (Header Level) HEADER 1600  
22 Extension Tables:
Purchase Order Header Data
HEADER (custom) (custom)
23 Credits Data CREDIT 1700  
24 Credit Flexfields CREDIT 1710-1740 Flexfields
25 Price Adjustments Data PRICE ADJUSTMENT 1800  
26 Discount/List Names (for price adjustments) PRICE ADJUSTMENT 1810  
27 Price Adjustment Flexfields PRICE ADJUSTMENT 1820-1850 Flexfields
28 Reservations Data RESERVATION 1900  
29 Reservations Flexfields RESERVATION 1910-1940 Flexfields
30 Action Data ACTION 1950  
31 Action Flexfields ACTION 1960-1990 Flexfields
32 Item
(Original System Reference, Configuration)
LINE 2000  
33 Inventory Item Segments LINE DETAIL 2010-2020 Flexfields
34 Item Detail (Items, Price) LINE DETAIL 3000  
35 Change Data LINE DETAIL 3010  
36 Change Comments LINE DETAIL 3012-3018  
37 Payment Type/Code, Tax Exempt LINE DETAIL 3020  
38 Project, Task, Contract Numbers LINE DETAIL 3030  
39 Service Comments LINE DETAIL 3050  
40 FOB Point, Freight Terms, Shipment Priority/Method, Freight Carrier LINE DETAIL 3080  
41 Demand Bucket LINE DETAIL 3090  
42 Shipment quantities, dates LINE DETAIL 4000  
43 Shipping & Packing Instructions LINE DETAIL 4010  
44 Item Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4200-4230 Flexfields
45 Global Header Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4300-4340 Flexfields
46 Pricing Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4400-442 Flexfields
47 Industry Header Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4500-4560 Flexfields
48 Service Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4600-463 Flexfields
49 Return Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4700-473 Flexfields
50 Ship-to Address (Line Level) LINE DETAIL 4800  
51 Ship-to Contact (Line Level) LINE DETAIL 4810  
52 Deliver to Contacts LINE DETAIL 4820  
53 Trader Partner Flexfields LINE DETAIL 4830-4860 Flexfields
54 Ship-from Address (Line Level) LINE DETAIL 4870  
55 Credits Data CREDIT 5000  
56 Credit Flexfields CREDIT 5100-5130 Flexfields
57 Price Adjustments Data PRICE ADJUSTMENT 6000  
58 Discount/List Names (for price adjustments) PRICE ADJUSTMENT 6010  
59 Change Reason Text PRICE ADJUSTMENT 6020  
60 Price Adjustment Flexfields PRICE ADJUSTMENT 6100-6130 Flexfields
61 Reservations Data RESERVATION 7000  
62 Reservations Flexfields RESERVATION 7100-7130 Flexfields
63 Action Data ACTION 8000  
64 Action Flexfields ACTION 8100-8130 Flexfields
65 Lot Serial Data LOT SERIAL 9000  
66 Serial Lot Flexfields LOT SERIAL 9100-9130 Flexfields

The following table shows the Common Key positions (positions 1-100) for the Outbound Purchase Order Change transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific data in the Common Key, positions (1-100)
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 PO Purchase order number
48-69 22 ITEM Purchase order line number
70-91 22 (blank) (Not needed)
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Outbound Purchase Order Change transaction.

Transaction-specific data in the Common Key of the POCI transaction, per record
Sequence Data Trading Partner Ref 1 Ref 2 Ref 3 Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD PO     0010 CT CTL
2 Basic Purchase Order Header TP_CD PO     1000 PO PO1
3 Change Data TP_CD PO     1010 PO CHG
4 Change Comment 1 TP_CD PO     1020 PO CC1
5 Change Comment 2 TP_CD PO     1030 PO CC2
6 Change Comment 3 TP_CD PO     1040 PO CC3
7 Change Comment 4 TP_CD PO     1050 PO CC4
8 Currency Code & Conversion Rates TP_CD PO     1060 PY CUR
9 Payment Amount, Credit Card, Payment Type/Code, Tax Exempt TP_CD PO     1070 PY TAX
10 FOB Point, Freight Terms, Shipment Priority, Shipping Method TP_CD PO     1090 FB SHP
11 Shipping & Packing Instructions TP_CD PO     1100 NT SHP
12 Demand Class TP_CD PO     1110 MS MIS
13 Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1200 A1 HD1
14 Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1210 A2 HD2
15 Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1220 A2 HD3
16 Header Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO     1230 A2 HD4
17 Purchase Order Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1240 A1 PO1
18 Purchase Order Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1250 A2 PO2
19 Purchase Order Flexfields 1-14 TP_CD PO     1260 A2 PO3
20 Purchase Order Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO     1270 A2 PO4
21 Global Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1280 A1 GL1
22 Global Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1290 A2 GL2
23 Global Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1300 A2 GL3
24 Global Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD PO     1310 A2 GL4
25 Global Flexfield 20 TP_CD PO     1320 A2 GL5
26 Customer Name & Number TP_CD PO     1400 CU CUS
27 Sold-to Address (header level) TP_CD PO     1410 AD SLD
28 Sold-to Contact (header level) TP_CD PO     1420 CN SLD
29 Ship-to Address (header level) TP_CD PO     1500 AD ST1
30 Ship-to Contact (header level) TP_CD PO     1510 CN ST1
31 Invoice Address (header level) TP_CD PO     1520 AD BT1
32 Invoice Contact (header level) TP_CD PO     1530 CN BT1
33 Ordered By Name TP_CD PO     1540 CN OBY
34 Ship-from Address TP_CD PO     1600 AD SFM
35 Credits Data TP_CD PO     1700 CR CRD
36 Credit Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1710 A1 CR1
37 Credit Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1720 A2 CR2
38 Credit Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1730 A2 CR3
39 Credit Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO     1740 A2 CR4
40 Price Adjustments Data TP_CD PO     1800 PR ADJ
41 Discount/List Names TP_CD PO     1810 PR AD1
42 Price Adjustment Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1820 A1 AD1
43 Price Adjustment Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1830 A2 AD2
44 Price Adjustment Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1840 A2 AD3
45 Price Adjustment Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO     1850 A2 AD4
46 Reservations Data TP_CD PO     1900 RS RES
47 Reservation Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1910 A1 RS1
48 Reservation Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1920 A2 RS2
49 Reservation Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1930 A2 RS3
50 Reservation Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO     1940 A2 RS4
51 Action Data TP_CD PO     1950 AC ACT
52 Actions Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1960 A1 AC1
53 Actions Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1970 A2 AC2
54 Actions Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1980 A2 AC3
55 Actions Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO     1990 A2 AC4
56 Item Data
(Original System Reference, Configuration Data)
57 Inventory Item Segments 1-10 TP_CD PO LINE   2010 IT IS1
58 Inventory Item Segments 11-20 TP_CD PO LINE   2020 IT IS2
59 Operation Code, Price Quantities, List Price TP_CD PO LINE   3000 LN LN1
60 Change Data TP_CD PO LINE   3010 LN CHG
61 Change Comment 1 TP_CD PO LINE   3012 LN CM1
62 Change Comment 2 TP_CD PO LINE   3014 LN CM2
63 Change Comment 3 TP_CD PO LINE   3016 LN CM3
64 Change Comment 4 TP_CD PO LINE   3018 LN CM4
65 Customer Payment Terms, Tax Exempt TP_CD PO LINE   3020 PY TAX
66 Project, Task, Contract Numbers TP_CD PO LINE   3030 PJ SRV
67 Service Transaction Comments TP_CD PO LINE   3050 SV CM1
68 FOB Point, Freight Terms, Shipment Priority/Method, Freight Carrier TP_CD PO LINE   3080 FB SHP
69 Demand Bucket, Class, Stream TP_CD PO LINE   3090 DM DMD
70 Shipment Data
(UOM, Ship/Promise Dates)
71 Shipping & Packing Instructions TP_CD PO LINE   4010 NT NTE
72 Item Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4200 A1 IT1
73 Item Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4210 A2 IT2
74 Item Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   4220 A2 IT3
75 Item Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   4230 A2 IT4
76 Global Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4300 A1 GL1
77 Global Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4310 A2 GL2
78 Global Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   4320 A2 GL3
79 Global Header Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD PO LINE   4330 A2 GL4
80 Global Header Flexfield 20 TP_CD PO LINE   4340 A2 GL5
81 Pricing Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4400 A1 PC1
82 Pricing Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4410 A2 PC2
83 Pricing Flexfield 10 TP_CD PO LINE   4420 A2 PC3
84 Industry Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4500 A1 IN1
85 Industry Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4510 A2 IN2
86 Industry Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   4520 A2 IN3
87 Industry Header Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD PO LINE   4540 A2 IN4
88 Industry Header Flexfields 20-24 TP_CD PO LINE   4540 A2 IN5
89 Industry Header Flexfields 25-29 TP_CD PO LINE   4550 A2 IN6
90 Industry Header Flexfield 30 TP_CD PO LINE   4560 A2 IN7
91 Service Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4600 A1 SV1
92 Service Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4610 A2 SV2
93 Service Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   4620 A2 SV3
94 Service Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   4630 A2 SV4
95 Return Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4700 A1 RT1
96 Return Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4710 A2 RT2
97 Return Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   4720 A2 RT3
98 Return Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   4730 A2 RT4
99 Ship-to Address (Item Level) TP_CD PO LINE   4800 AD ST1
100 Ship-to Contact (Item Level) TP_CD PO LINE   4810 CN ST1
101 Invoice to Contacts TP_CD PO LINE   4820 CN IND
102 Trading Partner Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   4830 A1 TP1
103 Trading Partner Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   4840 A2 TP2
104 Trading Partner Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   4850 A2 TP3
105 Trading Partner Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   4860 A2 TP4
106 Ship-from Address (Item Level) TP_CD PO LINE   4870 AD SFR
107 Credits Data TP_CD PO LINE   5000 CR CRD
108 Credit Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   5100 A1 CR1
109 Credit Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   5110 A2 CR2
110 Credit Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   5120 A2 CR3
111 Credit Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   5130 A2 CR4
112 Price Adjustments Data TP_CD PO LINE   6000 PR ADJ
113 Discount/List Names TP_CD PO LINE   6010 PR AD1
114 Change Reason Text 1 TP_CD PO LINE   6020 PR CM1
115 Change Reason Text 2 TP_CD PO LINE   6030 PR CM2
116 Change Reason Text 3 TP_CD PO LINE   6040 PR CM3
117 Change Reason Text 4 TP_CD PO LINE   6050 PR CM4
118 Price Adjustment Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   6110 A1 AD1
119 Price Adjustment Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   6110 A2 AD2
120 Price Adjustment Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   6120 A2 AD3
121 Price Adjustment Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   6130 A2 AD4
122 Reservations Data TP_CD PO LINE   7000 RS RES
123 Reservation Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   7100 A1 RS1
124 Reservation Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   7110 A2 RS2
125 Reservation Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   7120 A2 RS3
126 Reservation Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   7130 A2 RS4
127 Action Data TP_CD PO LINE   8000 AC ACT
128 Actions Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   8100 A1 AC1
129 Actions Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   8110 A2 AC2
130 Actions Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   8120 A2 AC3
131 Actions Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   8130 A2 AC4
132 Lot Serials Data TP_CD PO LINE   9000 LT SER
133 Serial Lot Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   9100 A1 LT1
134 Serial Lot Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   9110 A2 LT2
135 Serial Lot Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   9120 A2 LT3
136 Serial Lot Flexfield 15 TP_CD PO LINE   9130 A2 LT4

Outbound Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment



A single transaction has the data hierarchy and data looping presented in the following diagram and table.

the picture is described in the document text

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Purchase Order Acknowledgment and Outbound Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment transactions.

Record occurrences within the POAO/POCAO transactions
Records Content Occurrences
0010 e-Commerce Gateway Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-1540 Acknowledgment Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-4030 Acknowledgment Item Records One set of records per item within the Acknowledgment header

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Outbound Purchase Order Acknowledgment and the Outbound Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment transactions. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

POAO and POCAO Transaction Record Summary
Seq. Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Basic Purchase Order Header HEADER 1000  
3 Currency Code & Conversion Rates HEADER 1060  
4 Tax Exempt Information HEADER 1080  
5 Customer Payment Terms, List Price HEADER 1090  
6 FOB Point, Freight Terms HEADER 1100  
7 Shipment Priority, Freight Carrier HEADER 1110  
8 Shipping & Packing Instructions HEADER 1120  
9 Request Dates, Schedule Limits HEADER 1130  
10 Header Flexfields HEADER 1200-1231 Flexfields
11 PO Flexfields HEADER 1240-1270 Flexfields
12 Global Flexfields HEADER 1280-1320 Flexfields
13 Customer Name & Number HEADER 1400  
14 Sold_to Organization HEADER 1410  
15 Sold_to Contact Information HEADER 1420  
16 Ship_to Address Information HEADER 1500  
17 Ship_to Contact Information HEADER 1510  
18 Invoice Address Information HEADER 1520  
19 Invoice Contact Information HEADER 1530  
20 Ordered By Name HEADER 1540  
21 Original System References LINE 2000  
22 Item Type Codes LINE 2010  
23 Item Segments 1-10 LINE 2020  
24 Item Segments 11-20 LINE 2030  
25 Demand Class, Bucket Type LINE 2040  
26 Customer Payment Terms, Tax Exempt Information LINE 2050  
27 Project, Task, Contract Numbers LINE 2060  
28 FOB Point, Freight Terms LINE 2070  
29 Shipment Priority/Method, Freight Carrier LINE 2080  
30 Sales representative, Reference Ids LINE 2090  
31 Order/Ship Quantity UOM LINE 3000  
32 Item Flexfields LINE 3100-3140 Flexfields
33 Global Flexfields LINE 3200-3240 Flexfields
34 Pricing Flexfields LINE 3300-3320 Flexfields
35 Industry Flexfields LINE 3400-3460 Flexfields
36 Return Flexfields LINE 3470-3500 Flexfields
37 Ship_to Address (Item Level) LINE 4000  
38 Ship_to Contacts (Item Level) LINE 4010  
39 Ship_from Address (Item Level) LINE 4020  
40 Deliver_to Contacts (Item Level) LINE 4030  

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Outbound Purchase Order Change and Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment transactions. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific data in the Common Key of the POAO/POCAO transactions
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI translator
26-47 22 PO Purchase Order Number
48-69 22 ITEM Purchase Order Line Number
70-91 22 (blank) (Not needed)
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Outbound Purchase Order Change and Outbound Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment transactions.

Transaction-specific data in the Common Key of the POCO/POCAO transactions
Seq Data Trading Partner Ref 1 Ref 2 Ref 3 Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD PO     0010 CT CTL
2 Basic Purchase Order Header TP_CD PO     1000 PO PO1
3 Currency Code & Conversion Rates TP_CD PO     1060 PO CUR
4 Tax Exempt Information TP_CD PO     1080 TX TAX
5 Customer Payment Terms, List Price TP_CD PO     1090 TR TRM
6 FOB Point, Freight Terms TP_CD PO     1100 FB FOB
7 Shipment Priority, Freight Carrier TP_CD PO     1110 SH SHP
8 Shipping & Packing Instructions TP_CD PO     1120 IN NTE
9 Request Dates, Schedule Limits TP_CD PO     1130 MS HDR
10 Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1200 A1 HD1
11 Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1210 A2 HD2
12 Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1220 A2 HD3
13 Header Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD PO     1230 A2 HD4
14 Header Flexfields 20 TP_CD PO     1231 A2 HD5
15 Purchase Order Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1240 A1 PO1
16 Purchase Order Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1250 A2 PO2
17 Purchase Order Flexfields 1-14 TP_CD PO     1260 A2 PO3
18 Purchase Order Flexfields 15 TP_CD PO     1270 A2 PO4
19 Global Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO     1280 A1 GL1
20 Global Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO     1290 A2 GL2
21 Global Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO     1300 A2 GL3
22 Global Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD PO     1310 A2 GL4
23 Global Flexfields 20 TP_CD PO     1320 A2 GL5
24 Customer Name & Number TP_CD PO     1400 CU CUS
25 Sold_to Address Information TP_CD PO     1410 AD SLD
26 Sold_to Contact Information TP_CD PO     1420 CN SLD
27 Ship_to Address Information TP_CD PO     1500 AD ST1
28 Ship_to Contact Information TP_CD PO     1510 CN ST1
29 Invoice Address Information TP_CD PO     1520 AD BT1
30 Invoice Contact Information TP_CD PO     1530 CN BT1
31 Ordered By Name TP_CD PO     1540 CN OBY
32 Original System References TP_CD PO LINE   2000 IT IT1
33 Item Type Codes TP_CD PO LINE   2010 IT IT2
34 Item Segments 1-10 TP_CD PO LINE   2020 IT SG1
35 Item Segments 11-20 TP_CD PO LINE   2030 IT SG2
36 Demand Class, Bucket Type TP_CD PO LINE   2040 DM DMD
37 Customer Payment Terms, Tax Exempt Information TP_CD PO LINE   2050 IT PTT
38 Project, Task, Contract Numbers TP_CD PO LINE   2060 PD PRJ
39 FOB Point, Freight Terms TP_CD PO LINE   2070 FB FOB
40 Shipment Priority/Method, Freight Carrier TP_CD PO LINE   2080 SH SHP
41 Sales representative, Reference Ids TP_CD PO LINE   2090 MS LNE
42 UOM, Ship/Promise Dates, Lead Time TP_CD PO LINE   3000 DT DTL
43 Item Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   3100 A1 IT1
44 Item Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   3110 A2 IT2
45 Item Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   3120 A2 IT3
46 Item Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD PO LINE   3130 A2 IT4
47 Item Flexfields 20 TP_CD PO LINE   3140 A2 IT5
48 Global Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   3200 A1 GL1
49 Global Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   3210 A2 GL2
50 Global Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   3220 A2 GL3
51 Global Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD PO LINE   3230 A2 GL4
52 Global Flexfields 20 TP_CD PO LINE   3240 A2 GL5
53 Pricing Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   3300 A1 PC1
54 Pricing Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   3310 A2 PC2
55 Pricing Flexfield 10 TP_CD PO LINE   3320 A2 PC3
56 Industry Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   3400 A1 IN1
57 Industry Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   3410 A2 IN2
58 Industry Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   3420 A2 IN3
59 Industry Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD PO LINE   3430 A2 IN4
60 Industry Flexfields 20-24 TP_CD PO LINE   3440 A2 IN5
61 Industry Flexfields 25-29 TP_CD PO LINE   3450 A2 IN6
62 Industry Flexfields 30 TP_CD PO LINE   3460 A2 IN7
63 Return Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PO LINE   3470 A1 RT1
64 Return Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PO LINE   3480 A2 RT2
65 Return Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PO LINE   3490 A2 RT3
66 Return Flexfields 15 TP_CD PO LINE   3500 A2 RT4
67 Ship-to Address (Item Level) TP_CD PO LINE   4000 AD ST1
68 Ship-to Contact (Item Level) TP_CD PO LINE   4010 CN ST1
69 Ship-from Address (Item Level) TP_CD PO LINE   4020 AD ST1
70 Invoice Contact (Item Level) TP_CD PO LINE   4030 CN ST1

Oracle Payables Transaction Summaries

Oracle Payables Transaction Summaries
Transaction Name Direction Transaction Code ASC X12 EDIFACT
Invoice Inbound INI 810 INVOIC
Shipment and Billing Notice Inbound SBNI 857 N/A
Application Advice Outbound ADVO 824 APERAK
Payment Order/Remittance Advice Outbound PYO 820 PAYORD/ PAYEXT/ REMADV

Current Information

The transaction file may change when enhancements are made such as additional data added to the transaction.

Current transaction summaries can be found on Oracle Support's web site.

Current detail record layouts are reported via the Transaction Definition Layout Report and the Interface File Data Report.

Inbound Invoice


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

the picture is described in the document text

An inbound invoice transaction contains a single Control Record and Invoice Header Record. The header record may have multiple Item Detail Records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Inbound Invoice transaction:

Record occurrences within the INI transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010 Control Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
0020-0070 Gateway Flexfields One set of records per transaction.
1000-2999 Invoice Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
3000-4999 Invoice Item Records One set of records per item within the invoice header

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Inbound Invoice transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

INI Transaction Record Summary
  Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record INVOICE HEADER 0010  
2 Basic Invoice Header INVOICE HEADER 1000  
3 Currency INVOICE HEADER 1010  
4 Bill From Address INVOICE HEADER 1020  
5 Invoice Header Flexfields INVOICE HEADER 2000-2030 Flexfields
6 Invoice Header Global Flexfields INVOICE HEADER 2100-2140 Flexfields
7 Extension Tables: Invoice Header INVOICE HEADER 2900 (Custom)
8 Basic Item INVOICE LINE 3000  
9 Basic Item (Description, Tax) INVOICE LINE 3010  
10 Invoice Line Flexfields INVOICE LINE 3020 Misc. Description
11 Invoice Line Flexfields INVOICE LINE 4000-4030 Flexfields
12 Invoice Line Global Flexfields INVOICE LINE 4100-4140 Flexfields
13 Extension Tables: Invoice Item Data INVOICE LINE 4900 (Custom)

Inbound Invoice Common Key

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Inbound Invoice transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific data in the INI transaction Common Key
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 INVOICE Invoice number
48-69 22 ITEM Purchase Order Line Item Number
70-91 22 (blank) (blank)
92-95 4 (Varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (Varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (Varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Inbound Invoice transaction.

Transaction-specific data in the Common Key positions per record of the INI transaction
  Data Trading Partner Ref. 1 (Invoice) Ref. 2 (Item) Ref. 3 (blank) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD INVOICE     0010 CT CTL
2 Basic Invoice Header TP_CD INVOICE     1000 IV IV1
3 Basic Invoice Header TP_CD INVOICE     1010 IV IV2
4 Vendor Site TP_CD INVOICE     1020 AD BF
5 Invoice Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE     2000 A1 IV1
6 Invoice Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE     2010 A2 IV2
7 Invoice Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE     2020 A2 IV3
8 Invoice Header Flexfield 15 TP_CD INVOICE     2030 A2 IV4
9 Invoice Header Global Flexfields1-4 TP_CD INVOICE     2100 A1 HG1
10 Invoice Header Global Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE     2110 A2 HG2
11 Invoice Header Global Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE     2120 A2 HG3
12 Invoice Header Global Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD INVOICE     2130 A2 HG4
13 Invoice Header Global Flexfield 20 TP_CD INVOICE     2140 A2 HG5
14 Extension Tables: Invoice Header TP_CD INVOICE     2900   (Custom)
15 Basic Item Data TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   3000 IT IT1
16 Basic Item Data (description) TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   3010 IT IT2
17 Misc. Description TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   3020 IT IT3
18 Invoice Line Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   4000 A1 IT1
19 Invoice Line Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   4010 A2 IT2
20 Invoice Line Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   4020 A2 IT3
21 Invoice Line Flexfield 15 TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   4030 A2 IT4
22 Invoice Line Global Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   4100 A1 IG1
23 Invoice Line Global Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   4110 A2 IG2
24 Invoice Line Global Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   4120 A2 IG3
25 Invoice Line Global Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   4130 A2 IG4
26 Invoice Line Global Flexfield 20 TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   4140 A2 IG5
27 Extension Tables: Item TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   4900   (Custom)

Inbound Shipment and Billing Notice


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

the picture is described in the document text

An Inbound Shipment and Billing Notice transaction contains a single Control Record and Ship Notice/Billing Header. The header record may have multiple Item Detail Records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Inbound Shipment and Billing Notice transaction.

Record occurrences within the transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010 Control Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-1900 Shipment Notice Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-3900 Shipment Notice Item Records One set of records per item within the Shipment Notice header

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Inbound Shipment and Billing Notice transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

SBNI Transaction Record Summary
Seq Type of Data Data Level Record Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Shipment Notice Basic Header HEADER 1000  
3 Carrier, Weights, Packaging HEADER 1010  
4 Shipment Method of Payment HEADER 1020  
5 Currency, Tax, Payment Terms HEADER 1030  
6 Allowances/Charges (Freight) HEADER 1040  
7 Hazardous Material, Special Handling HEADER 1050  
8 Header Note HEADER 1090  
9 Vendor Address/Code HEADER 1100  
10 Destination Address/Code HEADER 1120  
11 Destination Contact HEADER 1130  
12 Shipment Header Flexfields HEADER 1200-1230 Flexfields
13 Basic Item Data LINE 2000  
14 Hazardous Material Codes LINE 2010  
15 Currency, Tax (Item Level) LINE 2020  
16 Notes LINE 2030  
17 Shipment Line Flexfields LINE 2100-2130 Flexfields
18 Transaction Flexfields LINE 2140-2170 Flexfields
19 Destination Address LINE 3000  
20 Destination Location LINE 3020  

Inbound Shipment and Billing Notice Common Key

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Inbound Shipment and Billing Notice transaction. The table shows the position, code, length, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific data in the SBNI transaction Common Key
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 SHIPMENT Shipment Number
48-69 22 LINE Item Number
70-91 22 (blank) N/A
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Inbound Shipment and Billing Notice transaction.

Transaction-specific data in the Common Key per record of the SBNI transaction
  Record TP_CD Ref 1 (Shipment) Ref 2 (Line) Ref 3 (blank) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD SHIPMENT     0010 CT CTL
2 Shipment Notice Basic Header TP_CD SHIPMENT     1000 L1 DL1
3 Carrier, Weights, Packaging TP_CD SHIPMENT     1010 L2 DL2
4 Shipment Method of Payment TP_CD SHIPMENT     1020 L3 DL3
5 Currency, Tax, Payment Terms TP_CD SHIPMENT     1030 L4 DL4
6 Allowances/Charges (Freight) TP_CD SHIPMENT     1040 L5 DL5
7 Hazardous Material, Special Handling TP_CD SHIPMENT     1050 HZ HZ1
8 Header Note TP_CD SHIPMENT     1090 N1 NH1
9 Vendor Address/Code TP_CD SHIPMENT     1100 AD SF
10 Destination Address/Code TP_CD SHIPMENT     1120 AX ST
11 Destination Contact TP_CD SHIPMENT     1130 CN ST
12 Shipment Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SHIPMENT     1200 A1 SH1
13 Shipment Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SHIPMENT     1210 A2 SH2
14 Shipment Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SHIPMENT     1220 A2 SH3
15 Shipment Header Flexfield 15 TP_CD SHIPMENT     1230 A2 SH4
16 Basic Item Data TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2000 L1 IT1
17 Hazardous Material Codes TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2010 L2 IT2
18 Currency, Tax (Item Level) TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2020 L3 IT3
19 Notes TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2030 N1 ND1
20 Shipment Line Flexfields1-4 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2100 A1 SL1
21 Shipment Line Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2110 A2 SL2
22 Shipment Line Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2120 A2 SL3
23 Shipment Line Flexfield 15 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2130 A2 SL4
24 Order Line Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2140 A1 RC1
25 Order Line Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2150 A2 RC2
26 Order Line Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2160 A2 RC3
27 Order Line Flexfield 15 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2170 A2 RC4
28 Destination Address/Code TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   3000 AX ST
29 Destination Location TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   3020 CO ST

Outbound Application Advice


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

the picture is described in the document text

An Outbound Application Advice transaction contains a single Control Record and Application Advice Header. The header record may have multiple Error records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Application Advice transaction.

Record occurrences within the ADVO transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
0020-0070 Gateway Flexfields One set of records per transaction.
1000-1999 Application Advice Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-2999 Application Advice Detail Records One set of detail records per error within the transaction.

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Outbound Application Advice transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

ADVO Transaction Record Summary
  Type of Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Trading Partner Header Attributes HEADER 0020-050 Custom
3 Trading Partner Detail Attributes HEADER 0060-0070 Custom
4 Advice Header External References HEADER 1000-1010 Flexfields
6 Advice Header Internal References HEADER 1020-1030 Flexfields
8 Trading Partner Address HEADER 1040  
9 Extension Table: Header Level HEADER 1900 (Custom)
10 Advice Detail External References DETAIL 2000-2010 Flexfields
12 Advice Detail Internal References DETAIL 2020-2030 Flexfields
14 Advice Detail Data (Error) DETAIL 2040  
15 Advice Detail Data (Accepted) DETAIL 2050  
16 Extension Table: Detail Level DETAIL 2900 (Custom)

Outbound Application Advice Common Key

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Outbound Application Advice transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction specific data in the ADVO transaction Common Key
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 DOC Related Document ID
48-69 22 ERR_CNT Error Counter
70-91 22 (blank) Not Used
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Outbound Application Advice transaction.

Transaction-specific data in the Common Key of the ADVO transaction, per record:
  Record TP_CD Ref 1 (DOC) Ref 2 (ERR_CNT) Ref 3 (blank) Record Number Record Layout Record Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD       0010 CT CTL
2 Trading Partner Header Attributes TP_CD       0020 A1 TH1
3 Trading Partner Header Attributes TP_CD       0030 A2 TH2
4 Trading Partner Header Attributes TP_CD       0040 A2 TH3
5 Trading Partner Header Attributes TP_CD       0050 A2 TH4
6 Trading Partner Detail Attributes TP_CD       0060 A1 TD1
7 Trading Partner Detail Attributes TP_CD       0070 A2 TD2
8 Advice Header External References 1-4 TP_CD DOC     1000 HD EX1
9 Advice Header External References 5-6 TP_CD DOC     1010 HD EX2
10 Advice Header Internal References 1-5 TP_CD DOC     1020 HD IN1
11 Advice Header Internal Reference 6 TP_CD DOC     1030 HD IN2
12 Trading Partner Address TP_CD DOC     1040 AD TP1
13 Extension Table: Header Level TP_CD DOC     1900 (custom) (custom)
14 Advice Detail External References 1-4 TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2000 DT EX1
15 Advice Detail External References 5-6 TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2010 DT EX2
16 Advice Detail Internal References 1-5 TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2020 DT IN1
17 Advice Detail Internal Reference 6 TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2030 DT IN2
18 Advice Detail Data (Error) TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2040 ER ER1
19 Advice Detail Data (Accepted) TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2050 AC AC1
20 Extension Table: Detail Level TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2900 (custom) (custom)

Outbound Payment Order/Remittance Advice


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

the picture is described in the document text

An Outbound Payment Order/Remittance Advice transaction contains a single Control Record and Payment/Remittance Advice Header. The header record may contain have Invoice Records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Payment Order/Remittance Advice transaction.

Record occurrences within the PYO transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
0020-0070 Gateway Flexfields One set of records per transaction.
1000-1250 Payment Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-2090 Remittance/Invoice Records One set of records per invoice within the Payment Header

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Outbound Payment Order/Remittance Advice transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

PYO Transaction Record Summary
  Type of Data Data Level Record
1 Control Record CHECK 0010  
2 Trading Partner Header Attributes CHECK 0020-0050 Custom
3 Trading Partner Detail Attributes CHECK 0060-0070 Custom
4 Account Data CHECK 1000  
5 Payment Data CHECK 1010  
6 Vendor Flexfields CHECK 1020  
7 Bank Address/Code CHECK 1030  
8 Bank Contacts CHECK 1040  
9 Supplier Bank CHECK 1050  
10 Vendor Site Address/Code CHECK 1080  
11 Global ABA Attribute Flexfields CHECK 1090-1130 Flexfields
12 Global ABAS Attribute Flexfields CHECK 1140-1180 Flexfields
13 Global PVS Attribute Flexfields CHECK 1190-1230 Flexfields
14 Bill To Internal Address CHECK 1240  
15 VAT Registration CHECK 1250  
16 Extension Tables: Payment Data CHECK 1900 (custom)
17 Remittance/Invoice Details INVOICE 2000  
18 Remittance Advice Flexfields INVOICE 2010-2040 Flexfields
19 Global INV Attribute Flexfields INVOICE 2050-2090 Flexfields

Outbound Payment Order/Remittance Advice Common Key

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Outbound Payment Order/Remittance Advice transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific data in the PYO transaction Common Key
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 BATCH Payment Batch Number
48-69 22 INVOICE Invoice Number
70-91 22 (blank) Not Used
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Outbound Payment Order/Remittance Advice transaction.

Transaction-specific data in the Common Key of the PYO transaction, per record.
  Record TP_CD Ref 1 (BATCH) Ref 2 (INVOICE) Ref 3 (blank) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD       0010 CT CTL
2 Trading Partner Header Attributes TP_CD       0020 A1 TH1
3 Trading Partner Header Attributes TP_CD       0030 A2 TH2
4 Trading Partner Header Attributes TP_CD       0040 A2 TH3
5 Trading Partner Header Attributes TP_CD       0050 A2 TH4
6 Trading Partner Detail Attributes TP_CD       0060 A1 TD1
7 Trading Partner Detail Attributes TP_CD       0070 A2 TD2
8 Account Data TP_CD BATCH     1000 BK BK1
9 Payment Data TP_CD BATCH     1010 PY PAY
10 Vendor Flexfields TP_CD BATCH     1020 VN VN1
11 Bank Address/Code TP_CD BATCH     1030 AD BK1
12 Bank Contacts TP_CD BATCH     1040 CN BK1
13 Supplier Bank TP_CD BATCH     1050 AD SB1
14 Vendor Site Address/Code TP_CD BATCH     1080 AD VS1
15 Global ABA Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD BATCH     1090 GA BK1
16 Global ABA Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD BATCH     1100 GA BK2
17 Global ABA Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD BATCH     1110 GA BK3
18 Global ABA Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD BATCH     1120 GA BK4
19 Global ABA Flexfield 20 TP_CD BATCH     1130 GA BK5
20 Global ABAS Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD BATCH     1140 GA SK1
21 Global ABAS Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD BATCH     1150 GA SK2
22 Global ABAS Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD BATCH     1160 GA SK3
23 Global ABAS Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD BATCH     1170 GA SK4
24 Global ABAS Flexfield 20 TP_CD BATCH     1180 GA SK5
25 Global PVS Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD BATCH     1190 GA VS1
26 Global PVS Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD BATCH     1200 GA VS2
27 Global PVS Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD BATCH     1210 GA VS3
28 Global PVS Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD BATCH     1220 GA VS4
29 Global PVS Flexfield 20 TP_CD BATCH     1230 GA VS5
30 Bill To Internal Address TP_CD BATCH     1240 AX PY
31 VAT Registration TP_CD BATCH     1250 VA TAX
32 Extension Tables: Payment Data TP_CD BATCH     1900 (custom) (custom)
33 Remittance/Invoice Details TP_CD BATCH INVOICE   2000 IV INV
34 Remittance Advice Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD BATCH INVOICE   2010 A1 RE1
35 Remittance Advice Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD BATCH INVOICE   2020 A1 RE2
36 Remittance Advice Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD BATCH INVOICE   2030 A1 RE3
37 Remittance Advice Flexfield 15 TP_CD BATCH INVOICE   2040 A1 RE4
38 Global INV Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD BATCH INVOICE   2050 GA IN1
39 Global INV Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD BATCH INVOICE   2060 GA IN2
40 Global INV Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD BATCH INVOICE   2070 GA IN3
41 Global INV Flexfields 15-19 TP_CD BATCH INVOICE   2080 GA IN4
42 Global INV Flexfield 20 TP_CD BATCH INVOICE   2090 GA IN5

Oracle Process Manufacturing Transaction Summaries

Oracle Process Manufacturing Transactions
Transaction Name Direction Transaction Code ASC X12 EDIFACT
OPM: Purchase Order Acknowledgment Outbound GPOAO 855 ORDRSP

Current Information

Refer to Oracle Process Manufacturing related documentation for transaction details.

Current detail record layouts are reported via the Transaction Definition Layout Report and the Interface File Data Report.

Oracle Purchasing Transaction Summaries

Oracle Purchasing Transactions
Transaction Name Direction Transaction Code ASC X12 EDIFACT
Price/Sales Catalog Inbound CATI 832 PRICAT
Response to Request for Quotation Inbound RRQI 843 QUOTES
Ship Notice/Manifest Inbound ASNI 856 DESADV
Shipment and Billing Notice Inbound SBNI 857 N/A
Application Advice Outbound ADVO 824 APERAK
Purchase Order Outbound POO 850 ORDERS
Purchase Order Change Outbound POCO 860 ORDCHG

Current Information

The transaction file may change when enhancements are made such as additional data added to the transaction.

Current transaction summaries can be found on Oracle Support's web site.

Current detail record layouts are reported via the Transaction Definition Layout Report and the Interface File Data Report.

Inbound Price/Sales Catalog


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

the picture is described in the document text

An Inbound Price/Sales Catalog transaction contains a single Control Record and Price/Sales Catalog Header Record. The header record may have multiple Item Detail Records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Inbound Price/Sales Catalog transaction.

Record Occurrences Within the CATI Transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-1999 Transaction Header Only one set of records per price/sales catalog
2000-2999 Transaction Item One set of item records per item within the transaction.

The following table is a summary list of the records comprising the Inbound Price/Sales Catalog transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

CATI Transaction Record Summary
  Type of Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Transaction Identification HEADER 1000  
3 Currency, Payment Terms HEADER 1010  
4 FOB, Carrier, Freight Terms HEADER 1020  
5 Action Type, Group Code HEADER 1030  
6 Comments HEADER 1040  
7 Ship to Address HEADER 1100  
8 Bill to Address HEADER 1110  
9 Ship From Address HEADER 1120  
10 Header Flexfields HEADER 1200-1230 Flexfields
11 Item Identification LINE 2000  
12 Quantity, Description LINE 2010  
13 Prices, Dates LINE 2020  
14 Payment Terms (Item Level) LINE 2030  
15 FOB, Carrier, Freight Terms (Item Level) LINE 2040  
16 Hazardous data, Weight, Volume, Lead Time LINE 2050  
17 Ship To Data (Item Level) LINE 2100  
18 Line Level Flexfields LINE 2200-2230 Flexfields
19 Shipment Flexfields LINE 2240-2270 Flexfields
20 Item Level Flexfields LINE 2280-2310 Flexfields
21 Item Level Flexfields LINE 2280-2310 Flexfields
22 Item Level Flexfields LINE 2280-2310 Flexfields

Inbound Price/Sales Catalog Common Key

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Inbound Price/Sales Catalog transaction. The table shows the position, length, code and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the CATI Transaction Common Key
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 DOC Transaction Identification from trading partner
48-69 22 ITEM Supplier Item Number
70-91 22 (blank) Not Used
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Inbound Price/Sales Catalog transaction.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the CATI Transaction, Per Record.
  Record TP_CD Ref 1 (DOC) Ref 2 (ITEM) Ref 3 (blank) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD DOC     0010 CT CTL
2 Transaction Identification TP_CD DOC     1000 HA HD1
3 Currency, Payment Terms TP_CD DOC     1010 HB HD2
4 FOB, Carrier, Freight Terms TP_CD DOC     1020 HC HD3
5 Action Type TP_CD DOC     1030 HE HD5
6 Comments TP_CD DOC     1040 NT HCM
7 Ship to Address TP_CD DOC     1100 AX ST
8 Bill to Address TP_CD DOC     1110 AX BT
9 Ship From Address TP_CD DOC     1120 AD SF
10 Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD DOC     1200 A1 HD1
11 Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD DOC     1210 A2 HD2
12 Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD DOC     1220 A2 HD3
13 Header Flexfields 15 TP_CD DOC     1230 A2 HD4
14 Item Identification TP_CD DOC LINE   2000 IA IT1
15 Quantity, Description TP_CD DOC LINE   2010 IB IT2
16 Prices, Dates TP_CD DOC LINE   2020 IC IT3
17 Payment Terms (Item Level) TP_CD DOC LINE   2030 ID IT4
18 FOB, Carrier, Freight Terms (Item Level) TP_CD DOC LINE   2040 IE IT5
19 Hazardous data, Weight, Volume, Lead Time TP_CD DOC LINE   2050 IF IT6
21 Ship To Data (Item Level) TP_CD DOC LINE   2100 AX ST
22 Line Level Flexfield 1-4 TP_CD DOC LINE   2200 A1 LN1
23 Line Level Flexfield 5-9 TP_CD DOC LINE   2210 A2 LN2
24 Line Level Flexfield 10-14 TP_CD DOC LINE   2220 A2 LN3
25 Line Level Flexfield 15 TP_CD DOC LINE   2230 A2 LN4
26 Shipment Flexfield 1-4 TP_CD DOC LINE   2240 A1 SH1
27 Shipment Flexfield 5-9 TP_CD DOC LINE   2250 A2 SH2
28 Shipment Flexfield 10-14 TP_CD DOC LINE   2260 A2 SH3
29 Shipment Flexfield 15 TP_CD DOC LINE   2270 A2 SH4
30 Item Level Flexfield 1-4 TP_CD DOC LINE   2280 A1 IT1
31 Item Level Flexfield 5-9 TP_CD DOC LINE   2290 A2 IT2
32 Item Level Flexfield 10-14 TP_CD DOC LINE   2300 A2 IT3
33 Item Level Flexfield 15 TP_CD DOC LINE   2310 A2 IT4

Inbound Response to Request for Quotation


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

the picture is described in the document text

An Inbound Response to Request for Quotation transaction contains a single Control Record and Response to RFQ Header Record. The header record may have multiple Item Detail Records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Inbound Response to Request for Quotation transaction.

Record Occurrences Within the RRQI Transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-1999 Transaction Header Only one set of records per request quote
2000-2999 Transaction Item One set of item records per item within the transaction.

The following table is a summary list of the records comprising the Inbound Response to Request for Quotation transaction. The table shows the functional grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

RRQI Transaction Record Summary
  Type of Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Transaction Identification HEADER 1000  
3 Currency, Payment Terms HEADER 1010  
4 FOB, Carrier, Freight Terms HEADER 1020  
5 Action Type, Group Code HEADER 1030  
6 Comments HEADER 1040  
7 Ship to Address HEADER 1100  
8 Bill to Address HEADER 1110  
9 Ship From Address HEADER 1120  
10 Header Flexfields HEADER 1200-1230 Flexfields
11 Item Identification LINE 2000  
12 Quantity, Description LINE 2010  
13 Prices, Dates LINE 2020  
14 Payment Terms (Item Level) LINE 2030  
15 FOB, Carrier, Freight Terms (Item Level) LINE 2040  
16 Hazardous data, Weight, Volume, Lead Time LINE 2050  
17 Ship To Data (Item Level) LINE 2100  
18 Line Level Flexfields LINE 2200-2230 Flexfields
19 Shipment Flexfields LINE 2240-2270 Flexfields
20 Item Level Flexfields LINE 2280-2310 Flexfields

Inbound Response to Request for Quotation Common Key

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Inbound Response to Request for Quotation transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the RRQI Common Key
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the Translator
26-47 22 DOC Transaction Identification from trading partner
48-69 22 ITEM Supplier Item Number
70-91 22 (blank) Not Used
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Inbound Response to Request for Quotation transaction.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the RRQI Transaction, Per Record
  Record TP_CD Ref 1 (DOC) Ref 2 (ITEM) Ref 3 (blank) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD DOC     0010 CT CTL
2 Transaction Identification TP_CD DOC     1000 HA HD1
3 Currency, Payment Terms TP_CD DOC     1010 HB HD2
4 FOB, Carrier, Freight Terms TP_CD DOC     1020 HC HD3
5 Action Type TP_CD DOC     1030 HE HD5
6 Comments TP_CD DOC     1040 NT HCM
7 Ship to Address TP_CD DOC     1100 AX ST
8 Bill to Address TP_CD DOC     1110 AX BT
9 Ship From Address TP_CD DOC     1120 AD SF
10 Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD DOC     1200 A1 HD1
11 Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD DOC     1210 A2 HD2
12 Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD DOC     1220 A2 HD3
13 Header Flexfield 15 TP_CD DOC     1230 A2 HD4
14 Item Identification TP_CD DOC LINE   2000 IA IT1
15 Quantity, Description TP_CD DOC LINE   2010 IB IT2
16 Prices, Dates TP_CD DOC LINE   2020 IC IT3
17 Payment Terms (Item Level) TP_CD DOC LINE   2030 ID IT4
18 FOB, Carrier, Freight Terms (Item Level) TP_CD DOC LINE   2040 IE IT5
19 Hazardous data, Weight, Volume, Lead Time TP_CD DOC LINE   2050 IF IT6
21 Ship To Data (Item Level) TP_CD DOC LINE   2100 AX ST
22 Line Level Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD DOC LINE   2200 A1 LN1
23 Line Level Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD DOC LINE   2210 A2 LN2
24 Line Level Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD DOC LINE   2220 A2 LN3
25 Line Level Flexfield 15 TP_CD DOC LINE   2230 A2 LN4
26 Shipment Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD DOC LINE   2240 A1 SH1
27 Shipment Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD DOC LINE   2250 A2 SH2
28 Shipment Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD DOC LINE   2260 A2 SH3
29 Shipment Flexfield 15 TP_CD DOC LINE   2270 A2 SH4
30 Item Level Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD DOC LINE   2280 A1 IT1
31 Item Level Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD DOC LINE   2290 A2 IT2
32 Item Level Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD DOC LINE   2300 A2 IT3
33 Item Level Flexfield 15 TP_CD DOC LINE   2310 A2 IT4

Inbound Ship Notice/Manifest


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

the picture is described in the document text

An Inbound Ship Notice/Manifest transaction contains a single Control Record and Ship Notice/Manifest Header Record. The header record may have multiple Item Detail Records. The Item Detail record may have multiple LPN Contents/Lot and Serial Records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Inbound Ship Notice/Manifest transaction:

Record Occurrences Within the ASNI Transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-1900 Shipment Notice Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-3900 Shipment Notice Item Records One set of records per item within the Shipment Notice header
4000 License Plate Information One set of records per item within the Shipment Notice Header

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Inbound Ship Notice/Manifest transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

ASNI Transaction Record Summary
  Type of Data Data Level RECORD Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Shipment Notice Basic Header HEADER 1000  
3 Carrier, Weights, Packaging HEADER 1010  
4 Shipment Method of Payment HEADER 1020  
5 Currency, Tax, Payment Terms HEADER 1030  
6 Allowances/Charges (Freight) HEADER 1040  
7 Hazardous Material, Special Handling HEADER 1050  
8 Header Note HEADER 1090  
9 Vendor Address/Code HEADER 1100  
10 Destination Address/Code HEADER 1120  
11 Destination Contact HEADER 1130  
12 Shipment Header Flexfields HEADER 1200-1230 Flexfields
13 Basic Item Data LINE 2000  
14 Hazardous Material Codes LINE 2010  
15 Currency, Tax (Item Level) LINE 2020  
16 Notes, Shipping Instructions LINE 2030  
17 Shipment Line Flexfields LINE 2100-2130 Flexfields
18 Transaction Flexfields LINE 2140-2170 Flexfields
19 Destination Address LINE 3000  
20 Destination Location LINE 3020  
21 License Plate Information LPN 4000 Used with Oracle WMS

Inbound Ship Notice/Manifest Common Key

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Inbound Ship Notice/Manifest transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the ASNI Transaction Common Key
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 SHIPMENT Shipment Number
48-69 22 LINE Item Number
70-91 22 (blank) N/A
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Inbound Ship Notice/Manifest transaction.

Transaction-specific data in the Common Key of the ASNI Transaction, Per Record
  Record TP_CD Ref 1 (SHIPMENT) Ref 2 (LINE) Ref 3 (blank) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD SHIPMENT     0010 CT CTL
2 Shipment Notice Basic Header TP_CD SHIPMENT     1000 L1 DL1
3 Carrier, Weights, Packaging TP_CD SHIPMENT     1010 L2 DL2
4 Shipment Method of Payment TP_CD SHIPMENT     1020 L3 DL3
5 Currency, Tax, Payment Terms TP_CD SHIPMENT     1030 L4 DL4
6 Allowances/Charges (Freight) TP_CD SHIPMENT     1040 L5 DL5
7 Hazardous Material, Special Handling TP_CD SHIPMENT     1050 HZ HZ1
8 Header Note TP_CD SHIPMENT     1090 N1 NH1
9 Vendor Address/Code TP_CD SHIPMENT     1100 AD SF
10 Destination Address/Code TP_CD SHIPMENT     1120 AX ST
11 Destination Contact TP_CD SHIPMENT     1130 CN ST
12 Shipment Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SHIPMENT     1200 A1 SH1
13 Shipment Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SHIPMENT     1210 A2 SH2
14 Shipment Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SHIPMENT     1220 A2 SH3
15 Shipment Header Flexfield 15 TP_CD SHIPMENT     1230 A2 SH4
16 Basic Item Data TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2000 L1 IT1
17 Hazardous Material Codes TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2010 L2 IT2
18 Currency, Tax (Item Level) TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2020 L3 IT3
19 Notes TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2030 N1 ND1
20 Shipment Line Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2100 A1 SL1
21 Shipment Line Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2110 A2 SL2
22 Shipment Line Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2120 A2 SL3
23 Shipment Line Flexfield 15 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2130 A2 SL4
24 Order Line Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2140 A1 RC1
25 Order Line Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2150 A2 RC2
26 Order Line Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2160 A2 RC3
27 Order Line Flexfield 15 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2170 A2 RC4
28 Destination Address/Code TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   3000 AX ST
29 Destination Location TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   3020 CO ST

Inbound Shipping and Billing Notice


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

the picture is described in the document text

An Inbound Shipping and Billing Notice transaction contains a single Control Record and Ship Notice/Billing Header Record. The header record may have multiple Item Detail records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Inbound Shipping and Billing Notice transaction.

Record Occurrences Within the SBNI Transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-1900 Shipment Notice Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-3900 Shipment Notice Item Records One set of records per item within the Shipment Notice header

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Inbound Shipping and Billing Notice transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

SBNI Transaction Record Summary
Seq. Type of Data Data Level RECORD Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Shipment Notice Basic Header HEADER 1000  
3 Carrier, Weights, Packaging HEADER 1010  
4 Shipment Method of Payment HEADER 1020  
5 Currency, Tax, Payment Terms HEADER 1030  
6 Allowances/Charges (Freight) HEADER 1040  
7 Hazardous Material, Special Handling HEADER 1050  
8 Header Note HEADER 1090  
9 Vendor Address/Code HEADER 1100  
10 Destination Address/Code HEADER 1120  
11 Destination Contact HEADER 1130  
12 Shipment Header Flexfields HEADER 1200-1230 Flexfields
13 Basic Item Data LINE 2000  
14 Hazardous Material Codes LINE 2010  
15 Currency, Tax (Item Level) LINE 2020  
16 Notes LINE 2030  
17 Shipment Line Flexfields LINE 2100-2130 Flexfields
18 Transaction Flexfields LINE 2140-2170 Flexfields
19 Destination Address LINE 3000  
20 Destination Location LINE 3020  

Inbound Shipping and Billing Notice Common Key

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Inbound Shipping and Billing Notice transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the SBNI Transaction Common Key
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 SHIPMENT Shipment Number
48-69 22 LINE Item Number
70-91 22 (blank) N/A
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Inbound Shipping and Billing Notice transaction.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the SBNI Transaction, Per Record
  Record TP_CD Ref 1 (SHIPMENT) Ref 2 (LINE) Ref 3 (blank) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD SHIPMENT     0010 CT CTL
2 Shipment Notice Basic Header TP_CD SHIPMENT     1000 L1 DL1
3 Carrier, Weights, Packaging TP_CD SHIPMENT     1010 L2 DL2
4 Shipment Method of Payment TP_CD SHIPMENT     1020 L3 DL3
5 Currency, Tax, Payment Terms TP_CD SHIPMENT     1030 L4 DL4
6 Allowances/Charges (Freight) TP_CD SHIPMENT     1040 L5 DL5
7 Hazardous Material, Special Handling TP_CD SHIPMENT     1050 HZ HZ1
8 Header Note TP_CD SHIPMENT     1090 N1 NH1
9 Vendor Address/Code TP_CD SHIPMENT     1100 AD SF
10 Destination Address/Code TP_CD SHIPMENT     1120 AX ST
11 Destination Contact TP_CD SHIPMENT     1130 CN ST
12 Shipment Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SHIPMENT     1200 A1 SH1
13 Shipment Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SHIPMENT     1210 A2 SH2
14 Shipment Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SHIPMENT     1220 A2 SH3
15 Shipment Header Flexfield 15 TP_CD SHIPMENT     1230 A2 SH4
16 Basic Item Data TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2000 L1 IT1
17 Hazardous Material Codes TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2010 L2 IT2
18 Currency, Tax (Item Level) TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2020 L3 IT3
19 Notes TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2030 N1 ND1
20 Shipment Line Flexfields1-4 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2100 A1 SL1
21 Shipment Line Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2110 A2 SL2
22 Shipment Line Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2120 A2 SL3
23 Shipment Line Flexfield 15 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2130 A2 SL4
24 Order Line Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2140 A1 RC1
25 Order Line Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2150 A2 RC2
26 Order Line Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2160 A2 RC3
27 Order Line Flexfield 15 TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   2170 A2 RC4
28 Destination Address/Code TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   3000 AX ST
29 Destination Location TP_CD SHIPMENT LINE   3020 CO ST

Outbound Application Advice


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

the picture is described in the document text

An Outbound Application Advice transaction contains a single Control Record and Application Advice Header Record. The header record may have multiple Error Records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Application Advice transaction.

Record Occurrences Within the ADVO Transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
0020-0070 Gateway Flexfields One set of records per transaction.
1000-1999 Application Advice Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-2999 Application Advice Detail Records One set of detail records per error within the transaction.

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Outbound Application Advice transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping, the data level, the record number, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

ADVO Transaction Record Summary
  Type of Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Trading Partner Header Attributes HEADER 0020-0050 Custom
3 Trading Partner Detail Attributes HEADER 0060-0070 Custom
4 Advice Header External References HEADER 1000-1010 Flexfields
6 Advice Header Internal References HEADER 1020-1030 Flexfields
8 Trading Partner Address HEADER 1040  
9 Extension Table: Header Level HEADER 1900 (Custom)
10 Advice Detail External References DETAIL 2000-2010 Flexfields
12 Advice Detail Internal References DETAIL 2020--2030 Flexfields
14 Advice Detail Data (Error) DETAIL 2040  
15 Advice Detail Data (Accepted) DETAIL 2050  
16 Extension Table: Detail Level DETAIL 2900 (Custom)

Outbound Application Advice Common Key

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Outbound Application Advice transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the ADVO Common Key
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 DOC Related Document ID
48-69 22 ERR_CNT Error Counter
70-91 22 (blank) Not Used
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Outbound Application Advice transaction.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the ADVO Transaction, Per Record
  Record TP_CD Ref 1 (DOC) Ref 2 (ERR_CNT) Ref 3 (blank) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD       0010 CT CTL
2 Trading Partner Header Attributes TP_CD       0020 A1 TH1
3 Trading Partner Header Attributes TP_CD       0030 A2 TH2
4 Trading Partner Header Attributes TP_CD       0040 A2 TH3
5 Trading Partner Header Attributes TP_CD       0050 A2 TH4
6 Trading Partner Detail; Attributes TP_CD       0060 A1 TD1
7 Trading Partner Detail Attributes TP_CD       0070 A2 TD2
8 Advice Header External References 1-4 TP_CD DOC     1000 HD EX1
9 Advice Header External References 5-6 TP_CD DOC     1010 HD EX2
10 Advice Header Internal References 1-5 TP_CD DOC     1020 HD IN1
11 Advice Header Internal Reference 6 TP_CD DOC     1030 HD IN2
12 Trading Partner Address TP_CD DOC     1040 AD TP1
13 Extension Table: Header Level TP_CD DOC     1900 (custom) (custom)
14 Advice Detail External References 1-4 TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2000 DT EX1
15 Advice Detail External References 5-6 TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2010 DT EX2
16 Advice Detail Internal References 1-5 TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2020 DT IN1
17 Advice Detail Internal Reference 6 TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2030 DT IN2
18 Advice Detail Data (Error) TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2040 ER ER1
19 Advice Detail Data (Accepted) TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2050 AC AC1
20 Extension Table: Detail Level TP_CD DOC ERR_CNT   2900 (custom) (custom)

Outbound Purchase Orders


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

(POO) Outbound Purchase Order Structure

the picture is described in the document text

An Outbound Purchase Order transaction contains a single Control Record and Purchase Order Header Record. The header record may have multiple Header Attachment Detail Records and Line Records. The Line Record may have multiple Line Attachment Header Records, Master Item Attachment Header Records, and Inventory Item Attachment Header Records. The Line Attachment Header Record may have multiple Line Attachment Detail Records. The Master Item Attachment Header Record may have multiple Master Item Attachment Detail Records. The Inventory Attachment Header Record may have multiple Inventory Attachment Detail Records and multiple Shipment Records. The Shipment Records may have multiple Shipment Attachment Header Records and Distributions Records. The Shipment Attachment Header Record may have multiple Shipment Attachment Detail Records.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Purchase Order transaction.

Record Occurrences Within the POO Transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
0020-0070 Gateway Flexfields One set of records per transaction.
1000-1900 PO Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-2900 PO Line Records One set of records per line within the PO header
3000-3900 PO Shipment Records One set of records per schedule within the PO line
4000-4230 PO Distributions Records One set of records per distribution within the PO shipment

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Outbound Purchase Order transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

POO Transaction Record Summary
Seq. Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields HEADER 0020-0050 Custom
3 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields HEADER 0060-0070 Custom
4 Purchase Order Basic Header HEADER 1000  
5 Payment Terms HEADER 1010  
6 Purchase Order Basic Header HEADER 1020  
7 Purchase Order Notes to Supplier HEADER 1030  
8 Purchase Order Flexfields HEADER 1040-1070 Flexfields
9 Supplier Flexfields HEADER 1080-1110 Flexfields
10 Supplier Site Flexfields HEADER 1120-1150 Flexfields
11 Supplier Site Address/Code HEADER 1160  
12 Supplier Site Contacts HEADER 1170-1180  
13 Ship to Address/code HEADER 1190  
14 Ship to Contacts HEADER 1200  
15 Bill to Address/Code HEADER 1210  
16 Bill to Contact HEADER 1220  
17 Buyer Name HEADER 1230  
18 Buyer Communications HEADER 1240  
19 Procurement Card HEADER 1250  
20 Header Attachment Master HEADER ATTACHMENT HEADER 1800  
21 Header Attachment Detail HEADER ATTACHMENT DETAIL 1810  
22 Basic Item Data LINE 2000  
23 Basic Item Data LINE 2010  
24 Basic Item Data, Hazardous Material Codes LINE 2020  
25 Item Note to Supplier LINE 2030  
26 Line Flexfields LINE 2040-2070 Flexfields
27 Line Part Flexfields LINE 2080-2110 Flexfields
28 Line Part Segments LINE 2120  
29 Line Part Segments LINE 2130  
30 Line Attachment Master LINE ATTACHMENT HEADER 2800  
31 Line Attachment Detail LINE ATTACHMENT DETAIL 2810  
32 Master Item Attachment Master MASTER ITEM ATTACHMENT HEADER 2820  
33 Master Item Attachment Detail MASTER ITEM ATTACHMENT DETAIL 2830  
34 Inventory Item Attachment Master INVENTORY ITEM ATTACHMENT HEADER 2840  
35 Inventory Item Attachment Detail INVENTORY ITEM ATTACHMENT DETAIL 2850  
36 Basic Shipment Data SHIPMENT 3000  
37 Shipment Flexfields SHIPMENT 3010-3040  
38 Ship To Address/Code SHIPMENT 3050 Flexfields
39 Ship To Contact SHIPMENT 3060  
40 Shipment Attachment Master SHIPMENT ATTACHMENT HEADER 3800  
41 Shipment Attachment Detail SHIPMENT ATTACHMENT DETAIL 3810  
42 Distributions Data DISTRIBUTION 4000-4110  
43 Distributions Flexfields DISTRIBUTION 4200-4230  

Outbound Purchase Orders

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Outbound Purchase Order transaction. The table shows the position, code, length, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the POO Common Key
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 PO Purchase order number
48-69 22 ITEM Inventory item id
70-91 22 SHIPMENT Shipment number
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Outbound Purchase Order transaction.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the POO Transaction, Per Record
  Data Trading Partner Ref 1 (PO) Ref 2 (LINE) Ref 3 (SHIPMENT) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD PO     0010 CT CTL
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD PO     0020 A1 TH1
3 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD PO     0030 A2 TH2
4 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD PO     0040 A2 TH3
5 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD PO     0050 A2 TH4
6 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields TP_CD PO     0060 A1 TD1
7 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields TP_CD PO     0070 A2 TD2
8 Purchase Order Basic Header TP_CD PO     1000 PO PO1
9 Payment Terms TP_CD PO     1010 PO PO2
10 Purchase Order Basic Header TP_CD PO     1020 PO PO3
11 Purchase Order Notes to Supplier TP_CD PO     1030 PO PO3
12 Purchase Order Flexfields TP_CD PO     1040 A1 PO1
13 Purchase Order Flexfields TP_CD PO     1050 A2 PO2
14 Purchase Order Flexfields TP_CD PO     1060 A2 PO3
15 Purchase Order Flexfields TP_CD PO     1070 A2 PO4
16 Supplier Flexfields TP_CD PO     1080 A1 SU1
17 Supplier Flexfields TP_CD PO     1090 A2 SU2
18 Supplier Flexfields TP_CD PO     1100 A2 SU3
19 Supplier Flexfields TP_CD PO     1110 A2 SU4
20 Supplier Site Flexfields TP_CD PO     1120 A1 SS1
21 Supplier Site Flexfields TP_CD PO     1130 A2 SS2
22 Supplier Site Flexfields TP_CD PO     1140 A2 SS3
23 Supplier Site Flexfields TP_CD PO     1150 A2 SS4
24 Supplier Site Address TP_CD PO     1160 AD SU1
25 Supplier Site Contact TP_CD PO     1170 CN SS1
26 Supplier Site Contact TP_CD PO     1180 CN SS2
27 Ship to Address/Code TP_CD PO     1190 AX ST1
28 Ship to Contacts TP_CD PO     1200 CN ST1
29 Bill to Address/Code TP_CD PO     1210 AX BT1
30 Bill to Contact TP_CD PO     1220 CN BT1
31 Buyer Name TP_CD PO     1230 PO PO4
32 Buyer Communications TP_CD PO     1240 PO PO5
33 Procurement Card TP_CD PO     1250 PR CRD
34 Header Attachment Master TP_CD PO     1800 AT HAH
35 Header Attachment Detail TP_CD PO     1810 AT HAD
36 Basic Item Data TP_CD PO LINE   2000 IT IT1
37 Basic Item Data TP_CD PO LINE   2010 IT IT2
38 Basic Item Data, Hazardous Material Codes TP_CD PO LINE   2020 IT IT3
39 Item Note to Supplier TP_CD PO LINE   2030 IT IT4
40 Line Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2040 A1 LN1
41 Line Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2050 A2 LN2
42 Line Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2060 A2 LN3
43 Line Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2070 A2 LN4
44 Line Part Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2080 A1 LP1
45 Line Part Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2090 A2 LP2
46 Line Part Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2100 A2 LP3
47 Line Part Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2110 A2 LP4
48 Line Part Segments TP_CD PO LINE   2120 PS PS1
49 Line Part Segments TP_CD PO LINE   2130 PS PS2
50 Line Attachment Master TP_CD PO LINE   2800 AT LAH
51 Line Attachment Detail TP_CD PO LINE   2810 AT LAD
52 Master Item Attachment Master TP_CD PO LINE   2820 AT MAH
53 Master Item Attachment Detail TP_CD PO LINE   2830 AT MAD
54 Inventory Item Attachment Master TP_CD PO LINE   2840 AT IAH
55 Inventory Item Attachment Detail TP_CD PO LINE   2850 AT IAD
56 Basic Shipment Data TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3000 SH SH1
57 Shipment Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3010 A1 SH1
58 Shipment Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3020 A2 SH2
59 Shipment Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3030 A2 SH3
60 Shipment Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3040 A2 SH4
61 Ship To Address/Code TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3050 AX SL1
62 Ship To Contact TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3060 CN SL1
63 Shipment Attachment Master TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3800 AT SAH
64 Shipment Attachment Detail TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3810 AT SAD
68 Distributions Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT DISTRIBUTIONS 4200 A1 DS1
69 Distributions Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT DISTRIBUTIONS 4210 A2 DS2
70 Distributions Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT DISTRIBUTIONS 4220 A2 DS3
71 Distributions Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT DISTRIBUTIONS 4230 A2 DS4

Outbound Purchase Order Changes


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

(POCO) Outbound Purchase Order Change Structure

the picture is described in the document text

An Outbound Purchase Order transaction contains a single Control Record and Purchase Order Header Record. The header record may have multiple Header Attachment Detail Records and Line Records. The Line Record may have multiple Line Attachment Header Records, Master Item Attachment Header Records, and Inventory Item Attachment Header Records. The Line Attachment Header Record may have multiple Line Attachment Detail Records. The Master Item Attachment Header Record may have multiple Master Item Attachment Detail Records. The Inventory Attachment Header Record may have multiple Inventory Attachment Detail Records and multiple Shipment Records. The Shipment Records may have multiple Shipment Attachment Header Records and Distributions Records. The Shipment Attachment Header Record may have multiple Shipment Attachment Detail Records.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Purchase Order Change transaction.

Record occurrences Within the POCO Transaction
Records Contents Occurrences
0010 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
0020-0070 Gateway Flexfields One set of records per transaction.
1000-1900 PO Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-2900 PO Line Records One set of records per line within the PO header
3000-3900 PO Shipment Records One set of records per schedule within the PO line
4000-4230 PO Distributions Records One set of records per distribution within the PO Shipment

The following table is a summary list of the records comprising the Outbound Purchase Order Change transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

POCO Transaction Record Summary
Seq Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields HEADER 0020-0050 Custom
3 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields HEADER 0060-0070 Custom
4 Purchase Order Basic Header HEADER 1000  
5 Payment Terms HEADER 1010  
6 Purchase Order Basic Header HEADER 1020  
7 Purchase Order Notes to Supplier HEADER 1030  
8 Purchase Order Flexfields HEADER 1040-1070 Flexfields
9 Supplier Flexfields HEADER 1080-1110 Flexfields
10 Supplier Site Flexfields HEADER 1120-1150 Flexfields
11 Supplier Site Address/Code HEADER 1160  
12 Supplier Site Contacts HEADER 1170-1180  
13 Ship to Address/Code HEADER 1190  
14 Ship to Contacts HEADER 1200  
15 Bill to Address/Code HEADER 1210  
16 Bill to Contact HEADER 1220  
17 Buyer Name HEADER 1230  
18 Buyer Communications HEADER 1240  
19 Procurement Card Data HEADER 1250  
20 Header Attachment Data HEADER ATTACHMENT HEADER 1800  
21 Header Attachment Data HEADER ATTACHMENT DETAIL 1810  
22 Basic Item Data LINE 2000  
23 Basic Item Data LINE 2010  
24 Basic Item Data, Hazardous Material Codes LINE 2020  
25 Item Note to Supplier LINE 2030  
26 Line Flexfields LINE 2040-2070 Flexfields
27 Line Part Flexfields LINE 2080-2110 Flexfields
28 Line Part Segments LINE 2120  
29 Line Part Segments LINE 2130  
30 Line Attachment Header LINE ATTACHMENT HEADER 2800  
31 Line Attachment Detail LINE ATTACHMENT DETAIL 2810  
32 Master Item Attachment Header MASTER ITEM ATTACHMENT HEADER 2820  
33 Master Item Attachment Detail MASTER ITEM ATTACHMENT DETAIL 2830  
34 Inventory Item Attachment Master INVENTORY ITEM ATTACHMENT HEADER 2840  
35 Inventory Item Attachment Detail INVENTORY ITEM ATTACHMENT DETAIL 2850  
36 Basic Shipment Data SHIPMENT 3000  
37 Shipment Flexfields SHIPMENT 3010-3040 Flexfields
38 Ship To Address/Code SHIPMENT 3050  
39 Ship To Contact SHIPMENT 3060  
40 Shipment Attachment Master SHIPMENT ATTACHMENT HEADER 3800  
41 Shipment Attachment Detail SHIPMENT ATTACHMENT DETAIL 3810  
42 Distributions Data DISTRUBTION 4000-4110  
43 Distributions Flexfields DISTRUBTION 4200-4230 Flexfields

Outbound Purchase Order Changes

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Outbound Purchase Order Change transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the POCO Transaction Common Key
Position Length Code Contents
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 PO Purchase order number
48-69 22 ITEM Purchase order line number
70-91 22 SHIPMENT Shipment Number
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Outbound Purchase Order Change transaction.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the POCO Transaction, Per Record
  Data Trading Partner Ref 1 (PO) Ref 2 (ITEM) Ref 3 (SHIPMENT) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD PO     0010 CT CTL
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD PO     0020 A1 TH1
3 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD PO     0030 A2 TH2
4 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD PO     0040 A3 TH3
5 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD PO     0050 A4 TH4
6 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields TP_CD PO     0060 A1 TD1
7 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields TP_CD PO     0070 A2 TD2
8 Purchase Order Basic Header TP_CD PO     1000 PO PO1
9 Payment Terms TP_CD PO     1010 PO PO2
10 Purchase Order Basic Header TP_CD PO     1020 PO PO3
11 Purchase Order Notes to Supplier TP_CD PO     1030 PO PO4
12 Purchase Order Flexfields TP_CD PO     1040 A1 PO1
13 Purchase Order Flexfields TP_CD PO     1050 A2 PO2
14 Purchase Order Flexfields TP_CD PO     1060 A3 PO3
15 Purchase Order Flexfields TP_CD PO     1070 A4 PO4
16 Supplier Flexfields TP_CD PO     1080 A1 SU1
17 Supplier Flexfields TP_CD PO     1090 A2 SU2
18 Supplier Flexfields TP_CD PO     1100 A3 SU3
19 Supplier Flexfields TP_CD PO     1110 A4 SU4
20 Supplier Site Flexfields TP_CD PO     1120 A1 SS1
21 Supplier Site Flexfields TP_CD PO     1130 A2 SS2
22 Supplier Site Flexfields TP_CD PO     1140 A3 SS3
23 Supplier Site Flexfields TP_CD PO     1150 A4 SS4
24 Supplier Site Address TP_CD PO     1160 AD SU1
25 Supplier Site Contact TP_CD PO     1170 CN SS1
26 Supplier Site Contact TP_CD PO     1180 CN SS2
27 Ship to Address/Code TP_CD PO     1190 AX ST1
28 Ship to Contacts TP_CD PO     1200 CN ST1
29 Bill to Address/Code TP_CD PO     1210 AX BT1
30 Bill to Contact TP_CD PO     1220 CN BT1
31 Buyer Name TP_CD PO     1230 PO PO5
32 Buyer Communications TP_CD PO     1240 PO PO6
33 Procurement Card TP_CD PO     1250 PR CRD
34 Header Attachment Master TP_CD PO     1800 AT HAH
35 Header Attachment Detail TP_CD PO     1810 AT HAD
36 Basic Item Data TP_CD PO LINE   2000 IT IT1
37 Basic Item Data TP_CD PO LINE   2010 IT IT2
38 Basic Item Data,
Hazardous Material Codes
39 Item Note to Supplier TP_CD PO LINE   2030 IT IT4
40 Line Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2040 A1 LN1
41 Line Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2050 A2 LN2
42 Line Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2060 A3 LN3
43 Line Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2070 A4 LN4
44 Line Part Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2080 A1 LP1
45 Line Part Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2090 A2 LP2
46 Line Part Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2100 A3 LP3
47 Line Part Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE   2110 A4 LP4
48 Line Part Segments TP_CD PO LINE   2120 PS PS1
49 Line Part Segments TP_CD PO LINE   2130 PS PS2
50 Line Attachment Header TP_CD PO LINE   2800 AT LAH
51 Line Attachment Detail TP_CD PO LINE   2810 AT LAD
52 Master Item Attachment Header TP_CD PO LINE   2820 AT MAH
53 Master Item Attachment Detail TP_CD PO LINE   2830 AT MAD
54 Inventory Item Attachment Header TP_CD PO LINE   2840 AT IAH
55 Inventory Item Attachment Detail TP_CD PO LINE   2850 AT IAD
56 Basic Shipment Data TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3000 SH SH1
57 Shipment Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3010 A1 SH1
58 Shipment Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3020 A2 SH2
59 Shipment Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3030 A3 SH3
60 Shipment Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3040 A4 SH4
61 Ship To Address/Code TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3050 AX SL1
62 Ship To Contact TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3060 CN SL1
63 Shipment Attachment Header TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3800 AT SAH
64 Shipment Attachment Detail TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT 3810 AT SAD
68 Distributions Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT DISTRIBUTIONS 4200 A1 DS1
69 Distributions Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT DISTRIBUTIONS 4210 A2 DS2
70 Distributions Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT DISTRIBUTIONS 4220 A2 DS3
71 Distributions Flexfields TP_CD PO LINE SHIPMENT DISTRIBUTIONS 4230 A2 DS4

Oracle Receivables Transaction Summaries

Oracle Receivables Transactions
Transaction Name Direction Transaction Code ASC X12 EDIFACT
Credit Memo/Debit Memo Outbound CDMO 812 CREADV/DEBADV
Invoice Outbound INO 810 INVOIC

Current Information

The transaction file may change when enhancements are made such as additional data added to the transaction.

Current transaction summaries can be found on Oracle Support's web site.

Current detail record layouts are reported via the Transaction Definition Layout Report and the Interface File Data Report.

Outbound Credit Memo/Debit Memo


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

the picture is described in the document text

An Outbound Credit Memo/Debit Memo transaction contains a single Control Record and Credit Memo/Debit Memo Header Record. The header record may have multiple Header Allowance and Charges Records and Credit Memo/Debit Memo Item Records. The item record may have multiple Line Tax Records and Item Allowances and Charges Records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Credit Memo/Debit Memo transaction.

Record Occurrences Within the CDMO Transaction
Records Contents Occurrences
0010-0070 e-Commerce Gateway Control Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-3900 Memo Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
4000-5900 Memo Line Records One set of records per line within the memo header
6000-7900 Memo Line Detail Records One set of records per item within the memo line

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Outbound Credit Memo/Debit Memo transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

CDMO Transaction Record Summary
  Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields HEADER 0020-0050 Custom
3 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields HEADER 0060-0070 Custom
4 Bill To Address /Code HEADER 1000  
5 Bill to Misc. Data, Contacts HEADER 1010-1015  
6 Bill to Customer Flexfields HEADER 1020-1050 Flexfields
7 Bill to Site Flexfields HEADER 1060-1090 Flexfields
8 Ship to Address/Code HEADER 1100  
9 Ship to Misc. Data, Contacts HEADER 1110-1115  
10 Sold to Address/Code HEADER 1200  
11 Sold to Misc. data, Contact HEADER 1210-1215  
12 Remit to Address/Code HEADER 1300-1315  
13 Ship From Codes HEADER 1400  
14 Basic Memo Header Data HEADER 2000  
15 Memo Misc. Data HEADER 2010-2020  
16 Shipment Data HEADER 2030  
17 Currency Data, Misc. Data, HEADER 2040  
18 Payment Terms Data HEADER 2050  
19 Sales Representative, Comments HEADER 2060  
20 Transaction Flexfields HEADER1 3000-3030 Flexfields
21 Interface Flexfields HEADER1 3040-3070 Flexfields
22 Equipment Data HEADER1 3075  
23 Header Allowance/Charges ALLOWANCE CHARGES HEADER 3080-3090  
24 Header Allowance/Charges Flexfields ALLOWANCE CHARGES HEADER 3091-3094 Flexfields
25 Extension Tables: Memo Header Data ALLOWANCE CHARGES HEADER 3900 (Custom)
26 Basic Line Data LINE 4000  
27 Sales Order Data, Part Descriptions LINE 4010  
28 Sales Channel LINE 4020  
29 Order Status, Transaction Reference Key LINE 4030  
30 Interface Line Flexfields LINE 5000-5030 Flexfields
31 Line Flexfields LINE 5040-5070 Flexfields
32 Line Part Flexfields LINE 5100-5130 Flexfields
34 TP Header Flexfields LINE 5140-5160 Flexfields
34 TP Line Flexfields LINE 5170-5190 Flexfields
35 Industry Flexfields LINE 5200-5220 Flexfields
36 Extension Tables: Item Data LINE 5900 (Custom)
37 Line Tax Data LINE TAX 6000-6020  
38 VAT Tax Data LINE TAX 6025  
39 Line Tax Flexfields LINE TAX 6030-6060 Flexfields
40 VAT Tax Flexfields LINE TAX 6070--6095 Flexfields

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Outbound Credit Memo/Debit Memo transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the CDMO Transaction, Per Record
  Data Trading Partner Ref 1 (MEMO) Ref 2 (ITEM) Ref 3 (TAX) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD MEMO     0010 CT CTL
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD MEMO     0020 A3 TH1
3 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD MEMO     0030 A4 TH2
4 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD MEMO     0040 A4 TH3
5 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD MEMO     0050 A4 TH4
6 Bill To Address /Code TP_CD MEMO     1000 AD BT1
7 Bill to Misc. Data, Contacts TP_CD MEMO     1010 CM BT1
8 Bill to TP Reference Codes TP_CD MEMO     1015 RF BT1
9 Bill to Customer Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD MEMO     1020 A1 BT1
10 Bill to Customer Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD MEMO     1030 A2 BT2
11 Bill to Customer Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD MEMO     1040 A2 BT3
12 Bill to Customer Flexfield 15 TP_CD MEMO     1050 A2 BT4
13 Bill to Site Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD MEMO     1060 A1 BS1
14 Bill to Site Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD MEMO     1070 A2 BS2
15 Bill to Site Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD MEMO     1080 A2 BS3
16 Bill to Site Flexfield 15 TP_CD MEMO     1090 A2 BS4
17 Ship to Address/Code TP_CD MEMO     1100 AD ST1
18 Ship to Misc. Data, Contacts TP_CD MEMO     1110 CM ST1
19 Ship to Misc. Data, Contacts TP_CD MEMO     1115 RF ST1
20 Sold to Address/Code TP_CD MEMO     1200 AD SO1
21 Sold to Misc. Data, Contact TP_CD MEMO     1210 CM SO1
22 Sold to TP Reference TP_CD MEMO     1215 RF SO1
22 Remit to Address/Code TP_CD MEMO     1300 AD RE1
23 Remit to TP Reference TP_CD MEMO     1315 RF RE1
24 Ship From Codes TP_CD MEMO     1400 SF SF1
25 Basic Invoice Header Data TP_CD MEMO     2000 IV IV1
26 Memo Amount Data TP_CD MEMO     2010 IV IV2
27 Memo Misc. Data TP_CD MEMO     2020 IV IV3
28 Shipment Data TP_CD MEMO     2030 IV IV4
29 Currency Data, Shipping Data, Miscellaneous Data TP_CD MEMO     2040 IV IV5
30 Payment Terms Data TP_CD MEMO     2050 IV IV6
31 Sales Representative, Comments TP_CD MEMO     2060 IV IV7
32 Transaction Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD MEMO     3000 A1 IH1
33 Transaction Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD MEMO     3010 A2 IH2
34 Transaction Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD MEMO     3020 A2 IH3
35 Transaction Flexfield 15 TP_CD MEMO     3030 A2 IH4
36 Interface Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD MEMO     3040 A1 IH5
37 Interface Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD MEMO     3050 A2 IH6
38 Interface Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD MEMO     3060 A2 IH7
39 Interface Flexfield 15 TP_CD MEMO     3070 A2 IH8
40 Memo Header Shipping Instructions TP_CD MEMO     3075 IV IV8
41 Header Allowance/Charges TP_CD MEMO     3080 AH AH1
42 Header Allowance/Charges TP_CD MEMO     3090 AH AH2
43 Header Allowance/Charges Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD MEMO     3091 AH IH1
44 Header Allowance/Charges Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD MEMO     3092 AH IH2
45 Header Allowance/Charges Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD MEMO     3093 AH IH3
46 Header Allowance/Charges Flexfield 15 TP_CD MEMO     3094 AH IH4
47 Extension Tables: Memo Header Data TP_CD MEMO     3900   (Custom)
48 Basic Line Data TP_CD MEMO LINE   4000 IT IT1
49 Sales Order Data, Part, Customer Item Description TP_CD MEMO LINE   4010 IT IT2
50 Sales Channel, Order Status TP_CD MEMO LINE   4020 IT IT3
51 Transaction Reference Key, Order Status TP_CD MEMO LINE   4030 IT IT4
52 Interface Line Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5000 A1 IL1
53 Interface Line Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5010 A2 IL2
54 Interface Line Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5020 A2 IL3
55 Interface Line Flexfield 15 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5030 A2 IL4
56 Line Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5040 A1 LN1
57 Line Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5050 A2 LN2
58 Line Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5060 A2 LN3
59 Line Flexfield 15 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5070 A2 LN4
60 Line Part Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5100 A1 LP1
61 Line Part Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5110 A2 LP2
62 Line Part Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5120 A2 LP3
63 Line Part Flexfield 15 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5130 A2 LP4
64 TP Header Flexfields 1-5 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5140 A2 HT1
65 TP Header Flexfields 6-10 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5150 A2 HT2
66 TP Header Flexfields 11-15 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5160 A2 HT3
67 TP Line Flexfields 1-5 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5170 A2 LT1
68 TP Line Flexfields 6-10 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5180 A2 LT2
69 TP Line Flexfields 11-15 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5190 A2 LT3
70 Industry Flexfields 1-5 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5200 A2 IA1
71 Industry Flexfields 6-10 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5210 A2 IA2
72 Industry Flexfields 11-15 TP_CD MEMO LINE   5220 A2 IA3
73 Extension Tables: Item Data TP_CD MEMO LINE   5900   (Custom)
74 Line Tax Data TP_CD MEMO LINE TAX 6000 TX TX1
75 Line Tax Type TP_CD MEMO LINE TAX 6005 TX TX2
76 Line Tax Classification TP_CD MEMO LINE TAX 6010 TX TX3
77 Line Tax Code TP_CD MEMO LINE TAX 6020 TX TX4
79 Line Tax Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD MEMO LINE TAX 6030 A1 TX1
80 Line Tax Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD MEMO LINE TAX 6040 A2 TX2
81 Line Tax Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD MEMO LINE TAX 6050 A2 TX3
82 Line Tax Flexfield 15 TP_CD MEMO LINE TAX 6060 A2 TX4
83 Line VAT Tax Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD MEMO LINE TAX 6070 A1 VT1
84 Line VAT Tax Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD MEMO LINE TAX 6080 A2 VT2
85 Line VAT Tax Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD MEMO LINE TAX 6090 A2 VT3
86 Line VAT Tax Flexfield 15 TP_CD MEMO LINE TAX 6095 A2 VT4

Outbound Invoice


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping.

the picture is described in the document text

An Outbound Invoice transaction contains a single Control Record and Invoice Header Record. The header record may have multiple Header Allowance and Charges Records and Invoice Item Records. The item records may have multiple Line Tax and Item Allowances and Charges Records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Invoice transaction.

Record Occurrences Within the INO Transaction
Records Contents Occurrences
0010 Control Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
0020-0070 Gateway Flexfields One set of records per transaction
1000-3900 Invoice Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
4000-5900 Invoice Line Records One set of records per line within the invoice header
6000-7900 Invoice Line Detail Records One set of records per item within the invoice line

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Outbound Invoice transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

INO Transaction Record Summary
  Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields HEADER 0020-0050 Custom
3 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields HEADER 0060-0070 Custom
4 Bill To Address /Code HEADER 1000  
5 Bill to Misc. Data, Contacts HEADER 1010-1015  
6 Bill to Customer Flexfields HEADER 1020-1050 Flexfields
7 Bill to Site Flexfields HEADER 1060-1090 Flexfields
8 Ship to Address/Code HEADER 1100  
9 Ship to Misc. Data, Contacts HEADER 1110-1115  
10 Sold to Address/Code HEADER 1200  
11 Sold to Misc. data, Contact HEADER 1210-1215  
12 Remit to Address/Code HEADER 1300-1315  
13 Ship From Codes HEADER 1400  
14 Basic Invoice Header Data HEADER 2000  
15 Invoice Misc. Data HEADER 2010-2020  
16 Shipment Data HEADER 2030  
17 Currency Data, Misc. Data, HEADER 2040  
18 Payment Terms Data HEADER 2050  
19 Sales Representative, Comments HEADER 2060  
20 Invoice Header Flexfields HEADER1 3000-3030 Flexfields
21 Invoice Header Interface Flexfields HEADER1 3040-3070 Flexfields
22 Equipment Data HEADER1 3075  
23 Header Allowance/Charges ALLOWANCE CHARGES HEADER 3080-3090  
24 Header Allowance/Charges Flexfields ALLOWANCE CHARGES HEADER 3091-3094 Flexfields
25 Extension Tables: Invoice Header Data ALLOWANCE CHARGES HEADER 3900 (Custom)
26 Basic Line Data LINE 4000  
27 Sales Order Data, Part Descriptions LINE 4010  
28 Sales Channel LINE 4020  
29 Order Status, Transaction Reference Key LINE 4030  
30 Interface Line Flexfields LINE 5000-5030 Flexfields
31 Line Flexfields LINE 5040-5070 Flexfields
32 Line Part Flexfields LINE 5100-5130 Flexfields
34 TP Header Flexfields LINE 5140-5160 Flexfields
34 TP Line Flexfields LINE 5170-5190 Flexfields
35 Industry Flexfields LINE 5200-5220 Flexfields
36 Extension Tables: Item Data LINE 5900 (Custom)
37 Line Tax Data LINE TAX 6000-6020  
38 VAT Tax Data LINE TAX 6025  
39 Line Tax Flexfields LINE TAX 6030-6060 Flexfields
40 VAT Tax Flexfields LINE TAX 6070--6095 Flexfields

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Outbound Invoice transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key Positions 1-100
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 INVOICE Invoice number
48-69 22 ITEM Item sequence number
70-91 22 TAX Tax sequence number
92-95 4 (Varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (Varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (Varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Outbound Invoice transaction.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the INO Transaction, Per Record
  Data Trading Partner Ref 1 (INVOICE) Ref 2 (ITEM) Ref 3 (TAX) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD INVOICE     0010 CT CTL
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     0020 A3 TH1
3 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     0030 A4 TH2
4 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     0040 A4 TH3
5 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     0050 A4 TH4
6 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     0060 A3 TD1
7 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     0070 A4 TD2
8 Bill To Address /Code TP_CD INVOICE     1000 AD BT1
9 Bill to Misc. Data, Contacts TP_CD INVOICE     1010 CM BT1
10 Bill to TP Reference Codes TP_CD INVOICE     1015 RF BT1
11 Bill to Customer Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE     1020 A1 BT1
12 Bill to Customer Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE     1030 A2 BT2
13 Bill to Customer Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE     1040 A2 BT3
14 Bill to Customer Flexfield 15 TP_CD INVOICE     1050 A2 BT4
15 Bill to Site Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE     1060 A1 BS1
16 Bill to Site Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE     1070 A2 BS2
17 Bill to Site Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE     1080 A2 BS3
18 Bill to Site Flexfield 15 TP_CD INVOICE     1090 A2 BS4
19 Ship to Address/Code TP_CD INVOICE     1100 AD ST1
20 Ship to Misc. Data, Contacts TP_CD INVOICE     1110 CM ST1
21 Ship to Misc. Data, Contacts TP_CD INVOICE     1115 RF ST1
22 Sold to Address/Code TP_CD INVOICE     1200 AD SO1
22 Sold to Misc. Data, Contact TP_CD INVOICE     1210 CM SO1
23 Sold to TP Reference TP_CD INVOICE     1215 RF SO1
24 Remit to Address/Code TP_CD INVOICE     1300 AD RE1
25 Remit to TP Reference TP_CD INVOICE     1315 RF RE1
26 Ship From Codes TP_CD INVOICE     1400 SF SF1
27 Basic Invoice Header Data TP_CD INVOICE     2000 IV IV1
28 Invoice Amount Data TP_CD INVOICE     2010 IV IV2
29 Invoice Misc. Data TP_CD INVOICE     2020 IV IV3
30 Shipment Data TP_CD INVOICE     2030 IV IV4
31 Currency Data, Shipping Data, Miscellaneous Data TP_CD INVOICE     2040 IV IV5
32 Payment Terms Data TP_CD INVOICE     2050 IV IV6
33 Sales Representative, Comments TP_CD INVOICE     2060 IV IV7
34 Invoice Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE     3000 A1 IH1
35 Invoice Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE     3010 A2 IH2
36 Invoice Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE     3020 A2 IH3
37 Invoice Header Flexfield 15 TP_CD INVOICE     3030 A2 IH4
38 Invoice Header Interface Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE     3040 A1 IH5
39 Invoice Header Interface Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE     3050 A2 IH6
40 Invoice Header Interface Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE     3060 A2 IH7
41 Invoice Header Interface Flexfield 15 TP_CD INVOICE     3070 A2 IH8
42 Invoice Header Shipping Instructions TP_CD INVOICE     3075 IV IV8
43 Header Allowance/Charges TP_CD INVOICE     3080 AH AH1
44 Header Allowance/Charges TP_CD INVOICE     3090 AH AH2
45 Header Allowance/Charges Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE     3091 AH IH1
46 Header Allowance/Charges Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE     3092 AH IH2
47 Header Allowance/Charges Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE     3093 AH IH3
48 Header Allowance/Charges Flexfield 15 TP_CD INVOICE     3094 AH IH4
49 Extension Tables: Invoice Header Data TP_CD INVOICE     3900   (Custom)
50 Basic Line Data TP_CD INVOICE LINE   4000 IT IT1
51 Sales Order Data, Part, Customer Item Description TP_CD INVOICE LINE   4010 IT IT2
52 Sales Channel, Order Status TP_CD INVOICE LINE   4020 IT IT3
53 Transaction Reference Key, Order Status TP_CD INVOICE LINE   4030 IT IT4
54 Interface Line Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5000 A1 IL1
55 Interface Line Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5010 A2 IL2
56 Interface Line Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5020 A2 IL3
57 Interface Line Flexfield 15 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5030 A2 IL4
58 Line Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5040 A1 LN1
59 Line Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5050 A2 LN2
60 Line Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5060 A2 LN3
61 Line Flexfield 15 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5070 A2 LN4
62 Line Part Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5100 A1 LP1
63 Line Part Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5110 A2 LP2
64 Line Part Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5120 A2 LP3
65 Line Part Flexfield 15 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5130 A2 LP4
66 TP Header Flexfields 1-5 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5140 A2 HT1
67 TP Header Flexfields 6-10 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5150 A2 HT2
68 TP Header Flexfields 11-15 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5160 A2 HT3
69 TP Line Flexfields 1-5 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5170 A2 LT1
70 TP Line Flexfields 6-10 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5180 A2 LT2
71 TP Line Flexfields 11-15 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5190 A2 LT3
72 Industry Flexfields 1-5 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5200 A2 IA1
73 Industry Flexfields 6-10 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5210 A2 IA2
74 Industry Flexfields 11-15 TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5220 A2 IA3
75 Extension Tables: Item Data TP_CD INVOICE LINE   5900   (Custom)
76 Line Tax Data TP_CD INVOICE LINE TAX 6000 TX TX1
77 Line Tax Type TP_CD INVOICE LINE TAX 6005 TX TX2
78 Line Tax Classification TP_CD INVOICE LINE TAX 6010 TX TX3
79 Line Tax Code TP_CD INVOICE LINE TAX 6020 TX TX4
81 Line Tax Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE LINE TAX 6030 A1 TX1
82 Line Tax Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE LINE TAX 6040 A2 TX2
83 Line Tax Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE LINE TAX 6050 A2 TX3
84 Line Tax Flexfield 15 TP_CD INVOICE LINE TAX 6060 A2 TX4
85 Line VAT Tax Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD INVOICE LINE TAX 6070 A1 VT1
86 Line VAT Tax Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD INVOICE LINE TAX 6080 A2 VT2
87 Line VAT Tax Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD INVOICE LINE TAX 6090 A2 VT3
88 Line VAT Tax Flexfield 15 TP_CD INVOICE LINE TAX 6095 A2 VT4

Oracle Release Management Transaction Summaries

Oracle Release Management Transactions
Transaction Name Direction Transaction Code ASC X12 EDIFACT
Planning Schedule Inbound SPSI 830 DELFOR
Production Sequence Inbound PSQI 866 N/A
Shipping Schedule Inbound SSSI 862 DELJIT

Current Information

The transaction file may change when enhancements are made such as additional data added to the transaction.

Current transaction summaries can be found on Oracle Support's web site when they are released.

Current detail record layouts are reported via the Transaction Definition Layout Report and the Interface File Data Report.

Planning Schedule


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and looping:

the picture is described in the document text

An Inbound Planning/Material Release Schedule transaction contains one Control Record and Planning Schedule Header. The Planning Schedule Header record can have multiple Item Records, which can have multiple Schedule Detail Records, which can have multiple Schedule Subdetail Records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Inbound Planning/Material Release transaction.

Record Occurrences Within the SPSI Transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010-0070 Control Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-1900 Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-2900 Item Records One set of records per item within the Planning or Shipping Schedule header
4000-4900 Item Detail Records Multiple detail records per item: requirements, authorizations, receipt data, etc.
5000-5900 Subdivide Requirements Records Optional splitting of requirements by time or destination

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Inbound Planning/Material Release Schedule transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

SPSI Transaction Record Summary
  Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Common Control Record CONTROL 0010  
2 Basic Schedule Header SCHEDULE HEADER 1000  
3 Schedule Header Note Text SCHEDULE HEADER 1010  
4 Schedule Issuer Address Code SCHEDULE HEADER 1020  
5 Schedule Header Misc. Contacts SCHEDULE HEADER 1030  
6 Schedule Header Misc. References SCHEDULE HEADER 1040  
7 Schedule Header Flexfields SCHEDULE HEADER 1100-1130 Flexfields
8 Trading Partner Header Flexfields SCHEDULE HEADER 1200-1230 Flexfields
9 Ship To Address Code SCHEDULE HEADER 1300  
10 Bill To Address Code SCHEDULE HEADER 1310  
11 Intermediate Ship To Address Code SCHEDULE HEADER 1320  
12 Supplier / Ship From Address Code SCHEDULE HEADER 1330  
13 Miscellaneous Name Codes and Values SCHEDULE HEADER 1340  
14 Extension Tables: Schedule Header Data SCHEDULE HEADER 1900 Custom
15 Basic Item Data SCHEDULE ITEM 2000  
16 Product Description Data SCHEDULE ITEM 2010  
17 Additional Item Data SCHEDULE ITEM 2020-2030  
18 Unit of Measure SCHEDULE ITEM 2040  
19 Item Measurements & Physical Qualities SCHEDULE ITEM 2050  
20 Item Misc. References Codes and Values SCHEDULE ITEM 2060  
21 Item Contact Names SCHEDULE ITEM 2070  
22 Bar-code Shipping Label data SCHEDULE ITEM 2080-2090  
23 Ship To Address Code SCHEDULE ITEM 2100  
24 Bill To Address Code SCHEDULE ITEM 2110  
25 Intermediate Ship To Address Code SCHEDULE ITEM 2120  
26 Ship From Address Code SCHEDULE ITEM 2130  
27 Miscellaneous Name Codes and Values SCHEDULE ITEM 2140  
28 Carrier Details SCHEDULE ITEM 2150  
29 Item Note Text SCHEDULE ITEM 2160  
30 Hazardous Material data SCHEDULE ITEM 2170  
31 Ship/Delivery Pattern Codes SCHEDULE ITEM 2180  
32 Schedule Line Flexfields SCHEDULE ITEM 2300-2330 Flexfields
33 Industry Flexfields SCHEDULE ITEM 2340-2400 Flexfields
34 Trading Partner Flexfields SCHEDULE ITEM 2500-2530 Flexfields
35 Extension Tables: Item Data SCHEDULE ITEM 2900 Custom
36 Schedule Item Detail Data (Requirements, Authorizations, Shipped/Received data, etc.) SCHEDULE ITEM 4000  
37 Item Detail Misc. References SCHEDULE ITEM 4010  
38 Item Detail Note Text SCHEDULE ITEM 4020  
39 Schedule Line Flexfields SCHEDULE ITEM 4100-4130 Flexfields
40 Industry Flexfields SCHEDULE ITEM 4200-4260 Flexfields
41 Trading Partner Flexfields SCHEDULE ITEM 4300-4330 Flexfields
42 Subline Requirements SCHEDULE ITEM 5000  
43 Item Detail Misc. References Codes and Values SCHEDULE ITEM 5010  
44 Schedule Line Flexfields SCHEDULE ITEM 5100-5130 Flexfields
45 Industry Flexfields SCHEDULE ITEM 5200-5260 Flexfields
46 Trading Partner Flexfields SCHEDULE ITEM 5300-5330 Flexfields
47 Extension Tables: Schedule Item Detail Data SCHEDULE ITEM 5900 Custom

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Inbound Planning/Material Release Schedule transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the SPSI Common Key
Position Length CODE CONTENT
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 SCH_REF Schedule Reference number
48-69 22 ITEM Schedule line number OR Sequence Counter of the Record 2000
70-91 22 SCHEDULE Schedule detail number within schedule line OR Sequence Counter of Record 4000 within the given Record 2000
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Inbound Planning/Material Release Schedule transaction.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the SPSI Transaction, Per Record
  Data Trading Partner Ref 1 (SCH_REF) Ref 2 (ITEM) Ref (SCHEDULE) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD SCH_REF     0010 CT CTL
2 Schedule Header TP_CD SCH_REF     1000 HD HDR
3 Schedule Header Note Text TP_CD SCH_REF     1010 NT HDR
4 Schedule Issuer Address Code TP_CD SCH_REF     1020 AD SIH
5 Header Miscellaneous Contacts TP_CD SCH_REF     1030 CO HDR
6 Header Miscellaneous References TP_CD SCH_REF     1040 RF HDR
7 Schedule Header Flexfields/Context TP_CD SCH_REF     1100 A1 SH1
8 Schedule Header Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF     1110-1130 A2 SH2-SH4
9 Trading Partner Flexfields/Context TP_CD SCH_REF     1200 A1 TH1
10 Trading Partner Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF     1210-1230 A2 TH2-TH4
11 Ship To Address Code TP_CD SCH_REF     1300 AD STH
12 Bill To Address Code TP_CD SCH_REF     1310 AD BTH
13 Intermediate Ship To Address Code TP_CD SCH_REF     1320 AD ICH
14 Supplier / Ship From Address Code TP_CD SCH_REF     1330 AD SFH
15 Miscellaneous Name Codes and Values TP_CD SCH_REF     1340 MN MNH
16 Extension Tables: Schedule Level         1900 Custom Custom
17 Basic Item Data TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2000 I1 IT1
18 Product Description Data TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2010 I2 IT2
19 Additional Item Data TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2020 I3 IT3
20 Additional Item Data TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2030 I4 IT4
21 Unit of Measure TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2040 UM UOM
22 Item Measurements & Physical Qualities TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2050 ME MEA
23 Item Miscellaneous References TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2060 RF ITM
24 Item Contact Names TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2070 CO ITM
25 Bar-code Shipping Label data TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2080- 2090 LB LB1-LB2
26 Ship To Address Code TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2100 AD STI
27 Bill To Address Code TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2110 AD BTI
28 Intermediate Ship To Address Code TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2120 AD ICI
29 Ship From Address Code TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2130 AD SFI
30 Miscellaneous Name Codes and Values TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2140 MN MNI
31 Carrier Details TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2150 TD QER
32 Item Note Text TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2160 NT ITM
33 Hazardous Material data TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2170 HZ HZ1
34 Ship/Delivery Pattern Codes TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2180 SD SDR
35 Schedule Line Flexfields/Context TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2300 A1 SI1
36 Schedule Line Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2310-2330 A2 SI2-SI4
37 Industry Flexfields/Context TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2340 A1 IN1
38 Industry Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2350-2400 A2 IN2-IN7
39 Trading Partner Flexfields/Context TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2500 A1 TL1
40 Trading Partner Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM   2510-2530 A2 TL2-TL4
41 Extension Tables: Schedule Item Level         2900 Custom Custom
42 Schedule Item Detail Data (Requirements, Authorizations, Shipped/Received data, etc.) TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 4000 SC SCH
43 Item Detail Miscellaneous References TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 4010 RF SCH
44 Item Detail Note Text TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 4020 NT SCH
45 Schedule Line Flexfields/Context TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 4100 A1 SD1
46 Schedule Line Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 4110-4130 A2 SD2-SD4
47 Industry Flexfields/Context TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 4200 A1 ID1
48 Industry Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 4210-4260 A2 ID2-ID7
49 Trading Partner Flexfields/Context TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 4300 A1 TD1
50 Trading Partner Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 4310-4330 A2 TD2-TD4
51 Subline Requirements TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 5000 QT DIV
52 Item Detail Miscellaneous References Codes and Values TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 5010 RF DIV
53 Schedule Line Flexfields/Context TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 5100 A1 SS1
54 Schedule Line Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 5110-5130 A2 SS2-SS4
55 Industry Flexfields/Context TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 5200 A1 IS1
56 Industry Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 5210-5260 A2 IS2-IS7
57 Trading Partner Flexfields/Context TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 5300 A1 TS1
58 Trading Partner Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF ITEM SCHEDULE 5310-5330 A2 TS2-TS4
59 Extension Tables: Item Detail Level         5900 Custom Custom

Production Sequence


A single transaction has the following data hierarchy and data looping:

the picture is described in the document text

An Inbound Production Sequence Schedule transaction contains a single Control Record and Production Sequence Schedule Header. The header record can have multiple Item Records, which can have multiple Line Detail Records, which can have multiple Subline Detail Records. This structure is further described in the table below.

The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Inbound Production Sequence Schedule.

Record Occurrences Within the PSQI Transaction
0010-0070 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-1900 Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-2900 Date and Defaults Date and defaults applicable to subsequent details
3000-3900 Item Records within Date One set of items and related data per date
4000-4900 Subline Item Records within Item One optional set of subline records within configuration details

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Inbound Production Sequence Schedule transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers. and relevant notes about the data grouping.

PSQI Transaction Record Summary
  Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record SCHEDULE HEADER 0010  
2 Basic Schedule Header SCHEDULE HEADER 1000  
3 Schedule Header Note Text SCHEDULE HEADER 1010  
4 Customer Address SCHEDULE HEADER 1020  
5 Schedule Header Misc. Contacts SCHEDULE HEADER 1080  
6 Schedule Header Misc. References SCHEDULE HEADER 1090  
7 Schedule Header Flexfields SCHEDULE HEADER 1500-1530  
9 Trading Partner Header Flexfields SCHEDULE HEADER 1600-1630  
10 Ship To Address and Code SCHEDULE HEADER 1700  
11 Bill To Address and Code SCHEDULE HEADER 1710  
12 Intermediate Ship To Address and Code SCHEDULE HEADER 1720  
13 Ship From Address and Code SCHEDULE HEADER 1730  
14 Other Name Codes and Values SCHEDULE HEADER 1740  
15 Item Data: Date and Quantity Data SCHEDULE ITEM 2000  
16 Unit of Measurement SCHEDULE ITEM 2040  
17 Item Reference SCHEDULE ITEM 2200  
18 Ship To Address and Code SCHEDULE ITEM 3000  
19 Bill To Address and Code SCHEDULE ITEM 3010  
20 Intermediate Ship To Address and Code SCHEDULE ITEM 3020  
21 Ship From Address and Code SCHEDULE ITEM 3030  
22 Customer Reference Data SCHEDULE ITEM 3100  
23 More Customer Reference Data SCHEDULE ITEM 3110  
24 More Customer Reference Data including Dock, FBO Configuration Key SCHEDULE ITEM 3120  
25 Item Detail Reference Codes and Values SCHEDULE ITEM 3140  
26 Customer's item description SCHEDULE ITEM 3180  
27 Customer transportation data SCHEDULE ITEM 3200  
28 Item Note Text SCHEDULE ITEM 3220  
29 Handling and Hazardous data SCHEDULE ITEM 3240  
30 Ship-Delivery Pattern SCHEDULE ITEM 3260  
31 Line Flexfields SCHEDULE ITEM 3300-3340 Flexfields
32 Industry Flexfields SCHEDULE ITEM 3380-3440 Flexfields
33 Trading Partner Flexfields SCHEDULE ITEM 3460-3520 Flexfields
34 Subline detail SCHEDULE ITEM 4000  
35 Other Name Codes and Values SCHEDULE ITEM 4010  
36 Item Note Text SCHEDULE ITEM 4030  
37 Item Measurement External SCHEDULE ITEM 4050  

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Inbound Production Sequence Schedule transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and contents of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the PSQI Transaction
Position Length CODE CONTENT
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 SCH_REF Schedule Reference Number
48-69 22 SEQ Sequence Counter of the Record 2000
70-91 22 SEQ_SUBLINE Sequence Counter of Record 4000 within the given Record 2000
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Inbound Production Sequence Schedule transaction.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the PSQI Transaction, Per Record
  Data Trading Partner Ref 1 (SCH_REF) Ref 2 (SEQ) Ref 3 (SEQ_SUBLINE) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD SCH_REF     0010 CT CTL
2 Basic Schedule Header TP_CD SCH_REF     1000 HD HDR
3 Schedule Header Note Text TP_CD SCH_REF     1010 NT HDR
4 Customer Address TP_CD SCH_REF     1020 A1 SIH
5 Schedule Header Misc. Contacts TP_CD SCH_REF     1080 CO HDR
6 Schedule Header Misc. References TP_CD SCH_REF     1090 RF HDR
7 Schedule Header Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF     1500 A1 SH1
9 Schedule Header Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF     1510 A2 SH2
10 Schedule Header Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF     1520 A2 SH3
11 Schedule Header Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF     1530 A2 SH4
12 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF     1600 A1 1H1
13 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF     1610 A2 TH2
14 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF     1620 A2 TH3
15 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF     1630 A2 TH4
16 Ship To Address and Code TP_CD SCH_REF     1700 AD STH
17 Bill To Address and Code TP_CD SCH_REF     1710 AD BTH
18 Intermediate Ship To Address and Code TP_CD SCH_REF     1720 AD ICH
19 Ship From Address and Code TP_CD SCH_REF     1730 AD SFH
20 Other Name Codes and Values TP_CD SCH_REF     1740 MN MNH
21 Item Data: Date and Quantity Data TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   2000 SC DT
22 Unit of Measurement TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   2040 UM UOM
23 Item Reference TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   2200 RF DTM
24 Ship To Address and Code TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3000 AD STI
25 Bill To Address and Code TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3010 AD BTI
26 Intermediate Ship To Address and Code TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3020 AD ICI
27 Ship From Address and Code TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3030 AD SFI
28 Customer Reference Data TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3100 I1 IT1
29 More Customer Reference Data TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3110 I2 IT2
30 More Customer Reference Data including Dock, FBO Configuration Key TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3120 I3 IT3
31 Item Detail Reference Codes and Values TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3140 RF LIN
32 Customer's item description TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3180 PD LIN
33 Customer transportation data TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3200 TD QER
34 Item Note Text TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3220 NT ITM
35 Handling and Hazardous data TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3240 HZ HZ1
36 Ship-Delivery Pattern TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3260 SD SDR
37 Line Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3300 A1 SI1
38 Line Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3320 A2 SI2
39 Line Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3340 A2 SI3
40 Line Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3360 A2 SI4
41 Industry Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3380 A1 IN1
42 Industry Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3400 A2 IN2
43 Industry Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3420 A2 IN3
44 Industry Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3440 A2 IN4
45 Trading Partner Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3460 A1 TL1
46 Trading Partner Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3480 A2 TL2
47 Trading Partner Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3500 A2 TL3
48 Trading Partner Flexfields TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ   3520 A2 TL4
49 Subline detail TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ SEQ-SUBLINE 4000 SL SLN
50 Other Name Codes and Values TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ SEQ-SUBLINE 4010 MN MNI
52 Item Measurement External TP_CD SCH_REF SEQ SEQ-SUBLINE 4050 ME MEA

Shipping Schedule


See the Inbound Planning/Material Release Schedule (SPSI/830/DELFOR)above. These transactions have the same record layout.

Oracle Shipping Execution Transaction Summaries

Oracle Shipping Execution Transactions
Transaction Name Direction Transaction Code ASC X12 EDIFACT
Ship Notice/Manifest Outbound DSNO 856 DESADV

Current Information

The transaction file may change when enhancements are made such as additional data added to the transaction.

Current transaction summaries can be found on Oracle Support's web site when they are released.

Current detail record layouts are reported via the Transaction Definition Layout Report and the Interface File Data Report.

Outbound Ship Notice/Manifest


The receiver of a Ship Notice/Manifest transaction may use the data for more than one purpose. The manner in which the data is organized and structured plays a large part in determining its usefulness for a particular function. For example, a Ship Notice modeled in a Delivery-Container-Item organization would facilitate the receiving and inspection process, where the focus is on verifying the number of containers (such as pallets, bins, and racks) received, and the number and type of items in each container. Conversely, a Ship Notice modeled in a Delivery-Order-Item organization would be better for a process of reconciling received goods against orders, where information such as total item quantities, order numbers, lot numbers and serial numbers are more useful.

The Oracle e-Commerce Gateway presents the data for the Ship Notice/Manifest from the Delivery-Container-Item perspective. Container items are associated with their corresponding Order and Detail data so that the EDI translator may invert the levels in the transaction ot meet the trading partner's specific needs.

Oracle Supplier Scheduling Transaction Summaries

Oracle Supplier Scheduling Transactions
Transaction Name Direction Transaction Code ASC X12 EDIFACT
Planning Schedule Outbound SPSO 830 DELFOR
Shipping Schedule Outbound SSSO 862 DELJIT

Current Information

The transaction file may change when enhancements are made such as additional data added to the transaction.

Current transaction summaries can be found on Oracle Support's web site.

Current detail record layouts are reported via the Transaction Definition Layout Report and the Interface File Data Report.

Outbound Planning Schedule


The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Planning Schedule transaction.

Record Occurrences Within the SPSO Transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010 Control Record Only one record occurrence per transaction
0020-0070 Gateway Flexfields One set of records per transaction
1000-1900 Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-2900 Item Records One set of records per item within the Planning Schedule header
4000-4900 Authorization/Forecast Schedule One records per forecast schedule, authorization or receipt data per item

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Outbound Planning Schedule transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

SPSO Transaction Record Summary
  Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields HEADER 0020-0050 Flexfields
3 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields HEADER 0060-0070 Flexfields
4 Basic Planning Schedule Header HEADER 1000  
5 Supplier Numbers HEADER 1010  
6 Supplier Site Address/Code HEADER 1020  
7 Supplier Site Phone HEADER 1030  
8 Ship to Address/Code HEADER 1050  
9 Ship to Miscellaneous Data HEADER 1060  
10 Schedule Header Flexfields HEADER 1500-1530 Flexfields
11 Vendor Flexfields HEADER 1600-1630 Flexfields
12 Vendor Site Flexfields HEADER 1650-1680 Flexfields
13 Shipping Organization Flexfields HEADER 1700-1730 Flexfields
14 Ship To Options Flexfields HEADER 1750-1780 Flexfields
15 Extension Tables: Purchase Order Header Data HEADER 1900 (Custom)
16 Basic Item Data ITEM 2000  
17 Product Description ITEM 2010  
18 Hazardous Material Codes ITEM 2020  
19 Contact Names ITEM 2030  
20 Last Receipt Data ITEM 2040  
21 Ship To Organization Address/Code ITEM 2050  
22 Ship To Organization Data ITEM 2060  
23 Approved Supplier List Flexfields ITEM 2100-2130 Flexfields
24 Item Flexfields ITEM 2150-2180 Flexfields
25 Ship To Organization Flexfields ITEM 2200-2230 Flexfields
26 Organization Option Flexfields ITEM 2250-2280 Flexfields
27 Schedule Item Flexfields ITEM 2300-2330 Flexfields
28 Extension Tables: Item Data ITEM 2900 (Custom)
29 Forecast and Authorization Data ITEM DETAILS (See updates)  
30 Extension Tables: Forecast and Authorization Data ITEM DETAILS   (Custom)

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Outbound Planning Schedule transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the SPSO Transaction Common Key
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 PS Planning Schedule number
48-69 22 ITEM Planning Schedule line number
70-91 22 SCHEDULE Schedule Bucket Number
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Outbound Planning Schedule transaction.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the SPSO Transaction, Per Record
  Data Trading Partner Ref 1 (PS) Ref 2 (ITEM) Ref 3 (SCHEDULE) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD PS     0010 CT CTL
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD PS     0020 A1 TH1
3 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD PS     0030 A2 TH2
4 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD PS     0040 A2 TH3
5 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD PS     0050 A2 TH4
6 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields TP_CD PS     0060 A1 TD1
7 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields TP_CD PS     0070 A2 TD2
8 Planning Schedule Header TP_CD PS     1000 HD FRC
9 Planning Schedule Header TP_CD PS     1010 SP SU
10 Planning Schedule Header TP_CD PS     1020 AD SS
11 Planning Schedule Header TP_CD PS     1030 CN SS
12 Planning Schedule Header TP_CD PS     1050 AX ST1
13 Planning Schedule Header TP_CD PS     1060 ST ST2
14 Schedule Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PS     1500 A1 SH1
15 Schedule Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PS     1510 A2 SH2
16 Schedule Header Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PS     1520 A2 SH3
17 Schedule Header Flexfield 15 TP_CD PS     1530 A2 SH4
18 Vendor Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PS     1600 A1 VN1
19 Vendor Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PS     1610 A2 VN2
20 Vendor Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PS     1620 A2 VN3
21 Vendor Flexfield 15 TP_CD PS     1630 A2 VN4
22 Vendor Site Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PS     1650 A1 VS1
23 Vendor Site Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PS     1660 A2 VS2
24 Vendor Site Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PS     1670 A2 VS3
25 Vendor Site Flexfield 5 TP_CD PS     1680 A2 VS4
26 Shipping Organization Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PS     1700 A1 ST1
27 Shipping Organization Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PS     1710 A2 ST2
28 Shipping Organization Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PS     1720 A2 ST3
29 Shipping Organization Flexfield 15 TP_CD PS     1730 A2 ST4
30 Ship To Options Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PS     1750 A1 OP1
31 Ship To Options Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PS     1760 A2 OP2
32 Ship To Options Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PS     1770 A2 OP3
33 Ship To Options Flexfield 15 TP_CD PS     1780 A2 OP4
34 Extension Tables: Schedule Level TP_CD PS     1900 (Custom) (Custom)
35 Basic Item Data TP_CD PS ITEM   2000 IT IT1
36 Product Description TP_CD PS ITEM   2010 IT IT2
37 Hazardous Material Data TP_CD PS ITEM   2020 HZ HZ1
38 Contact Names TP_CD PS ITEM   2030 CN IT1
39 Last Receipt Data TP_CD PS ITEM   2040 LS LS1
40 Ship to Organization Address/Code TP_CD PS ITEM   2050 AX SI2
41 Ship to Organization Data TP_CD PS ITEM   2060 ST SI3
42 Approved Supplier List Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PS ITEM   2100 A1 AS1
43 Approved Supplier List Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PS ITEM   2110 A2 AS2
44 Approved Supplier List Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PS ITEM   2120 A2 AS3
45 Approved Supplier List Flexfield 15 TP_CD PS ITEM   2130 A2 AS4
46 Item Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PS ITEM   2150 A1 IT1
47 Item Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PS ITEM   2160 A2 IT2
48 Item Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PS ITEM   2170 A2 IT3
49 Item Flexfield 15 TP_CD PS ITEM   2180 A2 IT4
50 Ship to Organization Flexfields (item) 1-4 TP_CD PS ITEM   2200 A1 DI1
51 Ship to Organization Flexfields (item) 5-9 TP_CD PS ITEM   2210 A2 DI2
52 Ship to Organization Flexfields (item) 10-14 TP_CD PS ITEM   2220 A2 DI3
53 Ship to Organization Flexfield (item) 15 TP_CD PS ITEM   2230 A2 DI4
54 Organization Option Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PS ITEM   2250 A1 SO1
55 Organization Option Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PS ITEM   2260 A2 SO2
56 Organization Option Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PS ITEM   2270 A2 SO3
57 Organization Option Flexfield 15 TP_CD PS ITEM   2280 A2 SO4
58 Schedule Item Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD PS ITEM   2300 A1 SI1
59 Schedule Item Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD PS ITEM   2310 A2 SI2
60 Schedule Item Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD PS ITEM   2320 A2 SI3
61 Schedule Item Flexfield 15 TP_CD PS ITEM   2330 A2 SI4
62 Extension Tables: Item Level TP_CD PS ITEM   2900 (Custom) (Custom)
63 Forecast Dates, Authorization, Receipt Data TP_CD PS ITEM SCHEDULE 4000 SC SCH
64 Extension Tables: Forecast Level TP_CD PS ITEM SCHEDULE 4900 (Custom) (Custom)

Outbound Shipping Schedule


The following table shows the content and occurrences of the records comprising the Outbound Shipping Schedule transaction.

Record occurrences Within the SSSO Transaction
Records Content Occurrences
0010 Control Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
0020-0070 Gateway Flexfields One set of records per transaction
1000-1900 Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
2000-2900 Item Records One set of records per item within the Shipping Schedule header
4000-4900 Authorization/Forecast Schedule One records per forecast schedule, authorization or receipt data per item

The following table is a summary list of the records that comprise the Outbound Shipping Schedule transaction. The table shows the functional data grouping of records, the data level, the record numbers, and relevant notes about the data grouping.

SSSO Transaction Record Summary
  Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record HEADER 0010  
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields HEADER 0020-0050 Flexfields
3 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields HEADER 0060-0070 Flexfields
4 Basic Planning Schedule Header HEADER 1000  
5 Supplier Numbers HEADER 1010  
6 Supplier Site Address/Code HEADER 1020  
7 Supplier Site Phone HEADER 1030  
8 Ship to Address/Code HEADER 1050  
9 Ship to Miscellaneous Data HEADER 1060  
10 Schedule Header Flexfields HEADER 1500-1530 Flexfields
11 Vendor Flexfields HEADER 1600-1630 Flexfields
12 Vendor Site Flexfields HEADER 1650-1680 Flexfields
13 Shipping Organization Flexfields HEADER 1700-1730 Flexfields
14 Ship To Options Flexfields HEADER 1750-1780 Flexfields
15 Extension Tables: Purchase Order Header Data HEADER 1900 (Custom)
16 Basic Item Data ITEM 2000  
17 Product Description ITEM 2010  
18 Hazardous Material Codes ITEM 2020  
19 Contact Names ITEM 2030  
20 Last Receipt Data ITEM 2040  
21 Ship To Organization Address/Code ITEM 2050  
22 Ship To Organization Data ITEM 2060  
23 Approved Supplier List Flexfields ITEM 2100-2130 Flexfields
24 Item Flexfields ITEM 2150-2180 Flexfields
25 Ship To Organization Flexfields ITEM 2200-2230 Flexfields
26 Organization Option Flexfields ITEM 2250-2280 Flexfields
27 Schedule Item Flexfields ITEM 2300-2330 Flexfields
28 Extension Tables: Item Data ITEM 2900 (Custom)
29 Forecast and Authorization Data ITEM DETAILS 4000  
30 Extension Tables: Forecast and Authorization Data ITEM DETAILS 4900 (Custom)

Outbound Shipping Schedule

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the Outbound Shipping Schedule transaction. The table shows the position, length, code, and content of the Common Key elements.

Transaction-specific Data in the SSSO Transaction Common Key
Position Length Code Content
1-25 25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 22 SS Shipping Schedule number
48-69 22 ITEM Shipping Schedule line number
70-91 22 SCHEDULE Schedule Bucket Number
92-95 4 (varies) Record Number
96-97 2 (varies) Record Layout
98-100 3 (varies) Record Layout Qualifier

The following table shows the Common Key (positions 1-100) for the records of the Outbound Shipping Schedule transaction.

Transaction-specific Data in the Common Key of the SSSO Transaction, Per Record
  Data Trading Partner Ref 1 (SS) Ref 2 (ITEM) Ref 3 (SCHEDULE) Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
1 Control Record TP_CD SS     0010 CT CTL
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD SS     0020 A1 TH1
3 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD SS     0030 A2 TH2
4 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD SS     0040 A2 TH3
5 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TP_CD SS     0050 A2 TH4
6 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields TP_CD SS     0060 A1 TD1
7 Trading Partner Detail Flexfields TP_CD SS     0070 A2 TD2
8 Planning Schedule Header TP_CD SS     1000 HD FRC
9 Planning Schedule Header TP_CD SS     1010 SP SU
10 Planning Schedule Header TP_CD SS     1020 AD SS
11 Planning Schedule Header TP_CD SS     1030 CN SS
12 Planning Schedule Header TP_CD SS     1050 AX ST1
13 Planning Schedule Header TP_CD SS     1060 ST ST2
14 Schedule Header Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SS     1500 A1 SH1
15 Schedule Header Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SS     1510 A2 SH2
16 Schedule Header Flexfields 10-15 TP_CD SS     1520 A2 SH3
17 Schedule Header Flexfield 15 TP_CD SS     1530 A2 SH4
18 Vendor Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SS     1600 A1 VN1
19 Vendor Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SS     1610 A2 VN2
20 Vendor Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SS     1620 A2 VN3
21 Vendor Flexfield 15 TP_CD SS     1630 A2 VN4
22 Vendor Site Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SS     1650 A1 VS1
23 Vendor Site Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SS     1660 A2 VS2
24 Vendor Site Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SS     1670 A2 VS3
25 Vendor Site Flexfield 15 TP_CD SS     1680 A2 VS4
26 Shipping Organization Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SS     1700 A1 ST1
27 Shipping Organization Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SS     1710 A2 ST2
28 Shipping Organization Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SS     1720 A2 ST3
29 Shipping Organization Flexfield 15 TP_CD SS     1730 A2 ST4
30 Ship To Options Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SS     1750 A1 OP1
31 Ship To Options Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SS     1760 A2 OP2
32 Ship To Options Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SS     1770 A2 OP3
33 Ship To Options Flexfield15 TP_CD SS     1780 A2 OP4
34 Extension Tables: Schedule Level TP_CD SS     1900 (Custom) (Custom)
35 Basic Item Data TP_CD SS ITEM   2000 IT IT1
36 Product Description TP_CD SS ITEM   2010 IT IT2
37 Hazardous Material Data TP_CD SS ITEM   2020 HZ HZ1
38 Contact Names TP_CD SS ITEM   2030 CN IT1
39 Last Receipt Data TP_CD SS ITEM   2040 LS LS1
40 Ship to Organization Address/Code TP_CD SS ITEM   2050 AX SI2
41 Ship to Organization Data TP_CD SS ITEM   2060 ST SI3
42 Approved Supplier List Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SS ITEM   2100 A1 AS1
43 Approved Supplier List Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SS ITEM   2110 A2 AS2
44 Approved Supplier List Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SS ITEM   2120 A2 AS3
45 Approved Supplier List Flexfield15 TP_CD SS ITEM   2130 A2 AS4
46 Item Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SS ITEM   2150 A1 IT1
47 Item Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SS ITEM   2160 A2 IT2
48 Item Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SS ITEM   2170 A2 IT3
49 Item Flexfield 15 TP_CD SS ITEM   2180 A2 IT4
50 Ship to Organization Flexfields (item) 1-4 TP_CD SS ITEM   2200 A1 DI1
51 Ship to Organization Flexfields (item) 5-9 TP_CD SS ITEM   2210 A2 DI2
52 Ship to Organization Flexfields (item) 10-14 TP_CD SS ITEM   2220 A2 DI3
53 Ship to Organization Flexfield (item) 15 TP_CD SS ITEM   2230 A2 DI4
54 Organization Option Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SS ITEM   2250 A1 SO1
55 Organization Option Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SS ITEM   2260 A2 SO2
56 Organization Option Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SS ITEM   2270 A2 SO3
57 Organization Option Flexfield 15 TP_CD SS ITEM   2280 A2 SO4
58 Schedule Item Flexfields 1-4 TP_CD SS ITEM   2300 A1 SI1
59 Schedule Item Flexfields 5-9 TP_CD SS ITEM   2310 A2 SI2
60 Schedule Item Flexfields 10-14 TP_CD SS ITEM   2320 A2 SI3
61 Schedule Item Flexfield 15 TP_CD SS ITEM   2330 A2 SI4
62 Extension Tables: Item Level TP_CD SS ITEM   2900 (Custom) (Custom)
63 Forecast Dates, Authorization, Receipt Data TP_CD SS ITEM SCHEDULE 4000 SC SCH
64 Extension Tables: Forecast Level TP_CD SS ITEM SCHEDULE 4900 (Custom) (Custom)