Service Planning Work Area

This chapter covers the following topics:

User Interface

You use the following path to bring up the Service Parts Planning Work Area:

Service Supply Chain Planner / Service Parts Planning / Service Parts Planning Work Area.

Saving and Canceling Changes

The work area name is "Service Parts Planning".

Only one SPP plan may be open at the same time. Clicking on another ASCP plan will close the current plan and open the selected plan.

When the you click on a plan link, the ADF-based UI's appear in a new dynamic tab in the local area.

Clicking on a plan in the plans panel opens the selected plan in the local area. The “Service Parts Planning” level 1 tab is renamed to the Plan name.

You can use the Move Down Active Tab icon to create a two-pane layout. The active pane in the top (or only) pane is move to the bottom pane. You can move a tab from the bottom to the top pane (or vice versa) using the Move Up (or Down) Active Tab action. Once there are no more tabs in the bottom pane, the layout automatically switches to a one-pane layout.

You can switch to plan inputs by selecting the Plan Inputs tab.

Four accordion panels allow you to perform actions for analyzing data executing various plan operations. These four are:

Plans Accordion Panel

Only one SPP plan may be open at a time. Selecting a different SPP plan from what is currently opened closes the current plan and opens the newly selected plan. A warning message appears if there are unsaved changes on the current plan.

Only SPP Plans that have been successfully launched are listed in the plans panel. Plans are listed alphabetically.

When you open an SPP plan in the local area, the default Plan Summary is opened automatically. If no default Plan Summary exists, the local area is empty.

Favorites Accordion Panel

In this area you can create personal queries and store links to them.

You create a favorite by clicking the plus icon in the Favorites accordion panel. This displays the Create Favorite popup window.

Types of Favorites

By selecting Type you can create one of five types of Favorites:

When you select a type, the relevant fields for defining that type of Favorite will display in the window. More information about specific types of Favorites is provided in the relevant sections below.

For more information, see the section below on Favorites.

Plan Links Accordion Panel

You access the following links in the Plan Links accordion panel:

Plan Actions Accordion Panel

In this area the following Plan Actions are available:

Plan Inputs Accordion Panel

When you select the Plan Inputs tab, the following accordion panels are available:

In the Plan Input Links accordion panel, the following types of links are available:

Creating Favorites

When you click the plus icon in the Favorites accordion panel, the Create Favorite popup appears. The available fields in this window depend on the Type of Favorite. On the window there is a header section and a panel section, and the panel section has one or more tabs. The sections below define the available fields for each type of Favorite.

Create Favorites - Header

Header: All Types

Field Description
Type This determines the type of Favorite to be created. The Favorite Types are: Items, Exceptions, Suppliers, Orders, Metrics.
Name You name your Favorite here.
Include in My List of Favorites If this is checked, the Favorite will be included in your local list of favorites.
Public A Favorite can have public or private visibility. Check this to make the Favorite available to other users Otherwise, it is only visible to the user who created it.
Created By The name of the user who created this Favorite.
View As This allows you to select how you want to view the data. For Exceptions and Orders, you can view that data as a regular table or a pivot table. For Metrics you can select the data display as being either Info Tile or Standard. Items and Suppliers only have one format available, as a table.

Header: Items, Suppliers, Orders

Field Description
Auto Release This checkbox is displayed for the Items, Suppliers, and Orders types. For a definition of this feature see Creating Workbench Queries for Auto-release in the chapter Working with Plans.

Header: Exceptions

Field Description
Most Important Exceptions Check here to make this a Most Important Exception (defined below).

Create Favorites - Criteria Tab

Although the available fields in the Criteria Tab may change depending on the type of Favorite you're creating, there are generally one or two panels that display here:

Criteria Details panel This panel allows you to create a custom query condition for each row in the displayed table.
Criteria Group panel For Exceptions or Orders, you first use the Criteria Group panel to limit your query to a particular type of Exception or Order. You then select a Criteria Group row and create a specific query for it using the the Criteria Details panel.

the picture is described in the document text

The following shows which panels display for which types of Favorite:

Type Panels displaying in the Criteria Tab
Items Criteria Details
Exceptions Criteria Group
Criteria Details
Suppliers Criteria Details
Orders Criteria Group
Criteria Details
Metrics Criteria Group

Note: The fields in the Criteria Details and Criteria Groups panels are based on the list of fields used in the Personal Queries of the Service Planner Workbench.

Criteria Details Panel

This panel allows you to define one or more Conditions for a custom query. This panel is composed of a header and a table below it.

Criteria Details Header

View This menu allows you to control which fields appear and in what order they display. Displayed fields have a blue check mark in the dropdown menu. Click the item to toggle whether it shows or not. You can also use Manage Columns to comprehensively control which fields are displayed.
Detach Click Detach to display the table in its own window. This allows you to see more rows.
plus Clicking the plus sign starts a new row in the table where you can create a custom search criteria.
x Clicking the "x" removes the currently selected row.

Criteria Group Header

This header is the same as the Criteria Details header defined above and has the same controls:

Criteria Group Table

The displayed set of Criteria Group columns are different for different Favorite Types.


Type Here is where you select the exception type from a dropdown list.
Custom Type This is an optional user defined type field.
Priority This is used for determining the Most Important Exception.


Custom Type This is an optional user defined type field.


Metrics are key indicators used for measuring performance. Metrics Favorites provide an analytical, graphical view for tracking a specific metric.

The Metrics type of Favorites must be assigned to a plan for the metrics to be calculated for any given plan. When creating Metrics favorites, the filter criteria (Favorite type) can be only based on Items, Exceptions or Suppliers (not Orders)

The Criteria Group for Metrics has its own set of fields, used for setting up graphs.

Note: When defining a Metric, you will reference another Favorite query.

Note: When Metrics definitions are changed, users need to run the “Generate Plan Summary” concurrent program to see the results. This program is automatically run with Plan Run if the plan option “Display Key Performance Indicators” is checked.

Name This appears as the title of the displayed graph.
Filter Criteria You select another Favorite here.
Display As Here you can select whether to display the graph as a Bar Graph or a Line Graph.
Group By Here you can select how to group your data. An example of this would be to group the data by Organization.
Measures Here you select which measurable attribute(s) you want to track.

CreateFavorites - Layout Tab

The Layout Tab shows up for Exceptions and Orders. It allows you to organize the data to be displayed. The top panel (Group By) enables you to group the data by one or more categories. For example, you could group the data by Org, then by Week.

You select a particular metric to view in the second panel (Measures).

Note: For Pivot Tables you can only select one Measure.

The corresponding forms window is called Queries Tabbed Pane. Its description is in the section Queries Tabbed Pane of the Planner Workbench chapter, in the Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide.

Using Favorites


Favorites are configurable lists of key planning entities that can be defined with user-defined queries. These favorite lists of items, orders etc. can then be used for quickly accessing the related information about them.

The Favorites region contains the following types:

Note: Favorites are local to each Plan type (i.e. Favorites defined in the Service Planning Work Area will not be visible in other work areas like Supply Planning Work Area).

Favorites can be created or edited using the Create and Edit icons at the top of this section.

You create a favorite by clicking the plus icon in the Favorites accordion panel. The available fields are determined by which type of Favorite you are creating, as shown in the following displays.

Favorite Items

Below is a display of the popup for creating a Favorite for Items.

the picture is described in the document text

Item Details

Below is a display of an Items Favorite. For each Item, a configurable set of columns list the item fields.

the picture is described in the document text

Favorite Exceptions - Layout Tab

the picture is described in the document text


There are 6 measures available for selection:

Most Important Exception

You select the Most Important Exception checkbox to display only the most important exceptions in the Exceptions Results. One record per item/org will appear in the Exceptions Results table. This record represents the most important exception type based on the user-specified Priority value in the Criteria tab of the Create Favorite window. The most important exception type is the exception type with the lowest priority number for any given item/org.

The following steps describes how the engine identifies the Most Important Exception for an item/org:

Step 1 – Planning identifies all the exception types for an item/org.

Step 2 – The exception types for a given item/org are sorted by the user-specified Priority value in ascending order.

Step 3 – For a given item/org, only the exception type with the lowest Priority value appears in the Exceptions page.

Example – Most Important Exception Based on Priority

The following table shows the planning result details which includes Item, Organization, Exception Type, and the user-specified Priority:

Item Organization Exception Type Priority
AS66311 SLC:M1 Item with a shortage 1
AS66311 SLC:M1 Late supply pegged to a forecast 5
AS66311 SLC:M1 Late supply pegged to a sales order 10
AS66311 SLC:M2 Item with a shortage 1
AS66311 SLC:M2 Past due forecast 7
AS66312 SLC:M1 Item has orders to be rescheduled in 5
AS66312 SLC:M1 Past due sales orders 7
AS66312 SLC:M1 Item has orders with compression days 10
AS66312 SLC:M2 Item with a shortage 1
AS66312 SLC:M2 Late supply pegged to a sales order 4

Based on the above table, the most important exception type for an item/org is selected (Exception Type with the lowest Priority value) and displayed in the Favorite Exceptions Results:

Item Organization Most Important Exception Priority
AS66311 SLC:M1 Item with a shortage 1
AS66311 SLC:M2 Item with a shortage 1
AS66312 SLC:M1 Item has orders to be rescheduled in 5
AS66312 SLC:M2 Item with a shortage 1

Flat Versus Pivot Table

When you create an Exception Favorite, you can choose for the Favorite to display as a flat table or a pivot table. That selection is made in the View As dropdown list in the Create Favorite popup.

the picture is described in the document text

Exception Details

After the Exception Favorite is saved, you can select the link in the Favorites accordion panel. It then displays as an Exception Details screen.

The following two screenshots show the Exception Details screen for a Favorite that has been defined to display in Flat table format, and one that displays in Pivot table format.

Favorite Exceptions - Flat Table

The Flat Table shows an exception in each row, and the column headings identify various exception fields.

the picture is described in the document text

Favorite Exceptions - Pivot Table

The Pivot Table shows a particular Item and exception type in each row. The column headings display dates. The fields in each column show the number of exceptions that occurred on that date for a particular Item.

the picture is described in the document text

Exception Types

Service Parts Planning Exception Types are:

Process Exception Types
Item Workflow Item is over committed
Item has a shortage  
Item has excess inventory  
Items with expired lots  
Past due forecast  
Late supply pegged to a forecast  
Items below safety stock  
Rescheduling Workflow Item has orders to be rescheduled in
Item has orders to be rescheduled out  
Item has orders to be cancelled  
Item has orders with compression days  
Item has past due orders  
Sales Order Workflow Past due sales orders
Late supply pegged to a sales order  
Material Workflow Material constraint (supplier capacity constraint)

Favorite Orders

Two tabs are available for creating Favorite Orders:

Favorite Orders - Criteria Tab

the picture is described in the document text

Favorite Orders - Layout Tab

the picture is described in the document text

Order Details

Orders are displayed like Exceptions, as a Flat Table or a Pivot Table. Flat Tables shows the individual fields of an Order, whereas the Pivot Table has date columns and shows the number of Orders for a given type on each date.

Favorite Suppliers

The popup for creating a Favorite Suppliers query is the same as for a Favorite Items query.

Suppliers Details

Below is a display of a Suppliers Favorite. For each Supplier, a configurable set of columns list the fields associated with a Supplier, a supplier site, an Organization, and an Item.

the picture is described in the document text

Favorite Metrics

Below is a display of the Create Favorite Metrics popup.

the picture is described in the document text

Metrics Details

Below is a configurable display of a Metrics Favorite. This screenshot is an example of the Plan Summary

the picture is described in the document text

Supported Metrics

The Service Planning Work Area supports the following metrics, with the drills specified:

Graph's filter criteria Type Measures Drill context Drill to
Items Planned New Buy OrdersPlanned External Repair OrdersPlanned Internal Repair OrdersOn hand - DefectiveOn hand - UsablePlanned Orders - Transfer Planned OrdersWork OrdersForecast Purchase OrdersInternal Requisitions All filter criteria from the favorite + Group by + Supplies and Demands (filter to relevant Order type of the measure)Material Plan
Items Projected Available Balance - QuantityProjected Available Balance - Value All filter criteria from the favorite + Group by + “part condition” as filter criteria and group by Supplies and Demands (all order types)Material Plan
Items Current Scheduled ReceiptsTotal Supply All filter criteria from the favorite + Group by + all supplies Supplies and Demands (all supplies)Material Plan
Items Total Demand All filter criteria from the favorite + Group by + all demands Supplies and Demands (all demands)Material Plan
  RevenueGross MarginPurchasing CostSafety Stock No drill supported No drill supported
Exceptions Exception CountException DaysException QuantityException Ratio All filter criteria from the favorite + Group by Exception DetailsSupplies and Demands

Plan Options


To display Plan Options select the Plan Options link in the Plan Actions accordion panel.

You use Plan Options to define the scope of the named plan and to control many aspects of the plan generation.

Note: For more details about the Plan Options fields see the section Service Supply Chain Plan Options in the chapter Defining Service Plans.

The Plan Options page consists of two main regions: the Header Section and the Tab Section.

Header Section – This section includes the following fields:

Tab Section – This section includes the following tabs:

General Layout

Main Tab – Below is an illustration of Plan Options Main Tab:

the picture is described in the document text

Aggregation Tab – Below is an illustration of Plan Options Aggregation Tab:

the picture is described in the document text

The corresponding forms window is called Plan Options. Its description is in the section Service Supply Chain Plan Options of the Defining Service Plans chapter.

Organization Tab - Below is an illustration of Plan Options Organizations Tab:

the picture is described in the document text

Supplies to Prioritize – In the Organizations tab, you can access the “Supplies to Prioritize” popup window by clicking on the “Supplies to Prioritize” button:

the picture is described in the document text

Sub Inventory Netting – From the Organizations tab you can access the “Sub Inventory Netting” popup window by clicking on the “Sub Inventory Netting” button:

the picture is described in the document text

Items Tab - Below is an illustration of Plan Options Items Tab:

the picture is described in the document text

Optimization Tab – Below is an illustration of Plan Options Optimization Tab:

the picture is described in the document text

Release Rules Tab – Below is an illustration of Plan Options Release Rules Tab:

the picture is described in the document text



You can access the Exceptions from SPP work Area using the plan link Exceptions.

Below is an illustration of Exceptions view:

the picture is described in the document text

The corresponding forms window is called Exception Details. Its description is in the section Exeption Details - Taking Action of the Working with Plans chapter.

Procedure for analyzing exceptions:

  1. Create an Exceptions Personal query to include the set of exceptions that you are interested in seeing once the plan has run

    1. Select appropriate group by levels at which the exception information should be displayed

  2. Execute the Exceptions Personal Query

  3. Review the results of Exceptions personal query

  4. Drill down to:

    1. Material Plan for Item Exceptions

    2. Resource Plan for Resource Exceptions

    3. Orders / Pegging details for Order Exceptions

    4. Exception details (as needed)

  5. Take appropriate exception resolution actions within the three screens mentioned above



You access the Items page from SPP work area using the plan link Items.

Note: The Items page is only available in a flat format.

Below is an illustration of Items page:

the picture is described in the document text

The default columns in the Items page are:

  1. Item

  2. Organization

  3. Description

  4. BOM Item Type

  5. Repair Program

  6. Planner

  7. Repair Lead Time

  8. Repair Yield

  9. Repair Cost

Manage Columns

You can select which columns to display in the Manage Columns popup window. You get to this window by navigating: View / Columns / Manage Columns.

the picture is described in the document text

Drill To

Available Drill To actions are shown below.

the picture is described in the document text

Notes Page

You can drill down to Notes page from the Item page for selected items. Notes are specific to plans. Thus, while saving the notes, the plan name is also saved.

Deleting Notes

In general any notes can be deleted by any user. Delete is a separate privilege that can be removed from a custom responsibility.

the picture is described in the document text

The corresponding forms window is called Items. Its description is in the section Items Window of the Planner Workbench chapter, in the Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide.

Description of fields

Field Default Value Meaning
Item Defaults from the Items page Selected item(s)
Note Null Text of the note
Creation Date Not enterable System date and time at the time of entering the notes
Created By Not enterable User who entered the notes
Assigned To Null You can change to any user in the system. The LOV contains all the users in the system having one of the service planning responsibilities.
Due By Null You can change to any future date. LOV opens the calendar.
Status Null LOV: Open, Closed, Pending, Comment.
Plan Name Not enterable Name of the plan in which the note is entered.


When the Items page is open, you can select the following in the Scope dropdown list:

Passing Context from Items Page

When the Items page is open and then you open the Material Plan, the supplies and demand context are passed down to the Material Plan for the selected items and Scope in the Items page.

When the Items page is open, you can select Prime or Supersession from the Scope LOV and then if you open one of the following pages listed below, the corresponding context of the selected items in the Items page are passed to these pages:

Material Plan

General Layout

You access the Material Plan from SPP work Area using the plan link Material Plan. The screenshot below is an example of the Supply and Demand Analysis view.

the picture is described in the document text

The corresponding forms window is called Horizontal Plan. Its description is in the section Horizontal Plan of the Planner Workbench chapter, in the Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide.

For information about the Material Plan see Understanding the Editable Material Plan , in the Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center User's Guide.

Items Search

You use the “Item” button in the tool bar to search and select for items:

the picture is described in the document text

Organization List and Zone List

You can create or edit an organization list by clicking the Org button. This displays the Organization List Popup.

the picture is described in the document text

Available Measures on the Material Plan Page

  1. Total Forecast

  2. Original Forecast

  3. Consumed

  4. Net Forecast

  5. Overconsumption

  6. Production Forecast

  7. Manual Override

  8. Demand Schedule

  9. Total Returns Forecast

  10. Returns Forecast

  11. Returns Demand Schedule

  12. Returns Manual Forecast

  13. Part History Based Forecast

  14. Population based Forecast

  15. Sales Orders

  16. Internal Sales Orders (Field Org)

  17. Independent Demand

  18. Other Independent Demand

  19. Internal Sales Orders

  20. Planned Outbound Shipments

  21. Dependent Demand

  22. Other Demand

  23. Payback Demand

  24. Total Demand

  25. Beginning On-hand

  26. In Transit

  27. In Receiving

  28. New Buy Purchase Orders

  29. New Buy Purchase Requisitions

  30. Internal Repair Orders

  31. External Repair Orders

  32. Inbound Shipments

  33. Repair Work Orders

  34. Expected Scrap

  35. Planned New Buy Orders

  36. Planned Internal Repair Orders

  37. Planned External Repair Orders

  38. Planned Transfer Orders

  39. Planned Repair Work Orders

  40. Payback Supply

  41. Total Supply

  42. Projected Available Balance

  43. Projected On-hand

  44. Available to Promise

  45. Defective Outbound Shipments

  46. Planned Defective Outbound Shipments

  47. Defective Part Demand

  48. Total Defective Part Demand

  49. Defective On-hand

  50. Returns

  51. Defective Inbound Shipments

  52. Planned Defective Inbound Shipments

  53. Defectives In Transit

  54. Defectives In Receiving

  55. Expired Lots

  56. Total Defective Supply

  57. Projected Available Balance (Defective)

  58. Safety Stock

  59. Unconstrained Demand

  60. Reserved Safety Stock

  61. Net Safety Stock

  62. Maintenance Work Order Demand

  63. Demand History (A Year Ago)

  64. Returns History (A Year Ago)

Policy Planning Measures

Policy Planning measures are also part of the Material Plan. For more information see the chapter on Policy Based Planning.

  1. Estimated Service Level %

  2. Internal Requisitions

  3. Max (Days)

  4. Max (Units)

  5. Max Override (Days)

  6. Max Override (Units)

  7. Max Recommended (Days)

  8. Max Recommended (Units)

  9. Min (Days)

  10. Min (Units)

  11. Min Override (Days)

  12. Min Override (Units)

  13. Min Recommended (Days)

  14. Min Recommended (Units)

  15. On Order

  16. PAB + On Order

  17. Planned New Buy Orders (Creation Date)

  18. Planned Transfer Orders (Creation Date)

  19. Safety Stock (Days)

  20. Target Service Level %

  21. Uncovered Demand

  22. Uncovered Variance

Material Plan UI Seeded Table Layouts

The Material Plan UI used by SPP planners includes two seeded table layouts:

  1. Supply and Demand Analysis

  2. Forecast Analysis

Supply and Demand Analysis

The Supply and Demand Analysis view is shown above. The measures for the Supply and Demand Analysis table layout are:

  1. Sales Orders

  2. Net Forecast

  3. Dependent Demand

  4. Total Demand

  5. Beginning On-hand

  6. In Transit

  7. Inbound Shipments

  8. External Repair Orders

  9. New Buy Purchase Orders

  10. Planned Transfer Orders

  11. Planned External Repair Orders

  12. Planned New Buy Orders

  13. Total Supply

  14. Safety Stock

  15. Projected Available Balance

  16. Defective On-hand

  17. Projected Available Balance (Defective)

Forecast Analysis

Below is an illustration of Forecast Analysis view:

the picture is described in the document text

Supplies and Demands

Tree-Table View

The Supplies and Demands UI includes a pegging (tree-table) view. You can switch between tree table and flat table view. When drilling to Supplies and Demands, the tree-table view is the default view in plan mode. In plan inputs mode, the default view is the flat table view.

General Layout

Below is an illustration of Supplies and Demands tree table view:

the picture is described in the document text

The corresponding forms window is called Supply/Demand. Its description is in the section Supply Demand Window of the Planner Workbench chapter, in the Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide.

Search Rendering

Before a search is conducted, the text “No search conducted.” appears below the table header. If a search yields no matching results, the text “No results found” is displayed below the table header.

The following fields can be searched:

Action Menu

The following table shows the available menu actions in Tree Table view.

Menu Item Description
Create This action launches the Create Order dialog.
View Demand Pegging/View Supply Pegging This action toggles between Demand Pegging and Supply Pegging views. When Supply Pegging view is displayed, the View Demand Pegging action is visible, and when the Demand Pegging view is displayed, the View Supply Pegging action is visible.
View End Demands Only This action shows only end/independent demands, not dependent demands.
View Exceptions Only This action displays only orders with associated exceptions.
Firm All This action firms all rows.
Mark For Release Applies to selected rows. Updates the release status of all selected rows and updates the fields Implement As, Implement Date, and Implement Qty. If you need to update other implement fields, use Supply Planner Workbench.
Unmark for Release This action updates the release status of all selected rows and clears the set of implement fields.
Release Plan When this action is selected, all orders “Marked For Release” are released.
Replan Item When this action is selected, all parts within the scope of the plan are planned.
Export to Excel This action exports all the data in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

View Menu

The View menu display is shown below.

the picture is described in the document text

Create Order Dialog

You can create planned orders with the Create Order dialog.

Click the Create action (either from the Actions menu or the iconic button on the table toolbar) to display the Create Order dialog. When you press the OK button, the order is created. You then need to press the page-level save button to commit the changes.

the picture is described in the document text

Flat Table View - Tree-Table Toolbar

When Supplies and Demands is selected from Plan Inputs Links, the flat table view will be displayed in the local area and the show table icon is hidden to prevent users from switching to tree-table view.

Action Menu

The Action Menu items for the Supplies and Demands flat table view are:

Menu Item Description
Create This launches Create Order dialog.
Edit This launches Edit Supplies and Demands dialog.
Delete This deletes the order. It is only available for orders that were manually created.
Drill to This passes the context of selected rows into either Exceptions (order number context) or Material Plan (item/org context).
Mark For Release Applies to selected rows. Updates the release status of all selected rows and updates the fields Implement As, Implement Date, and Implement Qty. If you need to update other implement fields, use Supply Planner Workbench.
Unmark for Release This applies to selected rows. It updates the release status of all selected rows and clears the set of implement fields.
Save Layout This launches the Save Layout dialog (see more on table layouts below).
Reset Layout This refreshes the table based on the selected layout's definition that was last saved. For example, if the user started to make changes, but didn't save and then decided they didn't want to implement those changes, they could select the reset layout to revert back to the last saved layout definition.
Export to Excel This exports all the data in the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

View Menu

The View Menu items for the Supplies and Demands flat table view are:

Menu Item Description
Clear Filters Clears the QBE line. Automatically appears if clearEnabled property is turned on.
Refresh Refreshes the UI table. Automatically appears if searchEnabled property is turned on.

Toolbar Buttons

The toolbar buttons for the Supplies and Demands flat table view are:

Toolbar Item Description
Drill To  
Show Table (func_table_16_ena.png)_  
  Reset Layout: This refreshes the table based on the selected layout's definition that was last saved.
  Should display automatically by turning on clearEnabled property.
Query by Example  


You show the Preferences popup window by clicking the Preferences icon in the top right hand corner of the page.

the picture is described in the document text

The fields in the Preferences window are:

The system fetches data to the Preferences popup based on the seeded data for Default Preferences Profile. If a new user tries to create or set user preferences, the system associates the default profile and saves it to the database. The system also validates that required fields are populated before saving them.

Delete Plan

Use this link to delete a service plan.

To delete a supply plan, use the Supply Planning Work Area.

The corresponding Oracle Forms window in Service Planner Workbench is Navigator > select node type Plan > right click a plan > select Delete.

To delete a supply plan, navigate to Plan Links and click Delete Plan.

A pop-up appears with a list of values that contains all service plans—including those you have not run—except plans that you have open.

Select a plan and the planning engine runs concurrent process Purge Plan that deletes the plan.

Replan Options

You access the Replan Options popup window by selecting the “Replan Item” from the Actions menu in the following Pages:

the picture is described in the document text

The fields in the Replan Options window are:

Seeded Layouts

Page Layout

You select a layout from the Page Layout dropdown list on the header panel.

There are 3 seeded page layouts:

  1. Exceptions and Material Plan

  2. Exceptions and Items

  3. Items and Material Plan

Exceptions and Material Plan

This seeded layout is a combination of the Exceptions Summary (Flat Table) and Material Plan:

the picture is described in the document text

Exceptions and Items

This layout is a combination of the Exceptions Summary (Flat Table) and the Items page:

the picture is described in the document text

The default columns in the Items page are:

  1. Item

  2. Organization

  3. Description

  4. BOM Item Type

  5. Repair Program

  6. Planner

  7. Repair Lead Time

  8. Repair Yield

  9. Repair Cost

Items and Material Plan

A third seeded layout is a combination of the Items page and Material Plan:

the picture is described in the document text

User Defined Layouts

Table Layouts

In addition to delivering pre-seeded table layouts, planners can define their own table layouts which determine what table columns to display, the order in which the columns are displayed, and the width of each column.

Table layouts can be kept private so that only the user that created the table layout can view and use the table layout, or the layout can be made public, so other users can view and use the table layout. Only the owner of a table layout can revise the layout.

A table layout is defined in a WYSIWYG fashion. You can select, resize, and move table columns until they display as desired. You can then choose to save the layout as it is currently displayed.

Table Layout toolbar actions

To implement table layout functionality in a UI, use the following toolbar actions:

Actions Menu

Layout Choice List

In the Table Toolbar, use the Layout Choice List to automatically refresh the table based on the selected layout. The layout choice list displays layouts in alphabetical order. Planners can search for more layouts or manage existing layouts.

Save (Table Layout) Button

Use the Save action to either save an existing layout or to create a new layout (see more information on the save dialog below). If you start making changes to the table layout (by moving fields around, etc.) and then decide to discard those changes, you can select the Reset Layout action, which will refresh the table based on the selected layout's definition when last saved.

Save Table Layout Dialog

When you press the Save table layout button, the Save Table Layout dialog appears:

the picture is described in the document text

The current layout is defaulted into the name field (a required field). If left alone, the existing table layout will be updated. If a different name is entered, a new table layout is created.

If access is private (the default), only the user who created the layout can view or edit the layout. If access is public, all users can use the layout, but only the owner can edit the layout.

The default layout is specific to the logged-in user. When creating a new layout, if the user presses save and close, the new layout will become the selected layout.

You click OK to save and close the dialog, or cancel changes, which also closes the dialog.

Table Layout Messages

The following table layout messages may occur when editing or deleting a layout:

Error Messages:

Warning Messages (only appear if the user is the creator of the layout and can change it):

User-Defined Page Layouts

Users can create their own page layout, which saves the current layout (either a one-pane or two-pane page layout depending on what is currently active) and the open tabs in each respective pane.

When saving a two-pane page layout, the height of the two panes is saved as well, so any adjustment the user makes using the horizontal splitter is also saved.

Product Definition

Product Definition

The Product Definition UI displays information for a given service part and the related items in its supersession chain. It is accessible from the following regions:

Note: The context is based on a single item-organization. If there are multiple rows selected during navigation, the Product Definition will be displayed for the top row.

The Product Definition UI consists of 3 sections:

Supersession Chain

The Product Definition UI shows 3 levels of the supersession chain at a given time. The current item is in the center, the items it replaces are on the left, and the items that supersede it on the right. The chain can be filtered for a specific effective date range.

If more than 3 items precede or supersede the current item, the UI displays 3 at a time with a "More.." link at the top/bottom to go forward/back through the list of items. Clicking on the "More.." link refreshes the tab with next set of items shown for that level.

the picture is described in the document text

Failure Rates

The Failure Rates section enables you to view all service parts associated with this item. You can set the retirement rate and install base numbers for the current item. All service parts are displayed (auto queried) for the current item, and you can update failure rates and return rates.

the picture is described in the document text

Parts Usage

The Parts Usage section displays a list of all items where the current component is used. This is a reverse view of the Failure Rates, and is not updatable.

the picture is described in the document text

Plan Input Links

The Service Planning Work Area

The Service Planning Work Area includes pages with the same functionality as their corresponding Forms window, but with a web-based look and feel. You enter this area by clicking the Service Planning Work Area Navigator folder.

Plan Input Links

Use the Plan Input Links accordion panel, on the Plan Inputs tab, to access these links. They are organized into two categories, Sourcing and Setup, which is also how they are organized in the Oracle Forms Navigator.



the picture is described in the document text

Manage Organization Parameters

Click the Manage Organization Parameters link to view the Parameters tab in the content area.

You use Manage Organization Parameters to specify organization-specific planning parameters in the Parameters tab. Here you can revise Planning Parameters and analyze plan results without running a new collection. The parameters in this tab override corresponding values collected from the source instance.

You see these parameters as default values in the Create Plan window.

the picture is described in the document text

The corresponding forms window is called Planning Parameters. Its field descriptions are in the Setting Plan Options section of the Defining Supply Chain Plans chapter, in the Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide.

Manage Transit Times

Click the Manage Transit Times link to view the Transit Times tab in the content area.

You use Manage Transit Times to define and modify:

Cross Instance Versus Source Instance

You can define cross instance shipping networks using the Transit Times tab. With this tab you can also define new shipping networks and ship methods for existing shipping networks.

You can only define same instance shipping networks in the planning instance. The planning system uses these new definitions without running a new collection. Use the Transit Times page

the picture is described in the document text

The corresponding forms window is called Transit Times. Its description is in the section Modeling Cross-Instance In-transit Lead-times of the Supply Chain Plan Cross-Instance Planning chapter, in the Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide.

Manage Demand Priority Rules

Click the Manage Demand Priority Rules link to view the Priority Rules tab in the content area.

Use Manage Demand Priority Rules to configure demand priority rules. The planning engine fills higher priority demands before lower ones. This improves fill rate for the most important customers.

You can prioritize demand based on the following criteria:

You can only define demand priority rules on the planning server.

the picture is described in the document text

The corresponding forms window is called Priority Rules. Its description is in the section Demand Priority Rules of the Defining Supply Chain Plans chapter, in the Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide.

Manage Sourcing Rules

Click the Manage Sourcing Rules link to view the Sourcing Rules tab in the content area.

Use Manage Sourcing Rules to define and edit sourcing rules. You can define sourcing rules that specify:

You can specify a sourcing percentage for each source within a rank. This allocates a portion of the total orders to each source.

Sourcing rules and bills of distribution both describe supply sources. Sourcing rules can specify how to replenish all organizations, for example, when the entire enterprise gets a subassembly from a particular organization. The planning engine evaluates alternate ship methods specified in the sourcing rules and recommends the appropriate option. It can also release a ship method to the sales order that is different from the one in the Transit Times page.

the picture is described in the document text

The corresponding forms window is called Sourcing Rules Plan. Its description is in the section Assigning Sourcing Rule – Return To of the Service Planning Concepts chapter.

Manage Bills of Distribution

Click the Manage Bills of Distribution link to view the Bill of Distribution tab in the content area.

Use Manage Bills of Distribution to define and edit bills of distribution, multilevel replenishment networks of warehouses, distribution centers, and manufacturing plants. You can specify:

The planning engine evaluates alternate ship methods specified in the Bill of Distribution page and recommends the appropriate option. It can also release a ship method to the sales order that is different from the one in the Transit Times page.

the picture is described in the document text

Manage Assignment Sets

Click the Manage Assignment Sets link to view the Assignment Sets tab in the content area.

Use Manage Assignment Sets to define and edit assignment sets. Defining assignment sets in the destination instance improves planning efficiency because you don't have to run collections every time you need to define or edit an assignment set. Each assignment set represents a selection of organizations and items you want planned. You must include an assignment set in your plan options.

Once you have defined your sourcing rules and bills of distribution, you must assign them to particular items and organizations. The planning engine groups assignments into assignment sets and this is where various sourcing strategies define a particular supply chain network.

In an assignment set, you can assign your sourcing rules and bills of distribution at the following levels:

You can assign replenishment rules to items. For example, define item category Packaging Material and create a sourcing rule for it.

the picture is described in the document text

The corresponding forms window is called Sourcing Rule / Bill of Distribution Assignments. Its description is in the section Bills of Distribution of the Supply Chain Plan Modeling chapter, in the Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide.

Safety Stock Window

The Safety Stock window shows time-phased safety stock levels that the planning engine uses.

To display the Safety Stocks window, select an item on the Items page, then open the Drill to menu icon and click Safety Stock.

The corresponding Oracle Forms window is called Safety Stocks. Its description is in the chapter Planner Workbench, section Safety Stock Window.

the picture is described in the document text

Manage Instances

Use the Manage Instances page to configure and display information about instances.

To display the Manage Instances page, select the Plan Inputs tab, navigate to the Plan Input Links accordion panel, and click the Manage Instances link.

The corresponding Oracle Forms window is Application Instances. See chapter Setting Up Source and Destination Instances, section Creating a VCP Destination Instance, in Oracle Value Chain Planning Collections Implementation Guide.

Organization Security

This section shows the impact of organization security on Supplier Planning Work Area pages. Your responsibilities determine which organizations you are authorized to access. Generally, you cannot see information on Service Planning Work Areas pages that you are not authorized to access.

Items Page

On the Items page, you can only search, view, and access items in organizations you are authorized to access.

Example: Authorized Organizations

You have access to the following organizations, as defined by your responsibilities:

Plan1 plans the following organizations:

When you view the Items window, you cannot see any items in these organizations:

Exception Page

On the Exceptions page, you can only search, view, and access exceptions of items from organizations that you are authorized to access.

Note: Exception page organization security is also applicable to related exceptions.

Supply Chain Bill Page

Organization security applies to the root node of the Supply Chain Bill. In other words, only organizations you're authorized to access appear underneath the root node. However, organization security does not apply to the underlying tree tables, so at these levels the structure you see includes view-only non-authorized organizations.

Product Definition Page

Organization Security does not impact the Product Definition page. Therefore, you see this information on the Product Definition page regardless of which organizations you are authorized to access:

Notes Page

You can only view item notes of those items in organizations that you are authorized to access.

Material Plan Page

On the Material Plan page, you can only search, view, and access orders from Organizations that you are authorized to access. This applies to all pages accessed through the Material Plan page.

The list of values for the organization field in the tool bar only includes those Organizations that you are authorized to access. Also, the displayed Grand Total is only for the Organizations that you are authorized to access.

Supplies and Demands Page

On the Supplies and Demands page, you can only search, view, and access orders from Organizations that you are authorized to access. This also applies all pages accessed through the Supplies and Demands page.

Organization security also applies to pegging. You can only search, view, and access items in the pegging tree from organizations you are authorized to access. As you move down the pegging tree, once you reach an item in an organization that you are not authorized to access, you cannot see any items at that level or below.

Pegging Examples

You have access to the following Organizations:

Example 1

Item A, in Organization SLC:M1, has the following pegging tree.

Item       Organization Visibility
A       SLC:M1 Visible
  B     SLC:M2 Visible
    B1   SLC:M2 Visible
    B2   SLC:M2 VisibleVisible
  C     SLC:M2 Visible
    C1   SLC:M2 Visible
    C2   SLC:M4 Not Visible
      C21 SLC:M4 Not Visible
      C22 SLC:M4 Not Visible

Pegging displays only the pegging tree items from visible organizations. You are not authorized to access Organization SLC:M4, so those items are not shown.

Example 2

Item D in Organization SLC:M1 has the following pegging tree. The planning system displays only the pegging rows marked visible for Item D. Item E2 belongs to Organization TST:M1, which you are not authorized to access. As a result, you do not see the pegging tree section below E2, even though you are authorized to access the items below E2.

Item       Organization Visibility
D       SLC:M1 Visible
  E     SLC:M2 Visible
    E1   SLC:M2 Visible
    E2   TST:M1 Not Visible
  F     SLC:M3 Not Visible
    F1   SLC:M3 Not Visible
    F2   SLC:M3 Not Visible
      F21 SLC:M3 Not Visible
      F22 SLC:M3 Not Visible

Plan Options Page

When viewing or configuring Plan Options, you can only view and configure organizations that you are authorized to access. You can only view plans associated with organizations that you are authorized to access. Also, the Organizations list of values in the Organizations tab only shows organizations that you are authorized to access.


Organization security does not limit your ability to set up queries. However, the results of queries only display information associated with organizations that you are authorized to access.

Delete Plan

You can only delete plans whose owning organization is an organization that you are authorized to access.