Oracle Assets Common APIs

This appendix covers the following topics:


Oracle Assets includes a set of APIs that you can use to automate many of the common Oracle Assets transactions. The APIs allow you to perform transactions in Oracle Assets without using the normal interface. You may want to use the Oracle Assets APIs if you have a custom interface or want to perform mass transactions.

This section is intended for users who are well-versed in PL/SQL and who are interested in using the APIs directly rather than using the forms-based Oracle Assets interface.

The Oracle Assets APIs also use common structures, which define the asset as a number of discrete parts that are fundamental to every asset, such as a descriptive part, a financial part, and a distribution part. The APIs use a message structure to deliver information as well as error messages in a compact package

This section contains information on the common shared framework used in the Oracle Assets APIs, and information on how to call them directly.

Alternate Ledger Currency

If you have set up alternate ledger currency , when you add or modify assets using an Oracle Assets API, the API copies the transactions to the reporting currencies automatically. Invoice rounding issues are avoided by using the API to drive the alternate ledger currency accounting for both the ledger and reporting currencies.

Invoice Additions and Adjustments

For invoice additions and cost adjustments, Oracle Assets APIs will properly clear the correct account and amount, even when multiple cost adjustments, each with a different clearing account, are added simultaneously to an asset.

Related Topics

Common Structures

Common Structures

The common structures break an asset down into discrete parts. These different parts are often modified during different transactions that are performed on an asset. You use the set of common structures to collectively describe a particular asset. For example, the ASSET_HDR_REC_TYPE contains an identifier that distinguishes the asset. The ASSET_DESC_REC_TYPE contains fields that describe the asset, such as Asset Number, Tag Number, and Serial Number. The ASSET_FIN_REC_TYPE contains financial information for the asset. The APIs use different structures depending on their functions.

The Oracle Assets APIs use the following 12 common structures:

The Oracle Assets APIs use the following asset structures only for a few transactions:

The following structures are subsets of the previous asset structures:

TRANS_REC_TYPE Transaction Structure

The TRANS_REC_TYPE transaction structure contains information about the transaction, such as the transaction header ID and the transaction type code as shown in the following table.

Argument Type Description
TRANSACTION_HEADER_ ID NUMBER(15) Unique transaction identification number.
TRANSACTION_TYPE_ CODE VARCHAR2(20) Identifies the type of the transaction.
TRANSACTION_DATE_ ENTERED DATE Date when the transaction occurred. For additions, it is date placed in service.
TRANSACTION_NAME VARCHAR2(20) Description of the transaction. This field is the Comments field in the Asset Workbench.
SOURCE_TRANSACTION_ HEADER_ID NUMBER(15) Transaction header identification number for corresponding transaction in the associated corporate book.
MASS_REFERENCE_ID NUMBER(15) Identifies the concurrent request that invokes the transaction if it is part of a mass transaction.
TRANSACTION_SUBTYPE VARCHAR2(9) Detail of the transaction type. For additions or adjustments, this is AMORTIZED or EXPENSED. For retirements and revaluations, it usually takes internal values.
TRANSACTION_KEY VARCHAR2(1) General class of transaction.
AMORTIZATION_START_DATE DATE Amortization start date.
DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG VARCHAR2(1) Override Status (D - depreciation amount was overridden. B - bonus amount was overridden. A - depreciation and bonus amounts were overridden.
CALLING_INTERFACE VARCHAR2(30) Interface that calls the API. This field defaults to CUSTOM.
DESC_FLEX DESC_FLEX_ REC_TYPE Descriptive flexfield segments.
WHO_INFO STANDARD_ WHO_REC_ TYPE Standard Who columns.

ASSET_HDR_REC_TYPE Asset Structure

The ASSET_HDR_REC_TYPE asset structure contains unique identification information for a given asset, such as the asset ID and book type code as shown in the following table.

Argument Type Description
ASSET_ID NUMBER(15) Asset identification number.
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID NUMBER(15) Ledger identification number.
PERIOD_OF_ADDITION VARCHAR2(1) Identifies whether the transaction occurs during the period when adding the specific asset.


The ASSET_DESC_REC_TYPE asset structure contains descriptive information about the asset, such as the tag number, serial number, and manufacturer name. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Type Value
ASSET_NUMBER VARCHAR2(15) Defaults to the asset ID. Optional OUT parameter.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(80) Description of the asset.
TAG_NUMBER VARCHAR2(15) Tag number of the asset.
SERIAL_NUMBER VARCHAR2(35) Serial number of the asset.
ASSET_KEY_CCID NUMBER(15) Identifies an asset key flexfield combination for the asset.
PARENT_ASSET_ID NUMBER(15) Identifies a parent asset for subcomponents.
STATUS VARCHAR2(150) Describes the status of the asset. (CRL Assets only)
MANUFACTURER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Name of the manufacturer.
MODEL_NUMBER VARCHAR2(40) Model number of the asset.
WARRANTY_ID NUMBER(15) Warranty identification number.
LEASE_ID NUMBER(15) Lease identification number.
IN_USE_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the asset is in use.
YES - In use (default).
NO - Not in use
INVENTORIAL VARCHAR2(3) YES - Include in physical inventory.
NO - Do not include in physical inventory.
Defaults as per asset category values
PROPERTY_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2(10) Indicates the property type.
Defaults as per asset category values.
PROPERTY_1245_1250_CODE VARCHAR2(4) 1245 - Personal.
1250 - Real.
Defaults as per asset category values.
OWNED_LEASED VARCHAR2(15) OWNED - Owned (Default).
LEASED - Leased.
Defaults as per asset category values.
NEW_USED VARCHAR2(4) NEW - New (Default).
USED - Used.
CURRENT_UNITS NUMBER Current number of units for the asset.
LEASE_DESC_FLEX DESC_FLEX_ REC_TYPE Lease descriptive flexfield segments.
GLOBAL_DESC_FLEX DESC_FLEX_ REC_TYPE Global descriptive flexfield segments.
COMMITMENT VARCHAR2(150) Current financial burdens recorded against the asset, such as existing mortgages or pre-notices of mortgages.
INVESTMENT_LAW VARCHAR2(150) Incentives available to businesses, depending on the region and the nature of the investor's business.
The current incentives are direct subsidy, interest subsidy, leasing subsidy, and tax exemption.


The ASSET_TYPE_REC_TYPE asset structure contains information about the asset type: CIP, capitalized, or expensed. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
ASSET_TYPE VARCHAR2(15) Indicates whether the asset is CIP, group, capitalized, or expensed.

ASSET_CAT_REC_TYPE Asset Structure

The ASSET_CAT_REC_TYPE asset structure contains information about the asset category, such as the category ID and the category descriptive flexfield. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
CATEGORY_ID NUMBER(15) Identifies the category the asset belongs to.
CATEGORY_DESC_FLEX DESC_FLEX_ REC_TYPE Category descriptive flexfield segments.


The ASSET_HIERARCHY_REC_TYPE asset structure contains information about whether the asset belongs to an asset hierarchy. This asset structure applies only to CRL Assets. The following table shows type and descriptive information for the argument.

Argument Type Description
PARENT_HIERARCHY_ID NUMBER(15) Identifies the hierarchy the asset belongs to. (CRL assets)

ASSET_FIN_REC_TYPE Asset Structure

The ASSET_FIN_REC_TYPE asset structure contains financial information for a given asset. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Type Value
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID NUMBER(15) Ledger identification number.
DATE_PLACED_IN_SERVICE DATE Date the asset is placed in service.
DEPRN_START_DATE DATE Date the asset starts to depreciate.
DEPRN_METHOD_CODE VARCHAR2(12) The name of the depreciation method. Defaults as per asset category values.
LIFE_IN_MONTHS NUMBER(4) Life of the asset in total months. Defaults as per asset category values.
RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR NUMBER Percent of depreciation remaining after a revaluation or an amortized change or if there was no change.
ADJUSTED_COST NUMBER Recoverable cost subtracting the depreciation reserve. The value is reset when an amortized adjustment or revaluation is performed.
COST NUMBER Current or change in cost of the asset.
ORIGINAL_COST NUMBER Original cost of the asset. Defaults to cost.
SALVAGE_VALUE NUMBER Asset salvage value. Defaults as per asset category values.
PRORATE_CONVENTION_CODE VARCHAR2(10) Depreciation prorate convention. Defaults as per asset category values.
PRORATE_DATE DATE Date for prorating the depreciation.
COST_CHANGE_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Indicates that an adjustment is pending for the asset. The depreciation program recalculates the depreciation reserve from the date of acquiring the asset if this flag is set to YES.
ADJUSTMENT_REQUIRED_STATUS VARCHAR2(4) Indicates that the asset requires an adjustment to depreciation expense for a retroactive transaction.
CAPITALIZE_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the asset is a capitalized asset.
RETIREMENT_PENDING_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the asset has a retirement pending.
DEPRECIATE_FLAG   VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the asset is depreciating.
YES - Asset is depreciating
NO - Asset is not depreciating
ITC_AMOUNT_ID NUMBER(15) Identifies the ITC rate.
RETIREMENT_ID NUMBER(15) Identifies the retirement transaction when retiring the asset.
TAX_REQUEST_ID NUMBER(15) Concurrent request number for mass copy program.
ITC_BASIS NUMBER Cost basis for calculating ITC.
BASIC_RATE NUMBER Defaults as per asset category values.
ADJUSTED_RATE NUMBER Defaults as per asset category values.
BONUS_RULE NUMBER Bonus rule for an asset. Defaults as per asset category values. If a default value is defined, and you want the value to be NULL, you must pass FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR to the Addition API.
CEILING_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Identifies a deprecation ceiling to be used in calculating deprecation. Defaults as per asset category values. If a default value is defined, and you want the value to be NULL, you must pass FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR to the Addition API.
PRODUCTION_CAPACITY NUMBER Capacity of a unit of production asset. Defaults as per asset category values.
RECOVERABLE_COST NUMBER Cost without salvage value, or depreciation ceiling, whichever is lower.
ADJUSTED_CAPACITY NUMBER Capacity of a unit of production asset. The value is reset when amortizing capacity adjustment.
FULLY_RSVD_REVALS_COUNTER NUMBER(5) Number of times the asset is revalued as fully reserved.
IDLED_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Reserved for future use.
PERIOD_COUNTER_CAPITALIZED NUMBER(15) Period of capitalizing the asset.
PERIOD_COUNTER_FULLY_RESERVED NUMBER(15) Period of reserving the asset.
PERIOD_ COUNTER_FULLY_RETIRED NUMBER(15) Period of retiring the asset.
PRODUCTION_CAPACITY NUMBER Capacity of a units of production asset.
REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS NUMBER Revaluation reserve for calculating the amortization of revaluation reserve. Updated when the revaluing the asset or amortizing the adjustment.
REVAL_CEILING NUMBER Upper limit for revaluing asset cost.
UNIT_OF_MEASURE VARCHAR2(25) Unit of measure of a units of production asset. Defaults as per asset category values.
UNREVALUED_COST NUMBER Cost without regard to any revaluation.
ANNUAL_DEPRN_ROUNDING_FLAG VARCHAR2(5) Indicates whether Oracle Assets should subtract year-to-date depreciation from the annual depreciation amount to obtain the depreciation amount for the last period of the fiscal year.
PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE NUMBER Salvage value percentage amount.
ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT NUMBER The default depreciation limit as cost percentage.
ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT NUMBER Depreciation limit amount.
PERIOD_COUNTER_LIFE_COMPLETE NUMBER(15) The period of reserving the asset's useful life.
ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST NUMBER Adjusted recoverable cost with special depreciation limits taken into account.
ANNUAL_ROUNDING_FLAG VARCHAR2(5) Reserved for future use.
EOFY_ADJ_COST NUMBER Adjusted cost at the end of the fiscal year.
EOFY_FORMULA_FACTOR NUMBER Formula factor at the end of the fiscal year.
SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Indicates if an asset is added in a short fiscal year.
CONVERSION_DATE DATE Date short tax year asset added to the acquiring company.
ORIG_DEPRN_START_DATE DATE Date short tax year asset begin depreciating in the acquired company's books.
REMAINING_LIFE1 NUMBER(4) Remaining life of the asset as on the conversion date, prorate date or fiscal year start date.
REMAINING_LIFE2 NUMBER(4) Remaining life of the asset as of the fiscal year start date.
GROUP_ASSET_ID NUMBER(15) Group asset identification number. (CRL Asset). If a default value is defined, and you want the value to be NULL, you must pass FND_API.G_MISS_NUM to the Addition API.
OLD_ADJUSTED_COST NUMBER The old cost of a formula-based NBV-based asset before an adjustment.
FORMULA_FACTOR NUMBER Factor for adjusting the depreciation rate for formula-based NBV-based assets.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1-20 VARCHAR2(150) Reserved for country specific functionality.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_ CATEGORY VARCHAR2(30) Reserved for country specific functionality.
DISABLED_FLAG VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the group asset is disabled.
Y - Group asset is disabled.
N - Group asset is enabled.
Defaults to N.
SALVAGE_TYPE VARCHAR2(30) Indicates the way to determine salvage value.
AMT - Manually enter the salvage value manually (Not available for group asset).
PCT - PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE field determines the Salvage value.
SUM - Salvage value is determined by sum of member asset's salvage value amount (available only for group asset).
Defaults to PCT for group assets.
DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE VARCHAR2(30) Indicates how depreciation limit is determined .
AMT - Manually enter the depreciation limit amount manually (Not available for group asset).
PCT - ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT field determines the depreciation limit amount.
SUM - Depreciation limit amount is determined using sum of member asset's depreciation limit amount (available only for group asset).
NONE - Depreciation limit is not used.
Defaults to PCT for group assets.
OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION VARCHAR2(30) Indicates whether group asset should stop depreciating beyond its depreciation limit (recoverable cost if there is no depreciation limit defined).
NO - Stop depreciating when the depreciation reserve reaches its depreciation limit.
YES - Stop depreciating if depreciation reserve reaches its depreciation limit because of an increase in depreciation expense.
DEPRN - Group asset will not stop depreciating.
Defaults to NO.
SUPER_GROUP_ID NUMBER Super group rule identification number.
REDUCTION_RATE NUMBER Relevant for depreciable basis rule that is assigned to a depreciation method which uses reduction rate.
REDUCE_ADDITION_FLAG VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether reduction rate should be applied for member asset additions. This value is relevant for group assets only.
Y - Reduction rate is used for member asset additions.
N - Reduction rate is not used for member asset additions.
Defaults to N.
REDUCE_ADJUSTMENT_FLAG VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether reduction rate should be applied for member asset adjustments. This value is relevant for group assets only.
Y - Reduction rate is used for member asset adjustments.
N - Reduction rate is not used for member asset adjustments.
Defaults to N.
REDUCE_RETIREMENT_FLAG VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether reduction rate should be applied for member asset retirements. This value is relevant only with group asset.
Y - Reduction rate is used for member asset retirements.
N - Reduction rate is not used for member asset retirements.
Defaults to N.
RECOGNIZE_GAIN_LOSS VARCHAR2(30) Indicates whether a member asset retirement should result in recognizing gain and loss amount.
YES - Recognize gain and loss amount.
NO - Do not recognize gain and loss amount.
Defaults to NO.
TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS VARCHAR2(30) Indicates whether to recognize gain and loss when the last member asset in a group asset is retired out of the group.
YES - Recognize gain and loss amount.
NO - Not recognizing gain and loss amount
END_OF_YEAR - Different recognition of gain and loss amount until the end of current fiscal year.
Defaults to YES.
TRACKING_METHOD VARCHAR2(30) Member assets tracking option value.
ALLOCATE - Allocate group depreciation amount across it's member assets.
CALCULATE - Uses member assets depreciation instead of group asset's depreciation.
Defaults to null.
EXCESS_ALLOCATION_OPTION VARCHAR2(30) Indicates whether excess from allocation of group depreciation expense across its member assets is reduced from group depreciation expense or reallocated to its member assets.
DISTRIBUTE - Reallocate the excess depreciation expense to its member assets.
REDUCE - Reduce the excess from group depreciation expense.
DEPRECIATION_OPTION VARCHAR2(30) Indicates whether member asset's depreciation expense is calculated using group or member asset depreciation information.
GROUP - Use group asset depreciation information to calculate member asset depreciation expense.
MEMBER - Use member asset depreciation information to calculate member asset depreciation expense.
Defaults to GROUP if TRACKING_METHOD is CALCULATE, otherwise defaults to null.
MEMBER_ROLLUP_FLAG VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether group asset depreciation amount is sum of member asset depreciation amount. This value is relevant if TRACKING_METHOD is CALCULATE and the value is not Y if RECOGNIZE_GAIN_LOSS or TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS is NO.
Y - Sum member asset depreciation amount to group.
N - Group depreciation amount is calculated using the group asset information.
Defaults to N if TRACKING_METHOD is CALCULATE, otherwise defaults to null.
ALLOCATE_TO_FULLY_RSV_FLAG VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether to allocate group asset's depreciation amount to a reserved member asset.
Y - Group depreciation expense is allocated to a reserved member assets.
N - Group depreciation expense is not allocated to fully reserved member assets.
Defaults to N if TRACKING_METHOD is ALLOCATE, otherwise defaults to null.

The following are relevant to group assets:

REDUCTION_RATE is for group and member assets.


The ASSET_DEPRN_REC_TYPE asset structure contains depreciation information for a given asset. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID NUMBER(15) Ledger identification number.
DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER Depreciation expense for this depreciation period.
YTD_DEPRN NUMBER Year-to-date depreciation expense.
DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Total depreciation since acquiring the asset.
PRIOR_FY_EXPENSE NUMBER Depreciation expense of previous fiscal years.
BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER Bonus depreciation expense for this period.
BONUS_YTD_DEPRN NUMBER Bonus year-to-date depreciation expense.
BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Total bonus depreciation since acquiring the asset.
PRIOR_FY_BONUS_ EXPENSE NUMBER Bonus depreciation expense of previous fiscal years.
REVAL_AMORTIZATION NUMBER Amount of revaluation reserve amortized during this period.
REVAL_AMORTIZATION_ BASIS NUMBER Revaluation reserve for calculating the amortization of revaluation reserve. The value is updated only when the asset is revalued or has an amortized adjustment.
REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE NUMBER Depreciation expense portion for revaluating the asset cost.
REVAL_YTD_DEPRN NUMBER Year-to-date depreciation expense for revaluation.
REVAL_DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Period when an asset is revalued: The value is the change in net book value due to revaluation of asset cost, and sometimes the revaluation of depreciation reserve also. For other periods: the value is the revaluation reserve amount after running the depreciation.
PRODUCTION NUMBER Current period production for a unit of production asset.
YTD_PRODUCTION NUMBER Year-to-date production for a unit of production asset.
LTD_PRODUCTION NUMBER Life-to-date production for a unit of production asset.


The ASSET_DIST_REC_TYPE asset structure contains information that represents a single source or destination distribution line. All the ASSET_DIST_REC_TYPE records comprising a single transfer transaction are contained in the ASSET_DIST_TBL table. At least one source line and at least one destination line are required for each transfer transaction. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
DISTRIBUTION_ID NUMBER(15) Unique distribution identification number.
UNITS_ASSIGNED NUMBER Number of units assigned to the distribution.
TRANSACTION_UNITS NUMBER Number of units involved in the transaction. Negative for the units transferred or retired. Positive for the units transferred or added.
ASSIGNED_TO NUMBER(15) Employee identification number.
EXPENSE_CCID NUMBER(15) Depreciation expense account identification number.
LOCATION_CCID NUMBER(15) Location flexfield identification number.

INV_TRANS_REC_TYPE Invoice Structure

The INV_TRANS_REC_TYPE invoice structure contains invoice transaction information for a given invoice. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
INVOICE_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER(15) Unique identification number for the invoice transaction.

INV_REC_TYPE Invoice Structure

The INV_REC_TYPE invoice structure contains invoice information for a single invoice associated with an asset. The INV_TBL_TYPE is a table of INV_REC_TYPE records. These records contain all invoices that have been applied to the asset. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Type Value
ASSET_INVOICE_ID NUMBER(15) Asset invoice identification number.
FIXED_ASSETS_COST NUMBER Cost of asset in Oracle Assets.
PO_VENDOR_ID NUMBER(15) Supplier identification number.
PO_NUMBER VARCHAR2(20) Purchase order number.
INVOICE_NUMBER VARCHAR2(50) Invoice number.
PAYABLES_BATCH_NAME VARCHAR2(50) Payables batch name in the invoice
PAYABLES_CODE_ COMBINATION_ID NUMBER(15) Clearing account number which is posted in accounts payable.
FEEDER_SYSTEM_NAME VARCHAR2(40) Name of the feeder system that creates the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS row.
CREATE_BATCH_DATE DATE Mass additions batch date when creating this row.
CREATE_BATCH_ID NUMBER(15) Mass additions create request identification number for this row.
INVOICE_DATE DATE Invoice date from accounts payable.
PAYABLES_COST NUMBER Invoice cost from accounts payable.
POST_BATCH_ID NUMBER(15) Mass Additions Post request identification number for this row.
INVOICE_ID NUMBER(15) Invoice identification number.
AP_DISTRIBUTION_LINE_ NUMBER NUMBER(15) Distribution line identification number.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(80) Invoice line description.
DELETED_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether this row is deleted in the CIP Adjustments form. Defaults to NO, which it should be for all addition transactions.
SPLIT_MERGED_CODE VARCHAR2(3) Indicates if the invoice line is split or merged.
PARENT_MASS_ADDITIONS_ID VARCHAR2(15) Parent mass addition identification number for the mass addition.
UNREVALUED_COST NUMBER Cost without regard to any revaluations.
MERGED_CODE VARCHAR2(3) Indicates if the mass addition is a merged parent or child.
SPLIT_CODE VARCHAR2(3) Indicates if the mass addition is a split parent or child.
MERGED_PARENT_MASS_ADDITION_ID NUMBER(15) Merged parent mass addition ID.
SPLIT_PARENT_MASS_ADDITION_ID NUMBER(15) Split parent mass addition ID.
PROJECT_ASSET_LINE_ID NUMBER(15) Identifier of the summarized asset cost line transferred from Oracle Projects to create this line.
PROJECT_ID NUMBER(15) Identifier of the project from which the costs are collected, summarized, and transferred from Oracle Projects.
TASK_ID NUMBER(15) Identifier of the task from which costs are collected, summarized, and transferred from Oracle Projects. This column is populated only if the costs were summarized by task.
ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY_ CODE VARCHAR2(30) Descriptive flexfield structure defining column.
YTD_DEPRN NUMBER Year-to-date deprecation expense.
DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Total deprecation taken since beginning of asset life.
BONUS_YTD_DEPRN NUMBER Bonus year-to-date depreciation expense.
BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Total bonus depreciation taken since acquiring the asset.
REVAL_AMORTIZATION_ BASIS NUMBER Revaluation reserve for calculating the amortization of a revaluation reserve. This value is updated when revaluing the asset or amortizing the adjustment.
REVAL_YTD_DEPRN NUMBER Year-to-date deprecation expense for revaluation.
REVAL_DEPRN_RESERVE NUMBER Period when an asset is revalued: The value is the change in net book value due to revaluation of asset cost, and sometimes the revaluation of depreciation reserve also. For other periods: the value is the revaluation reserve amount after running the depreciation.
INVOICE_DISTRIBUTION_ID VARCHAR2(1) Invoice distribution identifier.
INVOICE_LINE_NUMBER VARCHAR2(30) Invoice line number.
PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID VARCHAR2(30) Purchase order distribution identifier.
INV_RATE_TBL INV_RATE_REC_TYPE If using an alternate ledger currency, you may optionally provide either rates or converted amounts directly for each ledger through this member.

INV_RATE_REC_TYPE Invoice Rate Structure

The INV_RATE_REC_TYPE invoice structure contains rate information for an invoice. Each INV_RATE_REC_TYPE record contains one conversion rate. The INV_RATE_TBL_TYPE is a table of INV_RATE_REC_TYPE records. This table is used by MRC reporting currencies to determine the conversion rates for an asset. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Type Value
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID NUMBER(15) Ledger identification number.
EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Exchange rate for the currency (required if cost is not specified)
COST Number Provide converted cost directly rather than an exchange rate (required if EXCHANGE_RATE is not specified).


The ASSET_RETIRE_REC_TYPE asset structure contains the public retirement information of a given asset when it is retired. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Type Value
RETIREMENT_ID NUMBER(15) Retirement identification number. Optional OUT parameter.
RETIREMENT_PRORATE_ CONVENTION VARCHAR2(10) Prorate convention of the retirement. For example, MID-MONTH.
DATE_RETIRED DATE Date when retirement occurred. Default is current date.
UNITS_RETIRED NUMBER Number of units retired. Either units_retired or cost_retired must be provided.
COST_RETIRED NUMBER Cost retired. Either units_retired or cost_retired must be provided.
PROCEEDS_OF_SALE NUMBER Proceeds from the sale of the asset.
COST_OF_REMOVAL NUMBER Cost of removing the asset.
TRADE_IN_ASSET_ID NUMBER(15) Asset identification number of the new asset for which this asset was traded in.
SOLD_TO VARCHAR2(30) Name of the party to whom the asset was sold.
REFERENCE_NUM VARCHAR2(15) Reference number.
CALCULATE_GAIN_LOSS VARCHAR2(1) Whether to run calculate gain/loss immediately. (Either FND_API.G_TRUE or FND_API.G_FALSE.)
DESC_FLEX DESC_FLEX_ REC_TYPE Retirement descriptive flexfield information.
RESERVE_RETIRED NUMBER Reserve retired amount at the time of member asset retirement.
EOFY_RESERVE NUMBER Reserve deducted from the end of fiscal year reserve amount.


The ASSET_RETIRE_DET_REC_TYPE asset structure contains the detailed retirement information of a given asset that is used internally and is hidden from users. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
ASSET_ID NUMBER(15) Asset identification number.
TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID_IN NUMBER(15) Identification number of the asset transaction which created the row.
TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID_OUT NUMBER(15) Identification number of the asset transaction which made the row obsolete.
NBV_RETIRED NUMBER Net book value retired.
GAIN_LOSS_AMOUNT NUMBER Gain or loss from the retirement.
GAIN_LOSS_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2(15) Whether the retirement resulted in a gain or a loss.
ITC_RECAPTURED NUMBER Investment tax credit recaptured.
ITC_RECAPTURE_ID NUMBER(15) Investment tax credit recapture identification number.
STL_METHOD_CODE VARCHAR2(12) Straight line method for retirement reporting of 1250 property in a tax book.
STL_LIFE_IN_MONTHS NUMBER(4) Straight line life for retirement.
STL_DEPRN_AMOUNT NUMBER Straight line depreciation amount for reporting of 1250 property in a tax book.
REVAL_RESERVE_RETIRED NUMBER Revaluation reserve retired.
UNREVALUED_COST_RETIRED NUMBER Cost retired without any regard to revaluations.
ROW_ID NUMBER Row ID of retirement row.


The ASSET_HR_ATTR_REC_TYPE asset structure contains the hierarchy attributes of a given asset. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
CATEGORY_ID NUMBER(15) Identifies category to which the hierarchy belongs. (CRL Assets)
SERIAL_NUMBER VARCHAR2(35) Serial number of the hierarchy. (CRL Assets)
LEASE_ID NUMBER(15) Lease identification number. (CRL Assets)
ASSET_KEY_CCID NUMBER(15) Identifies the asset key combination for the hierarchy. (CRL Assets)
DIST_SET_ID NUMER(15) Distribution set identification number. (CRL Assets)
LIFE_IN_MONTHS NUMBER(4) Life in total months. (CRL Assets)
PRORATE_DATE DATE Date for prorating the depreciation. (CRL Assets)


The ASSET_HR_OPTIONS_REC_TYPE asset structure contains any changes occurring in the hierarchy options during a transaction that is performed on a given asset. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
EVENT_CODE VARCHAR2(30) Event that creates the batch:
CHANGE_NODE_PARENT - Change Parent of a Node in the Asset Hierarchy
CHANGE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE - Change Attribute Value on Node in the Asset Hierarchy
CHANGE_NODE_RULE_SET - Change Rule Set on a Node in an Asset Hierarchy
CHANGE_ASSET_LEASE - Change Lease on an Asset
CHANGE_ASSET_PARENT - Change Parent Of An Asset
CHANGE_ASSET_CATEGORY - Change Asset Category on an Asset
CHANGE_LEASE_LIFE_END_DATE - Change Life End Date on a Lease
CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE - Change Life On Asset Category
CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE_END_DATE - Change Life End Date On Asset Category
CHANGE_CATEGORY_RULE_SET - Change Rule Set on Asset Category
STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2(2) Batch status:
P - Pending
IP - In Process
PP - Partially Processed
CP - Completely Processed
R - Rejected
SOURCE_ENTITY_NAME VARCHAR2(30) The type of the source entity:
NODE - Parent Node
ASSET - Asset
LEASE - Lease Number
CATEGORY - Asset Category
SOURCE_ENTITY_VALUE VARCHAR2(30) The source entity value triggering the event.
SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Name of the source attribute:
PARENT - Parent Node
CATEGORY - Asset Category
DISTRIBUTION- Distribution Set
SERIAL_NUMBER - Serial Number
LEASE_NUMBER - Lease Number
ASSET_KEY - Asset Key
RULE_SET - Rule Set
LEASE_END_DATE - Lease End Date
LIFE - Life
LIFE_END_DATE - Life End Date
SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_OLD_ID VARCHAR2(30) Identifier of the source attribute before triggering the event.
SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_NEW_ID VARCHAR2(30) Identifier of the source attribute after triggering the event.
AMORTIZE_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether to use Amortization Date:
Y- Amortize
N - Expense
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(50) Description of the batch created.
REJECTION_CODE_REASON VARCHAR2(30) Reason the batch was Rejected.
CONCURRENT_REQUEST_ID NUMBER Concurrent request ID of the run which created this record.
BATCH_ID NUMBER System generated identifier of a batch.

SUBCOMP_REC_TYPE Subcomponent Structure

The SUBCOMP_REC_TYPE subcomponent structure contains any child assets belonging to a given asset. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
ASSET_ID NUMBER(15) Asset identification number.
PARENT_FLAG VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether asset is a parent asset. (Defaults to FND_API.G_FALSE)

PERIOD_REC_TYPE Period Structure

The PERIOD_REC_TYPE period structure contains the depreciation period information of a given book. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
PERIOD_NAME VARCHAR2(15) Depreciation period name.
PERIOD_COUNTER NUMBER(15) Period counter of the depreciation calendar.
PERIOD_OPEN_DATE DATE Start date of the depreciation period.
PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE DATE End date of the depreciation period.
CALENDAR_PERIOD_OPEN_DATE DATE Calendar period date when the period begins.
CALENDAR_PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE DATE End calendar period date.
DEPRN_RUN VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether depreciation has been run for the period.
PERIOD_NUM NUMBER(3) Period number in a fiscal year.
FY_START_DATE DATE First day of the fiscal year.
FY_END_DATE DATE Last day of the fiscal year.

RECLASS_OPTIONS_REC_TYPE Reclassification Structure

The RECLASS_OPTIONS_REC_TYPE reclassification structure contains reclass options that may be changed during a reclass transaction for a given asset. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
COPY_CAT_DESC_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether to copy the category descriptive flexfield information to the new category for the asset. (YES/NO)
COPY_CAT_DESC_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether to copy the category descriptive flexfield information to the new category for the asset. (YES/NO)
REDEFAULT_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether to inherit the depreciation rules of the new category. (YES/NO)
MASS_REQUEST_ID NUMBER(15) Concurrent request identification number.

GROUP_RECLASS_OPTIONS_REC_TYPE Reclassification Structure

The GROUP_RECLASS_OPTIONS_REC_TYPE reclassification structure contains any group reclass options that may be changed during a transaction done on a group asset. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Value
TRANSFER_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Option to transfer reserve or calculate catchup expense. (YES/NO) (CRL Assets)
MANUAL_FLAG VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether system should calculate the amount to transfer or whether a value will be provided. Available when choosing the transfer only option. (YES/NO) (CRL Assets)
MANUAL_AMOUNT NUMBER When the manual_flag is YES, this is the amount that you intend to transfer. (CRL Assets) The relationship between the flags is as follows during a group reclass: Group-unit or unit-group: transfer_flag = NO / manual_flag = NO. Group-group: transfer_flag = NO / manual_flag = NO Transfer_flag = YES / manual_flag = YES or NO.
GROUP_RECLASS_TYPE VARCHAR2(30) Indicates whether group reclass amounts information is provided by the user or calculated by the system.
CALC - System calculates amounts based on AMORTIZATION_START_DATE.
MANUAL - User needs to provide amounts
RESERVE_AMOUNT NUMBER Reserve amount moved from source to destination.
SOURCE_EOFY_RESERVE NUMBER Reserve amount at the end of previous fiscal year moved from source. This is used to calculate the new depreciable basis for some of FLAT-NBV method.
DESTINATION_EOFY_RESERVE NUMBER Reserve amount at the end of previous fiscal year added to destination. This is used to calculate new depreciable basis for some of FLAT-NBV method.


The UNPLANNED_DEPRN_REC_TYPE structure contains unplanned depreciation information when this type of transaction is performed on a given asset. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
CODE_COMBINATION_ID NUMBER(15) Account allocated for unplanned depreciation.
UNPLANNED_AMOUNT NUMBER Amount allocated for unplanned depreciation.
UNPLANNED_TYPE VARCHAR2(9) Type of unplanned depreciation.


The STANDARD_WHO_REC_TYPE structure contains information about the user, such as who updated the transaction. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
LAST_UPDATE_DATE DATE Standard Who column. (Defaults to SYSDATE)
LAST_UPDATED_BY NUMBER(15) Standard Who column. (Defaults to FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID)
CREATED_BY NUMBER(15) Standard Who column. (Defaults to FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID)
CREATION_DATE DATE Standard Who column. (Defaults to SYSDATE)
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN NUMBER(15) Standard Who column. (Defaults to FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID)


The DESC_FLEX_REC_TYPE structure contains descriptive flexfield information. The following table shows type and descriptive information for each argument.

Argument Type Description
ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE16 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE17 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE18 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE19 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE20 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE21 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE22 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE23 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE24 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE25 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE26 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE27 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE28 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE29 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE30 VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY_ CODE VARCHAR2(210) Descriptive flexfield structure defining column.
CONTEXT VARCHAR2(210) Structure defining column for the asset category descriptive flexfield.