Customer Self Service

This chapter covers the following topics:


Oracle Lease and Finance Management Customer Self Service provides you the ability to grant customers access to their lease contract information. Customers can view and administer their lease contracts and submit requests for a variety of contract modifications. Customer Self Service also notifies you and your customers of important events in the life of a lease contract, and prompts you to take the appropriate actions.

Customer Self Service Prerequisites

Before customers can use Customer Self Service, the following setup tasks must be completed:

To grant customers access to Customer Self Service, see Customer Self Service User Setup, in Define Users, Oracle Lease Management Implementation Guide.

For information on profile options see Define Profile Options, Oracle Lease Management Implementation Guide.

Customer Self Service Home

Customers can perform the following tasks from the Oracle Lease and Finance Management Customer Self Service Home page:

View Notifications

The Customer Self Service Home page provides customers a list of their most important notifications and the option to view a full list of notifications.

View and Create Bookmarks

The Customer Self Service Home page lists all bookmarks created by the customer in the My List region. Bookmarks can be used as shortcuts to important lease contract information.

View Shortcuts

Customers can use Shortcuts to begin important lease contract tasks.

Customer Self Service Contracts

Customers can use the Contracts tab to search for contract related information and perform contract, quote, and insurance tasks on active, booked contracts.

Search for Contract

Customers can locate contracts by performing a list search in the Contracts tab of the Customers page. List search is a search tool that helps retrieve information quickly and easily.

Customers can perform the following steps:

  1. Click Show Filters.

    Note: Customers can hide filters by clicking Hide Filters.

  2. Select the objects using the following filters:

    • Operating Unit (mandatory field)

    • Legal Entity

    • Contract Number

    • Customer Name

    • Product

    • Status: Customers can select multiple options for this filter.

    Customers can also include the following additional filters to the search criteria by clicking Add:

    • Contract Description

    • Currency

    • Effective From

    • Effective To

    • Error Transaction

    • Program

    • Renewal Quote Status

    • Revision in Progress

    • Template

    • Termination Quote Status

    Note: Customers can remove the additional filters from the search criteria by clicking the remove filter icon next to each additional filter.

  3. Click Go.

The search results are displayed.

Customers can save searches by performing the following steps:

  1. After selecting filters, click Save.

  2. Perform the following actions in the Create Saved Search region:

    1. Enter a name for the saved search in the Name field.

    2. Select the Display in Tile checkbox to display a tile having this search's details in the Contracts tab.

      Additional Information: Tiles display the count of search records for the defined search filters. This count can be refreshed by clicking the refresh icon present on each tile. Clicking on a tile shows the filters selected for this saved search.

    3. Select the Set as Default checkbox to make a saved search as the default search.

    4. Click OK.

The saved search is created.

Even if a saved search is not saved as a tile, it will be displayed in the drop down beside Show Filters/Hide Filters. Customers can manage saved searches by clicking Manage Saved Search in this drop down.

Note: Customers can disable list search using the Disable List Search button in Table Diagnostics. After disabling list search, customers can locate contracts by performing either a simple or advanced search.

A simple search includes the following parameters:

An advanced search allows customers to expand or refine their search criteria.

Customers can bookmark contracts for future reference.

View Contract Details

Customers can view a lease contract's details by locating and selecting the contract. A side navigation menu on the Contracts page lists contract detail options as described in the following table:

Contracts Page Navigation Menu
Menu Items Information
General Information Includes customer information, rental period, and parties to a contract
Terms and Conditions Includes general Terms and Conditions information, billing information, interest type, purchase options, termination options, and security deposit details. Billing and invoice format change requests can be submitted.
Assets Assets information, including asset level billing setup details, add-ons, services, insurance, return, and serial number information. Some information can be updated.
Amortization Schedule Amortization schedule details for loans
Fees Contract fees and payment details
Insurance View and update insurance policy details for a contract
Insurance Quotes Information on contract insurance quotes
Payment Schedule Rent and other payments for a contract. Click on the Details icon to view cash flow streams, such as rent amounts over the term of a contract.
Renewal Quotes Information on contract renewal quotes
Services Services on a contract. If the service line is linked to a service contract, this will also be displayed.
Termination Quotes Information on contract termination quotes
Additional Information Customers can view additional descriptive flexfield contract information provided the OKL: View Contract Additional Information in Customer Self Service profile option is set to Yes.

Request Billing Change

Customers can request a new Bill To Site Number in the Billing Information region of the Terms and Conditions page of the Contracts tab by clicking on Request Billing Change, entering the new Bill To Site Number, and submitting the request.

A workflow notification of your approval or rejection of the billing change request will be sent to the customer.

Request Invoice Format Change

Customers can request an invoice format change in the Billing Information region of the Terms and Conditions page of the Contracts tab by clicking on Request Invoice Format Change, selecting a New Invoice Format from the menu, and submitting the request.

A workflow notification of your approval or rejection of the invoice format change request will be sent to the customer.

Search for Assets

Customers can locate assets by performing either a Simple or Advanced Search in the Assets page of the Contracts tab. A Simple Search includes the following parameters:

An Advanced Search allows customers to expand or refine their search criteria.

View Asset Details

Customers can view asset details by locating and selecting the asset. A side navigation menu on the Assets page lists the following contract detail options:

Assets Page Menu
Menu Item Information
General Information View asset header information, update serial numbers, and update installed location. Additional descriptive flexfield contract information can be viewed by customers provided the OKL: View Contract Additional Information in Customer Self Service profile option is set to Yes.
Add-Ons View details about add-ons associated to an asset.
Billing View a list of related invoices and outstanding balances associated with an asset.
Insurance Insurance policies associated to an asset.
Return Information View shipping instructions, contact details, and shipping addresses for an asset.
Serial Numbers View and update serial numbers for an asset.
Services View service and maintenance associated with an asset.

View Asset Returns

Customers can view asset return information by entering full or partial search information on the Asset Returns page to locate an asset.

Update Serial Numbers

Customers can update serial numbers for multiple units or a single unit of an asset by locating the asset, selecting Serial Numbers from the Assets page menu, entering the new serial number, and submitting the request.

When the Customer submits a request for a new serial number, you receive notification of the request and either accept or reject the request. If you accept the request, Oracle Lease and Finance Management updates the serial number and sends notification to the customer. If you reject the request, the customer will also be notified.

Update Asset Locations

Customers can update asset locations by locating the asset to be updated, selecting the asset, clicking Update Asset Location, choosing a new location from the list of values, and submitting their request.

When the customer submits a request for a new asset location, you receive notification of the request and either accept or reject the request. If you accept the request, Oracle Lease and Finance Management updates the location and sends notification to the customer. If you reject the request, the customer will also be notified.

View Insurance Details

Customers can view insurance policies associated to a customer's lease contract in the Insurance page of the Contracts tab. Customers can choose an insurance provider, enter policy details, review, and submit a policy request or update.

Related Topics

About the Insurance Tab

Submit Insurance Details

Customers can submit insurance policy details by selecting a contract, choosing an insurance provider, entering policy details, reviewing the insurance details, and clicking Submit. Customers can submit third party policy details only, not policies obtained through the lessor.

Submit Insurance Claim

Customers can submit claims against an insurance policy on the customer's lease contract by locating the policy, entering the claim details, and submitting the claim. When the claim is submitted, Oracle Lease and Finance Management generates a claim and sends a claim notification for you to process.

Request Insurance Policy Cancellation

Customers can cancel an insurance policy by clicking the Cancel icon in the Policies page of the Contracts tab and submitting a request for cancellation.

Search for and View Quotes

Customers can locate and view quotes from the Quotes page of the Contracts tab. Quote search criteria can be specified by quote number, contract number, and quote type. Examples of quote types are Insurance Quote, Renewal Quote, and Termination Quote.

To search for all quotes on a contract, enter the quote number and click Go.

When a quote appears in the Results region, click on the quote to view quote details.

Request Insurance Quote

Customers can request an insurance quote in the Contracts tab by selecting Insurance Quote from the Contracts tab menu, clicking on Request Insurance Quote, choosing an insurance type, entering the quote information, reviewing, and submitting the information.

Accept Insurance Quote

Once a customer has requested an insurance quote, they have the option of accepting, rejecting, or deferring a decision on the insurance quote.

When an insurance quote is accepted by the customer, Oracle Lease and Finance Management attaches the new insurance policy to the lease contract.

If the customer defers their decision on the insurance quote, the quote can be saved until it's expiration on the quote effective date. Customers can return to Customer Self Service later to accept the quote.

Request Renewal Quote

The lessor can create a renewal quote at the customer's request.

Accept Renewal Quote

Once a customer has requested a renewal quote, and you have received the notification and created the renewal quote, the quote goes back to the customer for approval. The customer has the option of accepting or rejecting the renewal quote.

Request Termination Quote

Customers can request a termination quote in the Contracts tab by performing the following tasks:

When the customer submits a request for a termination quote, Oracle Lease and Finance Management performs validation checking to verify that the quote recipient exists and that the lease contract's terms and conditions permit termination quotes.

If the validation fails, the customer will receive a notification of the failure. If the validation passes, the customer will be notified when an approved quote is created.

When the customer accepts the termination quote, it is updated as Accepted and processed for termination.

View Payment Schedule Details

Customers can view the lease contract payment schedule summary by clicking on Payment Schedules on the Contracts tab menu. Payment schedule details are accessed from the Details icon of the Payment Schedule page.

Update Counter Readings

Customers can view and update the history of counter readings in the Counters page of the Contracts tab by locating the counter, updating the information, and submitting an update request.

Related Topics

Billing Transactions

Customer Self Service Accounts

Once a customer has been set up to use Customer Self Service, they can use the Accounts tab to review invoices, payments, and profile information.

Customers can perform the following tasks from the Accounts tab:

Search for Invoices

You can find invoices by performing a list search in the Invoices tab of the Operations page. List search is a search tool that helps retrieve information quickly and easily.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Click Show Filters.

    Note: You can hide filters by clicking Hide Filters.

  2. Select the objects using the following filters:

    • Operating Unit (mandatory field)

    • Invoice Number

    • Invoice Date: This field uses a range of dates.

    • Invoice Due Date: This field uses a range of dates.

    • Contract Number

    • Customer Number

    • Invoice Amount: This field uses a range of amounts.

    • Contract Status

    • Balance Remaining: This field uses a range of amounts.

    • Invoice Currency

    You can also include additional filters by clicking Add and selecting a filter.

    Note: You can remove the additional filters from the search criteria by clicking the remove filter icon next to each added criteria.

  3. Click Go.

The search results are displayed.

You can save searches by performing the following steps:

  1. After selecting filters, click Save.

  2. Perform the following actions in the Create Saved Search region:

    1. Enter a name for the saved search in the Name field.

    2. Select the Display in Tile checkbox to display a tile having this search's details in the Invoices tab.

      Additional Information: Tiles display the count of search records for the defined search filters. This count can be refreshed by clicking the refresh icon present on each tile. Clicking on a tile will show the filters selected for this saved search.

    3. Select the Set as Default checkbox to make a saved search as the default search.

    4. Click OK.

Even if a saved search is not saved as a tile, it will be displayed in the drop down beside Show Filters/Hide Filters. You can manage saved searches by clicking Manage Saved Search in this drop down.

Note: You can disable list search using the Disable List Search button in Table Diagnostics. After disabling list search, you can find invoices by performing either a simple or advanced search.

A simple search on the Invoices tab includes the following parameters:

An advanced search allows you to expand or refine their search criteria.

Related Topics

About the Account Tab

View Invoice Details

Customers can view invoice details from the Invoice page of the Accounts tab after locating an invoice, by clicking on the specific invoice to open the Invoice Details page. The Invoice Details page displays invoice header information, customer details, invoice lines, and a list of payments made for an invoice.

Make a Payment

Customers can make payments against their outstanding invoices using credit card or bank account transfer. Oracle Lease and Finance Management integrates with Oracle Payments for payment authorization.

To make payments, click Make Payment link provided on the Customer Self Service Home page or search for the invoice and click Make payment on the Invoice result table.

If customer want to Make payment against invoice lines, then navigate to invoice details, select the invoice lines and then click Make payment on the Invoice Details page.

To make a payment perform the following steps:

  1. Select an invoice against which the payment is to be made. This step is required only when you navigate from the home page.

  2. Oracle Lease and Finance Management defaults the amount remaining for the selected invoice as a payment amount. You can update the payment amount.

  3. You can enter the payment date and select the payment method. If you select the credit card as payment method, then select credit already associated to the payment setup or create a new credit card detail. If the payment method is Customer Bank Account Transfer, then select the bank account associated to the payment setup or create a new bank account detail.

  4. On Review and Submit Payment Details page, Oracle Lease and Finance Management displays invoice details, payment amount, payment method and credit card or bank account details to the customer. Click Finish to review the details and make payment.

  5. Oracle Lease and Finance Management processes the payment based on payment method setup. On successful processing it creates receipt and receipt applications.

Note: The receipt method for the receipt is derived based on the default receipt method associated to selected payment method. You can set up the default receipt method for credit card and bank account transfer at an operating unit level.

See: Define Payment Method, Oracle Lease Management Implementation Guide

Search for Payments

Customers can locate payments by performing either a Simple or an Advanced search from the Payments page of the Accounts tab. A Simple search includes the following parameters:

An Advanced search allows customers to expand or refine their search criteria.

View Payment Details

Customers can view payment details from the payment page of the Accounts tab, click on the specific payment to open the payment page. The payment Details page displays payment header information, balances and application details.

View Account, Contact, and Site Details

Customers can view account, contact, and site details in the Profile page of the Accounts tab. The Profile page displays general account information, a list of contacts, installed locations, and sites. More site level information is accessible from the Details icon in the Site region.

Related Topics

About the Account Tab