ATP Inquiry and Order Scheduling

This chapter covers the following topics:

ATP Inquiry

ATP Inquiry is typically performed through an application that can place orders or quotes. This type of application makes a call to Oracle Global Order Promising with information such as item, request date, quantity, or shipping warehouse. Oracle Global Order Promising returns availability information such as quantity available on request date or earliest available date (if the request cannot be met on the request date). Then, the application determines what specific information to display to the end user.

Oracle Global Order Promising has its own user interface to allow users to perform availability checks. Using this interface, you can obtain the detailed information returned by Oracle Global Order Promising. This section explains this user interface.

The following diagram illustrates the information flow through the Oracle Global Order Promising windows:

The Selection of Windows

the picture is described in the document text

Each window is explained in detail in the sections that follow.

ATP Criteria

ATP Criteria lets you enter parameters for the desired ATP check.

To enter ATP Criteria:

  1. Choose ATP. Then select ATP Inquiry.

    The ATP Criteria window opens.

    ATP Criteria Window

    the picture is described in the document text

    The following table contains the fields and options in the ATP Criteria window:

    Note: Not all of these fields are required.

    Field Description
    Pick Sources This field controls whether Oracle Global Order Promising should use all the possible shipping organizations or only use the organization you specify.
    • Choose No to have Oracle Global Order Promising perform an availability check in the warehouse you specify.

    • Choose Yes to have Oracle Global Order Promising return all the shipping warehouses, so that you can select the specific organizations on which you want Oracle Global Order Promising to perform an availability check. Thus, you can view availability from multiple supply organizations.

    If you choose No, the ATP Details button appears on the lower right corner of the screen. If you choose Yes, the Pick Source button appears on the lower right corner.
    Line Set Choose from Ship Set, Arrival Set, or [Blank].
    • Ship Set indicates that the lines you enter need to be shipped together.

    • Arrival Set indicates that the lines you enter will arrive together at the receiving party.

    Customer Enter the customer name. If you leave this field blank, the default receiving party is your login organization. Only collected customers appear in this list.
    Site Enter the customer site.
    Request Date Type Choose between Ship Date or Arrival Date. This tells Oracle Global Order Promising whether the request date you enter in the Request Date field is meant to be request ship date or request arrival date.
    Assignment Set This is a view only field. If the ATP Inquiry window is launched at the source or destination instance, this field shows what is in the profile MRP: ATP Assignment Set. If you perform Pick Source, Oracle Global Order Promising uses the sourcing assignment set to search for all possible shipping organizations.
    Demand Class Choose the demand class from a list of values.
    Org Specify the shipping organization. If you selected Pick Source as Yes, you do not need to enter a value in this field.
    Item Specify the item.
    ATP Rule This is a view only field. It shows the ATP Rule defined for the item or organization.
    UOM Enter the unit of measure (UOM) for the item. If this UOM is not item's primary UOM, Oracle Global Order Promising coverts it to the primary UOM for calculations.
    Qty Enter the request quantity.
    Req Date Enter the request date. If you leave it blank, Oracle Global Order Promising uses today's date for the request date.
    Item Description This is a view only field. It shows the item description.
  2. Select ATP Details.

    The ATP Details window appears with the ATP details and the pegging tree. The pegging tree shows how the demand is being met.

ATP Details

The ATP Details window has two regions:

Summary Region

The summary region is a folder form.

Note: Not all fields are shown by default.

The following table describes each field in this window:

Field Description
Item Shows the requested item.
Quantity Shows the requested quantity.
Org Shows the shipping organization.
Request Date Qty Shows the quantity available on the request date.
Ship Date Qty Shows the quantity available on the date that the request quantity can be met. The quantity can exceed the requested quantity.
Arrival Date Shows the arrival date. Arrival date equals ship date plus transit lead time.
Request Date Shows the request date.
Request Date Type Shows either Ship Date or Arrival Date, based on the selection.
UOM Shows the primary unit of measure of the requested item.
Group Ship Date Shows the group ship date for a set, if the request is for a set.
Group Arrival Date Shows the group arrival date for a set, if the request is for a set.
Ship Method Shows the ship method that is passed from any calling application or default ship method defined for the shipping organization and receiver.
Shipment Method Description Shows the description of the ship method.
Transit Lead Time Shows the lead time associated with the above ship method.
Demand Class Shows the demand class associated with the request.
Message Shows any error or warning message.
Customer Shows the customer on the request.
Ship To Show the ship-to site of the customer.
Latest Acceptable Date Shows the date beyond the request date that the ATP request should be considered successful, if the requested quantity can be met.
Arrival Set Shows the set identifier passed by any calling application for grouping items in an arrival set.
Ship Set Shows the set identifier passed by any calling application for grouping items in an ship set.
Line Shows the order line number passed by any calling application for indication of demand line number.
Plan Name Shows the ASCP plan name used for Oracle Global Order Promising, if ATP is based on planning output.
Original Item Shows the requested item. The item field shows the substituted item.
Original Item Request Date Qty Shows the availability of the requested item on the request date. The Request Date Qty field shows the availability of the substituted item on the request date.
Original Item ATP Date Shows the earliest date the requested quantity for the requested item is available.
Original Item ATP Date Qty Shows the quantity available on the Original Item ATP Date. The available quantity may exceed the requested quantity.
Status Not used.
Days Late Shows the days between the request date and date the supply is available for the item.
Matched Configuration This field is only applicable for an ATO model request. When Oracle Global Order Promising finds a matched configuration, the configuration item is displayed in this field.

Pegging Region

ATP Pegging region further explains how Oracle Global Order Promising obtains the ATP results. Pegging is shown for each line in ATP Details: Summary Region.

For ATP Based on Collected Data

Oracle Global Order Promising first checks the availability on the request date. If there is a shortage, then Oracle Global Order Promising finds a date beyond request date when the shortage can be met. The pegging depicts this logic.

For example, a request for item A on Day 10 for quantity of 20 for Org 1. Only a quantity of 5 is available on request date, but the shortage can be met on Day 12.

Pegging shows the following:


For ATP Based on Planning Output

When Multi-Level Supply Chain ATP is enabled, the pegging shows how Oracle Global Order Promising searches for supply throughout the supply chain.

Pegging Example: Supply Chain Bills of Materials (BOM): Item A can either be made in Org1 or transferred from Org2. Making item A is priority 1, as seen with Make(1). Also, Component X can be supplied from either S1 or S2.

Supply Chain BOM

the picture is described in the document text

Other setup:

Cumulative Availability based on on-hand plus scheduled receipts is depicted in the following:

Note that D1 = today.

Org D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
A - Org1 0 0 40 80 120
X - Org1 0 10 10 10 10
Y - Org1 0 30 90 0 0
Z - Org1 10 50 50 0 0
S1 10 10 10 10 0
S2 10 10 10 10 0
A - Org2 10 50 100 100 0

An order for item A with a quantity of 100 on D4 gives the following pegging:

1 (D) A - Org1 Qty 100 on D3

2 (S) A - ATP Org1 Qty 40 on D3

3 (S) A - Make At Org1 Qty 20 on D3

4 (D) X - Org1 Qty 20 on D2

5 (S) X - ATP Org1 Qty 10 on D2

6 (S) X - Buy S1 Qty 0 on D2

7 (D) X - Qty 10 on D1

8 (S) X - ATP Qty 10 on D1

9 (D) Y - Org1 Qty 20 on D2

10 (S) Y - Org1 Qty 30 on D2

11 (D) Z - Org1 Qty 20 on D2

12 (S) Z - Org1 Qty 50 on D2

13 (S) A - Transfer From Org2 Qty 40 on D3

14 (D) A - Org2 Qty 40 on D2

15 (S) A - ATP Org2 Qty 50 on D2


For details on ATP Logic, see: ATP Logic.

To view further details:

  1. Select a supply line of the pegging tree.

  2. Right-click to drill down to ATP details.

    The available options are:

    • Expand

    • Show Late Supply Only

    • Show Constraints

    • Horizontal Plan

    • Supply/Demand

    • Supply

    • Demand

    • Properties

      Note: To be able to drill down to ATP detail, you must set the profile MRP: Calculate Supply Demand to Yes before you initiate the ATP Inquiry

      However, when the profile MRP: Calculate Supply Demand is set to Yes, Oracle Global Order Promising performs extra work to retrieve and retain the detail. This makes ATP performance slower. You should only set this profile to Yes for analysis purpose.


Right-click and select Expand.

When you select this option, all the lower nodes under the pegging line that you have selected are expanded.

For example, if you highlight a pegging line for a sub-assembly and right-click to select Expand, the pegging tree displays all the detail pegging lines for that sub-assembly.

Show Late Supply Only

  1. Select a supply line of the pegging tree.

  2. Right-click and select Show Late Supply Only.

    When you select this option, the pegging region displays only those sales order lines that are receiving late supplies.


Right-click and select Supply/Demand.

This window shows supply and demand for the selected line of the pegging tree.

Supply/Demand Window

the picture is described in the document text

For an item, all of the supply and demand up to the item's infinite time fence appears in the Supply/Demand window. For a resource, all the supply and demand over the entire ASCP plan horizon appears.

The following table describes each field in this window:

Field Description
Group Availability Date This field is currently not populated.
Organization Code This field is currently not populated.
Demand Class This field is currently not populated.
Item/Resource Indicates the item or resource of the pegging line.
Type Indicates if it is an item or resource.
UOM Shows the primary unit of measure of the item or resource.
Date Shows the due date of supply or demand.
Supply/Demand Type Shows the supply or demand type.
Identifier Shows the identifier of the supply or demand.
Quantity Shows the quantity of the supply or demand.

Horizontal ATP

Right-click and select Horizontal Plan.

The Horizontal ATP window shows material or resource availability in a horizontal time scale. It shows total demand, total supply, net available-to-promise, and cumulative available-to-promise.


Right-click and select Properties.

The Properties window appears.

Properties Window

the picture is described in the document text

Depending on whether you are viewing the properties of an item or a resource, the Properties window displays different fields. The Properties window for an item contains two tabs: Main and Other.

The display of values in the various lead time fields depends on the type of item (make/buy) and whether Oracle Global Order Promising uses a specific lead time for computing the order promising dates for the item.

For lot based components, the Other tab of the Properties window for a selected pegged item in the ATP Details window displays the following fields:

In addition, the item quantity displayed in the pegging tree will also be based on the selected basis for material requirements.

Note: The Pegging region of the ATP Details screen also displays both forward ATP and forward CTP pegging information.


For a make item, Oracle Global Order Promising calculates the processing lead time using the following equation:

For a buy item, Oracle Global Order Promising uses the following values:

Therefore, depending on the lead time data required for an item, the lead time fields display data in the Properties window.

Diagnostic ATP

When you perform an ATP inquiry, the ATP Details window provides you with the explanation on how the demand is satisfied. When a particular source (make, buy, or transfer) does not have any supply, the pegging region in the ATP Details window will not show the source. If you need to analyze the result and find out the constraint, you can perform an ATP inquiry in the diagnostic mode. In addition to detail views mentioned above, you can:

Business Application

When a source of supply does not have any availability during a capable-to-promise check, a planner might want to diagnose the underlying constraint that leads to a promise date being later than the request date. ATP Detail/Pegging displays the constraints and lets you quickly determine the reasons for not being able to return a promise date that meets the request date.

To view supply constraints in the Diagnostic ATP mode:

  1. Log into Oracle Global Order Promising with the Advanced Supply Chain Planner responsibility.

  2. Select an instance: organization.

  3. Select ATP > ATP Inquiry.

    The ATP Criteria window appears.

  4. Select Tools > Enable Diagnostic ATP.

    Tools Menu Options

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Enter your ATP criteria in and click ATP Details.

    The ATP Details window appears.

    ATP Details Window: Diagnostic ATP Mode

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. View the constraint(s) in the pegging region.

Show Constraints

  1. Select a supply line of the pegging tree.

  2. Right-click and select Show Constraints.

    Note: Note: The Show Constraint option is enabled only in the diagnostic ATP mode.

When you select this option, it only expands the paths that contain constraints under the pegging line that you have highlighted. The rest of the nodes in the pegging tree will be abbreviated, represented by (+).

For example:

An order for item A with a quantity of 100 on D4 gives the following pegging:

1 - (D) A - Org1 Qty 100 on D3

2 (S) A - ATP Org1 Qty 40 on D3

3 - (S) A - Make At Org1 Qty 10 on D3

4 - (D) X - Org1 Qty 20 on D2

5 (S) X - ATP Org1 Qty 10 on D2

6 - (S) X - Buy S1 Qty 0 on D2

7 - (D) X - Qty 10 on D1

8 - (S*) X - ATP Qty 0 on D1 (Material Constraint)

9 - (D) Y - Org1 Qty 20 on D2

10 (S) Y - Org1 Qty 30 on D2

11 - (D) Z - Org1 Qty 20 on D2

12 (S) Z - Org1 Qty 50 on D2

13 - (S) A - Transfer From Org2 Qty 50 on D3

14 - (D) A - Org2 Qty 50 on D2

15 (S) A - ATP Org2 Qty 50 on D2

If X is the only constraint, the pegging tree with the Show Constraint option displays the following:

1 - (D) A - Org1 Qty 100 on D3

2 (S) A - ATP Org1 Qty 40 on D3

3 - (S) A - Make At Org1 Qty 10 on D3

4 - (D) X - Org1 Qty 20 on D2

5 (S) X - ATP Org1 Qty 10 on D2

6 - (S) X - Buy S1 Qty 0 on D2

7 - (D) X - Qty 10 on D1

8 - (S*) X - ATP Qty 0 on D1 (Material Constraint)

9 + (D) Y - Org1 Qty 20 on D2

10 + (D) Z - Org1 Qty 20 on D2

11 + (S) A - Transfer From Org2 Qty 50 on D3

ATP Logic

In diagnostic mode:

When you enable the diagnostic mode, each constrained pegging line in the pegging tree is appended with the type of constraint and the earliest due date of the planned order. The types of constraints that you can see on the pegging line are:

Manufacturing lead time constraint

For a make item, when Assembly Requirement Date - (preprocessing lead time + fixed lead time + quantity * variable lead time). Today, no supply can be obtained and the supply pegging line will show 0 as the supply quantity. ATP categories this as a manufacturing lead time constraint.

For example:

Assembly A has component B

Fixed lead time = 0

Variable lead time = 0.1 day

The pegging tree for 100 of A on D5 in Org 1 will look like:

(D) - DEMAND A Org 1 Date 5 Qty 100

(S) - ATP A Org 1 Date 5 Qty 0

(S*) - Make A Org 1 Date -1 Qty 0 (Manufacturing Lead time Constraint: Due Date D6)


Purchasing lead time constraint

For a buy item, when Requirement Date - (postprocessing lead time - preprocessing leave time - (the approved supplier list's processing lead time or item's processing lead time)) Today, no purchase supply can be obtained and the supply pegging line will show 0 supply quantity. ATP categories this as a purchasing lead time constraint.

For example:

Item A is purchased from supplier S1.

A's postprocessing lead time = 2 days

Preprocessing lead time = 1 day

S1's processing lead time = 3 days

The pegging tree for 100 of A on D5 in Org 1 will look like:

(D) - Demand A D5 Qty 100

(S) - ATP A D5 Qty 0

(S*) - Buy A S1 D -1 Qty 0 (Purchasing Lead time Constraint. Due Date: D6)


Org 1 cannot buy any quantity of B from S1 due to the processing lead time of 3 days required for S1, and the preprocessing lead time of 1 day as well as postprocessing lead time of 2 days for Org 1. This is a purchasing lead time constraint.

Transfer lead time constraint

For a transfer item, when Requirement Date - (postprocessing lead time + transit lead time) < Today, no supply can be transferred and the Transfer From supply pegging line shows 0 as the supply quantity. ATP categorizes this as a transfer lead time constraint.

For example:

Item A is transferred from Org1 to Org2.

A's postprocessing lead time=2 days

The pegging tree for 100 of A on D1 in Org 2 will look like:

(D) - Demand A Org 2 D1 Qty 100

(S) - ATP A Org 2 D1 Qty 0

(S*) - Buy A Org 2 D1 Qty 0 (Transfer lead time constraint. Due Date: D2)


Item A has a postprocessing lead time of 2 days and cannot be transferred on D1 from Org 2. This is a transfer lead time constraint.

Planning time fence constraint

When no supply can be created due to a planning time fence constraint, the supply pegging line shows 0 as the supply quantity.

For example:

Assembly A has component B.

Fixed lead time = 0

Variable lead time = 0.1 day

Planning time fence date = D5

The pegging tree for 100 of A on D5 in Org 1 will look like:

(D) - DEMAND A D5 Qty 100

(S) - ATP A D5 Qty 0

(S*) - Make A D5 Qty 0 (PTF Constraint. PTF Due Date: D5)

In this example, the planning time fence due date is more constrained than the manufacturing lead time date. When two constraints are met for a supply line, Oracle Global Order Promising follows two rules to decide the constraint to be displayed on the pegging line:

  1. When the lead time constraint and planning time fence constraint both exist, the pegging line displays the constraint that causes a later due date. If the due date in both the cases are equal, then the planning time fence constraint is displayed.

  2. When a pegging line encounters a lead time or a planning time fence constraint, no further pegging will be available.

Material/resource constraint

ATP marks all the lowest level supply nodes that do not satisfy the demands as material or resource constraints. A lowest level node is a node that does not have any sources to fulfill the residual demand left after consuming the ATP quantity. The nodes that qualify for this category are:

ATP categorizes a supply line as a material or resource constraint depending on the type of constraint met while scheduling for the requested quantity.

Resource constraint:

When there is not enough availability for a resource, ATP categorizes this as a resource constraint.

For example:

Item A needs to be made and transferred from Org 2 to Org 1.

Intransit lead time = 1 day

The pegging tree for 5 of A on D5 in Org 1 will look like:

(D) - Make A Org 2 D4 Qty 5

(D) - Demand R Org 2 D4 Qty 30

(S*) - ATP R Org 2 D4 Qty 20 (Resource Constraint)


Material constraint:

When Oracle Global Order Promising looks for supply for an item, it first checks to see if there is existing on-hand supply or scheduled receipts. This is called ATP quantity. If there is not enough supply, it then performs a capable-to-promise check to see if the item is available through a make, transfer or buy sources option. When the ATP quantity is less than the required quantity and there is no other source to obtain the supply, ATP categorizes this as a material constraint.

For example:

Item A needs to be bought by Org 1 from supplier S1.

The pegging tree for 30 of A on D2 in S1 will look like:

(D) - Demand A S1 D2 Qty 30

(S*) - ATP A S1 D2 Qty 5 (Material Constraint)


Calendar constraint:

If the schedule ship or arrival date falls on a non working day, Oracle Global Order Promising categorizes this as a calendar constraint.

For example:

Org 1 needs item A from supplier S1 on D2. The transit lead time is 1 day and D1 is a non working day for S1.

The pegging tree for 30 of A on D2 in S1 will look like:

(D) - Demand A S1 D2 Qty 30

(S*) - ATP A S1 D2 Qty 5 (Calendar Constraint)


Global Availability

When you have Pick Source set to Yes and you have selected Pick Source, the ATP Sources and Global Availability window, as seen below, opens. Selecting Pick Source with the Yes setting triggers Oracle Global Order Promising to use sourcing rules to find all the possible shipping organizations.

ATP Sources and Global Availability Window

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the fields in this window:

Field Description
Pick Indicates whether or not the item will be picked.
Org Organization short code.
Supplier Not currently used.
Site Not currently used.
Ship Method Shows the default shipping method defined for the shipping organization to the receiving party. Oracle Global Order Promising accepts Ship Method as a parameter in its Calling API.
If any calling application calls ATP with a specific Ship Method, Oracle Global Order Promising checks to see if the ship method is defined in Transit Lead Time as a valid ship method between the shipping organization and receiving party. If it is a valid ship method, Oracle Global Order Promising honors it. Otherwise, it uses the default ship method. If there is no default ship method, a 0 lead time if assumed.
Lead Time Shows the lead time associated with the ship method.

Once you select or deselect the shipping organizations, then you can retrieve the ATP Details to obtain ATP results for each selected shipping organization.

Order Scheduling

This section discusses the features that help you schedule requests in Oracle Global Order Promising.

Ship Date and Arrival Date Calculation

Scheduling sales orders for ATP as well as non-ATP items is carried out through Oracle Global Order Promising. Oracle Global Order Promising calculates supply at day level and returns Schedule Ship Date and Schedule Arrival Date with a timestamp of 23:59:00.

Note that ATP does not support time zones. There could be discrepancies in the time stamps of the scheduled ship date when compared to request dates. You can see discrepancies in the scheduled ship date even if you have existing inventory.

The timestamp display of 23:59:00 is applicable to all of the following:

If ATP is based on planning output, Oracle Global Order Promising creates supply and demand orders with the timestamp of 23:59:00 in the plan. The orders include:


A few examples to illustrate how Oracle Global Order Promising calculates the Schedule Ship Date and Schedule Arrival Date in different scenarios are given in the following sections.

In all the 3 examples, assume that:

Non-ATP items with past due and non-past due request dates

Scenario Description ATP Return Date
A single line request for a non-ATP item with a non-past due request date.
  • Requested ship date = 20-DEC-2003 10:23:57

  • System date = 12-DEC-2003 13:20:26

  • Schedule Ship Date = 20-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 20-DEC-2003 23:59:00

Two lines request for non-ATP items in a ship set with non-past due request dates.
  • Requested ship date for line 1 = 20-DEC-2003 10:34:27

  • Requested ship date for line 2 = 25-DEC-2003 11:34:17

  • System date = 12-DEC-2003 13:20:26

For line 1:
  • Schedule Ship Date = 20-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 20-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For line 2:
  • Schedule Ship Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For the group:
  • Group Ship Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Group Arrival Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

Two lines request for non-ATP items in an arrival set with non-past due request dates.
  • Requested arrival date for line 1 = 20-DEC-2003 10:34:27

  • Requested arrival date for line 2 = 25-DEC-2003 11:34:17

  • System date = 12-DEC-2003 13:20:26

For line 1:
  • Schedule Ship Date (1) = 20-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date (1) = 20-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For line 2:
  • Schedule Ship Date (2) = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date (2) = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For the group:
  • Group Ship Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Group Arrival Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

A single line request for a non-ATP item with a past due request date
  • Requested ship date = 5-DEC-2003 10:23:57

  • System date = 12-DEC-2003 13:20:26

  • Schedule Ship Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

Two lines request for non-ATP items in a ship set with past due request dates
  • Requested ship date for line 1 = 10-DEC-2003 10:34:27

  • Requested ship date for line 2 = 5-DEC-2003 11:34:17

  • System date = 12-DEC-2003 13:20:26

For line 1:
  • Schedule Ship Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For line 2:
  • Schedule Ship Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For the group:
  • Group Ship Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Group Arrival Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

Two lines request for non-ATP items in an arrival set with past due request dates
  • Requested ship date for line 1 = 10-DEC-2003 10:34:27

  • Requested ship date for line 2 = 5-DEC-2003 11:34:17

  • System date = 12-DEC-2003 13:20:26

For line 1:
  • Schedule Ship Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For line 2:
  • Schedule Ship Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For the group:
  • Group Ship Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Group Arrival Date = 12-DEC-2003 23:59:00

Note: The Group Ship Date and Group Arrival Date is displayed as the Schedule Ship Date and Schedule Arrival Date for the set on the sales order.

ATP and non-ATP items in the same request but not in a set

Scenario Description ATP Return Date
Two lines where:
Line 1 = Non-ATP item
Line 2 = ATP item
The ATP item is available in sufficient quantity on the requested date.
  • Requested ship date for line 1 = 20-DEC-2003 10:34:27

  • Requested ship date for line 2 = 25-DEC-2003 11:34:17

  • System date = 12-DEC-2003 13:20:26

For line 1:
  • Schedule Ship Date = 20-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 20-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For line 2:
  • Schedule Ship Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

ATP and non-ATP items in the same request and in a set

Scenario Description ATP Return Date
Two lines in a ship set where:
Line 1 = Non-ATP item
Line 2 = ATP item
The ATP item is available in sufficient quantity on the requested date.
  • Requested ship date for line 1 = 20-DEC-2003 10:34:27

  • Requested ship date for line 2 = 25-DEC-2003 11:34:17

  • System date = 12-DEC-2003 13:20:26

For line 1:
  • Schedule Ship Date = 20-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 20-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For line 2:
  • Schedule Ship Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For the group:
  • Group Ship Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Group Arrival Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

Two lines in an arrival set where:
Line 1: Non-ATP item
Line 2: ATP able item
The ATP item is available in sufficient quantity on the requested date.
  • Requested ship date for line 1 = 20-DEC-2003 10:34:27

  • Requested ship date for line 2 = 25-DEC-2003 11:34:17

  • System date = 12-DEC-2003 13:20:26

For line 1:
  • Schedule Ship Date = 20-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 20-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For line 2:
  • Schedule Ship Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Schedule Arrival Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

For the group:
  • Group Ship Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

  • Group Arrival Date = 25-DEC-2003 23:59:00

Override ATP

The override ATP feature enables you to schedule a sales order on a date earlier than the product available date. You can schedule an order on a date where there is not enough supply or on a non-working day.

A Sales order overcommitment exception will be generated when you override ATP and you can view the exception in the Planner Workbench. In addition to this, you can send workflow notification to concerned users such as planners.

Business Application

During business transactions, due to exceptional circumstances, you might have to schedule and ship orders for which your supply chain plan does not show availability. For instance, there could be occasions when:

In such scenarios, you might want to override ATP and make a commitment to your customer. Global Order Promising provides you with the option of allowing authorized users to override ATP.


You need to perform the following setup steps:

  1. Set the profile option OM: Authorize to Override ATP to Yes.

  2. Set the profile option MSC: Enable ATP Workflow. This is optional and can be set if you want to send a notification to any responsibility like Advanced Supply Chain Planner or Distribution Manager.

To Override ATP:

You can override the ATP on a sales order using the Sales Order window in Oracle Order Management.

For details on how Oracle Order Management performs an ATP override, see Overriding ATP in Oracle Order Management User's Guide.

ATP Logic

Using Oracle Order Management, you can override the Schedule Ship Date or Schedule Arrival Date depending on the request date type.

Once the Schedule Ship Date is determined, Oracle Global Order Promising will perform the same supply consumption calculation assuming the request date is the Scheduled Ship Date. Any shortage beyond the request date may trigger creation of new supply through capable-to-promise process with due date beyond the request date.

Note: You can only override a date and not time. Oracle Global Order Promising will use the end of day timestamp (23:59:00) for any scheduling actions.


Supplies and Demands for A and B are as follows. B is a component of A. A's manufacturing lead time is 1 day.

For item A

Record Type Item D1 D2 D3 D4
Supply A 0 0 0 0
Demand A 0 0 0 0

For item B

Record Type Item D1 D2 D3 D4
Supply A 0 10 10 10
Demand A 0 0 0 0

You have a sales order for 10 of A on D2, which cannot be met. Therefore, you perform an override ATP. The supply/demand picture after override ATP is:

For item A

Record Type Item D1 D2 D3 D4
Supply A 0 0 10 0
Demand A 0 10 0 0

For item B

Record Type Item D1 D2 D3 D4
Supply A 0 10 10 10
Demand A 0 10 0 0

Explanation: The ATP date when 10 of A can be promised is D3. However, an override ATP has been performed to meet the demand on D2.

Shipping, Receiving, and Carrier Calendars

Oracle Global Order Promising checks the shipping and receiving calendars that have been assigned to specific organizations, carriers, and customers for scheduling sales orders. Oracle Global Order Promising ensures that the scheduled ship and arrival dates on sales orders as well as the ship dates, dock dates on planned orders during the Capable-To -Promise process fall on valid working days according to the various shipping and receiving calendars.

Shipping calendars indicate when a shipment can start from a source organization or a supplier. Use of the shipping calendar ensures that the shipment is shipped on a valid day according to the shipping calendar of the shipping organization or the supplier.

Receiving calendars indicate when an organization or a customer can receive a shipment into the facility. Use of the receiving calendar ensures that the shipment arrives at the receiving site on a valid day according to the organization or customer's receiving calendar.

Carrier intransit calendars indicate the days when a certain carrier operates for transporting the shipment. Use of the carrier intransit calendar ensures that the shipment is planned for transportation on a valid day according to the carrier calendar. The duration of any shipment that uses the carrier accounts for the transit calendar.

Business Application

In a supply chain, each entity, such as the supplier, manufacturer, or distribution center, can have constraints or preferences for shipping or receiving goods in or out of its facilities on specific days. For example, a manufacturing facility may be able to ship goods only on certain days of the week.

The support of shipping, receiving, and carrier calendars facilitates the process of scheduling sales orders by checking the days on which each entity can perform the required activity. Therefore, you can provide accurate dates during order promising. This scheduling also helps to reduce the manual intervention required to adjust shipping and receiving dates.


Complete the following steps to use calendars for scheduling ship and arrival dates:

  1. Select Order Management > Shipping > Setup > Calendars > Assign.

    The Assign Calendars window appears.

    Assign Calendars window

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define the calendar that you want to use.

  3. Run Collection.

  4. Run an ATP-enabled plan if the profile INV: Capable to Promise is set to ATP/CTP Based on Planning Output.

For more details about setting up calendars, see Oracle Shipping User Guide and Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide.

If you do not want to use any calendar for scheduling ship and arrival dates, set the profile MSC: Use Shipping/Receiving Calendars to No. When you set this profile to No, Oracle Global Order Promising performs order promising without checking the schedule dates against a calendar. Therefore, the response time of Oracle Global Order Promising will be faster, resulting in improved ATP performance.

ATP Logic

Oracle Global Order Promising verifies the schedule ship date against the shipping organization's calendar. It verifies the schedule arrival date against the carrier transit calendar as well as the customer/site receiving calendar.

If the requested date does not fall on a shipping date, Oracle Global Order Promising moves the request date to a previous shipping date. If goods are available on this date, then it becomes the schedule ship date. If availability is beyond this date but falls on a non-shipping date, then Oracle Global Order Promising uses the next valid shipping date as the schedule ship date beyond the availability date.

For details on calendar constraints, see Diagnostic ATP.

ATP Override

For a sales order with an ATP override, Oracle Global Order Promising leaves the overridden date as it is and checks the other dates against the calendars. For example, if you override the schedule ship date, Oracle Global Order Promising leaves the schedule ship date and checks the transit lead time against the carrier calendar and the schedule arrival date against the customer's receiving calendar.

Example: Using Calendars

This example shows how Oracle Global Order Promising uses the shipping, receiving, and carrier calendars.

Assume that the carrier transit time is 4 days.Working days are indicated by w.

This table shows the working and non-working days for the shipping, receiving, and carrier organizations. The letter w represents working days in the table. Non-working days are blank.

Calendar Type D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10
Organization shipping calendar w w w - w w w - w w
Carrier calendar w w w w - w w - w w
Customer receiving calendar w w - w w w w w - w

Note that w represents working days in the above table. The non-working days are left blank.

If you have a sales order with the request ship date on D4, Oracle Global Order Promising calculates the schedule ship date and schedule arrival date as follows: