Configuration Details

This appendix contains details of the fields in the various screens of the Rapid Install wizard. It pays special attention to the configuration values that are not visible in the sample screen shots, and also discusses additional system requirements.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Rapid Install Configuration Parameters

This section lists and defines configuration parameters on the Database Install Information screen, the node-specific configuration information screens, and the Global Settings screen in the Rapid Install wizard. Rapid Install uses these values during an installation or upgrade to set up and configure your system.

Additional Information: See File System Structure,Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts for more information about the directories and subdirectories discussed in this section.

Database Parameters

This section lists and describes the values you enter on the database install information screen in the Rapid Install wizard. Rapid Install uses this information to set up the top-level directory and the subdirectories on the database node.

Database Install Information
Input Field Name Definition
Database OS User (UNIX) The operating system user that owns the Oracle technology stack (including the database).
Database OS Group (UNIX) The Oracle OS user must belong to this group.
Base Install directory The top-level directory that Rapid Install uses to install the database. All subdirectories (mount points) associated with the database are derived from this directory.
Oracle home The location of the 12cR1 database Oracle home, which contains files for running and maintaining the database.
Data Top (SYS) Derived from the Base Install directory, this is the mount point for all database system files.
Data Top (LOG) Derived from the Base Install directory, this is the mount point for all database log files.
Data Top (TXN) Derived from the Base Install directory, this is the mount point for all transaction data and index files.
Data Top (ARCHIVE) Derived from the Base Install directory, this is the mount point for all archive, media, advanced queue, summary, and undo files.

Additional Information: For more information, see Tablespace Management in Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts.

Application Tier Node Parameters

This section lists and describes the fields on the application tier node screens in the Rapid Install wizard. You enter configuration details for these nodes (one or more) on the Primary Applications Node Configuration screen.

Additional Information: For more information about required platform-specific maintenance tools, refer to the Installation and Upgrade Notes for your platform listed in Operating System.

Application Tier Node Install Information
Input Field Name Definition
X Display (UNIX) This display must always be accessible during runtime. Set it to an active and authorized X Windows display, pointing to a machine that is always available to the instance.
UNIX Toolkit Directory (Windows) Location of MKS tools. Used for relinking executables and DLLs.
Visual Studio Directory (Windows) Location of the Microsoft Visual C/C++ executables and DLLs. Used for linking executables or DLLs.
Apps OS User (UNIX) The operating system user that owns the Oracle E-Business Suite file system and application tier node technology stack.
Apps OS Group (UNIX) The group to which the Apps OS User belongs.
Base Install directory The top-level directory that Rapid Install uses to install the application tier node technology stack . All subdirectory names are derived from this directory.
Instance directory The top-level directory for an Oracle E-Business Suite instance. This directory is referred to as the Instance Home, and denoted by the environment variable $INST_TOP.
COMMON_TOP Holds directories for files used across products or in conjunction with third-party products, including:
  • admin - Contains several subdirectories used for concurrent manager log and out directories, scripts used during installation, and scripts used for daily maintenance of the instance.

  • html - Contains files used by html-based products such as JSP files, java scripts, xml files, and style sheets.

  • java - Location of all JAR files. Also holds third-party Java files and other zip files.

  • temp - Used for caching by certain processes such as Oracle Reports.

Tools Oracle home The OracleAS Oracle home directory, used for the Developer 10g products (Forms and Reports).
Web Oracle home The Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle home directory, used for the Oracle HTTP Server.
Temp Directory Contains temporary files. This directory is not used during installation.

Global System Settings

This section lists and describes the fields on the Global Settings screen in the Rapid Install wizard. Rapid Install uses them to identify the fully qualified domain name, and derive port settings that your system will use to connect all services and listeners.

Global Settings Information
Input Field Name Definition
Domain Name A valid domain name used when configuring Oracle E-Business Suite for the network. This value, when combined with a host (machine) name, must produce a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). For example, a host name of apps1 and domain name of make up an FQDN of
Port Pool A list of increment settings that you can choose to make the preset port numbers unique. For example, choosing 3 from the list changes port 1521 to 1524.
Database Port Net Services Listener port that receives requests from the various servers for processing in the Oracle Database.

Log Files

Rapid Install saves the log files associated with the installation or upgrade.

Named <timestamp>.log, they are located as follows.

Requirements for a New Production Database

In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.0, the fresh database installed by Rapid Install is Oracle 12cR1 ( It can be used for any purpose, such as a production system or a test system. It is minimally sized, with 100% sizing factor. The default character set is US7ASCII, and the default database block size is 8192 bytes.

Important: Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.0 requires a database block size of 8K. No other size may be used.

The initialization file for the database is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory, and is called init<SID>.ora.

In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.0, all base products are fully installed. However, only basic technology products are automatically registered as being licensed and active. You register all the products in your Oracle licensing agreement using the Rapid Install wizard. During the process of entering initial configuration values on the wizard screens, you can change the character set, and Rapid Install will convert your database accordingly.

The database utilizes the Oracle Applications Tablespace Model (OATM). This streamlined model consists of locally managed tablespaces based on the objects' input/output characteristics. OATM also provides support for implementing Oracle Real Application Clusters on Linux.

Additional Information: For further details of OATM, see Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

The tablespace sizes shown below are approximate, and may vary from platform to platform.

Production Database Tablespace Sizes
Tablespace Description Size (MB)
APPS_TS_ARCHIVE Tables that contain archived purge-related data 866
APPS_TS_INTERFACE Interface and temporary data and indexes 1041
APPS_TS_MEDIA Multimedia objects, such as text, video, sound, graphics, and spatial data 1702
APPS_TS_NOLOGGING Materialized views not used for summary management and temporary objects 64
APPS_TS_QUEUES Advanced Queuing and dependent tables and indexes 1000
APPS_TS_SEED Reference and setup data and indexes 9179
APPS_TS_SUMMARY Summary management objects, such as materialized views, fact tables, and other objects that record summary information 1146
APPS_TS_TOOLS Tools tablespace 500
APPS_TS_TX_DATA Tables that contain transactional data 6667
APPS_TS_TX_IDX Indexes on transaction tables 9113
APPS_UNDOTS1 Automatic Undo Management (AUM) tablespace. UNDO segments are same as ROLLBACK segments when AUM is enabled 3000
CTXD Oracle Multimedia 21
ODM Oracle Data Mining 12
OWAPUB Oracle Application Server 10
PORTAL Oracle Portal 100
SYSAUX Stores auxiliary database metadata related to Oracle options and features 200
SYSTEM System tablespace used by the Oracle database 39528
TEMP1 Temporary tablespace 2100
TEMP2 Temporary tablespace 1024

Note: The above list of tablespaces is not exhaustive.

Vision Demonstration Database Requirements

The Vision Demo database provides a sample set of transaction data for a fictitious company (Vision Corporation). It uses most Oracle E-Business Suite products and is configured for multinode systems. It is installed with the AL32UTF8 (universal) character set to maximize the number of supported languages.

The database initialization file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory, and is called init<SID>.ora.

Note: The sizes shown in the table are approximate, and may vary from platform to platform.

Vision Demo Database Tablespace Sizes
Tablespace Description Size (MB)
APPS_TS_ARCHIVE Tables that contain archived purge-related data. 478
APPS_TS_INTERFACE Interface and temporary data and indexes. 1641
APPS_TS_MEDIA Multimedia objects, such as text, video, sound, graphics, and spatial data. 5124
APPS_TS_NOLOGGING Materialized views not used for summary management and temporary objects. 725
APPS_TS_QUEUES Advanced Queuing and dependent tables and indexes. 2200
APPS_TS_SEED Reference and setup data and indexes. 8850
APPS_TS_SUMMARY Summary management objects, such as materialized views, fact tables, and other objects that record summary information. 13324
APPS_TS_TX_DATA Tables that contain transactional data. 53500
APPS_TS_TX_IDX Indexes on transaction tables. 41024
APPS_UNDOTS1 Automatic Undo Management (AUM) tablespace. UNDO segments are identical to ROLLBACK segments when AUM is enabled. 5120
CTXSYS Oracle Multimedia. 2
ODM_DATA Oracle Data Mining. 30
SYSTEM System tablespace used by the Oracle database. 39500
TEMP Temporary tablespace. 5000
OWB OWB 2325

The Vision Demo database uses the Multiple Organizations feature. The following table shows the operating units in the database. Responsibilities connect to one of these operating units.

Vision Demo Database Operating Units
Operating Unit Username/Password
Vision Operations APPS/APPS
Vision Corporation APPS/APPS
Vision Industries APPS/APPS
Vision Services APPS/APPS
Vision Project Manufacturing APPS/APPS

Note: There are several schemas in the Vision Demo database for other accounts, which are used to demonstrate Oracle E-Business Suite integration with other products. These schemas are not documented here.

Many Oracle E-Business Suite users are predefined in the Vision Demo database. The following username/password pairs have System Administrator responsibility: