Configuring Your Database, Web Server and Browser

This chapter covers the following topics:

Streamlining the Oracle Database

If you loaded a large database dump file, Oracle recommends that you run database procedure REBUILD_SCHEMA to make the database run more quickly, before you start using Oracle Demantra. This procedure requires tablespaces equal in size to the current tablespaces.

REBUILD_SCHEMA performs these tasks:

For performance reasons, it is also useful to move each large table into its own tablespace. The Installer places some of the tables into their own tablespaces, depending on your choices, but you may have additional large tables. The following sample SQL moves the table TABLENAME and its index into the tablespace called TS_TABLENAME:


sqlstr varchar2(2000);


sqlstr := 'alter table TABLENAME move tablespace TS_TABLENAME';


for idx in (select index_name from user_indexes where table_name = 'TABLENAME')


sqlstr := 'alter index '||idx.index_name||' rebuild tablespace



end loop;

After moving tables to different tablespaces, you should run ANALYZE_SCHEMA again.

Configuring the Database for Use With Specific Products

The Installer provides options to perform additional configuration steps that make the database work with certain Demantra products. You can perform these configuration steps afterwards instead, if necessary.

Deductions and Settlement Management (DSM)

See Update Settlement Levels for Oracle Demantra Deductions and Settlement Management (DSM) for details.

Predictive Trade Planning (PTP)

If implementing Predictive Trade Planning (PTP), configure the Analytical Engine appropriately for Promotion Effectiveness. If you are also implementing Trade Promotion Optimization (TPO), configure the optimization methods as needed. For details, see the Oracle Demantra Analytical Engine Guide.

Running SYS_GRANTS.SQL Script

You need to run this script manually after installing or upgrading Demantra only if you did not specify a database user with full SYSDBA privileges when running the Installer. In this scenario, the Installer displays a message at the end of the installation/upgrade prompting you to run this script.

SYS_GRANTS.sql performs the following:


C:\DEMANTRA_INSTALL_DIRECTORY\Demand Planner\Database Objects\Oracle Server\admin> sqlplus SYS@SERVER as sysdba @sys_grants.sql DB_USER ACL_for_WebServerURL ACL_for_EngineServerURL


Configuring the Web Client Startup

The Web client includes Demand Planner Web, Promotion Effectiveness, and Settlement Management. It uses the Sun Java plug-in.

Verify that the plug-in version you specified in the Java Control Panel is correct. See Java Tips.

Configuring Web Applications for SSL and Firewalls

To use SSL security or if users need to work through a firewall, perform the following procedure:

  1. When you install Oracle Demantra, be sure to configure all URLs with https instead of http.

  2. Switch off the HTTP server on port 80. The procedure to perform this is dependent on the Web server.

  3. Configure the Web server for SSL support. You will need to obtain a VeriSign certificate or equivalent certificate authority.

  4. Configure the firewalls to allow connections to port 443.

  5. Optional: Configure the firewall to disallow all communication to port 80 instead of disabling it on the Web server.

  6. If you have a firewall between the Web Platform Server and the database, you will also need to open the port that is defined for the connection between the Application Server and the database. For Oracle, this port is 1521 by default.

  7. If you change any of the default port numbers, make sure to also change them in the Oracle Demantra URLs, the Web server, and the firewall. See Other Configuration Files in this document.

  8. If you want to enable mutual (client) SSL Authentication, set the client.ssl.authentication parameter in to "1" (true). You define this parameter in Business Modeler > Parameters > System Parameters > Application Server > DP Web. By default, this parameter is false, which means only standard (server) SSL authentication is supported.

    After client SSL authentication is enabled, a pop-up dialog box appears prompting you to insert keystore, truststore locations and passwords. Once validated, Demantra will save these parameters in an encrypted file under the user.home/demantra directory for future logins.

    Note: Demantra supports both standard and mutual (client) SSL Authentication. In IE 7.x, the Java plugin cannot obtain user credentials from the browser and users will be prompted to enter this information for every applet within the current Demantra page (in the Demantra Local Application, there may be between 2-4 applets).

    To avoid this issue, it is recommended that the web server administrator exclude the Demantra .jar files from the Web Server Basic Authentication rules. To do this, add the following filter to the <files> directive in httpd-sll.conf:

    <Files ~ “^(\.jar”> </Files>

Configuring the Oracle Demantra Web Platform Server

You may need to adjust the Web Platform Server parameters settings, shown below. To edit these parameters, use the Business Modeler. See the Oracle Demantra Analytical Engine Guide.

Parameter Recommended Setting and Notes
MaxDBConnections Number of concurrent users multiplied by 2
DBIdleTimeOut 300000 (5 minutes)
This setting frees up unused database connections more quickly, because they overstress the database. Update threadpool data manual size.
threadpool.update.table.manual.size: Number of parallel manual update tables that the Applications server can handle per process.
threadpool.update.comb.manual.size: Number of parallel manual update combinations that the Applications server can handle per table.
threadpool.update.record.manual.size: Number of parallel manual update records that the Applications server can handle per combination. Update threadpool data batch size.
threadpool.update.table.batch.size: Number of parallel batch (Integration/Ble) update tables that the Applications server can handle per process.
threadpool.update.comb.batch.size: Number of parallel batch (Integration/Ble) update combinations that the Applications server can handle per table.threadpool.update.record.batch.size: Number of parallel batch (Integration/Ble) update records that the Applications server can handle per combination.
Batch and manual update parameters
threadpool.level_method.size Use a size that is less than MaxDBConnections and that also leaves space for other system processes.
threadpood.copy_paste.size Use a size that is less than MaxDBConnections and that also leaves space for other system processes.
threadpool.query_run.size Use a size that is less than MaxDBConnections and that also leaves space for other system processes.
threadpool.level_method.timeout 300000 (5 minutes)
This setting frees up unused threads.

Configuring WebSphere

IBM WebSphere 6.1 Security Configurations

You may need to run some security configuration changes to use Workflow Manager with Oracle Demantra. See Configuring the was.policy File on the IBM Web site.

Configuring WebSphere to Use Demantra Graphs

Graphs do not work with WebSphere. To work around this problem, rename the WebSphere archive file WebSphere_directory/AppServer/lib/chart.jar.

Rename the file using a different extension. This will allow WebSphere to use the chart class from the Demantra JAR file.

Windows Script for First-Time Installation

On older Windows NT versions, you may get errors when you run the Analytical Engine regarding 2K DLL missing.

To solve this, run the file mdac_typ.exe before running the Analytical Engine. It is in folder ../analytical engine/bin.

Mozilla Firefox Startup Configuration Setting

When using the Firefox Web browser, if a Demantra user closes the browser using the X icon, it is possible to restore the session by re-launching a new Firefox browser. In this scenario, the login page is not displayed and the user is not required to enter a username and password.

Caution: Use caution when downloading and installing any add-ons to the Mozilla Firefox Web browser. Some add-ons can, for example, compromise application security or cause issues when running Demantra worksheets. These customizations are not supported by Oracle.

It is the responsibility of your organization and your users to prevent unauthorized access to Oracle Demantra by configuring Firefox correctly.

Modify Firefox configuration settings as follows:

  1. Select Tools > Options > Startup > Main tab.

  2. Verify that the When Firefox Starts setting is NOT set to Show my windows and tabs from last time. Change this setting as required.

  3. Navigate to the Security tab and verify that Remember password for sites is clear.

  4. Save your changes.

Setting Browser Locale

Oracle requires that you or your users set the browser locale. The applet locale is based on the browser locale.

If you have set browser locale, Oracle Demantra can manage both the portal and applet. With client machine locale alone, Oracle Demantra can manage applets, but cannot determine the locale for portal parts.

If an applet starts as standalone, Oracle Demantra uses the client machine locale.

The instructions for setting the browser locale are in the Oracle Demantra User's Guide > First Time Login.

Remote System Configuration

If you access Oracle Demantra from a remote system, for example, Oracle E-Business Suite, specify the URL that points to the landing page after you log out of the remote system.

Set parameter ExternalLogoutUrl; it has no default value. In Business Modeler, navigate to Parameters > System Parameters, navigate to System tab. In field Value, enter the URL.

Configuring APS_PARAMS

When you upgrade, Oracle Demantra Installer runs an upgrade script that makes structural changes and populates data.

Prior to release 7.3.0, the script gathers product configuration data, creates configuration file, and puts the configuration data there.

When you upgrade from a pre-7.3.0 version to release 7.3.0 or later, the script gathers product configuration data from configuration file, deletes configuration file, and puts the configuration data into table APS_PARAMS. This process is not visible when you are running the Oracle Demantra Installer.

If the script fails to delete configuration file, it displays a warning message, with the full directory path to the file that asks you to manually delete it after installation. If the script fails to update table APS_PARAMS, it displays Business Modeler, System Parameters window. See the Oracle Demantra Analytical Engine Guide for information about the following parameters, then specify values for them.

When you have finished, the installation process continues.