Security Features for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Releases


This appendix provides reference to security features found in previous Oracle E-Business Suite releases.

FND: Security Resource Logging Profile Option Values for Earlier Releases

In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.6 with Patch 4737426:R12.FND.C through Release 12.2.10, the profile option FND: Security Resource Logging (FND_SEC_LOG_RESOURCES) can be set to one of the following values to log resource access:

Obsolete Secure Configuration Console Checks

The following table lists profile options that were checked in prior versions of the Secure Configuration Console per the Checked Security Guidelines, but are now obsolete. These checks have been removed from the console or will be removed in a future release.

Obsolete Secure Configuration Console Checks for Security Guidelines
Profile Option Name Code (Internal Name)
Concurrent:Report Access Level CONC_REPORT_ACCESS_LEVEL
FND: Security FileStreaming No-Store FND_SEC_FILESTREAM_NO STORE

The following profile options were included in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and have been end dated.

End-Dated Profile Options Previously Found in the Secure Configuration Console
Profile Option Name Code (Internal Name) Comments
FND Validation Level FND_VALIDATION_LEVEL FND Validation Level is defaulted to ERROR in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12. This profile has been end dated and is not currently used.
Framework Validation Level FRAMEWORK_VALIDATION_LEVEL Framework Validation Level is defaulted to ERROR in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12. This profile has been end dated and is not currently used.
FND Function Validation Level FND_FUNCTION_VALIDATION_LEVEL FND Function Validation Level is defaulted to ERROR in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12. This profile has been end dated and is not currently used.

If any of the profile options listed in the tables of this section fail the Secure Configuration Console checks, you can either fix or suppress the failure. For a secure environment, Oracle recommends that you address all failures that are applicable to your environment.