Enterprise Command Centers

Overview of Enterprise Command Centers

Enterprise Command Centers (ECC) provide information discovery along with visualization and exploration capabilities embedded within Oracle E-Business Suite user interfaces. Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework enables the creation of business dashboards in different functional areas. Oracle E-Business Suite users navigate transactional information using interactive visual components and guided discovery capabilities allowing exploratory data analysis. Mobility and responsive design are built into the Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework, and all dashboards automatically adjust the layout to better fit a desktop or mobile device form factor. Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework automatically adheres to existing Oracle E-Business Suite security. The dashboard content a user sees is completely consistent with the Oracle E-Business Suite context and security.

Each Oracle Enterprise Command Center extends the owning Oracle E-Business Suite application with discovery-oriented dashboards that bring together diverse operational data from across the Oracle E-Business Suite. ECC dashboard users identify and act on top priorities without the need for custom operational reporting, and use information-driven navigation. With tools and visualizations such as actionable indicators, tag clouds, interactive charts, and consumer-like search and filters, users can browse and drill on whatever engages their attention. With each drill-down or search refinement, the data engine recalculates indicators, tag clouds, charts, and search choices to provide the user with new information on which to base the next discovery steps. Through this "conversation with the data", users narrow in on today's most important business challenges, all without predefined navigation paths, structured queries, or operational reports.

Having identified the most pressing business challenges, users seamlessly transition to detailed transaction screens to take immediate and informed action. Transaction screens are pre-populated with the results of information discovery; no re-querying of data is required. Users can switch between information discovery and transaction screens as they work their way through a set of identified problems, retaining the current discovery context.

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework is built on scalable architecture comprising the following three main layers:

Using Oracle Enterprise Command Centers, you can:

For more information, see: Using Enterprise Command Centers and Highlights of an Enterprise Command Center.

Using Enterprise Command Centers

Example of an Enterprise Command Center Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

Each Enterprise Command Center has a set of features that allows users to answer essential questions, uncover business insights, and drill down to take the relevant action. It helps users quickly and intuitively analyze data so they can make confident decisions driven by data.

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework brings an interaction paradigm between business users and data in their system of records. Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework helps create an interactive engagement rather than using simply operational reporting, whether custom or out of the box, or traditional search-and-results interfaces.

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework relies on the concept of guided navigation through data to achieve information discovery. This approach presents a high level overview of the data to users, based on their roles and access levels. Users then take whatever path they want through the data to explore different aspects. Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework guides users through their interactions with multi-faceted search, cascaded drill-downs, type-ahead suggestions, highlighted keywords, and more.

For information on administering or extending Enterprise Command Centers, refer to the separate documentation on the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library.

Note: Some of the screenshots used in this chapter were captured on an earlier release. Although the colors and interface elements of these images consequently have a different appearance, the functionality they illustrate also applies to the current release.

For more information, see: Highlights of an Enterprise Command Center.

Highlights of an Enterprise Command Center

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework provides a flexible toolset for creating dashboards in different functional areas. The following are some features that enable you to handle diverse scenarios and obtain several types of insights.

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Dashboard

Data Load Details

Every dashboard shows the last data load date and time for all the data sets associated with the application. You can access the data load details by clicking on the Information icon.

Example of Data Load Details

the picture is described in the document text

Page Layout

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework provides the following page layouts:

Side Navigation


Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework comes with search capabilities that allow users to search for a term within a particular string of data. To do a basic search, type your search term into the search box. A list of attribute values containing the search terms is displayed, and you can select a value from the list to search for it or click on the magnifying glass (search icon) to retrieve all records containing this value.

Search Box Example

the picture is described in the document text

The Search box supports the following capabilities:

Search Example using 'AND'

the picture is described in the document text

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework also has advanced search capabilities in the search box as wildcard, phrase, and Boolean search with complex expressions.

Value Search

You can search across attributes for values with matching names. The search returns single values that match all your search terms organized. by attribute.

A value search must include three or more characters.

Record Search

You can perform a keyword search against specific attribute values assigned to records.

Phrase Search

Phrase Search allows you to search for an exact sequence of terms using quotation marks (" "). For example, searching for "phillip taylor" returns only records with phillip taylor (case-insensitive).

Phrase Search Example

the picture is described in the document text

Wildcard Search

Wildcard or partial search used when you are searching for a term where you only know a few letters. By default when you start typing your search term in the search box, a trailing wildcard (*) is implicitly added at the end of the word. For example, a search for work returns all values with terms that start with work; for example, PC WORKSTATION, and WORKSTATIONS.

Example of a Wildcard Search

the picture is described in the document text

Also, you can use (*) or (%) at the beginning and end of the search term, and the results will match any text that contain the characters between the search operators, even if the text occurs in the middle of a word. For example, with a search for *work* or %work%, all values that have 'work' are returned in the search results. (*) or (%) perform a multiple character wildcard search that looks for 0 or more characters. For example, a search for *work* returns values such as PC WORKSTATION, NETWORK, and WORKSTATIONS.

Example of a Search using '*'

the picture is described in the document text

To perform a single (one and only one) character wildcard search use the "?" symbol. For example, a search for ?and returns LAND, and a search for ??and returns STAND.

Example of a Search using '?'

the picture is described in the document text

Boolean Search

You can include logical operators in the search to set more precise search logic based on the operators listed below:

Note: Boolean operators must be in capital letters only: AND, OR, and NOT.

Boolean Search Operators
Boolean Search Operator Purpose Example Usage and Results
AND Returns results with all specified terms. cip AND addition
Returns results with both 'cip' and 'addition'
OR Returns results with any specified terms. desktop OR laptop
Returns results with either 'desktop' or 'laptop'
NOT Negates the following term (Will not retrieve records that have the unwanted keyword). desktop NOT monitor
Returns results with 'desktop' but not 'monitor'

Operator precedence is determined in the following order:

  1. Any sub-expressions in parentheses are evaluated first

  2. NOT is evaluated before other operators

  3. AND is evaluated after NOT

  4. OR is evaluated after AND


An expression is used to build a more complex search query. You can combine keywords with AND, OR, or NOT. Use parentheses () to determine the relationship between operators when more than one operator is used. For example, a search for (computer OR desktop) NOT monitor returns records that contain both the words 'computer' and 'desktop' but do not contain 'monitor'.

Additional Search Features

Beginning with V11, a designer may customize the search experience in a dashboard so that users can search within the context of applied filters only. Alternatively users can search across everything regardless of applied filters. A designer may choose to expose this option of selecting the search experience at runtime to users.

The following are the different functional behaviors when "Category Search and "Search Scope" are used in unison:

Quick Date Filter

Beginning with V12, the quick date filter feature facilitates swift selection of date filters without the need to navigate to available refinements. You can easily choose date attributes, select from predefined time ranges, and employ relative date ranges such as "last seven days" or "previous month."

Example of a Quick Date Filter Icon and Tooltip

the picture is described in the document text

Example of a Quick Date Filter with Expanded List

the picture is described in the document text

Note: The Quick Date Filter does not apply to date subsets or fiscal years.

This feature is integrated with the search box.

In scenarios involving multiple datasets, the date list is sourced from the default dataset configured under search settings. You can select from a variety of quick filtering options and even apply custom relative date filters. Additionally, you have the flexibility to opt for filtering at the hour and minute levels for date-time attributes..

Upon application, quick date filters are incorporated into selected refinements as regular date filters, allowing you to modify them and switch between list, range, and relative range type date filters as required.

Example of a Quick Date Filter

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Quick Date Filter icon

  2. Filter options for a range of dates

You can also add a quick date filter as a "Saved Search."

Example of a Quick Date Filter Added as a Saved Search

the picture is described in the document text

Selected Refinements

The Selected Refinements region allows you to view and understand how the applied filters are displayed and grouped based on refinement operator.

In the Selected Refinements region, filters are grouped as described below:

Descriptions of Refinements

You can access the meaning of the filters applied from the metric refinements in the selected refinements component. Hover over the applied filters codes to see the descriptions of the codes.

Example of Selected Refinements with Applied Filters Codes

the picture is described in the document text


The Breadcrumbs feature is an intuitive representation of the selected refinements as a trail of filters.

The Breadcrumbs feature is configured along with the search box on the page. It places emphasis on the sequence, or path, that the user has chosen to arrive at the current state of the dashboard.

Filters in the sequence are separated by their corresponding data set names with controls to remove individual values. Filters of the same attribute are placed next to one another, and hierarchical filters are separated by '>'.

Each attribute used in the refinement is shown in a box. Hovering over the attribute name displays the dataset name.

If there are more than three filters of the same attribute, all the filters are grouped and collapsed with an icon. Clicking on the icon displays all the filters of the attribute. You can also remove all the filters of this attribute at once.

You can replace or apply additional filters from the selected refinement.

If you click on the attribute name, then you can select another value and apply it as a filter on top of the existing one from the same attribute. If you click on the attribute value, then you can select another value and replace it with the existing one from the same attribute.

Note that this usage applies to multiple assigned attributes with 'OR' and 'AND'.

If you filter by one of the context attributes (single assign) in the dashboard, such as an operating unit, and then click on the attribute name or value, the applied filter will be replaced by the new value.

If you applied a date range filter, you can click on the attribute name or attribute value and replace the existing filter with the same attribute. Also, with a date range filter, if you click on the attribute name or value and switch from range to list or from relative range to list, then filtered by one value or more from the list, then these filters will be applied on top of the existing range filter applied from the same attribute.

If you applied a numeric range filter, you can click on the attribute name or attribute value and replace the existing filter.

Beginning with V10, you can make your selections by clicking on an attribute, or by checking the boxes for multiple selections, and then clicking the Select filter button. Use the negative refinement icon to exclude an attribute.

Example of Breadcrumbs for Selected Refinements

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Breadcrumbs

  2. List of attributes for selection

Saved Search

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework provides an option to save frequently-applied filters or preferred filters as saved searches, allowing users to reuse them. All saved searches are context-sensitive to the page and are part of the search suggestions. The list of saved searches appears when the focus is on the search component. Saved searches are searchable by their titles, filter attributes, and filter values.

Three types of saved searches are available for users: seeded, public, and private. Seeded saved searches are published along with the product. Administrators can create public saved searches. Users can create their own private saved searches. Private saved searches are accessible only by the users who created them whereas public saved searches are accessible by all the dashboard users.

To create a saved search:

  1. Add refinements to the dashboard.

  2. Click the star icon in Selected Refinements header.

  3. To create a public saved search, check the Public Saved Search checkbox.

  4. Enter a title for the saved search and click Save.

  5. Once a saved search is created, the star icon is highlighted.

Example of Creating a Saved Search

the picture is described in the document text

Saved Search Example

the picture is described in the document text

To search and apply a saved search:

  1. Place your cursor inside the search box to get a list of saved searches.

  2. All seeded searches are grouped separately, and public saved searches are marked.

  3. Enter a search query to refine the list.

  4. Click on a saved search.

Example of Applying a Saved Search

the picture is described in the document text

To delete a saved search:

  1. Apply a saved search.

  2. Click the star (highlighted) icon.

  3. Click Delete.

To edit the name of a saved search:

  1. Apply a saved search.

  2. Click the star icon.

  3. Update the name.

  4. Click Save.

To edit the filter state:

  1. Delete the saved search.

  2. Update filter state.

  3. Click the star (highlighted) icon.

  4. Enter the previous saved search's name.

  5. Click Save.

To copy or modify a public saved search:

  1. Apply a public saved search.

  2. Add or delete filters, if necessary.

  3. Click the star icon.

  4. Update the name.

  5. Click Save to create a private saved search.

You can create a private saved search and make it your default search for applied refinements when you navigate to a dashboard.

Beginning with ECC V8, administrators can create a public saved search and make it the default search for applied refinements in a dashboard for all users.

Available Refinements Overview

Available Refinements

The Available Refinements region allows interactive navigation of the data without your having prior knowledge of its spread and characteristics. Available Refinements presents you with all available possible values of an attribute through facets, date ranges, and number ranges.

As you interact with available refinement components or perform filtering operations from other components on the page, Available Refinements will dynamically update its list to display relevant attributes and attribute refinements. This navigation is data driven and supports progressive disclosure of additional options as appropriate, according to your navigation path through the data.

You can search for a specific attribute value using the search box embedded in the Available Refinements region. The minimum number of search characters is 2 to help you to find some search terms like 'IT'.

The Available Refinements feature includes an option to perform a 'Like' search. This type of search supports pattern matching when you enter a search string with wildcards or a Boolean expression. Click the magnifying glass icon displayed next to the attribute for the search to take effect on all page components.

Example of a Date Range in Available Refinements

the picture is described in the document text

The Available Refinements feature also supports categorizing the attributes in a logical grouping using attribute groups.

Negative Refinements

Negative Refinements allows you to refine the data by filtering out the selected values. Such refinements are displayed in selected refinements with an "Exclude" icon indicating them as negative refinements. To apply a negative refinement, you click the "Exclude" icon. The icon is visible only when hovered on the attribute value or navigated using the keyboard.

Example of Selecting a Negative Refinement

the picture is described in the document text

Example of a Negative Refinement

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You can also exclude more than one attribute by clicking the icon for all the required exclusions.

Also, if a search is done, the Exclude All button excludes all the search results.

Negative refinements change the refinement behavior of multi-select AND attribute to multi-select OR as well as conversely.

Behavior Matrix for Refinement Selections
Negative Refinement Selection Single Assignment, Positive Single Assignment, Negative Multiple Assignment, Positive Multiple Assignment, Negative
Single Selection = < > N/A N/A
Multiple Selection OR N/A N/A OR NOT X AND NOT Y
Multiple Selection AND N/A N/A AND NOT X OR NOT Y

Range Filter

You can switch between the range and list for date and numeric attributes in the available refinements and breadcrumbs features.

Relative Date Filter

A Relative Date Filter allows you to filter the dashboard based on a sliding window of time and take advantage of the default saved search with the relative date.

You can apply time-based filters to any date and date-time column in the dashboard using the relative date icon.. For example, users can use the relative date filter to show only sales data that's happened within the last 30 days (calendar months).

The default filter is "Today". You can specify a relative date period as either an explicit number of past or future time units (for example, 2 years) or specify a previous period.

Multi-Data Set

The Available Refinements feature also allows you to apply the appropriate filters from multiple data sets. When two or more data sets are configured under Available Refinements, you can switch among the data sets to find and apply your desired refinements. The name of the data set selected appears in the component header as a title.

Example of a Multi-Data Set

the picture is described in the document text

Attribute Group

An attribute group is a logical grouping of attributes for display purposes. Attribute groups provide ease of navigation through Available Refinements.

For example, in an Assets application, the attributes could be grouped into the following: Asset Details, Category, Financial Details, Sources, and Assignments. The Asset Details attribute group contains the attributes Manufacturer Name, Model Number, Serial Number, and so on.

Attributes are then displayed in a hierarchical order based on the attribute groups.

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework supports advanced scrolling functionality by limiting the height of refinements section by the height of the dashboard.

Dashboard Components

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework has a set of graphs and charts that provide a powerful way of summarizing and presenting data that are critical in decision making in an easily comprehended manner. You can find insights, detect outliers, filter the data directly from the charts, and drill down to a deeper level of details. This section describes how charts and graphs are used to detect and solve problems or highlight bottlenecks and exceptions.

Summarization Bar

As the name implies, metrics, flags and dimensions in the bar summarize important aspects of the data displayed. All values are updated with new calculation results when you change the focus as you filter the data.

The summarization bar supports conditional formatting. With conditional formatting, a metric item can be displayed in a specific color based on a specific value or range of values, so that the color changes depending on the value of the metric.

Summarization Bar Example

the picture is described in the document text

You can apply a filter from a metric item in the summarization bar; this filter can be based on a static condition. For example, "Draft Orders" could be based on static conditions (open flag = Y AND booked flag = N). Also, the filter can be based on a variable condition. For example, the "My SRs" metric is based on service requests assigned to the logged-in user. In this case, the condition changes based on the logged-in user.

Beginning with V12, the metric refinement is enhanced to support aliases, or aliasing. An Enterprise Command Center designer can specify an alias as an optional parameter. If the parameter is not specified, the component title is used as an alias to provide a meaningful name in the selected refinement. Upon hovering, you can find out details of the refinements applied under a metric refinement.

Example of a Metric Refinement with Aliasing

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V10, a window with a list of flags is available and includes data bars for metrics. The flag list is sorted in descending order by default, based on the defined metric. When more than one metric is defined, the sorting is done based on the first metric.

Example of a Flag Pop-Up Window

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V12, the flag summary item supports searching within the flag pop-up window. The search capability allows you to search within the entire list rather than being restricted to the 100 items displayed. This search feature only works on the dimension.

Example of Searching within a Flag Pop-up Window

the picture is described in the document text

You can personalize the summarization bar component through runtime options. Personalizations included showing or hiding summarization bar items and reordering the list of items.

Example of Summary Bar Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

Numbers may be abbreviated for improved readability. The actual value is displayed in the tooltip.

Example of Abbreviation in Summarization Bar

the picture is described in the document text

Values in the summarization bar are displayed according to the number formatting specified for the Oracle E-Business Suite instance and are translatable.

Example 1 of Number Formatting in Summarization Bar

the picture is described in the document text

Example 2 of Number Formatting in Summarization Bar

the picture is described in the document text

Tag Cloud

A tag cloud highlights keywords in the system based on a configured importance metric. For example, a tag cloud could show top (or bottom) suppliers by invoice count, invoice amounts, and so on.

Example of a Tag Cloud

the picture is described in the document text

You can change the attributes of the Tag Cloud by using the Options icon.


Charts depict data trends, distributions, anomalies, and more. You can drill down through different levels of hierarchy and allow the system to expose different levels of details dynamically. You can control which options to slice the data by and affect the whole navigation path by picking filters directly from the charts.

Charts are effective when there is numerical data that splits nicely into different categories so you can quickly see trends within the data, compare related information, and gain immediate insight.

Example of a Horizontal Bar Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Example of a Bar-Line Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Example of a Vertical Bar Chart

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You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart. Also, by hovering the mouse over a chart, you can display the dimension and metric value for a data point.

Also, you can make the following refinements:

Multi-metric Chart

Example of a Multi-Metric Chart

the picture is described in the document text

A multi-metric chart supports the display of multiple metrics. Each metric shares the same axis. In a multi-metric chart, the bars are grouped by a series dimension.

With this chart, you can visually compare metrics against a shared dimension. For example, an organization could have a number of projects. A multi-metric chart could be used to compare the planned versus the actual quantity of a resource per project, or it could be used in a comparison of cost and revenue per project.

Multi-metric Bar-Line Chart

A multi-metric bar-line chart supports the display of multiple bar metrics and line metrics. Bar metrics and line metrics have their own axes, respectively. A series of dimension groups the metrics. With this chart, you can visually compare metrics against a shared dimension.

Example of a Multi-Metric Bar/Line Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Multi-metric bar and bar/line charts can be designed to span across data in different data sets. For a business user, the experience is the same as with a typical bar or bar/line chart, respectively. However, when a filter is applied from a chart with a multi-data set, then the selected refinements include filters from all the data sets.

Stacked Bar-Line Chart

A stacked bar-line chart supports the display of bar metrics aggregated over a series dimension and grouped by a group dimension. Line metrics are aggregated over a group dimension. Bar metrics and line metrics have their own axes, respectively.

Example of a Stacked Bar/Line Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Line Chart (With Group Dimension)

A stacked bar chart can be converted to a line chart at runtime, which then displays the aggregations as lines.

Example of a Line Chart (With Group Dimension)

the picture is described in the document text

Line Chart with Data Points

Line charts and Bar/Line charts include a line series with data points, giving a clear indicator of the values. From the runtime options, you can control the display of data points.

Example of a Line Chart with Data Points

the picture is described in the document text

Line Smoothing

Line charts and Bar/Line charts can be displayed with smoothed line series. The representation of a smoother line is well-suited for continuous data with minimal variation and can give a clear visualization of trends. You can control the display of data points on the smoothed line through runtime options.

Example of a Line Chart with Line Smoothing

the picture is described in the document text

Waterfall Chart

A waterfall chart is useful for visualizing the changes of an attribute over a timeline or over categories. A waterfall chart can also represent the significant contributors to the changes of a value. A waterfall chart connects ends of each bars illustrating the starting values and ending values. You can also choose to display the beginning and final values for understanding the changes from initial state to final state.

Example of a Waterfall Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Percent Chart

Beginning with V10, the percent chart is available as an alternative for the stacked bar chart . A percent chart displays the relative percentage of multiple data series in stacked bars. The total of each bar always equals 100%. A percentage chart is a hybrid between a comparison and a composition chart. It helps you visualize part-to-whole relationship changes over time.

Example of a Percent Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Every stacked bar chart can be converted to a percent chart using runtime options. The runtime option also allows displaying the percent chart as a line.

Example of a Percent Chart as a Line

the picture is described in the document text

Time Series Chart

Introduced in V10, a Time Series chart displays a series of data points collected over a period of time and are useful in trend analysis. The granularity of time can be altered among monthly, quarterly, and yearly levels. Time Series charts are always ascending by time dimension.

Example of a Time Series Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Both the Bar and Bar/Line charts support the time dimension. Stacking is also supported in the time series chart.

A time series chart always shows the time dimension in a continuous manner. The time dimension occurs even when the metric value for a corresponding dimension is zero/null.

Beginning in V11, the time series chart supports finer time grains such as Week, Day, Hour, and Minute. Hour and Minute time grains are only applicable when utilizing the cascading functionality. The cascading dropdown menu will automatically display appropriately-adjusted time divisions from the beginning to the end, based on the attribute profile.

In V12, the Simple Moving Average (SMA) functionality is introduced. This feature allows for smoothing trends and providing a more stable representation of data. SMA is a pivotal tool for identifying underlying patterns and trends within time series data. Its capacity to diminish the impact of short-term volatility empowers you to make well-informed decisions with increased confidence over time. Implemented in bar and bar/line charts, SMA is specifically tailored for time series data.

Example of a Simple Moving Average in a Chart

the picture is described in the document text

During runtime, you are able to amend the moving average period.

Note that a moving average does not add any value in a stacked chart setup. Therefore, it is not supported for stacked bar and bar/line charts.

In V12 and later, the running total feature provides a robust tool for obtaining comprehensive insights into cumulative metrics across diverse data aggregations. This feature enables you to compute running totals on any aggregation type, including calculated attributes. Support for the running total feature encompasses all bar and bar/line charts except for the stacked bar chart. You can utilize this functionality to augment your decision-making processes and derive deeper insights from various perspectives.

Example of a Running Total in a Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Color Pinning in Charts

Color pinning is the display of context-specific colors on charts to reflect the true meaning of what the chart represents. It thereby enables users to focus on the important attributes of the charts and then take appropriate actions.

Top N in Charts

The Top N feature in charts can be used to include just the essential information by rendering the chart with a subset of dimensions to display only the first N dimensions in the chart. Top N takes the Sort definition into account for considering the first N dimensions. The number of dimensions displayed can be controlled from runtime options, if configured.

Top N is applicable for all chart types apart from pie and donut chart types, if the group dimension is configured.

In Bar and Bar/Line chart types, if the chart has a group dimension, then Top N uses the group dimension; otherwise, it uses the series dimension.

In Bubble and Scatter chart types, Top N always uses the group dimension.

Example of Top N in a Chart

the picture is described in the document text

When configured, the order of display is also controlled from runtime options to display the N dimensions from first or last. This is valid for charts with a timeline or a rolling window where the chart renders data for a rolling window of last N days/times.

Example of Top N Chart with Order of Display

the picture is described in the document text

Pie and Donut Charts

Pie charts show a single metric aggregated across a group dimension.

Example of a Donut Chart

the picture is described in the document text

You can hover the mouse over a wedge or segment to display the corresponding metric value as well as its percent of the total.

"Other" in Pie/Donut Charts

The readability of the pie chart is improved by grouping dimensions with lower metric values based on a threshold percentage, thereby reducing UI clutter. All the dimensions corresponding to a percentage lower than the threshold are grouped into the "Other" group. If configured, the threshold limit is also controlled from runtime options.

"Other" is always displayed last in the legend. "Other" considers sorting based on the metric -- when sorted in ascending order, "Other" is the first group and when sorted in descending order, "Other" is the last group. "Other" always displayed at the end of the legend regardless of the sorting option on the dimension.

You can filter on the "Other" group from the chart to drill down to data grouped inside the "Other" group. However, you cannot filter by "Other" from chart legend.

Example of "Other" in a Pie Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Scatter Chart

A scatter chart is used to plot two metrics against each other. Scatter charts are used to find clusters of data points, to show gaps, and to identify sub-populations. Example use cases include cause and effect analysis (a driving factor and a dependent one), or analysis of the correlation of two variables, for example, the analysis of the relationship between cash inflow and outflow per project.

You can define the dimensions of the data used in the scatter chart. The group dimension (for example, location) controls the shapes of the data point display. The series dimension controls the number of data points with a particular shape. A data point is displayed at the intersection between the x and y metrics.

Scatter Chart Example

the picture is described in the document text

Bubble Chart

A bubble chart is used to plot two metrics against each other with an additional metric represented as the bubble size. Bubble charts are used to show concentrations of data along two axes with magnitude. For example, they could be used to illustrate performance review ratings or customer profitability.

You can define the dimensions of the data used in the bubble chart. The group dimension controls the bubble color. The series dimension controls the number of bubbles with the same color. A data point is displayed at the intersection between the x and y metrics.

Bubble Chart Example

the picture is described in the document text

Reference Line

A reference line in a chart can be used to identify a specific value on a chart axis. The value can be based on a function, such as the average, maximum, or minimum. It is a constant value. The reference line is available only for a defined metric; for example, Invoice Amount (sum).

You can add more than one reference line to a chart. You can add a separate line for each metric defined, or you can add several reference lines for the same metric, using different functions associated with each one.

Reference lines are supported in all types of charts except pie and donut charts.

Example of a Reference Line in a Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Metrics without Aggregation in Bubble and Scatter Charts

Beginning with V13, Bubble and Scatter charts support metrics without aggregation; that is, you can view their metrics without aggregating them. This feature helps in analyzing pre-aggregated data in these types of charts.

Chart Maximization

The Chart Maximization feature improves the readability of the chart by providing visibility to more dimensions in the chart. You can maximize a chart and increase its height by dragging the right bottom corner of the chart. Change in height scales the axis dynamically and displays the chart height as a tooltip.

Example of Chart Maximization

the picture is described in the document text

Trellis Chart

Introduced in V10, the Trellis Chart displays a series of sub-charts that use the same scale and axes, making relationships among the data easier to understand. A trellis chart splits a chart into multiple versions of itself, presented side-by-side (or one above the other), with its data partitioned across these versions by a chosen series dimension (for example, splitting a "sales by category" column chart across product lines or country). For example, a trellis chart could have two versions of a chart for period-to-date balances over journal date, one for expenses and the other for revenue.

Example of a Trellis Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Based on how a trellis chart is configured by its designer, you may be able to see the trellis row/ column lists in the runtime options. Also, depending on the configuration, you may be able to completely flip between trellis rows/ columns or remove the Trellis feature from the chart visualization.

Beginning with V11, pie and donut charts, in addition to bar charts, are supported in this feature.

Beginning with V11, you can export a trellis chart in a PDF file at the dashboard level. Note the following:

Chart Runtime Options

The Chart component supports a variety of runtime options:

Aggregated Table

An aggregated table displays aggregated metrics in a tabular format. The aggregation level is controlled by all dimensions displayed in the table. Examples of using aggregated tables include comparing financial information of multiple assets or comparing account balances.

The aggregated table displays 50 records per page when maximized.

Example of an Aggregated Table

the picture is described in the document text

The granularity of data can be adjusted in an aggregated table by controlling the display of columns from runtime options.

The aggregated table component supports the dynamic display of key flexfield attributes, enabling you to view these attributes based on the context.

In V12 and later, the local filter feature in aggregated tables allows you to focus solely on the records of interest without impacting the global context. The local filter is not supported for metrics or pivot views.

Example of a Local Filter

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Selected local filter

Once a local filter is applied:

Example with Multiple Local Filters Applied

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Filter icon

  2. Applied filter

The interaction between local and global filters in the context of search or selected refinements follows specific behavior patterns: When a local filter is already in place within the Aggregated Table, and subsequently, a global filter is applied, the local filter will be reset. The global filter will then take precedence, affecting the displayed records. If a filter from the search or selected refinement (global filter) is first applied, and then a local filter is subsequently added, the aggregated table will showcase records that adhere to both the local and global filters.

In V12 and later, you can sort by a metric with an aggregated table. Metric sorting allows you to rapidly and effectively analyze, organize, and interpret your data. The sorted view is presented in an inline view. You can then sort again from within the inline view and the sort will be on the full aggregated table and not on the previous sort. The sorted view displays a maximum of 100 records.

Example of an Aggregate Table Sorted by Expense Amount (Sum)

the picture is described in the document text

Introduced in ECC V12, a Summary line is displayed for aggregated table metrics at the footer for all records for: Sum, Min, Max, Count, Count Distinct and Average. This summary is impacted by any selected refinement and local filters.

Example of a Summary Line at the Footer of the Aggregated Table

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V8, aggregated tables also support the display of data in a pivot view. The pivot view allows you to perform comparisons and identify trends across several cross-sections of data.

In a pivot view, the values in the header rows represent every possible grouping of the selected attributes. For example, a cell can have the total sales revenue, total cost of goods sold, total gross margin, and gross margin percentage for a specific combination of the fiscal year, fiscal quarter, and ledger.

Example of a Pivot View

the picture is described in the document text

Using the runtime options window, you can choose to hide or show attributes and you can choose which metrics to display. Use the Reset button to reset the display.

Depending on how a pivot view is configured by its designer, it might include a grand summary row and columns for the entire set of pivot data, which aggregate all of the values in a row or column. A pivot view might also be configured to support sorting by dimension or grand summary.

Beginning with V9, you can reorder the columns of an aggregated table using the "..." icons next to the attribute names.

Beginning with V10, the Pivot view also supports a subsummary specific to certain attributes. You can hide or show the subsummary from the runtime options.

Beginning with V11, the runtime options allow you to activate or deactivate Sub-Summary on a per-attribute basis. Changes you make are automatically applied when you click outside the runtime options window.

Example of a Pivot View with Runtime Options and Subsummary

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Controller to move the attribute up or down in the order

  2. Icon identifying that the attribute is used as a pivot row

  3. Icon identifying that the attribute is used as a pivot column

  4. Controller to hide or show the subsummary

  5. Enabled subsummary

Beginning with V10, color pinning is supported. See Color Pinning.

Results Table

A results table displays 10 records per page by default, and when expanded, it displays 50 records per page.

Note: Negative date calculated values are not displayed in the results table.

A results table can include the display of attributes as visual indicators or images.

You can switch among groups to display data corresponding to a group.

A results table supports row-level actions for a single record and menu actions for more than one record.

Example of a Results Table

the picture is described in the document text

Depending on the configuration of the results table, users can invoke Oracle E-Business Suite actions directly from the dashboard on a subset of records or all the records in the results table. Actions configured with this functionality become active even when no records are selected.

Example of a Runtime Action with a Postback Enhancement

the picture is described in the document text

JavaScript functions can be invoked corresponding to each record in the results table.

Example of Results Table with Function Call

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V10, the following features are provided:

In addition, in V10, the Results Table runtime options provide more control to hide, show, and reorder attributes of the table.

Example of Options for Results Table

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Icon for showing/hiding the attribute pop-up window

  2. Icon for reordering attributes

  3. Box to hide/show an attribute

  4. Icon for deleting an attribute from the results table

Beginning with V11, the Results Table supports a local filter that enables you to concentrate solely on the relevant records while keeping the global context unaffected. This functionality is available for all attributes during runtime except for calculated attributes. Additionally, the local filter extends to the inline results table.

To apply a local filter, hover over a column and the local filter icon appears. Select the local filter or filters to apply.

When a filter is applied to the table, a filter icon becomes visible next to the title. Clicking on this icon opens a window that showcases all the currently-applied filters. Within this window, you can remove individual filters or reset all applied filters at once.

The interaction between the local and global filters in the context of search or selected refinements follows specific behavior patterns: When a local filter is already in place within the Results Table, and a global filter is then applied, the local filter will be reset. The global filter will then take precedence, thus affecting the displayed records. If a filter from the search or selected refinement (global filter) is first applied within the Results Table, and then a local filter is subsequently added, the results table will showcase records that adhere to both the local and global filters.

Beginning with V12, the local filter pop-up window also provides you with a convenient means of modifying applied local filters. Triggered by clicking on the component title, a pop-up window showcases all locally applied filters. This window inherits behavior similar to that of a "selected refinement." You can click on attribute names within the window to replace the current filter with a different attribute value. Additionally, clicking on attribute values allows you to append a new value alongside the existing one.

Beginning with V13, the Results Table is enhanced to not display any null column; that is, if a column is completely null, then it will not be included in the table. This enhancement makes the table compact and more effective for analysis.

Beginning with V11, the Result Table component includes advanced transactional capabilities, offering a comprehensive view of all chosen records in a single glance. The table's footer includes a hyperlink that becomes visible when records are selected. By clicking on this hyperlink, you get access to a consolidated display of all the selected records within an unified view. This view is superimposed upon the original table, and a breadcrumb trail within the table's title enables you to return to the original presentation.

Example of Selected Records in a Results Table

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Selected records

  2. Hyperlink

Beginning with V8, the Results Table supports displaying data in a timeline view. The timeline view is an interactive data representation of a time period, with key events marked along in chronological order so you can navigate to events within a defined time range. Each event can have a duration based on the start and end date of that event.

Switch between the results table view and the timeline view using the icons provided.

You can control whether to enable the overview display and the maximum number of events shown using runtime options.

For a specific event, right-click on the event to see available actions in a context menu.

Example of a Timeline View

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Event

  2. Context menu

  3. Results Table icon and Timeline icon

Note: In Internet Explorer, the event title and description are only displayed in the event bubble. Full event details are displayed in the event tooltip.

Beginning with V9, both the results table and timeline components support indicator icons, which are crucial in differentiating certain events/records from others. The timeline view supports displaying up to four indicators per event bubble. Indicators appear adjacent to the timeline event bubble. Tooltips provide additional details.

Example of a Timeline with Additional Details

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Indicator icon

  2. Tooltips

Beginning with V10, color pinning is also possible. See Color Pinning.

Example of a Timeline with Conditional Formatting and Color Pinning

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Badge with a specific color pinned to its attribute

In V13, the Timeline feature includes several usability enhancements:


Oracle Enterprise Command Centers can offer detailed insights into the data through grids. You can then act on the information by taking the necessary action to resolve a process bottleneck or address an exception, for example.

A grid offers a display of records in a flexible layout.

Example of a Grid

the picture is described in the document text

Grid functionality includes:

Beginning with V10, color pinning may also be configured by the grid's designer. See Color Pinning.

Some grids allow you to change the default sort attribute and order.

Beginning with V10, the Results Grid component supports three different modes of record selection. Depending on how the designer configured a particular grid, a user may be able to select single, multiple, or no records.

Example of a Results Grid in Single Record Selection Mode with Conditional Formatting Enabled

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Single record selected

  2. Badge with a specific color pinned to its attribute

Note that beginning with V10, runtime options, maximization, and component borders may be hidden by the grid's designer.

In V11, the Grid component provides a unified view of all selected records. The footer of a grid includes a hyperlink that appears upon selecting record(s). Clicking this link allows access to a consolidated display presenting all the chosen records. These selected records overlay the original grid. A breadcrumb within the grid's title allows you to return to the initial layout.

Example of a Results Grid with Two Records Selected and Hyperlink

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Selected records

  2. Hyperlink

The Grid feature also supports the display of aggregated metrics. All dimensions in the grid control the aggregation level. Aggregation can include all the visible grid items including images and indicators, and has all the flexible layout and formatting options available for a grid. The aggregated grid can be controlled to display data when a specific condition is met.

Aggregated grids do not have options for comparison and record details. The grid does not allow filtering based on the aggregated value.

Example of an Aggregated Grid

the picture is described in the document text

ECC Pop-up

The ECC Pop-up feature allows users to access additional content and take action outside the dashboard without leaving the dashboard. The ECC Pop-up can display actionable content from Oracle E-Business Suite HTML-based pages or other websites.

The results table, grid, and aggregated table components support the ECC Pop-up feature.

Example of an ECC Pop-up

the picture is described in the document text

ECC Drawer

The ECC drawer component, introduced in V8, supports linking contents within a panel that slides in and out from the right. You can use an ECC drawer to navigate to another ECC page or an Oracle Application Framework page.

The results table, aggregated table, grid, and diagram components support ECC drawers.

Beginning with V11, the default size of the drawer component is set to 90% of the page size, but you can reduce it to 50%.


A diagram provides a visualization of a business process. You can track and trace an entire business activity while getting your required insights in one page. For example, you can trace a damaged lot number to track the customer recipient of this lot while also understanding the manufacturing process and suppliers responsible for the damage.

In V10, the Diagram component has been re-designed, with new colors for the background, links that connect nodes, and a new design for nodes.

Note: The Diagram feature is not supported in Internet Explorer.

Example of a Diagram

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Current tab

  2. History tab

  3. Anchor node

  4. Pagination control

You can zoom in to focus on an intermediate process or zoom out to get a perspective of the entire process.

Any filter in selected refinements such as Work Order Number, for example, is considered as an anchor node in the diagram and is highlighted in yellow. The entire diagram shows the business process flows with the anchor node in context. That is, the diagram displays operations that can be related to the anchor node.

You can choose any node in the diagram to be the anchor node using the Diagram Context menu and selecting Make Anchor Node. The diagram immediately shifts the context to the selected node and shows processes related to it.

For example, if the diagram shows transactions from a particular purchase order and finds a work order of interest in between the transactions, then you can select that work order as the anchor node, and the diagram then shows all the entities related to that work order.

A diagram has an upper limit for the number of nodes that can be displayed based on the limit set on the diagram.

You can add filters and the diagram component automatically organizes itself to show the related processes in a page. Pagination allows you to switch among the pages to view other related process flows. Use the pagination control below the diagram to navigate between pages.

For example, if you apply three purchase order numbers as filters, then the first two purchase order processes are represented in the first page, because the diagram understood there are subsequent transactions common to these purchase orders. The remaining purchase order is shown in a different page.

You can also expand any node to display upstream and downstream processes related to that node. You can expand a node by either by clicking the icons on the node or clicking "Show adjacent nodes" in Options.

To view the entire details related to a particular node in a tabular form, click "Show Details". You can export a snapshot of the diagram component for collaboration with other stakeholders. This exported snapshot is saved in PNG or SVG format.

Find Similar

The "Find Similar" feature helps you filter the diagram by a specific value and displays matching flows (diagrams); for example, review other Lots with similar characteristics. This feature is embedded in the Show Details and Compare pop-up windows.

Multi-Select Nodes

The "Multi-Select Node" feature allows you to select more than one node from the same business entity (from the same or different rank), compare between these nodes to spot differences, and find similarities or filter directly by the selected node by making them anchor nodes.

Note: "Show Adjacent Node" and "Show Details" are not supported in multi-select nodes.

Note: If you select multiple nodes from a different business entity, then all previous nodes will be deselected.

Filmstrip Thumbnails and Pagination

Beginning with V7, diagram pagination uses Film Strip Thumbnails to help you explore multiple distinct business processes in a single view per process with an overview of each business process. This feature displays an active image of the current business process flow, page number, and business entity (node) identifiers.

Example of Pagination Filmstrip Thumbnails

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Thumbnail diagram in pagination filmstrip

  2. Current tab

  3. History tab

Pagination Tracking Analysis History helps you visualize history. You can keep track of the previous filter applied on the diagram by clicking on the History tab in the pagination film strip. You can click on the history thumbnails to display the previous business flow without replacing the existing one.

You can click on the current tab to see the applied filters or return to the current view of the business process flow at any time while reviewing the history.

You can click on the arrow on the History tab to apply the previous filters from the history.

Highlighted Path

Use the Highlight Path option to highlight the paths in a different color. This feature also highlights the selected and common nodes in a color different from the color used for queried nodes. You can deselect a highlighted path using the "Unhighlight Path" option in the context menu.

Example of a Highlighted Path

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Highlighted path

A path can be highlighted at the record level and within grouped nodes. Unrelated nodes are grayed out.

You can view other nodes using the context menu. Right-click on any node, and from the context menu, select "Explore [node title] Node".

Note: Highlighted paths are preserved when navigating between diagram pages.

Grouping Nodes

Nodes can be grouped to display aspects of the diagram nodes at another level of detail. Redundant nodes can be grouped together. Grouped nodes are displayed with (+) sign at the corner of the node, and you can click on the (+) sign to expand the details of the nodes.

Example of Grouping Nodes

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Grouped nodes (expanded)

Node grouping supports aggregation at the group level which can bring in additional details.

Row Expander View

Using the Row Expander feature, introduced in V8, you can switch between a diagram display or a multi-level hierarchy layout display.

Example of the Row Expander Feature

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Expand All icon and Collapse All icon

  2. Row Expander view

  3. Network Diagram icon

Beginning with V10, you may be able to freeze columns in the Row Expander view of a diagram, if the designer enabled this feature.

Beginning with V12, the Row Expander feature supports the following:

Search Within

Beginning with V10, the Diagram component includes the Search Within capability. This feature allows you to investigate a subset of a larger network diagram to focus on a problem area, perform root cause analysis, or identify an opportunity within the overall diagram.

You can view a specific business flow and apply a filter to create a diagram to visualize that flow. This filter is known as the "Driving Filter." After applying a Driving Filter, you can use a Search Within filter to refine the diagram further and focus on a subset of the diagram. Nodes that satisfy the Search Within condition are highlighted with a more prominent and noticeable border color, and the path which connects them (directly or indirectly) is also highlighted. The nodes and links that are not connected to qualifying nodes are dimmed. This makes the nodes and the path stand out, so you can focus on this subset of the diagram while still viewing the larger context.

After a Search Within filter is applied, the diagram's appearance changes as follows:

Highlight Path versus Search Within in a Network Diagram

The Highlight Path feature is used to focus on a particular node in the network diagram. You can see the chosen node and anything connected to it only; anything that is not directly or indirectly connected to this node is dimmed. The highlighted path is applied only to one node.

The Search Within feature searches for any attribution on any node within the network diagram. Therefore, more than one node can satisfy the criteria, and all the nodes directly or indirectly connected to these nodes (that satisfy the criteria) are highlighted.

The Traversal filter, in the Available Refinements component, behaves like the Search Within feature in a Network Diagram, with the only difference being that the funnel icon is not displayed. Instead, the filter appears in the Selected Refinements box.

Search Within in a Hierarchical Query versus Search Within in a Network Diagram

With Hierarchical Query, because it is based on only one dataset and therefore all nodes have the same attributes, whatever node satisfies the criteria will be displayed along with nodes that do not directly satisfy the criteria but have a child or children that do (although these nodes are dimmed). Any node that neither directly satisfies the filter criteria nor has a child or children that do will be removed from the display.

In a Network Diagram, because of the possibility of the presence of multiple datasets and therefore different sets of attributes, only the node that satisfies the filter criteria will be highlighted. Even in cases where the Network Diagram has only one data set, the node that satisfies the filter criteria will be highlighted.

What happens when the user applies a Search Within from the Network Diagram and then, from Available Refinements, applies another traversal filter or another filter from the same dataset?

The Search Within filter is a local component. Whenever the selected refinement is affected by the user either by applying another traversal filter or other filter from the same dataset, or by removing a filter, the Search Within filter is removed. In addition, the item filter selected from available refinements is then applied. Thus, if a traversal filter is applied from available refinements, then that filter replaces the prior Search Within filter.

What happens when a user applies a traversal filter from available refinements and then from the network diagram applies a Search Within filter?

The Search Within filter will be applied on top of the traversal filter. The two filters will form an AND condition if the Search Within filter was applied on a different attribute, and will form an OR condition if the Search Within was applied on the same attribute.

How can a user reset a Search Within filter?

A user can click on the funnel icon to view the Search Within filters as in a Hierarchical Query. Also as with a Hierarchical Query, a user can click on the Clear button to reset the diagram to its initial state and remove the Search Within filter. This reset affects only the diagram and not the whole page as the Search Within filter is local and only affects the Diagram/ Hierarchical Query component.

Refinement Sets and Traversal Filter

Introduced in V8, a Refinement Set controls how the filters are applied to the diagram without refreshing the display after each filter is applied

Hierarchical Queries

Hierarchical Queries, introduced in V8, allow you to visualize parent/child relationships in the same business entity in a tree or vertical layout. You can expand and collapse the hierarchy levels for better readability.

Example of a Hierarchical Query

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V9, you can apply a search within the context of the hierarchical queries. In applying this Search Within feature:

Sorting is enabled in the Row Expander view beginning with V9.

In V10, the Hierarchical Query design is changed. Updates include a new icon to indicate the hierarchy. When this Hierarchy icon is clicked, the respective node becomes the anchor node. A deep link traversal filter is also introduced.

Beginning with V11, the Hierarchical Query feature supports hierarchical aggregation to present a consolidated view of parent and child level information under a single tree structure. The row expander view also supports hierarchical aggregation.

The following figure shows an organization hierarchy in which one employed handles one assignment directly, but from a hierarchical perspective, he and his reporting employees have 200 assignments.

Example of an Organization Hierarchy with Hierarchical Aggregation

the picture is described in the document text

Zoom Window Selection

The Zoom Window Selection feature, also introduced in V8, provides an overview window for the diagram, and focuses on a specific process.

Context Menu

The Diagram context menu includes visual icons reflecting the business functionality for each option in the menu. The context menu can also include hyperlink actions.

Note: The context menu is not supported on iPads.

PDF Inline View

Beginning with V8, you can view a diagram in a PDF Inline View for collaboration. Click on the PDF icon, and then use the inline view option:

After selecting your options, click View to view the PDF.

You can print or download the PDF file in the PDF Inline view. In the PDF view, the diagram is displayed in the "Row Expander" view. The PDF view displays:

To return to the diagram view, open the PDF option and select Close Preview.

Timeline View

Beginning with V9, the diagram component supports displaying events from multiple data sets in a timeline view. This feature helps you understand the business flow with a chronological sequence of different events.

The timeline can have more than one event. You can select one or more events to be displayed using the runtime options. In addition, you can control the number of events, or event limit, displayed on the timeline.

The timeline view also supports pagination and history.

Example of a Diagram in a Timeline View indicating the Chronological Sequence of Events from Multiple Related Datasets: Work Order and Purchase Order

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Runtime options to enable the overview display, specify the event limit, and select event types

  2. Current tab

  3. History tab

  4. Thumbnail diagram depicting the underlying relationship between datasets in a network view

  5. Filmstrip-like pagination support for viewing more than one timeline simultaneously

The diagram component can be presented in three forms: Network Diagram, Timeline, and Hybrid. A hybrid view uses both the network and timeline forms of display.

You can switch between the views as shown in the figures below.

Example of a Diagram in a Hybrid View

the picture is described in the document text

Example of a Diagram in a Network View

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Icon to switch to the network diagram view

  2. Icon to switch to the timeline diagram view

PDF Export

Beginning with V11, you can export a Diagram/Row Expander/Hierarchical Query component to a PDF file at the dashboard level. The view visible at the dashboard will be exported to the PDF file, and the diagram's visualization and comparison capabilities are carried over to the exported PDF file. Both the Search Within and Highlight Path features are supported for Diagram/Row Expander/Hierarchical Query in exporting to a PDF file.

Tab Layout

Different dashboard components can be grouped into separate tabs based on functionality.

Example of a Tab Layout

the picture is described in the document text

Administrators can delete or reorder tabs.

Inline View

Introduced in V9, the Inline View feature supports accessing linked contents as an overlay on parent visualization. You can access related information through intuitive navigation without leaving the context of the original dashboard.

The result table, timeline, and diagram components support inline view.

Example of Accessing Line-Level Journal Information using an Inline View

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Parent Result Table (for example, GL Journals) showing the navigation link to return from the inline view

  2. Inline Result Table (for example, Journal Lines) showing the line-level journal information as an overlay on the parent Result Table

  3. The refinement used to access related information

Common Features

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework includes features that are used in multiple components.

Comparing Records and Sorting Search Results

Oracle Enterprise Command Centers can offer detailed insights into the data through results tables and grids which help you gain insight as quickly as possible. You can then act on it by taking the necessary action to resolve a process bottleneck or address an exception.

On some results tables and grids you can use the Options icon to compare records or perform other functions.

For record search only, you can control the order of the search results based on the record score in the data set. Data is sorted by "Score" by default. You can override this default order or add more sort options when you configure a dashboard. This ranking is supported only in results tables and grids.

Default Value

You can specify a context-sensitive default value for a data set instead of a NULL value. The default values behave like any other attribute value and can be used for display in the UI components. This capability allows you to refine the dashboard using these values.

For example, for a list of assets, any asset that has not been assigned to an employee could be given the value "Unassigned" for the Employee Name. You can then refine the results of this data set on your dashboard by the value "Unassigned".

Example of a Default Value in a Results Table Column

the picture is described in the document text

Support for Time Stamps and Time Zones

You can include the time along with the date in a date/time stamp. This capability improves precision in the data displayed and enables you to accurately filter data for the right period. The time stamp is available for all the components. You can use a time range in available refinements to filter the data on the dashboard.

You can leverage the dashboard to view information detail on the level of seconds. Enterprise Command Center dashboards can display the time difference from the current time on the seconds level.

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework considers a user's time zone for displaying time-sensitive data. This capability improves information accuracy and reliability.

Example of Time Stamps in Available Refinements

the picture is described in the document text

Page Display Preferences

Your changes to the runtime options of components are saved as Page Display Preferences. You can log in again or navigate back to the dashboard to see your changes. These changes persist until you explicitly reset either at the component level or page level.

Resetting options done on the component-level resets the changes done to the component. Resetting page-level changes affects the entire dashboard. The following table lists changes that are maintained across the components:

Components and Retained Changes
Component Changes Retained
Available Refinements Data set selected
Search Component Data set selected
Category value
Chart Component Runtime selection of dimensions and metrics
Runtime sorting changes
Changes to chart orientation and stacking
Show as line
Show multi-metric
Split Y-axis for bar/line
Number of dimensions displayed, order of display
Show connecting lines (Waterfall chart)
Show totals (Waterfall chart)
Tag Cloud Runtime selection of dimensions and metrics
Tab Component Selected Tab will be stored in session but not as a preference
Aggregated Table Selected Attributes and Metrics from Runtime
Runtime Sorting
Results Table Runtime Sorting
Grid Runtime Sorting

When you change the preferences, a Reset icon is provided for resetting the display. At component level, the Reset icon is in runtime options of the component. At the page level, the component is in the side navigation panel or on the top left of the dashboard.

Cascading Breadcrumbs

Cascading Breadcrumbs display the trail of cascading dimension values that give you an understanding of the drill-downs that display the current dimension. In Chart and Tag Cloud components, cascading breadcrumbs are displayed in the top right corner when the components are cascaded. Cascading breadcrumbs are displayed when you drill down from the component itself or if the component is auto-cascaded due to any filter.

Example of Cascading Breadcrumbs in a Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Lookahead Visualization

Charts serve as a powerful visualization tool for information discovery and analysis. The chart tool-tip enables you to look ahead to the next level of detailed available on a chart . For all charts that have cascading enabled, you can hover over the chart series and see the next level of details shown in a similar chart type. This lookahead visualization honors the chart sorting option, user preferences, and cascading breadcrumbs, and is available for all types of charts.

Note: The chart tool-tip is displayed at the last level of cascading.

Date Subsets

Introduced in ECC V8, the Date Subset feature is a transformation that enables the creation of different units from a date or date/time attribute. A date can then have month, year, and quarter attributes. A designer can enable the date subset and then create new attributes for the following time periods:

These new attributes can be used as standard attributes under Available Refinements.


Export in Results Table and Grid

Records in results table and grid can be exported in a CSV file format. The exported file contains records organized in a tabular structure with attribute keys and attributes names as table headers. The exported file contains selected refinements on the page and timestamp of export.

Beginning with V10, you can select from four options for the date format in exporting to CSV format. They are:

Beginning with V11, you have the option to exclude the attribute key in exporting to a CSV file.

To Export:

  1. Click Export in runtime options to open a window with export options. The title of the new window is the component title or data set name when there is no component title, followed by the number of records.

  2. Rename the default file name. The default file name is component title or data set name appended by timestamp.

  3. Choose standard or custom delimiter.

  4. Choose the Attributes to export.

  5. Choose the number of records.

  6. Choose the appropriate date format.

  7. Choose whether to include the attribute key.

  8. Choose if hidden attributes and primary key needs to be included.

  9. Choose if the file needs to be compressed.

Example of an Export Window

the picture is described in the document text

Exporting Records from an Aggregated Table or an Aggregated Grid

Records in an aggregated table or an aggregated grid can be exported in a CSV file format. The exported file contains records organized in a tabular structure with attribute keys and attributes names as table headers.

The exported file honors all the runtime changes and contains selected refinements on the dashboard and timestamp.

Unlike with results tables and grids, Export pop-ups in aggregated tables and aggregated grids do not display the number of records in the pop-up header and pagination range.

To Export:

  1. Click Export in runtime options to open a window with export options. The title of this window is the component title, or data set name when there is no component title.

  2. Rename the default file name. The default file name is component title or data set name appended with a timestamp.

  3. Choose standard or custom delimiter.

  4. Choose the number of records (Only for aggregated grid).

  5. Choose the appropriate date format.

  6. Choose whether to include the attribute key.

  7. Choose if the file needs to be compressed.

Example of an Export Window for Aggregated Grid

the picture is described in the document text

Export in Chart

The Chart component can be exported as a PNG image that contains a snapshot of the chart. The snapshot contains the chart as-is seen on the dashboard to honor runtime changes and any change in size with chart maximization.

To export the chart image, click on the camera icon in runtime options.

Note: Chart Export Image is not supported in Internet Explorer.

Underlying data of the chart component can also be exported in a CSV file. Exported data also honors all the runtime changes. As the underlying data needs to be holistic, exported data of chart contains all the data even if Top N is configured.

  1. Click Export in runtime options to open a window with export options. The title of this window is the component title.

  2. Rename the default file name. The default file name is component title or data set name appended with a timestamp.

  3. Choose standard or custom delimiter.

  4. Choose the appropriate date format.

  5. Choose whether to include the attribute key.

  6. Choose if the file needs to be compressed.

Export in Tag Cloud

The underlying data of the Tag Cloud component can be exported in a CSV file. Exported data also honors all the runtime changes. As the underlying data needs to be holistic, the exported data of a tag cloud will contain all the data irrespective of how many dimensions are displayed.

To Export:

  1. Click Export in runtime options to open a window with export options. The title of this window is the component title.

  2. Rename the default file name. The default file name is component title or data set name appended with a timestamp.

  3. Choose standard or custom delimiter.

  4. Choose the appropriate date format.

  5. Choose if the file needs to be compressed.

Example of Exporting a Tag Cloud

the picture is described in the document text

Example of Export Window for a Tag Cloud

the picture is described in the document text

Export Dashboard to PDF

Some solutions require team collaboration, which requires users to share the insights from the dashboard after drilling down to additional details. Sharing the entire dashboard at once improves collaboration between users and allow other users to view the same perspective of the dashboard. The Export Dashboard to PDF feature provides this capability.

To share a dashboard, you can click on the Share icon and export the dashboard to PDF.

Note: This feature is disabled by default. An administrator can enable it.

The export process is initiated immediately after clicking Export to PDF.

Considerations of the Export to PDF feature are:

Limitations of the Export to PDF feature are:

Compare Window

You can compare records in a results table or grid. The Compare window also allows you to compare among the records view information of attribute values. Attributes are organized into corresponding groups if configured.

The Compare window can also have dynamic titles as column headers. The column headers in the Compare window can include tokens to display a dynamic title for each record based on an attribute value.

Grid actions can also be accessible from the column headers of the window.

The Compare window includes the "Find Similar" feature for improved information discovery. The "Find Similar" feature is supported only in non-group based attributes in Results Tables and Grids.

Example of a Compare Window

the picture is described in the document text

Record Details Window

The Record Details window allows you to view all the significant information of a record in a results table or grid in a tabular format. Attributes in a Record Details window can also be organized into respective groups if configured. Similar to the Compare window, the Record Details window also supports dynamic titles and column header grid actions.

The Record Details window includes the "Find Similar" feature for improved information discovery. The "Find Similar" feature is supported only in non-group based attributes in Results Tables and Grids.

Example of a Record Details Window

the picture is described in the document text

Number Abbreviation

Numbers can be abbreviated for improved readability in summarization bars and aggregated grids.

Number abbreviation is available in the Flags and Metrics of the summarization bar. The actual value is displayed in the tooltip. Any additional tooltip is displayed beneath the value.

Numbers in summarization bars can also use number formatting as defined in Oracle E-Business Suite, and are translatable.

Number Formatting

In V11 and later, designers can specify the formatting of numerical attributes so that these attributes are displayed uniformly in a dashboard.

Three types of number formatting are supported: General, Formatted Number, and Accounting.

For a numeric attribute, a designer specifies a Profile Type of Int/Ints, Long/Longs, or Double/Doubles. and then chooses the type of number formatting. These options are described in the tables below.

Number Formatting Types for Profile Type Int/Ints
Formatting Type Formatting Logic Example
No Formatting Comma (,) as the thousands separator
General Absence of the thousands separator
Formatted Number Comma (,) as the thousands separator
Accounting Comma (,) as the thousands separator
Negative numbers within parentheses ()
Number Formatting Types for Profile Type Long/Longs
Formatting Type Formatting Logic Example
No Formatting Comma (,) as the thousands separator
General Absence of the thousands separator
Formatted Number Comma (,) as the thousands separator
Accounting Comma (,) as the thousands separator
Negative numbers within parentheses ()
Number Formatting Types for Profile Type Double/Doubles
Formatting Type Formatting Logic Example
No Formatting Comma (,) as the thousands separator
General Absence of the thousands separator
Non-uniform representation of decimals
Formatted Number Comma (,) as the thousands separator
Uniform decimal representation to two (2) places
Accounting Comma (,) as the thousands separator
Negative numbers within parentheses ()

Custom Labels for Metrics

Introduced in V12, the Custom Label feature enriches effective communication by allowing you to align aggregated data with your organization's or team's internal language and conventions. Furthermore, it boosts flexibility and adaptability by catering to diverse user requirements, ensuring that visualizations resonate with their specific use cases, and thus enhancing their relevance and meaningfulness.

The following table lists components and UI elements that support custom labels.

Components and Elements that Support Custom Labels
Component UI Element
Summary Bar Flag pop-up metric title
  • Axis title

  • Tooltip

  • Default chart title

  • Chart legend

  • Runtime option

  • Export

  • Cascaded chart

Aggregated Table (Pivot View)
  • Column headers

  • Runtime option

  • Export

Tag Cloud
  • Default component title

  • Runtime option

Network Diagram
  • Node

  • Tooltip

  • Row expander

  • Export

  • Show detail

  • Compare

  • Cell label

  • Export

Example of a Custom Label in Axis Title, Tooltip, and Runtime Option

the picture is described in the document text

Color Pinning

Color pinning is the display of context-specific colors in a component to reflect the meaning of what the component represents. Color pinning is subject to the designer's control.

Color pinning applies badge-style conditional formatting on categorical attributes. Numerical attributes may also support conditional formatting by highlighting the attribute value using specific colors

Inline Labels in Runtime Options

Beginning with V11, some components include a runtime option for inline labels which can enhance form usability. This additional choice allows you to manage the data presentation.

User Personalization

User Personalization is introduced in V10. It consists of two types:

User Personalization

User Personalization (also called End User Personalization) allows users to make changes in the dashboard that will suit their preferences.

User personalization provides the following features:


You can personalize the chart by flipping the chart layout or using a different metric/dimension.

Tag Cloud

You can personalize the Tag Cloud by using a different metric/dimension.

Summarization Bar

You can personalize the Summarization Bar by reordering summary items or showing/hiding summary items from the view.

Results Table

You can personalize the Results Table by reordering attributes or showing/hiding attributes from the view.

Aggregate Table/Pivot

You can personalize the Aggregate Table/Pivot by reordering attributes, showing/hiding attributes, or enabling/hiding a sub-summary from the view.


You can personalize the Timeline by changing the event limit or choosing the types of events shown the view.

Reset End User Personalization at Page Level

End User Personalization can be reset at Page level. This action would reset End User Personalization for all components in the dashboard, because it is performed at the Page level.

Power User Personalization

Power users can modify the dashboard to tailor it based on their business requirements.


Note the following:

Beginning with V11, an "i" icon on the dashboard is displayed for power user personalization. Clicking this icon opens a window with additional information as well as a Personalize button to enable personalization and an Exit button to exit personalization.

Examples of Power User Capabilities
Can Perform Cannot Perform
Add a new component Create a new data set
Modify an existing component Create a new dashboard
Delete a component Configure a component from a data set that is not part of the application datasets
Change dashboard layout Create a public saved search

Power user personalizations are preserved during patching. A user is notified when a new version is available. Users can apply the new version and lose all the personalizations, or they can cancel and keep the personalized version.

The following table summarizes the differences between the two types of personalization.

End User Personalization versus Power User Personalization
End User Personalization Power User Personalization
All business users Power users only
Runtime changes Configuration changes (components)
Implicit saving as user utilizes run-time options Explicitly saving for configuration changes
Involves no efforts from the user Involves efforts from the user