Using the Security Subtab

Managing Security

You can perform the following tasks from the Security subtab:

For an introduction to Security concepts, please see Understanding Security.

Managing Permissions

Use this procedure to manage permissions. A permission has a name and a description. For an introduction to permissions and roles, please see Understanding Security.

Warning: Do not remove the predefined permissions that are built into the System Administrator Console. These predefined permissions are essential for stable and reliable performance of all Oracle CRM modules. Removal of these permissions could cause serious or fatal performance problems.


  1. In the Settings tab, navigate to Security > Access Controls > Permissions.

  2. If you want to create a new permission, then click Create. This opens the page where you edit the details of a new permission.

  3. If you want to search for a permission, then:

    1. Type a search phrase into the Find Permission field.

    2. Click Go to display the search results.

  4. To change which rows display in the table, you have the following options:

    1. Click the Previous or Next buttons.

    2. Choose an entry range from the drop-down list.

  5. If you want to assign a permission to roles, then click the name of a permission in the table. This opens the page where you assign a permission to roles.

  6. If you want to delete a permission, then:

    1. Select the appropriate check box in the Remove column of the table.

    2. Click Update to save.

      The permission is removed.

Related Topics

Creating Permissions

Assigning a Permission to Roles

Managing Security

Creating Permissions

Use this procedure to create a new permission. For an introduction to permissions and roles, please see Understanding Security.


  1. In the Settings tab, navigate toSecurity > Access Controls > Permissions, then click Create.

  2. Type a new permission name into the Name field. The first two or three letters of a permission name correspond to the module shortcode. Permission names must be unique.

  3. Type a description of the permission into the Description field.

  4. Click Create to save your work. The new permission is filed in alphabetical order.

Related Topics

Managing Permissions

Assigning a Permission to Roles

Managing Security

Assigning a Permission to Roles

Use this procedure to assign a permission to one or more roles. For an introduction to permissions and roles, please see Understanding Security.


  1. In the Settings tab, navigate toSecurity > Access Controls > Permissions, then click the name of a permission in the table.

  2. Choose the name of a role in one list and click > or < to move it to the other list.

  3. Repeat step 2 as desired.

  4. If you want to move all items in the Available Roles list to the Assigned Roles list, then click >>. This assigns the permission to all roles.

  5. If you want to move all items in the Assigned Roles list to the Available Roles list, then click <<. This removes the permission from all roles.

  6. Optionally, click Restore to reset the fields to their original values.

  7. Click Update to save. The permission will be assigned to the roles specified in the Assigned Roles list.

Related Topics

Creating Permissions

Managing Permissions

Managing Security

Managing Roles

Use this procedure to manage roles. A role is a grouping of one or more permissions. For an introduction to permissions and roles, please see Understanding Security.


  1. In the Settings tab, navigate to Security > Access Controls > Roles.

  2. If you want to create a new role, then click Create. This opens the page where you edit the details of a new role.

  3. If you want to search for a role, then:

    1. Type a search phrase into the Find Role field.

    2. Click Go to display the search results.

  4. To change which rows display in the table, you have the following options:

    1. Click the Previous or Next buttons.

    2. Choose an entry range from the drop-down list.

  5. If you want to map permissions to a particular role, then click an entry in the Name column of the table. This opens the page where you map permissions to a role.

  6. If you want to delete a role, then:

    1. Select the appropriate check box in the Remove column of the table. If the check box is disabled, then you cannot remove the role. For example, seeded roles cannot be deleted.

    2. Click Update to save.

    3. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the role. To cancel, click Cancel. To delete the role, click Update.

      The role is removed and revoked from all users who are assigned to the role.

Related Topics

Creating Roles

Mapping Permissions to a Role

Managing Security

Creating Roles

Use this procedure to create a new role. For an introduction to permissions and roles, please see Understanding Security.


  1. In the Settings tab, navigate to Security > Access Controls > Roles, then click Create.

  2. Type a new role name into the Name field.

    The first two or three letters of a role name correspond to the module shortcode. Role names must be unique.

  3. Type a description of the role into the Description field.

  4. Click Create to save. The new role is filed in alphabetical order.

Related Topics

Mapping Permissions to a Role

Managing Roles

Managing Security

Mapping Permissions to a Role

Use this procedure to map permissions to a role. A role is a grouping of one or more permissions. For an introduction to permissions and roles, please see Understanding Security.


  1. In the Settings tab, navigate to Security > Access Controls > Roles, then click the name of a role in the table.

  2. Choose the name of a permission in one list and click > or < to move it to the other list.

  3. Repeat step 2 as desired.

  4. If you want to move all items in the Available Permissions list to the Assigned Permissions list, then click >>. This assigns the role to all permissions.

  5. If you want to move all items in the Assigned Permissions list to the Available Permissions list, then click <<. This removes the role from all permissions.

  6. Click Update to save.

Related Topics

Creating Roles

Managing Roles

Managing Security