
Oracle General Ledger

Inflation Adjustment Overview

In Argentina, companies report both historical balances and inflation-adjusted balances. You can maintain both balances by keeping your historical balances in one ledger and your inflation-adjusted balances in another ledger. Follow the prerequisite steps for the historical/adjusted option described in the Common Country Features chapter.

Using Inflation Adjustment Based on a Price Index

Example for adjusting balances based on a price index

This example shows how the inflation rates and adjustment amounts are calculated to adjust account balances based on a price index. This table shows the price index values for the example.

Period Price Index Value
November 100
December 101.1
January 102.5
February 103.4
March 106
April 108.7

The correction factors for the inflation rates are calculated with a precision of six decimal positions. The calculations are based on this formula:

Correction Factor = (Index Value for Last Month of Period Range / Index Value for First Month of Period Range) - 1

This table shows the correction factors for the different period ranges.

Period Range Correction Factor (Inflation Rate)
December-April 0.075173
January-April 0.060488
February-April 0.051257
March-April 0.025472

Assume that the period-to-date and to-date balances of the Goodwill account have the values in this table for the periods December 2001 through March 2002:

Balances December January February March
Period-to-Date   20,000 30,000 40,000
To-Date 10,000 30,000 60,000 100,000

Note: Period-to-date balances do not include the balance at the beginning of the period; they only include activity within the period. The period-to-date balance for a period can be calculated by subtracting the balance at the beginning of the period from the balance at the end of the period.

The inflation adjustment amount for the periods January through April is calculated as:

April Adjustment =

(Previous Year Final Balance * December-April Correction Factor) +

(January Period-to-Date Balance * January-April Correction Factor) +

(February Period-to-Date Balance * February-April Correction Factor) +

(March Period-to-Date Balance * March-April Correction Factor) =

(10,000 * 0.075173) +

(20,000 * 0.060488) +

(30,000 * 0.051257) +

(40,000 * 0.025472) =


This table shows the journal entry that adjusts the Goodwill account for inflation:

Accounts Debit Credit
Goodwill 4,518.08  
     REI Account   4,518.08

Using the Inflation Adjustment Date

The Inflation Adjustment Date (Fecha Valor) feature lets you adjust a journal entry for a period that is before the effective date. For example, you can enter a journal entry for June and adjust the journal entry for a period that starts in January.

Note: If you enter an inflation adjustment date that is after the journal entry effective date, General Ledger does not use that inflation adjustment date. Instead, the inflation adjustment is calculated based on the journal entry effective date.

To use the Inflation Adjustment Date feature, you must define the ledger where you will run the inflation adjustment process as an MRC primary ledger, even if you do not use the MRC feature in General Ledger. You can classify a ledger as primary in the Multiple Reporting Currencies tabbed region in the Ledger window.

Use the Change Currency window to enter the inflation adjustment date. You can navigate to the Change Currency window by pressing the Change Currency button in the Journals window. Enter the inflation adjustment date in the To Date field.

General Ledger only adjusts the lines with accounting flexfield combinations that fall within the account ranges you specified when you submitted the inflation adjustment process.

Example for using the inflation adjustment date

This example shows how the journal entry lines are adjusted for inflation according to the inflation adjustment date. This table shows the price index values for the example.

Period Price Index Value
January 120
February 150
March 170
April 190
May 205

This table shows Journal Entry 1, which is effective on March 14. Assume that the current month is April. Only the Franchise Initial Fee account and the Capital account are within the specified account ranges:

Accounts Debit Credit
Franchise Initial Fee 100  
Cash 250  
     Accounts Payable   50
     Capital   300

Case 1 – Adjust Journal Entry 1 as shown in this table for inflation with the same effective and inflation adjustment dates. The inflation adjustment is calculated from the effective date.

Correction Factor = (Index Value for Last Month of Period Range / Index Value for First Month of Period Range) - 1

Correction Factor March-April = (190 / 170) - 1 = 0.1176

Accounts Debit Credit
Franchise Initial Fee 11.76  
REI Account 23.52  
     Capital   35.28

Case 2 – Adjust Journal Entry 1 as shown in this table for inflation with the inflation adjustment date set to February 10. The inflation adjustment is calculated from the inflation adjustment date.

Correction Factor February-April = (190 / 150) - 1 = 0.2666

Accounts Debit Credit
Franchise Initial Fee 26.67  
REI Account 53.31  
     Capital   79.98

Related Topics

Entering Foreign Currency Journals, Oracle General Ledger User Guide

Oracle Payables

Withholding Tax in Argentina

In Argentina, customers who are withholding agents are responsible for withheld taxes from supplier invoices, when the supplier is subject to tax withholding and is not exempted by the tax authority. The customer pays the supplier invoice net the withheld amount, issues a withholding certificate for the withheld amount, and remits the tax withheld to the proper tax authority.

The main federal and provincial taxes and contributions that have a withholding regime in Argentina are:

The calculation method (both the withholding basis and the rate used) differs by tax withholding type, by withholding category, and by province.

Withholding is calculated when you pay an invoice. The taxable base amount for VAT withholding is per invoice; the taxable base amount for all other withholdings is per payment.

As a withholding agent, you send payment documents with remittance advice to the appropriate tax authorities, and send detailed withholding certificates to suppliers.

Note: Oracle Payables for Argentina does not create offsetting accounting entries for withholding tax.

Note: The Oracle Payables for Argentina withholding tax solution, which is an extension of the Oracle Payables Automatic Withholding Tax functionality, has its own setup and does not require the use of withholding tax groups.

Income Tax Withholding

Income tax, a federal tax that individuals and legal entities pay for income obtained during the year, is withheld by the customer on behalf of a supplier and remitted directly to the proper tax authorities. Income taxes are withheld when the customer is an income tax withholding agent and the supplier is subject to income tax withholding and is not a withholding agent.

You must currently calculate income tax withholding for supplier invoices, debit memos, and credit memos. There are currently four different methods of income tax withholding calculation, three for domestic suppliers and one for foreign suppliers:

The calculation method for domestic suppliers depends on the category of goods or services in the invoice. Each calculation method has one or more withholding rates associated with it.

Domestic suppliers usually have two different withholding rates for each category based on the supplier tax registration status. You usually have a rate for registered suppliers and a different rate for nonregistered ones.

Income tax withholding has these characteristics:

Domestic suppliers: leases, regalias, goods and services

Domestic suppliers: profesione, liberales, and honorarios

Domestic suppliers: petty cash

Foreign suppliers

There are currently about 16 foreign supplier categories (for example, technology transference contracts, real estate, transport, international news agencies).

VAT Withholding

Value Added Tax (VAT), a tax charged on the value added to goods or services at each stage of their supply, is withheld by the customer on behalf of a supplier and remitted directly to the proper tax authorities. VAT is withheld when the customer is a VAT withholding agent and the supplier is subject to VAT withholding, registered with the Argentine tax authority, and not a VAT withholding agent.

VAT withholding only applies to domestic supplier invoices. Unlike all other withholdings, the taxable base amount for VAT withholding is per invoice, not per payment. For withholding to apply, the sum of the invoice withholding amount must be greater than or equal to the minimum withheld amount for VAT.

There are currently three categories of VAT withholding: Goods, Services (including freight), and Real Estate. Each category is assigned a distinct withholding rate by the Argentine tax authority. There are no minimum taxable base amounts associated with VAT categories.

VAT withholding has these characteristics:

Turnover Tax Withholding

Turnover tax withholding is the withholding of provincial taxes on behalf of the supplier. Turnover tax withholding applies to domestic suppliers only.

Provinces that levy Turnover tax are classified with a jurisdiction of Territorial or Country-wide. You can associate only one Territorial province jurisdiction with an invoice line, but you can associate several Country-wide province jurisdictions with an invoice line.

A Territorial province jurisdiction represents the province where the service is provided or where goods are delivered to customers. Withholding taxes for a Territorial province jurisdiction apply when:

Withholding taxes for a Country-wide province jurisdiction apply when the customer is a Turnover tax withholding agent and the supplier is subject to Turnover tax in the particular province.

The basic Turnover tax withholding calculation is based on a payment taxable base amount multiplied by the applicable withholding rate. Some provinces use a minimum taxable base amount while others use a minimum withheld amount. In addition, there is a different calculation method for multilateral agreements.

Turnover tax withholding has the following characteristics:

Employer Contribution Withholding (SUSS)

Employer contribution withholding SUSS is a series of social security withholding regimes that you withhold from companies and remit to the federal authorities. These contributions apply to domestic suppliers only.

There are four regimes included under employer contribution SUSS:

Employer Contribution General Withholding Regime

Companies must act as withholding agents for the Social Security Withholding Regime for payments made to companies that are both employers and VAT registered.

Employer contribution withholding SUSS has the following characteristics:


The withholding calculation method is the same as the VAT Withholding calculation. Consider these invoices:

Invoice 1 - 15/12/04 $4.000 + VAT Payment date 01/01/05

Invoice 2 - 17/12/04 $3.000 + VAT Payment date 02/01/05

Invoice 3 - 01/01/05 $1.000 + VAT Payment date 05/01/05

The withholding calculation for each invoice is as follows:

Invoice 1 - $80 (80>40) 4.000 x 2% = 80

Invoice 2 - $60 (60>40) 3.000 x 2% = 60

Invoice 3 - $0 (20<40) 1.000 x 2% = 20

Employer Contribution Withholding Regime for Construction Companies

Companies must act as withholding agents for the Social Security Withholding Regime when paying construction companies.

The zone where construction takes place may receive a discount against the standard rate. The discount is built into the standard rate for a zone.

Each zone has a standard set of two categories. The associated rates may differ by category and by zone (including discount). The withholding rate to apply is the rate for a particular category for the time period that the payment date falls within.

No minimum taxable base amounts or minimum withheld amounts exist for this withholding tax.

Employer contribution withholding SUSS for construction companies has these characteristics:

Employer Contribution Withholding Regime for Temporary Personnel Agencies

Companies must act as withholding agents for the Social Security Withholding Regime when paying companies that are temporary personnel agencies.

The zone where work takes place may receive a discount against the standard rate. The discount is built into the standard rate for a zone.

An invoice normally consists of three invoice lines: salary, social security contribution, and mark up (profit margin). The withholding applies only to the salary line. The salary line is subject to the contribution withholding rate within the applicable zone or region. The mark-up line is potentially subject to Income, VAT, and Turnover withholding taxes.

Each zone has a standard set of five concepts. The associated rates may differ by concept and by zone (including discount). The normal practice is to combine the concepts into one category and apply one rate to the taxable base amount, taking into account the individual rates.

There are no minimum taxable base amounts, minimum withheld amounts, or supplier exemptions for this withholding tax.

Employer contribution withholding SUSS for temporary personnel agencies has the following characteristics:

Employer Contribution Withholding Regime for Private Security Companies

Companies must act as withholding agents for the Social Security Withholding Regime when paying companies that provide private security services.

Employer contribution withholding SUSS for private security companies has the following characteristics:


The withholding calculation method is similar to the Income Tax Withholding Regime. The one difference is that the minimum taxable base of $8000 is compared with rather than subtracted from the cumulative payments. Consider these invoices:

Invoice 1 - 15/12/04 $4.000 + VAT Payment date 01/01/05

Invoice 2 - 17/12/04 $3.000 + VAT Payment date 02/01/05

Invoice 3 - 01/01/05 $3.000 + VAT Payment date 05/01/05

Invoice 4 - 05/01/05 $2.000 + VAT Payment date 10/01/05

The withholding calculation for each invoice is as follows:

Invoice 1 - $0 (4000<8000)

Invoice 2 - $0 (7000(4000+3000)<8000)

Invoice 3 - $600 (10000 (4000+3000+3000) > 8000) = 10.000 x 6%= 600 - 0 = 600

Invoice 4 - $120 (12000 (4000+3000+3000+2000)>8000) = 12.000 x 6% = 720 - 600 = 120

Argentine Simplified Regime Contributors (Monotributistas)

Through Resolution 2616, the Argentine Fiscal Authority created a new Withholding Regime for Income Tax and VAT applicable to Simplified Regime Contributors (Monotributistas). This new regime is effective from January 1st 2010 onwards, on any payments made to monotributistas that have met a certain annual threshold billing amount predefined by the government. The thresholds are subject to changes by the Federal Government.

Simplified Regime Contributors (monotributistas) are small businesses or individuals whose annual revenue does not exceed the threshold amounts stipulated by the government. They only pay to the fiscal authority a monthly fee that covers VAT and Income Tax. They are not considered subject to income or VAT withholding taxes until their billing does not meet the annual threshold.

The new withholding regime applicable to Simplified Regime Contributors was created to avoid certain companies or individuals using this fiscal category to pay less tax by withholding if the thresholds are passed. Once a Monotributista is excluded from the Simplified Regime they must register under Income Tax and VAT, and they will only apply again for the Simplified Regime after three years as registered contributors.

Almost every company in Argentina has transactions with Simplified Regime contributors. Companies in Argentina not complying with this requirement can face severe fines applied by the Federal Fiscal Authority.

Simplified Regime Contributors Process

Using the Argentine Extended Withholding solution, you can set up suppliers, withholding types, and rates applicable to simplified regimes (monotributistas). The Simplified Regime Contributors process consists of the following tasks:

  1. Identify Suppliers who are Monotributistas

  2. Verify Suppliers Billing Information against Fiscal Authority Thresholds

  3. Analyze information through the Monotributistas Billing vs. Threshold Verification Report (for management reporting)

  4. Automatically enable Simplified Regime applicability to Monotributistas that meet thresholds

Setting Up Simplified Regime Contributors

To set up the Simplified Regime Contributors feature, perform the following tasks:

  1. Define the Threshold Amounts

  2. Set Up Existing Suppliers

  3. Define Simplified Regime Withholding Tax Types

  4. Define New Withholding Tax Name

  5. Update Company Withholding Applicability

  6. Update Supplier Applicability

  7. Transactions Entry

Define the Threshold Amounts

To define the Threshold amounts, navigate to the Simplified Regime Contributor Threshold window.

Payables > Localizations > Argentina Withholding Setup > Define Monotributo Suppler Threshold

Enter the Threshold Amount in Argentine pesos per Monotributista Contributor Types of Goods and Services.

Set Up Existing Suppliers

Set or unset suppliers as monotributistas using the VAT Registration Status Code Global Descriptive (GDF) segment. Mark the supplier as a Simplified Regime Contributor Type using the Global Descriptive Flexfield in the Payables Supplier window.

Set Simplified Regime Contributor Type (Seller of Goods of Services Provider).

Define Simplified Regime Withholding Tax Types

Define new Tax Types for Simplified Regimes by selecting the Simplified Regime checkbox. Verify that the Taxable Base Amount Basis for those withholding types selected as Simplified Regime is set to Invoice rather than Payment. For example, Simplified Withholding Regime for Income Tax or Simplified Withholding Regime for VAT.

Define New Withholding Tax Names

Define new Withholding Tax Names for those Simplified Regime Withholding Tax Types. Define one primary rate for each Simplified Regime Withholding Type.

Update Company Withholding Applicability

Enable company applicability for the Simplified Regimes Withholding Types.

Additional Information: The company applicability setup is not automatically performed.

Update Supplier Applicability

You must manually enable (or disable) supplier applicability for the Simplified Regime Withholding Types. You can manually set up the supplier applicability once the threshold is met, or if the supplier is no longer a former monotributista under special rates.

Additional Information: This task can be performed automatically by the Monotributo report, or you can enable it manually.

Transactions Entry

If you run the Montributo report in the List/Verify mode, you have the option to run the report, identify the invoices from when the threshold was first met, manually update the supplier applicability, access that invoice (and subsequent ones), and manually change the withholding default by clicking the re-default button for each applicable line.

You can manually enter or re-default supplier withholding applicability at the Invoice Distribution level for unpaid invoices in the Invoice Distribution Withholdings window.

Argentina Monotributistas Billing vs. Threshold Verification Report

Use the Standard Submission window to run the Argentina Monotributistas Billing vs. Threshold Verification Report. The report can be executed in the following two modes:

List and Verify

In the List and Verify mode, the report lists the monotributistas both subject to and not subject to Simplified Withholding. Only billing information based on the report date provided is verified, and no setup or invoice applicability is updated.

List, Verify, and Update

In the List, Verify, and Update mode, the report lists the monotributistas both subject to and not subject to Simplified Withholding. Billing information based on the report date provided is verified, and the Supplier Applicability setup for the suppliers who are still not subject to, but have met the threshold, is automatically updated.

It will re-default primary withholding tax rates belonging to all types selected as Simplified Regime of unpaid invoices for which threshold is met.

With this report user will be able to do the following:

Setting Up Oracle Payables for Withholding Tax

This section describes the steps for setting up Oracle Payables to calculate withholding tax. Use this list to help you complete the appropriate steps in the correct order.

Step Setup Task
1 Enable Extended Automatic Withholding Tax Calculation
2 Define Payables Options
3 Define Province Jurisdiction
4 Define Zones
5 Define Tax Authority Categories
6 Define Locations
7 Define Suppliers
8 Define Tax Authority ID Types
9 Define Supplier Provincial Inscription Numbers
10 Define Withholding Tax Types
11 Define Withholding Tax Codes and Rates
12 Define Company Withholding Applicability
13 Define Supplier Withholding Applicability
14 Define Legal Transaction Categories
15 Define Transaction Letters
16 Define Tax Authority Transaction Types
17 Define DGI Transaction Types


Before you can set up Oracle Payables for withholding tax, you must:

1. Enable Extended Automatic Withholding Tax Calculation

Enable extended automatic withholding tax calculation by setting the JG: Extended AWT Calculation profile option to Yes for your Oracle Payables responsibility. Use the System Profile Values window in the System Administrator responsibility to define the JG: Extended AWT Calculation profile option.

Related Topics

Overview of Setting User Profiles, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide

2. Define Payables Options

Use the Payables Options window to set control options and defaults that are used throughout Oracle Payables.

For Argentine tax withholdings, you need to set the options described here in the Withholding Tax tabbed region in the Payables Options window, so that Oracle Payables can correctly apply tax withholdings to supplier invoices.

To define Payables options for tax withholdings:

  1. Navigate to the Payables Options window.

  2. Navigate to the Withholding Tax tabbed region.

  3. Check the Use Withholding Tax check box.

  4. In the Apply Withholding Tax region, choose At Payment Time.

  5. Navigate to the Withholding Amount Basis region.

  6. Check the Include Discount Amount check box.

  7. Uncheck the Include Tax Amount check box.

  8. In the Create Withholding Invoice region, choose At Payment Time.

Related Topics

Payables Options, Oracle Payables User Guide

3. Define Province Jurisdiction

Use the Provinces window to maintain province information. Indicate whether the jurisdiction for each province is Territorial or Country-wide. Oracle Payables uses province information to calculate Turnover tax withholdings.


Define province codes for the State Province lookup type in the Lookups window under the Applications Developer responsibility. Use the province codes when you define locations, provincial withholding tax types, and supplier provincial inscription numbers.

To define province lookup codes:

  1. Navigate to the Lookups window.

  2. Enter or query JLZZ_STATE_PROVINCE as the lookup type in the Type field.

  3. Enter Latin America Localizations in the Application field, if it is not already displayed.

  4. Enter Province in the Description field, if it is not already displayed.

  5. Using a maximum of 15 characters, enter a unique lookup code for the province in the Code field.

  6. Enter the province name for the lookup code in the Meaning field.

  7. Enter the effective dates that you want the lookup code to be valid for in the From and To fields. The default date in the From field is the current date.

  8. Check the Enabled check box to enable the lookup code for data entry.

  9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 for each lookup code that you want to define for provinces.

To define province jurisdiction:

  1. Navigate to the Provinces window.

  2. In the Province Code field, enter a province code.

    The name of the province defaults in the Province Name field.

  3. If the province has a Territorial province jurisdiction, check the Territorial check box.

    If the province has a Country-wide province jurisdiction, leave the Territorial check box unchecked.

  4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 for each province.

Related Topics

Lookups, Oracle Payables User Guide

4. Define Zones

Use the Lookups window to define lookup codes for zones. You can select lookup codes from the lists of values after you define them.

Define a lookup code for each zone in Argentina. Use the zone lookup codes when you define locations and withholding tax codes. Oracle Payables uses zone information to calculate zonal withholdings.

To define zone lookup codes:

  1. Navigate to the Lookups window.

  2. Enter or query JLZZ_ZONE as the lookup type in the Type field.

  3. Enter Latin America Localizations in the Application field, if it is not already displayed.

  4. Enter Zone in the Description field, if it is not already displayed.

  5. Enter a unique lookup code for the zone in the Code field.

  6. Enter the zone name for the lookup code in the Meaning field.

  7. Enter the effective dates that you want the lookup code to be valid for in the From and To fields. The default date in the From field is the current date.

  8. Check the Enabled check box to enable the lookup code for data entry.

  9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 for each lookup code that you want to define for zones.

Related Topics

Lookups, Oracle Payables User Guide

5. Define Tax Authority Categories

Use the Lookups window to define lookup codes for Argentine tax categories. You can select lookup codes from the lists of values after you define them.

Define one tax category code for each DGI tax code that you plan to use. Use the category codes to identify each category within each tax withholding. Use the tax authority category lookup codes when you define withholding tax codes.

To define tax authority category lookup codes:

  1. Navigate to the Lookups window.

  2. Enter or query JLAR_TAX_AUTHORITY_CATEGORY as the lookup type in the Type field.

  3. Enter Latin America Localizations in the Application field, if it is not already displayed.

  4. Enter Argentine Tax Authority Category in the Description field, if it is not already displayed.

  5. In the Code field, enter the DGI tax code for the tax authority category.

  6. Enter the tax category name, such as Goods or Services, in the Meaning field.

  7. Enter the effective dates that you want the lookup code to be valid for in the From and To fields. The default date in the From field is the current date.

  8. Check the Enabled check box to enable the lookup code for data entry.

  9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 for each lookup code that you want to define for tax authority categories.

Related Topics

Lookups, Oracle Payables User Guide

6. Define Locations

Use the Location window and the Legal Entity Configurator to enter information about your company that is used for withholding calculations:


Before you can define locations, you must:

To define withholding information for your company:

  1. Navigate to the Location window.

  2. Query or enter the location that you want.

  3. Enter Argentina (International) in the Address Style field to enable the Argentine Location Address flexfield.

  4. Navigate to the Location Address flexfield.

  5. Enter your company's location address and contact information in the available fields.

  6. In the Province field, enter the province for the location.

  7. In the Zone field, enter the zone for the location.

  8. Press the OK button.

  9. Enter your company information using the Legal Entity Configurator.

Related Topics

Defining Legal Entities Using the Legal Entity Configurator, Oracle Financials Implementation Guide

Setting Up Locations, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Lookups, Oracle Payables User Guide

7. Define Suppliers

To define suppliers for tax withholdings:

In Argentina, there is normally one tax authority supplier per province for Turnover taxes and one federal tax authority for Income, VAT, and SUSS taxes. If necessary, you can define other tax authorities.

To define withholding information for suppliers:

  1. Navigate to the Suppliers window.

  2. Enter supplier information in the header region in the Supplier window.

    If the supplier is a tax authority, include a description of the supplier in the Alternate Name field, for example, Tax Authority for Argentina.

  3. In the Taxpayer ID field, enter the supplier's taxpayer ID.

    Note: If the supplier is a tax authority, leave the field blank.

  4. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  5. In the Origin field, enter Domestic or Foreign to identify the supplier. The default is Domestic.

  6. In the Taxpayer ID Type field, enter Domestic Corporation or Foreign Business Entity, Employee, or Individual for the supplier. The default is Domestic Corporation or Foreign Business Entity.

  7. If the primary ID type is Domestic Corporation or Foreign Business Entity, enter the taxpayer ID validation digit in the Taxpayer ID Validation Digit field.

  8. If the supplier is eligible for multilateral contributions, enter Yes in the Multilateral Contributor field. Otherwise enter No.

  9. Enter the supplier's transaction letter for invoices in the Transaction Letter field.

  10. In the VAT Registration Status Code field, select the tax conditions code for the VAT Registration status that is associated with your supplier. The Supplier VAT Registration Status Code values are defined as lookup codes for lookup type JLZZ_AP_VAT_REG_STAT_CODE in the Lookups window.

  11. Press the OK button.

  12. Select the Sites button.

  13. Query or enter the supplier site to use for legal reporting.

  14. Navigate to the Supplier Sites window for the supplier site.

  15. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  16. In the Legal Address field, enter Yes to identify the supplier site for legal reporting.

  17. In the Fiscal Printer Used field, enter Yes to indicate that a fiscal printer issued the purchasing document.

  18. In the CAI Number field, enter the Printing Authorization Code provided by the Fiscal Authority to be associated with the printed documents. The CAI is associated with a supplier site and defaults onto any documents that are entered for that supplier site.

  19. In the CAI Due Date field, enter the latest date the supplier is authorized to print legal documents. A supplier must always have a current CAI to print legal documents and a new CAI can be requested when necessary. The CAI Due Date is defaulted onto any documents that are entered for the supplier site for which the CAI and CAI due date were set.

  20. Press the OK button.

  21. If the supplier is a tax authority, navigate to the Classifications tabbed region.

  22. In the Type field, enter Tax Authority.

Related Topics

Entering Suppliers, Oracle Payables User Guide

8. Define Tax Authority ID Types

Use the Lookups window to define lookup codes for Argentine tax authority ID types. You can select lookup codes from the lists of values after you define them.

Define one tax authority ID type code for each provincial Argentine tax authority. Use the tax authority ID type lookup codes when you define supplier provincial inscription numbers.

To define tax authority category lookup codes:

  1. Navigate to the Lookups window.

  2. Enter or query JGZZ_ENTITY_ASSOC_ID_TYPE as the lookup type in the Type field.

  3. Enter Latin America Localizations in the Application field, if it is not already displayed.

  4. Enter ID Type for Related Business in the Description field, if it is not already displayed.

  5. In the Code field, enter a unique lookup code for the tax authority ID type.

  6. In the Meaning field, enter a name for the tax authority ID type, such as Province_SJUAN.

  7. Enter the effective dates that you want the lookup code to be valid for in the From and To fields. The default date in the From field is the current date.

  8. Check the Enabled check box to enable the lookup code for data entry.

  9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 for each lookup code that you want to define for tax authority ID types.

Related Topics

Lookups, Oracle Payables User Guide

9. Define Supplier Provincial Inscription Numbers

Use the Business Entity Relationships window to enter inscription number information for domestic suppliers. Each supplier has a unique provincial inscription number for each province where the supplier is subject to provincial tax withholdings.

The Business Entity Relationships window defines the inscription numbers of each supplier and the associated tax authority that applies for each inscription number. For each provincial tax authority associated with a supplier, maintain both the province code and the supplier's inscription number.


Before you can define supplier provincial inscription numbers, you must:

To define supplier provincial inscription numbers:

  1. Navigate to the Business Entity Relationships window.

  2. In the Primary ID Number field, enter the supplier's taxpayer ID.

  3. In the Entity Name field, enter the supplier's name, if it is not already displayed.

  4. In the Name field of the Related Businesses region, enter the name of the first tax authority to associate with the supplier.

  5. In the ID Type field, enter the tax authority ID type.

  6. In the ID Number field, enter the supplier's inscription number for the province.

  7. In the Effective Date and Ineffective Date fields, enter the beginning and ending dates for the supplier's withholding responsibility for the province.

  8. Enter any comments in the Description field.

  9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 for each tax authority to associate with the supplier.

10. Define Withholding Tax Types

Use the Withholding Tax Types window to define and maintain withholding tax types and their associated attributes for withholding calculation.

You must define a unique code and set of attributes for each withholding tax type. The attributes that you define should relate to the withholding tax codes that you intend to associate with each withholding tax type.

For Income taxes, you must define one Income tax type for domestic suppliers and one for foreign suppliers (for example, Income-Domestic and Income-Foreign). For Turnover taxes, you must define a tax type for each province.

Note: The tax withholding types generate default attributes for withholding tax codes, but you can change default attributes as required. For more information, see Step 11. Define Withholding Tax Codes and Rates.

Many withholding tax type attributes apply only to a subset of the four withholding taxes (Income, VAT, Turnover, SUSS). The following procedure indicates which attributes apply to which type of withholding.


Before you can define withholding tax types, you must:

To define a withholding tax type:

  1. Navigate to the Withholding Tax Types window.

  2. Enter a unique code for the tax type in the Withholding Tax Type Code field.

  3. Enter a description of the tax type in the Description field.

  4. If the tax type is Income-Foreign, check the Applicable to Foreign Suppliers check box.

    Leave the check box unchecked for all other tax types.

  5. In the Jurisdiction Type field, define the jurisdiction with one of these:

    • Federal – Income or VAT tax types

    • Provincial – Turnover tax types

    • Zonal – SUSS tax types

  6. In the Taxable Base Amount Basis field, enter Invoice if the tax type is VAT.

    Enter Payment for all other tax types.

  7. In the Minimum Taxable Amount Level field, enter Category if the tax type is Income-Domestic, Turnover, or SUSS (Private Security Companies only).

    Enter Not Applicable for all other tax types.

  8. In the Minimum Withheld Amount Level field, enter one of these:

    • Withholding Type – Income-Domestic, VAT, Turnover (if province rules apply), or SUSS general withholding regime tax types.

    • Category – Turnover (if province rules apply) tax types.

    • Not Applicable – Income-Foreign or all other SUSS tax types.

  9. If the tax type is Income-Domestic, VAT, or Turnover (if province rules apply), enter the minimum withheld amount in the Minimum Withheld Amount field.

  10. In the Tax Authority field, enter the tax authority name for the tax authority associated with the withholding tax type.

  11. In the Certificate Header Text field, enter header text for the tax type.

  12. If the tax type is Turnover, enter the province for the Turnover tax in the Province field.

  13. In the Supplier Exemption Level field, enter one of these:

    • Withholding Type – Income-Domestic, VAT, Turnover (if province rules apply), SUSS general withholding regime, and SUSS (Private Security Companies) tax types.

    • Category – Turnover (if province rules apply) tax types.

    • Not Applicable – Income-Foreign and SUSS (Temporary Personnel Agencies) tax types.

  14. In the Tax Type Reporting Code field, enter a DGI-defined three-digit tax type code that identifies the tax type.

  15. If the tax type is Income-Domestic or SUSS (Private Security Companies only), check the Cumulative Payment Applicable check box.

    Leave the check box unchecked for all other tax types.

  16. If the tax type is SUSS (Construction Companies only), check the Credit Letter Allowed check box.

    Leave the check box unchecked for all other tax types.

  17. If the tax type is a Turnover tax type with multilateral contributions, check the Allow Multilateral Contributions check box.

    Leave the check box unchecked for all other tax types.

  18. If the tax type is VAT, check the Partial Payment Paid in Full check box so that Oracle Payables calculates the total withholding corresponding to the invoice in the first payment even though the payment is partial.

    Leave the check box unchecked for all other tax types.

  19. If the tax type is VAT or Turnover (if province rules apply), check the VAT Inclusive check box.

    Leave the check box unchecked for all other tax types.

11. Define Withholding Tax Codes and Rates

Use the globalization flexfield in the Tax Codes window to define and maintain withholding information for withholding tax codes.

You associate a withholding tax type with each tax code that you define. The withholding tax type generates default attributes for the tax code. In most cases, you can change the default attributes as required by the tax code definition.

You can associate a withholding tax type with more than one tax code. In general, you need to create a unique tax code within a withholding tax type whenever different rates or attributes apply.

For example, you must define unique tax codes for each of these combinations:

You associate withholding tax codes with item, freight, and miscellaneous document line type amounts for the withholding tax calculation. You do not normally associate withholding tax codes with tax lines.

When you define a withholding tax code for period-based taxes, such as Income - Goods and Services and Income - Profesiones Liberales and Honorarios, you need to associate a special calendar with the withholding tax code. Use the Special Calendar window to define a special calendar for withholding tax code definitions.

After you define a tax code, use the Withholding Tax Details window to define and maintain withholding information for tax rates related to tax codes.


Before you can define withholding tax codes, you must:

To define a withholding tax code and rate:

  1. Navigate to the Tax Codes window.

  2. In the Tax Code field, enter a unique name to describe the withholding tax code (maximum of 15 characters).

    For example, an Income tax code should include the income category, or a Turnover tax code, the province, withholding category, and supplier type.

  3. In the Tax Type field, enter Withholding Tax for all tax codes.

  4. In the Description field, enter a description of the withholding tax code.

    Note: After you define a tax code, fill in the information in the globalization flexfield in the Tax Codes window. Use the Withholding Tax Details window to define and maintain withholding information for tax rates related to tax codes. If you change any information in the globalization flexfield in the Tax Codes window, Payables clears the tax authority name in the Withholding Tax Details window.

  5. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  6. In the Withholding Type field, enter the withholding tax type to associate with the tax code.

  7. In the Tax Regime Reporting Code field, enter the tax authority category that you want to associate with the tax code.

  8. In the Foreign Rate Indicator field, enter Yes if the tax type associated with the tax code is Income-Foreign. Enter No for all other tax types.

  9. In the Zone field, enter the zone name for the tax code.

    You only enter a value in the field if the tax type associated with the tax code has a jurisdiction of Zonal, such as an SUSS regime.

  10. In the Item Line Type Applicability field, enter Yes if the withholding calculation applies to the invoice item line. Otherwise enter No.

  11. In the Freight Line Type Applicability field, enter Yes if the withholding calculation applies to the invoice freight line. Otherwise enter No.

  12. In the Miscellaneous Line Type Applicability field, enter Yes if the withholding calculation applies to the invoice miscellaneous line. Otherwise enter No.

  13. In the Tax Line Type Applicability field, enter Yes if the withholding calculation applies to the invoice tax line. Otherwise enter No.

    Note: You do not normally associate withholding tax codes with tax lines.

  14. In the Minimum Taxable Base Amount field, enter the minimum taxable base amount.

    You only enter a value if the tax type associated with the tax code is defined as Category level for the minimum taxable base amount, such as Income or Turnover (if province rules apply).

    If the tax type is SUSS (Private Security Companies), enter 8000.

  15. In the Minimum Withheld Amount field, enter the minimum withheld amount.

    You only enter a value if the tax type associated with the tax code is defined as Category level for the minimum withheld amount, such as Turnover (if province rules apply).

    If the tax type is SUSS (General regime), enter 40.

  16. If there is a minimum taxable base amount, enter one of the following in the Adjustment Minimum Base field:

    • Compare – If the calculation for the withholding compares the taxable base amount to the minimum taxable base amount and calculates withholding if the base amount is greater. Use this value for SUSS (Private Security Companies).

    • Subtract – If the calculation for the withholding subtracts the minimum taxable base amount from the taxable base amount .

  17. Check the Cumulative Payment Applicable check box, if the tax type associated with the tax code is defined as cumulative payment applicable, such as Income-Domestic and SUSS (Private Security Companies), and is under the category Leases, Regalias, Goods and Services, or Profesiones.

  18. In the Tax Inclusive field, enter one of the following:

    • Yes – VAT or Turnover (if province rules apply) tax type. The withholding is calculated on top of the line net amount of the included tax.

    • No – Income, SUSS, or Turnover (if province rules apply) tax type. The withholding is calculated on top of the line gross amount.

  19. In the Supplier Condition Reporting Code field, enter the DGI code related to withholding tax code and rate. This code lets you differentiate between registered and nonregistered suppliers.

  20. Press the OK button.

  21. Navigate to the Withholding Tax Details window by pressing the Withholding Tax Details button.

  22. In the Tax Authority Name field, enter the tax authority name for the tax code.

    Oracle Payables creates a withholding tax invoice for the tax authority during the confirm payment process.

  23. In the Amount Basis field, enter Gross Amount for all tax codes.

  24. In the Period Basis field, define how cumulative amounts are computed. Enter Period if the withholding tax type associated with the tax code is Income - Goods and Services or Income - Profesiones Liberales and Honorarios. Enter Invoice for all other tax types.

  25. If you entered Period in the Period Basis field, enter the special calendar to associate with the withholding tax code in the Calendar field.

    You only enter a value if the withholding tax type associated with the tax code is Income - Goods and Services or Income - Profesiones Liberales and Honorarios, and the tax code has a cumulative month-to-date taxable base amount requirement.

  26. Uncheck the Create Tax Group check box for all tax codes.

  27. Enter the tax code to apply rates to in the Type field of the Tax Rates region.

  28. Enter the effective dates for the tax rate in Effective Dates From and To fields.

  29. Enter the range amounts for the tax rate in the Amount Range From and To fields.

    Note: Some tax categories, such as Income - Profesiones Liberales, have different rates for different amount ranges. In this case, the authorities establish the amount to add and subtract from the taxable base amount to calculate the withholding.

  30. If the tax category has different rates for different amount ranges, define as many ranges as needed and navigate to the globalization flexfield to enter the amount to add and subtract for each range.

  31. Enter the amount to subtract from the withholding taxable base amount in the Amount To Subtract From a Taxable Base field.

  32. Enter the amount to add to the calculated withholding amount in the Amount To Add to Withholding field.

  33. Press the OK button.

12. Define Company Withholding Applicability

Use the Company Withholding Applicability window to define your company's status as a withholding agent. You must define your company's withholding applicability for each withholding tax type that applies to your company.


Before you can define your company withholding applicability, you must:

To define your company withholding applicability:

  1. Navigate to the Company Withholding Applicability window.

  2. Select the applicable legal entity.

  3. Navigate to the Company Withholding Types region.

  4. In the Withholding Tax Type field, enter the withholding tax types to associate with your company.

  5. Check the Agent Indicator check box next to each withholding tax type that your company is a withholding agent for.

  6. For each withholding tax type with a jurisdiction level of Provincial, enter the province code for the tax authority that corresponds to each tax type in the Tax Authority Type field.

13. Define Supplier Withholding Applicability

Use the Supplier Withholding Applicability window to define and maintain withholding applicability for suppliers. For each supplier, you must define:

Use the Supplier Withholding Tax Codes window, available from the Supplier Withholding Applicability window, to define:

The primary withholding tax code is the key to applying withholdings to line types (item, freight, miscellaneous) for suppliers. When you enter a standard invoice, credit memo, or debit memo, Oracle Payables defaults the primary withholding tax code to each line that applies based on the tax code attributes.

Note: You can change default withholding tax code information at invoice line level. See Invoices for more information.


Before you can define supplier withholding applicability, you must:

To define supplier withholding applicability:

  1. Navigate to the Supplier Withholding Applicability window.

  2. Query the supplier that you want.

  3. Check the Subject Indicator check box for each withholding tax type the supplier is subject to.

  4. If the supplier is eligible for exemptions at the withholding tax type level, navigate to the Exemptions tabbed region.

    Oracle Payables only enables the tabbed region for withholding tax types with a supplier exemption level defined at the withholding type level.

  5. Enter the start and end dates for the exemption in the Exemption Start Date and Exemption End Date fields.

  6. Enter the exemption percentage rate in the Exemption Rate field.

  7. If the supplier is eligible for multilateral contributions, navigate to the Multilateral Contributions tabbed region.

    Oracle Payables only enables the tabbed region for withholding tax types that have been defined as allowing multilateral contributions.

  8. Enter the start and end dates for the multilateral contribution in the Start Date and End Date fields and the percentage rate in the Rate field.

  9. Navigate to the Tax Authority Types tabbed region.

  10. Enter the supplier's tax authority for the withholding tax type in the Tax Authority Type field.

  11. Navigate to the Supplier Withholding Tax Codes window by pressing the Withholding Tax Codes button.

  12. In the Tax Code field, enter the withholding tax codes to associate with the withholding tax type.

  13. Check the Primary check box for the primary withholding tax code for the withholding tax type. You can check only one check box per withholding tax type.

  14. If the supplier is eligible for an exemption from the withholding tax code, enter the start and end dates for the exemption in the Start Date and End Date fields and the percentage rate in the Rate field.

    Oracle Payables only enables the region for withholding tax types with a supplier exemption level defined at Category level.

14. Define Legal Transaction Categories

Use the Lookups window to define lookup codes for Argentine legal transaction categories. You can select lookup codes from the lists of values after you define them.

The Argentine legal transaction categories designate Payables transaction types for invoices. The Argentine legal transaction categories provide a more detailed breakdown of the standard Invoice transaction type. This table shows legal transaction categories and their corresponding standard transaction type:

Standard Transaction Type Legal Transaction Category
Invoice Invoice
Invoice Debit Memo
Credit Memo Credit Memo
Receipt Receipt
Invoice Cash Invoice
Invoice Documento Aduanero
Invoice R3419 Document
Invoice Factura B
Invoice Other

To define legal transaction category lookup codes:

  1. Navigate to the Lookups window.

  2. Enter or query JLAR_LEGAL_TRX_CATEGORY as the lookup type in the Type field.

  3. Enter Latin America Localizations in the Application field, if it is not already displayed.

  4. Enter Argentine Legal Transaction Category in the Description field, if it is not already displayed.

  5. Enter a unique lookup code for the legal transaction category in the Code field.

  6. Enter the name of a legal transaction category, such as Invoice or Credit Memo, for the lookup code in the Meaning field.

  7. Enter the effective dates that you want the lookup code to be valid in the From and To fields. The default date in the From field is the current date.

  8. Check the Enabled check box to enable the lookup code for data entry.

  9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 for each legal transaction category.

Related Topics

Lookups, Oracle Payables User Guide

15. Define Transaction Letters

Use the Application Object Library Lookups window to define lookup codes for Argentine transaction letters. You can select lookup codes from the lists of values after you define them.

In the Application Object Library Lookups window, query the JLAR_DOCUMENT_LETTER lookup type and enter unique lookup codes and meanings for Argentine transaction letters. Oracle Financials for Argentina automatically provides letters A, B, C, E, and X.

The Argentine transaction letter, or document letter, is a one-letter code (A, B, or C) that indicates the combined VAT conditions of the customer and supplier. The transaction letter appears as part of the invoice number submitted by the supplier.

For example, if a VAT-registered supplier sends an invoice to a VAT-registered customer, the transaction letter that appears on the invoice is A.

The transaction letter applies only to domestic suppliers. Use the transaction letter lookup codes when you define DGI transaction type codes.

Related Topics

Application Utilities Lookups and Application Object, Library Lookups, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide

16. Define Tax Authority Transaction Types

Use the Application Object Library Lookups window to define lookup codes for tax authority transaction types. You can select lookup codes from the lists of values after you define them.

In the Application Object Library Lookups window, query the JLAR_TAX_AUTHORITY_TRX_TYPE lookup type and enter unique lookup codes and meanings for tax authority transaction types.

Use the tax authority transaction type lookup codes when you define DGI transaction type codes.

Tax authority transaction types are codes that the DGI provides which represent distinct types of invoices or transactions. Companies are required to provide tax authority transaction types when reporting transactions to the DGI.

Related Topics

Application Utilities Lookups and Application Object, Library Lookups, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide

17. Define DGI Transaction Types

Use the Transaction Type Codes window to define DGI transaction types. A DGI transaction type is a combination of a legal transaction category, a transaction letter, and a transaction type.

The table below lists the DGI transaction type codes that you need to define, with their corresponding legal transaction category, transaction letter, and transaction type. Use the table to define DGI transaction types. Some DGI transaction types do not have a transaction letter.

Oracle Payables generates the correct DGI transaction type code on an invoice, depending on the combination of legal transaction category and transaction letter that you enter in the globalization flexfield in the Invoices window. See Invoices for more information.


Before you can define DGI transaction types, you must define legal transaction categories, transaction letters, and transaction types.

DGI Transaction Type Codes

Enter the combination of Legal Transaction Category, Transaction Letter, and Transaction Type in this table to define each DGI Transaction Type Code.

Transaction Letter Legal Transaction Category Transaction Type
A Invoice 01
A Debit Memo 02
A Credit Memo 03
A Receipt 04
A Cash Invoice 05
B Invoice 06
B Debit Memo 07
B Credit Memo 08
B Receipt 09
B Cash Invoice 10
C Invoice 11
C Debit Memo 12
C Credit Memo 13
Not applicable Documento Aduanero 14
C Receipt 15
C Cash Invoice (or other specified name) 16
Not applicable R3419 (or other specified name) 39
Not applicable Factura B (or other specified name) 88
Not applicable Other 99

To define a DGI transaction type code:

  1. Navigate to the Transaction Type Codes window.

  2. In the Legal Transaction Category field, from the list of values, select a legal transaction category, such as Invoice or Debit Memo.

  3. In the Transaction Letter field, from the list of values, select a transaction letter, such as A, B, or C.

  4. In the Transaction Type field, from the list of values, select a transaction type that corresponds to the combination of legal transaction category and transaction letter.

  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each combination of legal transaction category, transaction letter, and transaction type.

Tax Treatment in Argentina

In Argentina, individuals or companies must pay taxes to federal, provincial, and city governments on most of the goods and services that they purchase. Oracle Payables for Argentina tax functionality helps you calculate tax on purchasing invoices, credit memos and debit memos for the following Argentine taxes:

Each tax can have different calculation methods and rates depending on factors such as the location of the company, the supplier, or both; the items received; the status of the parties involved; and so on.

Tax Treatment Features

You must define a separate tax type in Payables for each tax or tax concept that you have to report, account for and print separately:

VAT can have up to three tax types (VAT, VAT Non Taxable and VAT Perceptions) because these taxes have different applicability rules and rates. For Provincial and Municipal Perceptions, each province and municipality can be defined as separate tax types. Alternatively, you can create one tax type for Provincial Perceptions, one tax type for Municipal Perceptions, and separate tax codes for each of the different provinces and municipalities.

In the Tax Code window, you must define tax codes and associate each tax code with a defined tax type. The values of the tax types are entered as Tax Type lookup codes for the lookup type TAX TYPE in the Oracle Payables Lookups window.


VAT is a federal tax that is calculated on transactions with suppliers that involve purchasing invoices, debit memos, and credit memos. A single line may only have one VAT rate. A single invoice can have several VAT rates depending on the invoice lines.

VAT Non Taxable

VAT Non Taxable is used to identify the document lines that are non taxable and for which there are no associated taxes that are reported for VAT.

VAT Perceptions

VAT Perceptions is a tax invoiced to a client as prepayment of VAT. Periodically, a company pays the tax authority the amount corresponding to the total of the Perceptions collected, separate from the monthly VAT payment. Companies' designated VAT Perceptions agents by the tax authority are the only entities authorized to collect VAT Perceptions. VAT Perceptions are the only federal Perceptions that are levied on purchases and remitted to the federal authorities.

Provincial Perceptions

Provincial Perceptions is a tax paid at the provincial level. Each province has its own regulations, and each province's tax system has different calculation percentages. Provincial Perceptions are reported and accounted separately for each province.

Municipal Perceptions

Municipal Perceptions is a tax paid at the municipal level. Each municipality has its own regulations, and each municipality's tax system has different calculation percentages. Municipal Perceptions are reported and accounted separately for each municipality.


Excise is a tax that is calculated on documents for certain imported and specific products.

Entering Tax Regime Reporting Code for VAT Perceptions Tax

Use Oracle E-Business Tax to set up the VAT tax regime and taxes according to your requirements.

Related Topics

Setting Up Taxes, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide


When you enter a standard invoice, credit memo, debit memo, or prepayment invoice, Oracle Payables defaults withholding tax codes at the distribution line level based on your withholding tax setup information.

An invoice number consists of a branch number (which is the point of sale) and the actual document number, and may optionally have letters to clarify the purpose of the document. You must enter a dash between the branch number and the document number so that the two segments can be identified for the purposes of reporting, for example, 01-032567 ND. If the branch number entered in the first segment is less than 4 digits, the branch number will be preceded by zeros, for example 0001. Similarly if the document number entered in the second segment is less than 8 digits, the document number will be preceded by zeros, for example, 00032567.

For Argentine withholding, you might need to perform one or more of these operations:

Entering Withholding Information

Use the Invoices window to enter invoices, credit memos, debit memos, or prepayment invoices and associated withholding information.

Use the globalization flexfield in the Invoices window to enter transaction information and foreign supplier customs information.

Use the Ship To field in the Invoice Lines window to enter a ship-to location for invoices without a purchase order and if you want this location to be defaulted to all the invoice distributions..

Note: When you use a distribution set to create invoice distributions and do not enter a ship-to location, a warning message will ask you to enter a ship-to location so that withholdings are defaulted for each distribution. If you ignore the message, you must manually update the ship-to locations for each distribution that you create.

Tax-inclusive Documents

Tax-inclusive documents use different taxable base amounts in the withholding calculations. Use the Tax Inclusive field in the globalization flexfield in the Invoices window to indicate whether an invoice is tax inclusive. If you know the tax amount, enter the amount for corresponding distribution lines in the Tax Inclusive Amount field in the globalization flexfield in the Distributions window.

If you know the tax amount, Oracle Payables bases the withholding calculation on the gross amount or net amount, depending on the withholding tax type attributes. If you do not know the tax amount, Oracle Payables bases the withholding calculation on the gross amount.

To enter withholding information for invoices:

  1. Navigate to the Invoices window.

  2. Query or enter the invoice that you want.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. In the Legal Transaction Category field, enter the legal transaction category for the transaction.

  5. In the Transaction Letter field, enter the invoice transaction letter.

    Oracle Payables displays the DGI transaction type code in the Tax Authority Transaction Type field based on the values that you enter in the Legal Transaction Category field and the Transaction Letter field.

  6. Enter the customs code in the Customs Code field (foreign supplier only).

  7. Enter the invoice issue date in the Customs Issue Date field (foreign supplier only).

  8. Enter the issue number in the Customs Issue Number field (foreign supplier only).

  9. If the invoice is a tax-inclusive document, enter Yes in the Tax Inclusive field. Otherwise, enter No. The default value is No.

  10. In the CAI Number field, Oracle Payables defaults the Printing Authorization Code associated with the supplier site of this document.

  11. In the CAI Due Date field, Oracle Payables defaults the CAI Due Date for the CAI associated with the supplier site of this document.

  12. Enter the destination code in the Destination Code field to associate this document with imports. Use the Lookups window to define destination code values with the lookup type JLZZ_AP_DESTINATION_CODE. Define the lookup code as Destination Code.

  13. Press the OK button.

  14. Navigate to the Distributions window by pressing the Distributions button.

  15. Navigate to the first distribution line.

    If the invoice has a purchase order attached, Oracle Payables displays the ship-to location, which you can change until the invoice is approved. If there is no purchase order and you entered a ship-to location at the header level, the ship-to location defaults in the globalization flexfield. If you did not enter ship-to information at the header level, you must enter the ship-to location in the globalization flexfield.

  16. If the invoice is a tax-inclusive document, enter the tax amount, if known, in the Tax Inclusive Amount field. If you do not know the tax amount, enter 0.

    Note: To enter a value in the Tax Inclusive Amount field, you must enter Yes in the Tax Inclusive field in the globalization flexfield in the Invoices window.

  17. Press the OK button.

  18. Repeat steps 12 to 16 for each distribution line.

Related Topics

Entering Invoices Overview, Oracle Payables User Guide

Maintaining Withholding Tax Codes

Use the Invoice Distribution Withholdings window to view and update the withholding tax codes associated with distribution lines.

Oracle Payables defaults the primary withholding tax codes to distribution lines based on:

If necessary, you can change or delete the withholding tax code associated with a particular distribution line. Oracle Payables controls the changes you can make based on the withholding tax codes that you associated with the supplier. See Step 13. Define Supplier Withholding Applicability for more information.

To view and update withholding tax codes:

  1. Navigate to the Invoices window.

  2. Query or enter the invoice that you want.

  3. Navigate to the Distributions window by pressing the Distributions button.

  4. Navigate to the first distribution line, and view and update the standard distribution line information.

  5. Navigate to the Invoice Distribution Withholdings window by choosing Invoice Distribution Withholding from the Tools menu.

    Oracle Payables displays the default withholding tax codes for the distribution line.

  6. If necessary, delete the tax code or change the tax code to another valid tax code for the withholding type in the Tax Code field.

    Note: If the changes you enter are incorrect, you can reapply the default tax codes by pressing the Redefault Withholdings button.

  7. Save your work.

    If your changes are not valid, Oracle Payables displays an error message and does not allow the change.

  8. Repeat steps 4 to 7 for each distribution line.


When you run a payment request or enter a quick payment, Oracle Payables performs withholding calculations based on the withholding tax types and withholding tax codes associated with distribution lines.

For Argentine withholding, you might need to perform one or more of the following tasks when processing payments:

Related Topics

Creating Single Payments, Oracle Payables User Guide

Paying Invoices in Payment Batches, Oracle Payables User Guide

Defining DGI Currency Codes

On the Argentine Payables Purchasing Flat File, you must list the DGI currency code corresponding to the invoice currency. The DGI publishes the list of two-digit currency codes. Use the globalization flexfield in the Currencies window to define the DGI currency code for each currency.

To define a DGI currency code:

  1. Navigate to the Currencies window.

  2. Enter or query the currency that you want.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. In the Currency Code field, enter the two-digit DGI currency code for the currency.

Argentine Payables Withholding Certificate

Use the Argentine Payables Withholding Certificate to print supplier withholding certificates. The withholding certificate is a legal document that you send to the supplier with the remittance advice and check. The report produces one certificate per payment for each withholding tax type, province (if applicable), withholding category, and zone (if applicable).

Oracle Payables creates withholding certificate information during the format payment process for each withholding tax code within a supplier. You run the Argentine Payables Withholding Certificate after the confirm payment process.

Note: Payables only creates withholding certificate information for suppliers that have a bill-to and ship-to address defined at the supplier site level.

The certificate contains standard information and information specific to the withholding tax type. Oracle Payables generates a unique certificate number by withholding type and province.

Note: The payment date that appears on withholding certificates and tax invoices is the date of the format payment process. The confirm payment process date does not affect the payment date.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Payables Withholding Certificate.

Report Parameters

Instruction Reference Number

Enter the payment batch number or quick payment to use.

Withholding Type Code

Enter the withholding tax code that you want certificates for.

Certificate Number

Enter a certificate number if you want to reprint a certificate and only if there is a batch name and withholding tax type entered.

Start Date

Enter the start date for the range that you want a certificate for.

End Date

Enter the end date for the range that you want a certificate for.

Supplier Name

Enter name of the supplier that you want a certificate for.

Supplier Name Range From

Enter the first supplier name for the range you want a certificate for.

Supplier Name Range To

Enter the last supplier name for the range you want a certificate for.

Supplier Number Range From

Enter the first supplier number for the range you want a certificate for.

Supplier Number Range To

Enter the last supplier number for the range you want a certificate for.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Argentine Payables Withholding Flat File

Use the Argentine Payables Withholding Flat Files to electronically report federal, zonal, and provincial withholding tax information into various DGI applications that run under SIAP. Run the Argentine Payables Withholding Flat File monthly and import the file into the correct DGI application, if required. After the flat files are imported, the DGI applications produce all required information, including flat files, and can also generate tax reports for control purposes.

The Argentine Payables Withholding Flat File has three formats, each for a different jurisdictions.

Extract VAT and Income tax domestic withholdings information on a monthly basis for importing into the SICORE application. You can extract Income tax withholding information for foreign suppliers to import into the DGI SICORE application. You might want to extract this withholding information on a per payment basis because the SICORE application is used to create foreign supplier withholding certificates.

Extract Zonal withholdings information on a monthly basis for importing into the DGI SIJP application.

The Argentine Payables Withholding Flat File can also extract provincial tax withholding information. Each province has its own format but the extract file contains commonly-required tax information.

The Argentine Payables Withholding Flat File reports the withholding tax amount in the ledger currency. For each format, the flat file generates one row per applicable tax withholding certificate. Payables will not report void certificates. The number and types of columns per row depend on the jurisdiction that taxes are reported for. Records are sorted by withholding date and supplier CUIT number for each format.

The document number, used in the federal and provincial formats, identifies a payment to a supplier. This number comprises the last five digits of the bank account number, followed by #, and then the last six digits of the check number.

For more information about file content, see Argentine Payables Withholding Flat File Content.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Payables Withholding Flat File.

Report Parameters

Start Date

Enter the earliest withholding date that you want to include in the file.

End Date

Enter the latest withholding date that you want to include in the file.

Jurisdiction Type

Enter the jurisdiction type that you want to report withholding taxes for. You must select one of these jurisdiction types:

Withholding Type Range From

Select the beginning tax type for the range of withholding tax types that you want to include in the flat file. You can only include withholding tax types that are associated with the jurisdiction type that you selected.

Leave the Withholding Type Range From and To parameters blank to include all withholding tax types for the jurisdiction type that you selected.

Withholding Type Range To

Select the ending tax type for the range of withholding tax types that you want to include in the flat file. You can only include withholding tax types that are associated with the jurisdiction type that you selected.

Leave the Withholding Type Range From and To parameters blank to include all withholding tax types for the jurisdiction type that you selected.

Include Foreign Supplier Tax Types

Use the Include Foreign Supplier Tax Type parameter only for income tax withholdings within the Federal jurisdiction type. This parameter defaults to No. Change this parameter to Yes if you want foreign suppliers' withholding tax types included in the file.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Argentine Payables Supplier Statement Report

Use the Argentine Payables Supplier Statement report to provide supplier information in response to supplier inquires.

The Argentine Payables Supplier Statement report shows, for each supplier included in the report, all invoice transactions within a specified range of dates for a specified transaction type.

Note: Payables only prints supplier information for suppliers that have a bill-to and ship-to address defined at the supplier header level.

The report groups transactions by currency. If you run the report by ledger currency, the report prints only one currency section for each supplier. If you run the report by transaction currency, the report prints as many sections as there are transactions in that currency for each supplier.

The Argentine Payables Supplier Statement report is also divided into two sections. The first section lists all transactions, including invoices, payments, withholdings, and applied prepayments, already applied to the supplier balance. The second section lists unapplied prepayments to show you what the supplier balance would be if the remaining amount of prepayments is applied.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Payables Supplier Statement report.

Report Parameters

Report Currency

Enter Functional to include only the ledger currency of the customer in the report. Enter Original to include each transaction currency used by the supplier in the report.

Supplier Name From

Enter the name of the supplier that you want to report from. The Supplier Name From and To parameters are not affected by what you enter in the Supplier Taxpayer ID parameter.

Supplier Name To

Enter the name of the supplier that you want to report to. The Supplier Name From and To parameters are not affected by what you enter in the Supplier Taxpayer ID parameter.

Supplier Taxpayer ID

Enter the taxpayer ID for suppliers that you want to include in the report. This parameter is not affected by what you enter in the Supplier Name From and To parameters.

Start Date

Enter the accounting date for transactions that you want to report from. The supplier beginning balance is computed for all transactions before this start date.

End Date

Enter the accounting date for transactions that you want to report to.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Payables prints…
<Company Name> Your company name
<Report Title> Supplier Statement
Report Date The date and time that you ran the report
Page The current and total pages of the report
Supplier Name The supplier's name
Supplier Tax ID The supplier's tax ID
Supplier Address The supplier's address
From Date The accounting date that you entered in the Start Date parameter to report transactions from
To The accounting date that you entered in the End Date parameter to report transactions to

Column Headings

Note: Columns contain different information depending on whether the row is Invoice, Payment, Prepayment, or Withholding.

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Payables prints…
Date In the first section of the report:
  • Invoice - the invoice date

  • Payment - the check date

  • Prepayment - the invoice prepayment date

  • Withholding - the accounting date in the distributions table

    In the second section of the report, the invoice prepayment date.

Document Type In the first section of the report, the transaction type description. In the second section, the only possible value is Prepayments and Advances.
Transaction Number The transaction number:
  • Invoice - the invoice number

  • Payment - the payment document number

  • Prepayment (applied) - the invoice prepayment number

Transaction Currency The currency code of the original transaction.
Transaction Amount The transaction amount in the transaction currency. In the first section of the report:
  • Invoice - the total amount of item and tax line distributions

  • Payment - the payment amount

  • Prepayment - the total amount of applied item lines, excluding taxes and withholding lines

  • Withholding - the total amount of withholding applied on invoices, including all distribution lines for all invoices that relate to the payment

    In the second section of the report, the total amount of item lines is printed for unapplied prepayments.

Transaction/Ledger Currency - Amount The transaction amount in original currency or ledger currency.
Transaction/Ledger Currency - Remaining Amount The remaining balance of the transaction. For invoices, the invoice amount due is printed. For prepayments, the unapplied item line distribution amount is printed in the second section of the report.
Transaction/Ledger Currency - Balance The supplier running total in original currency or ledger currency.
Reference Information - Date The document reference date. For payments, applied prepayments, and unapplied prepayments, the invoice date may be referenced. If withholdings are calculated at payment time, the payment date is listed.
Reference Information - Document Type The type of document that is referenced:
  • Payment - Invoices

  • Prepayment - Invoices for unapplied prepayments that are partially applied and applied prepayments

  • Withholding - Invoices or Payments depending on the calculation method

Reference Information - Transaction Number The number of the transaction that is referenced:
  • Payment - the invoice number

  • Prepayment - the invoice number for unapplied prepayments that are partially applied and applied prepayments

  • Withholding - the invoice or payment document number depending on the calculation method

Row Headings

This table shows row headings.

In this row… Oracle Payables prints…
Beginning Balance The beginning balance and the currency code for the transactions with this currency code. If submitted in transaction currency, the report displays a beginning balance for each currency code. If submitted in the ledger currency, the report prints only the beginning balance of the ledger currency code.
The beginning balance is calculated with the information that exists in Payables Subledger Accounting Entries.
<Report Section 2 Title> Unapplied Prepayments
Ending Balance The ending balance and the currency code for the transactions with this currency code. In the first section of the report, the ending balance with all the transactions that were already applied for the supplier is printed. In the second section, the report prints what would be the ending balance if the unapplied transactions are applied.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Argentine Payables VAT Buying Report

The Argentine Payables VAT Buying report lists VAT information on purchases for any period, in your ledger currency.

The Argentine Payables VAT Buying report includes only VAT tax type distribution lines from documents that are accounted in the Payables subledger and a General Ledger date within the date range you select.

You can choose to exclude document types associated with a certain transaction letter from the Argentine Payables VAT Buying report. For example, you can exclude payments to tax authorities and employee expense reimbursements by entering the appropriate letter in the Transaction Letter for Excluded Transactions parameter.

The Argentine Payables VAT Buying report prints a separate line for each VAT rate on each document. For each document, the Argentine Payables VAT Buying report shows the document amount, the non-taxable amount, the exempt amount, and the perceptions amount, as well as the taxable amount, the tax rate, and the tax amount for the standard VAT rate. If the document contains more than one VAT rate, the Argentine Payables VAT Buying report prints only the taxable amount, the tax rate, and the tax amount for each VAT rate other than the standard VAT rate.

The non-taxable amount for a document is the total of all document distribution lines associated with the tax type that you select as your non-taxable tax type.

The perceptions amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax type that you select as your perceptions tax type.

The exempt amount for a document is the total of all document distribution lines associated with a tax rate equal to zero. If a supplier bills a VAT exempt item, associate the distribution line to a zero-rate VAT tax type so that the flat file displays the transaction as an exempt amount.

The taxable amount for a VAT rate on a document is the total of all document distribution lines associated with that VAT rate.

The documents on the Argentine Payables VAT Buying report are sorted by document date, supplier, and document number.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Payables VAT Buying report.

Report Parameters

Start Date

Enter the earliest General Ledger date associated with the tax distribution lines that you want to include on the report.

End Date

Enter the latest General Ledger date associated with the tax distribution lines that you want to include on the report.

Standard VAT Tax Rate

Enter the standard VAT tax rate for which you want to list document details.

Non-Taxable Tax Type

Enter the tax type that you use for nontaxable document lines. If you leave this parameter blank, no amounts appear in the Non-Taxable Amount column in the Argentine Payables VAT Buying report.

Perceptions Tax Type

Enter the tax type that you use for perceptions tax. If you leave this parameter blank, no amounts appear in the Perception Amount column in the Argentine Payables VAT Buying report.

Transaction Letter for Excluded Transactions

Enter the transaction letter for the document types that you want to exclude from the Argentine Payables VAT Buying report. Valid values are:

Leave this parameter blank to include all document types.

Vat Tax Type

Enter the tax type that you use for VAT tax. This is a mandatory parameter.

Report Headings

This table shows report headings.

In this heading... Oracle Payables prints...
<Company Name> Your company name
Title VAT Buying Report
From The earliest General Ledger date included on the report
To The latest General Ledger date included on the report
Report Date The date that you ran the report
Page The page number

Column Headings

This table shows column headings.

In this column... Oracle Payables prints...
Document Date The document date
Document Type The DGI transaction type
Document Number The document number
Supplier Name The supplier name
Supplier Tax ID The supplier taxpayer ID
Document Amount The document amount
Non-Taxable Amount The nontaxable amount
Taxable Amount The taxable amount
VAT Tax Rate The VAT tax rate
Tax Amount The VAT tax amount for each tax rate
Exempt Amount The exempt amount
Perception Amount The perceptions tax amount

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Argentine Payables Purchasing Flat File

Use the Argentine Payables Purchasing flat file to list tax information on purchases made by your company. To meet Argentine legal requirements, run the Argentine Payables Purchasing flat file monthly and store the reports in electronic format so that the reports are available when requested by the Federal Tax Authority.

The Argentine Payables Purchasing flat file lists tax information for invoices, credit memos, and debit memos with an associated GL date that is within the range being reported. Only tax distribution lines from documents that are posted in General Ledger are included on the report.

You can choose to exclude document types associated with a certain transaction letter from the Argentine Payables Purchasing flat file. For example, you can exclude payments to tax authorities and employee expense reimbursements by entering the appropriate letter in the Transaction Letter for Excluded Transactions parameter. For more information about transaction letters, see Step 17. Define DGI Transaction Types and Invoices.

The Argentine Payables Purchasing Flat File contains two record types:

For a voided document, all the amount fields show zeros.

The total document amount is the document total amount for all lines within the document.

The non taxable document amount is the total of all non tax line amounts on a document associated with the tax type selected as your non taxable tax type.

The taxable amount is the total of all line amounts on a document that are subject to a VAT rate greater than zero.

The VAT amount is the total VAT amount for the row being reported.

The VAT exempt amount is the total of all non tax line amounts on a document that are associated with a VAT tax rate of 0%.

The VAT perceptions amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax type selected as your VAT perceptions tax type.

The Other Federal perceptions amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax type selected as your other Federal perceptions tax type.

The provincial perceptions amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax type selected as your provincial perceptions tax type.

The municipal perceptions amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax type selected as your municipal perceptions tax type.

The excise tax amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax type that you select as your excise tax type.

The records in the Argentine Payables Purchasing flat file are sorted by GL date at document header level, DGI document type code, transaction number and supplier taxpayer ID (CUIT). The Argentine Payables Purchasing flat file shows all amounts in the functional currency.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Payables Purchasing Flat File.


Before you run the Argentine Payables Purchasing flat file, you must perform these prerequisite steps:

Report Parameters

From Date

Enter the earliest General Ledger date that you want to include in the flat file.

To Date

Enter the latest General Ledger date that you want to include in the flat file.

VAT Tax Type

Enter the tax type for VAT.

Non Taxable Tax Type

Enter the tax type for VAT Non Taxable.

VAT Perception Tax Type Range

Enter the starting and ending tax types for the range of VAT Perceptions tax types to include in the flat file.

To report for a particular VAT Perception, enter the tax type in the To or From range. The flat file shows zero amounts in the VAT Perceptions amount fields if you leave the date range blank.

Other Federal Perception Tax Type Range

Enter the starting and ending tax types for the range of Other Federal Perceptions tax types to include in the flat file.

To report for a particular Other Federal Perception, enter the tax type in the To or From range. The flat file shows zero amounts in the Other Federal Perceptions amount fields if you leave the date range blank.

Provincial Tax Type Range

Enter the starting and ending tax types for the range of Provincial tax types to include in the flat file.

To report for a particular Provincial Perception, enter the tax type in the To or From range. The flat file shows zero amounts in the Provincial Perceptions amount fields if you leave the date range blank.

Municipal Tax Type Range

Enter the starting and ending tax types for the range of Municipal tax types to include in the flat file.

To report for a particular Municipal Perception, enter the tax type in the To or From range. The flat file shows zero amounts in the Municipal Perceptions amount fields, if you leave the date range blank.

Excise Tax Type Range

Enter the starting and ending tax types for the range of Excise tax types to include in the flat file.

To report for a particular Excise tax, enter the tax type in the To or From range. The flat file shows zero amounts in the Excise tax amount fields, if you leave the date range blank.

Transaction Letter For Excluded Transactions

Enter the transaction letter for the document types to exclude from the Argentine Payables Purchasing Flat File. Valid values are:

Leave this parameter blank to include all document types.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Argentine Payables CITI Flat File

Use the Argentine Payables CITI Flat File to electronically report VAT information for Payables transactions to the DGI, if required. The Argentine Payables CITI Flat File lists VAT information for Payables documents that you received from your suppliers during the date range that you select, including invoices, debit memos, and prepayment invoices.

Run the Argentine Payables CITI Flat File monthly and import the flat files into the DGI CITI application, which runs under SIAP. After the flat files are imported, DGI CITI produces all the required information, including flat files, and can generate tax reports for control purposes.

The DGI CITI application can only accept a particular document's tax details once. To report multiple tax lines, with potentially different dates, the Argentine Payables CITI Flat File compares the accounting date that appears in the first tax line of the document with the selected date range to determine if it should report a document's details. If the date is within the range all the tax amounts will be summed up and one row inserted into the file.

The Argentine Payables CITI Flat File reports the tax amount in the ledger currency. Only posted documents with a positive tax amount and not canceled are reported.

The Argentine Payables CITI Flat File generates one row per applicable document, with nine columns in each row. The records in the Argentine Payables CITI Flat File are sorted by document date and CUIT number.

To define the document type, you must enter values for the transaction letter and the legal transaction code in the Transaction Type Codes window. The document number comprises a four-digit branch number and a unique twenty-digit sequential transaction number for the document type. The final three fields of the file (Third-party CUIT, Third-party name, VAT on Fees) are filled with blanks.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Payables CITI Flat File.

Report Parameters

Start Date

Enter the earliest General Ledger date associated with the first VAT distribution line to be included in the file details.

End Date

Enter the latest General Ledger date associated with the first VAT distribution line to be included in the file details.

VAT Tax Type

Enter the VAT tax type that you use for VAT.

Transaction Letter From

Enter the beginning transaction letter associated with invoices, prepayment invoices, and debit memos. This parameter defaults to A, which you must first define in the Application Object Library Lookups window. You can change the default.

Transaction Letter To

Enter the ending transaction letter associated with invoices, prepayment invoices, and debit memos. This parameter defaults to A, which you must first define in the Application Object Library Lookups window. You can change the default.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Argentine Payables Perceptions Taken Flat File

Use the Argentine Payables Perceptions Taken Flat File to electronically report VAT perceptions tax information to the DGI, if required. The Argentine Payables Perceptions Taken Flat File lists VAT perceptions tax information for Payables documents during the date range that you select, including invoices, prepayment invoices, and debit memos. Run the Argentine Payables Perceptions Taken Flat File monthly and import the flat files into the DGI IVA application, which runs under SIAP. After the flat files are imported, the DGI IVA application produces all required information, including flat files, and can generate tax reports for control purposes.

The Argentine Payables Perceptions Taken Flat File reports the tax amount in the functional currency. Only posted transactions with a positive tax amount that were not canceled are reported.

The Argentine Payables Perceptions Taken Flat File creates one row of details for each perceptions tax line that appears on a document, subject to the date range that you report and the account date associated with the tax line. The records in the Argentine Payables Perceptions Taken Flat File are sorted by perceptions date, CUIT number, and document number.

The document number comprises a four-digit branch number and an eight-digit sequential transaction number for the document type.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Payables Perceptions Taken Flat File.

Report Parameters

Start Date

Enter the earliest General Ledger date associated with VAT perceptions tax distribution lines that you want to report from.

End Date

Enter the latest General Ledger date associated with VAT perceptions tax distribution lines that you want to report to.

VAT Perceptions Tax Type

Select the tax type of perceptions tax from a list of values.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Oracle Receivables

Latin Tax Engine

Tax Treatment in Argentina

In Argentina, legal entities must collect and remit taxes to federal, state, and city governments on most of the goods and services that they sell. Oracle Receivables for Argentina and Oracle Order Management for Argentina tax functionality helps you calculate tax for invoices for the following Argentine taxes:

Each tax can have different calculation methods and rates depending on factors such as the location of the company, the customer, or both; the items received; the status of the parties involved; and so on.

Tax is levied at the time of invoice. Taxes may be levied on specific invoice line items, on an individual invoice, or on a related set of invoices.

Tax Treatment Features

The following taxes are currently levied in Argentina for Receivables purposes:

You must define a separate tax category in Receivables for each tax that you are obliged to report, account for, or print separately.

For example, depending on your requirements, VAT can have up to five tax categories (VAT, Additional VAT, VAT Not Categorized, VAT Non Taxable, and VAT Perceptions) because these taxes have different applicability rules and rates. Similarly, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise are defined as separate tax categories. Provincial Turnover Perceptions and Municipal Perceptions are grouped by tax regime and reported separately to each province or municipality.

Oracle Receivables for Argentina calculates taxes on an invoice according to the following criteria:

You only have to define the taxes that are applicable to your organization; more than one tax may apply to an invoice line. Oracle Receivables takes into account the minimum taxable amounts and minimum tax amounts for each tax, if required.

When calculating taxes, Receivables determines the taxable base by considering a single transaction line, several transaction lines, or several related transactions, depending on the invoice.


VAT is a federal tax that is calculated on transactions with customers that involve invoices, debit notes, and credit notes. There may be more than one VAT rate for a single invoice line. A single line may only have one VAT rate. A single invoice can have several VAT rates depending on the invoice lines.

Additional VAT

Additional VAT is a federal tax that is calculated on transactions between registered VAT Companies with nonregistered VAT customers.

VAT Not Categorized

VAT Not Categorized is a tax that is calculated on transactions with non categorized customers. A customer may be classified as a non registered customer or a non categorized customer, but cannot be classified as both types.

VAT Non Taxable

VAT Non Taxable is used to identify the document lines that are non taxable and for which there are no associated tax lines that are reported for VAT, VAT Exempt, VAT Perceptions, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, or Excise.

VAT Perception

VAT Perception is a tax invoiced to a client as prepayment of a given tax. Periodically, a company pays the tax authority the amount corresponding to the total of the Perceptions collected from customers, separate from the monthly VAT payment. Companies designated VAT Perceptions agents by the tax authority are the only entities authorized to collect VAT Perceptions.

Provincial Turnover Perceptions

Provincial Turnover Perceptions is a tax paid at the provincial level. Each province has its own regulations, and each province's tax system has different calculation percentages, minimum taxable base amounts, and minimum amounts of perceptions. Turnover Perceptions are reported and accounted separately for each province.

Companies recognized by the provincial tax authority as perceptions or withholding agents in each jurisdiction practice Perceptions of this tax. Consequently the same company may be a Perceptions agent in more than one province.


Excise is a tax that is calculated on transactions for certain imported and specific products.

Municipal Perceptions

Municipal Perceptions is a tax paid at the municipal level for each municipal jurisdiction. Each municipality has its own regulations, and each municipality's tax system has different calculation percentages. Municipal Perceptions are reported and accounted separately for each municipality.

Argentine Tax Handling

You can set up Oracle Receivables for Argentina to automatically calculate VAT, Additional VAT, VAT Not Categorized, VAT Non Taxable, VAT Perceptions, and all provincial, municipal, and excise taxes that apply to your invoices.

Receivables uses information about your company, your customers, and transaction items and memo lines to calculate these taxes. Each transaction consists of a customer ship-to address and one or more items or memo lines. For Receivables to calculate each tax correctly, you must define information about each tax for every customer address and item or memo line contained in your system.

Once you set up Receivables to manage VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise, the system performs the following operations on every invoice line:

These processes are managed in Oracle Receivables by the Latin Tax Engine. You should refer to the information in the Oracle Financials Common Country Features User Guide about the Latin Tax Engine as you perform the Receivables setup tasks.

Setting Up for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise

This section describes the steps for setting up Oracle Receivables and the Latin Tax Engine to calculate VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise. Use the list below to help you complete the appropriate steps in the correct order.

Your Oracle Receivables for Argentina installation already includes some of the codes and values described in this section. The setup tasks in this chapter indicate whether the data included in the accompanying tables is included in your installation by the following notices:

For setup tasks that refer to data already included in your installation, you can use the task as a guideline for modifying existing information or adding new information, if this is required.


Before you can set up Oracle Receivables to calculate VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise, you must set the JL AR Tax: Use Related Transactions for Threshold Checking profile option to Yes at the Site level.

Setup List

Step Setup Task
1 Define System Options
2 Define Tax Conditions
3 Define Tax Condition Values
4 Define Legal Message Exception Codes
5 Define Tax Categories
6 Associate Tax Categories with Tax Conditions and Values
7 Define Tax Codes and Rates
8 Define Tax Condition Classes for Organizations
9 Assign Tax Condition Classes to Organizations
10 Define Tax Condition Classes for Customers
11 Assign Tax Condition Classes to Customers
12 Define Tax Exceptions by Customer Site
13 Define Tax Condition Classes for Transaction
14 Define Fiscal Classifications
15 Assign Tax Condition Classes and Fiscal Classifications to Items
16 Assign Tax Condition Classes and Fiscal Classifications to Memo Lines
17 Define Latin Tax Group
18 Assign Tax Group to Transaction Types
19 Define Exceptions by Transaction Condition Value
20 Define Latin Tax Rules
21 Define Legal Messages
22 Associate Legal Messages and Tax Rules
23 Associate DGI UOM Codes with UOM Codes

1. Define System Options

Use the Create Application Tax Options page in Oracle E-Business Tax, the Oracle Receivables System Options window, and the globalization flexfield in the Oracle Receivables System Options window to set system options to allow the Latin Tax Engine to calculate VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise taxes.

This table shows the options to set for Argentina:

Tax Option Field Name Suggested Setting
Tax Method Latin Tax Handling
Location Flexfield Structure Location Flexfield Structure
Tax Rule Set Argentina
Compound Taxes No
Calculation Level Line
Rounding Rule Nearest
Precision 2
Transaction Type Your default transaction type
Location Flexfield Classification State or Province

Use these guidelines for setting Oracle Receivables system options:

  1. In the Location Flexfield Structure field, enter a location flexfield structure.

    Use one of the available location flexfield structures, or define your own location flexfield structure in the Key Flexfield Segments window. The name of the location flexfield structure that you define must contain either State or Province as one of the segments.

    Note: You must define the segment State or the segment Province in English only, if you are going to use the Latin Tax Engine. The Latin Tax Engine only recognizes these values in English.

  2. In the Location Flexfield Classification field, enter State or Province, depending on the location flexfield structure that you entered in the Location Flexfield Structure field.

  3. In the Use Legal Message field, enter Yes if you want default legal messages to appear on your invoices. Enter No if you do not.

  4. Check the Inclusive Tax Used check box.

  5. Enter Line as the calculation level to let Oracle Receivables calculate taxes separately for each line.

Related Topics

Defining Receivables System Options, Oracle Receivables User Guide

2. Define Tax Conditions

Use the Lookups window to define lookup codes for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise tax conditions. Tax conditions determine whether Oracle Receivables calculates VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise on a specific transaction.

The tax conditions that you define describe the possible conditions of your company, your customers, and your transactions.

Define tax conditions for the following lookup types for each tax:

After you define tax conditions, define the tax condition values for each tax condition. See Step 3. Define Tax Condition Values for more information.

This table shows the tax condition lookup codes to define for VAT:

Note: The organization tax condition VAT REGISTERED applies to VAT, Additional VAT, and VAT Perceptions inclusive.

This data is already included in your installation

Lookup Type Lookup Code Description

These tables show the tax condition lookup codes to define for Turnover perceptions:

The data in this table is already included in your installation


Lookup Type Lookup Code Description

The data in this table is already included in your installation


Lookup Type Lookup Code Description

This data in this table is already included in your installation


Lookup Type Lookup Code Description

3. Define Tax Condition Values

Use the Lookups window to define lookup codes for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise tax condition values.

Tax condition values specify each of the possible values of a tax condition. For example, the possible values of the tax condition VAT Registered for an organization are Registered and Not Registered.

Define tax conditions for the lookup type JLZZ_AR_TX_ATTR_VALUE.

VAT Registration status codes are defined as tax conditions. Use the lookup type JLZZ_AR_TX_ATTR_VALUE to define new lookup codes for VAT Registration status codes as Tax Attribute Value Type. For the new VAT Registration status code values, you need to complete all Latin Tax Engine setup. You should refer to the information in the Oracle Financials Common Country Features User Guide about the Latin Tax Engine as you perform the Receivables setup tasks.

You can update the existing tax condition codes with VAT Registration status codes that have the same meaning. For example, if you have the tax condition Registered and you need to define a VAT Registration status of 01-Registered, insert 01- at the beginning of the Meaning field. This mapping will provide the VAT Registration status two-digit code that is needed for reporting.

To update existing tax condition codes with VAT Registration status codes defined by the Fiscal Authority, you insert the two digit code in the Meaning field. For example, for the tax condition Registered, insert 01- at the beginning of the Meaning field. 01-Registered will provide the Fiscal Authority's registration status code for Registered contributors that is needed for reporting.

After you define tax condition values for each tax condition, you can associate both the tax condition and tax condition values with Latin tax categories. See: Step 6. Associate Tax Categories with Tax Conditions and Values for more information.

This table shows the tax condition values to define for organizations, contributors, and transactions for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise:

This data is already included in your installation

Lookup Type Lookup Code Description
JLZZ_AR_TX_ATTR_VALUE OUTSIDE REGISTERED Organization is registered, but located outside province
JLZZ_AR_TX_ATTR_VALUE PROV REGISTERED Registered in the province
JLZZ_AR_TX_ATTR_VALUE TOA REGISTERED Provincial agreement with province
JLZZ_AR_TX_ATTR_VALUE OUTSIDE PROV REGISTERED Customer is registered with the province, but located outside the province
JLZZ_AR_TX_ATTR_VALUE OUTSIDE TOA REGISTERED Customer has provincial agreement with province, but located outside province
JLZZ_AR_TX_ATTR_VALUE OUTSIDE EXEMPT Customer is exempt in province, but located outside province
JLZZ_AR_TX_ATTR_VALUE OUTSIDE END CONSUMER Customer is end consumer, but located outside province

4. Define Legal Message Exception Codes

Use the Lookups window to define lookup codes for legal message exceptions. You can select lookup codes from lists of values after you define them.

Legal message exception codes are used to define the type of exception for which you can then associate a legal message. See Step 22. Associate Legal Messages and Tax Rules for more information.

Add as many legal message exception codes as you require. Use the lookup type JL_ZZ_AR_TX_LEGAL_MESSAGE to define a new legal message exception code.

5. Define Tax Categories

Use the Lookups window to define lookup codes for tax categories for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise.

Use the Latin Tax Categories window, after you create the lookup codes, to define the VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise tax categories.

Note: If you want the Latin Tax Engine to derive a tax code from a tax category, associate the tax code with a tax category after you define it in the Tax Codes and Rates window. See Step 7. Define Tax Codes and Rates for more information.

You create five tax category lookup codes for VAT:

You create three tax category lookup codes for additional tax categories:

You create a Provincial Turnover Perceptions tax category lookup code for each province and similarly a Municipal Perceptions tax category lookup code for each municipality.

This table shows the tax category lookup codes to define for VAT:

This data is already included in your installation

Lookup Type Lookup Code Description
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY VATADDL Additional Value Added Tax

This table shows the tax category lookup codes to define for Turnover perceptions:

This data is already included in your installation

Lookup Type Lookup Code Description
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPCF Capital Federal Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPBA Buenos Aires Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPCR Corrientes Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPER Entry Rios Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPMI Misiones Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPSF Santa Fe Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPFO Formosa Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPCO Cordoba Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPSE Santiago del Estero Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPJJ Jujuy Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPSA Salta Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPMN Mendoza Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPLR La Rioja Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPSJ San Juan Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPSL San Luis Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPNQ Neuquen Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPRN Rio Negro Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPCH Chubut Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPCA Catamarca Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPCC Chaco Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPLP La Pampa Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPSC Santa Cruz Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPTF Tierra del Fuego Turnover Perception
JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGORY TOPTU Tucuman Turnover Perception

Use the Latin Tax Categories window to define VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise tax categories, using the tax category lookup codes that you created in the Lookups window.

Note: You can modify the tax categories included in your installation to suit your specific needs.

To define a tax category:

  1. Navigate to the Latin Tax Categories window.

  2. Select the applicable operating unit.

  3. Enter a tax category in the Category field.

  4. Enter the effective dates for this tax category. The tax category is effective within the range that you specify.

  5. In the Threshold Check Level field, enter one of the following:

    • Line – Consider the current invoice line for threshold checking.

    • Document – Consider the current invoice for threshold checking.

    • Operation – Consider the current invoice and its related debit memos, credit memos, and related invoices for threshold checking.

  6. In the Grouping Condition Type field, enter one of the following:

    • Line – Use the current invoice line amount as the base amount for threshold checking.

    • Document – Use the sum of all amounts of relevant lines as the base amount for threshold checking. For use with the values Document or Operation in the Threshold Check Level field.

    • Transaction Condition – Use the sum of all amounts of relevant lines as the base amount for threshold checking. For use with the values Document or Operation in the Threshold Check Level field.

  7. If you entered Transaction Condition in the Grouping Condition Type field, enter the transaction condition to group by in the Grouping Condition field.

    Note: Receivables automatically populates the Grouping Condition Type field with Transaction Condition and the Grouping Condition field with the applicable transaction condition, if you check the Grouping Attribute check box in the Associate Latin Tax Category with Conditions and Values window for a tax category and tax condition combination. See Step 6. Associate Tax Categories with Tax Conditions and Values for more information.

  8. Select a tax code in the Tax Code field after you define tax codes and rates from a list of values, if you want to use a default tax code for this tax category.

    Note: You only perform this step after you define tax codes and rates. See Step 20. Define Latin Tax Rules for more information.

  9. In the Tax Authority Code field, select the DGI tax type code from the list of values.

    Note: Use the Latin Tax Categories window to associate DGI Tax Type Codes with tax categories. Before you associate these codes, you define lookup codes for the DGI Tax Type Code with the JLAR_AP_DGI_TAX_TYPE lookup type.

  10. In the Min Amount, Min Taxable Basis, and Minimum % fields, enter the appropriate values to use with this tax.

    This table shows how Receivables uses the values in these fields:

    Field Name Tax Does Not Apply If...
    Min Amount Tax calculated is less than this value
    Min Taxable Basis Taxable base is less than this value
    Minimum % Tax rate is less than this value
  11. Check the Inclusive Tax check box if you want tax included in the price at invoice line level. Leave the check box unchecked if you do not.

    Note: You cannot change the Inclusive Tax setting after you associate the tax category with a tax code or a tax group.

  12. Check the Mandatory in Class check box if you want the tax category to appear in every tax condition class.

    Note: This setting applies to VAT only (not Additional VAT or VAT Perceptions).

  13. Check the Print check box if you want the tax line printed. Leave the check box unchecked if you do not.

  14. In the Tax Regime field, select the tax regime from the list of values.

  15. Provincial - Use this tax regime to group Provincial Turnover Perceptions tax categories for reporting purposes.

  16. Municipal - Use this tax regime to group Municipal Perceptions tax categories for reporting purposes.

6. Associate Tax Categories with Tax Conditions and Values

Use the Associate Latin Tax Category with Conditions and Values window to associate VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise tax categories with tax conditions to create determining factor tax conditions. Oracle Receivables uses determining factor tax conditions to determine whether VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise apply to a transaction.

Define one determining factor tax condition for each combination of:

For the contributor condition type, you can associate a DGI customer condition code with contributor tax condition values. For the transaction condition type, you can associate a DGI tax regime code with transaction tax condition values. The Argentine Receivables Perceptions flat file uses these codes to sort perceptions tax information. Use the Oracle Receivables Lookups window to define DGI customer condition codes and DGI tax regime codes. Define DGI customer condition codes for the JLAR_AP_SUPP_CONDITION_CODE lookup type and DGI tax regime codes for the JLAR_TAX_AUTHORITY_CATEGORY lookup type.

This table shows the determining factor tax conditions to define for VAT:

This data is already included in your installation

Tax Category Condition Type Condition Name Mandatory in Class Determining Factor Grouping Attribute Condition Value
VAT Organization Condition VAT REGISTERED Yes Yes No Registered or Not Registered
VAT ADDL Organization Condition VAT REGISTERED Yes Yes No Registered or Not Registered
VATPERC Organization Condition VAT REGISTERED Yes Yes No Registered or Not Registered
VAT Contributor Condition VAT CONT STATUS Yes Yes No Registered or Not Registered
VAT ADDL Contributor Condition VAT ADDL CONT STATUS Yes Yes No Applicable or Not Applicable
VATPERC Contributor Condition VAT PERC CONT STATUS Yes Yes No Applicable or Not Applicable
VAT Transaction Condition VAT TRANS STATUS Yes Yes No Export or Exempt
VAT ADDL Transaction Condition VAT ADDL TRANS STATUS Yes Yes No Export or Exempt
VATPERC Transaction Condition VAT PERC TRANS STATUS Yes Yes No Export or Exempt

Use these guidelines for associating tax categories with tax conditions for VAT:

  1. Check the Determining Factor check box for all tax categories and condition types.

    There is one determining factor tax condition for each tax category per condition type.

  2. Check the Mandatory in Class check box for all tax categories and condition types.

    All determining factor tax conditions are mandatory in class.

  3. Uncheck the Grouping Attribute check box for all condition types. There is no threshold check for VAT.

  4. In the Tax Reporting Code field, you can enter a DGI customer condition code for contributor condition values or a DGI tax regime code for transaction tax condition values.

  5. For condition values, check the Default to Class check box to default a condition value to the tax condition class for a tax category, condition type, and condition name combination. You can only check the Default to Class check box for one condition value for each combination of tax category, condition type, and condition name.

This table shows an example of determining factor tax conditions to define for Turnover perceptions:

This data is already included in your installation

Tax Category Condition Type Condition Name Mandatory in Class Determining Factor Grouping Attribute Condition Value
TOPCF Organization Condition TO CF ORG STATUS Yes Yes No Registered or Not Registered
TOPCF Contributor Condition TO CF CONT STATUS Yes Yes No Prov Registered, Exempt, TOA Registered, End Consumer, Excluded
TOPCF Transaction Condition TO CF TRANS STATUS Yes Yes Yes Applicable or Not Applicable
TOPBA Organization Condition TO BA ORG STATUS Yes Yes No Registered or Not Registered
TOPBA Contributor Condition TO BA CONT STATUS Yes Yes No Prov Registered, Exempt, TOA Registered, End Consumer, Excluded
TOPBA Transaction Condition TO BA TRANS STATUS Yes Yes Yes Applicable or Not Applicable

Use these guidelines for associating tax categories with tax conditions for Turnover perceptions:

  1. Create a tax category for each province.

  2. Create determining factor tax conditions for each province.

  3. Create determining tax conditions for the province tax category for each of the three condition types (organization, contributor, and transaction).

  4. Check the Determining Factor check box for all tax categories and condition types.

  5. Check the Mandatory in Class check box for all tax categories and condition types.

    All determining factor tax conditions are mandatory in class.

  6. Check the Grouping Attribute check box for transaction conditions only.

    By checking this check box, Receivables adds invoice lines with the same tax condition values before comparing the amount to the threshold.

    Note: Receivables automatically populates the Grouping Condition Type field with Transaction Condition and the Grouping Condition field with the transaction condition in the Latin Tax Categories window for this tax category. See Step 5. Define Tax Categories for more information.

  7. In the Tax Reporting Code field, you can enter a DGI customer condition code for contributor condition values or a DGI tax regime code for transaction tax condition values.

  8. For condition values, check the Default to Class check box to default a condition value to the tax condition class for a tax category, condition type, and condition name combination. You can only check the Default to Class check box for one condition value for each combination of tax category, condition type, and condition name.

7. Define Tax Codes and Rates

Use the Tax Codes and Rates window to define tax codes and rates for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise tax categories. Use the globalization flexfield in the Tax Codes and Rates window to assign a tax category to a tax code. Use these guidelines for creating Tax Codes and Rates:

  1. Navigate to the Tax Codes and Rates window.

  2. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  3. Enter the tax category for the tax code in the Tax Category field.

  4. Select the DGI transaction code from the list of values in the DGI Transaction Code field to assign a code to all documents that include VAT Non Taxable or a VAT rate of 0%.

    Use the Lookups window to define DGI transaction code values with the lookup type JLZZ_AP_DGI_TRX_CODE. Define the lookup code as DGI Transaction Code.

  5. Enter the Turnover Jurisdiction Code to associate the Turnover Jurisdiction with the Provincial Turnover Perceptions tax.

    Use the Lookups window to define Turnover Jurisdiction Code values with the lookup type JLZZ_AR_TO_JURISDICTION_CODE. Define the lookup code as Turnover Jurisdiction Code.

  6. Enter the Municipal Jurisdiction to associate the Municipal Jurisdiction with a Municipal Perceptions tax.

Define as many tax codes as you need for each type of tax. You must define at least one tax code for each VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise tax category, and for each tax rate that exists for a tax category.

For example, if the VAT tax category has one tax rate for goods and a different tax rate for services, you must define two tax codes for the VAT tax category.


Define one tax code for each tax rate. Define tax codes with the credit sign, because the tax codes correspond to VAT liabilities.

This table provides a guideline for defining tax codes for VAT. Actual rates and accounts depend on the prevailing legislation and on your company's chart of accounts.

EXAMPLE ONLY This data is not included in your installation

The key to this table is:

Table Header

Tax Code From Tax Type Tax Rate % Sign Tax Cat Tax Acct Allow Exempt Adhoc Incl Tax Allow Incl Override
VAT–0 01/01/90 VAT 0 Credit VAT 01-240805-1010-0000-000-0000 No No No No
VAT–1 01/01/90 VAT 16 Credit VAT 01-240805-1011-0000-000-0000 No No No No
VAT–A-1 01/01/90 VAT 20 Credit VAT ADDL 01-240805-1012-0000-000-0000 No No No No
VAT–P-1 01/01/90 VAT 5 Credit VATPERC 01-240805-1013-0000-000-0000 No No No No

Use these guidelines for defining VAT tax codes:

  1. Enter VAT in the Tax Type field.

  2. Uncheck the Allow Exempt check box. This field is not used by the Latin Tax Engine.

  3. Uncheck the Adhoc check box. The tax rate cannot allow changes to the transaction entry.

  4. Uncheck the Inclusive Tax and Allow Inclusive Override check boxes. VAT is not included in the price of an item.

Turnover perceptions

Define at least one tax code for each tax rate under each province tax category that you will use.

This table provides a guideline for defining tax codes for Turnover perceptions. Actual rates and accounts depend on the prevailing legislation and on your company's chart of accounts.

EXAMPLE ONLY This data is not included in your installation

The key to this table is:

Table Header

Tax Code From Tax Type Tax Rate % Sign Tax Cat Tax Acct Allow Exempt Adhoc Incl Tax Allow Incl Override
Goods 01/01/90 Sales Tax 3 Credit TOPCF 01-236575-1004-0000-000-0000 No No No No
Services 01/01/90 Sales Tax 4 Credit TOPCF 01-236575-1003-0000-000-0000 No No No No
Prof-fees 01/01/90 Sales Tax 10 Credit TOPCF 01-236575-1001-0000-000-0000 No No No No
Goods 01/01/90 Sales Tax 3 Credit TOPBA 01-236575-1004-0000-000-0000 No No No No
Services 01/01/90 Sales Tax 4 Credit TOPBA 01-236575-1003-0000-000-0000 No No No No
Prof-fees 01/01/90 Sales Tax 10 Credit TOPBA 01-236575-1001-0000-000-0000 No No No No

Use these guidelines for defining Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise tax codes:

  1. Enter VAT in the Tax Type field.

  2. Uncheck the Allow Exempt check box. This field is not used by the Latin Tax Engine.

  3. Uncheck the Adhoc check box. The tax rate cannot allow changes to the transaction entry.

  4. Uncheck the Inclusive Tax and Allow Inclusive Override check boxes. Turnover perceptions is not included in the price of an item.

Related Topics

Tax Codes and Rates, Oracle Receivables User Guide

8. Define Tax Condition Classes for Organizations

Use the Latin Tax Condition Classes window to define tax condition classes for your organization to manage Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise.

An organization tax condition class defines the tax category and tax condition values for each tax category that apply to an organization.

Each organization tax condition class must contain every tax category marked as Mandatory in Class, and the determining factor tax conditions defined for the tax category, at the organization level. The organization tax condition class can also contain non-Mandatory in Class tax categories, if applicable. For each organization tax condition class, define only one tax condition value for each tax category and tax condition combination.

You must define a separate organization tax condition class for each location that has different tax requirements. For example, if your organization has one location in Buenos Aires and a second location in Capital Federal; and the Buenos Aires location can only tax Buenos Aires turnover perceptions, and the Capital Federal location can only tax Capital Federal turnover perceptions, you must define two organization tax condition classes. In the above example, if both locations could tax both turnover perceptions, they could share the same class.

After you define organization tax condition classes for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise, assign them to your organization. See Step 9. Assign Tax Condition Classes to Organizations for more information.

This table shows an example of an organization tax condition class:

EXAMPLE ONLY This data is not included in your installation

Class Type Class Code Description Tax Category Condition Code Value Code
Organization VAT-CF-1 VAT Registered and CF Registered VAT VAT REGISTERED REGISTERED
Organization VAT-CF-1 VAT Registered and CF Registered VAT ADDL VAT REGISTERED REGISTERED
Organization VAT-CF-1 VAT Registered and CF Registered TOPCF TO CF ORG STATUS PROV REGISTERED

Use these guidelines for defining a tax condition class for organizations:

  1. In this example, you previously defined the tax condition VAT REGISTERED with the tax condition value of REGISTERED, and the tax condition TO CF ORG STATUS with the tax condition value of PROV REGISTERED as determining factor tax conditions for the VAT, VAT ADDL, and TOPCF tax categories for an organization.

    See Step 6 Associate Tax Categories with Tax Conditions and Values for more information.

  2. Enter Organization in the Class Type field and Organization Condition in the Condition Type field, so that you can assign this condition to organizations.

  3. Select the applicable operating unit.

  4. If your organization is registered as an agent for VAT, enter the tax categories VAT and VAT ADDL and assign both tax categories the value REGISTERED.

  5. If your organization is registered as an agent for VAT Perceptions, enter the tax category VATPERC with the value REGISTERED.

  6. If your organization is registered as an agent for Turnover perceptions in the province of its principal location, enter the tax category for the province, such as TOPCF, with the value REGISTERED.

  7. If your organization is registered as an agent for Turnover perceptions in other provinces, enter the tax category for each province with the value OUTSIDE REGISTERED.

  8. Check the Enabled check box for every tax category, tax condition, and tax condition value that you enter. If you want to omit one or more of these combinations from the tax condition class, uncheck the check box.

    You can use the Enable All and Disable All buttons to enable or disable all check boxes at once. You can enable or disable check boxes individually, depending on your needs.

9. Assign Tax Condition Classes to Organizations

Use the globalization flexfield in the Location window to assign an organization tax condition class to an organization. The organization inherits the values for the determining tax conditions associated with each tax category contained in the tax condition class.

Assign the organization tax condition class to the location associated with the master inventory organization. The master inventory organization is the organization that you define in the Item Validation Organization field of the Order Management Parameters window.

Assign the organization tax condition class to an organization location according to the example in this table:

Location Name Establishment Type
Organization Location VAT and Capital Federal Turnover Perceptions Registered

Note: When you use AutoInvoice, Oracle Receivables uses the tax condition class of the ship-from location.

Related Topics

Defining Order Management System Parameters, Oracle Order Management Implementation Guide

10. Define Tax Condition Classes for Customers

Use the Latin Tax Condition Classes window to define contributor tax condition classes (for customers) to manage VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise.

A contributor tax condition class identifies a combination of VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise responsibilities for the customer.

After you create contributor tax condition classes for both VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise, assign them to your customers. See Step 11. Assign Tax Condition Classes to Customers for more information.

Customers and VAT registration

Customers both registered for VAT and not registered for VAT are charged VAT. In addition, customers that are not registered for VAT are also charged Additional VAT.

Therefore, when you define your tax group and tax rules, you should include tax condition values of both REGISTERED and NOT REGISTERED so that Receivables generates VAT for all customers. You must also decide whether you want to include customers with tax condition values of EXPORT or EXEMPT in the tax group and tax rules to generate VAT for these customers.

Naming conventions

This section shows the naming convention for the contributor tax condition classes included in your installation.

Note: The two exceptions to this naming convention are VAT-EXEMPT for exempt customers and VAT-EXPORT for customers outside of Argentina.

The naming convention is VAT-X-YY-Z, where:



Turnover province location of customer site.


This table shows an example of a contributor tax condition class:

This data is already included in your installation

Class Type Class Code Description Tax Category Condition Code Value Code
Contributor VAT-A-BA-1 BA Registered, VAT, and VAT Additional VAT VAT CONT STATUS NOT REGISTERED
Contributor VAT-A-BA-1 BA Registered, VAT, and VAT Additional TOPBA TO BA CONT STATUS REGISTERED

Use these guidelines for defining tax condition classes for customers:

  1. You previously defined the tax conditions as determining factor tax conditions for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise tax categories for a contributor.

    See Step 6. Associate Tax Categories with Tax Conditions and Values for more information.

  2. Assign a tax condition value for the determining factors within each tax condition class.

    For VAT, the predefined tax condition is VAT CONT STATUS with tax condition values of EXEMPT, EXPORT, REGISTERED, and NOT REGISTERED. For Additional VAT, the predefined tax condition is VAT ADDL CONT STATUS with tax condition values of APPLICABLE and NOT APPLICABLE.

  3. Enter Contributor in the Class Type field and Contributor Condition in the Condition Type field, so that you can assign these conditions to customers.

11. Assign Tax Condition Classes to Customers

Use the Contributor Class field in the globalization flexfield in the Customer Addresses window to assign a contributor tax condition class to each of your customers. The customer inherits the values for the determining factor tax conditions associated with each tax category contained in the tax condition class.

This table shows a guideline for assigning contributor tax condition classes to your customers:

Customer Class
Customer A (tax exempt) VAT Exempt
Customer B (BA registered, VAT Additional applicable) VAT-A-BA-1
Customer B (Foreign) VAT-EXPORT

After you assign a contributor tax condition class to each of your customers, use the Define Customer Site Tax Profile window to copy the tax condition values to each individual customer site.

Defining Customer Site Tax Profiles

Use the Define Customer Site Tax Profile window to copy the tax condition values to each individual customer site, after you assign a contributor tax condition class to your customers.

You can also use the Define Customer Site Tax Profile window to modify the tax condition values for one customer site only, without changing the tax condition class assignment for the customer's other sites.

Note: You must perform this step for each customer address, even if you do not modify the profile, in order for each customer site to inherit the necessary values from the contributor tax condition class.

Example of how to use the Define Customer Site Tax Profile window

Your company's inventory organization (ship-from site) is located in Capital Federal, with an additional location in Buenos Aires. You ship to a customer in Chubut who also has customer sites in Buenos Aires. This makes the transaction taxable in Buenos Aires.

Assume that the customer is registered for VAT and registered for Turnover with Chubut. Also assume that the customer has a provincial agreement with Buenos Aires.

To accommodate this transaction in Receivables:

  1. Assign the contributor tax condition class that contains the Chubut turnover tax category to the customer.

  2. Navigate to the Define Customer Site Tax Profile window for the Chubut customer site for the customer.

    The Define Customer Site Tax Profile window displays the tax category VAT with the tax condition value REGISTERED; and the tax category TOPCH with the tax condition value PROV REGISTERED.

  3. Add the tax category TOPBA for Buenos Aires Turnover perceptions and the tax condition value OUTSIDE TOA REGISTERED for the customer's provincial agreement with Buenos Aires.

    Note: You must also create entries in the tax group and tax rules to accommodate the value of OUTSIDE TOA REGISTERED for the TOPBA tax category.

12. Define Tax Exceptions by Customer Site

Use the Latin Tax Exceptions by Customer Site window to define tax exceptions by customer site for combinations of customer sites and tax categories.

You define tax exceptions by customer site when a customer is eligible for a tax deduction in a certain tax category and geographical location, or either. For example, new customers that bring business into Argentina may receive tax deductions and are therefore classified as tax exceptions.

Note: All tax exceptions are per customer address, not the customer.


Before you can use the Latin Tax Exceptions by Customer Site window, you must:

To define tax exceptions by customer sites:

  1. Navigate to the Latin Tax Exceptions by Customer Site window.

  2. In the Customer Name field, enter the customer that you want.

  3. Enter the customer address that you want in the Location field.

  4. Press the Find button.

    Oracle Receivables displays the tax categories that apply to this customer site in the Tax Category fields.

  5. Update the tax categories to reflect the tax exception for this customer site.

    Delete tax categories that do not apply, or enter new tax categories.

  6. In the Effective Dates fields, enter the effective dates for each tax category to reflect the tax exception.

  7. In the Code field, enter the tax code for each tax category.

    The Latin Tax Engine retrieves the tax code for a tax category when the rate-level tax rule is Exceptions by Customer Site.

  8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 for each customer and customer address that you want to apply tax exceptions to.

13. Define Tax Condition Classes for Transactions

Use the Latin Tax Condition Classes window to define transaction tax condition classes to manage VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise. Define taxable and excludable tax conditions for goods and services for VAT, additional VAT, and VAT perceptions; define applicable and not applicable tax conditions for goods and services for Turnover perceptions for each province.

After you define transaction tax condition classes for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise, assign them to items and memo lines. See Step 15. Assign Tax Condition Classes and Fiscal Classifications to Items and Step 16. Assign Tax Condition Classes and Fiscal Classifications to Memo Lines for more information.

These tables show examples of tax condition classes for transactions:

EXAMPLE ONLY This data is not included in your installation

Taxable Goods

Class Type Class Code Description Tax Category Condition Type Condition Code Value Code
Transaction T-GOODS Goods subject to VAT or Turnover VAT Transaction Condition VAT TRANS STATUS GOODS
Transaction T-GOODS Goods subject to VAT or Turnover VATADDL Transaction Condition VAT ADDL TRANS STATUS GOODS
Transaction T-GOODS Goods subject to VAT or Turnover VATPERC Transaction Condition VAT PERC TRANS STATUS GOODS
Transaction T-GOODS Goods subject to VAT or Turnover TOPCF Transaction Condition TO CF TRANS STATUS APPLICABLE
Transaction T-GOODS Goods subject to VAT or Turnover TOPBA Transaction Condition TO BA TRANS STATUS APPLICABLE

Excluded Goods from Turnover Perceptions

Class Type Class Code Description Tax Category Condition Type Condition Code Value Code
Transaction T-GOODS-NO TO Goods subject to VAT but not Turnover VAT Transaction Condition VAT TRANS STATUS GOODS
Transaction T-GOODS-NO TO Goods subject to VAT but not Turnover VATADDL Transaction Condition VAT ADDL TRANS STATUS GOODS
Transaction T-GOODS-NO TO Goods subject to VAT but not Turnover VATPERC Transaction Condition VAT PERC TRANS STATUS GOODS

Taxable Services

Class Type Class Code Description Tax Category Condition Type Condition Code Value Code
Transaction T-SERVICES Services subject to VAT or Turnover VAT Transaction Condition VAT TRANS STATUS SERVICES
Transaction T-SERVICES Services subject to VAT or Turnover VATADDL Transaction Condition VAT ADDL TRANS STATUS SERVICES
Transaction T-SERVICES Services subject to VAT or Turnover VATPERC Transaction Condition VAT PERC TRANS STATUS SERVICES
Transaction T-SERVICES Services subject to VAT or Turnover TOPCF Transaction Condition TO CF TRANS STATUS APPLICABLE
Transaction T-SERVICES Services subject to VAT or Turnover TOPBA Transaction Condition TO BA TRANS STATUS APPLICABLE

Excluded Services from Turnover Perceptions

Class Type Class Code Description Tax Category Condition Type Condition Code Value Code
Transaction T-SERVICES-NO TO Services excluded from Turnover VAT Transaction Condition VAT TRANS STATUS EXEMPT
Transaction T-SERVICES-NO TO Services excluded from Turnover VATADDL Transaction Condition VAT ADDL TRANS STATUS EXEMPT
Transaction T-SERVICES-NO TO Services excluded from Turnover VATPERC Transaction Condition VAT PERC TRANS STATUS EXEMPT

Use these guidelines for defining tax condition classes for transactions:

  1. You previously defined the tax conditions as determining factor tax conditions for the VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise tax categories for a transaction.

    See Step 6. Associate Tax Categories with Tax Conditions and Values for more information.

  2. In the Value Code field, assign a condition value for the determining factors within each tax condition class.

    Enter Goods or Services for VAT, and Applicable or Not Applicable for Turnover perceptions.

  3. Enter Transaction in the Class Type field and Transaction Condition in the Condition Type field, so that you can assign these conditions to transactions.

  4. You must define a transaction tax condition class for every different tax classification that you have.

    For example, if you have a standard goods class of T-GOODS, but you have one item that is not taxable in Capital Federal, you must define another class for this condition. You can define this class based on the T-GOODS example above in one of two ways: T-GOODS-NO-CF or T-GOODS-NOCF-EX.

    The T-GOODS-NO-CF class in this table omits the Capital Federal tax category TOPCF from the class:

    Class Type Class Code Description Tax Category Condition Type Condition Code Value Code
    Transaction T-GOODS-NO-CF Goods subject to VAT or Turnover VAT Transaction Condition VAT TRANS STATUS GOODS
    Transaction T-GOODS-NO-CF Goods subject to VAT or Turnover VATADDL Transaction Condition VAT ADDL TRANS STATUS GOODS
    Transaction T-GOODS-NO-CF Goods subject to VAT or Turnover VATPERC Transaction Condition VAT PERC TRANS STATUS GOODS
    Transaction T-GOODS-NO-CF Goods subject to VAT or Turnover TOPBA Transaction Condition TO BA TRANS STATUS APPLICABLE

    The T-GOODS-NO-CF class in this table omits the Capital Federal tax category TOPCF from the class:

    Class Type Class Code Description Tax Category Condition Type Condition Code Value Code
    Transaction T-GOODS-NOCF-EX Goods subject to VAT or Turnover VAT Transaction Condition VAT TRANS STATUS GOODS
    Transaction T-GOODS-NOCF-EX Goods subject to VAT or Turnover VATADDL Transaction Condition VAT ADDL TRANS STATUS GOODS
    Transaction T-GOODS-NOCF-EX Goods subject to VAT or Turnover VATPERC Transaction Condition VAT PERC TRANS STATUS GOODS
    Transaction T-GOODS-NOCF-EX Goods subject to VAT or Turnover TOPCF Transaction Condition TO CF TRANS STATUS EXEMPT
    Transaction T-GOODS-NOCF-EX Goods subject to VAT or Turnover TOPBA Transaction Condition TO BA TRANS STATUS APPLICABLE

    Note: Depending on the tax group and tax rules you define, these tax condition classes may or may not generate taxes in the same way.

14. Define Fiscal Classifications

Use the Latin Fiscal Classifications window to define fiscal classifications for items and memo lines. You define fiscal classifications for both items (Goods) and memo lines (Services). You can also create specific fiscal classification codes within goods and services, for example, alcohol (Goods), tobacco (Goods), consultancy (Services), catering (Services).

You can optionally associate tax codes that you defined in the Tax Codes and Rates window with fiscal classifications to derive a tax rate. See Step 7. Define Tax Codes and Rates for more information.

If you want to derive a tax code and rate from a fiscal classification code, you must create a fiscal classification tax rule. See Step 20. Define Latin Tax Rules for more information.

Check the Enabled check box to activate a fiscal classification code. You can use the Enable All and Disable All buttons in the Latin Fiscal Classifications window to enable or disable all check boxes at once. You can enable or disable codes individually, depending on your needs.

This table shows an example of fiscal classifications. Actual assignments depend on the prevailing legislation.

EXAMPLE ONLY This data is not included in your installation

Fiscal Classification Code Description Tax Category From Date Tax Code
Standard Standard Items VAT 01/01/90 VAT 21
Alcohol Alcohol TOPBA 01/01/90 BA 11
Service Taxable Service (Optional) (Optional) (Optional)

15. Assign Tax Condition Classes and Fiscal Classifications to Items

Use the globalization flexfield in the Master Item window to assign a transaction tax condition class and fiscal classification to each item by associating item categories to items. The item inherits the values for all the tax conditions associated to each tax category from the tax condition class.

Note: Ensure that you have defined the applicable item categories.

You must assign a fiscal classification code to an item. The Latin Tax Engine uses the fiscal classification code to find the tax code to apply, if the rule assignment directs the Latin Tax Engine to take the tax code from the fiscal classification.

To assign a tax condition class to an item:

  1. Navigate to the Master Item window.

  2. Enter the inventory organization that you want.

  3. Enter or query the item that you want.

  4. Click the Master Display Attributes radio button to display master item attributes.

  5. Navigate to the globalization flexfield to select the applicable item category.

  6. Press the OK button.

    Note: Oracle Inventory copies the fiscal classification and transaction class to each inventory item from the master item. However, if the fiscal classification or transaction class are different for each inventory organization, you must update them manually.

16. Assign Tax Condition Classes and Fiscal Classifications to Memo Lines

Use the Standard Memo Lines window to assign a transaction tax condition class and fiscal classification to each memo line. The memo line inherits the values for all the tax conditions associated to each tax category from the tax condition class.

You must assign a fiscal classification code to a memo line. The Latin Tax Engine uses the fiscal classification code to find the tax code to apply, if the rule assignment directs the Latin Tax Engine to take the tax code from the fiscal classification.

To assign a tax condition class to a memo line:

  1. Navigate to the Standard Memo Lines window.

  2. Enter or query the memo line that you want.

  3. In the Tax Product Category field, enter the applicable fiscal classification to apply to this memo line.

  4. Press the OK button.

17. Define Latin Tax Group

Use the Latin Tax Groups window to define a tax group for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise. Create assignments in the tax group for each combination of organization, contributor, and transaction condition values subject to VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise. You must have at least one entry for each tax that you are required to levy.

Create one tax group for the VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise responsibilities that apply to your company.

After you create a tax group for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise, assign the tax group to each transaction type. See Step 18. Assign Tax Group to Transaction Types for more information.

When the Latin Tax Engine calculates tax on a transaction line, it compares the values for organization tax condition class, customer site profile class, and transaction tax condition class (item or memo line) with the values in the tax group to determine the tax categories to calculate.

This table shows an example of a single tax group for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise calculations in Argentina. The example includes:

Actual assignments depend on the prevailing legislation.

EXAMPLE ONLY The data in this table is not included in your installation

The key to this table is:

Table Header

Tax Group: AR_TAX Description: Argentine tax group

Tax Category Cont Value Org Value Trans Value Effective From Effective To Tax Code Mini- mum Amount Minimum Taxable Basis
VAT EXPORT REGISTERED GOODS 01/01/90 Default None None None

If the tax group AR_TAX were applied to a transaction line with the values in these tables, the Latin Tax Engine would calculate VAT and TOPBA taxes for the transaction line:

Contributor Tax Condition Class

Tax Category Tax Condition Value

Organization Tax Condition Class

Tax Category Tax Condition Value

Transaction Tax Condition Class

Tax Category Tax Condition Value

Use these guidelines for defining the tax group:

  1. The tax code that you enter in the Tax Code field for a tax category is used to derive the tax rate for a transaction only when the tax rule looks to the tax group for the tax rate.

  2. If you check the Use Category Thresholds check box for a tax category, and if:

    • Minimum Amount, Minimum Taxable Basis, or Minimum % fields contain values, the Latin Tax Engine uses these values.

    • Minimum Amount, Minimum Taxable Basis, or Minimum % fields do not contain values, the Latin Tax Engine uses the threshold values defined in the Latin Tax Category Details window. If there are no threshold values defined, then the Latin Tax Engine uses the threshold values defined in the Latin Tax Categories window, if any.

  3. If you do not check the Use Category Thresholds check box, the Latin Tax Engine assumes it should use the minimum amounts for this entry. If there are no values for the entry, no minimum is used.

18. Assign Tax Group to Transaction Types

Use the globalization flexfield in the Transaction Types window to assign the tax group that you defined for VAT, Provincial Turnover Perceptions, Municipal Perceptions, and Excise to each transaction type.

When you use a transaction type to enter a transaction, the tax group defaults to the tax line.

Check the Tax Calculation check box and the Allow Overapplication check box for each transaction type. This lets the Latin Tax Engine calculate and account taxes.

Assign the tax group to your transaction types according to the example in this table:

EXAMPLE ONLY This data is not included in your installation

Transaction Type Tax Code
Transaction Type 1 AR_<NAME>
Transaction Type 2 AR_<NAME>
Transaction Type 3 AR_<NAME>

19. Define Exceptions by Transaction Condition Value

Use the Latin Tax Exceptions by Transaction Condition Values window to define tax exceptions by transaction condition value for combinations of transaction condition values and tax categories.

For example, if you have a tax condition for VAT on goods, you can create an exception for goods identified as fixed assets. The task below explains how to define a transaction condition value tax exception for fixed assets.

After you define transaction nature exceptions, you must create a Latin tax rule for transaction nature exceptions. See Step 20. Define Latin Tax Rules for more information.

See Defining Fixed Asset Exceptions for more information.


Before you can use the Latin Tax Exceptions by Transaction Condition Values window, you must:

To define a transaction condition value exception for fixed assets:

  1. Navigate to the Latin Tax Exceptions by Transaction Condition Values window.

  2. In the Priority Number field, enter a number to identify the priority for the tax condition that you enter in the Tax Condition Name field.

  3. In the Tax Category field, query the tax category that you want.

  4. In the Tax Condition Name field, query the tax condition that you want for this tax category.

  5. Navigate to the Tax Rates region.

  6. In the Tax Condition Value field, enter the first tax condition value to use as an exception for the tax condition.

  7. In the Start Date Active and End Date Active fields, enter the effective dates for this transaction condition value exception.

  8. In the Tax Code field, enter the tax code to use for this transaction condition value exception.

    The tax code that you enter identifies the tax rate exception.

  9. If applicable, enter the minimum tax amount, minimum percentage, or minimum taxable base for this transaction condition value exception.

  10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 for each tax condition value that you want to use as a transaction condition value exception for this tax condition.

  11. Repeat steps 3 to 10 for all transaction condition value exceptions that you want to define.

20. Define Latin Tax Rules

Use the Latin Tax Rules window to define one or more tax rules for each combination of tax category, contributor condition value, and transaction type that need to have taxes calculated. The Latin Tax Engine uses these rules to determine the correct tax code to apply to a transaction. Define as many tax rules as you require.

If you defined exceptions by customer site and exceptions by transaction condition value, or either, define exceptions as your first tax rules.

Latin Tax Engine and Tax Rules

Tax rules include Transaction Condition Value Exception, Customer Site Exception, Customer, and Latin Tax Group.

When the Latin Tax Engine is invoked, it looks at the tax rules that you have defined in the order assigned to them. The Latin Tax Engine checks the rule with the lowest priority to see if a tax code exists for the rule. If there is no tax code, the Latin Tax Engine proceeds to the tax rule with the next lowest priority, and so on.

For example, for the first rule Transaction Condition Value Exception, the Latin Tax Engine looks to see if the tax category definition for Transaction Condition Value Exception has a tax code. For the rule Customer, the Latin Tax Engine looks to see if there is a rule for this customer.

Note: When the Latin Tax Engine must calculate two or more tax categories based on the same rule, you can define a second tax group. For example, if a customer has a 50% reduction on both VAT and VAT Perceptions, you can define a second tax group for the customer and use this tax group for the customer's transactions.

Defining Tax Rules

To define tax rules, you need to determine the tax rules that you need for each tax according to your setup.

To determine how to define tax rules for a tax category:

  1. Determine the most common way to find the tax rate for the tax category.

    The most common way to find the tax rate is usually the rule Latin Tax Group because the tax group defines the three characteristics of your company, the customer, and the transaction. If you choose to define Latin Tax Group as the most common way to determine a tax rate, you must enter a tax code on every line in the tax group for the tax category.

  2. Determine the exceptions that apply to the tax category.

    The exceptions help you to determine the rules that you define. For example, a tax category may have the following exceptions:

    • Customer Site Exception for certain customer addresses

    • Transaction Condition Value Exception for fixed asset transactions

    • Customer Exception for certain customers

  3. Determine the hierarchy of the exceptions from step 2.

    The hierarchy determines the priority that you assign to each rule. To continue with the example in step 2, the probable hierarchy for these exceptions is:

    • Transaction Condition Value Exception

    • Customer Site Exception

    • Customer Exception

      Note: An approach to determining the hierarchy is to consider a transaction where all three rules apply, then choose the rule that you want the Latin Tax Engine to select first. Then apply this approach to the remaining rules.

  4. Define tax rules, according to the hierarchy you determined, for each transaction type and contributor value to which the rules apply.

    This table shows the rules to define for Additional VAT according to the hierarchy described in steps 2 and 3 (with contributor value of Not Registered and transaction type of Invoice).

    EXAMPLE ONLY This data is not included in your installation

    Category Value Transaction Type Rule Level Priority Rule
    VATADDL NOT REGISTERED Invoice Rate 10 Transaction Condition Value Exception
    VATADDL NOT REGISTERED Invoice Rate 20 Customer Site Exception
    VATADDL NOT REGISTERED Invoice Rate 30 Customer
    VATADDL NOT REGISTERED Invoice Rate 40 Latin Tax Group

21. Define Legal Messages

Use the Standard Messages window to enter your legal messages.

You enter a name for the legal message in the Name field, the type of message in the Type field, and the text of the message in the Message field.

After you define legal messages, you need to associate each message with a combination of tax rule, tax exception, and rule data.

See Step 22. Associate Legal Messages and Tax Rules for more information.

Related Topics

Standard Messages, Oracle Receivables User Guide

22. Associate Legal Messages and Tax Rules

Use the Associate Latin Tax Legal Messages window or Legal Messages window to associate legal messages with Latin tax rules. You associate a legal message, which you created in the Standard Messages window, with a combination of tax rule, tax exception, and rule data.

Legal messages are fiscal messages on invoices that explain the reason why a lower tax rate is applied to an invoice line for various exceptions.

23. Associate DGI UOM Codes with UOM Codes

Use the globalization flexfield in the Units of Measure window to assign DGI UOM codes to Oracle Inventory UOM codes. The Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates Flat File lists the DGI UOM codes assigned to the Inventory UOM codes associated with the reported line items in your sales documents.

Before you can use the globalization flexfield in the Units of Measure window, you must:

Use the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window to define a descriptive flexfield segment with Attribute15 for the Define Unit of Measure flexfield. By default the Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates Flat File uses Attribute15 to store the DGI UOM codes. If you are already using Attribute15, you can use a different attribute. You must then customize the Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates Flat File to replace Attribute15 with the attribute that you will use.

To define a descriptive flexfield segment for DGI UOM codes:

  1. Navigate to the System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window.

  3. Query the Application Oracle Inventory and the Title Define Unit of Measure.

  4. Uncheck the Freeze Flexfield Definition box to unfreeze the flexfield.

  5. Complete the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window according to your business requirements.

  6. Choose the Segments button to navigate to the Segments Summary window.

  7. Choose the Open button to navigate to the Segments window.

  8. Enter a Name to identify this segment, such as DGI UOM, and a Description.

  9. In the Column field, enter Attribute15, or another available attribute, if necessary.

  10. Complete the Segments window according to your business requirements.

  11. Save your work.

  12. In the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window, check the Freeze Flexfield Definition box to freeze the flexfield.

  13. Save your work.

  14. If necessary, customize the Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates Flat File by replacing Attribute15 with the attribute that you enabled.

After you define a descriptive flexfield segment for DGI UOM codes, you can assign DGI UOM codes to Inventory UOM codes.

To assign a DGI UOM code to an Inventory UOM code:

  1. Navigate to the Oracle Inventory responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Units of Measure window.

  3. Enter or query a unit of measure that you will use in your sales documents.

  4. Navigate to the globalization flexfield for the selected unit of measure.

  5. In the DGI UOM field, enter the DGI UOM code that you want to report for this unit of measure.

  6. Press the OK button.

Related Topics

Defining Descriptive Flexfields, Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide

Defining Segments, Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide

Defining Units of Measure, Oracle Inventory User Guide

Latin Tax Reports

Argentine Receivables Income Tax Self-Withholding Report

In Argentina, companies that are self-withholding agents can withhold income tax on customer invoices as a prepayment for their income tax, and pay the self-withheld tax to the tax authority.

Use the Argentine Receivables Income Tax Self-Withholding Report to help you calculate and review withholding taxes on Receivables invoices and debit memos. You should run the Argentine Receivables Income Tax Self-Withholding Report every two weeks.

The Argentine Receivables Income Tax Self-Withholding Report sorts by concept and then by customer. The report lists for each customer within a concept the applicable Receivables documents, transaction dates and amounts, applied dates and amounts, taxable amounts, and the customer self-withholding calculation. The report provides summary self-withholding amounts, concept totals, and the total self-withholding amount for the report.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Receivables Income Tax Self-Withholding Report. See: Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide.


Before you can run the Argentine Receivables Income Tax Self-Withholding Report, you must complete these steps:

  1. Define lookup codes for income tax self-withholding tax conditions:

    • Transaction attribute - Lookup type: TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE.

    • Organization attribute - Lookup type: ORGANIZATION_ATTRIBUTE.

    • Contributor attribute - Lookup type: CONTRIBUTOR_ATTRIBUTE.

    See: 2. Define Tax Conditions.

  2. Define lookup codes for income tax self-withholding tax condition values - Lookup type: JLZZ_AR_TX_ATTR_VALUE. One code for each applicable tax attribute value.

    See: 3. Define Tax Condition Values.

  3. Define the income tax self-withholding tax category - Lookup type: JLZZ_AR_TX_CATEGRY.

    See: 5. Define Tax Categories.

  4. Set up income tax self-withholding tax conditions, by associating the tax category with the transaction, organization, and contributor attributes and the tax attribute values.

    See: 6. Associate Tax Categories with Tax Conditions and Values.

  5. Set up tax codes for the income tax self-withholding tax category.

    See: 7. Define Tax Codes and Rates.

  6. Assign the income tax self-withholding tax category to your existing tax condition classes.

    See: 13. Define Tax Condition Classes for Transactions.

  7. Define tax exceptions by transaction condition value for income tax self-withholding, and define the minimum taxable base and minimum tax amount values for each tax condition value.

    See: 19. Define Exceptions by Transaction Condition Value.

Report Parameters

GL Application From Date

Enter the earliest GL application date to include on the report.

GL Application To Date

Enter the latest GL application date to include on the report.

Tax Category

Enter the income tax self-withholding tax category.

Tax Category Transaction Condition Name

Enter the income tax self-withholding transaction condition name.

Report Headings

In this heading... Oracle Receivables prints...
<Company Name> Your company name
<Report Title> Income Tax Self-Withholding Report
Period The transaction date range included on the report
Date The date and time that you ran the report
Page The page number
Concept The income tax self-withholding concept
Rate The concept rate
Minimum Taxable Basis The concept minimum taxable basis
Min Tax Amount The concept minimum taxable amount
Customer Name The customer name
Taxpayer ID The customer taxpayer ID

Column Headings

In this column... Oracle Receivables prints...
Document Number The transaction number
Document Date The transaction date
GL Applied Date The date the transaction was applied to General Ledger
Document Amount The transaction amount
Applied Amount The amount applied to General Ledger
Taxable Amount The taxable amount

Row Headings

In this row... Oracle Receivables prints...
Customer Total The total taxable amount for the customer for the concept
Self Withholding Amount The self-withholding tax amount for the customer for the concept
Concept Amount The total self-withholding tax amount for the concept
Total Self Withholding The total self-withholding tax amount for the report

Argentine Receivables CITI Flat File

Use the Argentine Receivables CITI flat file to electronically report VAT information for Receivables credit memos for a company to the DGI, if required. The Argentine Receivables CITI flat file lists VAT information for Receivables credit memos that you issued to your customers during the date range that you select. Run the Argentine Receivables CITI flat file monthly and import the flat files into the DGI CITI application, which runs under SIAP. After the flat files are imported, DGI CITI produces all the required information, including flat files, and can generate tax reports for control purposes.

The Argentine Receivables CITI flat file reports the tax amount in the functional currency. Only completed credit memos with VAT are reported.

The Argentine Receivables CITI flat file generates one row per applicable credit memo within a particular company, with six columns in each row. Applicable credit memos are based on comparing the parameter date range with the document date. If the document date is within the selected date range, all the VAT distribution lines are summed up in the Tax Amount. The records in the Argentine Receivables CITI flat file are sorted by document number.

To define the document type, you must enter values for the transaction letter and the legal transaction code in the Transaction Type Codes window. The document number comprises a four-digit branch number and a unique twenty-digit sequential transaction number for the document type. The final three fields of the file (Third-party CUIT, Third-party name, VAT on Fees) are filled with blanks.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Receivables CITI flat file.

Report Parameters

Start Date

Enter the earliest date that is to be compared with the document date to determine if a document's details should be included in the file details.

End Date

Enter the latest date that is to be compared with the document date to determine if a document's details should be included in the file details.

VAT Tax Category

Enter the tax category that you use for VAT from a list of values.

Transaction Letter From

Enter the beginning transaction letter associated with credit memos that you want to include in the file. This parameter defaults to A. You can change the default.

Transaction Letter To

Enter the ending transaction letter associated with credit memos that you want to include in the file. This parameter defaults to A. You can change the default.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Argentine Receivables VAT Sales Report

The Argentine Receivables VAT Sales report lists VAT information for sales transactions. The Argentine Receivables VAT Sales report shows all amounts in your ledger currency.

The Argentine Receivables VAT Sales report lists VAT information for invoices, credit memos, and debit memos that have a transaction date within the date range that you select. Only completed transactions are included on the report.

The Argentine Receivables VAT Sales report prints a separate detail line for each VAT rate greater than zero within a document. For each VAT rate, the Argentine Receivables VAT Sales report shows the transaction total amount, the nontaxable amount, the additional VAT amount, the exempt amount, and the perceptions amount, as well as the taxable amount, the VAT rate, and the VAT amount for each VAT rate on the transaction.

The transaction total amount for a document is the document total amount.

The VAT amount for a document is the VAT amount for the rate being reported.

The incremental VAT amount is the incremental VAT tax amount.

The nontaxable amount for a document consists of the tax amounts that are not related to VAT. The nontaxable amount includes all taxes other than VAT that are noninclusive, such as turnover perceptions.

The taxable base amount for a document is the total of all transaction lines by VAT tax code that is subject to a VAT rate greater than zero.

The exempt amount for a document is the total of all transaction lines either subject to VAT at a zero rate or not subject to VAT.

The additional VAT amount for a document is the total of all tax amounts associated with the tax category that you select as your additional VAT tax category.

The perceptions amount for a document is the VAT perceptions amount.

The transactions on the Argentine Receivables VAT Sales report are sorted by document type and document number.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Receivables VAT Sales report.


Before you run the Argentine Receivables VAT Sales report, you must perform these prerequisite steps:

Report Parameters

From Date

Enter the earliest transaction date that you want to include on the report.

To Date

Enter the latest transaction date that you want to include on the report.

Tax Regime Code

Select a tax regime to report on, or leave blank to report on all applicable tax regimes.

VAT Tax Category

Enter the VAT tax category that you use for VAT.

VAT Incremental Tax Category

Enter the VAT incremental tax category that you use for additional VAT.

VAT Perceptions Tax Category

Enter the VAT Perceptions tax category that you use for VAT perceptions.

Report Headings

This table shows report headings.

In this heading... Oracle Receivables prints...
<Company Name> Your company name
<Company Taxpayer ID> Your company taxpayer ID
<Report Title> VAT Sales Report
Period The transaction date range included on the report
Report Date The date and time that you ran the report
Page The page number

Column Headings

This table shows column headings.

In this column... Oracle Receivables prints...
Customer Name The customer name
Taxpayer ID The customer taxpayer ID and validation digit
Document Date The transaction date
Type The DGI document code for the transaction, based on the VAT document letter and the document type
Document Number The transaction number
Total Document Amount The total transaction amount
Non Taxable Amount The nontaxable amount
Taxable Amount The taxable amount
VAT Rate The VAT tax rate
VAT Amount The VAT tax amount for each tax rate
Additional Amount The additional VAT tax amount
VAT Exempt Amount The exempt amount
VAT Perception Amount The VAT perceptions tax amount

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Argentine Receivables Perceptions Flat File

Use the Argentine Receivables Perceptions flat file to electronically report VAT perceptions tax information for Receivables transactions to the DGI, if required. The Argentine Receivables Perceptions flat file lists VAT perceptions tax information for all documents that contain perceptions taxes in Oracle Receivables during the date range that you select, including invoices, debit memos, and credit memos for a particular company. Run the Argentine Receivables Perceptions flat file monthly and import these flat files into the DGI SICORE application, which runs under SIAP. After the flat files are imported, the DGI SICORE application produces all required information, including flat files, and can generate tax reports for control purposes.

The Argentine Receivables Perceptions flat file reports tax amounts in the functional currency. Only completed transactions with VAT perceptions tax lines are reported.

The Argentine Receivables Perceptions flat file creates one row of detail for each perceptions tax regime that appears on a completed document, subject to the date range that you report and the accounting date associated with the tax line. The records in the Argentine Receivables Perceptions flat file are sorted by document code and document number.

The document code is a DGI code that identifies the types of documents that VAT perceptions taxes originate from. The codes are:

The document number comprises a four-digit branch number and an eight-digit document number within the branch.

The DGI Tax Regime Code is a three-digit code defined by the DGI that identifies the regime within the VAT Perceptions Tax type. You should enter this code when you create VAT Perceptions tax codes.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Receivables Perceptions flat file.

Report Parameters

Start Date

Enter the earliest General Ledger date associated with the VAT perceptions tax distribution lines that you want to include in the file.

End Date

Enter the latest General Ledger date associated with the VAT perceptions tax distribution lines that you want to include in the file.

VAT Perception Tax Category

Enter the tax type that is used for VAT perceptions tax.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Argentine Receivables Other Perceptions Flat File

Use the Argentine Receivables Other Perceptions flat file to list perceptions information on documents that are included in the Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates flat file. To meet Argentine legal requirements you should run the Argentine Receivables Other Perceptions flat file when you run the Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates flat file so that the flat file is available when the Federal Tax Authority requests this information.

The Argentine Receivables Other Perceptions flat file lists detail information on the perceptions tax line amounts in invoices, credit memos, and debit memos that have an associated GL date, a document date that is within the range being reported, and at least one perceptions tax associated with the document. Only completed transactions are included in the flat file.

Oracle Receivables for Argentina creates one row per provincial perceptions tax and one row per municipal perceptions tax that appears on each applicable document. If provincial perceptions taxes and municipal perceptions taxes appear on the same document, each unique tax with the same tax category is reported on a separate line. For example, for one provincial perceptions tax and two municipal perceptions taxes, Oracle Receivables for Argentina creates three rows: one row for the provincial perceptions tax, and two rows for the municipal perceptions taxes.

For each document, the Argentine Receivables Other Perceptions flat file shows the total amounts for the provincial turnover perceptions amount and municipal perceptions amount that were reported within the flat file.

For a voided document, all the amount fields show zeros.

The records in the Argentine Receivables Other Perceptions flat file are sorted by document date, transaction type, and transaction number. The Argentine Receivables Other Perceptions flat file shows all amounts in the transaction currency.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Receivables Other Perceptions flat file.


Before you run the Argentine Receivables Other Perceptions flat file, you must perform these prerequisite steps:

Report Parameters

From Date

Enter the earliest transaction date that you want to include on the report.

To Date

Enter the latest transaction date that you want to include on the report.

Provincial Tax Category Regime

Enter the tax regime that you use to group Provincial Perceptions tax categories.

Municipal Tax Category Regime

Enter the tax regime that you use to group Municipal Perceptions tax categories.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Argentine Receivables Sales Flat File

Use the Argentine Receivables Sales flat file to list tax information for sales transactions. To meet Argentine legal requirements run the Argentine Receivables Sales flat file monthly and store the reports in electronic format so the reports are available when requested by the Federal Tax Authority.

The Argentine Receivables Sales flat file lists tax information for invoices, credit memos, and debit memos with an associated GL date, a document date that is within the range being reported, and at least one tax code associated with the document. Only completed transactions are included on the report.

The Argentine Receivables Sales flat file contains two record types:

For a voided document, all the amount fields show zeros.

The total document amount is the document total amount for all lines within the document.

The non taxable document amount is the total of all non tax line amounts on a document associated with the tax category that you select as your non taxable tax category.

The taxable amount is the total of all line amounts on a document that are subject to a VAT rate greater than zero.

The VAT amount is the total VAT amount for the row being reported.

The not registered tax amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax category that you select as your VAT additional or VAT not categorized tax category.

The VAT exempt amount is the total of all non tax line amounts on a document that are associated with a VAT tax rate of 0%.

The federal perceptions amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax category selected as your VAT perceptions tax category.

The provincial perceptions amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax categories selected as your provincial perceptions tax categories, which are grouped together using a tax regime.

The municipal perceptions amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax categories that you select as your municipal perceptions tax categories, which are grouped together using a tax regime.

The excise tax amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax category that you select as your excise tax category.

The records in the Argentine Receivables Sales flat file are sorted by document date, transaction type, and transaction number. The Argentine Receivables Sales flat file shows all amounts in the functional currency.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Receivables Sales flat file.


Before you run the Argentine Receivables Sales flat file, you must perform these prerequisite steps:

Report Parameters

From Date

Enter the earliest transaction date that you want to include on the report.

To Date

Enter the latest transaction date that you want to include on the report.

VAT Tax Category

Enter the tax category for VAT.

VAT Additional Tax Category

Enter the tax category for VAT Additional.

VAT Not Categorized Tax Category

Enter the tax category for VAT Not Categorized.

VAT Non Taxable Tax Category

Enter the tax category for VAT Non Taxable.

VAT Perceptions Tax Category

Enter the tax category for VAT Perceptions.

Provincial Tax Category Regime

Enter the tax regime to group Provincial Perceptions tax categories.

Municipal Tax Category Regime

Enter the tax regime to group Municipal Perceptions tax categories.

Excise Tax Category

Enter the tax category for Excise Tax.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates Flat File

Use the Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates flat file to create flat files with sales documents details in a specific format established by the Federal Tax Authority. To meet Argentine legal requirements, run the Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates flat file monthly and store the reports in electronic format so that the reports are available when requested by the Federal Tax Authority for audit or other legal purposes.

The Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates flat file lists tax information for invoices, credit memos, and debit memos with an associated GL date, a document date within the range reported, and at least one tax code associated with the document. Only completed transactions are included on the report.

The Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates flat files consist of two files: one for transaction headers (the flat file called "CABECERA YYYYMM" which indicates the period being reported), and one for transaction lines (the flat file called "DETALLE YYYYMM").

The transaction headers file contains two record types:

The Transaction Lines file contains only one record type that provides detailed drill down information of the documents reported in the record type 1 of the transaction headers file. Oracle Receivables for Argentina creates a separate row for each non tax line on an applicable document that was reported in the transaction headers file.

For a voided document, all the amount fields show zeros.

The total document amount is the document total amount for all lines within the document.

The non taxable document amount is the total of all non tax line amounts on a document associated with the tax category that you select as your non taxable tax category.

The taxable amount is the total of all line amounts on a document that are subject to a VAT rate greater than zero.

The VAT amount is the total VAT amount for the document that is being reported.

The not registered tax amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax category selected as your VAT additional or VAT not categorized tax category.

The VAT exempt amount is the total of all non tax line amounts on a document that are associated with a VAT tax rate of 0%.

The federal perceptions amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax category selected as your VAT perceptions tax category.

The provincial perceptions amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax categories selected as your provincial perceptions tax categories, which are grouped together using a tax regime.

The municipal perceptions amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax categories that you select as your municipal perceptions tax categories, which are grouped together using a tax regime.

The excise tax amount is the total of all tax amounts on the document associated with the tax category selected as your excise tax category.

The records in the Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates flat file are sorted by document date, transaction type, and transaction number. The Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates flat file shows all amounts in the transaction currency.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates flat file. See: Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide.


Before you run the Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates flat file, you must perform these prerequisite steps:

Report Parameters

From Date

Enter the earliest transaction date that you want to include on the report.

To Date

Enter the latest transaction date that you want to include on the report.

VAT Tax Category

Enter the tax category for VAT.

VAT Additional Tax Category

Enter the tax category for VAT Additional.

VAT Not Categorized Tax Category

Enter the tax category for VAT Not Categorized.

VAT Non Taxable Tax Category

Enter the tax category for VAT Non Taxable.

VAT Perceptions Tax Category

Enter the tax category for VAT Perceptions.

Provincial Tax Category (Type)

Enter the tax regime to group Provincial Perceptions tax categories.

Municipal Tax Category (Type)

Enter the tax regime group Municipal Perceptions tax categories.

Excise Tax Category

Enter the tax category for Excise Tax.

Argentine Receivables Withholding Taken Flat File

Use the Argentine Receivables Withholding Taken flat file to electronically report VAT and income tax withholdings taken by your customers on your behalf to the DGI, if required. The Argentine Receivables Withholding Taken flat file lists VAT and Income tax withholdings associated with Receivables documents during the date range and for the range of withholding tax regimes that you select. Run the Argentine Receivables Withholding Taken flat file monthly for VAT withholdings and annually for income tax withholdings. Import the flat file with VAT withholding information into the DGI IVA application and the flat file with income tax withholding information into the DGI Ganancia application. The DGI applications produce all the required information, including flat files, and can generate tax reports for control purposes after the flat files are imported.

The withholding information that you receive from your customers is contained in withholding certificates. Enter the withholding certificate information in the Receipts window. Create a separate receipt for each withholding certificate and enter the certificate number, the certificate date, the withholding regime, and the withholding amount.

The Argentine Receivables Withholding Taken flat file reports all tax information in the ledger currency. One row per applicable withholding certificate is created within withholding tax regime and date range, within an operating unit.

The records in the Argentine Receivables Withholding Taken flat file are sorted by withholding date, withholding agent's CUIT number, and withholding certificate number.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Receivables Withholding Taken flat file.

Report Parameters

Start Date

Enter the earliest accounting date associated with a mandatory withholding certificate receipt you want to report from.

End Date

Enter the latest accounting date associated with a mandatory withholding certificate receipt you want to report to.

Withholding Tax Regime From

Enter the beginning withholding regime name for the range of withholding regime details that you want included in the file.

Withholding Tax Regime To

Enter the ending withholding regime name for the range of withholding regime details that you want included in the file.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Argentina RG 6835

Through General Resolution 3685, AFIP (Federal Administration of Public Revenue) created a new "Information Regime for Purchase and Sales Operations", commonly known as CITI Purchasing and CITI sales. This new regime repeals the earlier General Resolution 1361 - CITI Purchasing and CITI sales, for those taxpayers that are required to submit information according to the new Regime created.

The aim is that the regulatory agency has information on sales and purchases made by the entire universe of taxpayers. This will also let the authorities know in real time the complete turnover of all participants of Argentina's economy, allowing a quick operation against one of the main sources of tax evasion: the false invoices. The first obligors have a duty to report the operations performed from January 2015.

The criteria to include taxpayers in the new regime encompass all Oracles' customers.

General Resolution 3685

This new regime repeals the earlier General Resolution 1361 - CITI Purchasing and CITI sales, for those taxpayers that are required to submit information according to the new Regime created.

The obligation to report reaches the following operations, whether or not generating tax credit or debit in value added tax:

New Resolution 3685 is composed of the following flat files:

1. REGINFO_CV_CABECERA Suggested name: Argentine RG3685 Header Flat File Header Register.

2. REGINFO_CV_VENTAS_CBTE Suggested name: Argentine Receivables RG3685 Sales Flat File Record sales, rents, export or services carried out.

3. REGINFO_CV_VENTAS_ALICUOTAS Suggested name: Argentine Receivables RG3685 Rates Sales Flat File

4. REGINFO_CV_COMPRAS_CBTE Suggested name: Argentine Payables RG3685 Purchasing Flat File Record purchases, locations or services received and import of goods.

5. REGINFO_CV_COMPRAS_ALICUOTAS Suggested name: Argentine Payables RG3685 Rates Purchasing Flat File Purchase Rates Register.

6. REGINFO_CV_COMPRAS_IMPORTACIONES Suggested name: Argentine Payables RG3685 Import Purchasing Flat File Import Register.

7. REGINFO_CV_CREDITO_FISCAL_IMP_SERVICIOS Suggested name: Argentine Payables RG3685 Services Import Flat File Import Services Register.

The following current reports available in the Oracle E-Business Suite will be replaced by RG 3685.

Current Report New Report
Argentine Receivables Sales Flat File Argentine Receivables RG3685 Sales Flat File
Argentine Receivables CITI Flat File Argentine Receivables RG3685 Rates Sales Flat File
Argentine Payables Purchasing Flat File Argentine Payables RG3685 Purchasing Flat File
Argentine Payables CITI Flat File Argentine Payables RG3685 Rates Purchasing Flat File

The following new reports have been added:

Entering Withholding Tax Information for Receipts

Use the globalization flexfield in the Receipts window to enter withholding tax information for a receipt. There should be one receipt per certificate number. The receipt amount is the withholding amount that appears on the certificate.

To enter withholding tax information:

  1. Navigate to the Receipts window.

  2. Enter information for a new receipt.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. In the Withholding Certificate Number field, enter a withholding certificate number.

  5. In the Withholding Date field, enter the withholding date.

  6. In the Tax Regime Reporting Code field, enter the three-digit DGI-defined code that identifies the withholding regime.

  7. Press the OK button.

Defining Fixed Asset Exceptions

Define a transaction condition class for fixed assets to use for transaction exceptions for fixed assets.

Use the Lookups window to define a transaction condition and transaction condition value for fixed assets. Use the Latin Tax Condition Classes window to define a transaction tax condition class for fixed assets.

You must define a Latin tax rule for tax exceptions by transaction condition value. See Step 20. Define Latin Tax Rules for more information.

To define an exception for fixed assets:

  1. Use the Lookups window to define a tax condition for fixed assets.

    Define the transaction tax condition lookup code as Fixed Asset Transactions. Use the lookup type Transaction_Attribute.

  2. Use the Lookups window to define a tax condition value for the fixed assets tax condition.

    Use the lookup type JLZZ_AR_TX_ATTR_VALUE. Define the lookup code as Fixed Asset.

  3. Use the Associate Latin Tax Category with Conditions and Values window to associate the transaction tax condition Fixed Asset Transactions with the applicable tax categories.

    Uncheck the Mandatory in Class and Determining Factor check boxes. Fixed Asset Transactions is not a determining factor tax condition.

  4. Use the Latin Tax Condition Classes window to define a fixed asset transaction tax condition class.

    Enter all of the standard conditions and values in the class. In the Tax Class Details region, enter the tax categories that require a transaction tax condition exception for fixed assets.

  5. Define a Latin tax rule for tax exceptions by transaction condition value.

To use the fixed asset transaction tax condition class:

  1. Navigate to the Transactions window.

  2. Enter an invoice.

  3. Navigate to the Lines window by pressing the Line Items button.

  4. Enter the invoice line that contains the fixed asset.

  5. Navigate to the More tabbed region.

  6. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  7. Change the default tax condition class with the fixed asset transaction tax condition class that you defined.

  8. Press the OK button.

Collection Processing Overview

In Argentina, a single collection receipt can contain payments that use more than one payment method, such as a combination of checks and cash.

For example, a single receipt that totals $25,000 might consist of two checks of $10,000 each drawn on different banks, and a cash payment of $5,000:

Example 1

Receipt Total: $25,000

Means of payment: Check 1 - Bank of Boston USD 10,000

Means of payment: Check 2 - Citibank USD 10,000

Cash USD 5,000

Total payment USD 25,000

A collection receipt can also consist of receipts and invoices in several different currencies as shown in this table:

Example 2

Receipt or Invoice Item Amount
Receipt 1 1,000 USD (consisting of 850 USD and 300 pesos)
Receipt 2 3,000 yen (consisting of 100 pesos and USD 50)
Invoice 1 850 USD
Invoice 2 300 pesos
Invoice 3 100 pesos
Invoice 4 50 USD

Oracle Receivables lets you enter separate receipts as one receipt by grouping the receipts together into a receipt package. To group several receipts together into a single receipt package, assign the same receipt package number to all the receipts.

If you use Lockbox to create receipts, Oracle Financials enters the payment batch name as the receipt package number. You can change the receipt package number for these receipts later, if you want.

Assigning Receipt Package Numbers

Use the globalization flexfield in the Receipts window to assign a receipt package number to a receipt. Oracle Receivables groups all the receipts with the same receipt package number into one receipt package.

To assign a receipt package number:

  1. Navigate to the Receipts window.

  2. Enter information for a new receipt.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. In the Package Number field, enter a receipt package number. To group this new receipt with a previously entered receipt, enter the same receipt package number that you entered for the previous receipt.

    Note: If you use Lockbox to create receipts, QuickCash copies the payment batch name that was created by Lockbox to the Package Number field. You can change the payment batch name to a receipt package number later, if you want.

  5. Press the OK button.

Related Topics

Using AutoLockbox, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Transaction Numbering Overview

In Argentina, all transaction numbers have the same format with three segments:


If required by law, you can also print a bar code on each invoice, debit memo, and credit memo. Receivables generates the numeric code to use for printing the required bar code on legal documents.

The Argentine transaction numbering functionality includes these features:

VAT Document Letter

Argentina currently uses the VAT document letters A, B, C, E, and X. The VAT document letter is determined by a combination of the VAT registration status of the company's ship-from location and the VAT registration status of the customer's ship-to location. If the ship-to location is not available, the bill-to location is used.

This table shows an example of how VAT document letters can be used for invoices, debit memos, and credit memos:

Customer VAT Registration Status Company VAT Registration Status: Registered Company VAT Registration Status: Nonregistered, Exempt, or Not Responsible
Registered A C
Non Registered A C
Exempt B C
Export E E

Oracle Receivables uses the VAT document letter X to refer to waybills.

Branch Number

The branch numbering method for the transaction number is defined as either point of sale or product line. A point of sale is where invoices are issued, such as a factory outlet or office. A product line is a group of products or services pertaining to a company. For example, cars and trucks can be two product lines of an automotive corporation.

Your company must decide which method to use. After you choose your branch numbering method in Oracle Financials, you cannot change the method.

This table shows examples of possible branch numbering methods and branch numbers:

Method Four-Digit Branch Number
Single point-of-sale 0001
Single product line 0001
Multiple points-of-sale  
     Point-of-sale 1 0001
     Point-of-sale 2 0002
     Point-of-sale 3 0003
Multiple product lines  
     Product line 1 0001
     Product line 2 0002
     Product line 3 0003

Sequential Number

In Argentina, the eight-digit sequential number is assigned in two ways. You can:

Numeric Bar Code

In Argentina, companies that print their own legal documents are required by law to print a bar code on every Receivables invoice, credit memo, and debit memo. The bar code contains this information:

Receivables calculates and stores a numeric bar code value with each record that you create in the Source and Type Relationships window. See: 7. Define Source and Type Relationships.


Before you can use DGI document type codes for the numeric bar code, you must:

Setting Up Transaction Numbering

This section describes how to set up transaction numbering. Use this list to help you complete the appropriate steps in the correct order.

Step Setup Task
1 Define the Branch Numbering Method
2 Define VAT Document Letters
3 Define Branch Numbers
4 Assign Branch Numbers
5 Define Transaction Sources
6 Define Order Management Transaction Types
7 Define Source and Type Relationships

1. Define the Branch Numbering Method

Use the globalization flexfield in the System Options window to define the branch numbering method as either point of sale or product line. After you define the branch numbering method, you cannot change the definition.

To define the branch numbering method:

  1. Navigate to the System Options window.

  2. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  3. Select either Product Line or Point of Sale from the list of values in the Branch Number Method field.

  4. Press the OK button.

    Note: The remaining fields in the globalization flexfield are not used for transaction numbering. These fields are used for tax treatment. For more information, see Tax Treatment in Argentina.

2. Define VAT Document Letters

Assign VAT document letters to combinations of organization tax condition value and contributor tax condition value for the VAT tax category. These definitions determine which VAT document letter is used for a transaction number.

The organization condition value corresponds to the VAT registration status of your ship-from location, and the contributor condition value corresponds to the VAT registration status of the customer's ship-to location.

For example, in the VAT Document Letter Assignments window, you enter Registered for the organization condition value and Exempt for the contributor condition value. You assign the VAT document letter B to this combination. Later, you enter a transaction that involves your ship-from location with a registered VAT registration status and a customer's ship-to location with an exempt VAT registration status. The VAT document letter B is used for the transaction number based on your definition in the VAT Document Letter Assignments window.

For more tax information, see Tax Treatment in Argentina.

Assigning VAT Registration Statuses to Ship-From and Ship-To Locations

Assigning VAT registration statuses involves these steps:


Before you can assign VAT document letters to combinations of condition values, you must associate the VAT tax category with conditions and condition values in the Latin Tax Engine. For more information, see Associate Tax Categories with Tax Conditions and Values.

Assigning VAT Document Letters

Use the VAT Document Letter Assignments window to assign a VAT document letter to combinations of organization condition value and contributor condition value for the VAT tax category.

To assign a VAT document letter:

  1. Navigate to the VAT Document Letter Assignments window.

    The Find Tax Category window appears on top of the VAT Document Letter Assignments window.

  2. Select VAT, the tax category that you want to associate the organization and contributor conditions for.

  3. Press the OK button.

  4. In the VAT Document Letter Assignments window, Oracle Receivables displays the operating unit in the Operating Unit field and organization tax condition name in the Organization Condition field.

    Enter an organization tax condition value in the Organization Value field.

  5. Oracle Receivables displays the contributor tax condition name in the Contributor Condition field.

    Enter a contributor tax condition value in the Contributor Value field.

  6. In the Document Letter field, enter the letter that you want to associate with this combination of organization and contributor values.

  7. Enter the activation date for the VAT document letter in the From Date field.

  8. Enter the expiration date for the VAT document letter in the To Date field.

Related Topics

Defining Order Management System Parameters, Oracle Order Management Implementation Guide

3. Define Branch Numbers

Define branch numbers for your point-of-sale codes or your product line codes, depending on the branch numbering method you use. If you have only one point of sale or product line, you can use any four-digit code, such as 0000. If you have multiple points of sale or product lines, define a different code for each point of sale or product line, such as 0001 for the first point of sale or product line, 0002 for the second, and so on.

Define branch numbers with the lookup type code JLAR_BRANCH_NUMBER. Use the Lookups window in the Application Developer responsibility to define your branch numbers.

4. Assign Branch Numbers

You assign branch numbers differently depending on whether your branch numbering method is point of sale or product line.

Point of Sale

Use the globalization flexfield in the Transaction Sources window to assign branch numbers to a transaction source. For more information, see Define Transaction Sources.

Product Line

Use the globalization flexfield in the Master Item window or the Standard Memo Lines window to assign branch numbers to a product line. You assign branch numbers to product lines differently depending on whether the product is an item or a service.

For an item, use the globalization flexfield in the Master Item window. For a service, use the globalization flexfield in the Standard Memo Lines window.

To assign a branch number to an item:

  1. Navigate to the Master Item window.

  2. Query the item that you want.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. Select the Oracle application that you want from the list of values in the Inventory Item Application field.

  5. Enter the branch number in the Branch Number field.

  6. Press the OK button.

To assign a branch number to a memo line:

  1. Navigate to the Standard Memo Lines window.

  2. Query the memo line that you want.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. Enter the branch number in the Branch Number field.

  5. Press the OK button.

5. Define Transaction Sources

A transaction source defines where invoicing activity originates. For example, a manual transaction source means that transactions were manually entered. An imported transaction source means that transactions were automatically entered from a file or another accounting system using AutoInvoice.

Use the Transaction Sources window and the globalization flexfield on the Transaction Sources window to define the transaction sources. You associate the imported transaction source that you create with a branch number and a VAT document letter.

You must associate each manual transaction source that you create with an imported transaction source. This association causes manually entered transactions to synchronize with the number sequence of the imported transaction source. You must define the imported transaction source that you want to associate with a manual transaction source before you define the manual transaction source.

Use the Last Transaction Date and Advance Days fields in the globalization flexfield to control your sequencing. Oracle Receivables uses the Last Transaction Date field to store the last transaction date with this transaction source and prevent transactions from being entered out of sequence. You cannot enter a transaction with a transaction date that is prior to the last transaction date.

Oracle Receivables uses the Advance Days field to prevent transactions from being entered for dates far into the future. For example, if the advance days limit is five, you cannot complete an invoice with a date more than five days from the current date. In summary, you can only enter transactions with a transaction date that is between the last transaction date and the date arrived at by adding the advance days to the current date.

Note: You must enter a CAI Number and CAI Due Date to create the numeric bar code for transactions. If you do not enter a CAI Number and CAI Date, Receivables does not generate a numeric bar code value.

Note: Guarantees, deposits, and chargebacks must not be included in the number sequences for invoices, debit memos, and credit memos. If you use guarantees, deposits, and chargebacks, you should use different transaction sources for these transactions than the transaction sources that you use for invoices, debit memos, and credit memos.

To define an imported transaction source:

  1. Navigate to the Transaction Sources window.

  2. Navigate to the Batch Source tabbed region.

  3. Enter a name for the transaction source in the Name field.

  4. Enter a source description in the Description field.

  5. In the Type field, select Imported from the list of values.

  6. Check the Automatic Transaction Numbering check box.

  7. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  8. Leave the Imported Source field blank.

  9. Enter the branch number for this source in the Branch Number field. If you are using the point-of-sale method, assign the branch number here.

  10. Enter the VAT document letter for this source in the Document Letter field.

  11. Enter a date in the Last Transaction Date field. To use this transaction source, you cannot enter or import a transaction with a transaction date that is prior to this last transaction date.

    After a transaction was entered or imported using this transaction source, Oracle Receivables displays the transaction date of the last transaction with this VAT document letter and branch number combination. You cannot update the Last Transaction Date field for this transaction source anymore.

  12. In the Advance Days field, enter the number of days that a transaction can be entered in advance, as measured from the system date. The Advance Days limit prevents future dated transactions from being assigned numbers out of sequence.

  13. In the Fiscal Printer field, enter Yes to indicate that a fiscal printer issued the sales document.

  14. In the CAI Number field, enter the Printing Authorization Code provided by the Fiscal Authority to be associated with the printed documents. The CAI is defaulted onto the CAI field in the Transactions window GDF for the batch source with an associated CAI and CAI Due Date.

    This field is mandatory to generate a numeric bar code.

  15. In the CAI Due Date field, enter the latest date the company is authorized to print legal documents. A company must always have a current CAI to print legal documents and a new CAI can be requested when necessary. The CAI Due Date is defaulted onto the CAI Due Date field in the Transactions window GDFs for the batch source with an associated CAI and CAI Due Date.

    This field is mandatory to generate a numeric bar code.

  16. Press the OK button.

To define a manual transaction source:

  1. Navigate to the Transaction Sources window.

  2. Navigate to the Batch Source tabbed region.

  3. Enter a name for the transaction source in the Name field.

  4. Enter a source description in the Description field.

  5. In the Type field, select Manual from the list of values.

  6. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  7. In the Imported Source field, enter the name of the imported transaction source that you want to associate with this manual transaction source. The manual transaction source uses the same VAT document letter and branch number combination as its associated imported transaction source.

  8. Leave the remaining fields blank.

  9. Press the OK button.

6. Define Order Management Transaction Types

If you are importing orders from Oracle Order Management into Oracle Receivables, define Order Management transaction types in the Transaction Types window.

In the Receivables Transaction Type field of the Finance tabbed region, assign a Receivables transaction type to each Order Management transaction type.

The Receivables transaction type is assigned to a Receivables transaction source in the Source and Type Relationships window and determines the transaction source that is used for the order when the order is imported into Oracle Receivables. For more information, see Define Source and Type Relationships.

Related Topics

Defining Transaction Types, Oracle Order Management Implementation Guide

7. Define Source and Type Relationships

Use the Source and Type Relationships window to associate a transaction type with an imported transaction source from an operating unit. Associating a transaction type with a transaction source allows the transaction type to use that transaction source.

Defining source and type relationships ensures that you cannot use an incorrect numbering sequence for a transaction type. All invoices, debit memos, and credit memos are sequentially numbered, regardless of whether the transactions are imported or manually entered.

If you want to use the same sequence for all transaction types with the same VAT document letter, associate one transaction source with all those transaction types. Otherwise, associate each transaction type with a different transaction source.

Note: You can associate a transaction type with more than one imported transaction source only if all the sources are assigned the same branch number. The VAT document letter assignments can be different.

The Source and Type Relationships window associates each transaction type and imported transaction source combination with the DGI document type code and numeric bar code. Receivables recalculates the numeric bar code each time you update its associated Company CUIT, DGI Document Type code, Point of sale branch number, CAI code, or CAI due date.

The numeric bar code associated with each combination of transaction source and transaction type is copied to the transaction header-level globalization flexfield of the respective invoice, credit memo, or debit memo. In this way, the same numeric bar code is always printed with the same document.

To associate a transaction type with a transaction source:

  1. Navigate to the Source and Type Relationships window.

  2. Query or enter the Transaction Source that you want.

  3. Enter the first Transaction Type Name that you want. Receivables defaults the Description, Invoice Class, and numeric Bar Code, and checks the Enabled box.

  4. Repeat step 3 for all the transaction types that you want to associate with this transaction source.

  5. If you want to disable a source and type relationship, uncheck the relevant check box.

Defining DGI Currency Codes

On the Argentine Receivables Sales flat file and the Argentine Receivables Sales Documents Duplicates flat file, you must list the DGI currency code corresponding to the transaction currency. The DGI publishes the list of currency codes. Use the globalization flexfield in the Currencies window to define the DGI currency code for each currency.

To define a DGI currency code:

  1. Navigate to the Currencies window.

  2. Enter or query the currency that you want.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. In the Currency Code field, enter the DGI currency code for the currency.

Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update Program

Use the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update program to update transaction sources from other systems with a transaction source defined in the Source and Type Relationships window. The program updates the transactions imported into the RA_INTERFACE_LINES Receivables interface table.

Note: Use this program only if you are using the point-of-sale branch numbering method.

In the Source and Type Relationships window, transaction types are linked with transaction sources. The Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update program uses the Receivables transaction type that is assigned to the imported transaction to determine the related transaction source. This transaction source is used to replace the transaction source of the imported transaction.

When you run the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update program, the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update report is automatically generated. The report displays the imported transaction numbers with errors as well as the records that are successfully updated. For more information, see Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update Report.

Run the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update program before running AutoInvoice.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update program.


Import transactions from other systems into the RA_INTERFACE_LINES Receivables interface table.

Program Parameters

GL Date From

Enter the GL date for the imported transactions that you want to update transaction sources from.

GL Date To

Enter the GL date for the imported transactions that you want to update transaction sources to.

Ship Date From

Enter the ship date for the imported transactions that you want to update transaction sources from.

Ship Date To

Enter the ship date for the imported transactions that you want to update transaction sources to.

Transaction Date From

Enter the transaction date for the imported transactions that you want to update transaction sources from.

Transaction Date To

Enter the transaction date for the imported transactions that you want to update transaction sources to.

Default Date

Enter the date that the program uses for validation if an imported transaction does not have a transaction or GL date.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Importing Data From Your Feeder System, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update Report

Use the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update report to see which imported transactions are successfully updated with a new transaction source and which records are not. This report is automatically generated when you run the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update program. For more information, see Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update Program.

The Updated Records section of the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update report lists the imported transactions that are successfully updated with a Receivables transaction source.

The Error Records section of the report displays errors with reference to the original transaction numbers of the imported transactions, for example, the sales order number from Oracle Order Management.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading... Oracle Receivables prints...
<Ledger> The ledger name
<Report Title> Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update Report
Report Date The date and time that the report is run
Page The current and total page numbers

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column... Oracle Receivables prints...
Original Transaction Number The original number of the imported transaction, such as the sales order number
Message Text
  • Updated Records section - Original batch source: <original source> is updated with new batch source: <new source>

  • Error Records section - The error message relevant to the imported transaction

Row Headings

This table shows the row headings.

In this row... Oracle Receivables prints...
Number of Updated Records The number of imported transactions that the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update program successfully updated
Number of Errors Encountered The number of errors that the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Batch Source Update program encountered

Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Programs

Use the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Import program to import transactions from other systems into Oracle Receivables. The program transfers information from interface tables to transaction tables and automatically assigns transaction numbers to those transactions. Use the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Master program to submit more than one instance of the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Import program.

Note: Run the Argentine AutoInvoice program chronologically and separately for each date to ensure chronological transaction numbering.

Two parameters in the Argentine AutoInvoice programs differ from Oracle Receivables programs. The list of values for the Transaction Source parameter of the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Import Program and the Invoice Source parameter of the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Master Program includes only transaction sources that are assigned to transaction types in the Source and Type Relationships window, as well as transaction sources that do not have automatic transaction numbering enabled. The list of values for the Transaction Type parameter in both of the Argentine programs likewise includes only transaction types that are defined in the Source and Type Relationships window.

AutoInvoice Execution, AutoInvoice Validation, and Oracle Receivables automatically generates the AutoInvoice Exception reports when you run an AutoInvoice program.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Import program or the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Master program.


Before you run the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Import program or the Argentine Receivables AutoInvoice Master program, you must:

Related Topics

Importing Invoice Information Using AutoInvoice, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Importing Transactions Using AutoInvoice, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Oracle Assets

Inflation Adjustment Overview

In Argentina, companies adjust the cost, accumulated depreciation, and year-to-date depreciation expense amounts of their assets for inflation. You can report historical amounts for your assets as well as inflation-adjusted amounts by choosing the historical/adjusted option in Oracle Assets. The historical/adjusted option lets you maintain and report both historical amounts and inflation-adjusted amounts by using two separate depreciation books. Keep the historical amounts in a corporate book and the inflation-adjusted amounts in a tax book.

Note: You can implement the Multiple Reporting Currencies (MRC) feature while using the historical/adjusted option in Oracle Assets by using the historical book as your MRC primary book. You must not use the adjusted depreciation book as your MRC primary book because the inflation adjustment transactions must not be included when MRC converts your transactions to another currency. Using the historical book as your MRC primary book ensures that you maintain only the correct transactions in your MRC reporting book.

Using Asset Groups

You must report your asset information organized by asset group. Oracle Assets for Argentina lets you define asset groups and assign your asset categories to these asset groups. The Argentine Exhibit of Fixed Assets report provides asset information organized by asset group. For more information, see the Argentine Exhibit of Fixed Assets Report.

One of your asset groups must contain only Construction in Process (CIP) assets. Oracle Assets assigns all CIP assets to this group, regardless of their asset category.

Inflation Adjustment Setup

This section describes how to set up Oracle Assets for Argentina for the inflation adjustment process. Use this list to help you complete the appropriate steps.

Set Up Depreciation Books

Use the Book Controls window and the globalization flexfield on the Book Controls window to set up your depreciation books for inflation adjustment. You can enable or disable inflation adjustment at depreciation book level. If you enable inflation adjustment for a depreciation book, you can choose to enable or disable inflation adjustment for individual asset categories and assets when you define them. If you disable inflation adjustment for a depreciation book, none of the assets in that book can be adjusted.

To set up depreciation books:

  1. Navigate to the Book Controls window.

  2. Enter a depreciation book.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. Enter Yes in the Adjust for Inflation field to enable inflation adjustment for assets in this depreciation book. Enter No to disable inflation adjustment for all assets in this book.

  5. In the Journal Category for Depreciation Expense of Retired Assets field, enter the journal category that you want to use for the journal entries created by the Inflation Adjustment of Retired Assets process.

    After you perform inflation adjustment for this book, you can view information about the most recent inflation adjustment in the next two fields. Oracle Assets displays the period name for the most recent inflation adjustment in the Last Inflation Adjustment Period field, and the revaluation ID for the most recent inflation adjustment in the Last Inflation Adjustment field.

  6. Press the OK button.

  7. In the Book Controls window, navigate to the Calendar tabbed region.

  8. In the GL Ledger field, select the General Ledger ledger that you want to transfer this depreciation book's journal entries to. If you are using the historical/adjusted option in both General Ledger and Oracle Assets, select the historical ledger for your historical book and the adjusted ledger for your adjusted book.

  9. Complete the Allow GL Posting check box according to your depreciation book's requirements. If you are using the historical/adjusted option in both General Ledger and Oracle Assets, check the Allow GL Posting check box for both your historical book and your adjusted book.

  10. Navigate to the Accounting Rules tabbed region.

  11. If you want to allow revaluation in this book, check the Allow Revaluation check box.

  12. If you want to revalue accumulated depreciation, check the Revalue Accumulated Depreciation check box.

  13. If you want to revalue year-to-date depreciation, check the Revalue YTD Depreciation check box.

  14. If you want to retire revaluation reserve, check the Retire Revaluation Reserve check box. In Argentina, you usually do not retire revaluation reserve.

  15. If you want to amortize revaluation reserve, check the Amortize Revaluation Reserve check box. In Argentina, you usually do not amortize revaluation reserve.

  16. If you want to revalue fully reserved assets, check the Revalue Fully Reserved Assets check box.

    If you choose to revalue fully reserved assets, enter a life extension factor in the Life Extension Factor field. To maintain the current asset life without extending it, enter 1. You can also enter the maximum number of times an asset can be revalued as fully reserved in the Maximum Revaluations field and enter a life extension ceiling in the Life Extension Ceiling field.

  17. Navigate to the Tax Rules region.

  18. If you are defining a tax book and you want to include CIP assets in the tax book, check the Allow CIP Assets check box. You must include CIP assets in your adjusted tax book, if you are using the historical/adjusted option, so that you can adjust the CIP assets for inflation in the adjusted tax book.

Related Topics

Defining Depreciation Books, Oracle Assets User Guide

Asset Management in a Highly Inflationary Economy (Revaluation), Oracle Assets User Guide

Construction-in-Process (CIP) Assets, Oracle Assets User Guide

Define Asset Groups

Use the Exhibit of Fixed Assets Groups window to define your asset groups. The asset groups that you define here appear in the list of values in the Asset Group field in the globalization flexfield on the Asset Categories window when you assign your asset categories to asset groups. The asset groups also appear on the Argentine Exhibit of Fixed Assets report.

You must define one asset group as the CIP group. Oracle Assets automatically assigns all CIP assets to this group, regardless of their asset category. You should not assign any asset categories to the CIP group manually.

After you define an asset group, you can use the Exhibit of Fixed Assets Groups window to update or delete the asset group. You can only delete an asset group, however, if no asset categories are assigned to that group.

To define asset groups:

  1. Navigate to the Exhibit of Fixed Assets Groups window.

  2. Enter the names for your asset groups in the Name fields.

  3. Check the CIP Group check box for the asset group that you want to define as your CIP group. You can choose any asset group as the CIP group, but you can only check the CIP Group check box for one asset group at a time.

Set Up Asset Categories

Use the Asset Categories window, the globalization flexfield on the Asset Categories window, and the Default Depreciation Rules window to set up your asset categories for inflation adjustment. In the Asset Categories window, you can specify the revaluation reserve account that you want to use to offset the inflation adjustments for assets in a category in a particular depreciation book.

In the globalization flexfield, you can enable or disable inflation adjustment for the asset category in a particular depreciation book. If you enable inflation adjustment for an asset category in a book, you can choose to enable or disable inflation adjustment for individual assets when you define them. If you disable inflation adjustment for an asset category in a book, none of the assets in that category can be adjusted in that book.

In this way, you can choose to adjust an asset category in one depreciation book while preventing the same asset category from being adjusted in another book. You can also choose to adjust some asset categories in a depreciation book for inflation while preventing other categories in the same book from being adjusted.

If inflation adjustment is disabled for an entire depreciation book, however, none of the asset categories in that book can be adjusted.

Oracle Financials for Argentina also lets you use the globalization flexfield to assign your asset categories to asset groups for the Argentine Exhibit of Fixed Assets report. You can assign several asset categories to the same asset group, but you can only assign each asset category to one asset group.

Oracle Assets automatically assigns all CIP assets to one group, regardless of their asset category. You can choose which asset group to define as your CIP group in the Exhibit of Fixed Assets Groups window. You should not assign any asset categories to the CIP group manually in the globalization flexfield.

In the Default Depreciation Rules window, you can assign a price index to the asset category. The price index is used to calculate the inflation rate for all the assets in this asset category.

To set up asset categories:

  1. Navigate to the Asset Categories window.

  2. Enter an asset category.

  3. Navigate to the General Ledger Accounts region.

  4. Enter a depreciation book in the Book field.

  5. In the Revaluation Reserve field, enter the revaluation reserve account used to offset inflation adjustments for assets in this category.

  6. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  7. Enter Yes in the Adjust for Inflation field to enable inflation adjustment for assets in this asset category. Enter No to disable inflation adjustment for all assets in this category.

    If inflation adjustment is enabled for this depreciation book, the Adjust for Inflation field defaults to Yes. Otherwise, the Adjust for Inflation field defaults to No.

  8. Enter the asset group for this asset category in the Asset Group field.

    Note: Do not manually enter the CIP asset group for any category in the Asset Group field. Oracle Assets automatically assigns all CIP assets to this group, regardless of their asset category.

  9. Press the OK button.

  10. In the Asset Categories window, press the Default Rules button.

    The Default Depreciation Rules window appears.

  11. In the Price Index field, enter the price index that you want to use to calculate the inflation rate for this asset category.

  12. Enter appropriate information in the remaining fields.

Related Topics

Setting Up Asset Categories, Oracle Assets User Guide

Asset Management in a Highly Inflationary Economy (Revaluation), Oracle Assets User Guide

Set Up Assets in a Depreciation Book

Use the globalization flexfield on the Books window to enable or disable inflation adjustment for individual assets. You enable or disable inflation adjustment for an asset in a particular depreciation book.

In this way, you can choose to adjust an asset in one depreciation book while preventing the same asset from being adjusted in another book. You can also choose to adjust some assets in a certain category in a depreciation book for inflation while preventing other assets in the same category and book from being adjusted.

If inflation adjustment is disabled for an entire depreciation book or an entire category in a book, however, none of the assets in that book or category can be adjusted.

To set up assets in a depreciation book:

  1. Navigate to the Asset Workbench.

  2. Enter or query an asset.

  3. Navigate to the Books window.

  4. Enter a depreciation book in the Book field.

  5. Navigate to the Depreciation region.

  6. Navigate to the globalization flexfield

  7. Enter Yes in the Adjust for Inflation field to enable inflation adjustment for the asset. Enter No to disable inflation adjustment for the asset.

    If inflation adjustment is enabled for this depreciation book and for this category in this book, the Adjust for Inflation field defaults to Yes. Otherwise, the Adjust for Inflation field defaults to No.

  8. Press the OK button.

Related Topics

Asset Setup Processes (Additions), Oracle Assets User Guide

Set Up Assets in a Depreciation Book, Oracle Assets User Guide

Argentine Exhibit of Fixed Assets Report

Use the Argentine Exhibit of Fixed Assets report to display fixed assets information organized by asset group. The Argentine Exhibit of Fixed Assets report shows total amounts for each asset group that you defined in the Exhibit of Fixed Assets Groups window. The totals consist of the amounts for all the assets in every category assigned to that group, except CIP assets.

Oracle Assets assigns all CIP assets to one group, regardless of their asset category. You can choose which asset group to define as your CIP group in the Exhibit of Fixed Assets Groups window.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Argentine Exhibit of Fixed Assets report.

Note: Using Standard Request Submission , Oracle Applications User Guide

Report Parameters

Book Type Code

Enter the book that you want to report on.

Ledger Currency

Enter the currency to use for the report. The default value is the default currency of the primary ledger. If the primary and reporting ledger both use the same default currency, choose either primary or reporting ledger from the list of values. You can also choose any other currency defined for the reporting ledger.

From Period

Enter the earliest period that you want to report on.

To Period

Enter the latest period that you want to report on.

Detail Level

Choose Yes to run the report for detail level. Choose No to run the report for summary level.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Assets prints…
<Organization Name> The name of your organization
Book The name of the depreciation book
<Report Title> Exhibit of Fixed Assets
From Period The earliest period on the report
To Period The latest period on the report
Report Date The date when you run the report
Page The page number

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Assets prints…
Asset Group The name of the asset group
Assets Cost Begin of Period The cost of the assets in the asset group at the beginning of the reporting period
Additions The additions during the period
Retirements The retirements during the period
Transfers The transfers during the period
Assets Cost End of Period The cost of the assets at the end of the period
Depr Reserve Begin of Period The accumulated depreciation of the assets at the beginning of the period
Depr Reserve Retirements The accumulated depreciation of the assets retired during the period
Depr Reserve Transfers The accumulated depreciation of assets transferred during the period
Depreciation During Period The accumulated depreciation during the period
Depr Reserve End of Period The accumulated depreciation at the end of the period, calculated by adding the four previous columns

Oracle Order Management

Entering Order Management Information

In Argentina, you must enter additional information, such as the fiscal classification code and transaction condition class, for your sales orders.

After you enter your order information, the Invoicing workflow activity transfers shipped item information to Oracle Receivables. When the Invoicing workflow activity is finished, you can submit AutoInvoice from Oracle Receivables to import invoice and credit data into Oracle Receivables, which processes the invoices and accounts for revenue.

Related Topics

Invoicing Activity, Oracle Order Management User Guide

Entering Sales Order Information

Use the globalization flexfield in the Order Organizer window to enter or view additional information about your sales orders and returns.

To enter additional sales order information for a new order:

  1. Navigate to the Order Organizer window.

    The Find Orders window appears.

  2. In the Find Orders window, press the New Order button.

    The Sales Orders window appears.

  3. In the Sales Orders window, enter your new order information.

  4. Navigate to the Line Items tabbed region.

  5. Navigate to the Shipping tabbed region.

  6. In the Warehouse field, enter a warehouse name.

    Note: If you selected Latin Tax Handling as your tax method in the System Options window, this field is mandatory and tax is calculated based on the warehouse that you enter for the order line.

  7. Navigate to the Others tabbed region and move your cursor to the Project Number field.

  8. From the Special menu, choose Folders > Show Field.

  9. From the list of values, choose ( ) and press OK.

    The globalization flexfield appears. You can enter or view additional information for your selected item, such as the fiscal classification code or the transaction condition class.

  10. Press the OK button.

To enter additional sales order information for a previously entered order:

  1. Navigate to the Order Organizer window.

    The Find Orders window appears.

  2. In the Find Orders window, enter an order or order lines to query, or leave the fields blank for all.

  3. Press the Find button.

    The Order Organizer window appears.

  4. Select an order and press the Open Order button.

    The Sales Orders window appears.

  5. Navigate to the Line Items tabbed region.

  6. Navigate to the Shipping tabbed region.

  7. In the Warehouse field, enter a warehouse name.

    Note: If you selected Latin Tax Handling as your tax method in the System Options window, this field is mandatory and tax is calculated based on the warehouse that you enter for the order line.

  8. Navigate to the Others tabbed region and move your cursor to the Project Number field.

  9. From the Special menu, choose Folders > Show Field.

  10. From the list of values, choose ( ) and press OK.

    The globalization flexfield appears. You can enter or view additional information for your selected item, such as the fiscal classification code or the transaction condition class.

  11. Press the OK button.

Related Topics

Overview of Order Organizer, Oracle Order Management User Guide

Marking Tax Categories

Use the Latin Tax Groups window to mark the tax categories that you want Oracle Order Management to consider for tax calculations.

To mark tax categories for Order Management consideration:

  1. Navigate to the Latin Tax Groups window.

  2. In the Tax Group field, query a tax group.

  3. Navigate to the Tax Group Details region.

  4. Select a tax category that you want Oracle Order Management to consider for tax calculations.

  5. Check the Calculate in OM check box.