Create Accounting and Transfer Journal Entries to GL Programs

Overview of Create Accounting and Transfer Journal Entries to GL Programs

The Create Accounting program processes eligible accounting events to create subledger journal entries. To create the subledger journal entries, the Create Accounting program applies application accounting definitions that are created in the Accounting Methods Builder (AMB).

The Create Accounting program:

The Transfer Journal Entries to GL program enables you to transfer any eligible journal entries to General Ledger, including those from previous batch runs that have not yet been transferred to General Ledger.

If you already created accounting in Final Mode but have not transferred them over to GL, and you run the Create Accounting program with Transfer to GL option, then the application does not pick up events that are already created in the final mode. You run the Transfer Journal Entries to General Ledger program to do that.

Create Accounting Program

The Create Accounting program creates and transfers journal entries. In general, the parameters described in the table below determine which accounting events are processed.

Create Accounting Program Parameters
Parameter Description
Ledger Required; limits accounting events selected for processing to those of a particular ledger
Subledger Accounting lists ledgers that have events that the responsibility can access due to transaction-based security. If the profile option SLA: Enable Data Access Security in Subledgers is set to Yes, only those ledgers that are included in General Ledger Access Sets assigned to the responsibility appear in the list of values.
If the application is a valuation method application as defined in the AMB, then both primary and secondary ledgers within the access sets are displayed. If the application is not a valuation method application, then only primary ledgers are displayed.
Process Category Optional; restricts the events selected for accounting to a particular process category
The Create Accounting program selects events with event types falling into the event classes assigned to the process category.
Only process categories established by development teams as part of the seed data are included in the list of values.
End Date Required; end date for the Create Accounting program; processes only those events with event dates on or before the end date
Mode Required; determines whether the subledger journal entries are created in Draft or Final mode
If Draft mode is selected, then the Transfer to GL, Post in General Ledger, and General Ledger Batch Name fields are disabled. Draft entries cannot be transferred to General Ledger.
See: Subledger Accounting Setup Options Description, Oracle Subledger Accounting Implementation Guide
Errors Only Required; limits the creation of accounting to those events for which accounting has previously failed
If Yes is selected, the Create Accounting program processes all events with a status of Error.
See: Subledger Accounting Setup Options Description, Oracle Subledger Accounting Implementation Guide
Report Required; determines whether to generate a report showing the results of the Subledger Accounting program in summary or detail format
See: Subledger Accounting Setup Options Description, Oracle Subledger Accounting Implementation Guide
Transfer to General Ledger Required if Mode is set to Final; determines whether to transfer the subledger journal entries to General Ledger
Journal import is not launched if the profile option SLA: Disable Journal Import is set to Yes.
See: Subledger Accounting Setup Options Description, Oracle Subledger Accounting Implementation Guide
Post in General Ledger Required if Mode is set to Final or Create Accounting is set to No; determines whether to post subledger journal entries in General Ledger
If there is a primary ledger with secondary ledgers attached to it and the application is a nonvaluation method application, the journal entries of the secondary ledgers are automatically posted. This is based on the application accounting definition that the user sets up.
If the application is a valuation method application, then there is a different event for that secondary ledger and the accounting is not created in the same run for both ledgers.
See: Subledger Accounting Setup Options Description, Oracle Subledger Accounting Implementation Guide
General Ledger Batch Name Optional; user-entered batch name that appears on the transferred General Ledger subledger journal entries. Transfer to GL option must be set to Yes.
Include User Transaction Identifiers Required; controls whether the report displays user identifiers' names and values.

Transfer Journal Entries to GL Program

The Transfer Journal Entries to GL program consists of a subset of parameters used in the Create Accounting program as listed below:

Please refer to the descriptions in the Create Accounting Programs Parameters table .

Oracle Subledger Accounting Program Report

The Subledger Accounting Program Report is generated by the Create Accounting program. It lists the following:

Users can run the report in summary or detail mode which are described as follows:

Transfer Journal Entries to GL Report

The Transfer to Journal Entries to GL Report is generated by the Transfer Journal Entries to GL program and lists the following: