
Oracle Assets

Inflation Adjustment Overview

In Mexico, companies adjust the cost, accumulated depreciation, and year-to-date depreciation expense amounts of their assets for inflation. You can report historical amounts for your assets as well as inflation-adjusted amounts by choosing the historical/adjusted option in Oracle Assets. The historical/adjusted option lets you maintain and report both historical amounts and inflation-adjusted amounts by using two separate depreciation books. Keep the historical amounts in a corporate book and the inflation-adjusted amounts in a tax book.

Note: You can implement the Multiple Reporting Currencies (MRC) feature while using the historical/adjusted option in Oracle Assets by using the historical book as your MRC primary book. You must not use the adjusted depreciation book as your MRC primary book because the inflation adjustment transactions must not be included when MRC converts your transactions to another currency. Using the historical book as your MRC primary book ensures that you maintain only the correct transactions in your MRC reporting book.

Inflation Adjustment Setup

This section describes how to set up Oracle Assets for Mexico for the inflation adjustment process. Use this setup list to help you complete the appropriate steps.

Step Task
1 Enable automatic revaluation rate calculation.
2 Define inflation ratio precision.
3 Define price indexes.
4 Set up depreciation books.
5 Set up asset categories.
6 Define inflation start dates.
7 Set up assets in a depreciation book.

Define Inflation Ratio Precision

The JL: Inflation Ratio Precision profile option lets you enter the number of decimal positions that you want for the precision of the inflation rate calculation. Oracle Assets uses the JL: Inflation Ratio Precision profile option to determine the precision of the inflation rate calculation for both the inflation adjustments in your adjusted depreciation book and for the Mexican Fixed Assets ISR and IMPAC reports.

When you adjust your assets for inflation in your adjusted depreciation book, you can use inflation rates with any precision you choose. When you report inflation adjustments on the Mexican Fixed Assets ISR and IMPAC reports, calculate inflation rates with the precision that is currently required. Make sure that you accordingly set the JL: Inflation Ratio Precision profile option.

Set Up Depreciation Books

Use the Book Controls window and the globalization flexfield to set up your depreciation books for inflation adjustment. You can enable or disable inflation adjustment at depreciation book level. If you enable inflation adjustment for a depreciation book, you can choose to enable or disable inflation adjustment for individual asset categories and assets when you define them. If you disable inflation adjustment for a depreciation book, none of the assets in that book can be adjusted.

To set up depreciation books:

  1. Navigate to the Book Controls window.

  2. Enter a depreciation book.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. Enter Yes in the Adjust for Inflation field to enable inflation adjustment for assets in this depreciation book. Enter No to disable inflation adjustment for all assets in this book.

  5. Enter No in the Middle Month Function field for your historical and adjusted depreciation books. The middle month function only applies to a depreciation book used for tax reporting. For more information, see Enable Middle Month Function for a Depreciation Book.

  6. In the Journal Category for Depreciation Expense of Retired Assets field, enter the journal category that you want to use for the journal entries created by the Inflation Adjustment of Retired Assets process.

    After you perform inflation adjustment for this book, you can view information about the most recent inflation adjustment in the next two fields. Oracle Assets displays the period name for the most recent inflation adjustment in the Last Inflation Adjustment Period field, and the revaluation ID for the most recent inflation adjustment in the Last Inflation Adjustment field.

  7. Press the OK button.

  8. In the Book Controls window, navigate to the Calendar tabbed region.

  9. In the GL Ledger field, select the General Ledger ledger that you want to transfer this depreciation book's journal entries to. If you are using the historical/adjusted option in both General Ledger and Oracle Assets, select the historical ledger for your historical book and the adjusted ledger for your adjusted book.

  10. Complete the Allow GL Posting check box according to your depreciation book's requirements. If you are using the historical/adjusted option in both General Ledger and Oracle Assets, check the Allow GL Posting check box for both your historical book and your adjusted book.

  11. Navigate to the Accounting Rules tabbed region.

  12. If you want to allow revaluation in this book, check the Allow Revaluation check box.

  13. If you want to revalue accumulated depreciation, check the Revalue Accumulated Depreciation check box.

  14. If you want to revalue year-to-date depreciation, check the Revalue YTD Depreciation check box.

  15. If you want to retire revaluation reserve, check the Retire Revaluation Reserve check box. In Mexico, you usually do not retire revaluation reserve.

  16. If you want to amortize revaluation reserve, check the Amortize Revaluation Reserve check box. In Mexico, you usually do not amortize revaluation reserve.

  17. If you want to revalue fully reserved assets, check the Revalue Fully Reserved Assets check box.

    If you choose to revalue fully reserved assets, enter a life extension factor in the Life Extension Factor field. To maintain the current asset life without extending it, enter 1. You can also enter the maximum number of times an asset can be revalued as fully reserved in the Maximum Revaluations field and enter a life extension ceiling in the Life Extension Ceiling field.

  18. Navigate to the Tax Rules region.

  19. If you are defining a tax book and you want to include CIP assets in the tax book, check the Allow CIP Assets check box. You must include CIP assets in your adjusted tax book, if you are using the historical/adjusted option, so that you can adjust the CIP assets for inflation in the adjusted tax book.

Related Topics

Defining Depreciation Books, Oracle Assets User Guide

Asset Management in a Highly Inflationary Economy (Revaluation), Oracle Assets User Guide

Construction-in-Process (CIP) Assets, Oracle Assets User Guide

Set Up Asset Categories

Use the Asset Categories window with the globalization flexfield and the Default Depreciation Rules window to set up your asset categories for inflation adjustment. In the Asset Categories window, you can specify the revaluation reserve account that you want to use to offset the inflation adjustments for assets in a category in a particular depreciation book.

In the globalization flexfield of the Asset Categories window, you can enable or disable inflation adjustment for the asset category in a particular depreciation book. If you enable inflation adjustment for an asset category in a book, you can choose to enable or disable inflation adjustment for individual assets when you define them. If you disable inflation adjustment for an asset category in a book, none of the assets in that category can be adjusted in that book.

In this way, you can choose to adjust an asset category in one depreciation book while preventing the same asset category from being adjusted in another book. You can also choose to adjust some asset categories in a depreciation book for inflation while preventing other categories in the same book from being adjusted.

If inflation adjustment is disabled for an entire depreciation book, however, none of the asset categories in that book can be adjusted.

In the Default Depreciation Rules window, you can assign a price index to the asset category. The price index is used to calculate the inflation rate for all the assets in this asset category.

To set up asset categories:

  1. Navigate to the Asset Categories window.

  2. Enter an asset category.

  3. Navigate to the General Ledger Accounts region.

  4. Enter a depreciation book in the Book field.

  5. In the Revaluation Reserve field, enter the revaluation reserve account used to offset inflation adjustments for assets in this category.

  6. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  7. Enter Yes in the Adjust for Inflation field to enable inflation adjustment for assets in this asset category. Enter No to disable inflation adjustment for all assets in this category.

    If inflation adjustment is enabled for this depreciation book, the Adjust for Inflation field defaults to Yes. Otherwise, the Adjust for Inflation field defaults to No.

  8. Press the OK button.

  9. In the Asset Categories window, press the Default Rules button. The Default Depreciation Rules window appears.

  10. In the Price Index field, enter the price index that you want to use to calculate the inflation rate for this asset category.

  11. Enter appropriate information in the remaining fields.

Related Topics

Setting Up Asset Categories, Oracle Assets User Guide

Asset Management in a Highly Inflationary Economy (Revaluation), Oracle Assets User Guide

Set Up Assets in a Depreciation Book

Use the globalization flexfield in the Books window to enable or disable inflation adjustment for individual assets. You enable or disable inflation adjustment for an asset in a particular depreciation book.

In this way, you can choose to adjust an asset in one depreciation book while preventing the same asset from being adjusted in another book. You can also choose to adjust some assets in a certain category in a depreciation book for inflation while preventing other assets in the same category and book from being adjusted.

If inflation adjustment is disabled for an entire depreciation book or an entire category in a book, however, none of the assets in that book or category can be adjusted.

To set up assets in a depreciation book:

  1. Navigate to the Asset Workbench.

  2. Enter or query an asset.

  3. Navigate to the Books window.

  4. Enter a depreciation book in the Book field.

  5. Navigate to the Depreciation region.

  6. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  7. Enter Yes in the Adjust for Inflation field to enable inflation adjustment for the asset. Enter No to disable inflation adjustment for the asset.

    If inflation adjustment is enabled for this depreciation book and for this category in this book, the Adjust for Inflation field defaults to Yes. Otherwise, the Adjust for Inflation field defaults to No.

  8. Press the OK button.

Related Topics

Asset Setup Processes (Additions), Oracle Assets User Guide

Revaluing Assets

Example for adjusting an asset for inflation

This example shows how inflation rates and adjustment amounts are calculated to adjust a capitalized asset for inflation in Mexico. Assume that the price index values for the given periods are as shown in this table:

Period Price Index Value
February 208.995
March 211.596

The inflation rate in this example is calculated with a precision of nine decimal positions. The inflation rate is calculated according to this formula:

(Index Value for Current Period / Index Value for Previous Period) - 1

For example, the March Inflation Rate is (211.596 / 208.995) - 1, or 0.012445273

Assume that a company has an asset with the values shown in this table at the beginning of March:

Cost Accumulated Depreciation Year-to-Date Depreciation Expense
311,749,901 201,338,477 4,329,860

Assume also that there are no cost adjustments other than the inflation adjustment in March.

The inflation adjustment amount for cost in the current period is calculated on the current cost of the asset, including any cost adjustments made in the period before inflation adjustment is performed.

Note: If you want to adjust current period cost adjustment amounts for inflation, make the cost adjustments before you perform inflation adjustment for the current period. Otherwise, make the cost adjustments after you perform inflation adjustment for the current period.

The current cost for an asset is calculated according to this formula:

Beginning Cost + Current Period Cost Adjustments

For example, the March Current Cost is 311,749,901 + 0, or 311,749,901

The current period cost inflation adjustment is calculated according to this formula:

Current Cost * Inflation Rate

For example, the March Inflation Adjustment is 311,749,901 * 0.012445273, or 3,879,813

The adjusted cost at the end of the period is calculated according to this formula:

Current Cost + Inflation Adjustment

For example, the March Adjusted Cost is 311,749,901 + 3,879,813, or 315,629,714

The inflation adjustment amounts for accumulated depreciation and year-to-date depreciation expense in the current period are calculated on the current accumulated depreciation and current year-to-date depreciation expense of the asset, before the asset is depreciated for the period.

The current period accumulated depreciation inflation adjustment is calculated according to this formula:

Current Accumulated Depreciation * Inflation Rate

For example, the March Inflation Adjustment is 201,338,477 * 0.012445273, or 2,505,712

The adjusted accumulated depreciation at the end of the period, but before depreciation is run for the period, is calculated according to this formula:

Current Accumulated Depreciation + Inflation Adjustment

For example, the March Adjusted Accumulated Depreciation is 201,338,477 + 2,505,712, or 203,844,189

The current period year-to-date depreciation expense inflation adjustment is calculated according to this formula:

Current Depreciation Expense * Inflation Rate

For example, March Inflation Adjustment is 4,329,860 * 0.012445273, or 53,886

The adjusted year-to-date depreciation expense at the end of the period, but before depreciation is run for the period, is calculated according to this formula:

Current Depreciation Expense + Inflation Adjustment

For example, the March Adjusted Depreciation Expense 4,329,860 + 53,886, or 4,383,746

This table shows the journal entry to record the inflation adjustments in March:

Accounts Debit Credit
Cost 3,879,813  
Depreciation Expense 53,886  
     Accumulated Depreciation   2,505,712
     Revaluation Reserve   1,427,987

Example for adjusting a CIP asset for inflation

This example shows how inflation rates and adjustment amounts are calculated to adjust a CIP asset for inflation in Mexico.

When you build a CIP asset, you add the cost amounts resulting from invoice lines. The invoice line amounts added in the current period are never adjusted for inflation in the current period. The adjustment amount for the current period is calculated only on the asset's adjusted cost as of the beginning of the period.

Assume that the price index values for the given periods are as shown in this table:

Period Price Index Value
March 211.596
April 213.882
May 215.834

The inflation rates in this example are calculated with a precision of nine decimal positions. The inflation rates are calculated according to this formula:

(Index Value for Current Period / Index Value for Previous Period) - 1

For example, the April Inflation Rate is (213.882 / 211.596) - 1, or 0.010803606

May Inflation Rate is (215.834 / 213.882) - 1, or 0.009126527

Assume that construction began on a CIP asset in March and that the invoice line amounts added each period are as shown in this table:

Period Invoice Line Amount
March 1,093,827
April 347,219
May 2,460,024

The current period cost inflation adjustment is calculated according to this formula:

Beginning Cost * Inflation Rate

The adjusted cost at the end of the period is calculated according to this formula:

Beginning Cost + Inflation Adjustment + Invoice Line Amounts

For example, the March Adjusted Cost is 0 + 0 + 1,093,827, or 1,093,827

April Inflation Adjustment is 1,093,827 * 0.010803606, or 11,817

April Adjusted Cost is 1,093,827 + 11,817 + 347,219, or 1,452,863

This table shows the journal entry to record the inflation adjustment in April:

Accounts Debit Credit
Cost 11,817  
     Revaluation Reserve   11,817

May Inflation Adjustment is 1,452,863 * 0.009126527, or 13,260

May Adjusted Cost is 1,452,863 + 13,260 + 2,460,024, or 3,926,147

This table shows the journal entry to record the inflation adjustment in May:

Accounts Debit Credit
Cost 13,260  
     Revaluation Reserve   13,260

Tax Reporting Overview

In Mexico, some taxes are calculated from inflation-adjusted amounts for asset cost, accumulated depreciation, and year-to-date depreciation. These taxes include the Tax on Income (Impuesto Sobre la Renta or ISR) and the Tax on Assets (Impuesto al Activo or IMPAC).

For inflation adjustments on the tax reports, calculate the inflation rates using index values. To calculate the inflation rate:

  1. Define the period of use for the asset.

  2. Define the half of the period of use for the asset.

  3. Define the last month for the half of the period of use for the asset.

  4. Select the index value (CPI) for the month that you defined in Step 3.

  5. Calculate the correction factor. Divide the CPI for half the period that you obtained in Step 4 by the CPI for the date the asset was placed in service.

When you adjust an asset for inflation at the end of the fiscal year, do not calculate the adjustment up to the end of the fiscal year itself. Instead, calculate the adjustment from the acquisition date up to a date that you determine using the process that identifies the last month of half the period of use. For assets acquired in previous fiscal years, calculate the adjustment from the acquisition date up to the period of June in the current fiscal year. For an asset acquired during the current fiscal year, calculate the adjustment from the acquisition date up to the last month of half the period of use.

Similarly, if you retire an asset during the fiscal year, you do not calculate the adjustment from the acquisition date up to the retirement date itself. You only calculate the adjustment using half of the period of use.

When reporting inflation adjustments on the Mexican Fixed Assets ISR and IMPAC reports, calculate inflation rates with the precision that is currently required. Make sure that you accordingly set the JL: Inflation Ratio Precision profile option. For more information, see Define Inflation Ratio Precision.

The ISR and Gain and Loss reports adjust the assets amounts using the correction factor that was determined using the process that identifies the last month of half the period of use.

Because the tax reports require this process for calculating inflation adjustment, do not run these reports from the adjusted depreciation book where you maintain your ordinary inflation-adjusted asset information. Instead, you should define a separate tax depreciation book to use for Mexican tax reporting. For more information, see Enable Middle Month Function for a Depreciation Book.

Tax Reporting Setup

This section describes how to set up Oracle Assets for Mexico for tax reporting. Use this setup list to help you complete the appropriate steps.

Step Task
1 Define inflation ratio precision.
2 Define price indexes.
3 Enable middle month function for a depreciation book.
4 Define the date placed in service for assets.

Related Topics

Depreciation Rules (Books), Oracle Assets User Guide

Define Inflation Ratio Precision

The JL: Inflation Ratio Precision profile option lets you enter the number of decimal positions that you want for the precision of the inflation rate calculation. Oracle Assets uses the JL: Inflation Ratio Precision profile option to determine the precision of the inflation rate calculation for both the inflation adjustments in your adjusted depreciation book and for the Mexican Fixed Assets ISR and IMPAC reports.

When you report inflation adjustments on the Mexican Fixed Assets ISR and IMPAC reports, calculate inflation rates with the precision that is currently required. You must accordingly set the JL: Inflation Ratio Precision profile option in the System Profile Values window before you run these reports. Assign this profile option the value that is currently required.

Enable Middle Month Function for a Depreciation Book

Use the globalization flexfield in the Book Controls window to enable the middle month function for the depreciation book that you want to use for tax reporting. If you enable the middle month function for a depreciation book, the Mexican Fixed Assets ISR and IMPAC reports calculate inflation rates for all the assets in that book using the process that determines the correction factor for assets. For more information, see Tax Reporting Overview.

To enable the middle month function for a depreciation book:

  1. Navigate to the Book Controls window.

  2. Enter a depreciation book.

  3. Navigate to the globalization flexfield.

  4. Enter No in the Adjust for Inflation field to disable the ordinary inflation adjustment process for assets in this book. Oracle Assets does not use this process for the Mexican Fixed Assets ISR and IMPAC reports.

  5. Enter Yes in the Middle Month Function field to enable the middle month function for the tax reporting depreciation book.

  6. Enter a journal category as a placeholder in the Journal Category for Depreciation Expense of Retired Assets field. Oracle Assets for Mexico does not use this field for tax reporting, but you must enter a value. You can select any valid journal category from the list of values.

  7. Leave the Last Inflation Adjustment Period field and the Last Inflation Adjustment field blank. These fields are only used for adjusted depreciation books with the ordinary inflation adjustment process. For more information, see Set Up Depreciation Books.

  8. Press the OK button.

  9. Save your work.

Related Topics

Defining Depreciation Books, Oracle Assets User Guide

Mexican Fixed Assets ISR Report

In Mexico, the Tax on Income (Impuesto Sobre la Renta or ISR) is calculated on the inflation-adjusted value of a company's assets. Use the Mexican Fixed Assets ISR report to show the adjusted depreciation for assets that were adjusted for inflation using the middle month function. You can use this information to help you calculate your income tax.

The Mexican Fixed Assets ISR report shows every asset that had a depreciation charge during the current fiscal year, including retired assets. The report groups assets by asset category and shows the subtotal for each category.

The Mexican Fixed Assets ISR report complements the Mexican Fixed Assets IMPAC report. These two reports are submitted together in the Mexican ISR-IMPAC Reports request set.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Mexican ISR-IMPAC Reports request set.

Report Parameters

Book Type Code

Enter the depreciation book that you want to report on. Choose a depreciation book with middle month function enabled for tax reporting.

Ledger Currency

Enter the currency to use for the report. The default value is the default currency of the primary ledger. If the primary and reporting ledger both use the same default currency, choose either primary or reporting ledger from the list of values. You can also choose any other currency defined for the reporting ledger.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year that you want to report on.

Include DPIS Month for Periods of Use Calculation

Enter Yes to include the month that the asset was placed in service for the periods of use calculation. Enter No to not include that month.

Include Retirement Month for Periods of Use Calculation

Enter Yes to include the month that the asset was retired for the periods of use calculation. Enter No to not include that month.

Include Zero NBV Assets

Enter Yes to show assets with a net book value of zero. Enter No to not show those assets.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Assets prints…
<Organization Name> The name of your organization
Book The name of the tax depreciation book
Fiscal Year The fiscal year
Include DPIS Month for Periods of Use Calculation Yes or No to indicate if the month that the asset was placed in service is included for the periods of use calculation
Include Retirement Month for Periods of Use Calculation Yes or No to indicate if the month that the asset was retired is included for the periods of use calculation
Include zero NBV Assets Yes or No indicates if assets with a net book value of zero are included
<Report Title> Mexican Fixed Assets ISR Report
Report Date The date and time that you ran the report
Page The page number

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Assets prints…
Asset Number The asset number.
Description A description of the asset.
Date Retired The date the asset was retired.
Date in Service The date placed in service.
Original Cost The original cost.
Accumulated Depreciation - Previous Fiscal Years The historical amount of accumulated depreciation for previous fiscal years.
Accumulated Depreciation - Current Fiscal Year The historical amount of accumulated depreciation for the current fiscal year.
Accumulated Depreciation - Life To Date The historical amount of the accumulated depreciation for the asset's life to date, calculated by adding the accumulated depreciation for the previous fiscal years to the accumulated depreciation for the current fiscal year.
CPI for Date in Service The index value (CPI) for the date placed in service.
CPI for Half Period The index value (CPI) for the period halfway through the time of use.
For assets that were in use throughout the entire fiscal year, the halfway period is June.
For assets that were added or retired during the current fiscal year, the halfway period is determined by the process for determining the correction factor for assets.
Correction Factor The correction factor, calculated by dividing the index value for the period halfway through the time of use by the index value for the date placed in service.
Adjusted Depreciation The adjusted depreciation for the current fiscal year, calculated by multiplying the historical depreciation for the current fiscal year by the correction factor.

Row Headings

This table shows the row headings.

In this row… Oracle Assets prints…
Asset Category The asset category
Asset Category Total The totals for the asset category
Report Total The totals for all categories on the report

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Mexican Fixed Assets IMPAC Report

In Mexico, the Tax on Assets (Impuesto al Activo or IMPAC) is calculated on the inflation-adjusted value of a company's assets. Use the Mexican Fixed Assets IMPAC report to show the value of your assets, including the results of inflation adjustment. You can use this information to help you calculate your tax on assets.

The Mexican Fixed Assets IMPAC report complements the Mexican Fixed Assets ISR report. These two reports are submitted together in the Mexican ISR-IMPAC Reports request set.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Mexican ISR-IMPAC Reports request set.

Report Parameters

Book Type Code

Enter the depreciation book that you want to report on. You should choose a depreciation book with the middle month function enabled for tax reporting.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year that you want to report on.

Include DPIS Month for Periods of Use Calculation

Enter Yes to include the month that the asset was placed in service for the periods of use calculation. Enter No to not include that month.

Include Retirement Month for Periods of Use Calculation

Enter Yes to include the month that the asset was retired for the periods of use calculation. Enter No to not include that month.

Include Zero NBV Assets

Enter Yes to show assets with a net book value of zero. Enter No to not show those assets

Fully Depreciated Assets

Enter In Use to calculate the period of use for fully depreciated assets until the end of the year. Enter Retired to calculate the period of use for fully depreciated assets until the date that they are fully depreciated.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Assets prints…
<Organization Name> The name of your organization.
Book The name of the tax depreciation book.
Fiscal Year The fiscal year.
Include DPIS Month for Periods of Use Calculation Yes or No to indicate if the month that the asset was placed in service is included for the periods of use calculation.
Include Retirement Month for Periods of Use Calculation Yes or No to indicate if the month that the asset was retired is included for the periods of use calculation.
Include zero NBV Assets Yes or No to indicate if assets with a net book value of zero are included.
Fully Depreciated Assets In Use shows that assets are treated as if they are in use. Retired shows that the middle month function is applied to retired assets.
<Report Title> Mexican Fixed Assets IMPAC Report.
Report Date The date and time that you ran the report.
Page The page number.

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Assets prints…
Asset Number The asset number
Description A description of the asset
Date Retired The date the asset was retired
Date in Service The date placed in service
CPI for Date in Service The index value (CPI) for the date placed in service
CPI for June The index value (CPI) for June
Correction Factor The correction factor, calculated by dividing the index value for June by the index value for the date placed in service
NBV at End of Previous Fiscal Year - Historical The historical net book value at the end of the previous fiscal year, calculated by subtracting the historical accumulated depreciation of previous fiscal years from the original cost
NBV at End of Previous Fiscal Year - Adjusted The adjusted net book value at the end of the previous fiscal year, calculated by multiplying the historical net book value at the end of the previous fiscal year by the correction factor
50% Adjusted Depreciation Half of the amount of the adjusted depreciation for the current fiscal year
Adjusted NBV Less 50% An amount calculated by subtracting half of the adjusted depreciation for the current fiscal year from the adjusted net book value at the end of the previous fiscal year
IMPAC Value The IMPAC base value, calculated by dividing the value for the Adjusted NBV Less 50% by 12 and multiplying the result by the number of months of use

Row Headings

This table shows the row headings.

In this row… Oracle Assets prints…
Asset Category The asset category
Asset Category Total The totals for the asset category
Report Total The totals for all categories on the report

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Mexican Fixed Assets Fiscal Gain and Loss on Assets Retirements Report

The Mexican Fixed Assets Fiscal Gain and Loss on Assets Retirements report displays the gain or loss generated for an asset when it is no longer in use. You should run the Mexican Fixed Assets Fiscal Gain and Loss on Assets Retirements report after you close a period by running depreciation.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit Mexican Fixed Assets Fiscal Gain and Loss on Assets Retirements report.

Report Parameters

Book Type Code

Enter the depreciation book that you want to report on.

Ledger Currency

Enter the currency to use for the report. The default value is the default currency of the primary ledger. If the primary and reporting ledger both use the same default currency, choose either primary or reporting ledger from the list of values. You can also choose any other currency defined for the reporting ledger.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year that you want to report on.

Include DPIS Month for Periods of Use Calculation

Enter Yes to include the month that the asset was placed in service for the periods of use calculation. Enter No to not include that month.

Include Retirement Month for Periods of Use Calculation

Enter Yes to include the month that the asset was retired for the periods of use calculation. Enter No not to include that month.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading… Oracle Assets prints…
<Organization Name> The name of your organization
Book The name of the tax depreciation book
Fiscal Year The fiscal year
Include DPIS Month for Periods of Use Calculation Yes or No to indicate if the month that the asset was placed in service is included for the periods of use calculation
Include Retirement Month for Periods of Use Calculation Yes or No to indicate if the month that the asset was retired is included for the periods of use calculation
<Report Title> Mexican Fixed Assets Fiscal Gain and Loss on Assets Retirements Report
Report Date The date and time that you ran the report
Page The page number

Column Headings

This table shows the column headings.

In this column… Oracle Assets prints…
Asset Number - Description The asset number and description of the asset
Date in Service The date placed in service
Original Cost The original cost
Depreciation Reserve - Previous Fiscal Years The historical amount of accumulated depreciation for previous fiscal years
Depreciation Reserve - Current Fiscal Years The historical amount of accumulated depreciation for the current fiscal year
Depreciation Reserve - Total The sum of the historical accumulated depreciation from the previous fiscal year and the historical accumulated depreciation from the current fiscal year
CPI for Date in Service The index value (CPI) for the date placed in service
CPI for Half Period The index value (CPI) for half of the period of use
Adjusting Factor The correction factor, calculated by dividing the index value for half of the period of use by the index value for the date placed in service
Adjusted NBV The adjusted NBV depreciation, calculated by multiplying the difference between the original cost and the total depreciation by the adjusting factor.
Date Retired The retirement date
Proceeds of Sale The proceeds of the sale
Gain/Loss The net gain or loss, calculated by subtracting the adjusted accumulated depreciation from the proceeds of sale and then adding the current cost

Row Headings

This table shows the row headings.

In this row... Oracle Assets prints...
Report Total The totals for the report

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

General Ledger

Mexican Electronic Accounting


Oracle Financials for Mexico has been modified to comply with the Mexican Electronic Accounting legislation. The solution meets the following requirements:

According to the Appendix 24 of the Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution for 2014 (Resolucion Miscelanea Fiscal para 2014), the accounting in electronic media must contain:

The following auxiliary electronic reports are optional:

The accounting in electronic media is represented by the following independent XML files:

Main Solution Components

Setup Steps

Perform the following setup steps after applying the patch and prior to submitting the Mexican Chart of Accounts XML File (CATALOGO).

STEP 1 - Assign the Mexican General Ledger responsibility to the appropriate User(s)

Refer to the Oracle Applications Object Library Users Guide or contact the System Administrator for details on how to perform this configuration.

STEP 2 - Define the Mexican SAT Chart of Accounts

Responsibility: Mexican General Ledger

Navigation Path: Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Segments

Additional Information: The Mexican SAT Chart of Accounts must be defined as indicated in the above example, having the Company and Account segments and respective Value Sets associated to them.

STEP 3 - Define Segment Values for Mexican SAT Chart of Accounts

Responsibility: Mexican General Ledger

Navigation Path: Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Values

STEP 3.1 - Define the Company Segment and Values

STEP 3.2 - Define the Account Segment and Values

Important: The SAT Account Segment DOES NOT require any hierarchy definition. SAT Level 1 accounts (example: 1, 2, 3.., 65, and so on) MUST NOT be defined as Parent of SAT Level 2 accounts (example: 1.1, 1.2, .., 65.10, 65.11, and so on). Not defining a hierarchy for the SAT Account segment enables proper account values mapping between the company's source accounts to any SAT target accounts (level 1 or level 2).

STEP 4 - Define the Chart of Accounts Mapping

Responsibility: Mexican General Ledger

Navigation Path: Setup > Accounts > Chart of Accounts Mapping

STEP 4.1 - Chart of Accounts Mapping window:

STEP 4.2 - Segment Rules window:

You can enter a single value where Low and High are the same (1:1 mapping), or as many ranges of values as necessary (1:N mapping).

The Chart of Accounts Mapping is defined for the account segment values between the account segments from the two Chart of Accounts. For that, the Segment Rules mapping is the recommended approach.

Refer to Appendix D: Chart of Accounts Mapping Scenarios and Guidelines for additional information.

STEP 5 - Set Up the Company's RFC (Tax Contributor Federal Registration)

Responsibility: Accounting Setup Manager

Navigation Path: Setup > Legal Entities > Registrations

Step 6 - Define the Mexican Electronic Accounting Configuration

Responsibility: Mexican General Ledger

Navigation Path: Globalization > Mexican Electronic Accounting Configuration

Transaction Entry

The Journals report contains sub-elements under the journal lines element. These sub-elements provide details of the corresponding subledger transaction that originated the journal entry. Depending on the transaction and parties involved, the sub-elements might contain the CFDI Unique Identifier (UUID) (fiscal document key associated to invoices and payments).

These attributes were added as Global Descriptive Flexfields to subledger transactions in AP, AR, Expenses, and Cash Management.

Concurrent Programs

Mexican Chart of Accounts - XML File

Based on the parameters provided, the Mexican Chart of Accounts - XML File concurrent program reads the mapping defined between the company's primary chart of accounts and SAT's chart of accounts. It ultimately reports the account values defined in the Chart of Accounts of the primary ledger and its corresponding SAT account as per the XML file layout specifications.


Mexican Trial Balance - XML File

Based on the parameters provided, the Mexican Trial Balance – XML File concurrent program extracts the required data and ultimately reports the periodic account balances and movements for all mapped accounts, as per the XML file layout specifications.


Mexican Journal Entries - XML File

Based on the parameters provided, the Mexican Journals – XML File concurrent program extracts the required data and ultimately reports journal entries, for example: journals and journal lines, as per the XML file layout specifications.

Only ´Posted and Transferred to GL´ journals are reported.

Journal lines belonging to subledger transactions, such as AP invoices, AP Payments, AR transactions and AR Receipts, also require the reporting of nested XML subcomponents that provide specific information, for example: CFDI identifier, Total Amount, about the corresponding source transaction that originated the journal and journal line.

Internal Bank Transfers made via Cash Management are also reported as nested elements under journals lines.


Mexican Accounts Auxiliary Report — XML File

The Mexican Accounts Auxiliary Report can help with an in-depth analysis of all accounting entries for a given account in a given period by showing its beginning and ending balances, as well as the daily journal entries posted to that account in the period, as per the XML file layout specifications.
