Budget Execution Open Interface


The budget execution open interface lets you load transactions from other budgeting tools such as Oracle Public Sector Budgeting, Oracle Financial Analyzers, or Microsoft Excel.You can use Oracle SQL*Loader or develop the process in which the transactions are loaded into the Budgetary Transactions Import.

The Budget Execution Open Interface table, FV_BE_INTERFACE, stores budget execution records. The Budget Execution Open Interface Import program builds budget execution transactions based on the records in the Budget Execution Open Interface tables. After the import program creates transactions in the Federal Financials' Budget Execution Transaction tables, you can view, modify, and approve transactions in the Enter Budget Authority or Enter Funds Distributions windows in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials.

Budget Execution Open Interface

The budget execution open interface process includes these steps:

  1. Populate records in the FV_BE_INTERFACE table in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials.

  2. Populate the FV_BE_INTERFACE_CONTROL table with the Source and Group_ID, which are required for budgetary transaction import.

  3. Initiate the Budgetary Transactions Import process using the Import Budget Execution Transactions window to perform these tasks:

    • Select all the records that have a status of New or Rejected.

    • Validate all the required fields for each record and mark the status as Accepted or Rejected.

    • Submit a request to generate the Imported Budgetary Transactions report.

    • Insert the records in the Oracle U.S. Federal Financials tables if all the records have a status of Accepted.

    • If the FV: Archive Budgetary Transactions Import Data option is enabled, archive records that are successfully imported.

      Note: If the archive profile option is enabled, records are copied to the interface history table and purged from the interface table. If the archive profile option is not enabled, the records are not copied to the interface history table, but they are purged from the interface table. If the profile option is left null, then a default of Yes is enabled when the import process is run.

  4. You can review the status of all imported transactions in the Imported Budgetary Transactions report.

    The Imported Budgetary Transactions report displays the total number of records, status, and errors for a given source and group ID.

    The Imported Budgetary Transactions report displays an error code for each record with a status of Rejected.

  5. You can correct rejected transactions for a given source and group ID in the Correct Budget Execution Transactions Import Data window, which displays rejected records that are in the open interface table.

  6. You can delete records in the interface table by selecting the source and group identifier in the Delete BE Import Data window. You can correct the transactions at the source and reload the interface table.

    Note: You can delete records only if the source and group ID combination contains rejected records.

Troubleshooting the Budget Execution Open Interface

The following table describes how to troubleshoot rejected records in the budget execution open interface.

Troubleshooting the Budget Execution Open Interface
Error Code Error Name Resolution
ED01 Invalid descriptive flexfield Invalid descriptive flexfield
EM03 Invalid Ledger Check the Ledgers identifier.
EM10 Invalid Sub Type Check the sub type is valid.
EM28 Invalid Transaction Type Check that the transaction type is valid.
EM29 Invalid Budget Level Check the budget level in Federal Financials is valid.
EM31 There are more segments required for this budget level Check the segments that are set to Y for this budget level in the Define Budget Distributions window. All segments set to Y must have a value entered for that segment.
EM33 No budget distributions defined for this fund value Check that the fund value is the same for the Budgeting Segments as for the Fund Value.
EM34 Cancelled or Expired Treasury Account Symbol Check that the fund value for the associated treasury account symbol is not cancelled or expired.
EM35 Invalid Increase / Decrease Flag Check the Increase/Decrease flag to ensure that it is I or D.
EM36 Amount must be equal to or greater than zero Check amount to ensure that it is a positive number.
EM37 Invalid segment values Check the Segment 1-30 values to ensure that they are valid segment values.
EM39 Previously existing document with the same document number has not been approved Check the document number. There is an existing document with the same document number that is waiting for approval action.
EM40 Document Number must be Numeric Check the Document Number to ensure that it is numeric.
EM41 Missing segment value in Budgeting Segments Check the segments that are set to Y for this budget level. All segments set to Y must have a value entered for that segment.
EM42 Budgeting Segments does not exist for previous budget level Check the Budgeting Segments value to ensure that the previous level has the same values in Segments 1-30. This check is only for those budget levels other than 1.
EM43 Segments failed Cross Validation Check Segments 1-30 values for invalid combinations.
EM44 Fund Value is not the same for Document Number, Ledger, Source and Budget Level Check the document number. This is a duplicate document number with a transaction entered in Budget Execution where the Document Number, SOB_ID, Source and Budget Level are the same but the Fund value is different.
EM45 Public Law Code is more than 7 characters Enter a 7-character public law code
EM46 Invalid Advance Type Check the advance types entered in Federal Lookup window
EM47 Invalid Transfer Dept ID and /or Transfer Main Account Enter a Transfer Dept ID and/or Transfer Main Account
EP06 Invalid GL Date Check the GL Period to ensure that it is a valid period for this ledgers
EU01 Invalid Budget User Enter a valid budget user
EU02 Insufficient Access for Budget User Check user access in the Define Budget Users window


Before copying records to the interface history table, you must:

Importing Budget Execution Transactions

To import budget execution transactions, :

  1. Navigate to the Import Budget Execution Transactions window.

  2. Select the appropriate source.

  3. Click Import to initiate the Budgetary Transactions Import process.

  4. Review the Imported Budgetary Transactions report to determine the number of errors in the import data and how to correct any Journal Import errors as described in the Imported Budgetary Transactions Report Description table.

Import Budget Execution Transactions Window Description

The following table describes selected fields on the Import Budget Execution Transactions window.

Field Name Description
Source Budgeting tool source
Group ID Group number identifying import data within a source; value defaults when Source is selected
No Not currently used; indicates that descriptive flexfield is not to be imported
With Validation Not currently used; indicates that descriptive flexfield is to be imported with validation; for future use
Without Validation Indicates that the descriptive flexfield is to be imported without validation; for future use
Import Initiates the Budgetary Transactions Import Process

Imported Budgetary Transactions Report Description

The following table describes selected fields on the Import Budgetary Transaction Report window.

Section Description
Header Section Ledger name, report date, concurrent request identifier, page number; sorted by ledger
Source Budgeting tool source
Group ID Group number identifying import data within a source
Status Accepted or rejected status for the Source and Group ID
Total Records Total number of records
Total Errors Total number of errors
Document Number Document number
Record Number Record number
Budget Level Budget level, such as appropriation, apportionment, and allotment
Total Amount Budget level total amount
Document Number Document number
Record Number Record number
Total Amount Transaction amount
Error Code Transaction error code

Viewing and Correcting Budgetary Transactions

To view and correct budgetary transactions, navigate to the Correct Budget Execution Transactions Import Data window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Find Budgetary Import Transactions window.

Find Budgetary Import Transactions Window Description
Field Description
Source Budgeting tool source
Group ID Group number identifying import data within a source

The following table describes selected fields on the Correct Budget Execution Transactions Data Import window.

Correct Budget Execution Transactions Data Import Window Description
Field Name Description
Source Budgeting tool source.
Group ID Group number identifying import data within a source.
Sub Type Transaction sub type; If the transaction sub type is required for the transaction type selected, the transaction type is required.
Corrected Status Indicates record corrected.
Ledger ID Ledger identifier.

Deleting Budgetary Transaction Import Data

To delete budget transaction import data from the budget execution interface table:

  1. Navigate to the Delete BE Import Data window.

  2. Select the appropriate budgeting tool source.

  3. Click Delete to delete the selected records.

Delete BE Import Data Window Description

The following table describes selected fields on the Delete BE Import Data window.

Delete BE Import Data Window Description
Field Name Description
Source Budgeting tool source
Group ID Group number identifying import data within a source; value defaults when Source is selected
Delete Deletes selected records from the interface table

Related Topics

Budget Execution Open Interface Tables

Budget Execution Open Interface Table Descriptions

Specify Profile Options,Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide