Oracle Payables

French DAS2

Declaring DAS2 for Independent Consultants

Companies in France that do business with independent consultants must declare to tax authorities all payments to consultants each year for each supplier. These third party payments include fees, commissions, and rebates.

Your company submits this information to tax authorities in a formatted, electronic file. This file contains information about each supplier and supplier site, invoice details, and supplier payment totals. If a company has more than one location that makes payments to independent consultants, the company can submit the formatted file as either:

You must provide complete and accurate information because the information in the DAS2 file is used to check the consultant supplier's tax declaration and tax payment and because omissions and errors in your DAS2 declaration may result in heavy penalties.

Setting Up for DAS2 Reporting

Use this list to help you complete the appropriate steps in the correct order.

  1. Define Suppliers and Supplier Sites

  2. Define Legal Entity

  3. Enter Invoices


Before you can set up for DAS2 reporting, you must run the Adpatch utility to load the French income tax types.

1. Define Suppliers and Supplier Sites

Use the Supplier window to enter address and tax information for each consultant supplier. You can also enter tax information at the invoice line level.

If the supplier is a French company, enter the company's full 14-digit SIRET (Systeme Informatise du Registre Etablissements), or taxpayer ID number, in the Tax Registration Number field. Oracle Payables does not validate the SIRET.

Note: You must enter the correct SIRET for each company to produce an accurate DAS2 for your consultant suppliers

You must enter a default income tax type and an organization type for the supplier while entering the tax details.

The value that you enter for income tax type determines the type of fee paid to the consultant supplier. Oracle Payables defaults this value to the supplier's invoice distributions. If necessary, you can change the income tax type at the invoice line level. See Enter Invoices for more information.

The value that you enter for organization type determines how the DAS2 report identifies the consultant supplier:

If the tax district of a supplier site that receives consultant fees differs from the tax district of the division of your company that issues payment, you must enter this tax district address information as the third line of the supplier site address.

To define supplier information for consultants:

  1. Navigate to the Supplier window.

  2. In the Supplier field, query or enter the supplier that you want.

  3. If the supplier is a French company, enter the 14-digit SIRET in the Company Profile field in the Tax Details section .

  4. Check the Federal check box.

  5. In the Income Tax Type field, enter a default income tax type to identify consultant fees for this supplier.

  6. Navigate to the Terms and Control - Tax and Reporting Information section.

  7. In the Organization Type field, select the supplier's organization type from the list of values:

    • Corporation - French company

    • Individual - French individual

    • Foreign Corporation - Foreign company

    • Foreign Individual - Foreign individual

  8. Enter address information for each applicable supplier site.

  9. If a supplier site tax district differs from the tax district of the office that issues payments, enter the tax district address information in the Address Line 3 field.

  10. If the supplier site is a French company that receives consultant fees, then enter the 14-digit SIRET in the Taxpayer ID field.

  11. Check the Income Tax Reporting Site check box.

Related Topics

Suppliers, Oracle Payables User Guide

2. Define Legal Entity

Use the Legal Entity Configurator to set up and maintain the first party legal entities and establishments for each company site that is responsible for reporting income taxes to the tax authority. You can modify the Release 11i migrated location and organization information, and you can enter new definitions according to your requirements

Related Topics

Defining Legal Entities Using the Legal Entity Configurator, Oracle Financials Implementation Guide

3. Enter Invoices

Use the Invoices window to enter invoices for consultant suppliers. The income tax type that you entered for each supplier defaults to the invoice distributions. Use the Distributions window to change the default income tax type for individual invoice lines.

All consultant supplier invoices that are partially or completely paid are included in the data extracted to the DAS2 temporary tables for DAS2 reporting.


Before you can enter invoices for consultants, you must:

Related Topics

Entering Invoices Overview, Oracle Payables User Guide

Producing the DAS2 File

Prepare and generate the DAS2 file to submit your company's declaration of all payments to consultants for the current tax year. The report contains:

You prepare and generate the DAS2 file by extracting consultant transaction information into DAS2 temporary tables, reviewing and updating the extracted data, and submitting the formatted file to tax authorities.

To prepare and generate the DAS2 file, you must:

French DAS2 Verification Report

Use the French DAS2 Verification report to verify supplier information that is extracted into the DAS2 tables. You can use the French DAS2 Verification report to:

Print existing data to review the accuracy of information after you enter your modifications. You can run the report for a single legal entity or all the legal entities in your company.

Note: If you are running the report for the legal entity for which you have run previously, then you must submit the French DAS2 Purge Program to clear the existing data.

After you review the printed report, you can make changes to extracted data with the DAS2 update windows. See Modifying DAS2 Information for more information.

For each supplier site, the report prints one line for each paid invoice distribution line that includes a DAS2 income tax code. The French DAS2 Verification report is sorted by supplier, supplier site, DAS2 income tax code, and invoice number. The pages break at the supplier level. The report displays subtotals for each DAS2 income tax code for each supplier site as well as subtotals for each supplier site and supplier.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the French DAS2 Verification report.

Report Parameters


Enter a reporting year.

Legal Entity

Select a legal entity to indicate the reporting unit. If you leave this field blank, then the report runs for all the legal entities.

Extract Data

Enter No to run the report only. Enter Yes to purge existing data from the tables, extract new data, and print the report.

Pay Salaries

Enter Yes for DAS2 reporting type 5 to indicate to the French government that you pay both salaries and consultant fees and that an additional salaries report accompanies the DAS2 report.

Enter No for DAS2 reporting type 4 to indicate to the French government that you pay consultant fees only and that there is no additional report.

Report Headings

In this heading Oracle Payables prints
<Report Title> State of Control DAS2
Date Date and time the report is run
Page Current page of the report
Reporting Entity Reporting entity that you selected, or All if you left the Reporting Entity parameter blank

Column Headings

In this column Oracle Payables prints
DAS2 Code Income tax type code that corresponds to the type of fees that you declared
Invoice Number Invoice number of fee income that you paid to the supplier
Payment Number Document number assigned to the invoice during payment
Payment Payment amount in the ledger currency

Row Headings

In this row Oracle Payables prints
Total for Tax Code Subtotal per DAS2 code per supplier site.
Report Total Total of all supplier subtotals. This value is the total amount of fee invoices that you paid to suppliers during the current fiscal year for all the DAS2 entities that you have extracted data into the DAS2 tables.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Modifying DAS2 Information

Use the DAS2 update windows to view and modify extracted data after you use the French DAS2 Verification report to extract data to the DAS2 temporary tables.

You can modify this information:

After you modify information in the DAS2 temporary tables, run the French DAS2 Type 210 Updates report to review the updates that you made in the DAS2 update windows. See French DAS2 Type 210 Updates Report for more information.


Before you use the DAS2 update windows to update DAS2 information, you must run the French DAS2 Verification report to extract current data into the DAS2 temporary tables.

Modifying Company Information

Use the DAS2 Company window to modify legal company information. You can modify this information:

You can also view invoice amount totals for each consultant tax code.

To modify company information:

  1. Navigate to the DAS2 Company window.

  2. In the Company Name field, select your legal company from the list of values.

  3. In the Declarer's Address field, enter the address for the legal company.

  4. In the Declarer's Address on December 31 field, enter the legal company's address as of December 31 if the address changed between December 31 and the declaration date.

  5. In the APE Code field, enter the legal company's APE code.

    Note: Oracle Payables does not validate this field.

  6. View company invoice totals for all consultants in the Type 310 region.

    The Type 310 region displays the total invoiced amount for each consultant tax code for all divisions (for the current DAS2 year). You can modify these totals in the DAS2 210 Third Parties window. If you change a consultant tax code amount in the DAS2 210 Third Parties window, the corresponding total in this region is automatically updated.

Modifying Division Information

Use the DAS2 Divisions window to modify information for a division of your company. You can modify this information for a division:

You can also view invoice amount totals for each consultant tax code for this division.

To modify division information:

  1. Navigate to the DAS2 Company window.

  2. Navigate to the DAS2 Divisions window by pressing the DAS 20/300 button.

  3. In the Division Name field, query the division that you want.

  4. In the APE Code field, enter the division's INSEE APE code.

    Note: Oracle Payables does not validate this field.

  5. In the Type of Work field, enter the division's area of business.

  6. In the Address on December 31 field, enter the division's address as of December 31 if the address has changed between December 31 and the declaration date.

  7. Navigate to the On January 1 region.

  8. In the SIREN field, enter the company's old SIREN if the division's SIRET (SIREN + NIC) changed in the past year.

  9. In the NIC field, enter the division's old NIC if the division's SIRET (SIREN+ NIC) changed in the past year.

  10. Check the Division Submits Tax for Employees check box if the division submits taxes for its employees.

    Note: The French DAS2 Verification report enters a default value during the extraction process, but you can change the default value by checking or unchecking the check box.

  11. Navigate to the Modifiable Extract Data tabbed region to modify DAS2 contact information for the division.

  12. In the End of Year Employee Total field, enter the number of employees in the division at the end of the year.

  13. Navigate to the DAS2 Contact region.

  14. In the Last Name field, enter the last name of the division's contact person.

  15. In the First Name field, enter the first name of the division's contact person.

  16. In the Telephone field, enter the work telephone number of the division's contact person.

  17. Navigate to the DAS2 Manager region.

    The default values in these fields are the name and telephone number of the division contact.

  18. In the Last Name field, enter the last name of the division manager.

  19. In the First Name field, enter the first name of the division manager.

  20. In the Telephone field, enter the business telephone number of the division manager.

  21. Navigate to the Totals tabbed region to view division invoice totals for all consultants.

    The Totals tabbed region displays the total invoiced amount for each consultant tax code for this division (for the current DAS2 year). You can modify these totals in the DAS2 210 Third Parties window. If you change a consultant tax code amount in the DAS2 210 Third Parties window, the corresponding total in this region is automatically updated.

  22. Repeat steps 3 to 22 for each division that you want.

Modifying Consultant Information

Use the DAS2 210 Third Parties window to modify information for a consultant supplier included in the DAS2 declaration. The information you can modify for a consultant includes:

When you update a consultant invoiced amount, Oracle Payables automatically updates the corresponding totals in the DAS2 Company window and DAS2 Divisions window.

Note: Only one user can update consultant tax code amounts at any one time. Oracle Payables locks the company and division amounts as soon as the consultant amount is updated. You should save your work as often as possible when you update the consultant invoiced amounts.

To modify consultant information:

  1. Navigate to the DAS2 Company window.

  2. Navigate to the DAS2 Divisions window by pressing the DAS 20/300 button.

  3. In the Division Name field, query the division that you want.

  4. Navigate to the DAS2 210 Third Parties window by pressing the DAS 210 button.

  5. In the Consultant Company field, query the consultant that you want.

    If the consultant is a company, the Consultant Number field displays the consultant company's SIRET. If the consultant is an individual, the Last Name and First Name fields display the consultant's name.

  6. In the Address on December 31 field, enter the consultant's address as of December 31 if the address has changed between December 31 and the declaration date.

  7. Navigate to the Amounts tabbed region.

    The Amounts tabbed region displays the total invoiced amount for each consultant, for each consultant tax code (for this DAS2 year).

  8. Modify the total invoiced amount for a tax code by entering a new value in the appropriate field.

  9. Navigate to the Breakdown Amounts tabbed region.

    The Breakdown Amounts tabbed region displays the total invoiced amount for three main categories of consultant tax code: Fringe Benefits, Indemnities and Reimbursements, and Withholding Tax.

  10. For each tax code, check the check boxes that contribute to the invoiced amount.

  11. Modify the total invoiced amount for a tax code by entering a new value in the appropriate field.

French DAS2 Type 210 Updates Report

Use the French DAS2 Type 210 Updates report to print the modifications that you made to data in the DAS2 temporary tables.

The French DAS2 Type 210 Updates report prints a list of all changes to DAS2 temporary tables that you made using the DAS2 update windows since the last extract. Changes to the DAS2 temporary tables include:

After you run the French DAS2 Type 210 Updates report, you can compare changes to the French DAS2 Verification report to confirm that the DAS2 tables contain correct information.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the French DAS2 Type 210 Updates report. This report has no parameters.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

French DAS2 Extract File

Use the French DAS2 Extract File to generate the DAS2 electronic file that you submit to the tax authorities. You should only run the French DAS2 Extract File after you have:

You can run the French DAS2 Extract File for a single reporting entity (division) or all reporting entities. You normally run the French DAS2 Extract File for a single reporting entity when you need to prepare a separate DAS2 file for this reporting entity's regional tax authority.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the French DAS2 Extract File.

Report Parameters

Legal Entity

Select a legal entity to indicate the reporting unit. If you leave this field blank, then Oracle Payables produces a DAS2 file for all the legal entities.

Establishment ID

Enter the applicable establishment ID.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

French DAS2 Consultant Letters

Use the French DAS2 Consultant Letters to print letters to all consultants whose income is reported in the DAS2 file for the current year.

The letters describe, for each consultant, the total invoiced amounts and other DAS2 data that was reported to tax authorities for the current year.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the French DAS2 Consultant Letters. This report has no parameters because the report runs all consultants reported for the current year from the DAS2 temporary tables.


Before you run the French DAS2 Consultant Letters, you must:

Report Parameters


Enter the supplier that you want to report for.

Legal Entity

Enter the legal entity that you want to report on.

Report Headings

In this heading Oracle Payables prints
Suppliers Reference The number of the division issuing the payments.
<Supplier Information> The supplier name and address of the site that declared amounts were paid to.
Division The name of the division that paid the declared amounts.
<Location and Date> The division location and date of the letter.
Subject: Declaration of Amount Paid in <Year> The year that the letter applies to.
<Letter Text> Dear Sir/Madame, Please find here the details (in <ledger currency>) of what we report, on our behalf, to the Tax Authorities: Amounts to Report to the Tax Authorities: For more information, please contact <contact name> (Tel. <contact information>).
<Closing> Sincerely, <name> Financial Director

Row Headings

In this row Oracle Payables prints
<Amounts Paid> Any amounts paid in these fiscal categories:
  • Fees

  • Commissions

  • Brokerage Fees

  • Rebates

  • Director's Fees

  • Royalties

  • Inventor's Fees

  • Other

  • Fringe Benefits

  • Indemnities and Reimbursements

  • Net VAT on Royalties

  • Withholding Tax

Total (VAT included) The total payment including VAT
Total income The total payment including VAT
Contribution Tax amounts such as net VAT on royalties and withholding tax
Total Taxable Income The total income minus the contribution

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Italian E-Filing

This section includes Italian E-Filing of Payables Invoices.

Italian E-Filing of Payables Invoices

Effective February 2020, the Italian tax authority extended the receivables e-invoicing technical specifications to include certain payables invoices, which allows the tax authority to provide companies with draft tax settlement reports. You can perform reporting, such as intra-EU purchases of goods, import of goods, and purchases of services abroad, with the existing Esterometro Listing or by the e-filing of invoices.

The following types of invoices must be submitted to the tax authority hub, Sistema di Intercambio (SdI) in the existing FatturaPA format:

Use list of values in the Invoice Workbench in Oracle Payables to categorize your invoices:

The required country-specific Italian FatturaPA template is common to Oracle Receivables and Oracle Payables.

Flexfield for Concurrent Programs

You must use the Efiling Invoice Status in the global descriptive flexfield segment in the Oracle Payables Invoice header.

Concurrent Programs

You must run two concurrent programs to support this requirement:

Spanish Withholding

Spanish Withholding Tax Data Extract (Modelo 190)

The Spanish Withholding Tax Data Extract (190) is a process that gathers withholding tax transactions from Oracle Payables and stores these transactions in the interface table JE_ES_MODELO_190_ALL.

Two reports use this interface table to report withholding tax transactions:

The data extract process is used in two ways:

  1. Hard copy report for the data extract

  2. Magnetic format for the data extract

Hard Copy Use of Data Extract

The Spanish Withholding Tax Data Extract (Modelo 190) is automatically submitted as a Standard Request Submission program when you submit the hard copy report. The logfile for the hard copy report lists the concurrent request ID of the Spanish Withholding Tax Data Extract (Modelo 190).

The hard copy report waits until the data extract completes before reporting on the transactions it stores.

Magnetic Format Use of Data Extract

You must submit the Spanish Withholding Tax Data Extract (Modelo 190) prior to running the magnetic report. The data extract stores withholding tax transactions in the JE_ES_MODELO_190_ALL table in a format that the magnetic report uses.

Each time the Spanish Withholding Tax Data Extract (Modelo 190) is manually submitted, the data extract overwrites the previous transactions from any previous submission.


Legal Entity

Select the applicable legal entity to indicate the reporting unit.

Selection Criteria

Select one of the following values:

Date From

Enter the first invoice date that you want to report from. The default is the first day of the year. The date is applied to the invoice distribution date or payment date.

Date To

Enter the last invoice date that you want to report to. The default is today's date. The date is applied to the invoice distribution date or payment date.


Enter a valid supplier's name.

Withholding Tax Regime

Select a withholding tax regime:

For these values to be displayed, you must first define withholding tax codes with appropriate VAT transaction types.

Data Extract Output

The output from the Spanish Withholding Tax Data Extract (Modelo 190) indicates how many transactions are inserted into the table JE_ES_MODELO_190_ALL.

Spanish Withholding Tax Report

Use the Spanish Withholding Tax report to provide withholding information on your transactions. The report can be summarized by supplier or detailed by invoice.

The Spanish Withholding Tax report is available in two formats:

The Spanish Withholding Tax report lists only invoices that are posted to General Ledger. If you enter invoices with more than one withholding tax group, the Spanish Withholding Tax report may not produce correct information.

The report also lists prepayments. If prepayment is applied to an invoice on a date other than the invoice accounting date, the report displays the prepayment application as a negative amount with the prepayment application date.

When you run the report with the Selection Criteria parameter set to Payment Date, the payment amount is prorated across the discount amount, invoice line amount, and invoice withholding tax amount using these formulas:

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Spanish Withholding Tax report.

Report Parameters

Legal Entity

Select the applicable legal entity to indicate the reporting unit.

Selection Criteria

Select one of these values:

Summary Report

Select one of these values:

Date From

Enter the first invoice date that you want to report from. The default is the first day of the year. The date is applied to the invoice distribution General Ledger date or payment date.

Date To

Enter the last invoice date that you want to report to. The default is today's date. The date is applied to the invoice distribution General Ledger date or payment date.

Supplier Name

Enter a valid supplier name.

Withholding Tax Regime

Select a withholding tax regime:

To display these values, you must first define withholding tax codes with appropriate VAT transaction types.

Report Headings

Detailed Report

In this heading Oracle Payables prints
<Ledger> The ledger name
<Report Title> Withholding Tax by <Selection Criteria> - Detailed Report
Report Date The current date
Page The current page
Date From The General Ledger or payment date from, depending on the type of report that is run
To The General Ledger or payment date to, depending on the type of report that is run
Supplier The supplier that you entered in the Supplier Name parameter
Tax Code The tax code and tax rate for the invoice distribution lines on the current page
Supplier The supplier name
Fiscal Code The supplier taxpayer ID
Legal Address The legal address for the supplier

Summary Report

In this heading Oracle Payables prints
<Ledger> The ledger name
<Report Title> Withholding Tax by <Selection Criteria> - Summary Report
Report Date The current date
Page The current page
Date From The General Ledger or payment date from, depending on the type of report that is run
To The General Ledger or payment date to, depending on the type of report that is run
Supplier The supplier that you entered in the Supplier Name parameter
Tax Code The tax code and tax rate for the invoice distribution lines on the current page

Column Headings

Detailed Report

In this column Oracle Payables prints
Invoice Number The invoice number
Sequence Number The invoice payment document sequence number
Invoice Date The invoice date
GL Date or Payment Date The invoice General Ledger date or payment date depending on the type of report that is run
Net Amount The net amount for the invoice
Tax Rate The tax rate for the invoice distribution lines on the current page
Tax Amount The withholding tax amount for the invoice

Summary Report

In this column Oracle Payables prints
Supplier Name Supplier name
Fiscal Code Supplier taxpayer ID
Postal Code Postal code for the supplier's legal address
Town or City Town or city from the Supplier Site address
Net Amount Net amount
Tax Rate Tax rate for the invoice distribution lines on the current page
Tax Amount Withholding tax amount

Row Headings

Detailed Report

In this column Oracle Payables prints
<Supplier Name> Supplier Total The net and withholding tax amount totals for the supplier
Total for Tax Code <Tax Code> The net and withholding tax amount totals for the withholding tax code
Report Total The net and withholding tax amount totals for the report

Summary Report

In this column Oracle Payables prints
Total for Tax Code <Tax Code> The net and withholding tax amount totals for the withholding tax code
Number of Suppliers The total number of suppliers on the report
Report Total The net and withholding tax amount totals for the report

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Spanish Withholding Tax Magnetic Format (Modelo 190)

Populate the interface table with Oracle Payables transactions to generate a Spanish Withholding Tax Magnetic Format (Modelo 190). You must run the Spanish Withholding Tax Data Extract (Modelo 190) from the Standard Request Submission windows.

Once the interface table is populated, you can run the Spanish Withholding Tax Magnetic Format (Modelo 190). The Spanish Withholding Tax Magnetic Format (Modelo 190) takes the form of a flat file.

Only one user can run the Spanish Withholding Tax Data Extract (Modelo 190) at a time. Each time the Spanish Withholding Tax Data Extract (Modelo 190) is run, the Oracle Payables transaction data is overwritten.

The Spanish Withholding Tax Magnetic Format (Modelo 190) also reports any external withholding tax transactions entered via the Open Interface.

For more information about file content, see Spanish Withholding Tax Magnetic Format (Modelo 190) Content.

Note: If you enter invoices with more than one withholding tax group, the Spanish Withholding Tax Magnetic Format (Modelo 190) may not produce your expected results.

Report Parameters

Legal Entity

Select the applicable legal entity to indicate the reporting unit.


Enter a valid year.


Enter the delivery medium:

Contact Name

Enter the contact person's name.

Contact Phone Num

Enter the contact person's phone number.

Reference Number

Enter the reference number that the tax authority uses to identify the file. The reference number appears in Record Type 1 of the magnetic format and must appear also on a summary page that accompanies your declaration.

Previous Reference Number

If you are submitting a complementary or substitute declaration, enter the reference number of the previous declaration.

Spanish Withholding Tax Magnetic Format (Modelo 190) - Legal Changes 2015


The Spanish Withholding Tax Magnetic Format (Modelo 190) is a legal report that reports withholding tax transactions entered in Oracle Payables. It also reports any external withholding tax transactions entered via the Open Interface.

There are changes related to this reporting process effective from January 1, 2016, and applicable to data entered as of January 1, 2015.

The first submission date was January 1, 2016, for the withholding data belonging to calendar year 2015. The next submission date will be January 31, 2017.

Additional Information: An undetermined grace period is foreseen for those taxpayers that cannot make the January 31 submission date, given the little lead time that has been provided by the tax authorities for companies to implement this legislative change.

Requirements Addressed

  1. Change to existing Perception Subkey Value, for Key A

  2. Modifications to the file format and layout:

    • Formatting changes to the first block of fields (Record Type 2, positions 1 - 152)

    • New fields and positions in the Additional Data Block (Record Type 2, positions 153 - 500)

  3. Replace the field Family Situation with the field Geographic Mobility - Accepted in 2014

Solution Overview


The interface process (example: JE_ES_WHTAX.INS_TRANS api) was changed with the addition of new parameters that will ultimately insert their content into new fields added to the JE_ES_MODELO_190_ALL table.

Additional Information: The parameters listed below were added as part of this project.

Name Type Direction Description
P_GEOGRAPHIC_MOBILITY_2014 VARCHAR2 In Geographic mobility accepted in 2014
P_DESCENDANT_LT_3_ATTRIB NUMBER In Under three years old and completely attributed
P_DESC_OTHER_CHILDREN_ATT NUMBER In Rest of children completely attributed
P_DISABLE_DESC_BT_33_65_ATT NUMBER In Descendants with disability between 33% and 65% fully attributed
P_DISABLE_DESC_BT_33_65_RED NUMBER In Descendants with disability between 33% and 65% with reduced mobility
P_DIS_DESC_BT_33_65_ATT_RED NUMBER In Descendants with disability between 33% and 65% fully attributed with reduced mobility
P_DISABLE_DESC_GT_65_ATT NUMBER In Descendants with disability above 65% fully attributed
P_ASCENDANT_LT_75 NUMBER In Ascendants under 75 years
P_ASCENDANT_LT_75_ATT NUMBER In Ascendants under 75 years fully attributed
P_ASCENDANT_GT_75 NUMBER In Ascendants above 75 years
P_ASCENDANT_GT_75_ATT NUMBER In Ascendants above 75 years fully attributed
P_DISABLE_ASCEN_BT_33_65 NUMBER In Ascendants with disability between 33% and 65%
P_DISABLE_ASCEN_BT_33_65_ATT NUMBER In Ascendants with disability between 33% and 65%, fully attributed
P_DISABLE_ASCEN_BT_33_65_RED NUMBER In Ascendants with disability between 33% and 65% with reduced mobility
P_DIS_ASCEN_BT_33_65_ATT_RED NUMBER In Ascendants with disability between 33% and 65% with reduced mobility and fully attributed
P_DISABLE_ASCEN_GT_65 NUMBER In Number of ascendants with disability above 65%
P_DISABLE_ASCEN_GT_65_ATT NUMBER In Number of ascendants with disability above 65%, fully attributed
P_CHILD_1_CALCULATION VARCHAR2 In Child 1 fully or partially attributed
P_CHILD_2_ CALCULATION VARCHAR2 In Child 2 fully or partially attributed
P_CHILD_3_ CALCULATION VARCHAR2 In Child 3 fully or partially attributed
P_RESIDENCE_LOAN_COMM VARCHAR2 In Communication loans for residence

Changed Reports

Spanish Operations Spanish Withholding Tax Data Extract (190)

The logic that defaults Key A and Subkey 00 has changed. It now defaults Subkey 01, instead.

Spanish Withholding Tax Magnetic Format (Modelo 190)

Modifications to the File Format and Layout:

  1. Formatting changes to the first block of fields (Record Type 2, Positions 1 - 152)

  2. New fields and positions in the Additional Data Block (Record Type 2, Positions 153 - 500), outlined in bold in the table.

    1. The additional data block (only populated by incoming data to the interface table) commences on positions 153 - 254.

    2. Positions 255 - 500 are filled with blank spaces.

    3. Positions 168, 169 and 170 have also changed.

Additional Information: The table below illustrates the changes applied to the Spanish Modelo 190's Record Type 2 - Perceptor Record.

Field Starting Position Length Ending Position
SUBKEY 79 2 80
VALUATION 109 13 121
YEAR OF BIRTH 153 4 156
DISABILITY 167 1 167
ASCENDENTS 241 4 244
<BLANK SPACES> 255 246 500

Additional Information: Refer to Appendix II for complete details about Record Type 2, including field description, position, data type and expected values.

Country Withholding Reports

Israeli Withholding Tax Detail/Summary Report

Use the Israeli Withholding Tax Detail/Summary report to prepare a summarized and detailed report to the tax authorities on withholding tax and income tax activities. This report shows the total payments before withholding tax, withholding tax deducted from payments to the vendors, and the number of vendors that had withholding tax deducted.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Israeli Withholding Tax Detail/Summary report.


Before running this report, complete the following tasks:

Note: Ensure that you complete these prerequisites for all the Israeli withholding tax reports.

Report Parameters

From Period

Enter the start date of the tax reporting period.

To Period

Enter the end date of the tax reporting period.


Select Summary to display the total tax liability for each vendor and Detail to display the tax liability for each transaction for each vendor and vendor site.

Vendor Type

Select the type of vendor to report for.


Select the ledger associated with the legal entity.

Legal Entity

Select the applicable legal entity to indicate the reporting unit.

Order By

Select the sort order to display the report details.

Information Level

Select the information level to display report details based on the vendor site or vendor descriptive flexfield..

Report Headings

In this column Oracle Payables prints
Report Logo The report's logo.
Report Title The report's title.
Report Run Date The date you run the report on.
Page Number The report page number in the Page X of Y format.

Column Headings

Detailed Report
In this column Oracle Payables prints
Vendor Number The vendor sequence number.
Vendor Name The vendor's name.
Taxpayer ID The tax payer ID of the reported vendor.
Site The vendor's site code and sequence number.
Check Number The vendor's payment number.
Payment Type The type of payment.
Payment Date The check date.
Gross Amount The payment gross amount.
Withholding Amount The withholding tax amount.
Rate Percent The withholding tax amount divided by the gross tax amount.
Total Per Site The total gross tax amount for each site.
Total Per Site The total withholding tax amount for each site.
Total Per Vendor The total gross tax amount for each vendor.
Total Per Vendor The total withholding tax amount for each vendor.
Total Per Report The total gross tax amount for each report.
Total Per Report The total withholding tax amount for each report.
Summary Report
In this column Oracle Payables prints
Vendor Number The vendor sequence number.
Vendor Name The vendor's name.
Tax Payer ID The tax payer ID of the reported vendor.
Site The vendor's site code and sequence number.
Gross Amount Total payments gross amount for the supplier.
Withholding Amount Total withholding tax amount for the supplier site.
Rate Percent The withholding tax amount divided by the gross tax amount.
Balance The total liability for each vendor site.
Total Per Report The total gross payment amount for each report.
Total Per Report The total withholding tax amount for each report.
Total Per Report The total tax liability amount for each report.
Number of Reported Vendors The number of reported vendors.
Number of Reported Lines The number of reported transactions.

Israeli Withholding Tax File to the Tax Authority

Use the Israeli Withholding Tax File to the Tax Authority report to prepare an ASCII file for submitting the annual withholding tax file to the tax authorities (form 856). The text file lists the withheld tax amounts for each vendor for the selected reporting period. Additionally, the file contains the vendors' personal details and the total amounts on their transactions including payments, withholding tax amounts, and liabilities.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Israeli Withholding Tax File to the Tax Authority report.

To copy the output to a file, do the following:

Report Parameters

From Period

Enter the start date of the tax reporting period.

To Period

Enter the end date of the tax reporting period.


Select the ledger associated with the legal entity.

Legal Entity

Select the applicable legal entity to indicate the reporting unit.

Vendor Type

Select the type of vendor to report for.

Information Level

Select the information level to display report details based on the vendor site or vendor descriptive flexfield.

Existing Manual Report

Select the applicable option to indicate whether a manual report exists or does not exist.

Complementary Report Exists

Select the applicable option to indicate whether a manual or electronic complementary report exists.

Payer Position

Select the applicable option to indicate the payer's employment position.

Supplier Type

Enter the Organization Type and Withholding Tax Report Group of the supplier.

Foreign Suppliers Total Payments Paid by Bank

Enter the sum of payments for suppliers whose Withholding Tax Report Group is set to 08 (Payment for Foreign Company, Withholding Tax by Bank).

Israeli Withholding Tax Reconciliation Report

Use the Israeli Withholding Tax Reconciliation report to review all payments and related withholding tax transactions for vendors and vendor sites for the selected reporting period.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Israeli Withholding Tax Reconciliation report.

Report Parameters

From Period

Enter the start date of the tax reporting period.

To Period

Enter the end date of the tax reporting period.


Select the ledger associated with the legal entity.

Legal Entity

Select the applicable legal entity to indicate the reporting unit.

Vendor Name

Select the applicable vendor's name.

Vendor Site

Select the applicable vendor's site.

Vendor Type

Select the type of vendor to report for.

Order By

Select the sort order to display the report details.

Information Level

Select the information level to display report details based on the vendor site or vendor descriptive flexfield.

Report Headings

In this column Oracle Payables prints
Report Logo The report's logo.
Report Title The report's title.
Report Run Date The date you run the report on.
Page Number The report page number in the Page X of Y format.

Column Headings

In this column Oracle Payables prints
Vendor Number The vendor sequence number.
Vendor Name The vendor's name.
Site The vendor's site code and sequence number.
Tax Name The name of the tax.
Taxpayer ID The tax payer ID of the reported vendor.
Tax Name The tax group assigned to the vendor site.
Certificate From The starting date for the withholding tax certificate for the vendor site.
Certificate To The ending date for the withholding tax certificate for the vendor site.
Tax Rate The percentage of the withholding tax.
Tax Name The name of the tax.
Comments The comments, if available.
Payment Number The vendor payment number.
Payment Type The type of payment.
Payment Date The payment date.
Payment Amount The payment net amount.
Gross Amount The payment gross amount.
Type The tax type.
Withholding Amount The withholding tax amount.
Tax Group The tax group.
Rate Percent The withholding tax amount divided by the gross tax amount.
Total Per Site The total payment net amount for each site.
Total Per Site The total gross payment amount for each site.
Total Per Site The total withholding tax amount for each site.
Total Per Vendor The total payment net amount for each vendor.
Total Per Vendor The total gross payment amount for each vendor.
Total Per Vendor The total withholding tax amount for each vendor.
Total Per Report The total payment net amount for each report.
Total Per Report The total gross payment amount for each report.
Total Per Report The total withholding tax amount for each report.

Israeli Withholding Tax Annual Certificate to Vendors Report

Use the Israeli Withholding Tax Annual Certificate to Vendors report to prepare an annual certificate to vendors on withheld amounts for the total payments registered by each vendor during the selected reporting period. The certificate summarizes the vendor's transactions with the entity issuing the certificate.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Israeli Withholding Tax Annual Certificate to Vendors report.

Report Parameters


Enter the fiscal year.

From Period

Enter the start date of the tax reporting period.

To Period

Enter the end date of the tax reporting period.


Select the ledger associated with the legal entity.

Legal Entity

Select the applicable legal entity to indicate the reporting unit.

Include WHT = 0

Select Yes to display the transactions with withholding tax amount equal to zero.

Vendor Type

Select the type of vendor to report for.

From Supplier Number

Select the supplier number to start the report with.

To Supplier Number

Select the supplier number to report till.

Information Level

Select the information level to display report details based on the vendor site or vendor descriptive flexfield.

Name Level

Specify how you want the report to display the vendor's name.

Report Headings

In this column Oracle Payables prints
Reporting Year The fiscal year.
From Date The start date of the tax reporting period.
To Date The end date of the tax reporting period.

Israel Withholding Tax File - Legal Changes


Per legislative amendments of the Income Tax Ordinance published on January 16 2012, the Withholding Tax File - 856 was updated for 2012 reporting, effective end of March 2012.

In summary, rows 60, 70 and 80 of the Israeli Withholding Tax File to Tax Authority were changed.

As per legislative amendments of the Income Tax Ordinance, the Withholding Tax File - 856 was updated for 2015 reporting, effective the end of March 2016.

In summary, the row 80 of the Israeli Withholding Tax File to Tax Authority was changed.

Israeli Withholding Tax File to Tax Authorities Report Updates

There are no parameter changes to the Israeli Withholding Tax File to Tax Authorities Report. The only changes are described below.

Legal Changes 2012

Row 60 - Changes to the Total Income Tax Withheld column
Position Length Description Logic Change
108-116 A (9) Total Income Tax Withheld If Supplier/Supplier Site Withholding Tax Report Group is equal to 08 (Payment for Foreign Company, Withholding Tax by Bank) and the Organization Type is equal to either 9,92 or 93 (Foreign Company), then the Withholding Amount Paid by Bank will be considered as ZERO amount for the derivation of this report column.
Row 70 - Changes to the Total Tax Withheld column
Position Length Description Logic Change
114-123 A (10) Total Tax Withheld If Supplier/Supplier Site Withholding Tax Report Group is equal to 08 (Payment for Foreign Company, Withholding Tax by Bank) and the Organization Type is equal to either 9,92 or 93 (Foreign Company), then the Withholding Amount Paid by Bank will be considered as ZERO amount for the derivation of this report column.
Row 80 - Changes to the Total Withholding Tax column
Position Length Description Logic Change
36-47 N (12) Tax Withholding If Supplier/Supplier Site Withholding Tax Report Group is equal to 08 (Payment for Foreign Company, Withholding Tax by Bank) and the Organization Type is equal to either 9,92 or 93 (Foreign Company), then the Withholding Amount Paid by Bank will be considered as ZERO amount for the derivation of this report column.

Legal Changes 2015

Row 80 - Changes to the Total Withholding Tax column
Position Length Description Logic Change
24-35 N (12) Total Payments Without Dividends Total Payments without Dividends = Total Payments per period - Total Dividends Payments per period *
36-47 N (12) Tax Withholding Tax Without Dividends Total Withholding Tax without Dividends = Total Withholding Tax per period - Total Dividends Withholding per period *
60-71 N (12) Total Dividends Payments per period If Supplier/Supplier Site Withholding Tax Report Group is equal to 18 (Dividend Payment), then summarize the total payments for the specific suppliers per period .*
72-83 N (12) Total Dividends Withholding per period If Supplier/Supplier Site Withholding Tax Report Group is equal to 18 (Dividend Payment), then summarize the total withholding tax amounts for the specific suppliers per period .*

Example of Invoices and Payments vs. Expected Reporting Output

Supplier XYZ has two sites:



Withholding Text File

The supplier will have two lines for each site (standard functionality).

In line Type 80 for Jan:

Italian Payables Withholding Tax Letter

Use the Italian Payables Withholding Tax Letter to print a letter that confirms tax amounts that are withheld on invoices that are partially or fully paid within a calendar year. You must send a letter to every supplier that you withheld tax from within a calendar year, as well as a separate letter to each supplier site.

The Italian Payables Withholding Tax Letter displays the amount of withholding tax for each withholding tax rate applied to the invoices, along with the net amount that was paid for these invoices. The letter shows both the withheld amounts paid to the IRPEF (Imposta sui Redditi delle Persone Fisiche) withholding tax authority and the amounts paid to the INPS (Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale) social security fees tax authority. The Italian Payables Withholding Tax Letter prints all amounts in the set of book's ledger currency regardless of the invoice currency.

The Italian Payables Withholding Tax Letter does not focus on VAT. The letter does include VAT amounts in the gross and net payment amounts but not in the exempt, taxable, withheld, or withheld social security fee amounts.

The text of the letter varies if the supplier is an individual or a company. If you do not enter additional information for a supplier who is an individual, the Italian Payables Withholding Tax Letter prints the company text for that supplier.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Italian Payables Withholding Tax Letter.


Before you use the Italian Payables Withholding Tax Letter, you must enter additional information for suppliers who are individuals.

Report Parameters

Legal Entity

Enter the First Party Legal Entity you want to report on.


Enter the year that you want to report on. The Italian Payables Withholding Tax Letter prints invoices with a payment date between January 1 and December 31 of this year. You can report on a year even if the December period is still open.

Supplier Name From

Enter the first supplier name that you want to report from.

Supplier Name To

Enter the last supplier name that you want to report to.

Report Headings

In this heading Oracle Payables prints
Page The current and total page numbers
<Supplier Information> Dear (if to an individual) or To (if to a company) and the supplier name and address
Subject Withholding Tax
Year The year that you entered in the Year parameter
Date The date that the letter is printed

Column Headings

In this column Oracle Payables prints
Invoice Number The invoice number
Gross Payment The original, gross payment amount
Exempt Amount The amount exempt from tax
Taxable Amount The taxable amount
Rate The withholding rate for the withholding tax but not for the social security fees
Amount Withheld The amount withheld, which is the taxable amount multiplied by the rate
Net Amount Paid The net amount paid after deducting the withheld amount and the withheld social security fees from the gross payment
Social Security Withheld The withheld social security fees

Row Headings

In this row Oracle Payables prints
<Letter Text>
  • For suppliers who are individuals - In accordance with article 7 bis of D.P.R. 600/1973 and subsequent amendments, we certify having paid <supplier name>, born in <place of birth> on <birth date> and living in <city> at <address lines> - taxpayer ID <taxpayer ID> and VAT number <tax registration number>, these amounts:

  • For suppliers that are companies - In accordance with article 7 bis of D.P.R. 600/1973 and subsequent amendments, we certify having paid <Supplier Name> - VAT number <Tax Registration Number>, these amounts:

Page Total The page totals
Totals The totals for the letter
Reasons The withholding tax information, including the tax code description, the tax code total amount, and the ledger currency. The withheld social security fees are not included.
<Closing Text> The overall withheld tax amount of <total withholding tax amount> <currency> was paid to the proper tax authority according to current law.
Kind regards,

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Annual Withholding Extract for Italy

The annual withholding declaration is a legal requirement in Italy. All legal entries must complete the fiscal template according to the specifications of the Italian fiscal authority. The template requires specific information regarding withholding.

The Italy: Withholding Yearly Extract report meets all the Italian fiscal requirements. The report enables Italian customers to build their withholding yearly declaration.

The report includes an annual report listing for each legal entity, the withholding tax, and the tax identification information related to partially or fully paid payables transactions. The report is consistent with the information listed on Italian withholding tax letters.

The following requirements apply to this report:

Italy: Withholding Yearly Extract Report

Use the Italy: Withholding Yearly Extract Report to provide withholding information on your transactions. The report provides information to meet all Italian withholding requirements, and includes additional information such as summary details related to social security rate, withholding tax rate, and supplier identification information for all the suppliers.

Note: The 'Exempt Amount' would be picked only for invoices with withholding tax_rate = 0.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Italy: Withholding Yearly Extract Report. Add the Italian Withholding Yearly Extract report to the request group.


Before the Italy: Withholding Yearly Extract Report can be run, the following tasks must be completed in Oracle Payables:

Greek Turnover

Defining Turnover Exclusion Rules

Use the Define Turnover Exclusion Rules window to define and maintain exclusion rules. Exclusion rules let you specify the supplier type/customer class, invoice/transaction types, or invoice/transaction distribution line types that you want to exclude from your Payables and Receivables turnover reporting.

For example, if you want to report on the accumulated purchases from all suppliers except suppliers that are designated as a No Tax Recovery supplier type, complete these steps:

  1. Define an exclusion rule that excludes the No Tax Recovery supplier type from your turnover reporting.

  2. Enter the rule in the Exclusion Rule Name parameter field when you submit the Greek Payables Supplier Turnover Report Set. Oracle Payables considers all suppliers for inclusion in the Greek Payables Supplier Turnover Listing and File Format, except suppliers with the No Tax Recovery supplier type.

    Note: The Greek Payables Supplier Turnover Listing/File Format and the Greek Receivables Customer Turnover Listing/File Format display public sector companies as a single line. If you define a Payables or Receivables exclusion rule for the public sector company supplier type/customer class, all public sector companies are excluded from your Payables or Receivables turnover reporting.

See Greek Payables Supplier Turnover Listing and File Format and Greek Receivables Customer Turnover Listing and File Format for more information.

To define turnover exclusion rules:

  1. Navigate to the Define Turnover Exclusion Rules window.

  2. In the Rule Name field, enter a unique rule name for the rule that you want to define.

  3. In the Description field, enter a description of the rule that you want to define.

  4. Check the Enabled check box.

  5. Navigate to the Rule Lines region to define specific rule line types that you want to create an exclusion rule for.

    Note: If you define an exclusion rule with no lines, all transactions are extracted in the turnover reporting process for this particular rule.

  6. In the Group Type field, from the list of values, select the lookup type (supplier type/customer class, invoice/transaction type, or invoice/transaction distribution line type) that you want to exclude from your turnover reporting with this rule.

  7. In the Name field, from the list of values, select the lookup code that you want to exclude for this rule.

    Lookup code selections that exist in the list of values are dependent on the entry that you make in the Group Type field.

    The Description field is automatically populated with a description of the lookup code that you enter in the Name field.

  8. Check the Excluded check box to exclude this rule line type from the turnover reporting process.

    If you do not check the Excluded check box, the rule line type is considered for inclusion in the turnover reporting process.

Greek Payables Supplier Turnover Listing and File Format

Use the Greek Payables Supplier Turnover Listing and Greek Payables Supplier Turnover File Format to report on the turnover (purchase accumulation) of your suppliers. You run the Greek Payables Supplier Turnover Listing and File Format together as part of the Greek Payables Supplier Turnover Report Set.

The Greek Payables Supplier Turnover Listing and File Format show the total number of purchase invoices for each supplier during a specified period. You can specify which supplier types, invoice types, and invoice distribution line types that you want to report on by selecting a turnover exclusion rule when you submit the report set.

Public sector companies are displayed in summary form on a single line. You specify whether a supplier is a public sector company at the supplier level.

You must submit the Greek Payables Supplier Turnover File Format to the Greek tax authorities annually.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Greek Supplier Turnover Report Set.


Before you submit the Greek Payables Supplier Turnover Report Set, you must:

Report Parameters

Application Short Name

Select the applicable application short name. The default short name is JE.

Period From

Enter the period date that you want to report from.

Period To

Enter the period date that you want to report to.

Note: The period start and end dates that you enter must fall within the same calendar year.

Name/Number Range

Enter Number or Name to specify the range type that you want Oracle Payables to use to extract information for your turnover reports.

If you enter Number, further define the number range by entering the start and end values in the Supplier Number From and To fields.

If you enter Name, further define the name range by entering the start and end values in the Supplier Name From and To fields.

Supplier Name From

Enter the name that begins the supplier range that you want to report accumulated purchases for. The default is the first supplier name in your supplier list.

Supplier Name To

Enter the name that ends the supplier range that you want to report accumulated purchases for. The default is the last supplier name in your supplier list.

Supplier Number From

Enter the number that begins the supplier range that you want to report accumulated purchases for. The default is the first supplier number in your supplier list.

Supplier Number To

Enter the number that ends the supplier range that you want to report accumulated purchases for. The default is the last supplier number in your supplier list.

Invoice Currency Code

Enter the currency code that you want to report supplier purchases in.

If you enter a currency code, only transactions that were entered in the currency code that you specify are reported. Transaction amounts are displayed in the ledger currency.

If you leave this field blank, all transactions are reported. Transaction amounts are displayed in the ledger currency.

Invoice Amount Limit

Enter the minimum invoice amount that is included in the turnover reports.

Invoice Amount Type

Enter the amount type (positive or negative) of the purchase invoices that you want to report on. The amount type that you enter in this field also modifies the minimum invoice amount that you enter in the Invoice Amount Limit field.

Use this field to submit a positive balance listing as well as a negative balance listing. Greek tax authorities require that you submit both listing types on an annual basis.

Exclusion Rule Name

Enter the exclusion rule that Oracle Payables should use to determine which supplier purchases are included in this report.

Report Headings

In this heading Oracle Payables prints
<Report Title> Greek Payables Supplier Turnover Listing
<Balance Status> Positive Balance or Negative Balance
Ledger The name of the reporting currency
Period From The period start date that you specified
Period To The period end date that you specified
Report Date The date the report was run
Page The current and total page numbers

Column Headings

In this column Oracle Payables prints
Serial Num A number to track the number of suppliers reported
Supplier Name The supplier's name
Taxpayer ID The supplier's taxpayer ID
Profession The supplier's profession
City The supplier's address - city
Street The supplier's address - street
Num The supplier's address - street number
Postal Code The supplier's address - postal code
Num of Invoices The total number of the supplier's invoices for the period that you specified
Total Amount for Invoices The total value of the supplier's invoices for the period that you specified

Row Headings

In this row Oracle Payables prints
Invoice Total The sum of the invoice amounts for purchases from all suppliers (except public sector purchases)
Purchases from Public Sector Companies The sum of the invoice amounts for all public sector purchases
Report Total The sum of the invoice amounts for purchases from all suppliers (including public sector purchases)

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Greek Receivables Customer Turnover Listing and File Format

Use the Greek Receivables Customer Turnover Listing and Greek Receivables Customer Turnover File Format to report on the sales turnover (sales accumulation) of your customers. You run the Greek Receivables Customer Turnover Listing and File Format together as part of the Greek Receivables Customer Turnover Report Set.

The Greek Receivables Customer Turnover Listing and File Format show the total number of sales invoices for each customer during a specified period. You can specify which customer types, transaction types, and transaction distribution line types that you want to report on by selecting a turnover exclusion rule when you submit the report set.

Public sector companies are displayed in summary form on a single line. You specify whether a customer is a public sector company at the customer level.

You must submit the Greek Receivables Customer Turnover File Format to the Greek tax authorities annually.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Greek Receivables Customer Turnover Report Set.


Before you submit the Greek Receivables Customer Turnover Report Set, you must:

Report Parameters

Application Short Name

Select the applicable application short name. The default short name is JE.

Period From

Enter the period date that you want to report from.

Period To

Enter the period date that you want to report to.

Note: The period start and end dates that you enter must fall within the same calendar year.

Name/ Number Range

Enter Number or Name to specify the range type that you want Oracle Receivables to use to extract information for your turnover reports.

If you enter Number, further define the number range by entering the start and end values in the Customer Number From and To fields.

If you enter Name, further define the name range by entering the start and end values in the Customer Name From and To fields.

Customer Name From

Enter the name that begins the customer range that you want to report accumulated sales for. The default is the first customer name in your customer list.

Customer Name To

Enter the name that ends the customer range that you want to report accumulated sales for. The default is the last customer name in your customer list.

Customer Number From

Enter the number that begins the customer range that you want to report accumulated sales for. The default is the first customer number in your customer list.

Customer Number To

Enter the number that ends the customer range that you want to report accumulated sales for. The default is the last customer number in your customer list.

Transaction Currency Code

Enter the currency code that you want to report customer sales in.

If you enter a currency code, only transactions that were entered in the currency code that you specify are reported. Transaction amounts are displayed in the ledger currency.

If you leave this field blank, all transactions are reported. Transaction amounts are displayed in the ledger currency.

Transaction Amount Lower Limit

Enter the minimum invoice amount that is included in the turnover reports.

Transaction Amount Type

Enter the amount type (positive or negative) of the sales invoices that you want to report on. The amount type that you enter in this field also modifies the minimum invoice amount that you enter in the Transaction Amount Lower Limit field.

Use this field to submit a positive balance listing as well as a negative balance listing. Greek tax authorities require that you submit both listing types on an annual basis.

Legal Entity

Select the applicable legal entity to indicate the reporting unit.

Exclusion Rule Name

Enter the exclusion rule that Oracle Receivables should use to determine which customer transactions are included in this report.

Report Headings

In this heading... Oracle Receivables prints...
<Report Title> Greek Receivables Customer Turnover Listing
<Balance Status> Positive Balance or Negative Balance
Ledger The name of the reporting ledger
Period From The period start date that you specified
Period To The period end date that you specified
Report Date The date the report was run
Page The current and total page numbers

Column Headings

In this column... Oracle Receivables prints...
Serial Num A number to track the number of customers reported
Customer Name The customer's name
Taxpayer ID The customer's taxpayer ID
Profession The customer's profession
City The customer's address - city
Street The customer's address - street
Num The customer's address - street number
Postal Code The customer's address - postal code
Num of Invoices The total number of the customer's invoices for the period that you specified
Total Amount for Invoices The total value of the customer's invoices for the period that you specified

Row Headings

In this row... Oracle Receivables prints...
Invoice Total The sum of the invoice amounts for sales to all customers (except public sector sales)
Sales to Public Sector Companies The sum of the invoice amounts for all public sector sales
Report Total The sum of the invoice amounts for sales to all customers (including public sector sales)

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Country Payables Reports

Regional Cash Requirement Report

Use the Regional Cash Requirement report before you begin to pay invoices. The report shows unpaid invoices due on or before a specific date, grouped by payment group and payment currency.

The Regional Cash Requirement report shows:

The report orders invoices in four ways:

The Regional Cash Requirement report supports these report formats:

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Regional Cash Requirement report.


Before submitting the Regional Cash Requirement report, you must:

Report Parameters

Reporting Level

Enter Operating Unit to set operating unit as the reporting level, else enterLedger to set ledger as the reporting level. The default value is Operating Unit.

Reporting Context

Enter the reporting context which is an entity in the selected reporting level. This includes ledger names, or operating units and depends on the reporting level.

Summarize all OU

Enter No to not summarize for all the operating units, else enter Yes. The default value is No.

Report Format

Enter report format or formats for this report. This table shows what is printed for each format.

If you select this format... Oracle Payables displays...
Account Liability Account Summary Report
Account and Currency Account and Currency Summary Report
All Reports All Summary Reports and Invoice Detail Report
All Summary Reports Account, Currency, and Supplier Summary Reports
Currency Currency Summary Report
Invoice Invoice Detail Report
Supplier Supplier Summary Report
Currency and Pay Group Currency and Pay Group Reports

Pay Group

Enter the payment group. If you leave this parameter blank, Oracle Payables displays all pay groups.


Enter the payment currency. If you leave this parameter blank, the report displays all currencies.

Supplier Name

Enter the supplier name. If you leave this parameter blank, the report displays all suppliers.

As of Date

Enter the date. Oracle Payables selects all invoices that have an opening balance on or before the As of Date and are due for payment, with discounts taken, on or before the As of Date.

Validation Status

Enter Validated to only include validated invoices. Select Never Validated to include invoices that are never validated. Leave this parameter blank to include all invoices. The default value is Validated.

Report Headings

In this heading... Oracle Payables prints...
<Ledger> The Ledger
<Report Title> Regional Cash Requirement Report
Report Date The date and time that the report is run
Page The current and total pages of the report
Pay Group (except Pay Group Summary) The payment group
Currency (Supplier Summary and Invoice Detail only) The payment currency
Invoices Group By (Invoice Detail only) The way that the report invoices are organized
<Summary Heading> (summary reports only) The type of summary report:
  • Currency Summary

  • Pay Group Summary

  • Supplier Summary

Column Headings

Invoice Detail

In this column... Oracle Payables prints...
Doc Seq The invoice document sequence number.
Invoice Num The invoice number.
Approved The approval status of an invoice or credit/debit memo.
  • Yes - If you have submitted AutoApproval for the item and it is available for payment.

  • No - If you have not submitted AutoApproval for the item, or it needs reapproval.

Due Date The date that an invoice is due, assuming that discounts are taken. If the invoice has several due dates, Oracle Payables prints the earliest date.
Amount The invoice amount in the payment currency. If the invoice is partly paid, Oracle Payables prints only the remaining amount of the invoice.
Base Amount The invoice amount in the functional currency.
Discounts Taken The discounts taken in a functional currency.
Gain/Loss The foreign exchange rate gain or loss amount, if the invoice is partly paid.
Pay Date The payment date, if the invoice is partly paid.
Doc Seq Num The payment document sequence number.
Base Currency Paid Amount The paid amount in a functional currency, if the invoice is partly paid.
Open Amount The open amount in the invoice currency.
Base Currency Open Amount The open amount in a functional currency.

Pay Group Summary

In this column... Oracle Payables prints...
Pay Group The payment group name
Invoice Total The total of all invoices for the payment group
Discounts Taken The discounts taken in a functional currency
Gain(-)/Loss(+) The foreign exchange rate gain or loss amount, if the invoices are partly paid
Paid Summary The sum of paid amounts
Open Summary The sum of open amounts

Currency and Supplier Summary

In this column... Oracle Payables prints...
Currency (Currency Summary only) The currency code
Supplier (Supplier Summary only) The supplier information
Invoice Summary The total of all invoices
Base Currency Invoice Summary The sum of amounts in the base currency
Discount Taken The discounts taken in a functional currency
Gain(-)/Loss(+) The foreign exchange rate gain or loss amount, if the invoices are partly paid
Paid Summary The sum of paid amounts
Base Currency Paid Summary The sum of paid amounts in the base currency
Open Summary The sum of open amounts
Base Currency Open Summary The sum of open amounts in the base currency

Row Headings

Invoice Detail

In this row... Oracle Payables prints...
<Supplier Name> The supplier name
Supplier Summary The supplier totals
Currency Summary The payment currency totals

Currency Summary

In this row... Oracle Payables prints...
<Pay Group> Total The totals for each payment group

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Overview of Multiple Organizations Reporting, Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide

Finnish Payables Account by Detail Report

Use the Finnish Payables Account by Detail report to provide a legal audit trail of all recorded invoices and payments. The report ensures the audit trail from Oracle Payables to original documents.

The Finnish Payables Account by Detail report shows open invoices at a specific date. This report also shows paid invoices in an accounting date range grouped by liability account and supplier name (alphabetical order).

Use this report to reconcile your liability balances for specific dates and paid amounts for a specific period in General Ledger. This report is typically used after the accounting period has closed; however, you can reconcile total amounts between Account Payables and General Ledger at any time.

The Finnish Payables Account by Detail report shows:

Invoice open total amounts are reconciled to YTD balances for liability accounts. Paid total amounts are reconciled to the PTD balances of cash accounts. Discount total amounts are reconciled to the PTD balances of discount accounts. Exchange rate gain/loss total amounts are reconciled to the PTD balances of gain/loss accounts.

The report organizes invoices in four ways:

The Finnish Payables Account by Detail report supports these layouts:

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Finnish Payables Account by Detail report.


Before submitting the Finnish Payables Account by Detail report, you must:

Report Parameters

Report Format

Enter report format or formats for this report. This table shows what is printed for each format.

If you select this format... Oracle Payables displays...
Account Liability Account Summary Report
Account and Currency Account and Currency Summary Report
All Reports All Summary Reports and Invoice Detail Report
All Summary Reports Account, Currency, and Supplier Summary Reports
Currency Currency Summary Report
Invoice Invoice Detail Report
Supplier Supplier Summary Report

Liability Account

Enter the liability account. If you leave this parameter blank, the report displays all liability accounts.


Enter the invoice currency. If you leave this parameter blank, the report displays all currencies.

Supplier Name

Enter the supplier name. If you leave this field parameter, the report displays all suppliers.

As of Date

Enter the date. Oracle Payables selects all invoices with an open balance on or before the As of Date and, depending on the value of the Paid Invoices parameter, any invoices that are paid between your period start date and the As of Date.

Invoices Paid

Enter Yes to select all open invoices at the As of Date and invoices paid between the period start date and the As of Date. If you enter No, the report does not show invoices that were paid between the period start date and the As of Date.

Invoices Posted

Enter Yes to include only invoices that were transferred to General Ledger. Enter No to include only invoices that were not transferred to General Ledger. Leave this parameter blank to include all invoices. The default value is Yes.

Payments Posted

Enter Yes to include only payments that were transferred to General Ledger. Enter No to include only payments that were not transferred to General Ledger. Leave this parameter blank to include all payments. The default value is Yes.

Payments Cleared

Enter Yes to include only cleared payments. Enter No to include only uncleared payments. Leave this parameter blank to include all payments. The default value is Yes.

Report Headings

In this heading... Oracle Payables prints...
<Ledger> The ledger
<Report Title> Finnish Account Payables by Detail Report
Report Date The date and time that the report is run
Page The current and total pages of the report
Account (except Account Summary) The liability account (balancing segment and account segment values)
Currency (Supplier Summary and Invoice Detail only) The invoice currency
Invoices Group By The way that the report invoices are organized
<Summary Heading> (summary reports only) The type of summary report:
  • Account Summary

  • Currency Summary

  • Supplier Summary

Column Headings

Invoice Detail

In this column... Oracle Payables prints...
Doc Seq The invoice document sequence number.
Invoice Num The invoice number.
Approved The approval status of an invoice or credit/debit memo.
  • Yes - If you submitted AutoApproval for the item and it is available for payment.

  • No - If you have not submitted AutoApproval for the item or need to reapprove the item.

Due Date The date that an invoice is due, assuming that discounts are taken. If the invoice has many due dates, Oracle Payables prints the earliest date.
Amount The invoice amount in the entered invoice currency. If the invoice is partly paid, Oracle Payables prints only the remaining amount of the invoice. Exceptions are if the Paid Invoices parameter is set to Yes and the payment information is between the period date and the As of Date.
Base Amount The invoice amount in the ledger currency.
Discounts Taken The discounts taken in the ledger currency.
Gain/Loss The foreign exchange rate gain or loss amount.
Pay Date The payment date.
Doc Seq Num The payment document sequence number.
Ledger Currency Paid Amount The paid amount in the ledger currency.
Open Amount The open amount in the invoice currency.
Ledger Currency Open Amount The open amount in ledger currency.

Account Summary

In this column... Oracle Payables prints...
Account The liability account
Invoice Total The total of all invoices for the payment group
Discounts Taken The discounts taken in a ledger currency
Gain(-)/Loss(+) The foreign exchange rate gain or loss amount, if the invoices are partly paid
Paid Summary The sum of paid amounts
Open Summary The sum of open amounts

Currency and Supplier Summary

In this column... Oracle Payables prints...
Currency (Currency Summary only) The currency code
Supplier (Supplier Summary only) The supplier information
Invoice Summary The total of all invoices
Ledger Currency Invoice Summary The sum of amounts in the ledger currency
Discount Taken The discounts taken in a ledger currency
Gain(-)/Loss(+) The foreign exchange rate gain or loss amount, if the invoices are partly paid
Paid Summary The sum of paid amounts
Ledger Currency Paid Summary The sum of paid amounts in the ledger currency
Open Summary The sum of open amounts
Ledger Currency Open Summary The sum of open amounts in the ledger currency

Row Headings

Invoice Detail

In this row... Oracle Payables prints...
<Supplier Name> The supplier name
Supplier Summary The supplier totals
Currency Summary The payment currency totals

Currency Summary

In this row... Oracle Payables prints...
<Account> Total The totals for each liability account

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Polish Supplier Statement

Use the Polish Supplier Statement report to provide information on recent payables transactions in response to supplier inquires.

The Polish Supplier Statement report shows, for each supplier included in the report, all invoice transactions within a specified range of dates for a specified transaction type. The report groups transactions by currency.

The Polish Supplier Statement report is also divided into two sections. The first section lists all transactions, including invoices, payments, withholdings, and applied prepayments, already applied to the supplier balance. The second section lists unapplied prepayments to show you what the supplier balance would be if the remaining amount of prepayments is applied.

You can enter user-defined text if you would like to print a note on the report to send to your suppliers.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Polish Supplier Statement report.


If you would like to enter user-defined text that prints a note on the report to your suppliers, you must complete these prerequisites.

Report Parameters

Reporting Level

Select either Ledger or Operating Unit.

Report Currency

Enter Functional to print transactions in the ledger currency. Enter Transactional to print transactions in entered currency. If you choose Transactional, the report groups transactions by entered currency.

Report Context

Select the applicable context value.

Supplier Name From

Enter the name of the supplier that you want to report from. The Supplier Name From and To parameters are not affected by what you enter in the Supplier Taxpayer ID parameter.

Supplier Name To

Enter the name of the supplier that you want to report to. The Supplier Name From and To parameters are not affected by what you enter in the Supplier Taxpayer ID parameter.

Supplier Taxpayer ID

Enter the taxpayer ID for suppliers that you want to include in the report. This parameter is not affected by what you enter in the Supplier Name From and To parameters.

Start Date

Enter the accounting date for transactions that you want to report from. The supplier beginning balance is computed for all transactions before this start date.

End Date

Enter the accounting date for transactions that you want to report to.

Document Category

Enter a document category to restrict the report to invoices for the document category. All invoices are included if the parameter is left blank.

Posted Only

Choose Yes to include invoices with accounting that is transferred to General Ledger. Enter No to include invoices regardless of posting status.

Approved Only

Choose Yes to include invoices that are validated or approved in Oracle Payables. Choose No to include all invoices regardless of approval status.

Report Headings

This table shows the report headings.

In this heading Oracle Payables prints
<Ledger Name> The name of your ledger
<Report Title> Supplier Statement
Report Date The date and time that you ran the report
Page The current and total pages of the report
Supplier Name The supplier's name
Supplier Tax ID The supplier's taxpayer ID
Site The supplier's site information.
Supplier Address The supplier's site address
Date From The accounting date that you entered in the Start Date parameter to report transactions from
Date To The accounting date that you entered in the End Date parameter to report transactions to
<User-Defined Text> User-defined text to the supplier

Column Headings

Note: Columns contain different information depending on whether the row is Invoice, Payment, Prepayment, or Withholding.

This table shows the column headings.

In this column Oracle Payables prints
Date In the first section of the report:
  • Invoice - the invoice date

  • Payment - the check date

  • Prepayment - the invoice prepayment date

  • Withholding - the accounting date in the distributions table

    In the second section of the report, the invoice prepayment date.

Document Category In the first section of the report, the transaction type description. In the second section, the only possible value is Prepayments and Advances.
Transaction Number The transaction number:
  • Invoice - the invoice number

  • Payment - the payment document number

  • Prepayment (applied) - the invoice prepayment number

Transaction Currency The currency code of the original transaction.
Transaction Amount The transaction amount in the transaction currency. In the first section of the report:
  • Invoice - the total amount of item and tax line distributions

  • Payment - the payment amount

  • Prepayment - the total amount of applied item lines, excluding taxes and withholding lines

  • Withholding - the total amount of withholding applied on invoices, including all distribution lines for all invoices that relate to the payment

    In the second section of the report, the total amount of item lines is printed for unapplied prepayments.

Transaction/Ledger Currency - Amount The transaction amount in original currency or ledger currency.
Transaction/Ledger Currency - Remaining Amount The remaining balance of the transaction. For invoices, the invoice amount due is printed. For prepayments, the unapplied item line distribution amount is printed in the second section of the report.
Transaction/Ledger Currency - Balance The supplier running total in original currency or ledger currency.
Reference Information - Date The document reference date. For payments, applied prepayments, and unapplied prepayments, the invoice date may be referenced. If withholdings are calculated at payment time, the payment date is listed.
Reference Information - Document Type The type of document that is referenced:
  • Payment - Invoices

  • Prepayment - Invoices for unapplied prepayments that are partially applied and applied prepayments

  • Withholding - Invoices or Payments depending on the calculation method

Reference Information - Transaction Number The number of the transaction that is referenced:
  • Payment - the invoice number

  • Prepayment - the invoice number for unapplied prepayments that are partially applied and applied prepayments

  • Withholding - the invoice or payment document number depending on the calculation method

Row Headings

This table shows row headings.

In this row Oracle Payables prints
Beginning Balance The beginning balance and the currency code for the transactions with this currency code. If submitted in transaction currency, the report displays a beginning balance for each currency code. If submitted in the ledger currency, the report prints only the beginning balance of the ledger currency code.
The beginning balance is calculated with the information that exists in Payables Subledger Accounting Entries.
<Report Section 2 Title> Unapplied Prepayments
Ending Balance The ending balance and the currency code for the transactions with this currency code. In the first section of the report, the ending balance with all the transactions that were already applied for the supplier is printed. In the second section, the report prints what would be the ending balance if the unapplied transactions are applied.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Portuguese Payables Taxpayer ID Exception Report

Use the Portuguese Payables Taxpayer ID Exception report to list any suppliers who do not have a taxpayer ID. The report only selects the customers for whom you inserted at least one transaction.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Portuguese Payables Taxpayer ID Exception report.


The data must be posted to General Ledger prior to submitting the report.

Report Parameters

Legal Entity

Select the applicable legal entity to indicate the reporting unit.


Select the ledger associated with the legal entity.

Balancing Segment

Enter the balancing segment value used by the suppliers.

Report Headings

In this heading Oracle Payables prints
<Report Title> Portuguese Payables Taxpayer ID Exception Report
Report Date The date the report is run
Page The current and total pages of the report

Column Headings

In this column Oracle Payables prints
Supplier Name The supplier's name
Supplier Number The supplier's number

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Hungarian Payables Invoice Aging Report

Use the Hungarian Payables Invoice Aging report to analyze the cash flow of unpaid invoices and your uncleared payments. The report organizes uncleared items into time periods that you define, based on the transaction due date. You can only run the report in your functional currency.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Hungarian Payables Invoice Aging report.


Before running the Hungarian Payables Invoice Aging report, you must set up aging periods in the Define Aging Periods window within Oracle Payables. The report displays invoice payment information for the first four periods that you define in an aging period.

Report Parameters


Select the ledger that you want to report for.

Legal Entity

Select the legal entity that you want to report on.

Sort Invoices By

Enter one of the following sorting methods:

Summary Type

Enter the summary option for this report:

Report Format

Select the format for this report:

Minimum Amount Due

Payables includes invoice information for invoices that have invoice amounts greater than this Minimum Amount Due and that fall within the aging period you specify.

Maximum Amount Due

Payables includes invoice information for invoices that have invoice amounts less than this Maximum Amount Due and that fall within the aging period you specify.

Invoice Type

Enter the type of invoice that you want to review in this report, or leave the Invoice Type blank to select all invoice types.

Trading Partner

If you want to submit this report for only one supplier, enter the supplier name.

Aging Period Type

Enter the aging period you want to use for your Invoice Aging report. The report displays invoice payment information for the first four periods that you defined for this Aging Period in the Aging Periods window.

Report Type

Select the type of aging report you want to run:

Column Headings

The following table describes selected column headings.

In this column Oracle Payables prints
Due Date The date an invoice is due, assuming no discounts are taken.
Days Due The number of days until an invoice is due. For example, 30 Days Due describes an invoice that was due 30 days ago. -30 Days Due describes an invoice that will be due 30 days after today.
Payment The payment number of the uncleared payment if you selected a report type of Payment. If you selected a report type of Combined, this column is blank and does not have a heading.
Amount Remaining The amount remaining for payment, and/or the uncleared payment amount. If you are using multiple currencies, Payables converts invoice and payment amounts into your functional currency for this report.
<Aging Period 1 - 4> In each of the four aging period columns, Payables prints the amount of invoices and/or uncleared payments due within the invoice aging period. Payables also displays the total amount of invoices and/or uncleared payments due to each supplier within this period.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide