
This chapter covers the following topics:

About Demantra Configuration Settings

The core Oracle Demantra configuration details are stored in multiple locations:

Key Settings Controlled by the Installer

This section summarizes the key settings that the Installer controls and indicates where those settings are stored. In this table, *** means that it is encrypted in the ds.ini file. NA means that the item is not applicable.

Installer Screen Installer Option in APS_PARAMS Table in ds.ini
DBA Information DBA username (to access database as DBA and load data) NA NA
DBA Information Password NA NA
DBA Information Password NA Tnsname
Configure Oracle Database User Database type NA DB Type
Configure Oracle Database User User (to store Oracle Demantra data) DBType LogID***
Configure Oracle Database User Password DBUser LogPassword***
Configure JDBC Connection* Server name (host machine or IP address on which database resides) DBName ServerName
Configure JDBC Connection* Port DBPort DBPort
Configure JDBC Connection* Oracle SID DBName DBName
Specify Web Address Root address and virtual directory server.generalurl NA

Note: The Demantra installer configures the JDBC connection only for the Apache Jakarta Tomcat application server. Add the automatically created JDBC context XML file to your Tomcat deployment. If you are deploying Demantra with WebLogic or WebSphere, see Configure JDBC Connection.

APSMode Parameter

The APSMode parameter (stored only in the ds.ini file) controls whether to use the Stand-Alone Integration Tool (aps.exe). This tool consists of a subset of the APS, packaged as an executable file.

The Installer automatically sets this parameter. This parameter is defined as follows:

For information on using aps.exe, refer to the Oracle Demantra Implementation Guide.

Other Parameters

The Installer also sets parameters for the following purposes:

For these parameters, see the fine-tuning information in the Oracle Demantra Implementation Guide.

JAVA_HOME System Environment Variable

If the client machine does not have JDK version 1.6 or 1.7 installed, the Installer prompts you to download and install it. After installation, set JAVA_HOME to the JDK installation directory (for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16).

Other Configuration Files

The Installer also makes edits to the files mentioned below. If you make a change to a port or protocol or other, you must be sure to make the change in the following files:

Back up any file before making edits, and then carefully search and replace as needed.

Redirecting Demantra to a Different Database

In Demantra 7.3.0 and later, the database connection (and data source configuration) is controlled by the Java Naming Directory Interface (JNDI).

If you are using the Apache Jakarta Tomcat application server, perform the following steps to redirect Demantra to a different database:

  1. Using a text editor, open the file server.xml. This file is located in Demantra_install\Collaborator\Tomcat\conf.

  2. Locate the section that begins with "Resource name="jdbc/DemantraDS."

  3. Change the "url" parameter to specify the host name and SID of the new database. For example: url=""

  4. Change the "username" and "password" parameters as required. For example: username="demantra_prod1" password="DP123"

  5. Save your changes.

  6. Restart Tomcat.

If you are not using Apache Jakarta Tomcat, refer to your application server's version-specific documentation to learn how to modify the database hostname, username, password, and SID (system identifier) specified by the JNDI.

Java Tips

This section contains background information about how Oracle Demantra uses Java. The Oracle Demantra Web client (Demand Planner Web, Promotion Effectiveness, or Settlement Management) uses JRE. Each machine that runs the Web client should have JRE, which Demantra automatically downloads when necessary.

Note: JDK is needed:

Java Versions and Older Demantra Installations

In theory, JRE versions are generally backwards compatible. If you are using an older version of the Web client, you can use the same JRE as the current Demantra. This means that, from a single machine, you can log into different Oracle Demantra installations, even if they use different versions of Java. In such a case, each Oracle Demantra version is likely to have a different version of the JAR files.

Tips for a Clean Java Installation

It is possible, but tricky, to keep multiple versions of Java running on a single machine. Oracle recommends that you carefully remove all Java versions other than the current version used by Oracle Demantra. To remove them, use the Add or Remove Programs from the Control Panel.

It is also useful to check your PATH system environment variable. Java is added to this, and you should make sure it includes only the Java that you intend to use. Note that Oracle provides Java as well; you do not need to uninstall these, but you should probably remove those versions from the PATH system environment variable.

Finally, you should make sure that Internet Explorer is configured to use the correct Java version as follows:

  1. Click Tools > Internet Options.

  2. Click the Advanced tab.

  3. Within the Java item, make sure that the correct version of Java is selected for use with applets, as specified in this manual.

Out of Memory Error Message

Verify memory settings:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings, Control Panel, and then Java. The Java Control Panel dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Java Tab.

  3. From the Java Applet Runtime Settings section, click View.

  4. Verify that the value of the field Java Runtime Parameters is at least -Xmx256M and is based on the client machine hardware/RAM capacity. Oracle recommends value -Xmx512M for heavy-duty client side use.

Tomcat Tips

Oracle Demantra supports Tomcat Web Server version 5.5 and higher and requires the latest version of Java 1.6 or 1.7. For this release, Oracle tested with Apache Jakarta Tomcat 6.x.

Installing Tomcat in a Demonstration Environment

This section briefly notes the differences between installing Tomcat in a production environment and installing Tomcat in a demonstration environment.

  1. Apache Jakarta Tomcat 6.0 requires Sun JDK 1.6 or 1.7, latest version. You can get it for free from You do not have to pre-install it, but you should make sure you do not have an earlier version of JRE on the machine. If you do, uninstall it.

  2. Install Apache Jakarta Tomcat as usual, except choose Demo for the Web Server type.

  3. If prompted, specify the desired value for the JAVA_HOME system environment variable. During installation, you are prompted for this if more than one Java is installed on the machine.

Changing the Default Tomcat Port

The Tomcat default port is 8080. You can change the default configuration for the port manually in the file Demantra_root/ Collaborator/Tomcat/conf/server.xml.

Note: If you do use the 8080 port, note that the Oracle XDB database user tries to use that port. See troubleshooting information in the Oracle Demantra Implementation Guide.

Starting the Server if Using Tomcat in a Demonstration Environment

If you chose the Demo Web Server type for a demonstration environment, you can add Start menu options to start and stop Tomcat. To start Tomcat:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Programs.

  2. Click Demantra > Demantra Spectrum release > Start Web Server.

Clearing the Tomcat Cache

Clear the Tomcat cache after you upgrade your Oracle Demantra version. To clear the Tomcat cache, delete the directory Demantra_root/Collaborator/ Tomcat/work/standalone/localhost. You may need to do this if you receive the Object Error message, discussed in the Oracle Demantra Implementation Guide.

Renaming the Installation Root Directory

It is safest to reinstall Oracle Demantra rather than to rename the root directory where it is installed. However, if you are using Tomcat, you can rename the Oracle Demantra root directory and redirect Tomcat. To redirect Tomcat, edit the file Demantra_root/Collaborator/Tomcat/conf/server.xml. In this file, edit the parameter docBase. This parameter should specify the full path to the Oracle Demantra virtual directory.

Writing the Tomcat Log to a File

By default, the Tomcat log is written to the console. To reconfigure Tomcat to write its log to a file, edit the file Demantra_root/Collaborator/Tomcat/conf/server.xml.

Find the Logger section and edit it as follows:

<Logger name="tc_log"


verbosityLevel = "INFORMATION" /> f

Data Cleanup

The data cleanup database package facilitates cleansing of extraneous data. This procedure is only intended for use by experienced consultants and should never be run on a production schema. It can be used to remove data from small, test systems prior to a full production data load.

It performs cleanup of the following:

Running Data Cleanup

Warning: Back up the schema before running this package.

Before running the package:

After running the package, issue a COMMIT to make sure all transactions are committed.

Notes about running the package:

Cleaning Up Temporary Objects

This also calls clean_schema_int.



Demantra objects affected:


DROP_TEMPS(0) is the standard procedure to drop temporary tables created by worksheet runs. See additional objects in clean_schema_int.



Cleaning Up Level Data

This should not delete the default member 0 in each level.



Demantra objects affected:

SALES_DATA, MDP_MATRIX and the General Level data and matrix tables PROMOTION, PROMOTION_DATA and PROMOTION_MATRIX.

Recursively deletes all members for level data except protected levels in PROTECTED_OBJECTS table and the default member.



Cleaning Up Integration-Related Settings

These are mainly created by Oracle e-Business Suite collections.



Oracle Demantra objects affected:


Deletes levels from TGROUP_RES and removes the column from INPUTS.
