
This chapter covers the following topics:

Using Oracle Workflow in Oracle Collaborative Planning

Oracle Workflow manages activities, executes functions, sends notifications, maintains completed activity history, detects errors, and initiates error processes.

This appendix provides details about how Oracle Workflow is used in Oracle Collaborative Planning to best meet your business needs. This appendix also provides detailed information regarding the workflow processes that come seeded with Oracle Collaborative Planning.

For information regarding implementation and setup of Oracle Workflow, refer to the Oracle Workflow Guide.

Setting Up Oracle Workflow in Oracle Collaborative Planning

The Oracle Workflow Guide provides a list of setup steps for Oracle Workflow, and explains the setup necessary for all modules. For example, the guide explains that an access level of 100 in Oracle Workflow Builder is necessary. Do not change this access level.

Warning: Oracle does not provide support if the access level of 100 is changed.

For more information about extending the seeded Oracle Collaborative Planning workflow processes, refer to "Extending Workflows in Oracle Collaborative Planning - Overview".

For more information about setting up Oracle Workflow, refer to the Oracle Workflow Guide.

Extending Workflows in Oracle Collaborative Planning


This section provides guidelines for extending the Oracle Collaborative Planning seeded workflow processes to meet your business needs. Oracle supports the extension of workflows. Extensions include using existing seeded subprocesses and functions to build new workflow processes and modifying parameters of a subprocess without changing process logic.

If the Oracle Collaborative Planning seeded workflows do not meet your business processing needs, you can create new flows by using any of the following methods:

Warning: Oracle provides support only for its seeded activities, processes, and the types of extensions described in this manual. Oracle does not provide support for your custom activities and processes.


A customization changes the logic of the core application. Oracle does not support customizations to seeded workflows. Examples of customizations include:

Warning: Customization refers to the modification of the logic of a process or subprocess, and is not supported by Oracle.


The following exceptions to customization are supported by Oracle:

For more information about extending workflows or to learn how to create your own workflows, refer to the Oracle Workflow Guide.

Extending Workflow


Warning: If you modify any of Oracle's seeded workflow data, your changes are not supported. Any changes to the seeded workflow data are overwritten when a patch containing the .wft file is applied.


When extending workflow processes to meet your business needs, stay within the following guidelines:

For more details on creating and extending workflows refer to the Oracle Workflow Guide.

Viewing Processes in Oracle Workflow Builder

From within the Oracle Workflow Builder you can view the different workflow processes discussed in this appendix and their associated functions, messages, subprocesses, notifications, and properties.

To view processes in Oracle Workflow Builder, complete the following steps:

  1. Within Oracle Workflow Builder, select Open from the File menu, and connect to the database.

  2. Expand the data source, then select the item type branch within that data source.

  3. Expand the processes branch within your item type and select a process activity to display the diagram of the process in a Process window.

The following image depicts the Oracle Workflow Builder:

Oracle Workflow Builder Window

the picture is described in the document text

Seeded Data Files

Each of the Oracle Collaborative Planning seeded workflows and their associated activities are contained in the following seeded data files:

Seeded Data File mscxewf.wft

Item Types

The seeded data file mscxewf.wft contains the following item type:


The seeded data file mscxewf.wft contains the following process:

Seeded Data File mscxudex.wft

Item Types

The seeded data file mscxudex.wft contains the following item type:


The seeded data file mscxudex.wft contains the following process:

Seeded Data File mscxnet.wft

Item Types

The seeded data file mscxnet.wft contains the following item type:


The seeded data file mscxnet.wft contains the following process:

Seeded Data File mscxvmir.wft

Item Types

The seeded data file mscxvmir.wft contains the following item type:


The seeded data file mscxvmir.wft contains the following process:

Seeded Data File mscxcfvr.wft

Item Types

The seeded data file mscxcfvr.wft contains the following item type: Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment Item Type.


The seeded data file mscxcfvr.wft contains the following process: Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment Process for VMI with Customers.

Seeded Data File mscxdprf.wft

Item Types

The seeded data file mscxdprf.wft contains the following item type:


The seeded data file mscxdprf.wft contains the following process:

Seeded Data File mscxpbof.wft

Item Types

The seeded data file mscxpbof.wft contains the following item type:


The seeded data file mscxpbof.wft contains the following process:

Seeded Data File mscxpbsc.wft

Item Types

The seeded data file mscxpbsc.wft contains the following item type:


The seeded data file mscxpbsc.wft contains the following process:

Seeded Data File mscxrcsc.wft

Item Types

The seeded data file mscxrcsc.wft contains the following item type:


The seeded data file mscxscem.wft contains the following process:

Seeded Data File mscxscem.wft

Item Types

The seeded data file mscxscem.wft contains the following item type:


The seeded data file mscxscem.wft contains the following process:

Seeded Data File mscxascp.wft

Item Types

The seeded data file mscxascp.wft contains the following item type:


The seeded data file mscxascp.wft contains the following process:

Item Types

The following section discusses the different item types used in Oracle Collaborative Planning seeded workflows. Oracle Collaborative Planning contains the following item types:

The different items types are contained in different seeded data workflow files.

To learn more about the Standard item type, refer to the Oracle Workflow Guide.

Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment

Currently there is two processes associated with Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment:

The Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment item type has several attributes associated with it. These attributes reference information in the Oracle Collaborative Planning application tables. The attributes are used and maintained by function activities and notification activities throughout the process. The following table lists the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment item type attributes:

Display Name Description Type Length/Format/Lookup Type/Frame Target
Replenish Time Fence The replenishment time fence multiplier. Number None
Auto Release Flag   Number None
Inventory Item ID The inventory identification number for the item. Number None
Organization ID The organization identification number for the item. Number None
Seller Name The selling company's name. Role None
Buyer Name The buying company's name. Role None
Plan ID Identification number of your plan. Number None
Sr Instance ID Identification number of the SR Instance. Number None
Supplier ID Identification number for the supplier. Number None
Supplier Site ID Identification number for the supplier site. Number None
Allocation Percent Allocation percent number. Number None
Order Quantity Quantity ordered. Number None
Total Allocated Onhand The total amount of allocated on-hand inventory. Number None
Item Name The name of the item. Text None
Requisition Transaction ID Identification number of the requisition transaction. Number None
SCE Organization ID Identification number of the SCE organization. Number None
SCE Supplier ID Identification number of the SCE supplier. Number None
SCE Supplier Site ID Identification number of the SCE supplier site. Number None
Customer Name The customer's name. Text None
Customer Site Name The name of the customer site. Text None
Supplier Name The name of the supplier. Text None
Supplier Site Name The name of the supplier site. Text None
Replenishment Transaction ID Identification number of the replenishment. Number None
Supplier Item Name Name of an item provided by the supplier. Text None
Customer Item Name Name of an item provided by the customer. Text None
Item Description A text description of an item. Text None
Allocated Onhand Quantity The amount of allocated on-hand inventory. Number None
Minimum MinMax Quantity The minimum amount of an item required in inventory before replenishment is necessary. Number None
Maximum MinMax Quantity The maximum amount of inventory that can be held or replenished. Number None
Customer UOM Code The customer's code for units of measure. Text None
Supplier UOM Code The supplier's code for units of measure. Text None

MSC: User Define Exception Workflow

Currently there is one process associated with MSC: User Define Exception Workflow:

The MSC: User Define Exception Workflow item type has several attributes associated with it. These attributes reference information in the Oracle Collaborative Planning application tables. The attributes are used and maintained by function activities and notification activities throughout the process. The following table lists the MSC: User Define Exception Workflow item type attributes:

Display Name Description Type Length/Format/Lookup Type/Frame Target
Exception Group The assigned group for the user-defined exception. Text 80
Exception Name The user-assigned name of the exception. Text 80
Exception Type The type of the user-defined exception. Number None
Exception Detail ID Identification number of the user-defined exception detail. Number None
Transaction ID Identification number of the transaction. Number None
Customer Transaction ID The customer's transaction identification number. Number None
Supplier Transaction ID The supplier's transaction identification number. Number None
Details URL The URL for the exception details. URL Full Window
Notification Title The title assigned to the exception. Text 2000
Exception Exist Indicates whether any exceptions exist. Number None
Company: Days Early Days early at the company. Number None
Company: Days Late Days late for the company. Number None
Company: Quantity Excess Quantity excess for the company. Number None
Company: Quantity Shortage Quantity shortage for the company. Number None
Customer: End Order Release Number End order release number for the customer. Text 240
Customer: Order Number Customer order number. Text 240
Company: Average Annual Demand Average annual demand for the company. Number None
Company: Bill Of Lading The company's bill of lading. Text 30
Company: Bucket Type The bucket type for the company. Text 20
Company: Carrier Code The carrier code for the company. Text 30
Company: Category The category for the company. Text 200
Company: Need By Date The need by date for the company. Date None
Company: Published Date The published date for the company. Date None
Company: Document Owner Site The document owner site for the company. Text 40
Company: Receipt Date The receipt date for the company. Date None
Company: Request Date The request date for the company. Date None
Company: Container Quantity The container quantity for the company. Number None
Company: Container Type The container type for the company. Text 20
Company: Customer Address The customer address for the company. Text 240
Customer: Item Description The item description for the customer. Text 240
Company: Customer Item The customer item for the company. Text 240
Company: Customer Site The customer site for the company. Text 40
Customer: Average Annual Demand The average annual demand for the customer. Number None
Customer: Bill Of Lading Number The bill of lading number for the customer. Text 30
Customer: Bucket Type The bucket type for the customer. Text 10
Customer: Carrier Code The carrier code for the customer. Text 30
Customer: Container Quantity The container quantity for the customer. Number None
Customer: Container Type The container type for the customer. Text 20
Customer: Designator The designator for the customer. Text 100
Customer: End Order Line Number The end order line number for the customer. Text 20
Customer: End Order Number The end order number for the customer. Text 240
Customer: End Order Publisher Name The end order publisher name for the customer. Text 255
Customer: End Order Publisher Site Name The end order publisher site name for the customer. Text 30
Customer: Inventory Status The inventory status for the customer. Text 20
Customer: Item Category The item category for the customer. Text 250
Customer: Line Code The line code for the customer. Text 30
Customer: New Schedule Date The new schedule date for the customer. Date None
Company: Order Placement Date The order placement date for the company. Date None
Customer: Order Line Number The order line number for the customer. Text 20
Company: Originally Promised Date The original promise date for the company. Date None
Customer: Owning Site The owning site for the customer. Text 30
Customer: Planner Code The planner code for the customer. Text 10
Customer: Planning Group The planning group for the customer. Text 30
Customer: Posting Party The posting party for the customer. Text 255
Customer: Primary Quantity The primary quantity for the customer. Number None
Customer: Primary UOM The primary unit of measure for the customer. Text 3
Customer: Project Number The project number for the customer. Text 30
Company: Customer Quantity The customer quantity for the company. Number None
Customer: Receipt Date The receipt date for the customer. Date None
Customer: Order Release Number The order release number for the customer. Text 20
Customer: Release Status The release status for the customer. Number None
Customer: Request Date The request date for the customer. Date None
Customer: Serial Number The serial number for the customer. Text 255
Company: Ship Date The ship date for the company. Date None
Customer: Ship From Address The ship from address for the customer. Text 240
Customer: Ship From Party The ship from party for the customer. Text 255
Customer: Ship From Party Site The ship from party site for the customer. Text 30
Customer: Shipping Method The shipping method for the customer. Text 30
Customer: Ship To Address The ship to address for the customer. Text 240
Customer: Ship To Party The ship to party for the customer. Text 255
Customer: Ship To Party Site The ship to party site for the customer. Text 30
Customer: Task Number The task number for the customer. Text 30
Customer: Trading Partner UOM Code The trading partner unit of measure code for the customer. Text 3
Customer: Tracking Number The tracking number for the customer. Text 100
Customer: Unit Number The unit number for the customer. Text 30
Customer: UOM Code The unit of measure code for the customer. Text 3
Customer: Vehicle Number The vehicle number for the customer. Text 30
Customer: Document Version The document version for the customer. Text 40
Company: Customer The company's customer. Text 250
Company: Designator The company's designator. Text 100
Company: End Order Line Number The end order line number for the company. Text 20
Company: End Order Number The end order number for the company. Text 240
Company: End Order Publisher Name The end order publisher name for the company. Text 255
Company: End Order Publisher Site Name The end order publisher site name for the company. Text 30
Company: End Order Release Number The end order release number for the company. Text 20
Company: Inventory Status The company's inventory status. Text 20
Company: Item Description The company's item description. Text 240
Notification Body The body text of the notification being sent. Text 4000
Company: Line Code The line code for the company. Text 30
Company: Line Number The line number for the company. Text 240
Company: Order Number The order number for the company. Text 240
Company: Release Number The release number for the company. Text 20
Company: Owner Item Description The owner item description for the company. Text 240
Company: Owner Item The owner item for the company. Text 250
Company: Owning Site Name The owning site name for the company. Text 30
Company: Planner Code The company's planner code. Text 30
Company: Planning Group The planning group for the company. Text 30
Company: Posting Party Name The company's posting party's name. Text 255
Company: Project Number The project number for the company. Text 30
Company: Publisher Address The publisher address for the company. Text 240
Company: Document Owner The company's document owner. Text 255
Company: Order Type Desc The company's order type description. Text 80
Company: Quantity The quantity for the company. Number None
Company: Release Status The release status for the company. Number None
Company: Serial Number The serial number for the company. Text 40
Company: Ship From Address The ship from address for the company. Text 240
Company: Shipping Party The shipping part for the company. Text 255
Company: Ship from party site The ship from party site for the company. Text 40
Company: Ship Method The ship method for the company. Text 30
Company: Ship To Address The ship to address for the company. Text 240
Company: Ship To Party The ship to party for the company. Text 255
Company: Ship to Party site The ship to party site for the company. Text 40
Supplier: Average Annual Demand The average annual demand for the supplier. Number None
Supplier: Bill Of Lading Number The bill of lading for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier: Bucket Type The bucket type for the supplier. Text 10
Supplier: Carrier Code The carrier code for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier: Item Category The item category for the supplier. Text 250
Supplier: Container Quantity The container quantity for the supplier. Number None
Supplier: Container Type The container type for the supplier. Text 20
Supplier: Designator The designator for the supplier. Text 100
Supplier End Order Number The end order number for the supplier. Text 240
Supplier: End Order Line Number The end order line number for the supplier. Text 20
Supplier: End Order Publisher Name The end order publisher name for the supplier. Text 255
Supplier: End Order Publisher SIte Name The end order publisher site name for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier End Order Release Number The end order release number for the supplier. Text 20
Supplier: Full Lead time The full lead time for the supplier. Text 20
Supplier: Inventory Status The inventory status for the supplier. Text 20
Supplier: Line Code The line code for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier: New Schedule Date The new schedule date for the supplier. Date None
Supplier: Order Number The order number for the supplier. Text 240
Supplier: Order Line Number The order line number for the supplier. Text 20
Supplier: Originally Promised Date The original promise date for the supplier. Date None
Supplier: Owning Site Name The owning site name for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier: Planner Code The planner code for the supplier. Text 10
Supplier: Planing Group The planning group for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier: Posting Party The posting party for the supplier. Text 255
Supplier: Primary Quantity The primary quantity for the supplier. Number None
Supplier: Primary UOM The primary unit of measure for the supplier. Text 3
Supplier: Project Number The project number for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier: Supplier Quantity The supplier quantity for the supplier. Number None
Supplier: Receipt Date The receipt date for the supplier. Date None
Supplier: Release Order Number The release order number for the supplier. Text 20
Supplier: Release Status The release status for the supplier. Number None
Supplier: Request Date The request date for the supplier. Date None
Supplier: Serial Number The serial number for the supplier. Text 255
Supplier: Ship Date The ship date for the supplier. Date None
Supplier: Ship From Address The ship from address for the supplier. Text 240
Supplier: Ship From Party The ship from party for the supplier. Text 255
Supplier: Ship From Party Site The ship from party site for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier: Ship Method The ship method for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier: Ship To Address The ship to address for the supplier. Text 240
Supplier: Ship To Party The ship to party for the supplier. Text 255
Supplier: Ship To Party Site The ship to party site for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier: Task Number The task number for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier: Trading Partner UOM Code The trading partner unit of measure for the supplier. Text 3
Supplier: Tracking number The tracking number for the supplier. Text 100
Supplier: Unit Number The unit number for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier: UOM Code The unit of measure code for the supplier. Text 3
Supplier: Vehicle Number The vehicle number for the supplier. Text 30
Supplier: Document Version The document version for the supplier. Text 40
Company: Supplier Address The supplier address for the company. Text 240
Supplier: Item Description The item description for the supplier. Text 240
Company: Supplier Item The supplier item for the company. Text 250
Company: Supplier The company's supplier. Text 255
Company: Supplier Site The company's supplier's site. Text 30
Company: Task Number The company's task number. Text 30
Company: Trading Partner Item Description The company's trading partner item description. Text 240
Company: Trading Partner UOM The company's trading partner unit of measure. Text 3
Company: Tracking Number The tracking number for the company. Text 240
Company: Order Type The order type for the company. Number None
Company: UOM The unit of measure used by the company. Text 3
Company: Vehicle Number The company's vehicle number. Text 30
Company: Version The version for the company. Text 240
Company: Unit Number The company's unit number. Text 30

Start ASCP Engine

This item type manages the Start ASCP Engine workflow process.

Currently there is one process associated with Start ASCP Engine:

The Start ASCP Engine item type has one attribute associated with it. This attribute references information in the Oracle Collaborative Planning application tables. The attribute is used and maintained by function activities and notification activities throughout the process. The following table lists the Start ASCP Engine item type attribute:

Display Name Description Type Length/Format/Lookup Type/Frame Target
Constrained Plan Flag The constrained plan flag number. Number None

Start SCEM Engine

Currently there is one process associated with Start SCEM Engine:

The Start SCEM Engine item type has no attributes associated with it.

Publish Order Forecast

Currently there is one process associated with Publish Order Forecast:

The Publish Order Forecast item type has one attribute associated with it. This attribute references information in the Oracle Collaborative Planning application tables. The attribute is used and maintained by function activities and notification activities throughout the process. The following table lists the Publish Order Forecast item type attribute:

Display Name Description Type Length/Format/Lookup Type/Frame Target
Plan ID The identification number for the plan. Number None

Start Receive Supplier Capacity

Currently there is one process associated with Start Receive Supplier Capacity:

The Start Receive Supplier Capacity item type has several attributes associated with it. These attributes reference information in the Oracle Collaborative Planning application tables. The attributes are used and maintained by function activities and notification activities throughout the process. The following table lists the Start Receive Supplier Capacity item type attributes:

Display Name Description Type Length/Format/Lookup Type/Frame Target
Start Date The specified start date. Date None
End Date The specified end date. Date None
Supplier ID The identification number for the supplier. Number None
Notification to Trading Partner The notification issued to a trading partner. Text None
Trading Partner Name The name of your trading partner. Text None
Notification Recipient Role The role of the assigned recipient of a notification. Text None
Request ID The identification number of the request. Number None

Publish Supply Commit

Currently there is one process associated with Publish Supply Commit:

The Publish Supply Commit item type has one attribute associated with it. This attribute references information in the Oracle Collaborative Planning application tables. The attribute is used and maintained by function activities and notification activities throughout the process. The following table lists the Publish Supply Commit item type attribute:

Display Name Description Type Length/Format/Lookup Type/Frame Target
Plan ID The identification number of the specified plan. Number None

Supply/Demand Mismatch

Currently there is one process associated with Supply/Demand Mismatch:

The Supply/Demand Mismatch item type has several attributes associated with it. These attributes reference information in the Oracle Collaborative Planning application tables. The attributes are used and maintained by function activities and notification activities throughout the process. The following table lists the Supply/Demand Mismatch item type attributes:

Display Name Description Type Length/Format/Lookup Type/Frame Target
Salute Salute Text None
Slogan Slogan Text None
Company ID The company's identification number. Number None
Company Name The company's name. Text None
Company Site ID The identification number of the company site. Number None
Company Site Name The company site name. Text None
Supplier ID The supplier's identification number. Number None
Supplier Name The supplier's name. Text None
Supplier Site ID The supplier site identification number. Number None
Supplier Site Name The name of the supplier site. Text None
Supplier Item Name The supplier's name of the item. Text None
Customer ID The customer's identification number. Number None
Customer Name The customer's name. Text None
Customer Site ID The identification number of the customer site. Number None
Customer Site Name The name of the customer site. Text None
Customer Item Name The customer's name of the item. Text None
Item ID The item identification number. Number None
Item Name The item name. Text None
Item Description The item description. Text None
Exception Type The type assigned to the exception. Number None
Quantity The item quantity. Number None
Quantity1   Number None
Quantity2   Number None
Transaction ID1   Number None
Transaction ID2   Number None
Threshold   Number None
Lead Time The specified necessary lead time. Number None
Item Min Qty Minimum item quantity Number None
Item Max Qty Maximum item quantity Number None
Date1 The actual date Date None
Date2   Date None
Date3   Date None
Order Creation Date1   Date None
Order Creation Date2   Date None
Forward To Username The planner's username. Text 100
Notification Message Name The name of the notification message to be sent. Text None
Event Name The name of the event. Text None
Item Key The item key. Text None
Exception Description The description of the exception. Text None
Order Number The order number. Text None
Release Number The release number. Text None
Line Number The line number. Text None
End Order Number The end order number. Text None
End Order Release Number The end order release number. Text None
End Order Line Number The end order line number. Text None
Planner The planner name. Text None

Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning

Currently there is one process associated with Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning:

The Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning item type has several attributes associated with it. These attributes reference information in the Oracle Collaborative Planning application tables. The attributes are used and maintained by function activities and notification activities throughout the process. The following table lists the Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning item type attributes:

Display Name Description Type Length/Format/Lookup Type/Frame Target
Forward to Username The planner's username. Text 100
Error message The name used for the error message. Text 240
Document Creation Date The date of the document creation. Date None
Error list String containing the errors for the planner. Text 4000
Transaction type The transaction type. Text 100
Plan name The name of the plan. Text 240
Number of Planners Contains the number of planners in an organization. Number None
Partner Site ID The identification number of the partner site. Number None
Header ID Parent header identification number. Number None
Number of visits The number of visits Number None
Publisher's organization The publisher's organization. Text 255
File to Upload Name of the file to be uploaded. Text 80

DP Receive Forecast

Currently there is one process associated with DP Receive Forecast:

The DP Receive Forecast item type has several attributes associated with it. These attributes reference information in the Oracle Collaborative Planning application tables. The attributes are used and maintained by function activities and notification activities throughout the process. The following table lists the DP Receive Forecast item type attributes:

Display Name Description Type Length/Format/Lookup Type/Frame Target
Customer ID The customer identification number. Number None
Start Date The workflow start date. Date None
Notification to Trading Partner The notification text sent to the trading partner. Text None
Trading Partner Name The name of the trading partner Text None
Notification Recipient Role The role of the notification's recipient. Text None
Horizon Days The amount of days on the horizon. Number None
Request ID The request identification number. Number None

Workflow Processes Used In Oracle Collaborative Planning

Oracle Collaborative Planning comes seeded with the following workflow processes:

Error Notifications for Excel Import of Forecast/Supply

This process sends notification when you conduct flat file or XML loads to Oracle Collaborative Planning and when loading a supply/demand flat file or loading an XML file adhering to 000_sync_forecast_001.dtd.

The Error Notifications for Excel Import of Forecast/Supply process is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxewf.wft and is associated with the Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning item type.

Summary of the Error Notifications for Excel Import of Forecast/Supply Process

To view the properties of the Error Notifications for Excel Import of Forecast/Supply process, select the process in the navigator tree and then select Properties from the Edit menu. This process is runnable, which indicates that it can be assigned to a transaction type.

The Details property page of the process activity indicates that Error Notifications for Excel Import of Forecast/Supply has an error item type of WFERROR. This item type is associated with the RETRY_ONLY error process. The purpose of this error handling process is to alert an administrator when an error occurs in a process and prompt the administrator to retry the process in error. This error process is initiated only when an unexpected error with Oracle Workflow is encountered in the process.

When you display the Process window for the Error Notifications for Excel Import of Forecast/Supply, you see that the process consists of 3 unique activities, which comprise the 3 nodes that appear in the workflow diagram. The following diagram depicts the Error Notifications for Excel Import of Forecast/Supply. Each node of this process is numbered for referencing.

the picture is described in the document text

The Error Notifications for Excel Import of Forecast/Supply workflow begins at node 1 with the Send Notification event.

The workflow then proceeds to the Notify Planning notification activity in node 2. After notification is sent, the process continues on to the End activity in node 3.

Error Notifications for Excel Import of Forecast/Supply Activities

The following table provides descriptions of each activity in Error Notifications for Excel Import of Forecast/Supply.

For more information about the individual activities, refer to Functions.

Activity Function Result Type Required

User Define Exception Workflow

In this process, a user-defined custom exception is run and generates a number of results (exceptions). For each generated exception, a notification is sent to the recipient of the exception. The workflow is called for each generated exception. The recipients and subject of the notification can be specified in the Custom Exceptions recipients page.

The User Define Exception Workflow process is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxudex.wft and is associated with the User Define Exception Workflow item type.

Summary of the User Define Exception Workflow Process

To view the properties of the User Define Exception Workflow process, select the process in the navigator tree and then select Properties from the Edit menu. This process is runnable.

The Details property page of the process activity indicates that User Define Exception Workflow has an error item type of WFERROR. This item type is associated with the RETRY_ONLY error process. The purpose of this error handling process is to alert an administrator when an error occurs in a process and prompt the administrator to retry the process in error. This error process is initiated only when an unexpected error with Oracle Workflow is encountered in the process.

When you display the Process window for the User Define Exception Workflow, you see that the process consists of 3 unique activities, which comprise the 3 nodes that appear in the workflow diagram. The following diagram depicts the User Define Exception Workflow. Each node of this process is numbered for referencing.

the picture is described in the document text

The User Define Exception Workflow workflow begins at node 1 with the Start activity.

The workflow then proceeds to the Send Exception Notification activity in node 2. After the activity is complete, the process continues on to the End activity in node 3.

User Define Exception Workflow Activities

The following table provides descriptions of each activity in User Define Exception Workflow.

For more information about individual activities, refer to Functions.

Activity Function Result Type Required
Send Exception Notification MSC_X_USER_EXCEP_GEN.SEND_NTF None Yes

Supply/Demand Mismatch

This process is the Supply Chain Event Manager Exceptions notification workflow.

The Supply/Demand Mismatch process is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxnet.wft and is associated with the Supply/Demand Mismatch item type.

Summary of the Supply/Demand Mismatch Process

To view the properties of the Supply/Demand Mismatch process, select the process in the navigator tree and then select Properties from the Edit menu. This process is runnable.

The Details property page of the process activity indicates that Supply/Demand Mismatch has an error item type of WFERROR. This item type is associated with the RETRY_ONLY error process. The purpose of this error handling process is to alert an administrator when an error occurs in a process and prompt the administrator to retry the process in error. This error process is initiated only when an unexpected error with Oracle Workflow is encountered in the process.

When you display the Process window for the Supply/Demand Mismatch, you see that the process consists of 3 unique activities, which comprise the 3 nodes that appear in the workflow diagram. The following diagram depicts the Supply/Demand Mismatch workflow. Each node of this process is numbered for referencing.

the picture is described in the document text

The Supply/Demand Mismatch workflow begins at node 1 with the Netting Exception Event.

The workflow then proceeds to the Send Out Exceptions activity in node 2. After the activity is complete, the process continues on to the End activity in node 3.

Supply/Demand Mismatch Activities

The following table provides descriptions of each activity in Supply/Demand Mismatch.

For more information about individual activities, refer to Functions.

Activity Function Result Type Required
Send Out Exceptions WF_STANDARD.NOTIFY None Yes

Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment

For Supplier-Facing VMI Replenishment

This process is the workflow for the VMI replenishment engine for supplier-facing VMI replenishment.

The Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment process for supplier-facing VMI replenishment is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxvmir.wft and is associated with the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment item type.

Summary of the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment Process

To view the properties of the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment process, select the process in the navigator tree and then select Properties from the Edit menu. This process is runnable.

The Details property page of the process activity indicates that Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment has an error item type of WFERROR. This item type is associated with the RETRY_ONLY error process. The purpose of this error handling process is to alert an administrator when an error occurs in a process and prompt the administrator to retry the process in error. This error process is initiated only when an unexpected error with Oracle Workflow is encountered in the process.

When you display the Process window for Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment, you see that the process consists of 9 unique activities, which comprise the 9 nodes that appear in the workflow diagram. The following diagram depicts the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment. Each node of this process is numbered for referencing.

the picture is described in the document text

The Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment workflow begins at node 1 with the Start activity.

The workflow then proceeds to the Create Replenishment activity at node 2. After the activity is complete, the process continues to the Can Seller Approve? activity at node 3. If there is a Yes result, the process moves to the Is Auto Release? activity at node 4. If there is a No result, the process moves to the Request for Approval message activity at node 5. If approval is granted, the process moves to Release Replenishment at node 8, then moves on to the End activity in node 9. If the request is rejected, the process moves to the Reject Replenishment at node 6, and then to the End activity in node 9.

Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment Activities

The following table provides descriptions of each activity in Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment.

For more information about individual activities, refer to Functions.

Activity Function Result Type Required
Create Replenishment MSC_X_REPLENISH.VMI_REPLENISH None Yes
Release Replenishment MSC_X_REPLENISH.VMI_RELEASE None Yes
Reject Replenishment MSC_X_REPLENISH.VMI_REJECT None Yes

For Customer-Facing VMI Replenishment

This process is the workflow for the VMI replenishment engine. The Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment process for VMI with customers is contained in the seeded data file mscxcfvr.wft and is associated with the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI replenishment item types.

The Details property page of the process activity indicates that VMI Replenishment for VMI with customers has an error item type of WFERROR. This item type is associated with the RETRY_ONLY error process. The purpose of this error handling process is to alert an administrator when an error occurs in a process and prompt the administrator to retry the process that is in error. This error process is initiated only when an unexpected error with Oracle Workflow is encountered in the process. When you display the Process window for Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment for VMI with customers, you see that the process consists of nine unique activities, which comprise the eight nodes that appear in the workflow diagram. The following diagram depicts the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment. Each node of this process is numbered for referencing.

the picture is described in the document text

The Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment for VMI with customers workflow begins at node 1 with the Start activity. The workflow then proceeds to the Send Notifications to Customers activity at node 2. After the activity is complete, the process continues to the Release Authorization Required? activity at node 3. If this process responds with Yes, the system moves to the Send Notifications to Item Planner activity at node 4. This activity returns an authorization from Item Planner. The process then continues to Release Replenishment activity at node 5. After releasing the VMI replenishment, the process moves on to the End activity at node 8.

If the Release Authorization Required? activity (node 3) responds with No, the process moves to the Request for Approval activity at node 6. If the Item Planner grants the approval, the process moves to Release Replenishment at node 5, then moves on to the End activity in node 8. If the request is rejected, the process moves to the Reject Replenishment at node 7, and then to the End activity in node 8.

Activities for Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment for VMI with Customers

The following table provides descriptions of each activity in Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment. For more information about individual activities, see "Functions."

Activity Function Result Type Required
Release Authorization Required? MSC_X_CUST_FACING_RELEASECREATE_VMI_RELEASE Yes / No Yes
Reject Replenishment MSC_X_CVMI_REPLENISH.vmi_reject None Yes

Start ASCP Engine

This process facilitates the automation of launching an ASCP plan after receiving an order forecast or supply commit from Oracle Collaborative Planning.

The Start ASCP Engine process is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxascp.wft and is associated with the Start ASCP Engine item type.

Summary of the Start ASCP Engine Process

To view the properties of the Start ASCP Engine process, select the process in the navigator tree and then select Properties from the Edit menu. This process is runnable.

The Details property page of the process activity indicates that Start ASCP Engine has an error item type of WFERROR. This item type is associated with the RETRY_ONLY error process. The purpose of this error handling process is to alert an administrator when an error occurs in a process and prompt the administrator to retry the process in error. This error process is initiated only when an unexpected error with Oracle Workflow is encountered in the process.

When you display the Process window for the Start ASCP Engine, you see that the process consists of 3 unique activities, which comprise the 3 nodes that appear in the workflow diagram. The following diagram depicts the Start ASCP Engine. Each node of this process is numbered for referencing.

the picture is described in the document text

The Start ASCP Engine workflow begins at node 1 with the Start activity.

The workflow then proceeds to the Launch ASCP Engine activity in node 2. After the activity is complete, the process continues on to the End activity in node 3.

Start ASCP Engine Activities

The following table provides descriptions of each activity in Start ASCP Engine.

For more information about individual activities, refer to Functions.

Activity Function Result Type Required

DP Receive Forecast

This process facilitates receiving forecasts from Oracle Demand Planning into Oracle Collaborative Planning.

The DP Receive Forecast process is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxdprf.wft and is associated with the DP Receive Forecast item type.

Summary of the DP Receive Forecast Process

To view the properties of the DP Receive Forecast process, select the process in the navigator tree and then select Properties from the Edit menu. This process is runnable.

The Details property page of the process activity indicates that DP Receive Forecast has an error item type of WFERROR. This item type is associated with the RETRY_ONLY error process. The purpose of this error handling process is to alert an administrator when an error occurs in a process and prompt the administrator to retry the process in error. This error process is initiated only when an unexpected error with Oracle Workflow is encountered in the process.

When you display the Process window for the DP Receive Forecast, you see that the process consists of 3 unique activities, which comprise the 3 nodes that appear in the workflow diagram. The following diagram depicts DP Receive Forecast. Each node of this process is numbered for referencing.

the picture is described in the document text

The DP Receive Forecast workflow begins at node 1 with the Start activity.

The workflow then proceeds to the Launch DP Receive Forecast activity in node 2. After the activity is complete, notification is sent at node 3. The process then continues on to the End activity in node 4.

DP Receive Forecast Activities

The following table provides descriptions of each activity in DP Receive Forecast.

For more information about individual activities, refer to Functions.

Activity Function Result Type Required
Launch DP Receive Forecast MSC_X_CP_FLOW.DP_Receive_Forecast None Yes

Publish Order Forecast

This process facilitates the automatic launch of the Publish Order Forecast program from Planner Workbench.

The Publish Order Forecast process is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxpbof.wft and is associated with the Publish Order Forecast item type.

Summary of the Publish Order Forecast Process

To view the properties of the Publish Order Forecast process, select the process in the navigator tree and then select Properties from the Edit menu. This process is runnable.

The Details property page of the process activity indicates that Publish Order Forecast has an error item type of WFERROR. This item type is associated with the RETRY_ONLY error process. The purpose of this error handling process is to alert an administrator when an error occurs in a process and prompt the administrator to retry the process in error. This error process is initiated only when an unexpected error with Oracle Workflow is encountered in the process.

When you display the Process window for the Publish Order Forecast, you see that the process consists of 3 unique activities, which comprise the 3 nodes that appear in the workflow diagram. The following diagram depicts Publish Order Forecast. Each node of this process is numbered for referencing.

the picture is described in the document text

The Publish Order Forecast workflow begins at node 1 with the Start activity.

The workflow then proceeds to the Launch Publish Order Forecast activity in node 2. After the activity is complete, the process continues to the End activity at node 3.

Publish Order Forecast Activities

The following table provides descriptions of each activity in Publish Order Forecast.

For more information about individual activities, refer to Functions.

Activity Function Result Type Required
Launch Publish Order Forecast MSC_X_CP_FLOW.PUBLISH_ORDER_FORECAST None Yes

Publish Supply Commit

This process facilitates the automatic launch of the Publish Supply Commit program from the Planner Workbench.

The Publish Supply Commit process is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxpbsc.wft and is associated with the Publish Supply Commit item type.

Summary of the Publish Supply Commit Process

To view the properties of the Publish Supply Commit process, select the process in the navigator tree and then select Properties from the Edit menu. This process is runnable.

The Details property page of the process activity indicates that Publish Supply Commit has an error item type of WFERROR. This item type is associated with the RETRY_ONLY error process. The purpose of this error handling process is to alert an administrator when an error occurs in a process and prompt the administrator to retry the process in error. This error process is initiated only when an unexpected error with Oracle Workflow is encountered in the process.

When you display the Process window for the Publish Supply Commit, you see that the process consists of 3 unique activities, which comprise the 3 nodes that appear in the workflow diagram. The following diagram depicts the Publish Supply Commit. Each node of this process is numbered for referencing.

the picture is described in the document text

The Publish Supply Commit workflow begins at node 1 with the Start activity.

The workflow then proceeds to the Send Exception Notification activity in node 2. After the activity is complete, the process continues on to the End activity in node 3.

Publish Supply Commit Activities

The following table provides descriptions of each activity in Publish Supply Commit.

For more information about individual activities, refer to Functions.

Activity Function Result Type Required
Launch Publish Supply Commit MSC_X_CP_FLOW.PUBLISH_SUPPLY_COMMITS None Yes

Start Receive Supplier Capacity

This process facilitates the automatic start of the Receive Supplier Capacity program when a supply commit is loaded into Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning.

The Start Receive Supplier Capacity process is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxrcsc.wft and is associated with the Start Receive Supplier Capacity item type.

Summary of the Start Receive Supplier Capacity Process

To view the properties of the Start Receive Supplier Capacity process, select the process in the navigator tree and then select Properties from the Edit menu. This process is runnable.

The Details property page of the process activity indicates that Start Receive Supplier Capacity has an error item type of WFERROR. This item type is associated with the RETRY_ONLY error process. The purpose of this error handling process is to alert an administrator when an error occurs in a process and prompt the administrator to retry the process in error. This error process is initiated only when an unexpected error with Oracle Workflow is encountered in the process.

When you display the Process window for the Start Receive Supplier Capacity, you see that the process consists of 4 unique activities, which comprise the 4 nodes that appear in the workflow diagram. The following diagram depicts the Start Receive Supplier Capacity. Each node of this process is numbered for referencing.

the picture is described in the document text

The Start Receive Supplier Capacity workflow begins at node 1 with the Start activity.

The workflow then proceeds to the Launch Receive Supplier Capacity activity in node 2. After the activity is complete, notification is sent at node 3. The process continues on to the End activity in node 4.

Start Receive Supplier Capacity Activities

The following table provides descriptions of each activity in Start Receive Supplier Capacity.

For more information about individual activities, refer to Functions.

Activity Function Result Type Required
Launch Receive Supplier Capacity MSC_X_CP_FLOW.RECEIVE_SUPPLIER_CAPACITY None Yes

Start SCEM Engine

This process facilitates the automatic launch of the supply chain event manager when an order forecast or supply commit is loaded into Oracle Collaborative Planning.

The Start SCEM Engine process is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxscem.wft and is associated with the Start SCEM Engine item type.

Summary of the Start SCEM Engine Process

To view the properties of the Start SCEM Engine process, select the process in the navigator tree and then select Properties from the Edit menu. This process is runnable.

The Details property page of the process activity indicates that Start SCEM Engine has an error item type of WFERROR. This item type is associated with the RETRY_ONLY error process. The purpose of this error handling process is to alert an administrator when an error occurs in a process and prompt the administrator to retry the process in error. This error process is initiated only when an unexpected error with Oracle Workflow is encountered in the process.

When you display the Process window for the Start SCEM Engine, you see that the process consists of 3 unique activities, which comprise the 3 nodes that appear in the workflow diagram. The following diagram depicts the Start SCEM Engine workflow. Each node of this process is numbered for referencing.

the picture is described in the document text

The Start SCEM Engine workflow begins at node 1 with the Start activity.

The workflow then proceeds to the Launch SCEM Engine activity in node 2. After the activity is complete, the process continues on to the End activity in node 3.

Start SCEM Engine Activities

The following table provides descriptions of each activity in Start SCEM Engine.

For more information about individual activities, refer to Functions.

Activity Function Result Type Required


The following section discusses the functions contained in the workflow processes used by Oracle Collaborative Planning. The functions are discussed according to their associated item types:

Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment

For Supplier-Facing VMI Replenishment

Can Seller Approve?

The Can Seller Approve? activity is a Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning activity that determines whether a seller can approve a VMI replenishment.

The Can Seller Approve? activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_X_REPLENISH.IS_SELLER_APPROVE.

The Can Seller Approve? has a result type of Yes/No. The result of this activity will be either Yes or No.

The following image depicts the Can Seller Approve? activity:

Can Seller Approve? activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Can Seller Approve? activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxvmir.wft, and is associated with the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment item type.

Create Replenishment

The Create Replenishment activity is a Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment activity that creates a VMI replenishment.

The Create Replenishment activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_X_REPLENISH.VMI_REPLENISH.

The following image depicts the Create Replenishment activity:

Create Replenishment activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Create Replenishment activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxvmir.wft, and is associated with the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment item type.

Is Auto Release?

The Is Auto Release? activity is a Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment activity that determines whether an VMI replenishment is eligible for auto release.

The Is Auto Release? activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_X_REPLENISH.IS_AUTO_RELEASE.

Is Auto Release? has a result type of Yes/No. The result of this activity will be either Yes or No.

The following image depicts the Is Auto Release? activity:

Auto Release? Activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Is Auto Release? activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxvmir.wft, and is associated with the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment item type.

Reject Replenishment

The Reject Replenishment activity is a Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment activity that rejects a VMI replenishment request.

The Reject Replenishment activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_X_REPLENISH.VMI_REJECT.

The following image depicts the Reject Replenishment activity:

Reject Replenishment activity

the picture is described in the document text

Reject Replenishment activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxvmir.wft, and is associated with the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment item type.

Release Replenishment

The Release Replenishment activity is a Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment activity that releases a VMI replenishment.

The Release Replenishment activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_X_REPLENISH.VMI_RELEASE.

The following image depicts the Release Replenishment activity:

Release Replenishment activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Release Replenishment activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxvmir.wft, and is associated with the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment item type.

For Customer-Facing VMI Replenishment

Release Authorization Required?

The Release Authorization Required? activity is the activity for Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment for VMI with a customer that determines whether authorization is required from Item Planner to create a sales order in the source. The Release Authorization Required? activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_X_CUST_FACING_RELEASECREATE_VMI_RELEASE. This procedure has a result type of Yes/No, that is, the result of this activity will be either Yes or No. The following image depicts the Release Authorization Required? activity:

the picture is described in the document text

The Release Authorization Required? activity is contained in the seeded data file mscxcfvr.wft and is associated with the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment Item Type.

Release Replenishment

The Release workflow is a sub-workflow process. It is called from Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment for VMI with a customer workflow process. This workflow is called after the item planner approves of the VMI release. In the VMI Release process, the Collaborative Planning system calls an OM API to create a sales order in the ERP source. The replenishment record in MSC_SUP_DEM_ENTRIES table is marked as released. For more information about this table, see "Appendix D: Key Tables."

The name of the PL/SQL procedure that is called by this workflow node is VMI_RELEASE. Inside this procedure, the system starts another Release workflow process. Release workflow will be called for creating:

The workflow process for VMI Release can be invoked in the following ways:

When the Automatic Release flag is set to Yes, the VMI main workflow process calls the VMI Release sub-process and automatically release the replenishment. When the Automatic Release flag is set to No, this process can be invoked under the following scenarios:

Scenario 1

When you approve the release from the workflow notification page, the VMI main workflow process is resumed and VMI release sub-process is called automatically.

Scenario 2

When you release the replenishment from the using the Release button in the VMI screen for the first time, the following workflow API is called to resume the VMI main workflow process, which releases the replenishment:


From the next release onwards, the following API will be called to start a new VMI release workflow process.


Scenario 3

When you load consumption advice, the system calls the API MSC_X_CVMI_REPLENISH.VMI_RELEASE_API to start the VMI release workflow process.

The following diagram illustrates the VMI Release workflow process:

the picture is described in the document text

When VMI engine Workflow creates the replenishment, it starts the Release workflow after indicating whether it is handling consigned VMI with customers or customer facing VMI and setting the attributes in workflow accordingly.

The VMI replenishment engine calls the VMI_CUST_REPL_RELEASE procedure and carries out the following steps for customer facing VMI and consigned VMI with customers:

For Unconsigned VMI with Customers

For customer facing VMI, the VMI replenishment engine sets the values for Item, Customer, Customer site, Replenish quantity, Source Organization, and Request date and stores the data in the MSC_SO_RELEASE_INTERFACE table.

It then launches the Create Sales Order Release concurrent program in the E-Business Suite source instance. This program retrieves the appropriate Blanket Agreement number against which the sales order should be released and calls the OM API - OE_ORDER_PUB.PROCESS_ORDER to create the sales order release. For more information about OE_ORDER_PUB.PROCESS_ORDER API, see "Oracle Order Management APIs/Open Interfaces" and "Processing the Sales Order Business Object" in the Oracle Order Management Open Interfaces, API, & Electronic Messaging Guide.

The system sends notification to the Item Planner with the result of the call to OM API.

If the program finishes successfully for an ATPable item and ATP Scheduling moves the ship date for the order, the engine sends a notification to the Item Planner for an approval to override the scheduled ship date for the sales order. If the planner chooses to override ATP, the engine launches a concurrent request for the Create Sales Order Release program.

After the sales order is released successfully, the system deletes the record from the MSC_SO_RELEASE_INTERFACE table.

For partial release using the Release button in the VMI screen, the first release invokes the Workflow process, which in turn calls the release procedure with Workflow standard signature. Any release after the first release from the VMI screen directly calls the non-Workflow VMI release API. This partial release rule applies to both the creation of the sales orders and internal requisitions.

For Consigned VMI with Customers

For consigned VMI with customers, the VMI replenishment engine sets the values for Item, Organization ID for the customer modeled organization, Plan ID, source instance ID, Replenish quantity, Source Organization, and Request date and creates the internal requisition in the customer modeled organization.

Reject Replenishment

The Reject Replenishment activity is a part of Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment for VMI with a customer process. It rejects a VMI replenishment request.

The Reject Replenishment activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_X_CVMI_REPLENISH.vmi_reject. The system will not create any sales order in the source if this procedure is called. The replenishment record in the MSC_SUP_DEM_ENTRIES table will be marked as rejected after this procedure is executed.

The following image depicts the Reject Replenishment activity:

the picture is described in the document text

The Reject Replenishment activity is contained in the seeded data file mscxcfvr.wft, and is associated with the Oracle Collaborative Planning VMI Replenishment Item Type.

MSC: User Define Exception Workflow

Send Exception Notification

The Send Exception Notification activity is a MSC: User Define Exception activity that sends an exception notification.

The Send Exception Notification activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_X_USER_EXCEP_GEN.SEND_NTF.

The following image depicts the Send Exception Notification activity:

Send Exception Notification activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Send Exception Notification activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxudex.wft, and is associated with the MSC: User Define Exception Workflow item type.

Start ASCP Engine

Launch ASCP Engine

The Launch ASCP Engine activity is a Start ASCP Engine activity that launches the ASCP Engine.

The Launch ASCP Engine activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_X_CP_FLOW.Launch_ASCP_Engine.

The following image depicts the Launch ASCP Engine activity:

Launch ASCP Engine activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Launch ASCP Engine activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxascp.wft, and is associated with the Start ASCP Engine item type.

Start SCEM Engine

Launch SCEM Engine

The Launch SCEM Engine activity is a Start SCEM Engine activity that launches the SCEM Engine.

The Launch SCEM Engine activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_X_CP_FLOW.Launch_SCEM_Engine.

The following image depicts the Launch SCEM Engine activity:

Launch SCEM Engine activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Launch SCEM Engine activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxscem.wft, and is associated with the Start SCEM Engine item type.

Publish Order Forecast

Launch Publish Order Forecast

The Launch Publish Order Forecast activity is a Publish Order Forecast activity that publishes an order forecast.

The Launch Publish Order Forecast activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named msc_x_cp_flow.publish_order_forecast.

The following image depicts the Launch Publish Order Forecast activity:

Launch Publish Order Forecast activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Launch Publish Order Forecast activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxpbof.wft, and is associated with the Publish Order Forecast item type.

Start Receive Supplier Capacity

Launch Receive Supplier Capacity

The Launch Receive Supplier Capacity activity is a Start Receive Supplier Capacity activity that launches the SCEM Engine.

The Launch Receive Supplier Capacity activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named msc_x_cp_flow.Receive_Supplier_Capacity.

The following image depicts the Launch Receive Supplier Capacity activity:

Launch Receive Supplier Capacity activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Launch Receive Supplier Capacity activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxrcsc.wft, and is associated with the Start Receive Supplier Capacity item type.

Publish Supply Commit

Launch Publish Supply Commit

The Launch Publish Supply Commit activity is a Publish Supply Commit activity that publishes a supply commit to Oracle Collaborative Planning.

The Launch Publish Supply Commit activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named msc_x_cp_flow.publish_supply_commits.

The following image depicts the Launch Publish Supply Commit activity:

Launch Publish Supply Commit activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Launch Publish Supply Commit activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxpbsc.wft, and is associated with the Publish Supply Commit item type.

Supply/Demand Mismatch

Send Out Exceptions

The Send Out Exceptions activity is a Supply/Demand Mismatch activity that sends out exceptions.

The Send Out Exceptions activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named WF_STANDARD.NOTIFY.

The following image depicts the Send Out Exceptions activity:

Send Out Exceptions activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Send Out Exceptions activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxnet.wft, and is associated with the Supply/Demand Mismatch item type.

Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning

Build Error Message

The Build Error Message activity is a Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning activity that builds an error message for a planner.

The Build Error Message activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_SCE_WF.BUILD_ERR_MSG.

The following image depicts the Build Error Message activity:

Build Error Message activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Build Error Message activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxewf.wft, and is associated with the Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning item type.

Clean Up

The Clean Up activity is a Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning activity that closes all open cursors.

The Clean Up activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_SCE_WF.CLOSE_CURSOR.

The following image depicts the Clean Up activity:

Clean Up activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Clean Up activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxewf.wft, and is associated with the Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning item type.

Determine Planners

The Determine Planners activity is a Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning activity that determines the planners corresponding to a party.

The Determine Planners activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_SCE_WF.DETERMINE_PLANNERS.

The following image depicts the Determine Planners activity:

Determine Planners activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Determine Planners activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxewf.wft, and is associated with the Workflows for Oracle Collaborative Planning item type.

DP Receive Forecast

Launch DP Receive Forecast

The Launch DP Receive Forecast activity is a DP Receive Forecast activity that receives an Oracle Demand Planning forecast into Oracle Collaborative Planning.

The Launch DP Receive Forecast activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named MSC_X_CP_FLOW.DP_Receive_Forecast.

The following image depicts the Launch DP Receive Forecast activity:

Launch DP Receive Forecast activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Launch DP Receive Forecast activity is contained in the Seeded Data File mscxdprf.wft, and is associated with the DP Receive Forecast item type.


Oracle Workflow provides some generic activities you can use to control your processes. The activities are associated with the Standard item type but can be used with any process you define. The Standard item type is automatically installed on your Oracle Workflow server. The following are the Standard activities used by Oracle Collaborative Planning. For more information about the Oracle Workflow Standard activities, refer to the Oracle Workflow Guide.


The End activity marks the end of a process and does not perform any action. You can use it to return a result for a completed process by specifying a Result Type for the activity. Although it is not necessary, you may include it in your process diagram to visually mark the end of your process as a separate node.

The following image depicts the End activity:

End activity

the picture is described in the document text

The End activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named WF_STANDARD.NOOP.


The Start activity marks the start of a process and does not perform any action. Although it is not necessary, you may include it in your process diagram to visually mark the start of a process as a separate node.

The following image depicts the Start activity:

Start activity

the picture is described in the document text

The Start activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named WF_STANDARD.NOOP.